V. Illll'y purposeful dlrectne«« they presently other and winked knowingly. for to those who hate burned to like became men who rode with the easy Louise w w Mu-in from the tall o f her It Jerked venison Is quite as desirable swing of huhlt which lius become a downcuNt eye and permitted h e r s e l f a mm milk chocolate or uny other ulhhly They would be Mccnnd nature. They must have scon little sigh o f relief till hit. her sitting «till upon her horse lu the the more ready now to accept ut Its The opposite wall hud sucks o f flour fa«'« value her statement concerning midst o f that high, «unity plateau, for stacked against It und boxes o f «tuple they turned und rode up the slope to­ Ward, unless they credited her with the feat o f being in love with the tw o Cl," ,"*d hl" '* “ » " ,r" “ " ,J ward her toes und milk und peu> he*. A box of Hilly Louise waited, too depressed to men ut the same Mine ,, ... ~ . , _ canned peuebes stood ut the head o f V\ ell. I m sorry < burile r ox bus wonder greatly who they were Sea- the bed und upon thut a case o f toma­ been tupped off too. He's u mighty bei k riders proha lily. And so they toes Ward used them for u in Me and proved At la-Mst one o f them was a One chap," declared Floyd, with trans­ s«-t the lantern there when he wanted Hen Is** k ii ian Floyd Carson, who had parent heurtlness. his round eyes to read In Is-d " l i e ' s got a pretty good lulkcd with her at her own gate and dwelling curiously ujmu the face o f supply o f grub," wus the verdict of Iiinl told her of the suspected cattle Hilly l^xllse Hilly Loulae, sizing up the assortment uti-ulliig Thu other muu was u stran­ "Yes. I must he going,” suld that wldle she nibbled at the piece of Jerky. ger. whom Floyd lutn«liic<-d us Mr. , young woman self-consciously. "I'v e "I wonder where he Is anyw ay?” And Hlrken. quite u circle to ride yet I hope you a moment later: " H e oughtn't to hang They Imd been "prowling around," locate the rustlers und If there's any­ his best > lollies lip like tliut. They'll according to Floyd, trying to see what thing I c«n do If I see or hear any­ he all wrinkled when be wants to put tlop) righi i*ÿ 1. liruttii ttitili they could «ee. Floyd whs one of thing that seems to be a clew I'll let them on." 6YNOP3I3. r*-^ * thorn* round faced, round-eyed young you know right awa.v. I've been keep­ Hhe went over and dlsposisl o f the n i A I T F H I Murthy, low t»rf>wr*<1# un* fellows who do not believe much lu ing my eyes open for some trace o f best clothes to her liking and .hook out C o i i i I «I. Im^li of v»»I > • iim I * i »< >li* * i n a In n lun hlritf mu lit i hut Hea heck hud turned them by Very hastily and loped off up the derly, though he did let his trousers W i u r o ll I ll' ll ful>ÍM I I I VV OÍ V« i'lllff h l M a l l i loose to keep cases und see If they ridge. Ji tm r I»« r«*il «II. jollied hy un- guess tliut It iiicuiis stealing cuttle mid If Ollut t’Oijpl« who •»»«• IliiM n«h< <| with tin let It g o ut that.| It was not until he he catches them nosing through his wus no sign o f Battler, und Hilly Wolvnilim Mh'l m I» * • t.iolln!i u home To hud talked for ten minutes or so that stock!" Hhe scowled at a hlg 1» cow them I n horn * UwuifhUtr. c hrlnt*u*«l lltlly Louise wondered anew si Ward's ule X.oulir. Hilly Louise iMs’ume more tliuu mildly i that thrust her head out of un ulder sence It did not seen: consistent with Interested In the conversation. | thicket and sent Blue In after her. his haste to leave the Wolverine and "Hay. Miss Mio lloiiuld." Floyd usked Frowning, she watched the animal go «•ftAMTrn II After n vl-dt to Mnrthf. his frequent assertion thut he must get by way of beginning u new paragraph, luiiils*rlng down Mu- hill toward the ftllly i •' « i »* on hfn ! ' «» i • . to work. From the stable door she Iiofm« l o t o , i-i u • n o w **' i m . lievitile ri»«*t "h ow about thut fellow over on Mill Wolverine, ".lust because he's u stran­ u NtriiiiKer r M . n g «>\♦ r 11 » urn** I t a l i ll*> could look over practically the whole I n Invite«! ?.» >tt« p for »! • ni* t unti I h w «»I creek 1 lie Worked for you folks u ger und doesn't mix wdth people and creek bottom within his ferns*, und she r o i n e d l»y I h l l v i.ouln e'i* m o t h e r . Intro­ year or so ugo, didn't he? What di«‘S i lulmls his own basinets and Is trying duci • I • . i v. a i .- m w h o h i f l could see the broad sweep o f the hills ; he d o ?" to get u start they're suspicious, us If on eltbei side. On her way back to e « lutin o n MUI <’ r» « "H e lias n ranch," suld Hilly Louise, a man hus no right to— Well, I think the cabin she tried to tric k Kuttler, CHAfTI ft I I I M u i t h y I n horrified to with cureful culm, " l i e ' s been work­ I managed to head them off anyway ” fin t i h u n »1 J*’ d d u r i n g t h e n i g h t . but there were several stock trulls UV«« In u level pllii'n a hove ing mi It this summer. I believe." ftlWtf liiK Her sutlsfa- tlc:i lusted while she rode leading In different directions, and the the n 1 n ». 1 y "I'll huh We were over there thin to the next ridge Then the little soil wus too dry to leave any distin­ on the home mud«» wheelbarrow and hurh'N her «1« u«l Charlie I m , Imr nephew morning Them Y•» cattle up ul«»ve devils o f doubt came a swarming und guishing murks. a rriv e» Ids place are Ids. I reckon?" a w hispering Hhe hud said sh - knew Hhe waited for an hour or two, sit­ "V cs," said Hilly Ismlse " l i e 's been all ulsiut W ard. CHAPTER iv i i d h to Hilly Well, she did to u ting in the doorttu - nibbling Jerky and I«owl* • » r a n c h t o I n q u i r e If >«1.e hun »e«*n putting Ids wugi-s into cattle for a year greater extent than others knew. But n n y t h l f i i r o f f ■ r o f t h e i r • a I von w h i c h or so. Ho worked for Juiiktus last she wondered If she did not know too trying to read a magazine. Then she ill - ili| i « M i! tt . ft I n it u? ;o*d, Wild H i l ly found u stub of pencil, tore ou* an ad­ I ajuin « NtarfN In «earch. winter. W hy?” much or If she knew enough. There vertising page which hud a wide mar­ “ i ill, nothing. I guess, only he's the were some things — v^HAt gin aud wrote: " i aun t luma y o u i e a only stranger In the country, and hi« Hhe heuded Blue dowu the slope and - ^ Why don't you stay Jiome prosperity ain't accounted for— " The Little Devile of Doubt. as straight for the Hlg 11111 as she ilIC Hprliik’ Inn! riiiiii*. mill Wolver- "Oil. tint It Is"' laughed Hilly Louise could go. There was no trail that way. when a fellow comes to see you?” This she folded neatly and put In the cigar I iii . Iiuyuu. Willi Ml»* ««III whining "1 only wish I had half us clear u tick und the ridges were steep and the can box of tobacco over Ward’s pillow. ilnVMi aslant lulu It« »lentils. « a s et When lie Isn't working out he's yons circuitous. Hut Hlue wus a good Hhe resaddled Hlue and rod** away u |ilclur**»que iiaali In 111** I i III m . wild »t olling, und every dnllnr In- gets hold horse, with plenty o f stamina und We've much experience. He carried hlk Udy more depressed than ever because her fliiiligli III ull riiliselelici*. hut to thi* of he puts Into thut ranch. lie doesn't safely, and he carried her willingly. depres-dou was now mixed with u dis­ ■itiruml |M*rrti»n lint In tin* tewnt •legree known him u long time, gloutny Tin* Jutting i t « k » were »un­ Mow his money, you «ee. like uusit fel­ Kven her Impatience could And no appointment keener than she would have cared to acknowledge, even to lit hiii I warm. Tin* cherry thicket« lows do " fault with the inanuer In which he whisper«« I In ii light hreexe and *hol Floyd found occasion to hate u climbed sleep pitches, slid down slopes herself. ( Fo n t i n u - ' i l n e x t we e k l«-ri-il hint* that suiiic In |s-rfc*cl con- «light argument with his horse Jimt as steep. Jumped narrow washouts and tent Not m glotiniv pla«*e surely When then lie happened to tie one o f (he picked his way through thickets of I tin* I'i'Hii. o f a sunn) niurnlng lulil It* " m o s t " fellows, uiid the oeeualon o f quaking iiHpeuu or over wide stretches NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. his lust "b low ou t" wus fresh in his o f shale ris k and lava lasts m I>«• II ii |.on tin* I hiu I. He wa» Itllly Louise. however. «11*1 not re- udnd. wet to his ears when dually he shuf­ Depurtraent of the Interior, F. H. "Well, o f course If you know he's all fled Into W a rd ’s trail up the creek hot N|Mtnn gang over on the river. Floyd? I'd around a sharp bend. He splashed Kntry Sonni No. iilonj* ti-r l.ot li ^ K., \\. M., and |,l.mt In the H'.fulfu meadows and how try to get u llue on the unaccountable«. fore the cabin and stopped to drink oi Augiist "II, 11*1«;, ruoli- Additinttnl would «he pay that machinery not«* There's n lot o f netv settlers come lu while Hilly Louise stared at the silent llomoxtcnd Kntry Serial No. 01071»« f,ir then? She huw John I'rlugli* lulling Just lu tin- Inst year or tw o uud there place. thr S\\ 'g of SK * i of N W 1 1 of Sedioli imexpectislly iiinl Inaluteiitly for Ilia might tie some tough ones scattered K.. Willuni Hy the tracks ulong the creek trail 7. Totvnsliip "o s Ihinge “ tluie." iiinl where would «he fillet mi- through the hunch Better see If there she knew thnt Ward hud come home, otte Mcridii.n, h:n filisi noi ice o f ititeli other uiiiii whom «lie eutlld trust out hus been any cattle abtpiM-d or driven and she urged Hlue across the ford und timi to in : i k i* final thrcc-yenr proof to o f her Might? John I'rlugle wiih alow, through thut way, don't you think?" uj> the hank to the cabin. She slid off estulilish claini to thè land idiote de uiid In- was stupid mid growled ut poor S. Cmn " W e cull try." Floyd assented with- | and went In Inddl.v to hide her Inward «cribcd, bcforc fi, (). Ironici, I'hoehe till Hilly Loulae »»Muted to out eagerness "But us near us we i embarrassment and she found nothlug mi*»iuner, nt his offici- ut Kugone, Ore­ shuke him. tint lie wiih "steady.” and cun tlgure It's too much o f a drib drab but etubtlne«« there. gon, mi thè 1 srli il v o f March, 1 !«I*». thnt one virtue cover« many n linin'« proposition for thut A cow uud calf Flaimnnt nini - - a» tt ¡tm-s-cs: Har Hilly I aiu I si * did not take long to in funit m mid keepa him drawing wage« here und there, und so on. We got vestlgate Oi The coffee pot was still Irj O. Caia, ol B regularly. tt Uid of || flrst when we went out to warm on the stove wheu she laid her Iuhn M. Fain, o f Blakelvt ilio, Oregon: Her mother hud heeii more and more bring In u gentle cow thut the deacon palm ugalust it. and she Immediately ■Ioc Hlakclv, o f Hhikely» ¡Ile, Oregon; tui'llued to worry « « the hot weather tt anted on the ranch. We knew where poured herself a cup o f coflTee. A plate rhoiniis F. May, of Lanilax. Oregon enme on. Lately her anxiety over she wus. only «he wasn't there when and a cup ou the tatde Indicated that W. II. CANON, «mull thing« had rather got upon the we went ufter her We hunted the Ward hud eaten u hurried meal and fS nn hl4 Rcgistcr. nerve« o f Hilly Louise. Hhe felt til hills for u week uud couldn't And u hud not taken time to «dear away the used mid doW'iiheurted und a« If until­ sign o f her or her culf Ami she Imd litter. Billy Lohlse ate what was left. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ing mattered much anyway. Hhe punn­ stuck dow n lu the creek bottom ull the «u d mei hanicully she washed the ed her cave with ii mere glance und spring, ho It ItMikcd kind a funny." dishes and made everything neat be Department of thè Interior, l . S, «cowl for the meiuorlca o f golden day« lie twisted III the saddle mill looked fore she went down to look for Itattler In her lonely chlldlii«>d I hut clung buck ut the pine clotted ridge. Hhe hud thought thut Ward wus out Land Ottici- ut UoM-biirg. Ore. Felini around It "Tlmre's a Yt> calf up there that's a somewhere about the place und would ury 4, Ibis. Notici- o- liercby gititi thnt Unric» Stic wiih In thl« purtlculurl.v dlnsutln- dead ringer for the one we've been return very soon probably. Hlue she fled iiiikn I when «lie rmle out o f the hunting." he observed, "hut It's run­ had left «funding lu plain sight liefuro l o . Fniii, o f Hlakcly t ille, Oregon, tt ho, canyon ut It« upper end. where the ning with a cow tliut carries Juiiktus' the cabin so thut Ward could see him I-in March s. Ibi fi. illude Adjoining Fallii lillln folded Hnftl.v down Into grassy old brand, so" He looked apologet­ and know she wus there u fact which I tioiin .sterni Kntry, Serial No. olmi"!', l'or thè l.ot 7 of Sedimi 7. Totvnship -0 tu lle»« where her cuttle loved heat to ically Into the culm eye« o f Billy «he regretted. graze Since the grass hud started In Louise. " ( >f course I don't mean to While she was washing dishes and S., liangc " K. Willninctte Mtiulian. the Hprllig she hud kept tier little herd | say tin-re’s anything wrong up there." «Weeping «he had been trying to think lia« tildi notici- ot intentimi to make up here uinnug the lower hills, und hy be hiiutlly uusured her. "But that'« o f some excuse for her presence there filini t li ree yen r proof to rstnMish duini riding ulnng the higher ridge« every the reason I thought I’d usk you about It was going to be uwktvard. her coin to thè land alio» e descrihed, liefore K. O. Iiuitici. F. S. Fomroissic.acr, nt bis dut or ho mid turning lutck a wander­ tliut fellow.” lng there on ids heels, one might say. office ut Lagene, Oregon, mi thè l sth ing un I mu I now und then «he hml held “ Oil. It's perfectly right to make sure Hilly Louise began to wish she had i them In n comparatively «mall urea, o f ev erylssly," smiled Hilly Louise. not come. She began to feel quite cei day o f March. Ibis. Cluimunt minies as ttìtnes.-a-«: Albert where they would In* easily gathered In "I'd do the slime thing myself. Hilt tain that Ward would be surprised and the full A few liend o f Heaheck'u «lock you'll llud everything's ull straight up disgusted wlicii lie found her there and Ila» tue, of Blakelvt ille, Oregon: John hud waudered In among her» mul some there. We know ull about him and . would look ut her with that faint curl , M. Fani, of Hlakelt t ille Oregon; Tinnii us F. May, o f l.nmlnx, Oregon: Joseph • o f Marthy'». And there wun u hig romi how mid where he got Ills fe w head of o f the Up and thut fainter lift o f the steer Hint Imre the hrmid o f Johnson,! stock mid everything. But o f course nostril above It. which made her go \. Hhikely. of Blakelvt ille, Oregon. W. H. CANON, over on Hmike river. Hilly Louise you could usk Juiiktus If you have any bo: all over with the scorn lu them. IS m ll Rcgistcr. knew them nil, ns 11 housewife knows doubt— ” Hhe had seen him look that tvuy once her flock o f chicken«, und If she missed "Oh, we'll take your word for It I or twice, und In spite o f herself she be­ , seeing certain lenders In the «enttered Just wanted to know, lie 's a stranger gan to picture Ids face with thut ex ­ A D M IN IS TR AT O R 'S NOTICE. groups she rmle lintil «lie found them, i in our out tit. I've seen him a few pression. Notice is In-rein giten that the un­ T w o old eotvs mid one hlg red Nte«>r Mines. What’s hi« name? l Ts hoys Hilly Iandse was ou the point o f rid­ dersigned lias been appointed lit the that seemed always to have a fo llow ­ call him Nolay. It'« like pulling a win- ing away a good deal more hastily county court for Lane county, Oregon, ing wore hells thill tinkled pleasant • loin tooth to get any kind a talk out than site Imd come in the hope thttt administratrix of the estate of Martha little sounds in the alder thickets along o f him " Ward would not discover her there. A. Stroud, deceased. the creek us she passed li.v. "H e Is awful quiet," assented Billy Then her own stubbornness came up­ All persons hating dninis against Hhe rmle up the long ridge which Louise eareh-ssly. "B ut he’« real permost. and she told herself thut she said estate are required to present them gave her u tt Ide view o f the surround­ stonily to work." had a perfect right to ride wherever to un- duly terified, at Cottage Drove, ing hills mid stopis-d Blue, while she "Them quiet fellows generally are." ! she pleased and tliut If Ward didn't Oregon, ttithiu six months after the «lured inmsllly ut the fmiilllnr, shadow pul In Mr. Itlrkou. "You run stock In date o f first publication of t!::.- notice. like it he could d o the other thing. splotched expanse o f high piled ridges, here. too. d o you, Miss MacOouald?" Date o f first publication the 1st day Hhe went to the door und stoisi look­ with deep, green valleys mid dewier "T h e big I>s." answered Hilly Loulae ing out for a minute, wondering where o f February. Ibis. lined emiyoiis hetween. Hhe loved and smiled faintly. "I'v e been range MRS. C. H. PERRY, he was. them, «very one. Hut today they fail­ herding them back here lu the«e foot­ Administratrix of the estate of There was a little window behind f ed to sleep her senses In that deep eon- hills this summer. I>o you want to 1 the bunk aud beside that a shelf tilled 1 *ln' Mrs. Martha \. Htroud. deceased lent with life which onl.t the great out- look through the bunch?" with books and smoking material and j ------- doors can give to one who Ims learned Mr. Hlrken blushed. "Oh, no, not at matches. She knew by the very ar- how satisfying Is the draft und how all! I was wondering If you bad lost A D M IN IS TR A T O R 'S NOTICE OF FI raugenieut o f that shelf aud window «nothing. N A L SETTLEMENT. any." that Want liked to He there on the l-'ar over to the eastward a Murk dot "N obody would rustle cattle from a bunk snd read while the light last ml. moved lip a green slope mid slid out of Notice is hereby given that the uu lady, I hope. At any rat» 1 haven't At the head o f the lied hung a flour sight Iteyond. That might Is* Want dersigned administrator of the estate mlsH«-d any yet. The folks down lu the sack half full o f some hard, lumpy taking u short cut across tin* hill (o Id« ut Emery L. (bmdridge. •)■ c ased, hn« Cove have, though." stuff which Billy Ixmlse imd not no­ claim lie.vond the pine dotted ridge that "Yes. I heard they had. That breed ticed before. Hhe felt the Img tenta­ filed in the county court o f lainc conn- looked purple In the distance. Illllr rmle over to see If he could get a line tively. could not guess Its contents and tv. Oregon, »».- final account a« such Louise sighed with a vague disquiet and that on them. It'« hard luck. That rharlle Anally took It down and untied it. a dm in 1st rat or o f said estate .... , .... und turned to look nway to the north, Fox seems a tine, hurd working hoy, AVtthtn were Irregular scraps and , ’........ . , , . ; , where the Junihle o f high hills grew nt thè hmir of II o'clock a. m. of snid don’t you think?" strips o f stuff hard as tame, a puzzle more rugged, with the valleys narrow­ day has been set bv «nid court for hear­ "Y e«-«." said Hilly Louise shyly, "he still to one unfamiliar with the fron­ er and deeper. seems real nice." Hhe looked away tier. Billy Louis«- pulled out a little ing olijeefions to said report nnd thè •j* Here rain«* tw o other dots, larger and anil hit her Hp self consciously aa «be piece, nibbled a corner und pronounced: settlement thoreof. b i o r e < »early dellned us horsemen. NELSON DI RHAM. «poke. "M-mtu! J e r k y I'm going to swipe From mere objects thnt stissl higher Administrator o f thè Estate o f a T he tw o men Rwullowed the halt like •ouie o f that,” which she proceeded to than anv animal and moved with n a hungry M«h. .T h e y glanced at each d o to the extent o f Ullbnr bur uockat. f l ó m l ó Emery L. (Jóodridgc, decesseti. In Keeping With the Big 't hought o f the Day I he ilnily pi*-*« reilecl« a sentiment throughout the nation which clearly indicate« a new condition. .Men are wanted everywhere. The work of this war is lieing curried on largely hy thoM* who never before have been in pub­ lic office or in public work. Men who have been too busy, too engio.vsed vtil.ii then own tasks, hie leaving their work toothers and giving tinir time and ability to the cause which is ours, yours, everybody It is a time wiidi politic« in tin- ordinary acnae must not bo c o n s i d e r e d . |t culls for all the ability that can be mustered. Oregon, to he a successful part in this unit plan for the de- !e 1 1 ■*•• ut lb nioeracy, must likewise place the thought oi the limes before everything. In another part of liiis paper appears the announcement of L. *). Simpson as a candidate for the nomination for governor on the republican ticket. -Mr. Simpson was urged to become a candidate by his many iriends in every part of the state, be­ cause ol Ins business record, his understanding ami know ledge of Oregon's resources, industries, needs; because of his public- -»piritedness, which oi recent years has led him to tasks which base been more hnpi-rtant to him than his own affairs. L J SIMPSON IS CLEARLY THE MAN WHO CAN GIVE OREGON THE ADMINISTRATION NECESSARY TO THIS PLAN OF NATIONAL EFFICIENCY His campaign will be directed straight to you as voters, as individuals who do your own thinking. \W are firmly convinced that you will not allow politics to influence your decision, and that you will vote for the man who is best lit to help the people of Oregon develop the state’s vast resources, and to prepare for, and participate in, the great re­ construct ion that is to follow. We believe you will weigh issues more closely than ever be- 'ore, and that I.. .1. Simpson will he your choice. What You Can Do FIRST—Talk over his candi­ dacy with your friends. T SECOND—If you believe that E. *1. Simpson is worthy of your support write a letter to this com­ mittee. Suggest how his cause may be advanced. We, in turn, will tell you how you can help. Paid Advertisement Issued by “ i: ;, impson for Governor” League Pi lock Block. Portland f22c ave a loat a weelL help win the war HARDWARE FURNITURE KN 0 W L E 5 & QRABER j Home : cTWade : Flour | i FOR HOME PEOPLE Pride of Oregon, Soft Wheat Flour H. & H. Hard Wheat Flour ;• Made by Cottage Grove Phone 8 0 Milling Company