Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, June 21, 1917, Image 4

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The Cottage Grove Sent ine I
was one of those responsible for the
death of the dying young man before
him. Could he ever look the mother of
and C o t t a g e G ro v e L ea d er
that boy iu the face again, knowing
A Weekly Newspaper With l ’leuty
that the few dollars he had ueglectcd to
o f Backbone
give might have saved her boy's life!
Libert Bede and Libert Smith I’ ubluher*
•'Bus there were others more able to
tlbeit Bede ................................Editor give thuu I , ’ ’ he faltered.
A first claw publication entered at Cot
The whiA* robed . one turned slowly
tage Grove, Ore., as second class matter upon him aud raisiug a white robed arm
Business Office.....‘JO South Fifth Street pointed straight iuto the face of the
dreaming one. "W ou ld the giving of
25 have beeu to you a sacrifice equal
One Year...._..$1.50 | Six Months....... 80c
Three Months .40 ; Single Copies. .. 6c to the sacrifice this young mufi has
made! Was *25 worth more to you than
display, 25c au inch; reudiug uotices, 8c the life of this young man, who is a sou
a line; surrounded ads., 5oc an inch; of one of your neighbors or the father
olassified ads., lc a word. Special dis of the playmates of your childreuf"
Red Cross ambulances were now ap
counts on contracts. Cards of Thauks
and Resolutions, tic a line.
pearing. Red Croes nurses were pa ssin g
auioug the bodies.
A nurse reached the dying boy just
8c a line for single insertion; 5c a liue
tor subsequent insertions i%> to and in- j iu time to receive Ins dying message
eluding a total of four insertions; 5c a "Just au hour too late," said the uurse
liue flat for all uotices ruuuing five in- \ regretfully, looking upou the face of
sertious to 10 insertions; 4c a liue flat the stalwart youth whose life might just
tor notices miming o\ er lu lusertious as well have beeu saved had the relief
work been properly supported.
National Editorial Association
Oregon Stats Editorial Association
Willamette Valley Editorial Association
Just theu the children of the house
Lane Couuty Editorial Association
burst iu from their evening of enjoy
uieiit, and the dreamer awoke with a
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 14*17
start. "J oh n, 1 have just subscribed
♦ 10 to the Red Cross," the wife said.
"Thank G o d ! " was the reply. " A n d
I'll make it $10 more if I have to give
up all my pleasures for a year."
mo ;
Boys and men die here knowing that
their lives could be saved could relief
eome to them. As they think of the
loved oues they eould embrace again
but for the neglect of those who cheer
but do not give, what must be their
feelings toward those who thought more
of a few paltry dollars than of the lives
of the boys who went to the front to
be targets for shot and shell"
V ,
The orange discs which you will see displayed
next week in the windows of the dealers listed
below bring a welcome message —a message
telling of relief from the drudgery and discom­
fort of summer cooking.
Men and women do not use so many
superlatives after they have been mar
, n *,,l a
The fast young uian is the one who
Again the wounded one raised upon ( finds it hardest to keep up with his
his arm and with eyes dimmed by ap running expenses,
proaching death, he asked, " Did you do
Realization of some of our fondest
your b i t ! "
Quickly came the bated breath of the hopes is the only way in which we can
dieaming one as he realized that he learu how vain • they
• *
Try to emulate the rose, which withers
and dies only to leave seed for many
j more just as beautiful.
. . .
the disarmament
, of private citizens. It would save much
I needless bloodshed.
Dannit Eucalyptus 0
• • •
of our ultimate eon
T u n is 2 6c
J a m s 6 0 c
I sinners that doesu’t worry about his lot.
Optometry Means
E ye Service
V « i h are sale when you entrust your eyesight to the skill
of an optometrist, registered under tin- optometry aet of
any state. You are risking a valuable possession when
you take chances in buying cheap, ready-made glasses
over the counter or from traveling "professors” and
others not qualified by law or experience.
hves that need glasses are entitled to specialized
For the sake of your eyes, consult a qualified ami ex­
perienced Eyesight Specialist an Optometrist.
We guarantee all of our work.
Sherm an
¡ ¡ J t - l- 2
Eyesight Specialist and Optician
Quickly Replaced
For the New Perfection cooks better than any
wood or coal range, and it does not heat up
the kitchen. Cooler cooking in s u m m e r —
more economical cooking all the year ’round.
W a tc h for the orange discs next week. Ask #
any of these dealers to tell you about the New
Perfection Oil Cook-Stove and how the long
blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smell.
K u i S a l# b y
Knowles^& Gräber
w i t h
^ the wrappings should not be removed
until ready t•» ser\e. You will find nA
hard outer rrust( no matter how long
the potatoes have been in the oven.
Willamette s»., Eugene, Ore.
F i d e , on
the article* in a corn popper mol hold
them over ateara; they will freshen
asilv anil quickly.
. » *
Ground cinnamon burned on top of
the *tove will remove the oiler of eab
huge* or onion*, and will leave a plea*
ant aroma in the room.
• . •
To clean crocheted article* place in a
Jeep pan and rub well with flour. Shake
flour out and rub in a fre*h supply,
continuing the proce*» until the article
is perfectly clean.
. • •
Don’t use washing soda except iu so
lution. Many women put a handful of
soda info a pot before washing, and so
la is too strong an alkali. That is what
makes hands red. Two tablespoonfuls
of soda are enough for a large tub of
water. Make a solution, keep it in i>
jar, and use a little at a time. Hc.rupe
the inside of yonr pots or pan* with a
wooden paddle beforehand, than scrub
with a soft brush dusted with some fine
Oregon life
Do Sale via California
M a n y D a l e s in . l o n e , . I n l y , A u g u s t a m i t t o p t c u i h u r
Following are some suggestions for a
few of the many nutritious combination
dishes which may lie prepared without
too much trouble from staple food ma­
terials and common " l e f t o v e r » , ' ’ anti
for other food* which can accompany
them to make a well rounded tnenl.
Every housekeeper, of course, will have
a special liking for certain dishes nml
»• • •
Spaghetti or macaroni or rice cooked
with tomato, onion, or green pepper,
and cheese, or cheese sauce servetl with
white, graham, or whole wheat bread
and butter and stewed or sliced fruit
nnd simple cookies.
O. M
MAAAue* z o s w i u A M i r r t o in rm iC T
Low Round Trip Fares
l.ilo -ra l S to p o v e r *
L i m i t .’ { M o n t h *
Enjoy a Beach Outing Trip at
Newport or Tillamook
Green peas and canned siilmtin with
white (i. «., thickened milk; sauce,
served with corn bread aud syrup.
• • •
Moiled rice baked (eseaHoped ), with
minced left over meat, chipped beef, or
fresh or canned fish, served with beet,
dandelion or other greens, dressed with
peanut, olive, cottonseed, or other table
• a •
oil with vinegar and lemon juice enough
To renew old black lace lay the lace to flavor the dressing, and wheat, corn
n black coffee to which has been added or rve bread and honey.
i little black ink. When ready to iron
* ' #
place between black goods and iron on
Boiled rice, scrambled with eggs, and
he wrong side while still wet.
served with a Succulent vegetable such |
To wnsh pillow fenther* remove the as stewed tomatoes, canned corn, green
feathers from the ticking, place in suds pens or beans, aud brend and butter,
and wash, using the washboard us for nnd nuts nnd raisin* or other dried i
clothes. Squeeze out water between
• • •
the hands and put in rinse water. Wring
from inexpensive
through wringer out of the rinse water.
flits) or fisli pic with flour or potato
Spread on a sheet on the floor, stirring
occasionally. When the feathers are crust, served with turnips, carrots, on­
dry they will be as soft and fluffy ns ions or pnranips, and biscuits and but
ter, with jam or jelly or hot chocolate.
when new.
* • •
Mashed potatoes with creamed cod
To remove wall paper brush over with
alum water, using an ordinary kalso fish (i. e., cream sauce containing a
mine brush. Let dry and paper will little salt codfish), served with lettuce
with oil or vinrgnr or lemon juice
come o f f without any trouble.
dressing, and crackers and cheese or
The next time you want to bake po­ peanut butter sandwiches.
tatoes try this method: Wash ns many
potatoes as are required nnd remove * \ Boiled dinner (eorned beef or eorned j
sliee from eseh end. While still damp mutton cooked with fresh vegetables, ns
wrap the potatoes in oiled paper nnd potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc.) served )
the ends together. The potatoes should with bread and butter, nnd apple or otb ' i'
theu be placed in a moderate oven, and er fruit and bread or crumb pudding.
• • •
Swengel Hardware Co.
l):irk cloth coat collars often show
Don’t throw away the tops of the
white inaide where they have eome in celery. Wash them thoroughly, then dry
contact with the neck. The great d iffi­ them in an oven and keep in a tightly
culty in cleaning them is o\erroiue by closed j:ir. You will find it an excellent
the use of a s|*oonful of ammonia in substitute for the fresh ederv ns n fin
which enough salt has been put to make i v„ r¡„ K f „ r W)1,|m aD(| „tew*,
a mushy mixture. This, used as a clean ¡
• • •
er, will remove all such discolorations,
When vour wicker furniture needs
but as the mixture is very poisonous if cleaning make a pailful of wnrni soap
taken internally, care must be exercised suds and add thereto about three table
in its use. Choose a fair day so the spoonfuls of liquid ammonia. Scrub the
work may be done out of doors. I tip wicker well with a stiff brush and rinse
the coat in cold soft water and spread with clear warm water. Place ill the
nut on a large hoard or table. Scrub open air to dry.
well with a stiff brush using soft wuter
Moments of success are never so pre and white soup; when thoroughly
cions as when you look back on them leaned the coat should be dipped s«*\
from failure.
eral times in clear water until all the
suds are removed. !>** not wring, but
hang in the air to drip dry.
Some people get to be grouches
j from talking to themselves.
To freshen velvet mill feather* place
smoke V
R o a s ts
T hing s O thors Th<nk in d W hat We
T h in k ot th o T hing s O thers Think
(Continued front first page)
G M tw n te n t"
After Adam has been condemned for
centuries as the one who ate the apple
and brought all the trouble upou follow
ing generations, along comes a professor
of Assyriology with au alibi uud eou
‘Tis the star spangled banner,
elusive proof that Noah, the hero of the
Oh! long may it wave
flood, was really the guilty one. We
O'er the laud of the free
won’t fuss about who ate the apple if
Aud the home of the brave.
the professor will tell us who got the
• • #
It shows lack of appreciation on the
By the flow of the inland river
part of the men to twit women about
not being able to throw straight. If
Whence the fleets of iron have fled,
Where the blades »1 the grave grass they could hit the mark every time a
lot of us weu would be going arouud
with bandaged beads.
Asleep are the ranks of the dead.
Cuder the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment day,
Man decays when he becomes in
Under the one the Blue,
different, says Dr. Berle. We know
l nder the other the Gray.
a number who might as well be
used for fertilizer.
From the silence of sorrow fill hours
t he desolate mourners go
Several hundred thousand dozens of
Lovingly laden with flowers
Chinese egg-. have been consumed on the
Alike for the frieud uud the foe.
Pacific coast during the past year with
Under the sod aud the dew,
out the consumer knowing it. The con
Waiting the judgmeut day,
sinner has been fooled as suecessfully as
I nder the roses the Blue,
he has been folding biddy with china
nest eggs for fifty or a hundred years.
Under the lilies the Gray.
• • •
is coming back into
.Sadly, but not with upbraiding.
style. We know some men who will be
The generous deed was done.
applying witch hazel to their arms.
In the storm of the years that are fad
« • •
The very latest in skirts is slit both
No braver battle was won.
side and front. September Morn may
Under the sod and the dew,
have serious competition yet.
Waiting the judgment day,
Under the blossoms the Blue,
Too many advertisers are like the
I nder the garlands the Gray.
hell. They only eaekle when busi
ness is good.
No more shall the war-cry sever,
<>r the winding rivers be red;
They have banished our anger forever
line great trouble with churches is l
When they laurel the graves of our lack of hims.
Your guess that was ull wrong yester
Under the sod and the dew,
lay may be ull right today.
Waiting the judgment day,
Love and tears for the Blue,
There are some things anyone can
Tears and love for the Gray.
make— noise for instance.
— Francis M. Finch.
• • •
The man who is always suspicious at
I tracts suspicion.
No wood
coal or ashes)
Round Trip Fares
On Sale Every Day.
Return October III
Also Week End On Sale Saturday and Sunday
Return Monday
For infoi ination ask our local agent
Julio M Scott, (icncral I'assengcr Agent
I'ortland, < Begun
Southern Pacific Lines
>me : ¿TWade
Flour {
Pride of Oregon, Soft Wheat Flour
H. & H. Hard Wheat Flour
j Wade by Cottage Grove
Phone 8 0
Milling Company