Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, March 18, 2015, Image 3

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A habit for
Local logging company
named Operator
of the Year
Open mic benefi t marks 100
months with presidential letter
Robert Howell Logging recognized by Dept.
of Forestry for concern for environment,
site's neighbors
The Cottage Grove Sentinel
n the second Tuesday evening of
each month, Cottage Grove’s Roger
Kahane is an easy man to fi nd.
When not fi ngerpicking his guitar onstage
photo by Jon Stinnett
and singing a few choice tunes in his plain-
tive voice, Kahane can be seen shepherding
other local musicians through an evening President Jimmy Carter alongside Axe & Fiddle owner Bart Caridio (to Ka-
of performances at the Axe & Fiddle Pub, hane's left, Habitat's Linda Oxley and several of the event's regular performers.
where a milestone for the monthly open mi-
tually coined the event’s “100 month-a- Oxley of Habitat for Humanity of Cottage
crophone event that has helped raise funds
versary,” which entails over eight years of Grove, which has raised funds to build a
for Habitat for Humanity last week called
monthly jams. As ever, the evening featured dozen homes in the community for those
for a celebration.
performances by local acts including Jim- who might not otherwise be able to afford
On Tuesday, March 10, Kahane and oth-
my Schapper, Terry Gatchell and others,
ers marked the 100th consecutive month
Please see HABITAT, Page 12A
though ceremony also played a part. Linda
of the open mic benefi t, a milestone even-
Wreck on Row River Road causes a mess
he rollover crash of a
Buck’s Sanitation Service
truck caused quite a mess and
closed a portion of Row River
Road for a good portion of last
Tuesday, according to personnel
with South Lane County Fire
and Rescue.
Chief John Wooten said the
agency received a call at about
10:45 a.m. on Tuesday, March
10 in response to the wreck,
which occurred a couple miles
southeast of the BMX track on
a sharp curve. Wooten said the
driver of the truck was trans-
ported from the scene but was
expected to be okay; the Lane
County Sheriff’s Offi ce has not
released the man’s name or is-
sued any citations in response to
the crash, its public information
offi cer, Sgt. Carrie Carver, said
Monday morning.
Wooten said that early on,
fi rst responders became con-
cerned about the potential that
the chemicals the truck was car-
rying may make their way into
the nearby Row River. A hazard-
ous materials team from Eugene
was brought to the crash site
to supervise the cleanup. The
Department of Environmental
Quality was also notifi ed.
“There was some spillage, but
it was stopped and contained,”
Wooten said at the scene. “It
was not a threat to the waterway
nearby. We’re confi dent that it
didn’t spill based on the runoff
marks we observed, but another
concern was how far the chemi-
cals could potentially seep, as
the wreck was only about 2-3
feet from the side of the road.
We’re also worried about rain,
and that’s why we’re busting our
butt to get it cleaned up fast.”
The list of chemicals the truck
was reportedly carrying includ-
ed 3-400 gallons of fresh water,
between 200 and 400 gallons
of deodorizer, 10-15 gallons
of bleach, about 100 pounds of
sewage waste and a half-empty
fuel tank. The driver was report-
edly en route to a job upriver
just before the crash. Early that
afternoon, a crash reconstruc-
is a way to cut costs
South Lane Physical Therapy LLC
Quality Local Care…
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Conveniently located within RiverSide Fitness with
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Phone: 541.942.6482 Fax: 541.942.6483
logging operation recent-
ly received recognition from the
Oregon Department of Forestry
for work it conducted under dif-
fi cult conditions while keeping
the well being of those around
the jobsite in mind.
On Tuesday, March 3, Bob
and Tracy Howell of Cottage
Grove received one of the De-
partment of Forestry’s Opera-
tor of the Year Awards for 2014
from Oregon State Forester
Doug Decker, an award fi rst
announced in late-January. The
Oregonian reported that Robert
Howell Logging would be rec-
ognized for “responsible, in-
novative, proactive forest work
that protects natural resources”
for a challenging bit of logging
in the Triangle Lake area, where
steep terrain and nearby neigh-
bors made the job unattractive
to other operators.
“We were nominated because
For the Sentinel
photo by Jon Stinnett
Response crews at a sewage truck wreck on Row River
Road last week were initially concerned about chemical
spills into the nearby river.
tion team with the Sheriff’s the accident, adding that it may
Offi ce was on scene gathering have delayed the release of the
information on the incident; driver’s name or the issuance of
they measured a skid mark over possible citations. Traffi c was
200 feet long around the curve closed on Row River Road for
where the wreck happened.
a good portion of the rest of the
Carver said speed was be- day during the cleanup.
ing considered as a factor in
Sites will continue with their
current winter schedules year-
round, including two Cottage
Grove-area sites.
The seven sites that will not
switch to the expanded sum-
mer schedule are: London, Low
Pass, Mapleton, Sharps Creek,
Swisshome, McKenzie Bridge
and Walton. These sites will re-
main open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
throughout the year. In the past,
these sites have expanded their
hours of operation to 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. in the summer to accom-
modate the increased demand
from customers.
The County says this mea-
sure will save approximately
$12,000 annually in personnel
costs and reduce the need to hire
additional help to staff these
sites throughout the year. Lane
County operates 17 waste trans-
fer and recycling sites through-
out the County. The sites not
mentioned here will switch to
summer hours starting April 1.
Those seeking a complete list
of Lane County Waste Transfer
Sites with hours and days of op-
eration may visit http://www.
B u n ny
Ea at KNND Radio is
hose who missed the TSP
sign-up, you may still get
forms in the offi ce and turn in
with your payment by March 19.
They also need a third/fourth
grade boys’ coach. Call Sandie
at 541-232-6395 if you know of
anyone or have questions.
This Saturday, March 21, the
community is invited to enjoy a
delightful evening of spaghetti
dinner and bingo at Lorane
Grange. Dinner is from 5:30-
6:30 pm and bingo starts at 6:30
On Sunday, March 22, be
sure to come enjoy the Living
Last Supper at Lorane Chris-
tian Church during its 11 a.m.
service. This is an amazing per-
formance that will enhance your
Easter season! There is a fund-
raiser for Ashley Clark, who is
the older sister of two Crow
boys. She is out of work for
quite a while after being injured
in a terrible wreck. A Pizza Day
will be held at Papa’s Pizza on
March 25 and 50 percent of all
purchases go to help with medi-
cal and living expenses.
Remember, Spring Break be-
gins March 23. School resumes
March 30. Lorane Celebration
2015 has been set for Sept. 12.
Those who would like to help or
who have ideas are asked to call
Jeri at 541-942-2448.
The Rural Arts Council/Lo-
rane Grange Talent Show is
April 12 at 3 p.m. Those who
would like to join the perfor-
mances can call Lil Thompson
or Lisa Livelybrooks to let them
Crow Middle/High School is
looking for a parent or two to
write a weekly article of events
and activities happening at the
school for the Fern Ridge Re-
view. This, of course, is a vol-
unteer position. It is hoped that
the article will highlight the
school, the students, and every-
thing CMHS has to offer. Those
interested are asked to call the
offi ce.
and hiding Easter Eggs
all over town...
Listen to AM 1400 March 24-April 3 for daily clues
as to where the giant eggs are hidden close
to area sponsors. Add the clues together to
fi gure out where the eggs are hidden.
we took care of the environmen-
tal side of things, protecting the
houses around the site and got
along well with the neighbors,
who were pleasant even though
we were logging in their back-
yard,” Howell said.
Howell said his company got
its start in 2006 and its local 14-
15 person crew typically works
much closer to its Cottage Grove
home, though he described the
Triangle Lake job, which was
conducted on behalf of Wey-
erhaeuser, as one that “nobody
else would take.”
“We had to rig lots of trees
and pull them out with the
yarder,” he said. “It was a really
slow, diffi cult piece of property.
When you’re using a yarder, you
need to be production-minded,
but we also had to consider the
houses down below; both had
water sources that we had to
make sure we didn’t disrupt.”
Howell said the award was a
nice way to recognize his crew,
which worked hard on the Sep-
tember, 2014 job.
Transfer sites at London, Sharps Creek to maintain winter hours
County said decision L
not to expand hours
ane County government
cited cost-cutting mea-
sures as the reason behind a
Monday announcement that sev-
en Lane County Waste Transfer
The Cottage Grove Sentinel
In each egg there is a message regarding the
$25 Gift Certifi cate from that business.
Bring the egg to KNND, 321 Main St.
to claim your prize.
FROM 10 AM -4 PM
We need volunteers for the
ReStore ~ a few hours
each month! Will you help?
Habitat Offi ce and Warehouse
2155 Getty Circle ~ Unit #1
in the Cottage Grove Industrial Park
South on Hwy 99 past the High School
Call 541.767.0358
for more information
"Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether twenty or eighty. Anyone
who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing you can do is
keep your mind young."
— Mark Twain