Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 23, 2016, Page 2C, Image 26

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    2C COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL November 25, 2015
What I'm Thankful for....
Brought to you by local 5th grade students
I am thankful for: I love my
mom and dad and my brother.
My mom makes food for me.
My dad helps me on my home-
work. My brother plays with
me. My family loves me.
Daniel Wiley, Age 10
I am thankful for my family
because they put a roof over
my head. I'm thankful for my
fmaily because they love me.
I'm thankful for my family
because they feed me. I love
my family.
Jimi Wilson, Age 11
I am thankful for my mom that
love's me and care's about me.
She is very nice to me, I love
her. I'm thankful to have a roof
over my head and food and
water. I'm thankful for people
that care about me and help me
through my problems. They are
loving and caring. I'm thankful
for all my friend's and family
that loves me and I love them.
They are the best.
Bayleigh Reiser, Age 10
I am thankful for the military.
My grandpa was in the military.
I am thankful for all the active
soldiers in war because they
fi ght for us.
Garett Backman, Age 9
I am thankful for my friends
and family. I am thankful for
the military and how they
protect us and fi ght for us. I am
thankful for my cousin who
served in the military. I am
thankful for the roof over my
head and the food I have.
Kaitlyn June Rogers, Age 10
I am thankful for the military
that fi ghts for us. Im thankful
that I have food, water, and
shelter. I'm thankful that I have
a family and friends that care
for me. I'm also thankful that
I have a life to live and its all
because of veterans. Thank you
to all the veterans out there.
Irelynn Quatier, Age 10
I am thankful for my family
and friends. They make me
happy every day. They also
help me when I need help
with math or homework. They
always play with me. That is
what I like about them.
Makayla Lott, Age 11
I am thankful for all of the
soldiers that fi ght for us. I
am thankful to the veterans
for serving our country. I am
thankful for all of the soldiers
and the veterans because they
protect our country.
Jodeyn Miller, Age 10
I am thankful for the military.
I like that they keep us safe.
We have smart willed soldiers
that fi ght for us. I thank you for
keeping us safe.
Mathew Henry, Age 10
I am thankful for my friends
and family friends. They're
always there for me like I am
there for them. My family
keeps food in my belly. I am
also thankful for my friends
who are also there for me
K. P., Age 11
I am thankful for all the veter-
ans that have served this nation.
You have kept America safe. I
appreciate what you have done.
Derrick Bloomstrom, Age 11
I am thankful for the fi elds and
water and for all the brave sol-
diers that serve our country and
protect all of us that live in it. I
am thankful for the food we eat
and all teh water we drink.
Tessa Valenti, Age 11
I am thankful for many things,
but I will tell you a few and
why. First I am thankful for my
family. My family is kind, and
they take care of me. I have one
sister, one brother, one mom
and one dad. 2nd, I’m thankful
for school. School helps me
learn the things I need to know.
I also get kind, genoris, and
loving teachers, and friends.
Third, I am thankful for food
and water, it helps my family
friends and I live. Last but not
least I’m thankful for God. God
is creative. He created people
and animals and earth. Soon
God will come back to earth
and save us. I told you many
things I’m thankful for, what
are you thankful for?
Natalie Crivello Age 10
I am thankful for getting to see
my family at Thanksgiving.
Play with family at Thanksgiv-
ing. I thankful to have this fun
family to be with everyday. I
wish I could be with my family
evey miute of my life. I’m all
so thankful for my friends and
life it I did not have a life I
would be sad for a long time.
I’m thankful for evey thing in
my life and the earth!
Madison H. Age 10
I am thankful for the house I
live in, and the food and water
on the table. I am also very
thankful for books and electric-
ity. Also, I am very thankful
for my family and friends. I’m
super, extremely grateful for
summer break and weekends.
I am also thankful for school,
and coats or sweatshirts. I am
very thankful for video games
too! All in all, there are a lot of
things in this world that I am
grateful and thankful for, and
this is only a small list (empha-
sis on “small”). One more thing
I am grateful for, are my…
Kellen H. Age 10
Learning how to prepare a
Thanksgiving feast. First, the
vary day before cook your tur-
key, and prepare dough and pie
for desert. The day of Thanks-
giving day put out snacks like
cheese. Also make salads. Buy
all of this ahead of time please.
Salad spoils quickly. So buy
it two days before, so it won’t
spoil. Remember desert is op-
tional. You choose if you want
it. Have a happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for many things.
I am thankful for my family,
friends, holidays, animals,
learning, movies, people and
food. Everyone should be
thankful! Thanksgiving is a
wonderful experience! I hope
you agree. Have a nice Thanks-
Ava Tucker Age 10
I am thankful for all of the
people out there enjoying
Thanksgiving this year! I think
Thanksgiving is the perfect
holiday, becides Cristmass, to
get to gether for a party with
family. Also I myself is ver
thankful for the moms and dads
to make a feast every year! It
surprises me to think of how
much parents have to cook,
from gravey to turkey, it seems
like too much to handle. That’s
why I hope your thankful for
food, family and Thanksgiving.
And I hope you have a awe-
some Thanks Giving!
Farah Strickland Age 10
I am thankful for my family
and friends, the food I eat, the
school I go to and the life I get.
Abigale Lloys Age 10
I am thankful for my family
and the food that is layd in
front of me evry thanksgiving
day. I am also thankful for my
best friends and my home, my
animols incloding my dog. I am
thankful for my classmates and
the people who have ben nice
to me all of these years. I am
thankful for a lot of things but
I am mostly thankfol for my
family that loves me and cars
for me.
Rebecca Tiffee Age 10
I am thankful for the people
that provide money for educa-
tion, muisc, P.E and bark for
our track. Thank you people of
Cottage Grove Oregon for all
the town is and all it will be.
Thank you for everything.
Cole Bentley Age 11
I am thankful for the food I get
and wonderful people I share
it with. Also I’m happy to
thank tha people who sellibrat
it whith me and my frinds and
Naomi Moulton Age 10
I am thankful for my family,
friends, and school. Also, I'm
thankful for food, water, a
house. Even if you don't have
that stuff, still be thankful for
what you have. I'm thankful for
my mom picking me up, after
school. I'm also thankful for
the trips I have been on with
my family. I'm thankful for the
games I have. Also, I'm thank-
ful for living. Even, if people
don't have these things be glad
your alive! I'm very thankful
having a bed to sleep on. Also,
thankful for having a tv and a
couch. I'm thankful for my 2
cats. Also, very very thankful
for everything I have had in my
Ben McKenzie, Age 10
I am thankful for my whole
life. I am thankful for my fam-
ily and friends, my teacher and
all my educators for helping me
learn. I will grow up smart and
full of knowledge. I am thank-
ful for my house and having a
roof over my head. Too come
home with some one wating
to see me. The joy of hav-
ing friends to play with. I am
thankful for my parents to have
jobs. So we can eat and have
colthes, and my shoes. That is
what im thankful for.
Jace Meyer, Age 10
May your
be bright
with joy and
be warm
with smiles!
Birch Avenue Dental
1325 Birch Avenue • Cottage Grove • 541-942-2474
I am thankful for my family
and every morning I get to
wake up to my family. I am
thankful for food and drinks.
When I'm upstairs and my mom
is cooking dinner, I smell that
yummy food. I am thankful to
have friends and a great teacher
and pricipal. I am thankful for
my clothes, my warm clothes.
I am thankful a house. I know
I don't show it but am very
thankful for what I hav
Shayla Mendez, Age 10
I am thankful for my mom for
working so hard just to cook
dinner for everyone in our
family. I feel so sorry for her
because, she is the only one
who cooks in the house. My
dad does know how to cook
a little. My sisters don't know
how to cook. I do not know
how to cook. My little brother
doesn't know how to cook. So
yeah, my mom is the only one
who can cook. She has to work
and cook for everyone in my
Justice Barlow, Age 11
I am thankful for my brother
Clayton, because he was
always their for me. H was
always played with me he. also
let me now secrets I also told
him mine. He always thinking
and caring about me.
In my worald he's a hero he
means everything to me. then
ther's my friend and cousin.
Levi's my cousin I was happy.
that he was happy to see me
all the time. We played aroud
playing game a lot. I was extied
that we made, a fort I called it
fried's hunt, we would play for
hours with it.
Eli Felix, Age 10
I am thankful for haveing a
Familey, a house, Food, and
For haveing a pet guinea pig.
I am thankful for a good and
cool big familey. I am thank-
ful for lot's of things like how
we have light at Day to play,
and Darkness at Night to go to
sleep. Im thankfull for video
games, school, T.V., and for a
cool world. I am Thakfull for
omost everey thing.
Nicholas Brambila, Age 10
I am thankful for my parents
for all thay have done for me
and sacrifi ces they have made
for me. I am thankful for my
pet's and all the love they give
me. I am thankful for god and
all hes done for me. I woul-
dent be hear without him. I am
thankful for friends and all the
tough times they have gotten
me thrgh. I am thankful for
Cottage Grove and all of the
oppertunites this town has to
offer. I am thankful for America
the land of the free the home
of the brave. I am thankful for
all the pepole that serve this
Pearl Powell, Age 10
I am thankful for many things,
Like my family. I am thankful
that they can put a roof over
my head head and food in my
mouth. I am also thankful for
the people that go onto enemy
soil and fi ght for our freedom
and rights. I am also very
thankful that we can follow
Christiananty. I also thank-
ful and grateful of how the
founding fathers have made this
country and with respect. Also
I'm thankful for Jesus sacrifi e.
Colton Hurley, Age 11
I am thankful for my parents
because they know what’s best
for me and because they work
hard to pay where we live.
Also, they work hard for food
and clothes. I am glad I can go
to school because some kids are
really poor and they can’t go to
school. Also, they don’t have
and they barely have clothes.
It is sad to think about it. I am
also thankful for God because
he gave us life and he gave us
every thing need.
Adyley Portillo Age 10
I am thankful for my family
and the roof over my head. But
I’m sad Because so meny fami-
lys are home less. It’s extremile
sad that that some People don’t
even care that maybe a 9 Month
old baby just died. I Just Hope
in all my heart that they fi nd
homes. I love that some people
care about homeless people and
give money or fund rasie. But
orphans I Hope for the most of
all. Because the parents aban-
don them or they Die. It’s so
sad that they have to live on the
streets or in a living with leaks
and coachroach’s and moldy
food. But I Just Hope in all
my heart that they fi nd familys
that love and care for. I Loved
and cared for that’s all I care
about. I love my aunts, uncles,
gramas, gram’pa’s, mom’s,
dads, brother’s, sisters. I love
them all and they love me.
Jack Stanley Age 10
I am thankful for my mom
because She is really nice and I
love her. I’m thankfull for food
an shelter. I am thankfull for
school. I am thankful for my
uncle Michael, he is the best. I
am thankfull for my dog roody.
I am thankful for my teacher
mrs olsen. I am thankfull for
my bestfriend Jack. I am thank-
full for clothes and shoes and
Jaedon Lindsay Age 10
I am thankful for my mom and
my grandma. They both pay the
bill of my house every month.
They also give us food and
water. We also get light and tv.
And a bed. Also clean shirts
clean pants clean towals. We
also get W.I.F.I and something
over our heads like a house
and jackets. I’am thankful of
my mom, grandma, and my
sisters(little bit with my sis-
ters). I’am thankful of my t.v.
internet and light.
Jose Garcia Age 11
I am thankful for all my fam-
ily and friends because they
are always there for me when
I am sad, need help or when
I just plain need someone to
play with. Special thank to my
stepmom: Jenelle. Jenelle has
been there when my mom or
dad haven’t. She cooks cleans
and takes care of a baby/tod-
der’s and somehow still fi nds
time for me and my sisters.
Thank you Jenelle. Another
very special thanks to my mom.
I love my mom. She is like a
diary. I can tell her stuff and
she wont go around t4elling
everyone. I know I can trust
my mom with my secrets or
anything I have on my mind.
When my dad couldnt pick us
up or drop us off my mom did.
The next person I would like to
thank is my stepdad: Ben. Ben
takes care of when my mom is
gone or at work. He shared his
truck with my mom when she
lost her car in a accident. You
are the best stepdad a girl could
ask for. Thank you Ben. Finally
I thank my dad. He is the best
dad in the whole entire world.
He goes to work to put a roof
over our heads, so every body
has a cellphone and clothes on
our backs for school. I cannot
express with words or writing
how much I love you and am
thankful for you. Thanks a ton.
By: Madie Bates
Madie Bates Age 11
I am thankful for having a good
family and a good home that
provides us with food and wa-
ter and warmth. I am thankfull
fore my family because they
are loving and sweet. I love
our house because it is warm
and cosy and we have lot of
money to by our groceries. I am
thankfull for having a nice bed
and nice food.
Elijah Ozbun Age 10
I am thankful for my mom and
Julie and my dad Josh. If it
wasent for them I wouldn’t be
alive. I Love them so much for
that! I want to thank them for
paying for me to play football.
Thanks mom and dad I love
you guy’s so much. I also want
to thank them for keeping a
roof over my head. Also for
buying me cloths and shoes and
the stuff that I need. Also for
getting me school supplies, a
water bottle and a backpack for
school. Also for saving a cat for
me and bringing it home to me.
I named her Princess and I love
her. I Love you mom and dad
so much you don’t even know.
Love you
Samantha Chastain Age 10
I am thankful for my mom be-
cause she pays the bills makes
food and buys clothes and
things my family needs. I’m
thankful for education because
some people don’t or can’t get
education. I’m thankful for
my friends because there here
to help me through hard times
an just being there for me. I’m
thankful for the thing’s my
family has the money to pay for
like food and clothes because
you need you need food and it’s
good for you. I’m thankful for
being able to have good food
that is healthy. I’m thankful for
Wishing you a Happy Th anksgiving
A Bounty of
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May the coming holiday bring an
abundance of good fortune to you and
your family. We know we feel truly fortunate to have neighbors like you ~ thanks!
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