Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, April 19, 1918, Image 1

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1*1 «M i n i l i
o lii
l'u n * '
u n i , « unyiMi u I I ih I imiii Hi* »• ih wliicli
limi I mi ii «41 • » li* ii frulli \N Il A uil» rii*.» W niii'N icr I i i i i I i I i i i ^ , l'<»rtImiti.
Wbili* in Kugt*iii' h u l u n i t i y l^it•• li«*r
uutici'il tln* t-ur ^«* t l a r « » l i
tli«* « »Iy
mimi tliw nrii l»<>timi unti ri'iiinrkt'tl timi it
vi ii n »•«•rtmiilv a m t « » I«* f i tur. Hoou iilt«*r
lu* «* ii ni i* li « • ni «• I h * liMiriii'tl fiu in ICuy
( i | iKgNl ut I ' m i i i n I u c k , timi tlu* t u r litui
Iti’i'ii n I »ti ii 11 « » ii •* « I t li i t i *. Tilt* n u li v\ I h »
I r l i it tuok ibi* tr u lli llurt*. » i i y i i i ^ ilu-y
v\ • i r
li» ^*»*1 a t r tu*k I*» ^«*1 tlu* f a r
« mi t t»f ilu* imiti
T l i r y tini in»t rt*funi
unti liuvi* iii»t I»••«• ri cu|»tureti.
I*i tflu'f I f a n i f t l l l i f iiaiiu* « » t tlu* tm m*r !
fruin ih«- In rum- un in I >•* r am i l f l«*|»li<»iit*«l
I In* i l i i r f « » t iMiliff uf 1 *t • 1 11 ii li « I lim i In*
limi Mi A mitri«* n t'ur fur inni
li wii»
luti tintil M u iu lay n 1 1«t fim i ilu* l'u ri
lauti i i u f h t ir i l i «* n ri*|*«»iIt*i| l im i tlu* car
Inni l»**«*ii ntol«*u aliti unti rut'fi’tl Mr
l * i I f I u t fu n«'t il ami I• riii^ il lift*
C u i lag«* Urtivi* vvill untiti I»«* alili* tu
I» tu ri* ftuir in uri* »»lai»» t»n il»« «rrv le»*
fla g, I » 11 f * k i n i' Ibi* ftifal I « * I«»*». T l u ni* li
r i u n ì mi* fin ltnl|»li l . f ^ a t , vv In» ulri*utly
li u *» rnliNlrtl, l i •• v 11 \ Miu l.t'tnl, |* i i »
tur ut iIn* l*ri*nl»ytfnuli «•l»tir«’h, vili«» v ì i II
In i \ r Attuti t « » tale«* 111 » V. M ( ’ A viurk
(»rurgr H a l l , . I r , vili«» ha» f i l l i «Irti viill»
tlu* n a i a ) r«*»«*rv«*», ami l ’h«*t \ rtviI>t*n
tiiirg, vì lu» Im» tlft ulfti t*i i*ii!i a t ni t li»'
ni t • il«*rv, " w li«*r«* tlu*y tlu tlu* t u r i mg
Mr \ iinlb*nl»urg, vì lu» buu t»«*«*n vvork
mg ut l'n» Aftttt ft»r » in •• tini«*, i** bum«*
ft|»f Itili ug u <’oti|»l<‘ uf w«*t‘k» viitb hit
Ì jurrnt», VIr ami Mr* ( 1 || Vauli«*li
I .a «I Vit f k mi i*v«*nt th a t Inni umili*
tb m g u f a liiiiu u ru iiA M fttu ig . 111 * a |i i 11 *
«uni«* vi an I AtTitniA t* tiiiA**«|iif in* f », viüa
li ri it • 11 •*< I in a Attui«* w bat
f in* i*t i*»iiA
ma a in I l»y tin* j u la it» r (» itrtin r tlm mg
tin* al»»» in*«* o f t b f f i l i tur. T I m * »fury
w a a ai » ritti«* ti li» h m th a t Tin* H«*iifin»*l
bini in» n!»*ii th a t it f u iili! |>o»»il»lv be
t a k f n a «* i nniAly by uny«»iu*, am i tiit*ri*
vì a » lint tin* I fit a t t Intugli t th a t any
u n r «»»ubi |ti»AAibly b f l i f i f th a t a n y
l»t till* tiling»« N tlltfti r o llit i I # « » h n 11 » I y
liavt* l a k f i i
I lo w p v p v r,
»•« t in-« th a t tin* » to ry wan not a«’«'«'|»t
«•I m th a t A|»irit by tlniA«* tirine*i|»ally
«* «» Vi »* «* r ii •*« I in n i th a t tin* I f f lin g A «if
tin* g u i t* < » ii t* •* r ii •*« I bait* b f c ii h ith m ih
l\ injur«*«!. It iA tin* J m » I i «V o f Th«*
H f i i t i i i f l , ü In* ii it mnkt*A a m iA tiik f,
nr f r u i r , tu f t a i ik l y lu lm it tin* ah in«*,
am i vi In* n a li V «» ii«* a ft*« Img* ar«* tin
m t f iit i « > h n 11 y injur** cl tin* |»it|»«*r i»
«•v«*r r«*a«ly to «lu it»« p a rt tu maki*
T«» th a t f in i, The* M«*ntin«*l Atat«*H
th a t tin* fa r t» o f tin* niltornohiU* u<‘
« id ft it in w h ic h M a « K u t li J o r g f t i
•««» ii h i m ««»Uffn u *«1 v v f if N ta tfd in tin*
H«*«*t»inl A f f lim i «»f tin* » to ry, th a t t b f
r i t l i f i i I imim tilin g » »tat«*«l «a tlu* fir» t
Af f l i mi «»f t b f » to ry fo n iti not b ftV f
I» lip p e urei, «lui nut h a p p e n n in i vi«»ultl
m m» \i ay f i t tbi* r n ia r a e t fr o f t b f
* » t iin a b lf
am i
g ir l
f o il
rb fr i* h u m n«» in t P iit in n t«»
b.«un r» n \ «»iif, |iurti<* it In r ly M i» » .lo r
g 11 ai » n , vv ho im lif b l m h ig h t*At«*«*fii
I • v Tin* N«-at n i f i nm l by a il w ho kn o w
in i
about the
up on ae
a w ord-
two. ***
c ;
A fte r 81 Y e a r s of E ventful Life
Is Still an A c t i v e P ra d itio n e r
A |»i«»nf«*r ut T»;:. a h f ih » of tlu* la»t
Indmn vvnr «»f Orfgon, |»imif**r gold
miiifr, «li»«*ov«*r«*r of nfv> ral wid«*ly
kru»viii timori«*» in infililim* ami »fili a
mirri*AMfni orartitioner ut Hi yeur» of
; g**, l)r. \v. VV. Ogl«*»liyr of f'ottag«*
Uroi«*, <fri gnìi, ha» l«*d a lif** in wbifh
¡«•Vfiit» liavi* triuiHpiri*«1 with »u« h rapid-
itv that In* ha» rfufhfd ari H«lvanf«*<l agt*
, niniuAt In*fori* Bwurr uf fin* fa«*t ami li«*
( «!«»«•» nut r«*uli/<* that li«* ba» rracbfd a
tini«* of lift* brforf wbirh ninvay wbo
vituibl b a v e r e t i m i w ith a fe e lin g th a t
jtb e v hu«l u u t liv r il t lie ir u»«*f ulne ah .
Machinery Runs Without Hitch;
Product Is Being Used to
John Nukes has a Buff Leghorn hen
Build Docks
thut is Inying down on her job of in
creasing the production of eggs during
these war times. The other day she laid
an egg about the si/e of that of a spar
The Brown Lumber company is again
row, but it was perfect in form, which turning out lumber from the new mill
is nil unusual characteristic in freak which has taken the place of the old one
eggs. The hen must have decided to quit destroyed by fire Inst fall. The inn
the job entirely, for from the color of chinery runs without a hitch and there
the egg she must have used nil of her ! has been no trouble of any kind since
coloring material on this one tiny egg. the steam was first turned on. The mill
is running with a short crew. I.umber
Take Road Contract.
is sawed for a day or part of a day and
Emmet Sharp anil J. V. Johnson have then the crew is put to work using the
taken a contract for building part of lumber for the building of docks, ot
Pacific highway in Pass creek canyon. which there will be some three or four
Although the work is in Douglas county acres. As soon as the dorks are com
and will be paid for by Douglas county, pleted the planer shed and dry kiln will
tbe contractors are hiring Lane county ! iie built. It is thought that ahipmenta
| of lumber can start by the firat of May.
men and teams.
A L L a spade by an y n am e
y o u w a n t to — b u t get out
and use it on your garden
Uuex|>r< tp<i Death In Remit of Heart
1)R. VV. W. O O LK SB Y
Trouble. With Which Mbs Had
L ook Ueeu Sufferer.
•Imve liv i'tl thr«»ugh m u d i le»« th m i he
Th«* funeral uf .Mr». Kmiiia Jean At
kin«» w a» In-bl at 2 o'clock Mo in lay at
t«*rnouii frmu the chapel, H«*v I). A.
A. .1 Arm»trung lia» fon« ur«l«*«l T b f M a el. ro d «»f f iciwt mg. I>rath uc«*urre«l
S«*nt im*l u magni f if rut |»u*tiir«*, four ami k'rn la y night ua the rc»ult of heart
a half f«*i*t in length, « » f (' baltfrv, <»f»t Ii trouble, with which Ahe had l«»ng l»een
art illr ry, in uhi rii ari* 7. ut tin* fm dipt a Atifferrr. She had »uffere«! a »«*\er«*
infili bpv» t»f S u ili «*<»ni|»nny. Th«* pu*- attark n «* v eral wre«*k» beft»re but wn»
tuft* vi ua t:«k«*n jiim I hftOr«* the buy« h*Il thought to I»«* w* II «» ii the road to re­
tin* fort II In i b«*«*n |»l|t till «li»|»lay m covery and had b«*cii able to be out a
Tbr H«*ntin«*l nimloH ami ia uttrut ting few day» before. Though an iriiulid for
m ut* h attention
Th«»»«* üi»hitig «’«»pi«*» inrttiv year», Mr». VtkiiiA via» of an uti
t»f tin* pu t tir«* may l«*ui«* «»r«l«*iA viitli 1 umialli cheerful ami a u ih iv di »poai ti mi
Thf S«*ntnu,l «»r a «*ml dir«*« t t«» Mr. Arm i and tin* many fri«*ml» who *lflight«*«l to
Ati«»ng at IIiiiuiiit»ii«l.* T bf |»ru*«* i» 4 2 : \ i m it her m*\«*r h**ard a word of cum
! plaint.
pur b.
Mr». Atkin» wa» born at (»mm*»i ill»*,
VVyniiiiug county, N«*w Y«»rk, in lH4ti.
I She wa» married t«» A. It Atkin» in iHtWt
0. A SUBSCRIPTIONS at Northeunt, Krie county, Pn. They
• mm* to 1 ude|n*nd«*uce, Or«*., in 1871*,
V «•»»Il bu» bffii mail«* ii|»«ui Tr«*uAur«*r making fh«*ir hum«* there until 1IHH,
Har\ «*y for tin* bain nrc uf tin* V M jvih«*n they removed to Cottnge Grove.
t A. fund r:ii*u-«l lirrt* ami ail t II «* mmiry Mr Atkin» died here »ever a I year» ago.
Mr». Atkin.» win a member of the F'ir»t
t«n band w I I » tnail«*«l tu iHiuuty h«*ii«l
«|iinvtfrA y«• »t«*i«Inv. Tln r«* tir«* a number Pr«*»by teriau church at lndep«*ntlfnce
uf | • I«*« I g ** a that Ita i r Ilot y rt l»rm (»aiti. t«»r a number t»f year».
Hint tlu »He vì lu» lut v«* n\r rlooked |»ny-
Surviving children arc Mr». John
tuent» ar»* a**kf«l tu f'«»iii|»b*tt* th«*m with Kirkland, of Albany; H M. Atkina, of
l i «*u»iir«*i Harvey at mire, »«» that tbf lit1
■!»«», VV ii .; N. I. Atkin». I)riggA, l«la.;
l»n\» ul «»m armi»'* mai liai«* tin* bi*nn» Mr». S. V. AII i . huii , of tin» city, with
lit «»f tin* moii«*y in tin* V. M. ( ’. A. j whom Mm. Atkin» made her home.
Klt»i»e Atkin», of Forent Grove, mid
Jenn Alliaon, «if Cottnge Gr«»ve. are »ur
W B. Bu« kl«*y Stnu k by CabU
viiing grantlchildreii.
Mount Virar, Aprii I h . ( S|»«*<*ini) -
VV K. liiH'kify w a a «truck by tin* lui«*
w lui«* working ut III«* Hiit kiry mill COMMENCEMENT W E E K
'rinirAilay, rrntl«»ring him unfon»<*i*»iiN.
Mftliral attfntuni wa» »«*fur<*«l miti it
vviiA a»«*«*rtuiiiftl that ni» injurit**« \v«*r«*
The «late» for the event» of the com-
« « » Il fi li •*«! tu tilt» alni brui»«*» about tin* 1 iiiciiceinent »ea»on of Cottage Grrove
bfiitl ami *«lif»ulil«‘r» ami it ih ffared that I high »chool have beet »et, nnd are an
a rib Im» beni hrnkrii Ino»«* from tbf ; follow »:
»pini*. Mr. Itm-klry wn» taken t « » Ili»
Senior cla»» play, May 21, H p. m.
lumi«* in t'ottage (trust* ami ha» a» yet
Venper »«*rvic«*, bv Hev. Crini, t»f Ku-
!»•*«• ti una bit* tu return tu work.
I grlie, May 2ti, I to Ti o'clock p. in.
HaccalaurtMit«* addre»», by Hev. (Tim,
Corney I h Getting Su» pi clou»
! *»f Kugeuc, May 24.
I' ('. ('uffiumi i» getting NiiHpicimi»
Annual high .»chool picnic, May 27.
that »«»m«* malif’iuuA »pirit lui» g«»t unto
Clan» night, nddr«»»» by l(e\. Parkin
In» trail. A fé vì «lay» ng«« he r«*cfived | »« hi , of Kugen«*, " T h e American Boy,**
a tfb'grmn ahieh meant n«»thii»g tu him j May 2H, H p. in.
ami latt r fuuml it a I iuii M have been ini
(Commencement, May 21*, H p. m.
dr»*»»«*«! tu John ( ’uffman. A day or »«»
Alumni lmn«|uet, May .'tl.
Inter lit* r«*f«*isetl a tfb'grmn addrenaed
tu Milu Cuffinmi, a brutber wh«» «lieti
With the cost of everything entering
»everal year» ago. Thin telegram, huw
into the making of a newspaper inereas
«i«*r, w a a meant fur K. C.
mg. il is absolutelv essential that all
subscript ions be paid promptly.
Beauty Piare of Cottage Grove.
The price uf want nils, is
only thing that liusn ’I gone
count of the wur. Oue cent
three times for the price of
A b o u t fli«* i»r«*tti«*et t ilin g in C o tta g e
( 1 r o v e i» tilt* .lub g H a tlr r rt*»i«l«*iu*f pr«»p
e r ty . T h e d ia p la y «if tu lip » o f m a n y va
r i f t ie» ia m a g n ific e n t .
l u t u iid n l fu r T u u O n ly bu t » « • U n g i
u f Thu s« C o n e p r u n i
An* I n ju re d ,
hi* ut im* I M ak an
f u ll
K x pi an at I ou
U. li r . l . h . i , «*i l y marnimi, «lr|»iity |
l i m i r ii ii «I «* 1« nel ni il f «* t«»r i I m * »l»ri«*vHlty, ,
•i• I«I•*< 1 u im ■
t li«*i lu lii a iniiiiy rufttiiri'N i I iih
\\ Il•*Il
Uepoi ti Tlu-lt to Portland Author
iti**» Beloit' Owner Know»
the Car In Coni'
V\»‘ t*k,
(S>nw b attei
'I he cuHual «ib»«*rver wh«» might .»e«*
tht* honrv-bende«! patriarcb gning ub«»ut
hi» dailv pructice would never gin*»» hi»
|iuat u pa»t that cun never ««»m«* tu
meli uf lodai
hot th«* iiiiugiriative eyt*
'•un cumi I v A«*«* that tlu* drrdiet wa» once
>t mngnifitfut phy»i«|iie, with a stature
ami ali uiid«‘r juvi that procluiuirti th«*
■ borii and f«*ar 1 «* aa leuder t»f uieii.
N u d i he wa*. Ut 40 yeur» ot u g r w he li
j he c a p t n iiif t l th«* biniti t»t 55 v o 1 unte«*r»
vvlit» ut th«* nuw h is to rie batti** u f VViI
low S p r in g t fu r 12 huur» he ld ut bay
•*t»uit* HKK» bb»mi thir.»ty redakin» .
« an A lili te li, a» i f it li h « i ho ppe ned but
v en terd a y, o f
h«»w, w ith
hi» tru a ty
a erti 1 «* gu n < u w can o n now lo n g out o f
' » ty le j he b ru u g h t «(«»wn at thè tir» t »hot
C b ie f B u f f a l o llo r n , w b o wa» «ba»ing
»»ne o f th«* p ir k e t» o f thè v o lu n te e r b a n d
• I « » vì ri th«* in o u u tu in sitie.
A »he«*p c o r r a i wa» th«* o n lv f o r t i f i-
! r a t iiin th è w h it e m»*n had, but w ith
butch«*r k n iv e u and
o th e r c ru d e en-
. t r e n d iin g tool» t b e y / ' d u g i n ” and »«*t
a » tv lc o f vì m fa re th a t ha» »in«*«* been
im ita te d un K u ro p e a n b n tt l«*f i r Iti».
The cu litui n neemed tu bear a charme«!
Iitf miti though foiiAtantlv expo»ing
hiin»«*lf in pn»»ing back and forth di-
recting hi» men, h** wa» not toudied by
a bullet until the party wa» tli»covered
at *1.« \ break tin* next day w hile trying
to in.ikt* their fAt ape. Hi» knee wiia uer-
iou»!> «lioplfd, but none of hi» men
kn« w of that fact until after they were
»ave»l by th»* ar/ival of a regiment of
At the time of being called to com­
ma mi tii» company of \ olunteen«, l>r.
(>gl«**»bv hud been traveling night and
day attending Home 400 eune» of diph
thcria, which had become epidemic in
the VV «•-ton country. Modern method»
of treating thi» di»u*a»e were unknown
I ben and by »av ing all but h 0 of tbe»e
** whca through th«* uae of a treatment of
hi» «.wn iiivention he achieved conaid-
eral.lf renown. This method wa» adopt­
ed. even in New York city, wa» »pokeri
«»f favorably by l>r. Naptha in hi» tr»*at-
***** ot therapeutic», and i» »till u»«*d to
Minn* extent.
Tii** wc»t wa» wild in the day» when
I>r (igl«-»by began I iim profetiiional ca­
reer Two year» of In» practice was at
Hill s Kerry, Calif., in the woolieat of
the wuoly day», und many a time he
practiced Hurgery in the back room of
a ».lioun or gambling den »titching to
gclht-r «uni«* poor feBow who bad been
hi a •diooting or a cutting »crape.
it w a a at Hill ’ k Kerry, in 1872, that
he performed the fir»t recorded opera
tioii ? -r th»- removal of ovarian tumor.
At •»i»*»'it thi** time he developed a tr«*ut
me at fur »pinal meningitia, of which
he had •».» taw*» at one time and saved
Aiiuuig «»flier incident» «»f a »trenuou»
lit»*. I>i < igl«*»by once hatl an encounter
Black Bart,’ ’ a notorious Cal
iformu bandit of the early day». When
»truck <* d the jaw by a revolver hi»
fighting blootl w ua arouned and liut for
th«* irnval of a third ban«iit he would
hav» gotten the be»t o f ‘ ‘ Black B a r t ’
mi«l on* aAAiAtant who had »top|M*«l him
w hll.- tiriving overland from Oregon to
CaKtornia. A " b la e k » n a k e ” which h<*
hail found in the road, wa» hi» only
wenp«»ri. He »pent .»everal month» in
bed a» the re»ult of thi» encounter.
Dr Oglesby ’» **xperience» ero»»ing the
plain» a» the driver of an »>x team with
tin* train of which hi» father wa» eap-
t•«• 5b would make an interesting boot.
One experience with the Indiana in of
peculiar interest. The train »topped
while the captain held a pow wow with
the big Indian ehief. Young Oglesby
cuuld nee the Indian and hi» father g«»
ing through peculiar motion». Suddenly
the chief gave a whoop and he and a
thousand warrior.» disappeared as quick­
ly a» they hat) appeared. " T h a t old
« hi«*t is a Master Mason,'* suit! the
father upon his return to hi» family,
‘ ‘ and he is going to furnish us protec­
tion while traveling through hi» coun­
try.” Where the old Indian got Mason­
ry is a mystery, but as several Indian
• In« is of the early days were found to
be well-posted Mason», the theory* ha»
been advanced that they were descend­
ants of tht* lost tribes of Israel anti
l»i«»ught Masonry here direct from Sol-
1 omun.
C o tta g e G ro v e P o et M ystifies
C a n d id a te for Joint S en ator
To grow up uh u girl and to be
known by pluyaiatfM and ar.bool
r h u n iN for tb*' Kr‘‘nter part of one'a
life, arid then to dineover that one',
fundamental .e i u rg urm are male,
and to return to the home town ill
every nen»e of the word a rnan, ia
the eitraordinnry experience of Dr.
Allan I.. Hart, of Albany, wbone
n l r u n g f cane m told in The Democrat,
of that city. The atory *ouiidn unbe­
lievable, but the fact, are eupported
by documentary evidence of »ueb
character that there i, no doubt of
tlm facta.
Following Kr,l^ un«*on from the
I'aiveraity of Oregon laat June, Dr.
Hart went eaat. In order to complete
ly autiafy himaelf of hia real aex he
■ubmitted to an operation by one of
the leading pbyaieiana of the eaat,
nith the reault that there waa no
nnatake about tbe matter.
Dr. Hurt ia well known to Mra.
H. V. Alliaon, of thia city, who knew
him aa a aehool ir 1 chum.
There it was all right, in the window
With the smile just where ! said.
This is laudable indeed on the part of Ami the rhyme sublime, how it did
Mr. Bede,
i )n either side of your head.
! And I hope he'll go to Salem,
In the scheme thus far there had been
Where he cull work his jaw to the limit
no bar.
of the Inw,
For surely i now had succeeded
And everlastingly whale 'em
In getting my dope at one fell stroke
Whip those who long have persistently W here it, most likely, would be heeded.
gone wrong
1 wish you success with this dumgoozled
In matters of legislation.
Standing out bold, like Samson of old,
You’ve been stirring up for yourself.
I'aing the same weapon of persuasion.
But I have my doubt of you ever get­
The doctor claimed to have picked up
ting out
tbe card from the sidewalk. Eater it W ith anything left of your pelf.
appeared on display in the window of \ ou know the taxpayer is a darn good
the Cottage Drove Electric company,
the only campaign card to be thus lion
\nd is asking questions now to beat the
This week The Sentinel received the W hy, if you 're a reformer, did you back
following unsigned communication in
in a corner.
the mails. It speaks for itself nnd for \nd, for tax publication make a standf
fear of the carrying out of the dire
, But say, old top. don't you know it's
threat contained in the last verse, it is
nil rot—
here boldly given to the public:
I Tii is talk about being elected*
Dear brother Bede, by word and deed,
When there's nothing hut gall between
I tried to give you a start
you and the fall
Toward the goal that lias absorbed your That is sure to rout, when detected.
I don't know, by gum. just what you
And ia the ehief desire of your heart.
have done,
Y o u ’re a dandy good feller and not a But something, I bet, durn wicked,
bit yeller,
And if you don't watch out what you
As you know I'v e already said.
are about,
And 1 hope your desire to go up higher You 'll get good and plenty licked.
May be reulized before you're dead.
(Continued on last page.)
Silk Creek District Ia Only One
Which Has Not Gotten
Out of Yellow
Kacb day adds a little more to the
total of the third liberty loan subserip-
i tions and tbe amount subscribed at this
time is far iu excess of the amount
shown by the thermometer, but the
board is waiting to make a close check
on actual subscriptions turned in at
tbe bunks before making announcement
of tbe aetual figures. The campaign ia
still in progress iu nearly every district
und every effort is being made to give
every person an opportunity to sub­
O f tbe 17 districts in the city only
four remain in the red, which means
that they have not gone over the top.
The teams for these districts expect to
have their full quota subscribed before
, the end of next week. The districts are
Nos. 5, 1», 15 and 17.
O f all the districts in both city and
country, only one remains in the yellow,
which means it has not yet subscribed
half its quota. That is the Hilk Creek
Oubernatorial Candidat* Selects Drove
district, from tbe top of Lorune moun­
as One of tb* Places for Making
tain on the west to, but not including,
the John Ashby place on the east. There
Good on His Charges.
are 35 bona fide prospective subscrib­
ers in this district reported by the com­
mittee, from which but two subscrip­
Gua C. Moaer, one of tbe atate’a moat
tions of *50 each have been secured.
militant booatera for good roada but
The Row River, Dorena, London and
who has taken on tbe paving and trust
Saginaw districts have each subscribed
and made that an isaue uf hia campaign
over *5000 each and are still going. Four
for the gov ernorahip, ia planning a ser­ ! rural districts remain in the red.
ies of meeting* throughout the state, at
There was an error in the percentages
which he will go luto detail* us to how as shown lust weekr The correct per­
the taxpayers have been mulcted by tbe centages were 113 for the city and 9ti
paving people and will outline his for the rural districts. It is thought the
plans for getting at least a dollar’s total average percentage is now about
worth of road for every dollar spent.
; 170.
Cottage Drove is our of the cities
The official liberty loan flag, given
selected by Mr. Moser for making his ; for going over the top, arrived this
uddre**. As this community and sur­ week, and an effort will be made to
rounding communities voted strongly get at least one blue star for dooubling
against the six million dollar bond issue the quota.
on the ground that the money might not
'ie wisely spent, it is pretty certain that
Fire Company Elects.
a large and enthusiastic audience will
At its recent annual election the fire
greet Mr. Moser upon the occasion of department elected the following offi­
his visit here.
cers: Chief, Hiram B. Griggs: assistant
chief, Archie Thompson; secretary, K.
K. Mills: manager chemical engine, W.
I.. Mackin; captain central diviaion,
¡Chas. Hev».-; captain east division. W.
jC. Applewhite: captain west diviaion,
|C. H. Corson.
Proposition Is Special Order of Business
Before Commercial Club Next
Monday Night.
The proposition of maintaining and
sustaining a bakery iu Cottage Grove
will be u special order of business at
the meeting of the commercial club
Monday night.
The Bender bakery
closed its doors Tuesday, giving as its
reason for so doing that it could
not compete in priees with the bak
cries of the large cities
Mi. Bender expects to leave in a few
davs to accept a position at Eugene.
Postmistress Ventch, A. H. King and
Superintendent Glass have received
‘ their commissions as recruiting officers
for the boys’ work reserve. All boys
above lri years of age are to be recruit­
ed and the government will see that
they are employed during the summer.
Those already employed will remain at
the jobs they already have, while po­
sitions will be furnished those not em-
j ployed. The recruiting officers hope to
make a 100 per cent record here by
signing up every boy of the required
James I’. Nunley sustained severe in
juries to his left hand Tuesday after­
noon while employed at the Spaugen-
burg mill at London. He was removing
debris from the edger saw when his
hand came in contact with the saw. The
| Pottage Grove has a real mystery and In my effort to aid. a rhyme I made.
second finger was completely amputat­
|n real poet witkiu its midst, und at And stuck it beside your face
least one mail would give considerable «In the campaign card you worked so ed. the first finger was amputated at
the second joint and the little finger
¡to unravel the mysterj and discover
was badly lacerated. The thumb and
¡the person who has seen fit to honor To perfect for the coming race.
liiiy in rhyme und meter.
third finger escaped injury, although
I had a hope that this sort of dope
A week or so ago Dr. W. \V. Oglesby Would arouse the public mind
the two fingers were amputated be­
tween them.
stepped into The Sentinel office with To that pitch where it would iteh
one of Candidate Bede’s window curds. For your particular kind.
the out......... Ige of which hud been dee
If your wedding stationery is print­
united with the following words:
The card 1 carried, as I sauntered and ed by The Sentinel, you are assured a
long and happy married life.
•• •
This is Mr. Elbert Bede who. like a
But soon let it slip to the ground
W here, I firmly thought, us I turned the
Has legs that are long and slim.
¡There’s a smile by grace in the middle
That it surely would be found.
of his face,
\nd this proved true, as I tell if to you,
j And below that he wears his chin.
For later in the day
H e ’s a fine young fellow, and not a lot I passed your place, with averted face,
And saw it across the way.
( As anyone can plainly see,
And he lias intent, with your consent,
j To legislate for you mid me.
Improvements Will Make the Mill
One of Most Modern of Kind
on the Coast
The Cottage Grove Manufacturing
company has commenced extensive im
proveuents to its plant. The additions
to the main building on the south and
east have been torn away and the main
building will lie extended to take in this
extra ground space. All the machinery
will be moved and rearranged and suf­
ficient new machinery added to make
the plant one of the most modern of its
kind on the coast. All machinery will
be electrically driven. The company al­
ready has on hand orders to keep it
busy several months and Manager B. R.
Smith thinks that work on these can
be started within three weeks.
C. A. Stevens, of Oakland, who has
become interested iu the company, will
have charge of the manufacturing end
of the business.
The additions at the north end of the
main building will be left until the
coming fall, when they, too, will be re­
moved and the main building again ex­
tended. A modern office and store room
will occupy the south end of the build-
iug when remodeled.
County Commissioner Spencer, who
was in the city this week, says that he
expects to put a crew of men to work
next week getting out the rock for the
Silk Creek road and that the court will
take chances on there being money with
which to spread tbe rock. This work
was held up by doubt as to whether the
special tax could be collected. Most of
the residents have paid the first half
without protest and it is thought likely
that the full amount will be collected
and the work completed this year.
Pig Tail Brings $5.30; Squeal. $3.50.
J. D. Million has left with The Senti­
nel a copy of the AJbion (111.) Journal
which tells of a pig sold there for war
relief work which brought a total of
over *400. The live animal was sold
several times, afterwards butchered and
the meat sold. The tail brought *5.30
und the squeal, which was wrapped in a
tin whistle, sold for *3.50.
Gets Fish; Remembers Sentinel.
C. A. Bartell, C. H. Corson nnd L. I..
Barrel brought iu several nice creels
of trout from Coast Fork Friday after­
noon. They found the finny fellows bit­
ing splendidly. Bart, who got the largest
number, remembered The Sentinel with
a nice plate of them. Any others who
wish credit for their prowess with the
reel and rod are invited to do likewise.
The Cottage Drove public may expect
something high class in a musical way,
also something novel and amusing, iu
the comic operetta. “ Princess Chrysnn-
thenmm,’ ’ to be given next week b’v the
Euterpean club as its annual entertain­
ment. This operetta has been popular
this season and wherever given has
made a decided hit. The setting is spec­
tacular. the costuming novel and suited
to the characters and surroundings. The
whole entertainment is decidedly d if­
ferent from anything ever featured in
Cottage Grove and will be the most stu­
pendous of the many high class enter­
tainments which have been given by
the Enterpean club.
The dates are Wednesday and Thurs­
day evenings of next week and the eur-
tain will rise at 8:30. The admission
will be 25 cents and all receipts above
actual expenses will go for war relief