B Section B S PORTS Wednesday, February 11, 2015 South Lane County Sports and Recreation Lions place ninth in home invitational Regionals are next for wrestling team BY MATT HOLLANDER The Cottage Grove Sentinel C ottage Grove fi nished tied for ninth out of 42 teams in its two- day home invitational this past week- end. Churchill and North Medford each scored 212 points to share the champi- onship. Four Lions placed in the top six of their respective weight classes: Bryce Allen (5th — 120 pounds), Andrew Bordeaux (2nd — 160 pounds), Tanner Herbert (3rd — 195 pounds) and Adam Lamb (6th — 285 pounds). Herbert had a particularly outstanding tournament. After losing in the opening round to Ashland’s Chance Swenson, he pinned his next fi ve opponents to reach the consolation fi nal. Waiting for him in that third-place match was Swenson. However, this time Herbert came out on top with a technical fall. Bordeux cruised through the 160- pound bracket but faced a familiar op- ponent in Churchill’s Riley Jaramillo in the fi nals. Jaramillo, who is undefeat- ed this season, pinned Bordeuax — a transfer from Churchill — with 30 sec- onds remaining in the bout. "As a coach you could see that both of them knew exactly what the other was wanting to do," said Cottage Grove coach Kyle Temple of the matchup of former workout partners. "It may not have been the fi reworks show that peo- ple were expecting. But those kids sup- port one another. There was no animos- ity or hard feelings afterward." With 101 team points, Cottage Grove only trailed two 4A schools: Marshfi eld (136.5) and Phoenix (101.5). Between the varsity, JV/freshman and girls’ tournaments, no fewer than 650 wrestlers took part in the 22nd an- nual Cottage Grove Invitational. Tem- ple said that 2015 was the largest in the tournaments history and that it took many hands to make sure that all went smoothly. He was particularly grateful to have high-school math teacher Jeff Drumm as the meet director. Temple said that the large and busy tournament serves as great preparation for the regional and state formats. The Lions will now turn their at- tention to next weekend’s regional tournament. The favorites in the team championship race are Cascade, Elmira and Sweet Home, with Cottage Grove, North Marion and Philomath expected to compete for fourth through sixth place. Five Lions are seeded among the top six wrestlers in their weight classes. Al- len (120) and Herbert (195) are num- ber-three seeds, while Alan Bordeaux (152), Andrew Bordeaux (160), Herbert (195) and Lamb (285) are number-two seeds. “We came out of the seeding pretty well. I like how we’re wrestling at this point in the season. We just need to do what we’re capable of doing and we’ll be in peak form,” Temple said. Contact Sports, 942-3325 or e-mail sports@cgsentinel.com Athlete of the Week Tanner Herbert Epilogue Closing out the most successful season and era of Oregon football with Grant Thompson BY MATT HOLLANDER The Cottage Grove Sentinel Since the 2010 season, the Ducks are 60-8; they’ve played for two national championships; they’ve won three con- ference titles, two Rose Bowls and a Fiesta Bowl. Over this time, the Pac 10 became the Pac 12, Chip Kelly passed the torch to Mark Helfrich, Marcus Mariota won the Heisman Trophy and the College Football Playoffs supplant- ed the Bowl Championship Series. It was an unprecedented fi ve-year run of success and change for the Oregon pro- gram — one that may never be topped. And Cottage Grove alum Grant Thomp- son was there for all of it. Matt Hollander: What stands out from your time at Oregon? Grant Thompson: All the accom- plishments seem kind of small when you put in the day-to-day work and see what it takes to get there. Obviously, it was a matter of good timing, and it wasn’t like I took us to the national championship games. But I feel fortu- nate to have been a part of it. ‘Good timing’ may also depend on one’s goals and perspective. In 2005, Cottage Grove alum Brent Haberly was a 12-game starter, fi nished fi fth on the team in tackles and returned a fum- ble for a touchdown against Arizona to keep Oregon’s BCS-game hopes alive. Competing for playing time with a cali- ber of recruits that refl ected the rise of the program, Thompson appeared in 17 games and made nine tackles. MH: Had you come along at a differ- ent time, do you think you could have had a career — like Brent’s — in which you had a greater impact on the fi eld? GT: Brent was a beast. I remember photo by Ryan King/Daily Emerald Tyler Johnstone interviewed teammate Grant Thompson for a television spot during Media Day for the CFP Championship Game at the Dal- las Convention Center in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015. watching him while I was in middle school and asking for advice from one Cottage Grove kid to another. I looked up to Brent, and his was the path I wanted to follow. But there were so many things that went into Brent being able to start: The guy in front of him tore his ACL; Terrance Kelley got shot. There are a lot of circumstances that go into earning a starting role. Prior to this season, there had only Equestrian team is off to a quick start in OHSET season BY MATT HOLLANDER The Cottage Grove Sentinel EUGENE — The Cottage Grove competed in the fi rst Oreon High School Equestrian Team South Valley district meet of the season this past weekend, and the Lions showed particularly well in the gaming events with numerous top-fi ve fi nishes. Shania Schueller was the overall winner in breakaway rop- ing. She also placed fourth in pole bending and fi fth in barrel racing. Ashley Goertzen fi nished second pole bending and third in barrel racing. In steer daubing, Ellie Harold fi nished second out of 19 com- petitors. Newcomer Shelby Glaspie placed third in saddle seat equita- tion. The Canadian fl ag team of Schueller, Justin Hill, Katherine Dennis and Sara Witty placed second out of 15 teams. Cottage Grove had two teams place in two-man birangle: Schueller and Goertzen fi nished fourth, just ahead of Hill and Ty Schueller. The Lions did, however, have a mishap during their drill per- formance and will need to improve in the next two district meets in order to pick up their fourth-straight title. “Our kids run a very fast paced, rodeo-style drill,” said team advisor Shannon Simons. “You want to do your best at every single meet, and Cottage Grove is a very aggressive team. Please see Equestrian Team, Page 2B been two Heisman fi nalists in the histo- ry of Oregon football: Joey Harrington fi nished fourth in the 2001 balloting, and LaMichael James was third in 2010. Marcus Mariota brought home this year’s trophy with the second high- est percentage of votes in the 80-year history of the award. MH: What was it like to be around Mariota during his historic season? GT: I remember questioning if a Duck would ever win the Heisman. But then, after knowing Marcus for four years, I came to expect it. I remem- ber watching him run hill sprints all by himself as a redshirt freshman and thinking that he could get to that level. He was mature enough to get there and had the mental toughness to win it. We saw that from day one, and it was an honor to be around him. Oregon entered the 2015 CFP Cham- pionship Game against Ohio State on Jan. 12 as seven-point favorites. The Buckeyes prevailed 42-20. MH: Were you surprised by how the game played out? GT: Obviously, I expected for us to win. I thought our gameplan was Please see Thompson, Page 2B Lions take their fi nal laps before districts Swimmers set new PRs against Spring- fi eld, Junction City BY MATT HOLLANDER The Cottage Grove Sentinel SPRINGFIELD — The Cot- tage Grove swim teams had their fi nal tune-up for districts in a tri- angular meet with Junction City and Springfi eld on Friday at the Willamalane Park Swim Center. The 5A Millers swept the boys’ and girls’ competitions, but the Lions easily outpaced the Tigers for second. Springfi eld boys won all 11 races en route to 164 team points. Riley and Tristan James and Shane Williams each picked up two individual victories for the Millers, and they were key legs on winning relay teams. However, the Lions did their best to keep up, and many were rewarded with personal records. Sophomore Ian Miller fi n- ished third in the 100-yard but- terfl y and set a PR of 1:04.59. photo by Matt Hollander Please see Swimming, Page 2B Cottage Grove's Clover Rudicel fi nished second in the 100-yard breaststroke in Fri- day's meet at Willamalane Park Swim Center. Her time of 1:22.53 set a new personal best by four seconds.