COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 4, 2015 9A G RANTS Continued from page 3A “Most people don’t realize that food stamps pay for food and not hygiene items,” said Director Mike Fleck. “They’re a huge expense, and we go through them like crazy.” Bohemia Mining Days, Inc. – BMD Essential Equipment, $1,000 grant: The Bohemia Mining Days Board of Directors will use this grant to purchase tables, chairs and trash cans for the annual festival that can also be used by other community groups. Cottage Theatre – ‘Do You Know What Your Neighbors Are Doing Thursday Night?,’ $1,000 grant: Executive Direc- tor Susan Goes said the Theatre is extending special promotion- al efforts to add Thursday shows to its typical weekend lineups. “We’ve had so many sold- out weekend performances that we’ll be adding Thursday shows all year,” Goes said. Thursday shows are also expected to ap- peal more to Cottage Grove residents who don’t have to travel far to enjoy a show on a weekday. “Our attendance by locals had decreased to about 30 per- cent last year, but it used to be closer to 45 percent,” Goes said. “We’ve decided to do focused promotion for the Thursday shows, including direct mail- ings to the local zip code.” Family Relief Nursery — Developmental Screening Support, $1,000 grant: Fam- ily Relief Nursery aims to use its grant funding to ensure that its young clients are screened for any developmental delays between the ages of birth and 60 months. Survey kits in English and Spanish will be purchased to provide an early development assessment for each child, with the hope that children who re- quire early interventions can be caught up with their peers by the time they reach school age. furnishes many South Lane students with the backpack and other supplies they’ll need to start school that year. Parent Partnership — McKinney School Supply Giveaway, $1,000 grant: Each fall, Parent Partnership hosts a school supply giveaway that Cultural Grants Womenspace — Direct Cli- ent Aid for IPV Survivors, $1,000 grant: Grant funding helps Womenspace fund the needs of victims of inter-part- ner violence, needs such as bus passes to remove a victim from a diffi cult situation or hotel room rentals in Eugene to help victims fi nd a safe place follow- ing an incident. Coast Fork Willamette Wa- tershed Council – STREAM Watershed Education Pro- gram, $1,000 grant: The Wa- tershed Council will use its grant funding to support its work with local schools, including fi eld days for students and water quality and stream assessment projects that utilize students’ energies, according to Director Pam Reber. Safety/Medical Services Grant: Warren H Daugherty Aquatic Center – Family Fun and Lifejackets, $750 grant: Pool Manager Carrie McCasline said the water basketball hoop and innertubes purchased with the grant should help the pool attract more families. The pool is purchasing life jackets for a giveaway during its annual Wa- ter Safety Play Day, scheduled this year for May 30. The Community Foundation plans to celebrate with these non-profi t organizations at a Community Grant Awards cer- emony on Tuesday, March 17 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Shep- herd Room of the Community Center. The public is invited to attend. The Foundation is a public non-profi t organization to help improve the quality of life for residents of the City of Cottage Grove and surrounding commu- nities. Pitiful or powerful? Learning to get our minds off ourselves and bless others D o you want to be happy— I mean, really happy? I believe that deep down we all want to be happy and enjoy our lives. We can spend a lot of time and energy trying to do things that will make us happy, but our own efforts will never truly satisfy us. That’s because God doesn’t want our minds to be on ourselves all the time. He wants us to look past the things that are happening in our own lives and reach out to others and bless them. Because when our focus is on ourselves, we can end up feeling sorry for ourselves and 6 face the danger of self-pity. I used to have a real problem with self-pity. I felt sorry for myself because I’d been abused by my dad, and sometimes I felt sorry for myself when my hus- band, Dave, got to go out and play golf while I stayed home with our kids. I wasted so many days having pity parties for all types of reasons. In the fi rst few years of our marriage, Dave tried to keep me happy, while I carried on with a bad attitude. But one day he fi nally told me, “You know what? I’m not spending my life -day weather forecast THURSDAY March 5 FRIDAY March 6 35° | 63° 36° | 65° Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy SATURDAY March 7 SUNDAY March 8 38° | 65° 41° | 66° trying to make you happy. You can get happy or not get happy, but I’m going to be happy. I’m not going to feel sorry for you because it won’t help you.” And you know, even though it was really hard to hear at the time, it was the best thing he could have said to me. Because when you struggle with self-pity, if other people feel sorry for you it just feeds the problem. Now that doesn’t mean we can never be sad. But we need to understand that if we hang on to our pain for too long, it can become self-pity, and we can become addicted to it. The good news is God gives us the tools to work through our feelings in a healthy way and not let them control us. Years ago, when God was dealing with me about this sub- ject, He brought me to Galatians 5:19-21 (AMP), which gives a list of things the Bible calls sin. It says, “Now the doings (practices) of the fl esh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfi shness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with pe- culiar opinions, heresies), envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like….” As I was studying those scrip- tures, I thought, “Well, self-pity is not on the list.” Then I got an eye-opening revelation: It is on the list because self-pity is actu- ally idolatry. When we feel sor- ry for ourselves, we turn inward and idolize ourselves…essen- tially everything becomes about “me.” People who are focused on themselves never see what they can and should be doing for other people. We should have compassion for other people who are hurt- ing. In the Bible, we see times when Jesus was moved with compassion, and then He would go and help people. If we can be moved with sympathy toward NEW: Digital X-Rays (use less radiation) Implants •Teeth Whitening • Extractions Lumineers (no prep veneers as seen on TV) others and keep our mind off of ourselves, we will be much hap- pier. We will also trust God to meet our needs and bring justice in our lives when we are hurting or mistreated, rather than get- ting into self-pity. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 (AMP), “…For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the re- warder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].” That means God rewards those who are faithful and who wait on Him. If you’ve been hurt in your life and you have put your trust and confi dence in God and you’re waiting on Him, you have a reward coming! I want to encourage you to keep a notebook of your bless- ings, the special little things that God does for you, prayers that He answers. And when you’re tempted to have a pity party, go get that book out and have a talk with yourself. King David talked to him- self when he started to feel de- pressed. He said, “Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait ex- Mostly Sunny MONDAY March 9 TUESDAY Nov. 10 40° | 64° 44° | 66° Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy CEMENT PRODUCTS: STEPPING STONES, BLOCKS, ETC. LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING MATERIALS Open 7 days a week! 79149 N. River Road 541-942-4664 Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Min- istries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefi eld of the Mind and Liv- ing Courageously (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Ev- eryday Life radio and TV pro- grams, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joyce- SOUTH LANE COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE The Only Emergency Medical Transport Service in South Lane County Cottage Grove Dental Sunny pectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God” (Psalm 42:5 AMP). I am so thankful that God is al- lowing me to take what has hap- pened to me and use it to help other people. The best treatment in the world for sadness and self-pity is to help somebody else. That’s when we get our minds off of our own problems and trust God to help us and do what’s best for us. No matter what happens, be determined—with God’s help— to keep a good attitude, remain thankful and avoid self-pity. Then God will bring restoration, peace, joy and real happiness to your life. Dr. Brent Bitner, DDS 350 Washington, Cottage Grove (behind Better Bodies) 541.942.7934 Community Public Education: • CPR/AED • Heart Attack Recognition • Fall Prevention • Stroke Prevention • Fire Prevention • Fire Extinguishers • Fire-Med Membership Call 541-942-4493 for info. FOR EMERGENCY DIAL 911 South Lane County Fire & Rescue @southlanefi re www.southlanefi Therapeutic Massage by Tammy Bones, LMT Licensed Massage Therapist SPRING SPECIAL THREE MASSAGES FOR THE PRICE OF TWO - $120 704 E. Whitaker, Cottage Grove 541-942-4353 (Reg. price $180) Offer good thru April 2015