Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 23, 2016, Page 3C, Image 27

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    COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL November 25, 2015
What I'm thankful for....cont.
not having bad or mean people
that hate on me. I’m thank-
ful for having a great teacher
trough out my life because they
are nice and supporting
Qavah-Tillilie Age 10
I am thankful for my parents
because I would have never
been born. I’m also thankful
for my parents because they
love me and I love them. I’m
thankful for my education
because some kids have to
work instead of going to school
in Guatemala. I’m thankful for
everything that I have because
I know kids don’t have what I
do. I am thankful for my life
and everything that my mom
gives me. I am thankful for my
family and what my mom does
for us. I’m basically thankful
for everything. I’m thankful for
you reading what I’m thankful
Emely Vanessa Agustin Avila
(or EVAA) Age 10
I am thankful for my house,
toys and the food that I get to
eat every day. I am very lucky
for the roof over my head. I am
thankful for my mom and my
2dad’s Sammy and James. Also
my sister and my brothers. I
love that I get to have a family,
clothes, shoes and clean water
that I get to have. I am very
lucky for a school that teaches
me and for the greatest teacher
ever. I care so much about the
Privellages that I have. I know
that I am very lucky to have
what I do. Even though other
People don’t have what I do I
still try to help.
Emmalea Cooley Age 10
I am thankful for I am thankfull
for getting so much food: like
mash poto-toes Turkey and
gravy. My dad gets the turkey
all the time. Because he always
brings a gun in the wild. I am
also thankfull for my mom. She
gets my sisters away from me.
Also my brother which lives in
Springfi ed. He lets me play his
xbox. Even I have an xbox one.
Hunter Crum Age 10
I am thankful for my mom and
dad because they do so much
foor me and my sisters. Like
how my dad gets fi re wood
so we can make fi res when
didn’t go to school. Not only
that, how would you learn
the a, b, c’s if it weren’t for
preschool. I wouldn’t be writ-
ing this paper without school.
That’s because I wouldn’t
know how to write. How do
you think you mad3e most of
your friends? School. So, next
time you think twice about
saying school stinks. Also, your
families are the ones who feed
you, who pay for you, who
bring you places. I am thankful
for that. A lot of people don’t
have a family. When you need
it most, they’re there for you,
always. Aren’t you thankful
for that? I am also thankful for
water, and being able to fi nd it
where ever you go. People in
other places have to go miles
and miles just to get it. We have
to walk two feet to the sink. I
am thankful these things. They
mean a lot to me.
Heidi Genthner Age 10
it is could, and mom makes
Lunches and cleans the house.
I do not know what I would do
if I did not have them. I am also
thankful for my food and the
meals my family and I get. I am
thankful for those’s as well as
a roof over my head and a nice
big house. I am thankful for my
family and I’s dog Dixie who
is a standard poodle. Dixie is
a very very good dog and, she
doe’s not shed. As well as all
these thing’s I am also thankful
for my sisters Emmy and Cally
even though I don’t always get
along with them. Emmy is 9
and in 3rd grade, Cally is 5 and
in preschool.
Payton Bickford Age 10
I am thankful for going to
school because some kids
can’t. I’m also thankful to be
well educated and get excellent
grades in school. I’m thankful
to have a big house and food on
the table every day. I’m thank-
ful to be able to play sports all
year and active every day. I’m
thankful to also be able to go
to restraunts some days and not
just at home. I’m thankful to
go on big trips like to Disney
Land. The thing that I’m most
thankful for is a warm home
and a wonderful family.
Eli Williams Age 11
I am thankful for having a mom
that loves me so much, same
with my dad. Having a house
is a privillage, some kids don’t
have a house. That why we help
people that don’t have a home.
My family is the best I could
ask for. I am thankful for my
school because it is a privillage.
I am thankful for my teacher
Ms. Olsen because she help me
cath up on work and not to be
sad all the time.
Rylan Springer Age 10
I am thankful for my home be-
cause I have some thing to live
in. I am thankful for my food
because it keeps me healthy
and satisfi ed. I am thankful for
my clothes because it keeps
me warm. I am thankful for
my family because they have
always supported me. I am
greatful to go to school and
learn new things. I am thankful
for my gas, light and whater
because without it it would be
hard to do natural things like,
cooking, driving, and shower-
ing. I am thankful for my 7
month old baby brother. I am
thankful for every thing I own
and have.
Liliana Corrales Age 11
I am thankful for having two
sets of parents because most
people don’t have what I have.
I am Also thankful for having
food and water because some
kids do not have food or water.
I am thankful for having a
careing mom and dad. Also a
step dad and step mom. They
are all very loving to me all the
time. Also I am thankful for all
there hard work and Awesome-
Ness. I love the way they make
the sunshine on a rainey day.
Finally I am thankful for them
making time for me any day of
the week. Thank you.
Jill Lowrey Age 10
I am thankful for going to
school, because education is
important. You need to learn
math, reading, science if you
want a good job. I think you
would only know that if you
I am thankful for my dad
because he will teach me math
problems I don’t know. My
dad’s name is Ed and he drives
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I am thankful for my mom
and dad working all the time
and buying me everything. I
am thankful for my life and
everything I have. I am thank-
ful for my friends that will do
anything for me. I am thank-
ful for food an drinks. I am
thankful for all technology. I
am thankful for books, paper
and penciles. Last but not least
I am thankful for Basketball,
Football, and just any sports or
Benjamin Loveland Age 10
I am thankful for haveing a
good family that lovs me so so
much and I love them too. I am
also thankful to have a house
and dogs I love so much. My
dad works so hard to keep the
house clean I am so thank-
ful about that. I am thankful
to have a awesome mom and
dad. I am thankful for haveing
a nice place to sleep in. I am
also thankful to have a loveing
grama that will take care fo me
when I need her the most. I am
thankful to have a big sister that
I love so much.
Ashley Bowling Age 10
I am thankful for my grandpar-
ents because they always go
out of their way to pick me up
from school. I am also thankful
for my mom dad and brother
they will always do what I
need them to. I am thankful for
having shelter and school in my
life. Another thing I am thank-
ful for is having hot water,
clothes and shoes. I am also
thankful for my whole class
and teacher, they always stick
up for me.
Haley Trullinger Age 10
I am thankful for my dad
because he works for us and
so we can have a house, food,
cars, phones, and so we can go
to school. I am thankful for my
mom because she makes din-
ner, buys us clothes, and cleans
are house when it’s messy. I am
thankful for my friends because
they are always there when I
need them and they comfort me
when I am mad so I don’t go
hurt someone. I am thankful for
my grand parents because they
know what you need when you
need it. They also are so love-
ing when you are sick are upset
and your family can’t help. Last
I am thankful for my aunt’s,
uncle’s, and cousins for remem-
bering me and calling me every
once and awhile. Also on my
birthday you call and send me
and my family gifts and I am
very thankful for that.
Cole Kishen Age 11
me and love me very much. I
don't know what I would do
without everyone of my family
members. When I get hurt or
sick they take care of me. My
family means the world to me
and if there was anything that I
could do for them if They ever
got hurt. I would let them stay
at my house until they could
go home. I am thankful that I
have a family and that they care
for me and when they need me
to take care of them. I will be
there for them.
Taylor Vaughn, Age 10
I am thankful for is having a
house to protect me and confort
me. I am also greatful for my
mom who is an amazing person
and sacrifi ces a lot for my fam-
ily. I am greatful for so many
things some I don’t even know
about. I am greatful for elec-
tricity, and internet. I am really
greatful for school to help me
learn so I can go to college
and get a good job. What I am
most thankful for is family. No
matter what you will still have
family that isn’t something you
can replace.
Connor Duke Age 10
I am thankful for my wonder-
ful family, awsome friends, and
my education. I will tell you
why; one, my family loves and
supports me. Two my friends
lift me up and make me smile.
Finally three, my education is
a big part in life, and you fi nd
yourself using it in every day
life. Those are three of hun-
dreds of things I am thankful
Zea Lopez, Age 11
I am thankful for a Mom and
a wonderful brother Seth. I
am thankful for a house and a
place to have water and shelter.
I am for a mom that helps me
with school work. I am happy
to have two dogs and a house
in the country. I am greatful
for a boat and a family that has
jobs and can pay for bills. I am
so happy to have a nana and a
papa that care for my family
since they live next to us. I am
thankful for my Dad that is nice
to me and my brother Seth.
Where my dad lives is far away
from where we live. He lives in
Montana up in the rocky moun-
tains. But at least he has Nancy
and Riley and David to keep
him compine. I am so thankful
for having a wonderful life here
in Cottage Grove Oregon and
Townsend Montana.
Summer Lebow Age 10
I am thankful for my baby sis-
ter because she is special to me.
I’m thankful for my new fort
because it is two stories high.
I’m thankful for haveing a great
family. I’m thankful for a great
life. I’m thankful for helping
other People out at recess and
to help them out. I’m thank-
ful for having pet’s that I love.
I’m thankful for having a great
class room and good teacher
and friend.
Josh Prine Age 11
I am thankful for my teacher
Mrs. Olsen because she is
nice. She helps me and other
students. In lass. I am thank-
ful for my mom getting me a
dog. I am thankful for my dad
because he help me with my
homework and heangs out with
Dayla Marie Rohr Age 11
I am thankful for my fam-
ily because they take care of
I am thankful for my little
brother and sister. I hope my
aunt Sharla's dad is doing great
in heaven. I am also thankful
that none of my close friends or
family have gone to go live in
the world of afterlife - heaven.
I pray every night hoping that
people in my family get healed
from any sickness that they
have. That is fi ve reassons
I have to be thankful for at
thanks giving day. The end
Nevaeh Smith, Age 10
I am thankful for my grandpa
and grandma because we go
to their house almost every
Thanksgiving. Another thing
I am thankful for is for my
mom and dad for cooking the
best meals every Thanksgiv-
ing. Another thing is the Army
helping our world. I want to be
a soldier too. More things that
I am thankful for my friends,
teachers and staff at Bohemia.
My fi rst year at playing football
was really fun even with my
team mates. That was all the
stuff I was thankful for.
Isaiah Cushman, Age 10
I am thankful for What im
thankful for. Im thankful for
having a family, and food and
water, a roof over my head and
my parents that care about me.
I am thankful for having pets
and freinds that care about me.
I'm thankful for having a
grate school great teachers, a
Pig named Hampton, a dog
Shiloh. Im thankful for a
teacher named Miss Tina, Miss
Basccue, also Miss Shipley. Im
thankful for my football team,
and my Baseball team, also my
dad as the couch.
Matthew Binder, Age 10
I am thankful for my family
because they rae so up building
and considerate. Oh, and I just
adore all my cousins. They are
all so funny and when you are
having a bad day they always
wants to hear about it and




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anywere I need to go. I know
he loves me so much. Now, I
am also thankful for my mom.
Her name is Autumn and she
is awesome. She’ll let me have
friends over and always helps
me with my birthdays. She is
the best mom ever. I lover her
a lot. Isaac is my brother, I am
thankful for him too. When we
want to we’ll play video games
together. In fall time we Jump
in big piles of leaves. When it
comes to sisters I have 2. Ther
names are Abby and Evvy. We
all like to play together and
watch t.v. Abby and I make up
really funny jokes, and tell are
mom. On the other hand Evvy
and I play tag and make forts.
Buy be all like to sing and
dance. I have food and a home.
There is so much that I have,
and I am very happy with it. I
have the best family ever that
there could ever be. That’s what
I’m thankful for.
Izzy Stere Age 10

from a
At this time of
Th anksgiving
we pause to count our blessings.
Th e freedom of this
great country in which we live.
It’s opportunity for achievement.
Th e friendship and confi dence
you have shown in us.
For all of these things
we are deeply thankful.
Our best wishes for a
Happy Th anksgiving.
Cottage Grove Sentinel