2B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 18, 2015 4A Boys Basketball Tournament At Hillsboro B OYS G OLF career-best 77 over the fi nal 18 holes at the 2014 district tourna- ment, isn’t sure which format he’ll end up preferring, he said he is looking forward to more urgency in the regular season. “I think it will be nice to play in tournaments that actually count for something because it will make the entire season more competitive and take the pressure off the district tourna- ment,” he said. While Cottage Grove lost just one senior, Mason Mueller was one of its most consistent scorers. And until Nick Russo recovers from a preseason wrist injury, the Lions will be with- out a demonstrated fi fth option. Kent Russo said it would be dif- fi cult for the team to overcome a bad day from any of its top four players, and this means that Jessy Thomason and Der- ek Carlton will have to work towards Mueller-level consis- tency. However, with room for Continued from 1B behind to beat Sweet Home last year after trailing the Hus- kies by 13 strokes heading into the fi nal day of the district tour- nament. The Lions return four out of fi ve from last year’s varsity squad, including four-year play- ers Johnny Conrad and Cam- eron Sandoval. “It was a big win for us,” said Sandoval. “We defi nitely still think about it, but not in a way that makes us feel cocky. It just helps to have that confi dence in yourself and your teammates.” Russo said he hopes Cottage Grove can lock up its berth to the state tournament, which will be held May 18 and 19 at Quail Valley Golf Course, before the district championships, but last year’s performance showed him that this group can play well un- der pressure. Although Conrad, who shot a improvement in their fi nesse games, Russo believes this is possible. “Managing themselves around the course is the key to a low score,” he said. “You can come out here and hit some great shots but still shoot a pretty high score. But now, for example, they’re learning how to putt.” Cottage Grove opened its sea- son at Bandon Dunes on Mon- day. Russo said he would be look- ing for players to perform to expectations, as opposed to “packing it in” for their fi rst competition. Sandoval, who is complet- ing his fi nal rounds of physical therapy for offseason shoulder surgery, said the coast is his fa- vorite place to play. “Bandon is a very different course. You have to adjust to the elements and sometimes just hope for the best,” he said. Boys Golf Season Outlook 2014: Sky-Em Tournament — 1st; State Tournament — 11th Key stat: The Lions overcame a 13 shot defi cit on the fi nal day of the distict tour- nament to overcome Sweet Home and repeat as Sky-Em champions. Top Returners: Johnny Conrad, SR; Nick Russo, JR; Cameron Sandoval, SR; Jessy Thomason, SO. Key Losses: Mason Mueller Top Newcomers: Johnny Bench, FR; Nathan Farrell, FR. Key Tournaments: April 9 — Langdon Farms; May 11 and 12 — Sky-Em District Tournament. 2015 will be a successful season if: “These guys learn how to score because that’s the biggest part of golf. You can come out here and hit some great shots but still shoot a pretty high score. Managing themselves around the course is the key to a low score,” coach Kent Russo G IRLS G OLF Continued from 1B the rulebook and sought ad- vice from colleagues. And after spending the fi rst week of the spring sports season at home with his newborn, Temple re- joined the team with a different philosophy than what he has brought to the wrestling mats. “I have a very structured ap- T RACK AND proach when it comes to wres- tling, but in golf you can’t be rigid because it requires an indi- vidualized approach,” he said. Temple also said that one of the biggest obstacles for girls g'olf at this level is keeping enough players to fi eld a com- plete team, and that his long- term plans involve more fre- quent off-season rounds to keep players involved. Ready or not, the Lions will compete in their fi rst tourna- ment of the year today at the Blanchett Catholic Invitational. "I just want to see how they learn and compete in a 9-hole situation," Temple said. "Other- wise, I have no expectations be- cause I'm learning right along- side them." F IELD Continued from 1B However, Knutson said he sees a group with lots of potential, and the keys for success are good leadership, health and an understanding of that potential — despite struggling to compete in various other sports so far this year. “When coming off the other seasons, where they’ve maybe struggled in football and basket- ball, I think it can be diffi cult for boys to under- stand they can still be successful in track and fi eld,” he said. Sky-Em triple jump champion Jayden Tucker and Brad Geisler, who placed third in the discus at districts, give the team some proven success in the fi eld events. The sprint corps is fast but somewhat unproven on the fl at-track surface: Michael Tharpe, who ex- celled in the hurdles last year, Brynden Howell, a speedy receiver on the Lions’ football team and Trevor Layne, who spent most of last season on the long-jump runway, could make up for the loss of all-around sprinter Jaycob Dodge. Continuing a year-long trend of low senior turn- out for boys’ sports at Cottage Grove, this year’s roster lists just three seniors: Zachary Bumgarner, Austin Powell and Jarett Raade. However, that lost class could be balanced by an exceptional group of freshmen that includes multi-eventer Joshua Clafl in, distance runner Tyler Ledford and sprinters Chad Bottorff and Jacob Woods. Track and Field Season Outlook 2014: Girls — Sky-Em, 1st; State, 7th. Boys — Sky-Em, 3rd; State 32nd. Key Stat: Girls —The Lions return just six of their 28 points from last year's state meet. Boys —This year’s roster lists just three seniors. Top Returners: Girls — Hannah Albrecht, So, SP; Conner Borigo, Sr, TH; Chelsey Bottorff, Jr, SP; Hudson Weybright, So, MD; Breanna Wright, Jr, Dist. Boys — Bradley Geisler, Jr, TH; Michael Tharpe, Jr, HUR; Jayden Tucker, Jr, J. Key Losses: Girls — Destiny Dawson, JAV; Sylvia Dean, TH; Ahsha Mootz, SP. Boys — Jaycob Dodge, SP; Darren Voight, JAV. Top Newcomers: Girls — Chelsea Armstrong, Fr; Sydney Boxberger, Fr; Halle Pe- tersen. Boys — Fr. Chad Bottorff, Fr; Joshua Clafl in, Fr; Tyler Ledford, Fr; Jacob Woods, Fr. Key Meets: May 1 — Stayton Twilight; May 8 — Wally Ciochetti Invitational; May 14 and 16 — Sky-Em Districts; May 22 and 23 — State Championships. 2015 Will be a successful season if: “It’s going to take everybody staying healthy, working together and grinding it out. If the athletes can buy into being a part of something bigger than themselves, then both teams have a chance to be really successful at the district meet,” coach Ricky Knutson. Quarterfi nals Thursday's Results North Bend 75, Cascade 72. 3OT Scappoose 57, Marshfi eld 46 North Marion 62, North Valley 61, OT Philomath 41, Madras 30 Consolation Semifi nals Friday's Results Cascade 71, Marshfi eld 47 Madras 52, North Valley 44 Championship Semifi nals Friday's Results Cascade 56, North Bend 53 North Marion 61, Philomath 54 Fourth-Place Game Saturday's Result Cascade 51, Madras 49 Third-Place Game Saturday's Result North Bend 47, Philomath 40 Championship Game Saturday's Result Scappoose 51, North Marion 48 4A Girls Basketball Tournament Quarterfi nals Thursday's Results Sutherlin 44, Mazama 26 Cascade 46, Gladstone 37 Valley Catholic 61, Seaside 30 Henley 39, Banks 18 Consolation Semifi nals Friday's Results Gladstone 30, Mazama 28 Banks 44, Seaside 37 Championship Semifi nals Friday's Results Sutherlin 44, Cascade 33 Henley 52, Valley Catholic 38 Fourth-Place Game Saturday's Result Gladstone 54, Banks 31 Third-Place Game Saturday's Result Cascade 47, Valley Catholic 34 Championship Game Saturday's Result Sutherlin 51, Henley 46 League: 5 O'Clock Shadows Date: March 8 W 12 12 11 10 8.5 8.5 8 7 5 4 3 L 4 4 5 6 7.5 3.5 8 9 11 8 13 High Game Men: Aaron Ames 267 Women: Cherry Bascue 205 Men Three-high series 1. Aaron Ames 728 2. Ron Bascue 636 3. Mick Batchelor 605 Women Three-high Series 1. Cherry Bascue 553 2. Callena True 505 3. Jan McTaggart 501 W 20 High Game: Margot Cotcher 189 Three-high Series 1. Margot Gotcher 524 2. Megan McNary 493 3. Deanna Worley 471 League: Meri Rollers Date: March 10 Team W Blue Sunshine 19 Emerald Valley 18 Simand Chiro. 15 Moms Girls 14 Team Reliv 13 Treasure Chest 13 Three Amigos 11 Ron's Girls 10 Addi's Diner 7 Charlie's Angels 6 Lucky Ladies 5 L 5 6 9 10 7 7 9 14 13 10 19 High Game: Allie Simons 235 Three-high Series: 1.Allie Simons 607 2. Shelly O'Reilly 587 3. Jennifer Fox 566 League: Cottage Mixers Date: March 11 Team Commonwealth F. C.G. Speedway Funseekers Covered Bridge U. Jerry Brown Co. Kelly's Trailer R. Swearengin Design Bowling Stones Cottage Bowl Taylor's Towing W 26 20 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 6 L 2 8 14 14 14 16 16 16 18 22 W 13 11 6 9 9 7 7 5 3 2 7 9 9 11 9 10 High Game Men: Glenn Clark 268 Women: Koleen Kelly 206 Men Three-high Series 1. Glenn Clark 732 2. Jim Chenoweth 654 3. Brian Roman 634 Women Three-high Series 1. Vanessa Chenoweth 562 2. Brenda Chenoweth 525 3. Koleen Kelly 519 MIDDLEFIELD MENS GOLF Date: March 9 Game: 2-3 Points 1, Glen Hibner, Deross Kinkade, Dave Tooker, Bob McCarty 110. 2t, Mike Cooney, Lary Emery, Gary Ingram, Pat Rickard 109. 2t, Ron Ackerman, Jim Cunningham, Frank Gates, Dick Winters 109. Low Gross: 1, Emery 72. 2, Kinkade 73. 3t, Cooney 75. 3t Jakce Cox 75. Low Net: 1, Ackerman 61. 2, Mc- Carty 63. 3, Hibner 64. Closest to the Pin: No. 5, Kinkade. No. 7, Jack Doleman. No. 14, Larry Dreiling. Longest Putt: No. 16, Hibner. Date: March 12 Game: Scramble w/ Tie Breakers 1, Frank Gates, Dave England, Da- vid Morris, Bill Wilson (-6). 2, Gary Sparks, Jerry Fisher, Jim Hoover, Bob McCarty (-5). 3, Mike Helms, Al Schweitzer, Leon Hayes, Larry Eyman (-5). 4, Jake Cox, Darrell Lee, Gary Ordway, Larry Dreiling (-4). Closest to the Pin: No. 5, Helms. No. 7, Lee. No. 14, Leroy Bodine. CG WOMENS VOLLEYBALL League: Set & Spike Date: March 10 League: Ball and Chain Date: March 13 Team Bowl Dozers Senior Funsters Roman Numerals More Beer Cracker Jacks Joe's Diner Thunder Boltz Pin Pushers Ally Oops Party Patrol L 3 5 6 7 Team Timber Chicks Olson Electric Markham Electric Horners O Ducks Nice Hits Twisted Sisters W 46 37 37 19 17 17 8 L 5 14 21 29 31 31 40 Caring for your Health WE OFFER: ‡ 6SLQH &DUH ‡ 2UWKRSHGLF6SRUWV 5HKDE ‡ -RE ,QMXULHV ‡ 09$ ‡ :RUN &RQGLWLRQLQJ ‡ )RRW &DUH ‡ &KURQLF 3DLQ 6\QGURPH ‡ 6WDELOL]DWLRQ 7KHUDS\ ‡ 0DQXDO 7KHUDS\ ‡ 0F.HQ]LH 0HWKRG ‡ )5(( XQOLPLWHG DFFHVV WR $Q\WLPH )LWQHVV &OXE GXULQJ FOLQLF KRXUV ‡ /XQFKWLPH HYHQLQJ HDUO\ PRUQLQJ DSSRLQWPHQWV ‡ &RQYHQLHQW ORFDWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH 6DIHZD\ 3OD]D League: Dynamic Trios Date: March 10 Team Grandma's Rule 6 7 8 9 12 13 17 22 22 High Game Men: Del Bosch 258 Women: Mary Whetstone 181 High Series Men: Ernie Owen 679 Women: Doty Miller 493 COTTAGE BOWL Team Book Mine Mid State 4 U Simple Amigos Quatro V. Richenstain MD Jenni and the Jets 2 Aces High C.G. Vac and Sew Jim's Tire Factory Ames to be True All in the Family Swearengin Design 18 Advanced Eyecare 17 H. Selective Log. 16 Golding Enterprises 15 Cottage Bowlerettes 12 H's Rowdy Bunch 11 New Creations 7 K. Family Merc. 2 R's Beauty Salon 2 Cottage Grove Physical Therapy ??? &DUULH 6NRZ DPT Heather LaPrath A Merit Rehab Facility L 4 ( 0DLQ 6W 6XLWH &RWWDJH *URYH ‡ ‡ ZZZFRWWDJHJURYHSWFRP Birch Avenue Dental Park W. McClung, DDS • Tammy L. McClung, DDS Where dentistry is our profession but people are our focus WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS! Check out our exclusive Birch Avenue Dental Program that provides all the rewards of dental insurance without the headaches. For more information please call 541-942-2471 or visit us at www.birchavenuedental.com