AND (Sriw Üwtttol OOTTAOE OROVE LEADER COTTAOE OROVE, LA NE COUNTY, OREOON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918 VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 18 OTHER PLACES MAY FREEZE BUT TH KOI GH the generosity of W. B. (hooper, the lurge COTTAOE OROVE HAS ground floor rooms of the Cooper building, first door FUEL TO SPARE «•ast of th»' postoffice, will be used by the Ked (Toss brunch us g«*neru! hctobpjurters. The room has been A» Mil lllllirHllVll »1 till- « i l o ' Weather given for Ked Cross purpose*, rent free, until mieli time as Cottage Drove it not affected by the' fuel »hortnge which ia cauairig »0 much it is leused. The use of tables hns been donated by Mrs, Burk lin » MM. lion lui» »»"*•" e n j o y i n g . ••"<1*1- holder and Mr. Hprny. ('hairs will b«* supplied by tlo- ladies «offering in the enNt and hat re» 111 ted j Ir-«*» have mu.1— a* Ki«wlli ..f ov i-r u foot of th<; Red Cross. A few more chairs nr«* needed ,f hupp . in ail order from the fuel admini»!ration tl.iM w.uter mui II »......... ... -•-** ,,f if you have a spare chuir ut home bring it with you. A tele- curtailing the activitie» of induatrie*. Suntlifr« P a c ific r c e e u t l y hilled h gar plome will be installed ut u speculi low rati- through the gen Cottage Grove ha« not required much ti.| Miuik- I vv.i fee I l»* to Mutui W M. Roberts, of Eugene, who wan a Because of Defect Steel Had Broken A HKD GROM STORK TO BE ESTA RMHIIED C'.iimiiM« Iul C’luh DucliUtH to Iirlnt oil #|lgy M|a«| 4 ii««*nI m from thi* rounty for .Inn member of the Rough Rider regiment Following the successful experiment of larger cities, the Off In Suck a Manner That limi brought 1,00(1. liniimdlute Removal of ItaUwuy in the Hpaniah-Ameriean war, has an- local branch will open u K**d Cross store, fh«* proceeds of Train Would Have Beeu ClOH UllIK l U / a i t l H us M « uuh whit-h are t<» go iuto a general fund for buying K<* | Cross supplies, bring it in at once. SERVICE FLAG FOR and Air. and Mrs. A. H. Tyson were on WINTER FIFTY YEARS mol is uUo *l«*t•*i iniiM'il to huv*» I'nrifn J • • • CITY IS SUGGESTION their way to Eugene. As they passed AGO WAS MOST SEVERE hi^hw h v throiiKh this piirt o f the county | The room will be open today (Friday, January k¿%) at 1:30 over the tracks at the bell crossing per lint nell tly locnteil. I I iin wiih tull\ p in. In future the rooms will be open each work day, the north of here Mr. AlcFarlaud noticed I’he suggestion has been made that ; ilemoiintruteil lit the meeting of the rout l i f t y y e a r s ago J a n u a r y Iff th e te in | h<* is to be announce«! next week. Annouiicern«‘iits will also that a piece of one of the rails was Cottage Grove have a service flag. The be posted in the window* of the room. lucicinl dull Moliti*)’ nil*lit, vdien these p e ta l lire in K u g e n e w a s 15* below / e r o , , gone. Going back to investigate, he high sehool has one, lodges, churches • • mutters were up for ronslilerution. a c c o rd in g to th e " F i f t y Y e a rs A g o ” and private bouse« have them, and whv found that the break was at least four Theie is every retison why these «tun c o lu m n o f T h e O r e g o n ia n . I lie fo llo w At the meeting of the Red Cross branch lust Friday night not the eityf In proportion to popula- inches in length and broken in such a rous (*rossiii|4s shouhl he elimiimtrtl. m g ite m is fo u n d in th a t co lu m n in in the commercial club rooms, a large number of members way that the wheels of a train would attended and considerable business was transacted. Good i tion Cottage Grove has done rjuite as be forced off the track on the ditch It is reiuiirktilile t hi« t no defluite net Ion T u e s d a y ’s e d i t i o n ; well as any city in the country—much reports were rea«i by the various committees which goes to inis 1*1« II Ink eu before, fottute Gmvr i " T h e J o u r n a l s a y s th e w e a th e r a t j better than the average city—and it j side. He reached a telephone as quiekly show that the Cottage Grove branch has nut been idle the is stirred to activity t»l this time |»e , K iig e n e h a s b een el**ar a n d v e r y co ld t might be found that it heads the list, as possible, telephoned to the agent past few weeks. Copies < »f these reports will be published illuse other tilings depend upon know Í fo r th e la s t te n d a y s T h e th e rm o m e te r • here anil bud warning sent to trains next week. population considered. IIIK just where l*u«*l fit* lilgllWilV is K“ lflK I -vas do iv a to I *r>' below / e ro un T r td u y , that might be approaching the crossing. • • • Other places have service flags. Why to be periniinentIv loented. A bnd| th e y r e n i- n ili- r t l.a t committee». All supplies »ill lie purchased ut ne; '.vho|e«nle Mrs. Martha Ann .Stroud died here pace. A crew was immediately dis­ to m t until the hi| at Oil«*«' | lost bis right arm in attempting to grade crossing heretofore or hereafter n>ir«linn thè ««‘ n i r i n j j o f Hcemo*H f«»r «*x one way to get them to realize that he BE MADE TO PRODUCE Ola* t«*n!ati v «• *i»r\**> lia* I »••«* n mail«* ! throw a German bomb out of a Ger­ established, or to change the location piosi ve*. Jt is nccessnrv tu ha ve a li is telling the truth Hbout things nut for tin* lii|¿iitva> I »«• t %\ •••* it h«*r«* find Ku The immediate rejuvenation of the man trench which he and his compan­ of such crossing when in its opinion the «-«‘ lise to ha va * «'Spioni v es in one *n p«»s here ami that is to get them to spend a K » * n « \ t a k i n g ili«* \\«* n | *t i * I « • « * f t i n * N o n t i » hundreds uf million» of more or |e»s ions had captured. He spoke of the public safety requires such alteration, scmhìoii , c v «* ii thouith hczuyht befor«» thè year here. «•rn J'jiiif»«* tr in k s i»«,arlv tin* i*ntirr «h*« barren fruit trees throughout the United great sacrifices being made by the Can­ abolition or change, or to require a sep­ li«*cuNÌni* luw wcnt iu to **ff«*ct. T h is n f He thinks his frietii)» Hre crazy t| i fliU««' 111«* (*X|*(*hrt«* o f thin milt«* ixoiijd t«■« f ** iiiauv w ho h a v e po w d 'T «»u liatid stay back there and they think he is Stales, so us to bring them up to their adians and emphasized the fact that the aration of grades at any such crossings, A»<* I rritn'inloiiH, wit!« nr v t*rul rocky fo r roud w o rk . fo r blnstlUK atump*. alpi crnzv when he tells them the truth full productivity, is the object of a winning of the war now depends upon and tu prescribe, after a hearing of the point* !«» I»«* cut mv \ u \ and mil ft y «lain new uiovem-Ut whjch has been started Uncle Sain, the allies little more than parties, the terms upon which such sep­ f«»r tniuin^. T h e law is ulso stri et re about this country XK«* hu it* t « » * m ■ 1 11 •* with fitriiiiTM whoiic by thy food administrator of Iowa, holding the enemy even. He made a aration, alteration or change shall be c a r d in i; thè saf«* kccpiri^ «if e s p lo siv e * . pro|o*rt> would In* ruined. The foute forking with the nurserymen and the strong appeal f',r every American to made, and the proportion in which the H icv illusi he piit in 11 Neeur.e place and from Wulkt r through Delight \nllev on FEWER HENS NOW', BUT agricultural agents of that state, and stand behind those who are sacrificing expense of the alteration, abolition or iiiiv thel't must he iin u ie d iatejy report the find nid«* o f th«* Southern Fucili«* THEY LAY MORE EGOS which is being energetically taken up all in the trenches and said it was time change of such crossings and the sepa­ «*d tu thè lice usi li}* ii|{eut. truck* in Icvci the enfin* dint unce and ration of such grades, and the mainte­ Spray’s cash market shipped 5el»ijht valley route and t«> yiv e that biddy pay for her feed. have not been bearing up to their full Portlund paper January is* Key, Elkin* below- grade, or where the track of a a pci ma tient location «d the hii'hwnv. instend of biiriiing thein up, liy virine railroad company crosses a highway quality or quantity for a number of sea says. 1 '«» 1 1 1 «K** Grove people and the Geli^ht « f tbe d-velupiii-nt of ih- «hip kneo in above or below grade, when in its opin­ sons. Ovvuers of suc\v orchards should REQUEST FOR SEED IS DENIED dustry ns 11 restili of shjpbuilding. ‘ •There has been considerable discus­ ion, the public safety requires such al­ valley people will make no complaint immediately get iu touch with the food Slnp kiiees lire secureil frolli regnlnr concern i au any location, just h <> it is Secretary of Agriculture Turns Down administrator's office or with the Ore­ sion of late a* to the morality and gen­ teration or change, and shall prescribe eral moral conduct of the American sol­ permanent and nivea them an opporti! old Irei- stumps und ut present tliere is Request of Silk Creek People. gon Agricultural college at Corvallis for diers. Mv peisoaal observations for the the manner in which such alteration or i» 1 1 y to nhend with other plans, hut «111 ■ I — 11 demiind l'or tliein in l'ortbind Washington, Jan. Ik—TL*f secretary advice as to how to rejuvenate their last five months have been limited to change shall be made, and the propor­ they h«*li«*vr tin' Delight \all«*y route nnd il11 other pince« wkere woodeil «hip l'onstriictiiin is under vvnv. Tliose con of agriculture has advised Kepresenta trees and get them luto tuli bearing as the coast defenses at the mouth of the tion iu which the expense of such alter­ tin* «'h«*ap«T mui mor«» f«*nsild«», ation or change and the maintenance of nected v v 11 li thè iudiistry nre predieting tive Hawley that no seed can be seut tq soon us possible. The aggregate amount c'vVlumGi:« river. l ’ uhlie Servire ( 'oniniÌHNÌoiier BiH'htel such crossing shall be divided between timi tliere will be :i conti II U S nre of Ilo' Cottage Grqve, (Ire., for thy purpose of < > f the fruit that neglected trees in this Out of justice to these soldiers, and niel with the coin mere in I «lui» Monday the railroad company or companies and I present demsnd for live yenrs nt thè reseeding to suitable gras» a large area state may be made to Yield, if the or for 'the information of those who may­ the state, county, municipality, or other tii^ht anti c x pi a i n «'«I what tin* commis of land west of that fity and vast of the ehardists will cooperate with tfce food sion would linve to do if eomplnint wn» l'-nst. be especially interested in them I wish public authority in interest. 1. 11 ... • • u l i i u l v >» i n e n itii i l l U f !l«i III 1 11 m t M t l u l l III t i l i m II 1 1 1 V »* 111 «*111 1 I I As it tiikes un nvernge of JII5 »hip î»iusli(w . valley, which was l burned oyer , udini»i*trntiuu ,hi* i»»vement. Vi will ut< lmvi, heartily, the high Iilcd w 1 • li it. Ile ivas takeii over thè load between liete and Creswell Tue» knees l'or ondi wotiden sliip nnd ns thè by forest fires last tall. Resident* of be a very substantial addition to Ore 1 standard of their moral conduct. They H off May Run for Treasurer. mean business and, apparently, have no duy und expressi-d surprise Ihut no nc «¡ile price ol' cucii knee i» froni HO ccnls Cottage Grove had »greed to »ow the gon s food resources. O. P. Hoff, a former Lane county time for dissipation. Gone are the days mun, now state labor commissioner, timi limi liefure loen tnkcn to remove to $1, the possibilities of the industry seed if the goverument would furnish jt. A want, ad costs litt|e »u*l often brings Secretary Houston adv(sys tliut no when the term soldier stood for a ‘ rip- which office he has held for a number thè extreme hnznrils existing in tlie run be seen. Knees of the sizes known big return*. Nothing too big or too lit­ as Ss, 12» and I ts lire in most demand, fond is aviiilable tu buy the seed nud roaring good time.’ Efficiency is now of terms, may become a candidate for crossings belwccn bere limi tliere. tle to be »old by a want ad. the watchword. A l tlic m e e tin g Atondll.V night he coin- different ynrd» having different re also Huit the forest service experts are the nomination of state treasurer on of the opinion after rondurting morv Thy Heptinel— thy live wire news- "Unqualified praise is due the coast the republican ticket. Mr. Hoff was plimi-nli'd thè clu b l'or it» a c t i v i t i e s am i qiiirenieiits. The knees are furnished the »hipynrds t h h 11 iliui expérimenta thaï the cost of j papyr defense commander. Colonel Ellis, and station agent of the Southern Pacific sani Ihut thè S alem clu b rollìi! n<>t get in the rough nnd there they nre made reseeding is mit of |iriijiortii>ii to the re Colonel C. C, Hammond. O. C. A., for at Irving for many .years previous to imi hih -I i un a t t e n d a lic e ut m e e tin g s a» into the proper dimensions. Coniptitiics sults secured, their constant efforts to protect these his election as labor commissioner. A due» thè C o t t a g e G r o v e club. engaged in the business of furnishing soldier* from immoral conditions nnd in­ Salem dispatch says: f i n i t i l y Conim issiiiiicr S p e n ce r, wlm —th* merchant who keeps his ad­ Examinatlons Reiu* llyltl, tIll-in to the shipyards buy them at the fluences. This statement calls attention w h s present ut thè M ondnv night m e e t ­ ‘ ' State I .aIvor Commissioner Hoff, who vertising on the move This js the week of examinations in shipping point, paying cash, und ship to a fact of great general interest ot' was bark at his office for the first time in g , snid timi in ense thè h ig h w n y rimi the schools. Students with grades of 90 which a leading United States journal in several days, today stated that he —the one who has a yeal story to inissimi de e ide s flint mnrndain is a hard them t<> the deatinntion. Blueprints are or better have been exempted and are has recently said, ‘ Never before has a is giving serious consideration to the tell and tells It well ■ u r f a r e , tliere is 11 p r o b a b ili t y o f a Inige furnished the farnx'rs to guide them in on v Mention while the others work, ex nation taken so advanced a position on matter of becoming a candidate for the ainiuiiit o f tbe m oney Troni t h è slx-aiil- the cutting. —th« one who. when be has real eept in the seventh and eighth grade»- inoral matters in time o f war.' *’ republican nomination for state treas­ limi risii In r limili issile lieing »peni in With the cost of everything entering In order to temper these for the stale j hargaius to offer, lets the people urer and expects to definitely make up l.a n e r o u n t y this y r n r , into the making of a newspaper increas­ examinations in May, all h«vy been ( of hla community know about Dead Letter List. his mind bv the latter part of the week. them through the local newspaper If ymir w-edding stntlnnery is prlnt- ing, it is absolutely essential that nil required to take the examination at thu ' Following is a list of letters remain­ There seems to be no doubt in the minds Miibseription» be paid promptly. *** ed by The Mentinel, you are assordi n time, irrespective of grade*. ing uncalled for at the Cottage Grove of Mr. H off's friends here that be will —la the one who Is outdistancing long und huppy married life. *** postoffice for the week ending Jauunrv become a candidate for the place.’ * A want, ail cost» little and often brings all competition 20; Foster, Mrs. Rov; Frost, W. J.; The Sentinel—the live wire uews The Sentinel- the live wire new s big returns. Nothing tou big or too lit­ • •• Classy job printing. The Bentinel. •• • • • tle to be sold by a want ad.* Frost; Pitman, Bill. '* * paper. paper. C. G. DETERMINES l m a i 'LES a i u > h n a k k h riii n k HALM Y WEATHER IH AU VEN V OE HP RINO the Red Cross Branch Will Have Sewing Room and General Head­ quarters in Cooper Building on Main Street + NIXONS GLAD TO BE BACK PIG GOES CRAZY, PUTS ITS : *«"'? " OWNER UP A TREE FROM FROZEN EAST TIMELY WARNING SAVES WRECK on s. r.