FAIR CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE ARE PROBABLE i MTLKIOUM 81 a FIHK A T D O B E N A R T 8 IN W A I D I O M IN HKIiltOOM Dor«mi O r e , IV h . I *. iHj»«*riul to I'!»«* Mi* li ! i m l t M m . Am uitdit M«*ott 's liotin* i i in• m :i r l*i*i li^ dcst royetj by D r*4 Mu t ti 11 1 h \ i i i ^ I i i From NoiiM* hi va ici ioim • h o hi * tin * h V11 r V •• « I h i th«* w u n l r o l *«4 hi * ln lm dro.un, 1 1 1 * h t r i «y i 11 g H n tliin g , I»*4*! c lo th in g , in « g M * f mul till ii 1 1mies in tli«* w ardrobe besides in ju rin g tin- toolroom FEMININE NAMES LINKED WITH CLERK AND METHODIST CHURCH IS NOW TREASURER t«l illllll* Citelli OUT OF DEBT Cotta*«* (liuvi* M.in I* Only Hug«« Candidat«* loi d *»| Di Lcgislattve Juli Who I h Noi a K«*Nt«leut oI Lugen«* 1 'ti l l t It' S III«* ' ii|* pci k in g I I . ' l i ' > »»I i i 1 ll.-l «• 11 l l i n i «4 ti lltx a I t i l i « 4. i ni ii}; t It«4 i •' It U11*1 i l i 1 (* a m l t Ii«' K ..N i s ilti t i n } ; a t l i | l l | » l t l ^ l l III itll u 1 1 v t*a i . 1 l l l S IS IIIn g - 1\ • 1 »»•*, 1 *ti . 1. i l ll i t , t u fi«« IH i III« u n i i m i i i i I m t 1 ll* I.l 1 II i t * In-«- in» ii u u t 1 «ir t ll « j o l t « 1 m l . .1 Hi i t i - , • 1 |l«»f l l | | | . t i n n ì tli.-r*- u m . «Il\ ill» !. saitl 1 1 als»» a t 11a . I I I . }4 f• »•III. 11p i m u t v It a v i* !«» «. mi «r y i l a h /.-.1 11 s y v i , 11 • l i a v i* 1 In- !n * i t u t i ii t 11 HI t K , .i • • i n i n j¿ • • 1 1. m u , w ill, \.»lIr 1 |I*I» t li r i m a l i il i N* * l t »lai I* k no M .-N a n «lrt tl u - ^i v . a i m i ». t i ti sul» j r c t t ! III u t li IS la tm It » «*lltIti«*lit 1»••»it}; u * *K l#|«M|i l i t i i*» 1* " K " i i . . l u 1 l l u - it* • it t a l k w i l l . II.» ili.III»!1. «1 •' v 1 'it|* l a l « * r . is nul V i Iti c u l l i l i V u l f It f l f It • ri* t lu- Ut* liai SU llllltll Ita \ 1 M)4 » ..Itl.« t li at a 1 l o t i i • * ( 11 Siu i a l l u n i l i • *«1 III 111 -u It |• 1 ulti« |»| > \v i l l Iti* ! m Ufl.lt-I v t .... . 1 ab itili <»t litt « u lti It • 1 it t •* m 1 li 1.' 1 r i it, t;*»» a t l . - r («.«i« 'ii Ini vv t It a t t o u r Muore I h Non pi tinned When Culler U on Fiate I h Fiursed Hearing Hnlphur ttyrkH. \ lurpri** win piling on Di Jamie« Moor.-, mperilitendeiit ot the Kugene d i-tio t ot the Methodnt «-horeh, who preached at the Sunday forenoon nei * i.e » lien When the co|h4etloll plat«4 w .i p ine.| lie limit have thought a lo w in .ii win on the job, tor it wriM pane.I to Inm tirif He dug down in tm pock et Metli .».1111 fashion hut halted when he noted that n box of hr i lint on«4 tipped 11.-k h wen* on th<* plat. H<* «lid not know whiit kind of a joke wai being put «»v if on Inin until t he pastor ex plained that under th«4 hoi o f luntchei win a mortgage, the l.uit iign of ileht iiguiint th«- church, and that it wan the d.-iire of the church that the Ntiperiu lemh-lit hill II the paper before t to4 con gr.-gatioii I h i i In* .lid while the con gr.-gation joined in Hinging the doled TIie church h i * ll«»t been in inch good financial cm.I if inn tni mine yenri and that the 1»it veitigc uf debt hm been removed i* due in large part !«* the ef tort .if Itev Joseph Knotts, the pastor, .1 H. Sinieral and S I.. Markin who were appointed at the hoard meeting in t uliii My Mill Iii' + I <»0,(11».- • »00, m i vs icf ¡ih larifi- ns i ii si anil s i i 'KI m I l.ilii-ity l.iiiin < 11 lot ii s Tin* lorttl <•< * 111 m it t i i • has not y « -1 I m - i - ii s.i|i|ili«'i| wi th i|ft mil'll itil'niinii- 1 ion mnl nisi i iif I imiH Out, ii'iili/ini' tin- llllii.'liitnili- nl tin- fomiliK «-inn- pniirn. ai'f layin g tln n |ilans ««•- ••nrilnif ly. ’I'hf t'nttaiff U r ov f t f i r i t o i y protialily Mill inclinlf all ot l.atif i-nunl\ simili of Walkii' A foin- plfl.' list of nanus of all pfopl f iisiihnt in tins I f i i i l n i y Mill In- fninplfli’d Mil hin thi' ni-xt l*f M’ •Inya anil it is «• xpi <-t*•«I that f V f ry loan, wniiian anil ftiihl Mill Iif j»iv- fit an o|i|iortunity, throiii'h (»«•(•- sonal Milicitat mn of cniinn it ti fs, to I ». i y ouf nr nioif I ioim I s . An at- 1 fin pi is lii'inji niailr to sriMin- oin- oi mon' iiii'ii m ho havn hffn “ o v f r U h - top to assist with thf vari­ ous mass iiiii'tinirs In In- hfhi in this t *' » I itoi V, Alsu ot tiff out sillf s|»*ak«i' will In- aski«l to hflp. A larji«- l.ilifi-tv chorus may l»o I’.irnifil inclniliiitf twenty to thirty vocalists oi the city, uiuler a com­ petent director. • »ther plans for an intensive campaign will lie an­ nounced as t hey develop. UNIFORM RULES ARE FOOD CONTROL IS NO ADOPTED BY AND JOKE IN LANDS FOR HOTELS OF ALLIES TWO DAYS PORKLESS, TWO INSPECTORS SHOW LITTLE WHEATLESS, ALSO ONE REGARD FOR PLACE MEAL A DAY OR POSITION Eating Flaues o t State Arrange to Con M ine Corelli and Lady Gore Langton turni With New Regulations Irn A ie Among Those Found Guilty posed by the Federal Food and Fined for Hoard Administrator ing Food. I'ortlaml, K«*h 11 Flans for entbu*o Ko*»d control i- no farce in England, usti«* teum work on :» systematic basis, ! as Maro* Condii, the authoress, ha*» ' m which nil hotels und ic'tuunuiY* in j learned. The (Milice found that she had i »regoli. Washington, Idaho, California r«4c«*ived at h«*r hoii.s«* at »**t rat ford-ou- I ami Alaska will cooperai«* with th«* V von 1 s • ’ puuiith of sugar «luring a I N il«*(l Stuf«**, fo o d » « Im in is t rar .«*n, w «•«• I" • »* *i l.«r winch she was entitled to J tigretti upon at a j«»iut mectmg in this o nly 1»»»unti i , au d til«* mugi?♦t ra te F mik I Admiulatratioti Takes Drastic Ac cil v February 4, o f committees and «l«-l tille d Imr |*u u n d i. ig n o rin g lier v elm tiuii Against Disloyal New legates from li«»t«*l and restaurant associ ni«4 tit it ss«- rtio n th a t she is 44 u p: »t ri«»t York Couceru. iti«»ns in all «»f th«*se stat«*s. The f«d and would not ti. i i.k ut h«larditi}; ’ and lowing rules, to the strict ohs«*rv am «4 « * t Imr r• rcdii- lio n flin t "‘ I Joyd t »«-urge w ill which th«4 d.4h*gat«4s pl«*dg«*d th«* «-ating I.»«* r«'s tg n iu g t. »morrow and ther«* w ill New York, Feb. llV Announcement i places o f their r«*sp«4ct i v «• states, wer»* lie a rev .»lut ion in K u rla n d in l.-ss t bun I hat the food liceiiie ot It. Halt A Soli, adopted : a w «•«•k.’ In«* , of this city, wholesale poultry and An « » t lier Itidj. » hi •i«* hoard o f food •'Tuemlays ami Saturdays art* p«»rk • gg dealers, accused ot profiteering, has w us dis«"• v «*r«*.l 1 by an ius(»«4«•l««r was been revoked for tin- period o f the war less «lavs and one porkh'is meal is to 1 sutiy I l • tal ( iiirc 11 .a n ^ton, vv il<> liuti by the national food admin is! rat ion, in l»c oh*erv«4d each day, which will he th»* accum ulai cd 1 meal h»*tw«*«4 n the hours o f 11 a . ill. 1" »und» ut te«i. J5 Washington, was made tonight. (/.»ululi ut l'ut f.>•«', I I t i II S 4 11* C• uni »•used This is the most drastic order yet is ami 5 p. m. Conserve ham, hacoif, lard milk, 2*. pounds o f currants, pounds and lard substitutes at all times. uied agaimt New York food d«*alerM. ot sultanas. 7 pounds o f raisins and 2 m The Haft firm purchased »*ggi from '* Mondays and Wednesdays are the Iowa I'roducing company at .'iH l-.‘l I wheatless «lays, and th«* evening in»*:il pounds • *t sugar. Hu* lady was fined pounds and lti.'t (»ounds o f the tea • i nti a dozen last April and mid mm«4 'each day is a when tie--, meal. w as confiscated. • t them m high as M «*«*nti to the joh “ In puhli« eating plue«»» the s«*rv i «••• Any Aui«*ric»ns who chat'«* at the mild hen at a tiiu«4 when the government • *t Victory bread *»r r«tlls, containing at t»x«'.l pin«- was 4*1 cents, according t«* least 20 per cent «if substituí«**, ami of restrictioiis on food consumption which prevail in this country would do well the local hoard *i findings. pies, pastries, cak«4s and ivv«*et yeast to «-onsider the stringent regulation that «loughs «'oiitainiiig at least .*1.1 I . Î per has been adopted by our ally and he .-«•lit o f substitutes is re<|uired at all thankful that things are no worse. E x ­ t h oir ineals and will h«* permitted on wheat cept so far as ability t«> buy is limited C o u n t y T r e t i - u i r r T a y l o r I imh d e c i d e d l«*»s «lays ami at wh«‘ath*ss meals. It is hy regulation o f dealers, r«*striction on th a t In- w i l l not a g a l l i h r a c a n d i d a t e Miss Until Corbett, with th«4 extension urg«4iit, however, that bakers and cater purchase and consumption in this coun­ m id r u m o r I imh it t h a t t h e r e w i l l he a departm«*iit o f ft. A. f\, and N. S. Kohb, ers fidlow th«4 government ’s r«4coniiin*n try is only voluntary, and we have not c a n d i d a t e f o r e v e r y vote. • ounty agi i.ultural agent, will v m f the dations as t « » increasing th«* percentage really begun to fc«d a shortag«* «*t those < o m i i i i . m o m r H a r l o w '* t e r m e x p i r e i grange tomorrow and address th«4 mem o f substitut«*» in bread and rolls served luxuries which Lady Gore Langton U li.l fo r t i n i p o u t io n t h e r e n h k . l v t « » b e n and the public upon inatt«4rs o f in on whentles» days and for vvh«*atl«*ss hoarded. Contrast this with the situa­ he (liu ti- a ,n r u m b l e . H a r l o w I m i not s ig t«-rest iii connection with th«4 war. The meals. Nomllfx, spaghetti, mneartmi, • tion in Great Britain, in which Lord i n i i c i l I n i i n t e n t i o n ot u s u i l i b e i n g a grange will svrve a «Irnner at 11:10, to wheat cakes and breakfast foods ma«h- Rhondda recently said that th«* govern e m i d i . h i t «4 hut it n t a k e n l o r g r a n t e d winch th«4 g«*n«4ral public is invited. t»f wh«*at are not permitted on wheat merit had bought a “ sufficient supply th a t lie w i l l If i i l i l i i h ' i i t o o d t u a i t tie II.ilt ot tlo4 pro««4«4.Is will go tor war l«*ss days nor at wheat I«*»» m«*nla. ot tea all around.” hut that “ the tea j i o i t h e i u p i n t ot : ite c o u n t y fe e l» th a t purpoms. '• T h e portion o f brend or r«»lls s«*rv«*tl will belong to the gov«*rtimeiit, and we it i h o t i i d lie r e p r e i e i i t e . i III th e c o u n t y should c«»nsist o f not more than two shall do jolly well what w«* lik«* with c o u r t a m I J u n c t i o n C i t y in q u i t e l i k e l y V rcmarknhh» piiee for a foni year ol.l ounces, ami not more than this quantity it.’ » to h a v e a c a n d i d a t e . L d . V y r e i , d e fe u t I*••«• t steer was receive«! Monday hy Dal should he served to anyone at any one The food shortag«* has scarcely begun ed t w o y e a n » g o b y S p e n c e r a n d a M. Young, «if Lagene. The price r«4 meal. Itolls should not weigh more than f«» touch th«* American people, and their c o l l i i it ot H a r l o w i i p r o m i n e n t ly in«*n «•«• i\ «*«l for tli«4 animai w as $ - 50, wbii-li • me ounct* each, except that when corn, fre«4«lom t«> buy and eat what they io lie d . M r. Young fliinks is fin* lngh«*st prie«* oatmeal or bran bread or rolls is served pleas«* is only slightly limited. Cnless I'o r th e I c g i i l a t i v «* p o i i t i o n i t h e r e i i «4v«»r pani ni fliii coiiiitv for a h«*«»f st«*er. alone, the portion may consist o f not tin* supply o f both tood and ships in- l i k e l y to he th e u i u a l i n i l i i h e r ot c a n d i Mi. Young makt4s a specialty of more than four ounces. Assuming that creases very materially, things will be- « lu t e i a m i l i m i t o f th e m t r o n i Lug«-i»«\ hloo.h'.l liv estock and hai a large mini all cracker bakeries will, in future, us« couie much worn*. Instead o f r«*pitiing V\ It. J o n e s I n n a i i n o i i i i c i - d l i i i c a n d i ber of g.ioil h«‘«*f catti«4 tliat ai«4 expect the reqiiir«*«! substitut«**, crackers mav we should eheerfully do what Mr. H«»o- du. y f o r th e I .ii ii i* c o u n t y le u t i t o n d n p . ed to hritig nenrlv ai lunch ai this ali he used the sain«4 as Victory hrond." v er asks.- The Oregonian. H e n e rv e d in t h e liu ti »«4 l i n t s«**ii«m. \ \ . • mal. \ .‘ llfN 11 1 III' li tu 1t v\ Ii i « Ii I i it* li a i a i r . 1 *11 «! > o \ «*r nt i ‘} i | m «I, to fin- * 1 1 »g ti«* I of mu li y « 1 « m o r i n i i r a s p i ri» ut s f o i fi»* j o b uii*l tin-11 tro-iiil*’ o í tin* pò**,i i hit* fi-p u b i« i a t i « i l n l o l l i t ( - . i i ti l i l ’ i t r l u T , ot t i n i «•«ly, i s i l o uio»t t a \ **iat»ly **p«ik«-li *»t. 11 « I i . ì !••*« olio- p r e t t y v\ i l l k n o w n h r « tin**«- ot Ilo - insiliv » uti li**** inaili* l»i*r«*, - u n i to •*\«<*‘il m ti un i l««4r tho*«* • » f tin* « '»m hi in'll lo r« 4«* ot tin* l i m i t i ’•* «»fli«i'. ID- t«:ili/«'-* t h a t tin- i a in i m i g n %% on 1*1 be h k . l v to h r a i t i t i olii- a ln i H Hot g o i n g to n ) i \ l i n hat i n t o th** r i n g w i t h o u t pn* i i i r i l 11 a t m il D i i d i lu í 1 1 t n | th a t hr vvoiihl m a k e a t o r l i i i i i i h h * r a m l i i l a t r hot h h i tin* p r i m a n , i a m i g e n c i a j »•!«•»■ t n*ii. It i *• p n -m in «-.I th a t U t iH ir ll v\ o 11 1 « I lik* to a ^ a m i i n r i* r 1 1 I n i n r l t a i r |i* r k , hilt i* i i p r e t t y n e a r a íor«*gun«* r o n e h i - i o n th a t th«- n o m i n a t i o n w i l l not In* l i a m i r i ! h i m on a i i 1 v r i p i a t i l i . It h a i h e r n iai*t th a t li*- n o i i h l n t m * ut tin* e n d ot t h u t i l í n , hilt t l i r i r i i no r o r r o h o rti t i v r **\ 1 ili-n r r H r m h - i D*-p»it\ I n - a n d D e p u t y H k e i i e , th*- latt**r a un u t hi* r of tin* f a i r e r H«-*, i r v r i a l o u t i ii h * tin of’f i r r h a v e hr»-n m e n t io n « d to r |{ml null.4 candidntei for mine o f the office». •*«l th«* sessioni o f thè legislature ami li M i n W'urd, » clerk in the trennirer’i ther«*f«»re ac«|iinint«*d with thè w«»rkitigs • *f flint body. offic e, hai been mentioned candi Hinee l.inn eoitnty ha*l th«* joint iena «Inte for the pince of h«*r chief »ml M i n Hkene, deputy in th«* clerk ’* office, hm torship «liiring thè last session «if thè been menihmed f«» mieeeeil her chief. legislature it shotild come to Lane M i n I,nuise Volali, employed in the eounty this vear ami The News would Flmt National hank, o f Kugene, hai mggest that Fdbert Mede be Iliade thè been spoken o f uh ii every candidate o f his party for that offic e ut this tini«*. way qualified for the clerk's job. ai a woman in LAYING BIDDIES CAN'T BE KILLED AFTER FEB 23 \\ risiiin^tmi. O l i . II. Trn< :in«t pull.-t-« mu «ht-rn in the I ’ nite«! Stnti««« i, fnrliiiMi n in mi «inter nnnnnnrei'it toilny l«v thi* I ' ii i t«»«t Still«-«« finiti nilmini<«t rut ion. Feb ruiirv L’.'t i, f i l e d in the ditte when frenh Murk mutt lie dit|>oted of, nini mlditionul ittorkt may not lie purrkiited. Hv reatrieting the killing o f ehiekemt whleli thould lie heavy Invert, the food ailminintration hopet to ine rente the |irniliirtion o f e^K-- nn«l nllnw them to lie put in attirale at n reaminahle priee. Thit order o f the food ndminiatrntion it tornei»hut enijjmntirai and prubntily further detail toon will in« tnpplied It prier, o f feed the killing o f “ bonrder” lient it to be prohibited, nor thnf rnit ert o f ehiekent are to l«e prohihitml from killing for their own ute. None tint female iiirdt teem to be a f fee ted by the order. The want ad. wav is the r¡n¡ht way. also the surest way. O IK L8 OF H IG H SCHOOL SE R V E D A IN T Y A N D T A S T Y L U N C H A T F IF T E E N C E N T S I be girlt o f the domestic science dc partment served a IS cent lunch Friday noon just to demonstrate what can lie served at that price even at present hign price, and it must be said that the showing «vat remarkable and the luneh tasty and daintily nerved. The menu r o n si,ted o f soup, fish, salad, potatoes, gems, jel|o( little cakes aad C o f f e e . SILK CREEK ROAD TAX MAY BE INVALID COLD WATER IS AGAIN ON HOPES OF LESTERSANFORD SURVIVOR DASHED MANY YEARS OF TUSCANIA Suit Brought Against the Tax Levy in Parents Here Receive Telegram From Sou Who Iii a Member of the Twentieth Engineers. Other Districts May Result In Throwing Out Levy in This District. Mr. and Mrs. \\ . C. Hanford received a ti b giam Saturday from the govern meat saying that their win Lester is one of the survivors of the Tuaeania. lie i. with the Twentieth engineer, and hi, parent, and friend, here were great­ ly worried for fear he might b«- among t bo-e l«i,t. »■leverai other Cottage Grove boys, who are members o f the Twentieth, w«-r«* not on the Tuseania, although rel­ a tiv e , here were kept in a state o f worry for several «Jays. Oilier Lane county boys on the ill- fated boat were: Arthur I*. Baugh, Eugene. Jobu K. Chapman, Manta Clara. liow anl B. Merrill, Kugene. Klvin O. Htevens, Hpringfield. Arthur J. Ream, Santa Clara. Riley K. Murray, Eugi-ne. Otto I . Miller, Mi Ken/.ie Hriilge. Itale II. Mummey, Kugene. Hulbe M. Hoseltoii, Coburg. Arthur C. Jeans, Mapletun. Kdwin J. Hurgeis, Noti. (iilbert Himmons, Coburg. R .Iph W. Mo,berg, Hpringfield. Floyd I*. Fry, Hpringfield. Janie, !.. Pierce, Creswell. Ray Rennie, Thurston. Ruben F. Chindgren, Kugene. Only two o f these are a, yet unac- «•ounti'd for. aeeeordiug to the latest re ports received in Kugene. They are Riley F. Murray, o f Kugene, ami James Pierce, o f Creswell. All o f the other, have been h«'ar«l from either through the press reports or by private tele­ gram- from Adjutant MeCain at Wash­ ington. D. C. An unexpected d iffic u lty has arisen in the mutter o f the improvement o f the Hilk Creek J.orane road which seemed so «•«•rtain after the county promised a rock crusher and gave $5000 for the spreading of the roek and the people o f the district had voted a 10 mill tax. Taxpayers in other districts o f the county have raised the question as to whether or not the taxpayers o f a road district are a budget making body and it is reported that the attorney general has given his opinion that they are, which would mean that in districts where the builget method was not em ­ ployed the tax wOuhl be invalid. While the Hilk Creek district tax bus not been contested, the county court holds that i f the tax was found invalid in on«* ilis- triet the fax in all districts would be in­ valid. This leaves the district in the posi­ tion o f not being able to provide for the spreading o f the rock after being «•rushed by the county. The matter o f the tax has not been decided by the courts and there is still a probability that it may not be thrown out. or it might be that i f no taxpayer in this district wished to take advant­ age o f the teebnicality o f the law the county could collect the tax, but the court does not feel that under the cir­ cumstances it would be warranted in going ahem! with the work, for there might be no money with which to pay the warrants, and for the present the effect is the same as i f the tax had been thrown out. The entire matter was discussed be­ fore the commercial club Monday night | and it is expected that a majority o f the resident taxpayers o f the road dis­ trict will visit the county court to en­ deavor to arrive at some solution where­ by the work may he carried forward. A committee from the commercial club Most Interesting and Most Largely A t­ will cooperate. tended Session of the Season Is Held. NOTED MEN EULOGIZED AT PARENT-TEACHER MEET The nn-etiug o f the parent-t«*acher association Tm*,day was one o f the best- attended and most interesting o f the year. The literary part of the program was given over to addresses upon the liv e , ot famous persons whose birrlntay anniversaries come during the shortest month o f the year. C. M. Shinn spoke mi Thomas Edison, R«-v. D. A. MacLeod on Abraham Lincoln, Mrs. Ora Ri'ati Hemenway oil Ht. Valentine, Superin­ tendent Glass upon George Washington and Mrs. George Kerr upon Henry W adsvvorth Longfellow. While all the ad«lr«'tses were excellent, entertaining and interesting, that o f Mrs. Kerr, com­ ing at the emi o f a long program, was th«* surprise o f the evening and shared honors with the eloquent e ffo rt by Rev. MacLeod. Well ri'celv ed musical numbers were as follows: Piano solo by Miss Gene­ vieve Jury, vocal solo by Mrs. Hugh Trunnel, saxophone solo by Mrs. W a l­ ter Callison and a quartet by Messrs. Hniith, Mackin. Knotts ami I'mphrey. Pleasing features o f the program were esereisea by the east side third graile and by the junior high. That o f the third graile was Betsy Ross and the Flag, concluding with a duet and chorus ••Hurrah fo r the F la g .” Kittle tots who handled difficult parts were Geneva Kime as Betsy Ross. Kenneth Horton a- George Washington ami Paul I.eRoy as Robert Morris. Oeeille Calli- son and Vivian Carlisle sang the it net part. NO RELIEF IN SIGHT FROM HIGH PRICE SUBSTITUTES Food Administration Must Have Great­ er Power Given It by Congress. No relief from the increasing priee o f wheat substitutes can be looked for from the food administration. While the food administration has control o f wheat, that is about as fa r as its au­ thority goes, and the food ailministra- tion is powerless to dictate prices in the wheat substitutes. This is the explanation o f W. B. Ayer, federal food administrator for Oregon, in answer to the growin g complaint among consumers that wheat substitutes are going higher in price as the con­ sumer is urged to cut down the wheat portion and increase the portion o f the substitute. Only by clothing the food administration with extended powers can control o f wheat substitutes be ob­ tained. and that is a power which must come from congress. Acccording to Mr. Ayer, corn meal, barley flour and rice are the only sub­ stitutes which have increased in price. There are, he says, no advances in oat­ meal. cornstarch, hominy, rolled oats or buckwheat, and all o f these substitutes are available in this district. Further­ more, there will be an adequate supply of corn meal within a ihort time, as sev­ eral carloads are now on the wav to Oregon from eastern shipping points. Competition among the millers for barley is responsible for the high prices charged for barley flour, says the food U . .1. White hut In "i milking some administrator. Eastern mills have at­ improv eiueutt to the Arcade theater. tempted to purchase all barley avail­ New lirflitt hn\«> been |«ln«"".i in the able out this way. and at the same time front nlcove, which hut also iieen trinf- Oregon mills have been striving to get «'«I to n new «-out o f pniut. New photo hands on the grain. There is n«it an An error was made last week in the and |iotter ditplnv entet have nlto been oversupplv of barley, anyway, an«l this nd. o f the Hohimiia Lumber company. added. competition has raised the prices. Farm­ It was stated that the company wanted ers who still have barley are preparing yard men at i i a day. The price being to reap the benefits, and the consumer paid is ♦.! a day. Woodsmen are be­ who buys barley flour for wheat flour ing paiil ♦:t.5d to $4 a day. substitute will realize be is paying a fancy price. The time for filin g income tax re- The Kugene Fruit G row ers’ associa The whole weakness of the situation lim it lin» been evteinb'il from March t lion has bought the Creswell cannery. is resolved in the palpable fact that, to Vpril I. A month's extra time wnt The plant will be maintained at Cres­ having no authority, the food adminis­ found iiere,,ary in order to eomplete well. The stockholders got nothing on trator is helpless to protect the con­ the work. their stock. sumers from the steadily mounting Ki'turns have been coming in rather prices on substitutes. slow ly anil it it e t pet ted that there will lie ii eongettion at the last minute. It it also thought that there will be F lv « Germans Register — merchants who advertise thouaand, in Oregon tuliject to piiulth- Five residents of the Cottage Grove have to tell the truth metit tor failure to make retlirnt. Single country who were born in Oermnnv and about their goods perton.t are reipiired to pay the tax on hnve not completed their citizenship that part o f their income, above $100(1 registered this week with Postmistress — because the printed word and married pernon, on that part o f Veateh. In several eases those who had can never be retracted. their income, above f . ’OOO. The penalty to register as citizens of an enemy for failure to make return it a fine o f country thought that they had com­ — the most reliable merchants from $‘J0 to $l(MMi and a penalty o f an pleted their citizenship and would be are the regular advertisers. additional 50 per cent o f the tax that full citizens except for this misunder­ should have been paid. I standing. BOHEMIA LUMBER CO. PAYS BUT $3 00 FOR YARD MEN TIME FOR INCOME TAX RETURNS IS EXTENDED