4A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 4, 2015 O PINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A tree-free plan is unacceptable As a 40-year resident of the greater Cottage Grove area and downtown business owner, it is a welcome sight to see the 20- year Tree City fl ag fl ying over City Hall. This is a statement of our commitment as a communi- ty to respect and preserve trees. The trees lining East Main Street in the downtown core provide welcome shade dur- ing hot days. I commend those with the foresight to plant sap- lings on Main and 99 South and the decades of care toward their growth. I do not embrace the mythology that they are ei- ther the wrong trees or meant to be cut down. Now they are our trees. The verdant natural addition to our historic downtown is something not to be taken for granted. It has been decades in the making, tree by tree. How nice to see café tables out with umbrellas under the shade of the trees! How memorable to have children trick or treating under a fl aming canopy of leaves. How nice to visualize holiday lights in their branches in the dark of winter. The sterility of the envi- ronment without trees is not to be underestimated. Trees defi ne that “X” quality that tourists and residents crave, and they boost commercial vitality in the downtown core. The archway, fl ower baskets, the benches, the murals, All- America City Square with the Opal Whitely mural and his- toric signage — all add to the developing ambiance of the downtown core. The total ef- fect helps generate more com- mercial success. We are a community of vision and volunteerism. It is no acci- dent that we have been an All- America City twice. The proposed downtown core street and sidewalk devel- opment plan is yet one more improvement. Our city plan- ners have put much effort into enlisting professional planners and grant seeking. I believe that although there has been a pro- cess of public feedback, there is a signifi cant population that has not voiced their opinion that feels passionate about sav- ing the existing trees on Main Street. Many people have not realized that either 1) the trees could (or would) really be cut down or 2) they could infl uence if the trees would be cut down or not. It is to the City’s credit to have kept an open dialogue on the subject. The probability of the exist- ing trees surviving a sidewalk widening and street leveling has been evaluated. If the determi- nation is a positive probability for the survival of the trees, I hope that we can develop a plan as a community that accommo- dates their survival. This might include walking around them on a widened sidewalk and defi - nitely having larger opening for their roots so as not to disturb the sidewalk. Saving as many existing trees as possible of the over 40 existing trees is wise and strategic. It is not incom- patible with sidewalk widening. If it is impossible to save all of the existing trees with the construction process, it should be possible to salvage some Offbeat Oregon History Lafe Pence’s crazy plan: Wash mountains down to fi ll lake up BY FINN J.D. JOHN For the Sentinel I n 1904, a sharp-eyed 61-year-old hustler named Lafe Pence stepped off the train in downtown Portland for a meeting of the National Mining Con- gress. The conference he was attending has been long forgotten. But had the group chosen Seattle or Bakersfi eld to hold it, the very shape of the hills in Portland would be different today. Pence had the kind of colorful West- ern background that you’d expect in a man who sets out to literally move mountains. He was born in Indiana just before the Civil War and moved to Colorado to practice law when he was 24 years old. He became a specialist in mining law, and — likely representing the desires of his clients in the matter, as well as his own investments in silver mines — a strong advocate of the “Free Silver” movement. For a while he looked like he’d have a political career, and he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1892 on the Populist Party ticket; but he lost his bid for re-election two years later, and not long afterward, Populist party membership and Free Silver sen- timents became insurmountable bar- riers to political advancement. So he retired back to private practice and the management of his mines. His 1904 visit to Portland found him at loose ends, ready for a new project. And in P-town, he found one — one that could really make him rich. Portland, at the time, was in a fren- zy of preparation for the 1905 Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. The whole thing was scheduled to be held in a sort of park-like patch of wet- lands just north of the city on the west strategically placed existing trees. It is imperative that our Tree City has large and beauti- ful trees on Main Street as part of the proposed $8 million plan. This is not an add-on later. This is a heritage and legacy we can embrace preserving. I cannot imagine Main Street without the existing trees, and I would not want to start all over again on side of the river called Guild’s Lake (“Guild” was pronounced to rhyme with “Wild”). Mindful of the expense, the city had merely leased the land for a year, ignoring calls for the city to buy it and make it a permanent park. One of the most persistent voices calling for Guild’s Lake to be made a city park was Colonel L.L. Hawkins, chair of the Portland Parks Board. Hawkins, who lived just up the hill from Guild Lake next to the newly formed Macleay Park (now part of Forest Park), even helped bring the Ol- mstead Brothers into town from New York to help the Parks Board make its case. Although the city had opted for the cheap lease, he still hoped the Lake might eventually end up as parkland. The Expo grounds were right next to the busiest commercial part of the city, full of railroads and factories. Had it not been for the lake and surrounding marshy wetlands, it would have been not only in the path of progress, but on its very doorstep. Pence noticed a few very interesting things about Guild’s Lake. First, it was not very deep; it was basically a low spot on an alluvial plain by the river. Secondly, it was surrounded by some remarkably extreme geography. The the 30 years it took for them to grow. I will not be here. A plan without the incorpora- tion of trees on Main, either new and or existing, within the initial planning process is simply not acceptable. Editor's Note: The Cottage Grove City Council is sched- uled to revisit and consider adoption of the Main Street Refi nement Plan at its Mon- day, March 9 meeting, which takes place at 7 p.m. at Coun- cil Chambers, City Hall. Elizabeth Chandra La Husen Cottage Grove surrounding hills towered over it, steep and close at hand; yet they were made mostly of soil and clay, not rock. The other thing he noticed was that despite Oregon’s thriving hard-rock mining industry out east and down south, nobody in this, its biggest city, seemed to understand how water rights worked. Every river and stream in the city fl owed free and unclaimed. The city hadn’t even bothered to claim water rights on the Bull Run River, on which its domestic water supply depended. To Pence, this all added up to a spectacular opportunity. The Exposi- tion was about to catapult the town to nationwide prominence. To make the expo work, they would need water by the acre-foot, piped in from some- where, to keep the lake deep enough to navigate on during the entire summer and to power the expo’s many foun- tains and water features. He could sup- ply that demand, cementing connec- tions with Portland’s commerce-happy business elite; then, after the expo, with their support, he could turn his massive water rights to work sluicing down cu- bic acres of those nearby hills, fi lling the lake in so that the city’s business district could expand. With this plan in mind, Pence re- turned back east and got to work hus- tling the venture to investors. When he returned, later that year, he was ready for action. The fi rst thing Pence did was fi le water-rights claims on nearly every river, creek and spring in Multnomah County. This came as rather a shock to most Portlanders, who hadn’t realized that one could simply do that. They likely wouldn’t have minded, but for one ter- rible public-relations blunder: he tried to claim water rights on Bull Run. Pence backed off this claim when he realized how poorly it was playing with the public — which still remembered drinking from the Willamette and had a strong sense of ownership in the Bull Run water system. But the damage was done — and it was severe. Most of Portland now thought of him as the guy who’d tried to use a legal techni- cality to snake the city’s water supply out from under it and ransom it back. Meanwhile, Pence’s plans to be of service to the Expo were proceeding nicely. Using his water rights on Balch Creek and other water sources uphill from the grounds, he supplied all the Please see OFFBEAT, Page 5A Stroke prevention: Hold the frank, have the beans BY JOEL FUHRMAN, MD For the Sentinel S troke is a leading cause of disability and death in the United States. About 795,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke each year. A stroke o c c u r s when blood fl ow to a portion of the brain is interrupted, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching brain tissue. Most strokes, about 85 percent, are ischemic strokes, in which blood fl ow to the brain is blocked either by a clot or atherosclerotic plaque. The re- maining 15 percent of strokes are hemorrhagic strokes, caused by bleeding in the brain due to the rupture of a blood vessel. Elevated blood pressure is the chief risk factor for both types of stroke; however, other causal factors differ between the two. There have been countless studies on dietary factors and their relationship to ischemic stroke risk; within the past few years, new meta-analyses have strengthened these dietary links. In particular, higher fi ber intake $ PUUBHF ( SPWF 4 FOUJOFM 116 N. Sixth Street · P.O. Box 35 · Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ADMINISTRATION: JOHN BARTLETT, Regional Publisher.............................. GARY MANLY, General Manager................942-3325 Ext. 207 • publisher@cgsentinel.com ROBIN REISER, Executive Assistant.................942-3325 Ext. 203 • robin@cgsentinel.com PATRIC CARLILE, Sales Repersentative.......... 942-3325 Ext. 213 • patric@cgsentinel.com SPORTS DEPARTMENT: MATTHEW HOLLANDER, Sports Editor...................942- 3325 Ext. 204 • sports@cgsentinel.com CUSTOMER SERVICE CARLA WILLIAMS, Office Manager.................942-3325 Ext. 201 • billing@cgsentinel.com LEGALS.............................................................942-3325 Ext. 200 • legals@cgsentinel.com NEWS DEPARTMENT: JON STINNETT, Editor......................................942-3325 Ext. 212 • cgnews@cgsentinel.com GRAPHICS: RON ANNIS, Graphics Manager (USP 133880) The Cottage Grove Sentinel is published every Wednesday in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Our offices are located at 116 N. Sixth St., P.O. Box 35, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. Subscription Mail Rates in Lane and Portions of Douglas Counties: Ten Weeks ...............................................................$9.10 One year ............................................................... $36.15 e-Edition year ........................................................ $36.00 Rates in all other areas of United States: Ten Weeks $11.70; one year, $46.35, e-Edition $43.00. In foreign countries, postage extra. No subscription for less than Ten Weeks. Subscription rates are subject to change upon 30 days’ notice. All subscritptions must be paid prior to beginning the subscription and are non-refundable. Periodicals postage paid at Cottage Grove, Oregon. Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 35, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. Local Mail Service: If you don’t receive your Cottage Grove Sentinel on the Wednesday of publication, please let us know. Call 942-3325 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Advertising ownership: All advertising copy and illustrations prepared by the Cottage Grove Sentinel become the property of the Cottage Grove Sentinel and may not be reproduced for any other use without explicit written prior approval. Copyright Notice: Entire contents ©2015 Cottage Grove Sentinel. is associated with reduced risk, and higher red and processed meat intake is associated with increased risk. Fiber and fi ber-rich foods are known to be benefi cial for colon health and healthy blood glucose regulation. However, for stroke prevention, the blood pressure- lowering effects of fi ber and fi - ber-rich foods are thought to be primarily responsible. Elevated blood pressure is the primary risk factor for stroke, and greater intake of high-fi ber foods (like beans) is consistently linked to lower blood pressure. Foods that are higher in fi ber tend to have a lower glycemic load, which limits the rise in insulin after a meal; elevated insulin levels contribute to elevated blood pressure. Also, high-fi ber foods are usually rich in phytochemi- cals and minerals like potassium and magnesium, which help to keep blood pressure in a healthy range. In addition to reducing blood pressure, high fi ber foods improve several factors relevant to atherosclerotic plaque forma- tion, such as cholesterol and tri- glyceride levels. A recently published meta- analysis on fi ber intake and risk of stroke analyzed data from six prospective studies, including over 300,000 subjects. In this analysis, for every 10 gram in- crease in daily fi ber intake, there was a 12 percent reduction in risk. A previous analysis of data from 10 studies found that each 10 gram/day increase in fi ber intake was associated with a 24 percent decrease in risk of death from heart disease. Ten grams is the approximate amount of fi ber contained in 2/3 cup of beans or lentils, two cups of cooked collard greens, or 2 1/2 cups of blueberries. The average daily intake of fi ber in the U.S. is a meager 16 grams, but a Nutritar- ian diet, depending on one’s ca- loric needs, provides about 60- 80 grams of fi ber daily. I want to make it clear that it is the use of high fi ber from whole foods that enable this degree of protection against stroke, not adding fi ber to a standard American diet. It is more than just the fi ber in fi ber-rich foods that offers this protection. Red and processed meats are calorie-dense, micronutrient- poor, saturated fat rich foods. Another major concern regard- ing red and processed meats when it comes to heart disease and stroke is heme iron. The human body absorbs heme iron, the form of iron found in animal foods, more readily than nonheme iron from plant foods. Iron is an essential mineral that transports oxygen in the blood and has many other crucial functions, but can promote free radical damage, called oxidative stress when excess is present. As a result, high body iron stores are associated with increased risk of chronic diseases that have an oxidative stress component: for example, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. When it comes to increasing stroke risk, heme iron promotes oxidation of LDL cholesterol and elevates blood pressure. Several previous studies have found that higher heme iron (or red and processed meat) intake was associated with higher blood pressure, and higher nonheme iron intake (or plant food intake) was associ- ated with lower blood pressure. Again, it is not merely the high iron in meats, many other fac- tors play a role including their hormonally-induced growth promoting effects that promote atherosclerosis. Another recent meta-analysis reported on fi ve studies of red and processed meat and stroke risk, and found substantial risk increases in ischemic stroke risk (the most common type of stroke): for each 100 gram daily increment of red meat eaten daily, there was a 13 percent in- crease in risk, and a 13 percent increase in risk for every 50 grams daily of processed meat. Processed meats are nutrient- poor and high in heme iron like red meat but have additional so- dium, which is likely why the authors found a steeper associa- tion with stroke. These studies add to the al- ready huge body of evidence showing that whole plant foods are health-promoting, while red and processed meats are disease- causing. Between the excessive amounts of protein and heme iron, new fi ndings on detrimen- tal effects of red meat com- pounds Neu5GC28 and carni- tine, and the volume of evidence linking red and processed meats to cancer and premature death, there is no question — these are dangerous foods. People who still desire to eat meat should think of it as a condiment, only to be used a few times a week in small amounts. Dr. Fuhrman is a No. 1 New York Times best-selling author and a board certifi ed family physician specializing in life- style and nutritional medicine. Visit his informative website at DrFuhrman.com. Submit your questions and comments about this column directly to news- questions@drfuhrman.com. The full reference list for this article can be found at DrFuhrman. com. Letters to the Editor policy The Cottage Grove Sentinel receives many letters to the editor. In order to ensure that your letter will be printed, letters must be under 300 words and submitted by Friday at 5 p.m. Letters must be signed and must include an address, city and phone number or e-mail address for verifi cation purposes. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters must be of interest to local readers. Personal attacks and name calling in response to letters are uncalled for and unnecessary. If you would like to submit an opinion piece, Another View must be no longer than 600 words. To avoid transcription errors, the Sentinel would prefer editorial and news content be sent electronically via email or electronic media. Hand written submissions will be accepted, but we may need to call to verify spelling, which could delay the publishing of the submission.