10B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL April 8, 2015 You oughta be (sending) in pictures! P hoto submissions from our readers make the Sentinel’s “Our Neighborhood” page one of the newspaper’s most popular features each week. But we need your help! Photos with descriptions can be sent by email to: cgnews@cgsentinel.com DAN’S PLANTS Container Planting Workshop Sunday, April 19 th 1-3pm $ PUUBHF ( SPWF 4 FOUJOFM Our Community Newspaper since 1889 $15 (includes container with plants of your choice) Door Prizes ~ Other Vendors Drawings every 30 minutes DAN’S PLANTS 82243 Davisson Rd. Creswell 541-953-3661 Find Local Businesses. ,QWURGXFLQJWKHQHZHVWZD\WR´QGWKH Find Local Businesses. businesses that mean the most to you. ,QWURGXFLQJWKHQHZHVWZD\WR´QGWKH that mean the most to you. businesses www.shoppelocal.biz www.shoppelocal.biz Find GREAT MONEY SAVING COUPONS from local businesses Cottage Grove Sentinel Shoppe™ is a trademark of News Media Corp. Subscribe and $AVE