Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 28, 1916, Image 1

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17.5 MILLS
.. ;utf
l i . ar.
I I ftO
• 1.70
•a ( hi
Husband of Victim o f
Portland Accident
Lived Here
M rn
W liu
.1 .1 I'litifiiliieu ii x, the
WMN k i l l e t l
It 111 U l l i u h l l e
ne t |
(r = ~_
A d v e rtis in g and S ubscription
R ates M u s t G o Up
--------------- ........................
III: S I A T I S K I. I h . n I, c « i , liup
ruten, utul nnothcr mlvuncc in the
ing tiglii( in ! hup«' thut flit* ml prit «*4 wc uiiiNt pii y will inculi thut
our rute« nu burli NiibitcriptiniiN uih I
viitic«* hi the price uf print pnp«*r
Mil v «*rt i ung in u n l go up un<! r*m:nn
um! tiic uthcr thifigM thut gu into th«*
up until puce« ug;iin rcjii'h u iiorinnl
liiuking of 11 iii'WNpupcr wuubl ntup «•vd
giv«‘ tiiiN notici* fur cnniigli
Ul Ii point |o v enough tu pel luit The hi ml VII UCC tu permit thu-«* wh<» «le
Sent itici to hi nuiiic wuy afrtiggb* «ire tu «lu nu tu tuk«* u«Ì vu n ta ge uf
thmugii without ml v uucing 11 m rnfcN, the pr«NCfit ruten while they «'lint,
but flic pricé'N » r iiiun I puy liuv«* nuil fu prepare fbfin fur the ¡ulvunce
now I m '«* oum ' iin high u n wc cun poN timt ín Niire to come with any further
Niblv n I n n « I without ut* mlviinc«' in a«Jvniice in ti««* priccN vv e ii,ij-.t puy.
tleiit ill I *« *r 11 a it <| a few «ftfiy m iijfo, wiin
the wife uf the fimt uuuuiMit lint «*in
plu\u«l li> the f I m j ' uii I'tiuifit A KiiNtern
Indicateli in the Court's
i in I w it y, uf tliiN tits
It win fit thuf
Published Budget
time the Ori'KiiH A HuntheiiNtern.
• 'humhi emu wiin oil the puV rul! here
T in payer*' Commit tea (l«»*x Into I >«• t u 11 • iiiiiu^ •lime it|i«I July, IIHI.I, lie uuui
plelutl the lieuuiilititig fur the uuimtrtiu
In Examination of County Ex
tiun work n it«I mmle out th•• fimt tin
P# iumh and Its Recommanda
J !
until repurt.
tloUM An» Accepted.
In the iicritleiit in vvhiuh Mr« i'hiilti
liii'iiu« wiin killeil, the jitn ey in ,vhi< h
Af tin* rioni» o f (In* uttimnl 1 * « i • I j» •• t n I ii * v \ iin rilling nt tempt «*«1 t«» itonn the
iiir«»iin^ ut flu* «iHirthuiiMi- HiiVunlny uf
Ntreet lietwe« li tv\u Ntreut uufN niul wiin
(«•riMHtii in «* in I ••* t » uf fit«' i*on ti t \ I'uiirt uiiin I ii ' i I I •«* V w «*• ii the unm. The driver
it nuuiM’i'd t l»ut I In MOV fin levy fur i lililili'd t hut I iin w heeU «kidded un tin*
l.iitM* « «unity will probably In* ill fin* n | ipp«*r.\ pn v eiuunt.
Klaborate MuKlcal Program at Metho Corn lor Planting Should Be of Highest
iieij(liborhii«»«t uf 17.ft mill* Tin* tenta
dint Church Uurier Direction of
Urmie aud In Now Available
t ft % lev y un i'Ntiiunfi'd in flu* pnbli»t|i«-«l
CretiwcU Taken Up Broccoli Growing
at Keanouahie Price.
Iunior t Ì» I H 7fl lili U n .
f ’icNwcll, tree, D«'t iil
llu/ur HroM.
l(«'«‘uininrn«liitiufiN uf tlm vnriuiiN mil»
I tl«l \\ I! Worn I w ere ut C'feNwell Wed
N. , n . Uobl»f Lane County Agri-
l'uiiiiiiit f «'«'N uf f lu* J4 •• n «• r II I hinli'«*t rum ne««lii> interviewing fnruiiTN r«l:iti\e fu
< ’hri-t in:. - w ;. n filtihglv
• uiiurul Agent.;
mifft’«* vti'h' ti«b»pt«*<l h I in « »N f ni f li«* i r rn (lie pluiitmg nnd ruiNilig uf liruuu«di the witii f ’ili in ! 11111N t r « * « * N nini «*xer« iN«*H m
it «» im believe»« hi preparedness he hu«l
tirety nt tin* rn«*«*tintf
Timm* rrrum • uiiiittg niminuii . T I m v prupuN«' fu fiirniNh thè •hiiH'hcN «»f tti•* city.
lietter b«*gm to l«»«*ufc g*»«»«l ««*«*d «-«»rn
III«* Il «I Tl t IIIIIN I II«* 111*1 •*« I U Ut* flint till' li'^IN tlie Need und gimrunfee the grower ti
«»n Sntlirdiiv eveiiing th«* Huudtiy
Int il m » r«»|i«*ul tlm w illow s’ pciiNton Intv, urrtuin tiinoiint o f muney per nure for g.iiuoi «»f tlie l'r«*Nl»yt«*riun ehureh gnve n «» uii . I mioulittiiiy there will i»e u big
<i< iiiutid lor nc «'«I witiiHi tin* next few
I • I n «* i »i g* the matter uf nuftiMtanre fur d«» the •top. In order to make the enter
1 wi ll reeeiveil ptugriiiu, n «*\ «*ral o f th«'
►•ri v iiij» w iilutt N t'iifm lv ni thr h ti lid a uf pii *e n go they want to N»*cure nt letiNt uiiuibeiN by th«* yoiiug folkn l««*mg w«*ll itiuii 1 a«. ( » 11«* heals «»t many i i k i m i i ies
t«*i g«H»«l ««•«•«] alr«*udy an«i the s«*«*d
tin* «'utility i'uiirt
'•till tit i t « no un tu i»«' tilde to inuku r«*iuleie«l.
««»mpunies are «» ii tlie l«»<»k«»iif for ail
The «fiM'Ntinti uf D iih I n fur t lu* county NhipmetitN in cnrloud I u ( n . Hi'vernl ut
• • •
th«* g«»«»«i seed they «*aii «»brain ami thm
fuir wiin N«‘ftl«*d I»y ti fumi r«‘i*ruffitiH‘ii the furinerN nre indi«‘titing an inliTi'Nl
< »11 Su n«l u y «'Vi'iiiug un eliiluirute prò-
»11 tin 11 will tell un th« quality and th«*
dntiun finit tlii- full ti in« • il si t fur tlm «* ii g» in the projeet
gì in v\ un n*n*|ere«l ut tlie M«'tho<lÌNt
pile«' «»r seed by spring.
|»uit uf fin* fuir fliin yenr f 1*00
• 'lunch uiuler th«* <lir«*cti«»n uf Mr«. Leon
(rue «»( th«* important factors in siic-
li*ff In flm lnnl|j¡«*f Tlm ruminiffi»«* Inni HOME WINK MAKING IS
D«* n |.nr/cN. h’ulluw ing in th«* pr«’grHin:
c on* J ul «Min grtiwing is g«»o«i seed. Oft
r<M'OltiiiM*nd«*il On* I * * | * | » * ■ • K *»ff uf finou
Il vinti ('hoir 1111 «I «•«»ugregìit ion.
• 11 losses have r«*Miit(*d ir«»in p«x»r »«*«*«1
w li i«* li wiin WM il f «*d by tlm fuir I m » hm I
l'h«' Kv erluNt ing Liglit I Wilmin )
•ui«i i a«* Use «»t such is a poor I» iishi «‘ ns
f«*r fil«* «Ti'cfinn uf u nfurk liiirn, fur ffm
I lo* choir,
Man May Leg:Uly M.mufaetuiB Iutoxt
uietli«»«!. it means l«»st m<»ti«»n in farm-
r«*iiN«»n finit • lt«*r•• wnn nu «i*rfninty finit
n . KiuittM, puafor.
coot* for HI* Own U*e.
iMg. r«»«n seed means a p«»«»r stand, lit«*
tlm uni * « a f * On* t*ruiin<l«t rntilil lu* Inni fur
\ Di « mi ni o f M«t I» l«*h «*m l(u«lm*y
dd «»f corn is directly influenced by
utiuflmr year, l»iit llrrtry W Ht«*wtirf,
Mi* n iif net lire fr«»in gi.tpeN uf wine fur K. b inphr«*v.
liu- stnu«! and whcie only a 75 per cent
|ui'«ii|i'nl «*f firn I .»n«* ('«»ntify kgrb'ut
liouie eoiiMiiupt loll in ii light with which
stand is «»btaiiied, «lu«* to iiifi*ii«»r s«*c«J.
fumi « un * i et y, which uw un thr ^ hmiih U,
tli«* dry luw should not interfer«*, in th«* M 1 n 11inn Ib uger, |{«*v. J on . KnottN.
if means less«*iinig the pr«»<iii«-ing possi­
Nt:it«*«l finit t h<* noci r f y w : in willing tu
bility «»I the land ..» per cent aiul a loss
Irti ni * thr frullini « f«« tin* fuir n«iM»<‘ iut iu|i d«'uIn:i1 1 ion o f Circuit Judge McGinn, of gr» g:»t i « » 11.
of so much lab«»r.
fur u turili uf yearn, uml Inter in tlm ilnr v| lilt uuiiioh «•«umts, hi over ruling flu*
«letntiti«'( uf DiNtiiuf Attorney KsntiN t•»
s»»me (|uesn«»n th«* utlv inability «»f
niiu I i u IruNr wun aj» rec«| upon, Mv tlm
\ 1 «aiwt rofig.
ih> iujiinutiuu ,ii uf \ I. iiiiii , un Itnl
paying more than the market price f«»r
provUion« uf thu IriiN«*. thr < omitv in tu
mu, vs Ii«* I iiin hruiight u t«*Nl i iin «* hi tI i •
g«»«»«l s«*c«l com. I.el us see what th«*
pnv thr Nui'irfv rrntnl ut thr rut«* «»f
Th«* ehoir.
circuit iMiurt.
actual la«*ts «»f the ease ur«*. iu«ml s«*«*«l
♦ M M M t u vrnr fur fiv«' v n in , nini tu p»:« \
I un.tutmn uf the niilount uf li«pior
at (•■‘• oo a bi»sh«*l men ns that the »ceil­
th<* tuX un .
T ìm * N«*w Morii Kmg I . ' K n I uh
wlil«*h mu v lie n h I ppe< I hi fu one per no it,
ing o f an a«*r«* will cost appmximately
T h r probable tilt levy uf I 7 f» i u i II n i*
un provideil |»y the twui|iinrt n niunth I ’. A. LSneh.
)uiN«*d u | m »il n futul v ululi fiiin uf f i o ,
• cents. This is |H*rbaps l S or .ill cents
.'125.MH un uunt|Mirr«| with un rvrn f.Sn, iegiil.ittun uf the dry luw, n « i lung un
M tn . D«* n |,ur/«*N, M in \V. ('. ( ’«»liner, an acre more than the planting w«»uld
iHMi nini, tiN uNfiniutnl l*y thu u««urt w liuti tlie \vhi*>k\ n ii<* not l>urtere«l, virtually
«•«»st n c«»inmoii see«l. purchas«*«! at th**
Ilui:« lb:«g«'r, Kriicnt l ’ iirvuiice,
wiin held illegal, in ti dictum in«liuatu«l
t li«* frutti tiv «• |r% y un |uitJiN)iud in thu
market price, were us«*«l. I f the final
K l'mphrey.
I• v Judge Met)inn.
i«suits suow that the yi«*l«l is increased
'• T h e purpuNu u! th»- pndi'.liil««ry law
bushel to the acre, the returns will
ntitin nini n nuinlirr uf iterriN that hn\r
in tu Nfup all tra ffic in intoxicant n , nu«l «*h«»ir.
I m * uii redite«*«! nrr ri'fpoiiaihlr fur thr rr
S«*« niovo'Yt<* II«*v. J un . Kiu’tt*« puator. be III«» per cent «»n th«* investment. The
to end the nu I ihiu ,'* d«*ulufe«| Jmlge Mu
dilution in thu rnilltit'«*.
H«*hobl I Mring Y «ni («Imi TidingN actual facts o f the «-use are, however,
<¿inn. " b u t the law «11«1 nut i m t«*ti«1 tu
The «(HUNtiuii uf ptirchnninp Mo rotin
that tto* yield is increased from 4 to 12
\11 w I .«*««ai D«* n I .nr/i'M.
take from man the right tu uuiiNuine ■ ICobniNoti
ty fuir frullini*« l«v thu uountv wiin
bushels to th«* acre. On«* can thus see
into* Hunt»» hiniNelf.
Th«* Ntnfe could
lu uii|* h t uf« nini it wun \ufu«| tu niNtriiut
that the use o f go«n| s«*«'»l corn gives an
t In* ru iin ty' n repieNtnf :iti\ «* n in the
tu crease«! return that easily justifies
Il v uhi t'Iiuir and eongr«*giiti«»vi.
I i . n «'UfiNiimpt ion uf lit|iiur iM'cutiie n hi i
• tute |e^i«lti t lire io intruilurr u Mill pro
me use «*f g«»«»«l seed,
• • •
by hi* d.Norderly «'«induct.
% i «t i n jx f«»r thr le\yinj» uf n tnx f«*r f I» iw
Kverynne recognizes the value o f us
impurtiiig liipiur or manufacturing it in
a pure l»r«'«l sire in breeding up a
any aniouuf fur I iin own iinc , a iniin in ut tli•• M«*th<»diNt church hi*ld ì I n pr«»-
herd ur flu« k. The better the quality
grun». Mie mblr«*N*4 o f welcome wna glv
v it h in I iin riglitN. * ’
*»f stock the more money it returns the
Deputy D i» fn « t \ttorn«*y Murphy nr «•n by little 4 \ r ubi II unn Kntitta. Hia
BE CHARGED FOR BOOKS gu«*d that there wiin a «lifferenc«* I*«*- j H 11 V V«»iee peiM'f rute«) t « »e v «r v «‘uflier uf owner. These recognized facts concern
mg the l»f««eding of stock are just as
tween Ia«| ii «> r impurted into :t Ntate and thè ehureh. Th«* b«*Nt niiiub«»r vvhn ri
1 1 u«* ««»accruing <*urn or th«* seed uf any
Money Thus Received W ill Help in
ln|iiur delilu lately 111*i iiii facture«l within f i i t f ' t u 1 me uf thè Nh«*pherd Nr»*ne fruii»
other crop tor that matter an«l when
Repleulfthlng Library Shelves.
til«* Ntate, lull J.nig«* Mct'iim held that Ben Hur bv th«* c I unn «**« uf th«* pad or
practi«*e«l will «»ft«*u yield better re-
it* «other «' un «* the ultimate uni * o f the ami Mr**, J. S lienaori. Th«' r«*:iding
l ui us.
Tin* Cottage (im \ r library l'ipiv tii to liijuor und nut the inanufuctlire or im w a n bv M in -« Ktnii«*e \ un Detibnrg. S«*\
It is n«»t n«*c«*ssaiy to aend away f«»r
put u new ruling into e ffo rt Fchruary purtatiun, wiin the important point.
enti «»tlicr mimfiera w«*re w«*ll r«*n-
seed to stuit hi right. We have good
I, wbereliy I hum* living outside the tax
-«*«*<! in Lane couniy which can be ob­
• • •
i n at dial rii* t o f Cotture Grove v\ill puy
More Packages In; Not So Many Out
n atavi ri 11 membership tri* o f Till rent* n
Tlo* pr.mury limi junior d«*|»arfmetitN tained quite reasonably, it is see«l that
The poNtuffice in barely rc«*ov«*ring
yenr for the fir*t miTiilierabip in the from the <'hriNtriuiN iiin I i arid the mailN «»t fin* Chriatinvi Surnlnv s«*h«>ol h«*l«1 is acclimated aiul will g ive better re­
sults than sect I from some other locality
family, mol 2Í» renta 11 yenr for midi
ii«» yet heavy. The number uf package* fluir ex«*rcÌN«»H nt tlo* «hur«li Saturdnv
tionul mntnbernhipa in the family. This sent *»ut tI hn year was n«»t hn largi* ns« i ufteriMM»?».
A v erv ivitereating pro­ requiring two to three vetirs t«» accli­
mate. Where possible one should buy
i u I iuk will lo* illudi* lor tlie renanti that
that o f a y«*ur ago. but tin* number «»f gram vv 11 n rt'iidere«! by thè little folkN.
•In* fund- for the purehitae o f hook* me pa«k:t::>N r*'eeive«l wun larger.
vv ho w«»r«* hi eharg«* of M i n . Fr«*«l Porter, -«•«•«I on the ear. By s«» doing you know
not large e lio liti to purehtiae the Hum
piiinary Niiperinfetiilenf. Aft«»r thè prò j ist what you are g«'ttiag. You want to
tier o f I look * reipiired by the ¡to-reusing GERMANY REPLIES TO
grau» tIn* little fulka vver«* entertnined know the sires and dams o f your live
patronage, u lui ye part of ivliieh romea
nt gutnt'N f«»r a aliort tini«* follow«*«! bv st«»« k aud tkt* same holds good in pur­
THE WILSON NOTE thè iin mi| ( ’hri.HtmtiN tr«*at.
chasing seed corn on the ear. While the
from outaide the city, While thoae out
aide o f the taxing diatriet linve rerpived
The iiit«*rm«*dinte and mlult «lepart- price If higher for seed on the ear, one
is justified in paying the price. There
llerllll. Ii) ssirel«**» to Su>vill*j.— Tin* in«'ntN ren<b‘ie«| a short musi« al :m«l lif
ttie amile lie tie f 11 a heretofore ua thoae
« l i n lim e paid the tuxes, they hnve been text ol (it rinmis a mmssi r to ITesl* e m ry program T uead ay «*v«*t»ing. f«»l are few g«»«»d seed ears in a bin as com
pared with the ears that can be shelled
naked to do nothing for the anpport of b u t W ils o n s note vsua ti-HUsmitteil lovve«l bv ili«* eleetion o f o ffie e ra .
and sold as st*e«l.
tin* library. The funda reeeived in Itila u> .lames W. Gerard, lltt* Ainericuu
\s it hunt question goo«l se**d is ne««l«*d
manner will probably be u*ed entirely atnlmasudor.
L in e County Without Senator.
for the purrhnae o f new ..... ka. While
Stute Hí'iintor Miiighuii) may not r«*- by many growers. This was self-evident
’the «nsssvr. which also contains
the u mount will not lie large it will be
from the amount o f immature corn pro-
the reply of Austria Hungary, Uul- tin ii from New York tu attend the up
o f eolia idem ble nid.
p i(»iieliing aeaaion o f the atilt«* leginla «lu« «*«1 in th«* county. This comlition can
dar!a and Turkey, says:
ture. This will leave the aenate one be remedied by using seed from van
" T h e high minded suggestion made
Hunday H.hool (.Marie* Fdert.
member abort and Lane County will be «*ti«*s that «lid mil tin«* this year in the
by the president of the United Slates
w if Ii«»ut a member in the neunte. Senn county. To do this, we should g«*t the
The intermedinte nini mllilt elnaae* of
of America. In order to create u basis
t«»r K. D. CiiNH-k, «af Albany, hold* th«* s«*c«l while it is still available and being
thè Cimatimi ehureh Sundny nehool
for the establishment of u lusting joint a«*nNt«»rahip for Linn and Lane, s«»l«l at a reasonable price.
h m e elei*tei! thè follow ing offieera:
Hiiperintendent, .1 11 l ’ rot/mnn; na peace, hus been reeeived und consid­ but in not a reablent o f this county. It
’y-timt aiiperinlendent, Fred l ’orter; ered by the Imperial governm ent in in understood thnt Senator Hingham
Eastern Star Installs.
will not r«»aign, no thnt nothing can In* j The Eastern Star lodge installed the
aeeretnry, The Inni Wilkinaon; naaiatnnt thu friendly spirit which was ex
a.*ereiiiry, Munti lloyle; trenaurer, Mn pressed in the president's commutil- «lone to fill the vacancy.
rum lleaa; naaiatnnt trenaurer, Mnry esliott. The pr< sident points out (hat
Worthy Matron, Maude K. Wheeler;
worthy patron, U«*«»rg«* M. Scott; asso-
Wiaemnn; pinniat, Vlrgil l ’owell; n* which he has at heart and leaves open
Several Fast Christmas Bouts.
aiatnnt pinniat, Orphn Steseli*; nuperin Ih.i choice of rosd.
Several fast boxing matchcN wer«* | «»t cint«* matron, Kli/ab«*th 11. Mills; sec
temlent primnry depnrtment. Mra. Fred
• T o the imperial government an Im­ on at the Mourn* smoker Christmtia day. icla ry, l.otti«* Scott; treasurer, Clara
Burk holder; eoiidti<*tr«*ss, h'ay Allison;
Porter; auperintendent erudii* rull, Mr*.
mediate exchange of views seems to In th«* main event b«»tween Leon Arne,
K ittie Kime.
associate conductress, Frances Nichols;
In* ths most appropriate road In order
lliijatbi, tin* match was <!<*clare«i a draw. Ada, Loretta lien Is; Ruth, Frances
lo reach the desired result.
In th«* pi'eliminaries, Billy Kyan, o f St. Beatty; Esther, Birdie Hall; Martha,
Motor Cttr Tears Up Crossing Planks.
‘ It begs, therefore. In the sense of
•I « »I» n n , reeeived the decision <»\«'r Hurry (4race Cruson; Flecta, Jenni«* C. Shay;
The gnauline cur o f the Oregon I’ nei
the declaration made on 1 fee ember 12,
White, o f Portland, and Jimmv Duffy chaplain. Fin utali tie Forter; marshal,
fie A Knatern railway met with n alight
neeident one dnv Inat week. The enr which offered u hand for 1*^ 1110 uego * n»eeived tin* decision over Tommy Bertie Durham; organist, Minnie F.
Houck, o f Vancouver. A f t e r the main Miller; warder, Martha (lleaaon; sen
Bee III ed to lit* n little overlonded in the nations, to propose so Immediate
event, the victors in the preliminaries tiin*I, F. A. (lleason.
front end nnd the eowenteher atuek it* j meeting of delegates of the belltger
Over u Mill L omu Than the Kate
f I
(Srfltî? jgw ttittrf
tu u i for
t rullili««
Mil lliilil
M til« III
>*. I; in«'
h nun i V
Mi i}*lit '«
ir> N jjet
k i«l Ury *.
K MI im * \
lifil Mt ,
V lfl«»|
i* y li a v «•
I » i,
tin* flint
illy. * •
Dun 't
•I y j»i*l
in* flint
h n ( ’«» ,
« :—
e iif
, ten
fiv «.
ID W ill
• nt inni.
ox 342.
b ’ *J*p«l
lui) for
( *I h *M
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a; lililí
d I “ |»l
li n25pd
ritor In
I, rari,
Oil 111 >«I
) to 70
FIS or
ce I l|nl
rent ou
•r m ui
10 li Ni*
ng rat
-d H. I
17 2lpd
Id, on«
17 2lpd
Ni and
di r I Ir
ir pup.
11 MI fr
I trad«
il II VIT.
tank ;
il it ion.
rii li Iff.
I 2N|ii1
went «o» for a bout that was not on the
nose into the plnnka nt the Wnlilen rond ant states at u neutral place.
eroaaing. There writs no ilnmnge except
“ T h e imperial government Is also program, Kyan winning over Duffy.
to the eowenteher.
(4. Me Donnei, o f Fugene, n«*te«i as
I of the opinion thut the greut wn'k of
preventing further wars can lie begun referee. Then* was a large attendance
Important Meeting of Tax Lengue,
only after the end of the present and a sprinkling o f members «»f the fair
An important meeting o f the South struggle of the nations.
ern I.mie County T a xp a yers' lengue will
“ It will, when this moment shall
Relatives Overlooker!
be held nt l!:.'lti Hnturdny nfternoon nt have come, be ready with pleasure to
the eommereinl elub. There svili be n re
In th«* item lifkt week about the
|collaborate entirely with the United
port from the committee upon muniei-
«lenth o f Mrs. Htiv Van Kiper» th«* names
States In this exulted task."
pul nffnirs, which probnblv will be (lie
o f tlir«*«» snrvivivng brothers were nr
T h e answer of the f *ntral powers
main subject o f diacuaaion.
eidentnlly overlooked. They art* Conrad.
concludes with tlie usual diplomatic |
Joe and Sylvester Widdersheim, nil o f
A want ad. will get it.
d l l t f terms of politeness.
res o f
ritti or
I 27| m I
irth .1
ira old.
. Cima.
B | »M L «m b t r C «r ip Jny |||)J C O N T E S T S OH
Distributes Christmas
Money lo Men
D« pite the fact that the past year
hus b«'«*n a hard «» ih * in the liimb«*r bus-
i 11 #• NN t th«* Bn»wn Lumber ««»inpany dis
tribute«! alsfut iftJOOU am«»ng its mill High School Teams Will Each
employes un »» Christmas present. The
Play Nine Games Dur­
men in th«* logging camps w»*re not in
c I im I«*«! in the distribution, their wages
ing the Winter
being higher than those in th«* mill.
The «listribution amount**«! to al»«»uf b
(¿uite a contest is <m for the inter-
p«*r «*«•»• î <»f th«* wag«*s of th»* men.
• lass championship of the high sck«»«»l
basketball teams. Each team will pla\
Should Obtain New Licenses.
three gurries with each o f the otli«i
Ilunf«m shoubl obtain a new license teams, each class having both a l»«»ys '
or r•-•'«• i pt ». *r a «bdlar Í(»dg«'«J with their and a g i r l s ’ team. The games arc played
application Infor«* attempting t«» hunt at the armory. The buys' teams play at
:»ft«*r th«* '.1st iff D«*eeinber, »« « ordirig t«» .» o'clock <» ii Monday, Wednesday aim
an aiH»iinccirient made by local game Friday afternoons an«l th«* g irls ' team
vv ardi-ns. Th«* results of th«* deer seasou play ut 4:JO on Tuesdays and Thors
reeently elose«l have convinced the state days The lineups o f the clubs are u-
game wardens that the shortage o f <l«*er, follows:
which has been c«»mplained o f f o r sev
.Senior Boys— Wa«le Leroy, f ; Ernest
•-ral seasons, is indeed real, and they Ke«lford, f ; Oval Powell, f ; Bob Joucn.
now realize that something must be c; Nubhy Coffman, g ; Marvel Kaadall,
done «piickly if one of the fin«*st «»ut- ■*
• loor sports is 14» be maintained in Ore*
Juni«»r Boys— Frank Wallace, g; Vir
¿«» ii . ami espcrially in the nit«*ri<»r «lis- gil Powell, g; lrl droves, g; Hurolii
tri<*ts. Althorgh many suggesti«»ns have Dugan, e; dlen Smith, f; Pete Aulaut,
been offered, th«* older sportsmen be f ; Huston Medley, f.
Ji«*%«* that hunting «leer sh«>ubi be pro-
Sopb«niu»re Boys* Donabi YanB«»skirk,
l)il»it«-«l for several years. This, they de- f; Milton Leroy, f ; Bill Huldeman, «•.
«dar«*, is the only manner in which th«* iiolladay, g; Ralph Teeters, g; Virgil
Np«»rt «• :• n I»«* «*oiitinue«l with any «i«*gr«*e d«»w«iy, g.
ot p«-rmaii«*ri4-y.
Fr«*shmen B o y »— Bill Kidd, g; Mosby,
g; H«»rner Kidd, «•; ( ’laude Kime, f ; Bill
: I
Senior (»iris— N«*va Slagle, g ; Ella
may (Jtterback, g; Emelie HuUleuianf c;
The s«h<»(»l boys o f Santa Clara are Ruth Powell, f ; d en evieve Jury, f.
Juui«»r (nrl»4— Thelma Wilkins«»u, f;
g«*ttiiig a practical umici standing o f the
io«lnio‘iit- «»f «iairying an«J a knowledge Trysta Martin, f ; Marie Ri«iings, e;
o f h«*w to conduct a succeasful business l-ois rh«»mas. g ; Esther Jorgcns«*n, g.
Sophomore (»iris— Rita Hidings, f;
tarai thr«»ugh actual experience. The
Rose liubleuian, c;
n < I h »«»I cow testing associât ion, under Juanita Shorty f ;
th«* siiperv ision o f B. T. Youel, the prin­ Hi Id red Hall, g; Bethel Gowily, g.
Freshmen (»iris— Alma M«»s«*r. g; Helen
cipal, has just complet«*«! a monthly
butter fat an«l production record o f .» h Rodolf, g; (»race Harding, «*; Ruth
«•ows, according to N. S. Kobb, county Puelps, f ; Eva Wee«len, f.
At this time th** standing o f th*-
agricultural ag«*uf. wh«» has been inter-
•*st«*« 1 in the work. M«»st «»f th«* boys use teams is as f«»ll«»ws:
w 1.
their fa t h e r ’s «-ows to get th«*ir records.
II loon
The b«»y s o f the scho«»l k**«*p a record
o f individual cows an«l each month the Juniors......................
r«*>ultN are totaled givin g th«* value o f Freshmen.................. ............ 1 1
the butter fat pro«luce«J by each animal. Sophomores.............. ............ 0 J
Girls —
The JO-«lay period ree«ird f«»r November-
J uniors.....................
2 0 ll tOO
mid Decemb«*r is as follows:
A cow brbmging to Mr. Andrews and Seniors...................... ............1
teste«! by K. Youel pnaluced 4 tj*» |M»un«ls Sophomore*.............. ............ 1
«.f butter t i t . valued at *17.J2. This Freshmen................................ 0
was the highest test.
" O l d B.*>>, * ’ own« «! by Clyde Wells
uih ! t«'st«*«l by M. Sh«»rt, took see«»iid
place in the t«*sts bv producing 4 L »
pounds o f butter fat, worth ftlli.tiO.
" T i b b i t t ” was third highest, pro«luc-
ing 41.7s pounds, .s’u«' is owned by Mr.
Dale and tested by C Dale.
" J e r s e y , ” owned by Mr. Rot»ertson
and ti’-tcii by J. Robertson, t«««*k fourth
with 4Liti pounds o f fat.
The l«»w «'st t est ing cow pro«luc«»d
w «»rt h « » f butter fat.
Kn<*h month u report is made ont und
-»••nt t«> the First National bank «»f Eu­
gene, which is trying to increase th«* in­
terest o f th** boys in better farming.
The bank furnishes all the necessary
r«««»r«l sh«*«*ts.
High School Pla y Is W ell Received a«.:
Nice P r o fit Is Realized.
The high school play. “ The Wrong
I ru-le.’ ’ which was presented at the
high school assembly room Thursday
night, showed good work on the part of
the students who took part. The two
character parts. Mr. \spen and Miss
Aurora, taken hy f a r ] Kodolph and
Kuefta Boyd, were well sustained. The
suet-ess o f the play was due to the work
o f Alfred Skei. the director, as well
as to the effo rts on the part o f the
A musical program that added much
Pieuty of Christmas Spirits.
to the enjoyment o f the evening was
There was no lack o f Christmas spirit
rendered hv Mrs. DesLarzes, Miss Sils
o f th«* I i « i ti i « ! kind in Cottage drove, a l­
fiv, Mrs. Griswold, George Matthews,
though Marshall Ditcher reports that
Ralph Brow a. Miss Ruth .Stewart and
the imbibing o f th«* spirits was o f a
Miss Juanita Short.
quiet nature. The express o ffic e had
About s2:r was put in tlie school freas
not p opeilv fortified itself for tb«» un ury from the receipts.
ex pec ed rush nnd ran «»ut o f the neces­
The cast o f characters was as follows:
sary affidavits. For this reason a large Miss Mary Marley........ Geuevieve Jury
number o f two-qunrt packages could
a cousin o f
n««t l«e delivered until Christmas day.
Miss Nellv Marley
Maud Doyls
Mrs. Wade, their aunt.....Marie Ridings
Wins Debating Honor.
Jane, the maid................ . Reta Hidings
Lewis C. Beebe, formerly o f this city,
Xedekiuh Aspen........................ Curl Rodolf
t«»««k second place in the annual contest Fred I'ureton, N e lly 's l o v e r ................
at the University o f Oregon for the
...........................................Robert Jones
alumni association medal for extempo- Reginald Rawlins, M ary's lover.......
i -moons debate.
.... ....................................... Claud Kime
Miss Aurora Rawlins. Reginald's aunt
dH tf
A » a n t ad. will get it.
.......... ...........................
Ruetta Boyd
1 Bates, servant.................. Virgil Powell
Robert Raw fins, Reginald's uncle. .
VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN : ................................. ...... Charles Führer
Henry Rawlins, Reginald's niu-le.......
........................................Frank W allaci
London. Altl. ii. h peace talk fills
the an the l. l o j c George goveruiueut
is u g g resa ivti) going forward with Its
nieastiiev to insure .1 more vigorous
pro- »•> utioii ol m e war. A t thu tam e
time ti »uh’ esoiiie domestic problems
are being taokled.
Semi-i It cial infortrtation was that
the replj w lm li the allies will render
to IS< rn.auy's peaee proposal* will go
forward within a short time.
It will lie a new year's gre e t'a g
setting to :!i the entente’s indomit­
able pn-¡a
i . proceed releiitleaalv
with their war until -eparatton. res
tltutlon and guarantee" is made cer­
That determination to continue, rep
resented in l.lo id George s vast plans
for harnessing e v e i y ounee o f strength
the nation affords, will therefore he
formally announced through diplo­
matic notes. T h e United Slates will
he the agency for communication. Just
as Am erica was Germ any's messen­
ger. The llritish note will he Identi­
Notice to Lodge Secretaries.
Kindly furnish The S«*ntine) accounts cal in form and phraseology with the
o f installations nnd list o f officers in notes of refusal which e very one of
ths allies will return to Berlin.
I stalled.
M. W. A. Elect.
Th«» Mod«*rn Woodmen «»t* Ameriea
have el«*cte«l the following officera:
Consul, J. s. Milne; a«lviser, A. S. P o w ­
ell; banker, (»«*«». M. Hall; clerk, J. B.
I'rotzmnn; sentinel, J. H. Baker; watch­
man, A. II uni loth; **s« «»rt, •?. W. Chirk;
' physician, C. F. Frost.
E. W. McMindes Is Winning Honors as
Orator at 0. A. C.
■ 1 ■- 1
Oregon Agricultural College, Dec. 2.1.
— Special to The Sentinel.)— K. W. Me
Mindes o f Lorane, is a member o f the
junior class debating team which won
the class championship last Saturday hy
defeating the freshman team. This !s
the first time in five years that the
first year men have not carried away
the honors in this contest. The ipiestion
was “ Resolved, That
I'nited States should abandon tlie Mon
: roe Doctrine. ’ ’
Mr. McMindes has been prominent in
forensics during his course at the col­
lege. He has been a member o f his class
1 debating team for two years, anti last
year represented his class in the ora­
torical contest.
Besides being a member o f the junior
class team he is a member o f the col
lege extension team which will tour the
state this winter, debating on live ques-
I tions o f the dnv in communities that
1 care to cooperate with the college In
this matter.