6C COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL November 25, 2015 What I'm thankful for....cont. help. My brother is the BEST brother in the whole world. He always make's me laugh. I am also thankful for my best friend Layla. She is amazing. But the person I am most thankful for is my mom. She is so loving mom. I could not ask for a better one. She is always there when I need her. Even though there has been some bumps in the road she still keeps going. I would also like to thank the people that help me in diffuclt times. Presley Boyer, Age 10 my family. Morgan Brooks, Age 10 I am thankful for being alive, having a family to lean on, having a sister that make feel better, and I really thankful for my dad because he hleped me mom mom started to make bad chocies. Also my school, my friends to hang out with, my amazing teacher Msr. casey. I'm thankful for every thing in the entire world, aslo books, can't forget they're the Best! Oh and aslo tomates ... mmm... delicious. My brother, not really thankful for, just joking love you guys. That all really thank-ful for. Bailey Rhodes, Age 10 I am thankful for living in this world. I am happy to live and to learn more about life. I some- times wonder why I'm here. Im I here to do something impor- tant or am I here to live on the human race. But even though I dont know why I'm here Im still thankful to live in this world. It's like a great gift that I never asked for but happy to have it. Lafe Bennett, Age 11 I am thankful for food because if we didn't have food we will starve. I am thankful for money because if we didn't have money we wouldn't be able to buy food. I am thankful for family because if I didn't have a family I would be bored. I am thankful for having presidents because if we didn't have presi- dents our country would be a pile of rubble. I am thankful for water because if we didn't have water we would die from thrist. I am thankful for shoes because if we didn't have shoes we could easily get cut by glass. I am thankful for car's because if we didn't have car's we couldn't get to places fast. I am thankful for houses because houses keep us safe from rain. I am thankful for beds, blankets, and pillows because if we didn't have beds, blankets, and pillows we would be freezing cold. I am thankful for books because if we didn't have books we wouldn't be as smart as we are right now. I am thankful for chairs because if we didn't have chairs we would not be very comfortable. Willard Eugene Renfroe, Age 10 I am thankful for my family because they put a roof over my head, and they also raise me to be a good kid. They also have been good to me because they buy me stuff, they take me hunting and they do a lot of stuff for me and my brother. And what I mean by that is they take good care of us and buy me stuff. They take good care of us because when we are sick they give us medicine to get us better. And by buying stuff we want and I mean by getting a dog and a bunch of cats. Thank you family for being the best family in the world. Wyatt Teague, Age 11 I am thankful for my fam- ily because I love them. and I would giv them my blood and one of my kidneys for my fam- ily. I am also grateful for my house, because I know that my house is a safe place. my house is a loving house. I am thankful for cars because without them we would not get to go to far places. And I am thankful for my bike because it helps me get around places faster and it is the way to get to the market. Most of all I am thankful for $ PUUBHF ( SPWF 4 FOUJOFM Our Community Newspaper I am thankful for having a nice family and food on my plat and having a warm bed and pillow. And I love my mom be bauge she keeps my helty. I am also thankful for my cat and dog my dog snugglez me at night and keeps me warm and my cat makes me happy and im also thankful for my guitar that I got for my birthday it helps me fall asleep and its my favorite coler. Lillianne Saunders, Age 10 I am thankful for my fam- ily because they gave me the best life, the best food, and a good roof over my head. Even though some of my sisters are butt-heads, I am thankful to have a family as big as 7 people. I love that how much fun we have had over the years. Even though I am 10 does not mean I can't have fun! I also hope that if people don't have families that they still believe that fun by yourself is possible every once in a while. Madison Giers, Age 10 I am thankful for Thanks giv- ing is my favorite holiday. I'm thankful for living back in Cot- tage Grove with my friends and family. I moved away for two years and went to many differ- ent schools and never found good enough friends like the ones I have here. I'm thankful for having a roof over my head and having a family that loves me. It took me a while to get a good relation ship with my brothers, but now I think we have the best relation ship ever and nothing can break it. We never fi ght anymore or get mad at each other. They always want to play basketball or football with me. They give me good advice and they push me hard to keep me tough. I love them and they love me. I'm thankful to be so good at everything I do. I love having all the stuff I have and all the stuff I know Joey Bartsam, Age 10 I am thankful for All the things you get me mom and dad Like my New puppy. My xbox 360 and my clothes and my house. I respect my parents also Im happy that I get to eat. Me go- ing to school and me learning at school. I belive in God. I get to Learn him to. I also have a very nice family and relatives. Jason Hanson, Age 10 I am thankful for my parents, not just in general, but what they do for me. My mom makes food for me, and she works at 914 South 4th St. Cottage Grove 541-942-1559 hom wich I'm thankful for. My dad puts a roof over my head, and works hard so I can play my sports, but mainly baseball. I'm thankful for my grandma Vicky, she loves to spend time with me, but when I go to her house the thing I love the most is playing board games with her for a long time. Also my grandpa Ed, who lives in Mass. so I don't really see him, but he has come down and hung out. My grammy is super fun, we watch movies, color, and when I'm there I spend time with my pata we have a speacial T.V. show we watch "cops". Last but certainly not least my grandpa Ken, and grandma Kathy, almost every thanksgiving, 4th of July, and some weekends we are up at there house, cause it's so fun. My grandm Kathy makes the BEST food. Christian Spear, Age 10 I am thankful for this bauti- ful world I live in, and family and freinds. I am thankful for the food on my plate, the roof over my head. My life is fi lled with joy and wonders and I'm thankful for that. I am thankful for the people I love and care about. The joy in the world. I am thankful that nothing is perfect I'm fi ne with that. The thing that makes the world amazing is that your thankful for who you are. Quinn Branstetter, Age 10 I am thankful for the world and every thing on it. Like the ocean the trees the lakes. Im thankfull for these because they keep use alive and well. Im thankfull for my house my neighborhood and my town all because they are fun places to be at. I am thankful for my cat my family and freinds because they all keep me company. Corbin Kephart, Age 10 I am thankful for my family and now they would come together to share a big feast. Every year when my cousins come over to papa's house we would run around and play games. The feast would go until 8:00-9:00. We would play until it was time to go. Our parents would spend all day in the kitchen prepareing. My cousins and I would play tag and hide and seek. We would bring toys to share or donate to the play room. So I am thankful for the oppertunities I have with my family. Ema Bufo, Age 10 I am thankful for a lot of things. It would be hard to write about all of them. So here are my top fi ve things I'm thankful for. The number one thing I'm thankful for is my wonderful family be- cause, they are super awesome and love me so much. The second thing I'm thankful for are my dogs. The one that live at my nannys house (Grand- mas house) I grew up with, and the one who lives with me is spoiled rotten, but we love him even if he is sometimes Dr. Maddess and his team would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING bad. Next the third thing I'm thankful for is my best friend. Even though she lives far away. She is always there for me. The fourth thing I'm thankful are my books. I adsolutely love books. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. Last but not least number fi ve, sports. I love volley ball and basketball. These are the top fi ve things I'm thankful for. Eryn Lawrence, Age 10 I am thankful for A roof over my head my loving caring fam- ily will be their to support me during my life. I am also thank ful for my teachers who care enough to give me an educa- tion. I am thankful for food and water because people in places like Africa hardly have any of that stuff. I am thankful for the animal that feed us and give us cloth like sheep, cows and pigs I am also thankful for books to help us learn more. I am also thank ful for moving veachels so our lives will be easier, I am thankful for my life, I am thankful for helping friends. I am thankful for Holiday so people can get together and bond. I am thankful for my pet dog because when I am sad I can just cuddle up. I am thank- ful for helping hospitals so people can recover. Emely Lopez, Age 10 I am thankful for my family because my family is nice and kind and they feed me and they put a roof over my head. I am also thankful that someone gave me a mechanica pecil when someone else took mine. I am thankful for my dog who is a pug who is cute and furry and fat. I am thankful for my brother even thoe we fi ght I love him because were broth- ers. I am thankful for my papa in California because he bought me a tv and a 40,0$ play stai- ton. Albert Lopez, Age 10 I am thankful for having a great family. I will now describe one by one why my familys great. My Nanas great because her cookings great. My papas great because hes really funny. My Auntys is great because her hair styles are great. My uncle Bretts great because hes the 1rst greatest hunter in our family. My Aunt Hollys great because shes wise. My uncle Ryans great because he funny. My cousin, Kalli is great because shes in college. My cousin, Kaidens great because he 2nd best hunt in our family. My cousin, Lyr- ics great because shes a really good baby. My sister, Ellies awesome because shes really funny. My dads great because he loves me. My stepmoms great because she loves me. My stepmoms great because she loves me. My moms loveable because she loves me. But the real reason why my familys great is because they all love me. The End Emily Casey, Age 10 We’re overflowing with gratitude for all the folks who have helped play a part in our success this past year. We feel truly blessed by your loyal support and we look forward to your continued friendship. Happy Thanksgiving! El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant &(JCCTt We’re not talkin’ turkey when we say, hope you have an amazing holiday! Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and customers! 541-942-0456 • www.southlanewheels.org Give the gift that never goes out of style... The Cottage Grove Sentinel Don’t know what to buy for some of the people on your list? 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