10A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL November 16, 2016 Senior and Disabled Services offers aid, advocacy BY SAM WRIGHT The Cottage Grove Sentinel T Photo by Sam Wright From left to right: Brenda Ivie, Winnie Valati, Millie Jones, Shirlie Sharp and Gale Miller all gathered at the Creswell Community Center last Thursday for their weekly social meeting. Creswell's Over 40 Social Club gets together BY SAM WRIGHT The Cottage Grove Sentinel F or seniors in our north- ern neighboring town of Creswell, it might be diffi cult to fi nd places to socialize with those of the same age. In the last couple of years, however, ac- tive members of the community teamed up with the local library to begin a social club for people over 40 years old. In August of 2014, Creswell Library Direc- tor Su Liudahl helped set up the club. “We don’t have a senior cen- ter here, and a few people came to us and we decided to try to form a little social group,” Liu- dahl said. The only issue is that there isn’t enough space for the club to gather in the library, so Liudahl had to think of another place. “We approached the city to see if we could get some space at the community center for a few hours one day a week,” she said. The Creswell City Council approved of the idea, and the Over 40 Social Club was born. Attendance rises and falls from week to week, but the club has done a lot in service to the seniors of the community. “Some days you’ll see over 10 or 15 people there, some days it will be less than 10,” Liudahl added. For a brief moment, the club met two days a week, but participants agreed that only one day a week was necessary. The group meets every Thurs- day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendants mainly work on arts and crafts, and the club will occasionally get a teacher to help them with technique. “We do what the people want to do,” Liudahl explained, say- ing that the activities are really up to the seniors. Last Thursday saw fi ve at- tendants drawing and coloring at the community center. At- tendant Millie Jones, originally from Cottage Grove, says that the social club is something she looks forward to. “It’s nice to socialize and to learn to paint,” Jones said. She also added that the group paint- ed rocks the other week, which was a fun and creative change of pace. The Over 40 Social Club is going to see some develop- ments in the next few months. The Creswell Library recently received a grant for $250,000 in order to expand on their current building. Liudahl says that with the expansion, the Over 40 So- cial Club will defi nitely be able to meet in the library after some brief construction. In the meantime, the seniors’ presence can be felt in the li- brary with their art that will be on display in the library for an art show until Dec. 10. he Senior and Disability Services program of Lane County have provided care for decades. Offi ces can be found all over Lane County, includ- ing one right here in Cottage Grove. The program offers a wide range of services including Medicaid, Senior Connections, public information, transporta- tion assistance, nutrition assis- tance, and the list goes on. The general mission of the service is to advocate for seniors and offer persons with disabilities qual- ity services. The Cottage Grove branch is currently run by Unit Manager Stephanie Sheelar. The service aims to maintain a sharp focus on those who are ec- onomically disadvantaged, frail, functionally impaired, socially isolated and vulnerable. It is not so much a help facility as it is a facilitator of help. The service connects seniors and those with disabilities to programs within the county that aid seniors. The function of the division is to pro- vide planning, service coordina- tion and development, advocacy and information access and ser- vices. For example, questions or concerns involving Medicaid or the Oregon Health Plan can be resolved at the Senior and Dis- ability Services offi ce. Should a senior require transportation, the offi ce in Cottage Grove is asso- ciated with South Lane Wheels, which services Drain, Yoncalla, Cottage Grove and Creswell. The Senior and Disability Services of Lane County has a long history of development since the passing of the Older Americans Act in 1965. Four years prior, the White House held a conference on aging for the fi rst time. This implemented funding to states and counties. Originally, Oregon fi rst began with the Area Agencies on Ag- ing (AAA) and the fi rst one in the state was with Lane Coun- cil of Governments. In the early 2000s, the Oregon Department of Human Services was reor- ganized, combining specifi c services including Senior and Disability Services. The Lane Council of Governments has been the coordinator for all fed- eral grants in Oregon regarding these services. The Cottage Grove offi ce is located at 37 N. Sixth Street. Seniors and kitchen renovations As life changes begin to oc- cur, many seniors renovate their homes — whether a whole- house overhaul or a room-by- room approach. The kitchen is always a great place to start with cost-effective updates. New technologies in tile, con- struction materials and design make renovation planning a fun experience, no matter how large your kitchen project. Why the Kitchen? One of the rooms on which many seniors focus is the kitchen. That’s because kitchen returns one of the highest per- centages of your renovation in- vestment. From the backsplash to the countertop, there are many areas of the kitchen that can be improved and enhanced with the addition of new materi- als such as tile, metal or wood. Before planning your next kitchen project, fi rst decide the amount of work that needs to be done. Will you execute a com- plete overhaul or are simply re- place a countertop? 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