12A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 11, 2015 Congress gets recess, our kids get spring break — What about US? G IVEN WITH LOVE BY NED HICKSON News Media Corporation now on, they’ll have to share those warm beaches with parents infl at- ing 8-foot plastic sea mammals for their young children or, in some cases, their horrifi ed teenagers. ”We’re too old to ride a plastic Shamu!” they’ll protest. But Dad will continue unde- terred, blowing into an air nodule located in a highly questionable area of plastic whale anatomy. This will of course be embarrassing to his teens, who are already morti- fi ed by the fact that Dad wore his swim fi ns to the beach and sand- whipped 30 sunbathers en route to a relatively quiet spot near a keg draped with bikini tops. That’s when Mom and Dad will begin spreading suntan lotion on them- selves as if creating a protective layer against the Ebola virus, slath- ering every crevice before putting on matching Panama Jack sun hats. They will then hand the lotion to their sobbing teens, assuming they haven’t already run off to drown themselves in the surf. What if your kids are already in college with spring break plans of their own? No problem! Surprise them at the beach! Chances are they used your credit card to secure their travel plans anyway; how hard can it be to get a room at the same hotel? Imagine the laughs you’ll share when they realize the person yelling at everyone to stop staring at his daughter in the bikini contest is DAD! Or the reason that group of girls keeps giggling every time you get near them is because Mom is showing pictures of you pointing to your very fi rst armpit hair! Yes, I think the need to imple- ment a National Spring Break Week is something we can all agree is long overdue. For those who don’t? I have two words for you: Summer school. I photos by Jon Stinnett Representatives of the Quilts of Valor Foundation presented handmade quilts to local veterans Harry Krull (above left), Will Parrish (above right) and Andy Watkins (below). Based in Eugene, the "Pieceful Posse" prefers to make quilts for local veterans and deliver them in person. Quilts of Valor bestowed on local veterans BY JON STINNETT The Cottage Grove Sentinel C ottage Grove basked in unchar- acteristic sunshine this week- end, and at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3473, a trio of quilts brought extra warmth to a touching ceremony to honor three local veterans. Members of the “Pieceful Posse,” a group of local quilters who piece to- gether fabric to create original, hand- made quilts for veterans, stopped by the VFW to present quilts to Harry Krull, Andy Watkins and Will Parrish. Bob- bie Sanford, the western coordinator of the Quilts of Valor Foundation, told the gathered crowd Saturday afternoon that the Foundation got its start in 2003, when Catherine Roberts undertook an effort to make a quilt for her son, who was returning from active duty in Iraq. Over a decade later, Quilts of Valor has awarded more than 114,000 quilts to vet- erans, and Sanford said the care involved in making a quilt helps make the gesture a special one. “Quilts take a long time to make, and they’re made by people like us,” she said. “We take perfectly good fabric, cut it up and sew it back together.” About 10,000 quilters currently make items for Quilts of Valor, and they’re all volunteers. Here in Oregon, Sanford said she and the area’s other quilters like to make quilts for local veterans and deliv- er them face-to-face, and they’ve handed out over 300 such quilts in person over a three-year span. “It’s very rewarding for the veterans, and for a lot of them, it’s a type of clo- sure,” she said. Sanford instructed each veteran to use the quilt they’d been given and not store it away. “If it ends up in a plastic bag, it will perish,” she said. For Krull, who served with the Unit- ed States Marine Corps in the Korean Confl ict, receiving his handmade quilt seemed to double as a way to make new friends, and he enthusiastically embraced the members of the “Piece- ful Posse.” The event brought waves of emotion for Watkins, an Air Force vet- eran and fi xture at the VFW who’s lost a wife and son in recent years. Parrish, an- other VFW regular, took the occasion to thank his wife, Jan, for holding down the homefront while he went away to fi ght. During the ceremony, Sanford relayed an anecdote about the Quilts of Valor, cautioning the crowd not to refer to them as blankets. “Blankets warm the body,” she said, “and quilts warm the soul.” Ask your Advertising Representative how you can advertisise in Shamrocks & Savings f you’re a student or educator, you are probably getting excit- ed about the approach of SPRING BREAK! Wee-HOO! For students of all ages it means a week of crazy fun with little or no responsibility, whether you’re a fi fth-grader plan- ning a Spongebob Squarepants marathon to Bikini Bottom, or a college student planning a bi- kini bottom marathon of a differ- ent kind. If you’re an educator, it means a student-free week away from grading papers requiring so much red ink your desk looks like a sacrifi cial altar. Seriously, are they learning NOTHING between Tweets in class?!? Even Congress gets what is re- ferred to as “recess.” Let’s be hon- est: If I performed as poorly at my job as they have, I would get what is referred to as “fi red.” That being said, for the rest of us, spring break holds about as much anticipation as trash day or a release date for “Frozen 2.” This is particularly true for those of us with teenagers at home, many of whom will openly mock us each day by selfi shly sleeping in. Then, in an added display of thoughtless- ness, they will still be in their pa- jamas and deciding on breakfast when we come home for lunch! The audacity! Especially since they misspelled ”audacity” on their last quiz! No, the time has come to expand spring break to include everyone so we can all enjoy a week of un- fettered fun. And naturally, when I say ”everyone,” I realize there are certain positions that are so impor- tant to our infrastructure they can’t shut down without causing the nation to crumble. So I’m sorry: cooks and bartenders, you’ll have to draw straws for President’s Day. For the rest of us, however, a week of relaxation during the nicest time of year is going to be fantastic! No longer will Cancun, Panama City and South Padre Is- land be the exclusive destinations for drunken college students and creepy professors offering extra credit assignments. No way! From Ned is a syndicated columnist with News Media Corporation. His book, “Humor at the Speed of Life,” is available online at Port Hole Publications, Ama- zon Books and Barnes & Noble. Write to him at nedhickson@ icloud.com P ROFESSIONAL $ FFORDABLE 7 REE C ARE ISA C (57,FIED A 5%25,67 ® +HDOWh Assessments 5HPoYDOV 3Uuning Chipping KODY 541-600-0157 oregontreeworks.com Licensed Bonded Insured 7 th !PPLIANCES s ,AWN 'ARDEN Winter Hours: Weekends noon-5pm M,W,F 2-4pm Summer Hours: May-Sept. Daily Noon-5pm or by appt. 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