Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, February 01, 1918, Image 3

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C Y N O P b lS .
t- ,
I ’ l l A l’T I I I I M u rtliy , l«tv t»r<»w*<1. un<
n m il x'il I n r li nf \ .t . uml HJti . , ti him ]
lutliira, w lili I k i nhirtl< . hu«l>>tri'l Jane.
Joiim ry o k - i !• •<«-11 H ull, ililv liic fuur
<»»'•" t il in i r i piuiii-i 11 w It ‘ ‘mm I tin hi na
* U * " I I fl r M t fill i I n lliti Wol eflna R tl'lllll
Jin»»' In irm ly lii |ln |i ul llir Hint Kl mill
hut M lllllll lllli it* n i l lilniH Illg alniiK
■ iiiiilliit full d uk’a jiMiriiny
T h a i night,
tliim itfli n atu ra l I t 'i l li *, t w o «if tin * u x o i i
• t r « ' In i« ' a im r i" W v. ««• a n il fa a a l on
tin * I I I ll tflu a a i 1 n f I I . ■ < 11Vi*, w lia ln lim y
a . • f m i i i • I hy M a i i h y a i m r n n g n U a a Il ia
l l l i l a . h l't ili n I -*l«in m 11 a pla< «* n f lia r
ll I i’a m i u ln l l l .i 1 1 1' i|tai* i a u l u m r la h a p o s-
a* nah n
l.a l« * r Ih a y a n * Juln m l hy a n -
• i
• i
■ llipla
i ■
| vi 1 1 h
W olverine and alan •’«tabllali .« i .• i •• To
11 1**111 la Inn n a Uuiiglilur. i hrlatanail H illy
A B o o k , a U n n n o c k , a n ti a B a d .
) i m
tru lg h t t o I in'
I " " . « I n i rim liil i l a l i . - n f li'k't mid
i i > i •••< I « n i l hi . i i " . f it arii I ii st tlit'
« I i ' mci I linin'
H illy I . i .iii i * lii'i'.i lf w ilt
' l l ' I'l l I ' l Ilk till* M l l l l i n f Hill i W IHIll
w nil Ii 1 tut \
m l i'll Hu- M u ltlc entirely
If llh ' 1 i i 11 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 I ii h I lii i ii hers
| >1111 • ' I ISI III • 'III I I'f III l\ n|| till' h llllllllllT
w in 'll
In' um h I i I I im I h im
S lu ' K ru |iH l
w ith In r tin i ' l l fu r t h r w * a uli'ii peg In
t l i ' w a ll w lii'ii* th i' ii i li 11 1 * In ii 1 1> I lim m .
fu li il In lim l It u m l an lu lil Hu* M n ld lc
llnW Il m i i I i i - I till' logs lllli) i m rM -tl It
w till th i' lilu lil. 1'1
•In t till Ii k n u r liiifn * III Iniiai*,*' a im
illrm im l tin- m u ll shnrtlk
" H im * w o n 't
lig h t. u m l 1 th in k tin* n i n f tin* horse«
a m In tin- o th e r | h i rt
A m i coiuc on tu
tlm lim iai'.
It iili'ii * ,1 Im r a llt lln tn a m tlia t Im
o lu 'k ia l Im r w ltlin u t 11 r«>1 t Im t aim
Wus Im t n | • I i'll . i i lit l ilt all. nun, a m i
aim h <l thi- w .i k rut Im r In d lg lm iitl) to
w u n i tin- w n Iny; ik i' w Ii i Ii n n i tlm
U lllilli’a w lln ln w
At tlm
iiiml n f llm lr fm-t on tlm
w h in i|nn|ali|i Im r m llmr pulled o|mn
tlm ilniu uml I. m l f a ir III tlm light,
lookin g out wltli im n iith 'iia haik.
" I i thni k no 1: 1 11 y I lin in '? t i ll ain't
I V t n i H o w lin g I ini* w ith y o u ? W h a t
u.akuK you a*, t e r r ib le late. H illy
l 'u m ,' rlytht In. s t r o n g e r
d o n ’t know yo u r iiiium, l.ut I ' h u t
In ml to know II
A I -1 In llkn thla la
llll tin
lilt I I till, H u ll II fullnW
im i'ila, I
guess "
"\Vlint ii I in u t I 'e t e r ? " Hilly Lo uise
" I - n t Im h ere? "
" Nn, uml Im nln i Im i'ii aim
an h o u r
or an iift u l k nil li ft
H o mu iIIIli>il up
uml pule i * IT il n w ii th i' river. to tlm res
o n lit It'll | recko n "
'I i l i 'i i tlm • lioroa a re n 't i lo t io , I a iip
Itiliv I.u m ■■ w on t o v e r uml
took ii la n lo r ii d o w n fro m I t m n u ll,
tu r n in g op tin* kk Ir k an th .it aim untihl
lig h t It w ltti ilio in m llo .
"i lo up to
tho lire a m i tlm tv out
aim In v tto d Iho
iin in .
U o ll h a v e suppor in u fo w
llllllllto a ."
In a to iiil ho roii, lu il
In iili in fro m Im r ils
lig h te d It.
" Y o u go
s e lf.' ho a ulil
" I ’ ll
an I
o ut m id took th e
m » li ua atm luol
to th e tiro y o u r­
do w h a t's noccs-
nil I i|i|.
"W hy y ”
H illy Is n ils e , hor lingers
still c lin g in g lo till* h ilito rn . looked up
at litrai
ll o wn.a s tillin g d o w n lit hor
w ltli tlo il tn to lit look alio lim l ol.Joi lia l
to m i tlm t ru ll, l.ut ho anw lila m o u th
uml tin- l l l l lo Hiuilo Unit hid Just hack
o f lila 11 |*a.
Sim s m lli'il huuk without
k n o w in g
" I'll
to ifo a lo n g ,
anyw ay
T h u ro iiru uo tv a to milk, uml
you i'i> i i liln' t t o r t w e ll liml th e cow
Ntuhlo a h ,n o ."
A *
“ T h in k n o t? "
T o g e th e r lim y w o n t out iic a lu In to
tlm a tio in they Im«l lo ft ho e a g e rly .
H illy l.o iiia o ahotvoil h^in w lm re w ua
tho p ltu h fo rk a n d th e h ay m n l tlm n
iliil tho m ilk in g w h ile ho pllud f u ll tlm
m a n g e rs
A f lo r Ih n l tlioy w o n t Pa
get h e r m n l tu t n o il tho s h iv e rin g w o rk
ImraoN In to tlm s ta b le fro m tho o o rra l
w lio ro tlio y l i i i i l i t I . ru m p s to tho
H toriii. m n l Ih o n im i liflu d a runt f o r k ­
fu ls o f lin y m id c a rrie d II In to th o ir
a tu lls, w h ile H illy l.o iils o hold tho la n ­
te rn high o v e r hor hoinl lik e u w e s te rn
l.lh o r ty . T h e y d id not lu lk m u u li, e l -
uopt w h i n th u ro w a s need lo r speech,
tint th e y tvuro b eg in n in g to fuel m l i t ­
tle g lo w o f i o in p iin in iis h lp hy th e tim e
th e y w e re re n d y t " lig h t t l ie l r w a y
iik'iilnst tlm lili'/./.»ril lo tho In nisi*. Hilly
l.o iils o going lu f o r o wi t h th e Im ite rn .
w h ile th e m in i fo llo w e d ulnae lie h lm l.
c a r r y in g tlm tw o pulls o f m ilk H in t
w iis u lr e a ily fre e z in g in lit t le c ry s ta ls
to th e tin .
" I did n't (julto c a t c h yo u r tiame, m is ­
t e r , " Mrs M n c lio n a ld suld a f t e r they
liml la-gun t h e nii'iil. "H ill t a k e a n ­
o t h e r lilsuiili. a n y w a y . "
" W u r r o n Is my n a m e , " roturnod th e
m a n , with Hint hidden s m ile lieuaiise
s h e liinl n e v e r Imforo giv en him miy
opportunity to loll II " W n r i l Wurron
1'vo ( f t ii ul.'iim o v e r on Mill c r e e k . "
Hilly Vl.oiilsu g a v e n little c u s p mnl
d istracted ly poured t w o sp o o n fu ls o f
alienr in lior le a , alth o u g h s h e hated ll
I ’ve got lo lull y o u why oven ut tlm
p ric e o f d ig re ssion .
Long ago. when
Hilly l.o u lse w a s t w e l v e or so mid
lived largely In a d re a m world o f her
ow n, she hud one duy c h a n c e d upon u
pa r a g r aph In u ju ij'c c . thaf. had com e
the worila of tluil old trail s"i.g ran on
tlielr noon «lop, and I had to carry it
lu her memory, though she could uo
out myaelf.
And my lumbago has
long t hour him singing
Her mother
bothered me ever «lime Just like It
talked on about I'cte r und the storm
was going to give me another «pell.
uml this man who hull ridden straight
You ca n ’t he here all the time. Hilly
from the land of duy dreams to her
leant way*
aln t - and
door, hut the girl was not listening
P eter”—
"Now, s l u t you relieved yourself
"Oh. good gracious, tuouunle' I told
that he’s going to s t a y ? ’
you to hire the man If you want him
Hilly I x u I hc . kneeling on the hearth
Only Ward Warren Isn't"
und sturing uhstructe<|ly Into the lire,
Ward W arren pushed open the door
j ' ame hack with a J«-ik lo reality The
und looked from one to the other, his
little smile that ha«l been in her eyes
eyes two tjuestloii murks
"Ja n t and on her lips Moil buck with the
whut?" he asked and «hut the door
| dreams that had brought It. She gave
behind him with the air of oue who 1 h ; her aiiouldcra un Impatient t w lt'h and
ready for anything
| got up
" I s n 't the kind of iiiuu who wants to
"Oh, I guess h e’ll be more ngri eabU-
Al re out to do chorea," Hilly Louis*-
(o have uiouml than I'e le r," she ud-
Mulshed and looked at him strulghr
| mltted taciturnly, which was as close
"A re you?
Moimule wants lo hire to her real opinion of the mini as a
mere mother might hope to come.
“Ob well, I was Just about to ask
for the Job, anyway "
l i e laughed,
When spring «'Uinf ut luit und Ward
and I lie distrust left hla eyea
"A s a
Warren r«sle regretfully buck to his
mutter of fact, 1 wua going over to
; claim on Mill « reck he was not at all
from town wruppod uround a pm-kafr*
the morose Ward Wurron who bad
of i i i i i P lies
It was all ubuiit Ward of the winter und got away from the | ridden down to the Wolverine thut
T h e name iaui(ht hor funoy,
| stormy night In January
T he distrust
and tho l o tt of tho paracruph seized T u rk 's a pretty g««al friend of mine I hud left Ids eyes uml that guurdi d re
upon Imr InifiKlnutlon
Until u'hool
i muteness wua gone from his manner.
lllh'd her mind with other thlnifs she id something around that looks like a | He thought and he plunncd as other
hud till lit adventures without end lu a i i i u u a heap more Ihun J i m does. I men thought uml planned and looke«!
which Ward Wurron wua the central know P eter Howling Hog to a fare
Into thi- future eagerly uml dr«'arned
You'll he ull to the good If
Hometlnieu, when «he rode In you w e l l
dreams of his own, dreams that brought
the hills. Ward tY nr run alslucted her he forgets to come hack. So If you'll I he hidden smile often to his lips and
ntul lo«l her Into a ;ruti|fo pla< oa. whera
his eyes.
a place to ale p I'll la- glad to ace you
alio tried to shiver In lioneal dread
m m , tue thing those dreum* were
through the winter or until you get
i'fto n mol often, however, Ward W ar­ some white man to take my place." built upon was yet loiU««! tight In his
ren wua u fiiKltlve who ' ami* to her He took up the two water palls and heart, und not even Hilly Louise, whose
f"i help 'I'licn alio would take hlui to
Instinct wus so kci-n ami so sure in ull
waited, glancing from one to the other
ii « u vo uml hide him, perhaps, or aha
things else, knew anything of them or
with ttn^r re proa ,e<l smile which Hilly
would mouut her horae and load him Louise was beginning to look for In 1 of the bright hued hope they were hullt
| upon.
hy dovloua w ii \ h to safety, and upon hla face.
some hilltop from w ith Ii «lie could
(Continued next week)
Now that m atters had approached
P"lot "lit Hie route lie uniat follow she
the point of de< islon her motbi-r stood
would hlil him u touching adieu and looklug al her helplessly, waiting for
hcM'ech him In tho Imposslhle lun-
ber to apeak
Hilly Isiulse drew her-
Kuauo of some old romaucor to go and
self up primly and ended by co n tra­
load a hlaumloHM life
dicting the action.
She gave him u
" J u s c h a s got sll gone feelings now, sidelong glance which he was least
mnimnlo," Hilly l.oulse remarked Irrel
prepared to withstand, though, tn Jus­ i
•• knutly during a brief pause and re- tice to Hilly Louise she was alwolute-
Edward J Stettinius,
I H I i h | Into alienee again. Mbe knew
ly unconscious of Its general effective­
j of New York, was appointed surveyor
Hint was good for al least live minutes
ness and twisted her lips wlilinai' ally
j general for all army supplb'8.
of (might monologue with her mother
" W e l l s ta k e you to a Ixsik, a ban­
lu that talking mood She tlnlstmd ber
From the outbreak of the war Mr
nock and a tied If you want to stay,
supper while Wurron listened alistract-
Mr. W arren." she said quite soberly; I Stettiniu s has been in sole charge ol
edly to u complete biography of the
"also to a pitchfork and an ax. If you j the allied purchases In this country
Mcllkos hiii I ca r im* I all alsoit M arthy a
i ami has been responsible for the de-
like and regular wages."
energy and .'aao s ahlftlosauoss.
Hla eyea went to her and steadied j velopment of the production of war
"Ward W a rre n !" Hilly l.oulse was
there with the Intent expression in ■ materials.
saying to herself.
"W a rd W arren!
Cut out the wages
Th e appointment of Mr. B tettlnius to
There couldn't poaslhly bo tw o Ward
and I'll take the offer Just as It the new post, which Is in effect tHat ol
W arrens, It's such an odd name
atanda." he told ber aud pulled bis hat a munitions supervisor and director
W ell!"
farther down on hla head. "S h e 's go­
i for all war department purchases, was
Then alio wont mentally over th at
ing to be oue stormy night, lay <h‘c«,"
She wished she did not
he added In quite another tone on his j viewed as the answer of the adminls
rcmciiilicr every single word of It. but
way to the door " F i v e o'clock hy the trutlon to the munitio ns ministry bill
«Im did. And she was afraid to look
It effects a
town clock, ami al-ll'a well!” Thi« ! pending In the senate.
ut Ii I in a fte r that and she wanted to
last In «till another tone as he pushed I complete consolidation of all war de
She felt as though he be-
out against the swooping wind und , partnient supply questions under tin
loligod to tier
Why, he wua her old
pulled the door shut with a slam. \ surveyor-general, and on the face ol
playmatH And aim hud saved hla life
They heard him whistling a shrill, rol­ | the statem ent Issued hy Mr Baker. Mr
hundreds of times at Immense rlak to
licking air on hla way to the c r e e k — | Ste ttin iu s Is to be buckeil by complete
hers, und he liuil alw ays l>eeu her de-
at leaat It sounded rollicking the way i authority In his responsible position.
v"led sluve afterw ard and never failed
be w-hlatled It.”
to appear ut tlm p ro Iso moment w hen
" T h a t 's T h e Hid Chisholm T rail' h e’s
stie was besot hy Indians or robbers
whistling," Hilly Louise observed un­
or something and In dire need
Th e
der her breath, smiling reminiscently,
blood he had shed In her b e h a lf! At
"the very song I used to pretend he
Th e kaisi-r was 59 years old Sunday
that point Hilly l.oulse startled her-
A new contingent of Portuguese
self uml the others hy suddenly laugh­
troops has Just been lauded in France.
ing out loud ut« tlm memory of oue
Hoth France ami England have re
time when W ant W arren had killed
enough Indiana to till a deep Washout
cently cut down the bread ration by
so that lie might ' urry her acrusa to
almost half.
the other aide!
T he Holshevtkl government, says an
" I s there uiiy thing funny about Ja a e
announcement from the semi-official
Mctlkc dying, Hilly Louise?' her moth- !
news agency, decided to h riak diplo­
or askisl her In a perfectly shocked i
matic relatio ns with Koumania when
temporary detention of the Roumanian
I was thinking of s«imethlng
m inister failed to stop the Roumanian
else." She glam ed at the man eying
on. usive.
her so distrustfully from across the ta- j
Philipp Scheldemann. president ol
hi«' mid gurgled again
ll was terribly
the Social Democratic party In Ger­
slllv, hut she simply could not hell)
many, answering Chancellor von Hert-
seeing W ant W nr roll calmly tilling that
ling s speech in the main com mittee of
washout with dcud Indiana so that he j
might carry her acri'ss It In hla arms.
the Reichstag, is reported to have bit­
T h e more she tried to forget that the j
terly assailed the German Ju nkers and
funnier ll lie ame. She ended hy leav- i
m ilitarists.
lug the table and rettrlDg precipitately
Italy bus furnished a m ilitary su r­
to her own tiny ro«>ui In the lean to |
prise by launching an atta ck of appar­
where alio hurled her face as deep a t i
ently considerable force on her nFiun-
it woiihl go lu s puffy pillow of wild !
tain front in mld-wlnter. The blow
duck feathers.
comes on the Asiago plateau, where tin-
lie. poor devil, could not he expectad 1
Austro German invaders were halted
to know Just whut had amused her i
early In the winter in th e ir «ITort to
s<>. l ie did know that It somehow con- \
push down to the Italian plains west
corned himself, however. He took up
of the Hrenta river.
Ids position mentally behind the wall
of aloofness which stood between him­
Foreign Minister Trotzky. address­
self and all unfriendly world, and when
ing the congress of councils ot work­
Hilly I «'ll lac cam e out later to help
The Whistling Broke and He Began men's and soldiers’ delegates on the
with Iho dishes lie was sitting ab ­
question of peace, declared the Ger­
to Sing.
sorbed In a I took.
mans had masked their real intentions
The next inomlng the blizzard raged, alw ay s sang when be cam e down the with fine words, but were in reality
so thal W arren stay oil as a m atter of
demanding all they could get. "T h ey
I ’eter Howling I >og had not , knew all the tim e he's a cowboy. It
thought Russia needed peace at any
returned, so W arren did the choree
T h e whistling broke, and he began price,” Trotzky said. "T h e y were mis­
and would not let Hilly I.oulae help
to alng at the top o f a clear, strong taken. We still insist on a dem ocratic
with anything.
lunged voice an old. old trail aong peace.”
" I wish we could get him to a t y
beloved of punchers the West over.
Count Cxernln, the Austro-Hungar­
all winter Instead of that l’eter Howl­
"Y\ hat did you say, Hilly Louise; ian foreign mlnist«>r, It Is reported
ing Hog," Mrs MacHonald said a n x ­
I'm sure It's a com fort to have him
iously afte r he had gone out. "1 Just
from Vienna on good authority, has
here, and you see he was glad and
know P eter's off drinking
I don't
announced to the Austrian delegations
willing— ”
think he's a sa fe man to have around.
Hut Billy Louise was bolding the that the text of his speech on the
Hilly Louise. I didn’t when you hired
door open half an Inch, listening and Austrian war aims was forwarded to
I haven't felt easy a minute
President Wilson before Its delivery.
with him on the place. 1 wish you'd slipping back Into the child world
This has caused a great sensation, ac­
hire Mr. Warren. Hilly Louise. He's wherein Ward W arren came singing
down the canyon to rescue her
cording to the Cologne Gazette, which
llll i* and yuiet”—
words cam e gustily from the creek Interprets It to mean that actual steps
"A nd lie's got a ranch of hla own
already had been taken to bring about
lie iha'sn't strike me as a man who down the slope:
wants a Job milking two eowa and "Nu ohapa, no sticker, and « pourin' down an exchange of views between the
carrying Hhip to the pigs, moimule.”
western powers and R ussia and Ger­
"W ell, I'd feel a lot easier If we had And I swear by the Lord I’ll never night- many.
herd again.
him Instead of that breed
Only we Coma to yl youpy, youpy-a, youpy-a.
ain't even got the breed half the time. Coma to yl youpy. youpy-a!
S e n a to rs Would Return Railways.
This is the third time lie's disappeared "Feet tn the etlrrupa and aeat In the
W ashington.— Tin* senate commerce
in the tw o months we’ve bad him. 1
really think you ought tu speak to Mr I hung and rattled with them long-horn committee, by a vote of 7 to ti. decided
to amend the administratio n railw ay
Warren. Hilly l.oulse.”
Coma to yl"—
"Speak t«i him yourself. Y cu ’re the
bill to provide that the government
one that wanta him." Hilly I.oulae a n ­
"H o abut the door, Billy Louisa! shall relinquish control over the rail-
swered somewhat sharply. She adored W hat you want to stand there like roads w ithin one year a fte r the end of
her mother, but If she had lo run the that for? And the wind freezing ev­ the war.
ranch she did wish her m other would erything Inside! 1 can feel a terrible
not Interfere and give advice Just at d ra ft on my fe et and ankles, and you
I f your wedding stationery is print­
the wrong time.
know what that leads to! '
ed by The Sentinel, you are assured a
‘‘Well, you needn't lie cross about It.
Bo Billy Louise d osed the door aud
long and hnppy married life.
You know yourself th at P eter ca n ’t be laid another alder root on the coals In
depended on a minute. There he weut the fireplace the while her mind was
(let your girl- nml then get your an ­
off yesterday and never ^ed the gigs given over to dreamy speculations and
nouncements from Tho Bentinei.
Answers Senator Chamber­ Dealers in Wheat Flour and
lain's Accusations and E x ­
Bakers Limited to Percent­
plain* Circumstances.
age of 1917 Reqnirements.
Washington.— S e c re ta ry B a k er Mon
Washington.— President Wilson has
day replied to S enator Cbamberlain'i 1 placed the country on stricter food ra ­
charges of Inefficiency In the war de tion*.
in a proclam ation he limited whole­
partnient at a public hearing before
the sen ate military committee.
salers, Jobbers and retailers to 70 per
He conceded freely that In so greal cent of their 1917 wheat flour require­
an enterprise it was impossible thal ments and bakers to 80 per cent.
He called for observance of two
there should not he "delays and short
com ings."
wheatless dayB, Monday and Wednes­
America, Secretary B ak er stated day, one wheatless and one meatlesi
will have an arm y of 500,000 in Franc* meal dally, meatb-as Tuesday and pork-
early this year, with 1,000,1*00 mor« less Ha'urday.
Simultaneously the food ad m inistra­
trained and equipped ready to follow
Its new "V ictory
as quickly as ships van lo- provided U tion announced
carry them and the outlook for ship* bread,” to contain 20 per cent of cereals
other than wheat, a fter F ebru ary 24.
is not unpromising.
It also announced Tuesday would be
While many things disclosed werf
Impressive, the com mittee was frarikl) a porkl'-ss day in addition to Saturday.
These drastic steps are necessary to
amazed when told that the men of 3?
national guard and national arm y dlv provide wheat for Europe, the food
lalonal camps are ready to go at call adm inistration stated. T hirty per cent
l i e spoke extemporaneously, begin of A m erica’s normal wheat consump­
ning the details of the mammoth task tion must be sent to our allies. Only
of building an army of 1,500,000, an radical cuts In the Am«-rlcan bill of
sweriiig such com plaints of Inefflcien fare will provide the 15.000.00«) bushels
cy as were cited by Senator Chamber monthly which the allies require.
Only part of the new food regula­
lain In his recent speech and declaring
that such Instances were Isolated and tions will be compulsory under the
powers possessed by the food adminis­
not general.
Dealers can be checked
Number of Complaints Small.
T h e s ecreta ry said when he heard through licensing, but the food admin­
of the two letters read by Senator ^ istration freely admitted that It would
ch a m b e rla in concerning bad treatm ent depend on the patriotism of the Amer­
of sick soldiers he immediately asked ican housewife to force observance of
the new war rations.
Mr Chamberlain for all the details.
" V ic to r y " war bread, the national
" I want to follow those through to
the very end," said he, "and find out loaf, is expected to provide the big
who is responsible, In order th a t 1 saving In wheat consumption.
Graham and whole wheat breads will
can punish the guilty.”
Although more than 1.000.000 are be classed as victory breads, but the
under arm s in this country, Mr. Baker real war loaf will be that mixed by
said, the number of com plaints re­ substituting 20 per cent of rice flour,
ceived have been relativ ely small cornmeal, potato flour, oatmeal, buck-
probably not more than 18. In each w heat flour, sweet potato flour, soya
instance, he said, investigations have bean flour and other substitutes. Re­
tailers are ordered to sell wheat flour
been made immediately.
with an equal amount of one of
Major-General Wood, Mr.
said, recommended calling out a large these substitutes.
Housewives need not mix these In
army although the men could not be
ir baking, though this Is urged.
provided at once with rifles and cloth­
Every soldier who needs a rifle has
one. S e c re ta ry B a k er said, and of a
b e t t e r type than If the British Enfield
rifle had bean adopted.
Pershing Against Lewis Guna.
Defemling the lack of Lewis ma- 1
London.— YY'hat news has been per­
chine guns. S e c re ta ry B ak er r e ite r­
mitted to pass the German censor In­
ated that General Pershing does not ;
dicates that a political hornet’s nest
want Lewis guns for the ground forces,
has again been stirred up in Germany.
but only for aviation.
Reports of disturbances in Germany
Som e reports, the s ecreta ry said,
again are current in Holland, and sev­
have not proved serious upon inquiry,
ere outbreaks are said to have occurred
while others had in which ca s e co r­
in the Rhenish industrial districts.
rections followed.
A dispatch from Zurich to the E x ­
In the case of the body of an of
change Telegraph company quotes the
ficer who died at an aviation training
Berlin correspondent of the F r a n k f u r ­
school being shipped home in a sheet.
ter Zeitung as saying that the Pan-
S e c re ta ry B a k e r said, inquiry devel­
Germans are "k ic k in g up a tremendous
oped that the camp was lu charg e of
row,” and declaring that Field Marshal
a British aviation officer who fol­
von Hindenburg and General von Lu-
lowed the British method of sending
deudorff, dissatisfied with Chancellor
bodies home unclothed, the man's
H e rtlin g ’s speech before the main com­
clothes being shipped in a separate
mittee of the Reichstag, are again ta lk ­
parcel. An American officer was then
ing of retiring.
put in charge.
Em peror William, himself, has not
Generals Decided Adoption of Rifle.
been spared, says the Deutsche Tages
T ak ing up Se n a to r Cham berlain 's
Zeitung. which styles him "th e present
a tta c k on the ordnance bureau. Mr.
representative” of the House of Hohen-
B a k er said that men s minds differed
zollem. probably desiring to show by a
about the types of guns to be used parallel between the emperor and the
and about the quantity. He then dls- crown prince that the annexationists
elost*d that the decision to adopt the cherish the la tte r as the savior of Ger­
so-called rechambored Enfield rifle many at the last moment “from sin k ­
was reached late one night In his ing in the abyss dug by four men—
office at a con feren ce attended by Dr. von Kuehlmann. German foreign
General Pershing, who was preparing secretary ; Count von Hertling. im­
to go to F r a n c e ; General Scott, chief perial chancellor: Count Czernin. Aus­
of s t a f f ;
General Bliss, ass is ta n t tro-H ungarian foreign minister, and
ch ie f; General Crozier. ch ief of ord- 1 Count von Roed«'rn. German secretary
nance, and General Kuhn, then head of the treasury .”
of the war college, and several other
s ta ff officers, "e x p erts in rifles." It
S enator Borah Defends Wilson.
was late In May or early In Ju ne.
Baltim ore. Md.— S e n a to r William E.
" T h a t decision made th at night.” 1 Borah, of Idaho, in an address to an
Mr. B a k er added, re ferring to the con- j immense P atriotic Defense League
fe re n ce held a t which it was decided i m eeting tn the academy of music vig­
to change the Am erican rifle, "had the orously defended President Wilson's
unanimous c o n s e n t of every man at adm inistration and congress against
the con feren ce ."
what he term ed " t h e wild critic is m s "
Oregon State sm an P asse s Away at His
Portland Home.
Portland.—Charles W. Fulton, ex-
Untted S ta te s sen ator from Oregon,
prominent lawyer, and for many years
an active figure in the politics of the
state, died Sunday afternoon a t his
home. (186 W'eUller street, in the 65th
year of his ago.
Mr. Fulton died as the result of Ill­
ness covering a period of several
months. He was a distinguished law­
yer and practiced his profession here
for several years, a fte r serving his
term In the United State s senate. He
was for many years a leading figure In
the politics of the stale and served four
term s In the legislature.
Russians Control Finnish Capital
Copenhagen. — Th e red guard has
won complete control of Helsingfors,
capital of Finland, a Stockholm dis­
patch reports. It Is not known wheth-
er the F innish government officials es-
capeil from the revolutionaries
of some men who. he said, could not
forget partisanship, but whose real in­
tention was to get at the bottom of
some of the m ista k es that have been
made In the preparations for war.
R ussians B attle With Roumanians.
Petrograd. — Serious fighting has
tak e n place between Russians and
Roum anians in the neighborhood of
Ualatz, near the border, according to
a report received from Austrian head­
q uarters at B rest-Litovsk.
B ritain Must Have More W heat.
W ashington.— An urgent appeal was
made to the United S ta te s by G reat
B rita in for more wheat.
Without It.
Lord Rhondda cabled to the food ad­
m inistratio n, the allies may not have
food enough to win the war.
Dry Act Ratified by North Dakota. ^
B ism a rck . N. D.— The senate with
| only two dissenting votes has con­
curred in the house resolution ratify ­
| ing th e federal prohibition amend­
| ment negatived by but 12 m em bers of
the two houses.