COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL March 4, 2015 11B C ALENDAR C HOICES 5 T HURSDAY 8:30-9:30 a.m.: KNND 1400 AM Beeper Show. Call in discussion show - various topics/guests. 541-942-5548 10 a.m.: NAMI. At Jack Sprats on Main St. Info: 541-343-7688 10 a.m.-1 p.m.: Creswell’s Over- 40 Social Club. At Creswell Community Center, 99 S. 1st St, one block south of City Hall. Learn more at http://www.face- 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Closet at 6th and Gibbs. Church of Christ 6th and Gibbs, with Lane Pregnancy Support Center, offer diapers and maternity, infant and other clothing sizes as supplies allow. Noon: CG Rotary Club. Stacy’s Covered Bridge Restaurant, 401 E. Main. Info: 541-942-9489. Noon-3 p.m.: Adventist Community Services. 820 S. 10th St. Free clothes, shoes, bedding and emergency food boxes. Does NOT pay for elec- tricity, gas, pharmacy or other such bills. Good useable dona- tions welcome (clothes, bed- ding, bathroom, kitchen towels). 5:15-6:15 p.m.: TLC Community Kitchen. Free. Trinity Lutheran Church, 675 S. 7th. Doors Open 5 pm. Info: 541-942-2373. 6:30 p.m.: Humane Society of CG Board Meeting. Sinclair Room at City Hall. Public wel- come to attend. 7:30 p.m.: Eastern Star #4. Meets at the Masonic Center, 33322 Row River Rd. Members only. 6 F RIDAY 8 a.m.: All Professionals Network. A referral organiza- tion designed to increase busi- ness among its members. A fun proactive group interested in the future growth and development of business in Cottage Grove. Meets in Shepherd Room at the Cottage Grove Community Center. Donuts & Coffee served. $25 annual dues. Info: Laura Harmon 541-870-1681. 8:30-9:30 a.m.: KNND 1400 AM Beeper Show. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 9 a.m.: Preschool Music and Art Class. Appropriate for ages birth to 5 and their par- ents or caregivers. Held at First Presbyterian Church. No sign-up necessary. Info: Joanna Newton 541-942-4550 10:30 a.m.: Story Time for Tots. Cottage Grove Library. Ages 0-6 recommended (w/parental supervision) to listen to stories and participate in fun filled age appropriate fun. 1-4 p.m.: Pinochle Playing. All ages men and women at Senior Center in CG Community Center, 700 E. Gibbs. Any level of player. (Wed. and Fri.) Info: 541-942-3694 1:30-3 p.m.: NAMI Connection. At Healing Matrix, 632 Main St. Support group program for people living with mental health issues and is operated by peers for peers. Info: 541-343-7688 5 p.m.: VFW “Community Invited” Dinner. Public and families always welcome. VFW Post #3473, 3160 Hillside Dr. Includes entrée, salad, dessert, beverage. Adults $8, Kids 6-17 $3, 5 and under free. Handicap accessible. Drug, Smoke and Alcohol Free. Info: John Landon 541-946-3888 5-6 p.m.: Stand for Peace/ Occupy CG. Rally in the Community Square, 7th and Main Streets. 8 S UNDAY 2 a.m.: Daylight Saving Time. Spring forward one hour. 2 p.m.: South Lane Amateur Radio Assoc. Masonic Hall, 33322 Row River Rd.. Meeting and information. Free to attend. Info: Mona 541-953-0274 2 p.m.: Aprovecho Guided Tour. Tours are from 2-3 hours. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Suggested donation of $5-$10 pp. Visit www.aprove- 5-6:30 p.m.: Community Dinner. First Methodist Church, 334 Washington Ave. Adults $5. Children free. Info: 541-942- 3033 5:30 p.m.: Community Sharing Board Meeting. 20 Thornton Lane. Info: 541-942-2176. 6:30-7 p.m.: Parents Connect. Fun-filled hour of story-time and literacy activities, songs and crafts. Presented in English and Spanish. For you and your chil- dren (up to 6 years) to enjoy books at the library with support from S. Lane School District Family Resource Center. Library is located at 700 E. Gibbs, Ave. Call Joanna Newton 541-942- 4550 to audition and register. 5-7 p.m.: American Legion Spagetti Dinner. 826 W Main St. Aduls: $6. 12 & Under: Free. 5:15-6:15 pm: TLC Community Kitchen. Free. Trinity Lutheran Church, 675 S. 7th. Doors Open 5 pm. Info: 541-942-2373. 5:30-7 p.m.: Willamette Valley Trichotillomania Support Group. Free Peer Support Group. For all who are affected by Trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder. Meets at a private residence. Info: Teresa, 541-767-1730 or: willametteval- DR. JONATHAN BACKER Every Smile has a story 6DPH 'D\ 0HWDO )UHH &URZQV 'LJLWDO ;UD\V 1HZ 3DWLHQWV :HOFRPH 3UHYHQWDWLYH DQG &RVPHWLF 'HQWLVWU\ Let us be a part of yours! 1551 E. Main Cottage Grove, OR 541-942-8437 “Creating Smiles That Last A Lifetime” 5-7 p.m.: Chicken Fried Steak Dinner. CG Emblem Club #269. Cottage Grove Elk’s Lodge, 755 N. River Rd. Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Veggie, Roll, Salad and Dessert . Cost $6.50 pp. Public is welcome. Info: 541-942-3554 6:30 p.m.: London Grange Potluck. Public welcome, bring a dish to share. At London Grange Hall at 10 mile post - 72746 London Rd. Info: Dennis Chapman at 541-942-9681 7-9 p.m.: Moveable Feet Community and Family Dance. Celebrating 2nd anni- versary. At Creslane Elementary School cafeteria, 996 W. A St., Creswell. Live music and theme is Polka Dots and Stripes; dress accordingly Finger-food snacks (not sticky, please) welcome. Free for all ages taught and prompted. Info: 541-895-2254. 7 S ATURDAY 10 a.m.: Carl M. Kebelbeck VFW Post #3473. Members meet at 3160 Hillside Dr. Info: 541-942-7099 Noon: Quilts of Valor. Four quilts are being presented to deserving individuals, one for each branch of the service, at the VFW Hall, 3160 Hillside Drive. All welcome to attend the ceremony. Info on Quilts of Valor at for directions (80574 Hazelton Rd.) 5-6 p.m.: “Sunday Supper”. Free supper and brown bag meal to take. Cottage Grove Community Center. Volunteers encouraged to help. 9 M ONDAY 8:30-9 a.m.: SMART. Start mak- ing a reader today at Harrison Elementary. Approved volun- teers only reading with selected students. Info: Vicki Formosa 541-942-4960 or Ardis Belknap 541-942-9676. 8:30-9:30 a.m.: KNND 1400 AM Beeper Show. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Closet at 6th and Gibbs. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.: SMART. See previous listing for detail. 12:45 p.m.: Bingo. Reception Room at Community Center, 700 Gibbs. Public welcome. 5 cents per card per game 1-4 p.m.: Pine Needle Basketry. Instruction for making pine needle baskets for those 12 years and older. Materials cost depends on project. At Crafty Mercantile on Main Street. Info: Pat Easton 541-530-9221 5 p.m.: Teen Games. Cottage Grove Library. Tween and Teens invited to play board games. Play available ones at library or bring some from home. Beginners & Intermediate Yoga CG Community Center, 7th & Gibbs Info: Jane L. Guerber 541-942- 5876 Wed.: 6 pm $5/session Cottage Grove Therapy Pool Aquatic Exercise Classes Community Center, 7th & Gibbs.; Info: Teresa 541-942-1185 10 T UESDAY 8:30-9:30 a.m.: KNND 1400 AM Beeper Show. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 1 p.m.: Breast Cancer Support Group. Support group for women who have had a diagno- sis of breast cancer. For more information and location, call Shelia at 541-942-2309. Noon-3 p.m.: Adventist Community Services. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 3 p.m.: Veterans Support Services. Reps and caseworkers from the VA available to help veterans connect to resources and benefits. Healing Matrix, 632 E Main St. Info: 541-767- 3707 4-5 p.m.: CG Youth Choir. Students age 12-16. Rehearsals at First Presbyterian Church. 6 p.m.: Economic and Business Improvement District (EBID) Meeting. At Community Center, Shepherd Room, 700 E. Gibbs Ave. Info: George Devine 541-942-1301 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Friends of Mount David. At CG Museum Admin. Offices, corner of H and Birch. Info: 541-942-4269. 6:30-11 p.m.: Open Mic Night for Musicians - Benefits Habitat for Humanity. FREE at Axe and Fiddle, hosted by Roger Kahane, 942-3878. Donation jars available for donating to Habitat for Humanity. Help build affordable housing for lower-income families. 6:30- Sign up; 7:00-11:00 Music. 7 p.m.: CG Recreation Assoc. Meeting. Regular meeting of the CGR board of directors at 1440 S. 8th St. Info: 541-942-3079. 4 W EDNESDAY 7 a.m.: Kiwanis Club Sunrisers. Koffee Kup Restaurant, 1241 Hwy 99N. 7 a.m.: South Valley Rotary Club. Café Sheilagh, 1043 Hwy. 99. 8:30-9 a.m.: SMART. See Monday's listing for detail. 8:30-9:30 a.m.: KNND 1400 AM Beeper Show. See Thursday’s listing for detail. 10 a.m.: CG Genealogical Society. Meeting with special program or speaker. Public DRUG and ALCOHOL groups EXERCISE and FUN 8:30-9:30 am Mon.-Fri.; KIDS CLUB South Lane School District grades 3:00-4:00 pm Tues. & Thurs.; 11:00 am-12 pm Sat. 1-5. After school to 6 p.m. Mon-Fri on regular school Daugherty Aquatic Center days. Supervised play, homework help 1440 S. 8th St., 541-942-5533 and snack. Cost $50/month. Call for public hours, lap swim hours, family swim hours Info: 541-359-6794 and costs. Partial scholarships available. Shallow Water Aerobics Daugherty Aquatic Center Yoga - Community Center Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30-8:30 a.m. Mon. 6-7:30 p.m.; Fri 10-11:30 Call 541-942-5585 for more info a.m. $5 drop in, first class and cost - first session free. free. Info 541-554-6796 6:30-8 p.m.: Women’s Support Group. Call Womenspace for location, 541-767-3879. Womenspace Crisis Line 24/7 is 541-485-6513. 7 p.m.: NAMI. Friends and family free support group at Healing Matrix, 632 Main St. Info: 541- 214-1473. 7 p.m.: Overeaters Anonymous. First Presbyterian Church, 216 S. 3rd St. (corner 3rd and Adams). Enter on 3rd St. No dues, fees or weigh-ins. Info: Saunders 541-942-5883. 7 p.m.: CG City Council. City Hall, 400 Main St. Info: 541- 942-5501. Thursday 6:30 p.m.: AA Meeting- Rush Hour. Open Meeting. At CG Community Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. 6:30 p.m.: Al-Anon Meeting. At CG Community Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. Info: 541-554-7994 or 541-510-4228 7 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous Book Study. Open Meeting. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th St. Contact: 541-767-0906. Sunday Friday 7 p.m.: Nar-A-Non Family Meeting. CG Comm. Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. For family and friends of addicts. 7 p.m.: AA Meeting- No Name Group. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th St. Info: 541-942-3942. 6:30 p.m.: Celebrate Recovery - At Cavalry Chapel Cottage Grove, 522 E Whiteaker Ave. Info: 541-520-8071 7 p.m.: Open AA meeting - Good Medicine Group. At CG Community Center, 700 Gibbs Ave., in Activity Room. Info: Karen 541-513-5126. 8 p.m.: AA meeting-Gratitude Group. Open meeting. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th St. Info: 541-942-3942. Saturday Noon: AA Meeting-Women’s Good Grief Group. Closed meeting. Open to women alcoholics only. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th St. Info: 541-942-0647 or 541-510-4228. 8 p.m.: AA Meeting-Open Candlelight Group. CG Comm. Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. On the last Sat. of the month - Open AA Speakers Meeting. 8 p.m.: Al-Anon Meeting-Step Study Group. CG Comm. Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. 6 p.m.: AA Meeting - New Beginners. CG Comm. Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. 7:15 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous. Book study. At CG Community Center, back room,700 Gibbs Ave. Monday Tuesday Noon: AA Meeting- Noon Group. Big Book Study meeting. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th. Info: 541-942-3942. 6:30 p.m.: Up the River Group. At Dorena Mercantile. Info: 541-946-1631 7 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous. “A Way Back to Reality”, open participation. At CG Community Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. Wednesday 7 a.m.: AA Open Meeting. At CG Community Center, 700 Gibbs Ave. 7 p.m.: AA Meeting- Wednesday Night Beginners. Open meeting. At Knights of Columbus, 1025 N. 19th St. Info: 541-942- 3942. Welcome, No Charge. At CG Community Center, 700 E. Gibbs Ave. Info: 541-942-9570 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.: AARP Tax Aide. Go to taxaide to find out what to bring with you. Walk-in to sign up at CG Community Center, 700 E. Gibbs Ave. Can also call 1-888- 227-7669 for more info. For low and moderate income tax pay- ers, especially those age 60+. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.: SMART. See Monday's listing for detai Noon: Kiwanis Club of CG. El Tapatio, 725 E. Gibbs Ave. Info: Cleo Dahlen 541-767-0795. 1-4 p.m.: Pinochle Playing. See Friday’s listing for detail. 2-3 p.m.: CG Children’s Choir. Accepting students ages 6- 11. Rehearsals held at First Presbyterian Church. No audi- tion necessary. Call Joanna Newton for registration informa- tion 541-942-4550. 6 p.m.: Community Dinner. Free. Church of the Nazarene, 152 S. M St. Info: 541-942-4422 6 p.m.: West African Drumming and Dancing Class. Guinean Master Drummer, Fode Sylla. Odd Fellows Hall, 317 Main St. 6 p.m. - Drumming: $10; 7 p.m. - Dancing: $10 or pre- pay for 5 classes for $40 Call to register or reserve a drum. 541-505-6399 Will continue on Wednesdays. 6:30-9:30 p.m.: Bingo. Cottage Grove Elks Lodge, 755 N. River Rd. Public Welcome. Info: 541- 942-0234 7-8:30 p.m.: NAMI Connection. See Friday’s listing for detail. Hours of Museums/ History/ Genealogy COTTAGE GROVE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY open to the public for research Tues. thru Sat. 11am-4pm CG Community Center, 700 E. Gibbs Ave. Info: 541-942-9570 COTTAGE GROVE MUSEUM Sat. and Sun. 1-4pm 147 H Street. Donations accept- ed. Info: 541-968-2254 HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Wed. thru Sat. 1-4pm Go thru Gold Mining Museum, 737 Main St. Info: 541-942-5022 BOHEMIA GOLD MINING MUSEUM Wed. thru Sat. 1-4pm Features local mining history 737 Main St. Info: 541-942-5022 OREGON AVIATION HISTORY CENTER Sat. 10am-4pm 2475 Jim Wright Way (across from Village Green Resort) WEIGHT LOSS Tuesday 5 p.m.: Weight Watchers. At Living Faith Assembly, 467 S. 10th St. 541-942-2612. Thursday 10 a.m.: TOPS OR85. Take Off Pounds Sensibly, a weight- loss support group. At the United Methodist Church, 334 Washington Ave., Fireside Room. Info: Ellen 541-942- 0866 . 5:30 p.m.: TOPS OR969. Take Off Pounds Sensibly, a weight- loss support group. Weigh-In: 5:30 pm, Meeting: 6 pm. Meets at Jefferson Park Community Room, 325 5th Street. Info: Elaine 541-942- 8547. 5:30 p.m.: TOPS OR1020 (Creswell). Take Off Pounds Sensibly, a weight-loss sup- port group. Weigh-In: 5:30 pm, Meeting: 6 pm. Meets at Creswell Grange Hall, 298 W. Oregon Ave. Info: 541-895- 3156.