Hereafter Hpray'a stori* will not dc liver anything hi town. Wi* d o n ’ t h*’ lieve in tin- unnei-essury e ip e n s e ; also I we d o n 't believe ill the people that car j iy their good* homi- helping to pay for j the 4#thi*r fellow ’* «bdiveries. mlflftf 1 SEEDS The ( entrai hotel m being redeeorat ed inside. I Mr. mid Mrs. J. V. .Fobnson were in Kiigeni* Tue*day. Plant your war garden with reliable seeds. W e carry Mr*. Allie RobiiiNon I Tueiiday. wim in Kugem* Brami new lot o f fishing tackle tin* Swi ng* I Har«lware. at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison, both «if whom have been ailing during the win ti-r, ar«* getting along fairly well. thekind that grow A FULL AS Farai* rs* Cash .Market that mena* we pay you spot cuah f«>r your produce am] t«»r spot cash you ean save uiouey un your feed, poultry «upplies, »eeds ami grm-erics. Mr*. Nani»* ('ruson has starti*«! suit fot divoree iigainst Albert IL ( fusori. They w«*r«' inarrie«! ut Vaneouver Lei» ruàry Jó. ( ifi«* Ht-cond haml piano for sub* cheap if takeu ut orii'i*. \V «• ulso hamlli* n«*w pian«»*. Imiuiri* o f M C. ('ochran, 100 1 Kast Maia, Cottage Grove. in lotte ( K ER R & , S IL S B Y 1 Th»* 1 1 ni* n t Ino* o f 4*i*i v i’d at M im I ni 'I j V |ihoiiogru|jhM n* m l At fit Tin* It I M ill«*r fam ily him inovfd f « * ( i n tin, wlo'ii* Mr. Miller him a log ging »‘ont rni*t . Mr»* (it WHATIS POOR SIGHT? NEAR u VoU « I t l l i o f S IG H T E D ’ ’ tli t f ti to «* ni t hi t 4 * 1 nil itf iio.r4* N«»ui**tmu*«* t \4 *44*4* W4-II f o r fliuii tlo* It'll*» t In r t f n n y n t i' U i IN 4 it ll»T IV INI* llll|»l*r f l - l t , I* hi fit* * * vv :»r |i»*il; \ i n i 1«*«I j 4* l at i \ I*« Whit»» •»»•»•»I ou t n ut H|»ri»y ’*. mJJtf CULTIVATORS, HOES RAKES, FARM MACHINERY PLOWS, HARROWS Wynne &Kime HARDWARE Protect your «-ar with bump«*r*. Find them at Henry Garage. mJRe \vol nil «»I tIn*it* t l f l . i t * » mi* rorn*i*t l"*l U i t l i H Ulftllll'* I«*I|N«*N lit 13. J. S c h o ll li l( ( »lit to*r, i*f Fort lanil, Nto|»|»i**l due«*, ami we mu*t have th«* cash or ruJJtf I o f f lo-fi* Sunday on hm way horn«* from produce. Spruy's. o r r o M k t k im t o f t i c i a n l(i»Ni*burg, win'll' In* i-omliit't«*d a law Mary Kllen Ben join was taken to a lknskh ( ik o u n d o n f k k m ih k h • in? Hm *mt»*r in law. Mr* I) II ll«-in Kugene hospital Saturday morning ami 1‘ liHiiy, a ci1 olii |>a nii'd him to f ’ ortlund was immediately operat4*«l upon for a for a v iNit. serious tit*«' o f appendicitis. Her con Tin* a|»ot 4’a n !» ami carry hotni* your d 1 1ion was precarious tor some time, go« ni n in I* :• a* i- li!*a | » it gtitiil n . Mak«* a but *h«' is now on th«* road t«» recov ery. S <*uviug at Spray * n . mJJtf Mr*. Benson has remained with her I Mrt, |.i*4* Hov W orniti him n*4*i'i v ml «laughter during th»* week. ('til! ut ilo* I utirkt iiiillim-r\ for your 1 word that l o r .*mi !.••♦• ICoy, Jr., him Ktutrr I »on ti I* t . mlMfttr»|.*l i pHMNt'd tlo* i-ia in in at ioiin at F«»rtr«*Nn j .Monrot* and will probably In* «-omini* Mrr K tfr R Mrl^m*»‘ li, o f M *» ii t it lilt, ; *ion« *1 a N«-t-ond lit'Utonaut. Il«* proba tuoi lo*r «li»tiglit»r, .Mr** Chi»*. Marrow, Ids will b«* Ntatinfo'd at Fort St«*v«'ii* o f Marrol:», :ir«* vi*4itiug ut fio* liofili* o f I inni muy ha ve a two w»*«*kN' tiirhoigh Mi** M• (^ui'i'ii *4 mm, (•oorgi* M«C^ui*i*n loti hi* way homi* II«* in «*1 p«M't«*il to ar Iv I .04 k \V«H»»| tllot Mr. Il IO I M m live bere nekt w i*ek. l i niik M»* I ':»» lutili uiotoii'it to llugi*nr* High gru«le ganlt-n tool»« w«»rk beat 1.0-,*s heud«|uart«*rs in charge of Mrs. k*. ,1. Helliwi*ll a rnillin t-r «.I 1* yeurs* experience. The open- ing will be belt! Saturday. March JO. Many N E W li VTS will be on display, ji«iv «• your order now for making over your old h it. Millinery ami superfluity stor* «»pen every afternoon. — H LLI* Eugene, Oregon. 1‘actory ou Premisea Telephone 362 Wall Paper, Paint and Paper Hanging A. BRUND 4 COMP’Y J ! Grocers to Particular People Bidwell <& Clark COTTAGE GRO VE, OREGON 4 Mr«. ( Monday. S«-«»tt wa* from Dorena Spray will pay you «10 per ton for may kind o f old iroa or steel. Clean up ;ind kelp lick the Kui«or. jnllstfc <». I.. N ichoi« left Monday for W olf Creek to «tart lii« su m m er'» work en pineerinj; for l*iiiific bighwny. N. W. W h ite i« installing in his farm home it com plete electric ¡i^htiiiK sys­ tem purchased through the A. !"<. Myers Klectriral company, o f this city. While prices go up. get a classy sec mid hand car at pre war prices. Wc have a d a ndy 11*111 Flanders 2t* in tip top condition. Has new tires and has I m-t been completely overhauled. Would be a splendid bargain at a much higher price. Hoes at $225, and is goin g to go. I «let in while the g e t t i n g ’s good. Wood I son Brothers. ntWitf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kidd returned I I'nesday from an extended visit in Mis I souri. Mr and Mr«. It M. \Vlie< 1er were up from I'ortland Monday and Tne.dny. W. K. Wise, o f Wise Villa, candidate for county commissioner, was in the city I'uesday. Military wri«t wutehe« jii.t in nt II. M adaen’a. n full line f1 5 tfc Mr. and Mrs. C. A. llasch have re ceived word from their son Walter that he has enlisted as a lo com otive engineer and will soon be on his way to France. He enlisted from Tueorna. Miss l.ueille Brnnstetter, o f Eugene, is su ffer in g with ty phoid fever. Those who sent t'ruit ja rs to Honor Guard supper January 19, and which have not been returned, may have same returned if they will leave names nt Sentinel o f f ic e . Ben l.ureh was in Eugene Friday. Cottage G lo v e ’s eamlulates have a gooil e ha nee to will i I' they get a large a ml solid vote from their home preeim-ts Those who want their home eamlidates to win will rememhor Pitcher and Bede on May IT, and will lie certain to vote. Harold Howard, son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Howard, and formerly o f this city , has enlisted from Marshfield as a truck driver. George Mnrksbury was in Eugene on business Fridny. EASTER NOVELTIES Chicks at each................. Chicks at 2 fo r ............... 5 C Rabbits 2 fo r .................. 5 c Candy Eggs at 10 for. l o Candy Eggs at 6 f o r . .. If* Candy Eggs, a lb ..........,‘ >0O Baskets . 5 * . 1 0 o . 1 5 0 EGG DYES. ETC. 20 Per Cent Discount on all Sweaters Saturday Only YARNS Fleisher‘s Yarn, skein ,‘ i O f Fleisher's Shetland Floss ball............................. ,*U )r Get pure Pennsylvania automobile oil from the Swengel Hardw are and see how much nicer your ear runs. The above varus are selling at 35c everywhere Will Hall returned trip to Portland. The Pair Sunday from a Corporal Ralph Teeters arrived yes terday from Fort Stevens for a visit with his parents and relatives. Phone 65 JJ Bread like mother tineil to moke. Get Mrs. Charles Heidler, and her son, Joe, it ut .tore* or Bernier’ m bakery. j i t f e i who was home from American Lake. Mr«. Ho.a (jjrriri ami Mi«« May Mat- She accompanied J on a» far as Mod- th i-»« »|»erit the Hf Kujjene, vi.ited relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mr«. C. A. Bartell were Eu­ gene visitors Saturday. Fiaak lirumbaui'h wan u|i from anon for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eakin, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. C’ urrin and Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Wynne motored to Eugene Sunday. With the solid vote ol the Cot- laife Grove country, the southern l.ane candidates have a . \ Mac I .«*«»«1 motor«««! to the most modern plant* on the coast. ! not *4i*4'i» by M»* n llawkifm in timi* to Kugene Tuesday. l»r»*v »*nt t lo* I'olliNiofi. Mi** Neva Perkin* wa* up from Hal- Mr. and .Mrs. W. ( ’. Applewhite and I I *ey for the w«*ek eml. Scroto! Iiaiul Harrington motor«*«! t«» Ku I •it lli*firy (iarag»*. uiliH«1 gem* Monday. A. H. Tyson was up from Kugene Friday. Mr* Martha Kavn-r w .-m in Kng»-io- Don 't ask us for credit. W«* pay «mt ru.Nilay. 1 If your subscription expired between hundreds o f d«»llars tor all kinds o f pro SIG H T E D 1 | M IN *4 I lily Kti gfi i »*, ! hi*r»* t h m w «*4-k . Mr and Mr*» F. H I*ka 1 1)i|» m arrivi*«! I !*•*»* I n > frtiiu ( *i *4 1 ti 1 11 » * mol will r i* in a in lirit* for Noun* tino- T!n*y may again iitaki* floor liofili* Ion*, having I on * th«*ir liofili* and »»tori* uf (*«u|uill«* by fin*. -4lit| .114* llilllll* t « » li 4'Mtitl 4'lo* *4 filili • I I *4 t I 4‘ 44*4 |f II'»'' fi» tlir 4* % I 4* l| ( o f ( Ni» > , Ili 4 ■ t\\i‘ iif> tifili «if un itoli vuu uri* lliilf iC n t h , o f Van Dunkirk unci »l augh Mi tuoi Mm .1 K, Mlarkuiori* r«* I 1 11110 *1 >tiioiay from Montana with th** body ot ih»*ir lit tl»* boy, w h o h huh at ion*.»«l l»»*r»*. Tli4*y will again . m.i i.«• tin* t h•• ir Ionio*. II,,., (| ih *t m »li i* li ti h w«* r «* * I iti Itti) w«»r«l*. *• \N R(>N(i F« M I N ' your »•)'• »* tifi iiirh long ( f’rom f ront tu r«*i»ri th«*ti if *ln*uM Il UNI* UII Itoli |l*f!M NY*t«’fll 4*110 tlv flint, li• > lioirt*, no Irt* If ItoO•' Voli uri* "F A R ì t»*i mi * Garden Tools Beginning April 1 this store will close at 5 o’clock during the summer months Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Ventcb ami son Dnle are «»n their way homi* troni Mia riesofa, where they spent thè winter. Number young men ami women want i-«l to prepare for telegraph aerviee to hi’ lp fill vacnm H** caused by unusual L L. lini«* ami farnily bave moved drafting men for war; positions guarnii tei'd. Write Teh'graph l>»-purt m«*ntf troni Ashland to Durismiiir, C'alif. SORTMENT Room r*ob Panama Building, Portland, K«l Tiillar ami u <*r«*w bave been «io Ore. fH mJR mg sirine work oii th«* (iow dyvilie road lierai«! White and tw o classmate*, «lunng th«- pus! w*‘ok. Bank Pouter mol Neri Fowler, ar** Breud i* thè s t a f f o f lite. G«*t thè spending tlo* Kust«*r vacation at Mr. b«*st; especially wheu that is th«* hoaie W h i t e ’s horn«' here. mudi' brami. Beiid«*r s bakery. jd tfe (' iptiiin ('. ('. ( ‘ruson, «»ne o f thè s t a f f Miss Neva J. Per kins has been up pointed administratrix o f th«- estât«* ot offi«-«'rs, vvu's up from Fort Ht«*vens k'ri «lay, b• *ing accompani«-«l by Mrs. Cru \\ M lirnilfonl, o f Walton, vi*it*-«l ( 'at her » ro* A Perkins, decens«*d, who left property of tlo* «'stimate«! value o f soli. ('apt. ('ruson left Haturduy for a with ti M Vmo \ Wt*clui*fMlfiy. tlMfiH. (Ill ver o Ventch, .fame* Bedford visir at l«ebanon and Mrs. ('ruson re I ft \\ VV Ogli*nl»y w n m hi Eug»*n** and A B Woods were named by the iiiiiiii**«l bere unni Tuesiiay. Tu«**