Cottage Grove Retrospective POLICE BLOTTER A look back at Sentinel stories from 50 and 70 years ago Found child, New to You A caller reported a 2-3-year- old female found wandering in the area. The child was unable to articulate her name or ad- dress. The caller waited in front of the store for an offi cer, who returned the child to her resi- dence. Trespass, Apothecaria March 3, 1965 Lost cat found quickly Lost last Thurs. vicinity Godard Lane, male cat, light gray, striped, white chest and paws. Reward. The cat was reported to the owner at 2 p.m. Feb. 24, a few hours after the Sentinel went to press. Whether it’s a lost or found item or for sale, the results are usually very gratifying. The above is just one example of the hundreds of want ads ap- pearing in the Sentinel during the past year where quick results were obtained. 5A Cottage Grove Police Department 24-Hour Anonymous Tip Line: 767-0504 Feb. 23 Above: March 4, 1945: Work Begins — Clearing work and other preliminary construction was started on the Cot- tage Grove Airport last Thursday by Glen Ousley Construction Co. of Eugene. The Airport, which will have a 2,600-foot runway, has been in the making for ap- proximately three years now. Located in the Thornton Corners area east of Cot- tage Grove, Glenn Plymate, state airport supervisor, estimated construction would not be completed until July or August. Above, Ousley (left) and Plymate (right) are shown as they inspect plans for the airport last Thursday. COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 4, 2015 A reporting person said a subject had been in and out of the shop several times, inquired about the purchase of marijuana but did not have a medicinal prescription and the purchase was refused. The subject then loitered at bus stop nearby but left before offi cers arrived. Feb. 24 Warrant service, Dots Trophy A reporting person said a green van was parked at the lo- cation loading something from the shop. The caller believed that the subject did not have permission to take anything. Of- fi cers on the scene determined the vehicle had switched license plates, and the subject had an expired license. The subject was fi lling barrels with water when offi cers made contact and detained for failing to appear in a Jackson County court on charges of manufacturing mari- juana and possession of meth- amphetamines. The subject is to be transported, and was not prosecuted for theft of water. Criminal mischief, Village Green A complainant reported that graffi ti had been applied to fences, sidewalk and driveway at the location. The damage was estimated at $200. Mental, Police department A complainant at the station insisted on speaking with an of- fi cer regarding crimes occurring within the city but was unwill- ing to speak with dispatch. The complainant was not in danger to herself or others, but was very paranoid and wouldn’t give the offi cer any information regard- ing the alleged crimes. Feb. 25 Information, Harvey Rd A reporting person at the sta- tion said that she has been tres- passed at the location by a sub- ject who entered the house and helped herself to food. She was told to call 911 if the subject, a former housekeeper, returned. Feb. 26 Criminal mischief, Bryant Ave A complainant said a tire on their vehicle was slashed. Ap- prox. value was $100. Feb. 27 Suspicious condition, Withy- combe Ave The caller said two males dressed in all black were just at her door asking about her Direc- TV service; the subjects were not in any offi cial vehicle. Reckless driving, Hwy 99 The complainant and another caller said that there was a red Kia with a Dominoes delivery sign on front speeding down the street, almost hit multiple peo- ple in the road and fl ipped them off as he drove by. Tresspass, Middlefi eld Oaks A reporting person said an ex of any employee is at the loca- tion and refusing to leave. CITY BEAT: Tidy up the Town A group of dedicated volun- teers will visit historic down- town Cottage Grove to “Tidy Up The Town” on Friday, March 13 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This is an annual event that brings volun- teers together to clean up down- town sidewalk areas, wash win- dows and generally tidy things up. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Do you know this face? Do you know this name? News and events from the City's 'Friday Update' Community Saturday Yoga AARP Safe Consumer Center hosting tax class Driving Class Confi dence service Report A new Yoga class is being of- The Community Center will Volunteers from AARP are offering free tax service on Wednesdays in the Reception Hall at the Community Center from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This service is being offered on a drop in basis; no appointments are being taken. Doors open at 8 a.m. and a sign-in sheet is avail- able for those interested in hav- ing help with taxes. fered at the Community Center beginning Saturday, March 14 from 10-11:30 a.m. The cost for each class will be $5 with money raised from classes to be donated toward scholarships for children’s swimming lessons. For more information about the class please contact Gloria at (541) 912-7789. be hosting another AARP Safe Driving Class Saturday, March 7 in the Shepherd Room from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This class is open to all ages and to non-AARP members. The cost is $20 for non-members and $15 for AARP members. Those in- terested in learning more about the class or to sign up can con- tact volunteer instructor Bryan Ducker at (541) 942-7260. leading back up into the West Hills to the sources of water he controlled. With these, he fed a colossal high-pressure hose. He would use dynamite to loosen the soil, then wash it down into the lake in a muddy, swirling torrent. Blast, rinse, repeat. Day after day, all through the rainy season. Naturally, this played poorly with the neighbors. It played especially poorly with Colo- nel L.L. Hawkins — remem- ber him? Hawkins was already displeased that his park dream had been defi nitively scotched by Pence’s scheme, and the constant drumbeat of dyna- mite charges wasn’t helping his mood. It wasn’t making the oth- er neighbors happy either. Pence also had some trouble with the government. Denied permits for his system of fl umes, he built them anyway, knowing if he missed the rainy season, he’d be done for. This resulted in some hard feelings at City Hall. Luckily for Pence, Mayor Harry Lane overplayed his hand when he personally helped de- stroy a section of Pence’s fl ume system that he though was inside Macleay Park; Pence graciously met him at the site with a team of surveyors who demonstrated that his fl ume was not encroach- ing, and the embarrassed Lane helped him fi x it and removed further bureaucratic hurdles. There was also a horrifying episode when a section of fl ume collapsed, precipitating several workmen to their deaths on the ground several dozen feet be- The 2014 Water Consumer Confi dence Report (CCR) has been fi nalized and will be made available to all City water cus- tomers over the next few weeks. The City will be reporting on the quantity and quality of the City’s source, treatment and dis- tribution of drinking water to its customers. The availability of the CCR will be announced in the wa- ter bill that will be mailed in March. Customers will be giv- en a web address that will link to the City’s website, where the CCR can be viewed or printed. Additional copies of the CCR will be printed and made avail- able for pick-up at the Public Works Department in City Hall or by calling (541) 942-3349 to request a copy via mail. O FFBEAT Continued from page 4A if you don’t, check out the DVD “Gift ed Hands.” PAID FOR BONNIE SANO water the fairgrounds could possibly need, and by the time the expo came to a triumphant conclusion late in 1905, he’d al- most made up for the Bull Run blunder. Then, at the head of his con- sortium of local and national investors, Pence bought the fair- grounds and started putting his plans into effect. His crews got busy tearing down the fairgrounds structures and using the scavenged wood to create a massive system of fl umes — 14 miles of them — E R O T R E S NOW OPEN EVERY W EDNESDAY AND F RIDAY FROM 10 AM -4 PM We need volunteers for the ReStore ~ a few hours each month! Will you help? (Sources: Portland Morning Oregonian, March 11, 1907; Liston, Gabriel. “The Reclama- tion of Lafe Pence,” lastwater. net;; oregonencyclope- Finn J.D. John teaches at Or- egon State University and writes about odd tidbits of Oregon his- tory. For details, see http://fi nn- To contact him or suggest a topic: fi nn2@offbe- or 541-357-2222. Brightening Lives One Smile at a Time HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER #OMPREHENSIVE &AMILY $ENTISTRY .OW /FFERING $IGITAL 82AYS &INANCING /PTIONS !VAILABLE 7ELCOMING .EW 0ATIENTS #ALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY in the Cottage Grove Industrial Park South on Hwy 99 past the High School Call 541.767.0358 for more information Email ished part of the job and called it good. Then in the early 1920s, the Port of Portland fi lled in the rest of the lake when it dredged the river channel and used the lake as the repository for 20 million cubic yards of silt from the river bottom. Today, Guild’s Lake is an industrial neighbor- hood, and Northwest Yeon Av- enue (Highway 30) runs right through what used to be the middle of it. Douglas G. Maddess, DMD Habitat Offi ce and Warehouse 2155 Getty Circle ~ Unit #1 I ONS T A N O D S AL W AY ! ME WELCO low. Nonetheless, by the end of the rainy season (1906-1907), Pence was very bullish on the venture. His operation had all but re- moved a hill called Scotch Nub- bin, and dumped over 200,000 cubic yards of dirt into the lake. At that rate, he expected to have the job fully fi nished well be- fore the six years he’d promised his investors. But it was not to be. In sum- mer of 1907, a bank panic broke out, and the bank that was his primary backer closed its doors. Suddenly gasping for cash, Pence found himself un- able to make payroll, and with the bankruptcy trustees trying to claw back the money the bank had advanced to him. Seeing the writing on the wall, Pence closed up shop and headed back east, where he fi nished out his life as a railroad lawyer. As for the lake, when the property reverted to the sellers they sold it to a duo of Seattle hydraulic contractors, who fi n- UNIQUE PROPERTY with 2500 sq ft heated SHOP on 1/3 acre fenced, gated, private, peaceful setting close to everything! Custom built home with 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths with bonus 4th bedroom or theater room. Oversized 2 car garage, RV parking, mature LOW MAINTENANCE yard. $319,000 - 2070 Bryant Av Cottage Grove. Shown by appointment. Please call 541-942-0769 or 541-729-9742 3OUTH TH 3T s #' s See our new website: