OF TEXT BOOKS OREGON NEWS NOTES PRINTING NOT FAVORED OF GENERAL INTEREST lost caste in the eyes of republican vot DISCUSSER L A N D G R A N T DISPUTE ers by his efforts to hamper the admin iatration and to discredit Governor Homesteader Tells What Would He Fair to Settler. Withycombe. I f his pull und haul inetti A N D COTTAGE GROVE LEAD ER tais were sincere, they might not be ser Coiumsrclul Club Expresses Doubt as Hanks, Ore., April 12. (To the Ed ' A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH PLENTY OF BACKBONE iously criticised, but there is a suspicion tu Whether It Would He Wise that his brother in law, ex-Governor iter.)- My attention has been called In' your editorial comment on nil editorial West, has Ina1 a pulling the string. ami Expedient, ELBERT BEDE A N D EL B E R T SMITH. PUBLISHERS Important Occurrences of Past We will have a rapinile secretary of in the Hanks Herald in which ,i >>u take E LB ERT BEDE, EDITOR state in either man, but why not have the Herald to task for criticizing the Week Briefly Compiled for The promotion riunuiHlee of the com a regular republican? Charlie Moores, Chamberlain land grant bill without if mi'rriitl fluii, upon order of the rliih Our Readers. A first-class publication en tarisi at Cottage Grove as second d ata matter. beloved by all true blue republicans, fenng something better in it - place, Inis dritti ii up resolutions «tient Oie fills the bill. You say: printing of text books nt the state ----------------------- “ The Herald would have half the pro- 2« SOUTH F I F T H STREET BUSINESS OFFICE: :: After a successful session of three printing office. The resolutions m no M. Vernon Parsons has entered the reeds from the sale of the timber go » ay express an opinion upon the fur lists for district attorney. Mr. Parsons to thè settler to uid liim in clearing timi dnya. thè I entrai llnpttat aaaocluthill S is h m g o f free text I ..... .. T h e y o n ly SUBSCRIPTION RATES. is a man o f many parts, has some repti improving thè land. The suggestion is riuscii Ila !9th arnioni couvetillnli at icfer to the proposition -of printing In One Y e a r....................................... $1.60 Six Months.........................................80 tation as a legai tight and a strong per-j a seasible olle, but it should Ione heen Albany. the State. The resolutions follow: Three Months......................................40 Single Copies..................................... 5e sonai following aiuoiig those who do uot inaile at thè lime eongress and railroid Meleti Newton, 4 yeur old dnughter Whereas, We ha.e been nsked to take n,.u Newton, nf Pilli No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is imperative. believe in too stringent regulntion or and stille « e r e invitiug suggestions tip ,,f yjr action upon the proposal to have eie our personal libertina. He will add pep un which to buse thè I, „ suitimi wliieli ,llIltt(|, wasdrowned ili Mary'a rlver at mentary text books printed lit the s t a t e to thè l'umpuign and give Devers and is now before eongress. The suggestion j|ul( printing office nt Salem at public rx AD V E R T ISIN G RATES. place Dillnrd some futi for their money. Mr is probubly inaile too lai for considera ' Display, 26 cents per inch; reading notice ads. 8 cents per line; legal notices, The rubini drive ut Lorella, near pense; now, therefore, be it Parsons is a corner und this niay be thè tiou bv eongress.” Resolved. That while we wish to cu 5 cents per line; surrounded ads., 60 cents per inch; classified ads., 1 cent per titne he ia going to arrivo. i I cali your attention to thè following K Inumi li Culla, la reported aa havliiK courage every movement that will lead word. Special discounts on contracts. Cards of Thanks and Resolutions, t! cents beoti success fili, abolii 2860 btiliiiles ----------------------- I outline of a bill I drew for thè purpose to keep Oregon money at home, we be per line. botng kllled Voterà in Lane county should reuiem ; which you fcar has ...... overlooked: lieie Dlls IS a question upon which has*, After belng hloekudod silice Murili ber thut thè priuiiiry is of greater un “ I Tliat thè landa be dis|H>sed of action should not be lukcn; we belieic MEMBER NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION portanee tlian thè generai election. : tlineigli thè land office i i s ageut for the ’.'8 the Mbuiiy Vagolila brulicli of Die that it is not proper liuti we urge the government and trustee for thè rnihn.il Soiltberil Piiclile bus lieen opeued for legislature to take action Unit umv ><*$ MEMBER WILLAMETTE VALLEY EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION T K CA M P B EL L. • • 2 Thnt thè landa he t lnsaified nsj Hmiugh Iruffli only Increase the cost of text books grazing, agriculturnl. timbered grazing, MEMBER OREGON STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Granfa l'usa and Josephine comity but may giv* iis text books of an infer OTERH of Lane county should bear tini ber ed ugrieulturtil. and tliat the tini It is usually the case that urc to bave one of the lo new militila ior grade Wednesday, April 11», 11*18. in mind the name of T. K. Camp bered binda be d vi.letl iato as inativ work performed by I hi- government is experiment stations to ho eatnbllslied bell, candidate for public service com sub classe* as ndvi-alde, ^ot not lesa more expensive than that performed bv missioner. lie is a Lane county man, tlian linee Tliat those qunrtcr aeetions by the United States bureau r> manufacture; with that data in hand the commission ever since its organiza fitness us settlers Tlmt owners of lilt) 12 miles southwest of Corvallis, wus We urge u thorough And the soft Go-easys grow l we will meet with the secretary of the tion. He is familiar with the business acres o f land or $.,000 o f wealth be ex so badly Injured by u rolling log that ready high tinca in. est igni mu of results in other state, navy and guarantee to manufacture ar- of the commission and has proved an eluded from the benefits of the net. lie died from a financial and edurstiouul stand It lies in the valley of \\ hat's the-use mor at a price which will be itself quite I Bbl*. capable and economical state of “ 4 flint the timbered lands carrying For the first tlni" III Its history the |nont. before any nctmn is taken Me In the province o f Let- er slide; as low as the lowest price at which the fieial. He is opposed by a man already ‘ more than 1,000,000 feet to the quarter state penitentiary has a flax pole It are opposed to the printing of te»l That tired feeling is native there, government could possibly make it, tak holding a good state job, who would section be appraised, and the purchaser | Governor bonks by the state printing office lit It s the home of the listless I-don t- ing into account all proper charges. probably make a good commissioner in ,,f the land be required to pay u p. i - W „ hycolnlM. ,mPtli lpute.1 In raising the expense of the taxpayer, unless the c* rei “ We make the foregoing proposition time, but there is absolutely no excuse equal to one half of the appraised value legislature cun thereby secure text Where the Put-it-offs abide. rather than have our plant rendered for his candidacy other than that of a for timber in excess of that amount, and the flag The duinuKe along the 22 tulles of Ian I k s equal to those we now lin.r and useless. We have invested over $7,000,- {Wrsonal ambition. Mr. Campbell should that the proceeds go into a fund for the at no greater prire; and, be it further The Put-it-offs smile when asked to 000 in that plant, as inventoried today, have your vote. public physical improvements to the Columbia River highway In Mood River Resolved, Thut we suggest that il wor^> , not taking into account large sums— 1 lands, such as highways, and ip- county Irnui the severe weulher the And say they will do it tomorrow; would be proper for the Icgialufun- to certainly $2,000,000— expended for plant With Mr. Shelton ns editor the Eu | portioned to the several counties whcii'c pusl winter lias been far less than memorialize congress to investigate con And so they delay from day to day, and equipment abandoned because of gene Guard should take its proper p< ihe fund originated according to the [ wus estimated. Till death cycles up and takes th-tn becoming obsolete. Our armor plant is dilions that result in the exorbitant sition among the newspapers of the iutio of its origin. 1 I’rofessor David Torbet. for 26 years away, price of text I moka sold by the so- useless for any other purpose. The state. “ 5— That the sale and disposition " f ( professor of mathematic* In Albany And their families starve, beg or bor­ United States is our only customer and called school book trust M'e are III holder be subject to, coll<.K (> of | the timber by the row. — Anonymous, if that customer is lost the plant be­ dined m believe that the grentesi good the regulation of the forestry depart I known educators, died ut Ills home In to the greatest number would cune from comes valueless. ment and conditional to httlf the ninminl .1 reduction in the selling price o f books Albany, aged 72 years ARMO R M A N U F A C T U R IN G P L A N T “ Our o ffer in effect is to make ar­ being spent upon the clearing and ini I'lans for holding the annual state on the part of present manufacturers of mor for the United States at a price provement of the hind. Things Other» Think ind What We text books ONGRESS would appropriate elev­ the government itself shall name as • ' It—Thnt residence upon nnd use of j shoot of the Oregon Sportsmen's as Think nt th» Thing» Other» Th.ek en million dollars for the eon fair. ’ ’ the luiid constituting actual settlement, soclatlon were luum lied when the AI Beau Is Uniquely Houored by Woinsu struction of an armor manufacturing The voluntary offer to reduce the be effectively enforced.’ ’ huny k iiii Ylub appointed committee« The woman who chews the rag bus It is pretty well known Ihn» Hon. | plant. The manufacture of our arm' r price $30 per ton at a time when the The purpose of this proposed act is to to make urrungements for this event E, Bean is quite a Indies ' man, but per has long been considered a graft smell­ price of steel is the highest, indicates no right to criticize the man who mas­ I prevent speculators nnd timber opera- The body of Mrs Mnrlu Agren. 66, ing to the heavens. Nevertheless, the that the price heretofore bus been ex­ ticates tobacco. ■ tors from despoiling the Inm! of its tini was found hanging from a rope In u haps nut many realize how very popular Mr Bean is with the fair sex. Bethlehem Steel company presents in orbitant; but the offer to now manu­ her and leaving it a waste of stumps hum neur Sheridan Death Is believed argument that seems so sensible that facture armor plate at a price dictated Mr Mesa takes considerable interest Many a man has made bis mark who for the settler to contend with. we reprint it in full: by the government seems to make the has never been heard of. This was puhlisluil in the 1'ortlnnd to have heen self inflicted, and to have in politics anil at present is a candidate ‘ ‘ The sole question involved in the proposition to invest eleven million dol­ Journal July 4 nnd December 28, 11*15. j been brought about by despondency for representative front l.ane count y to the stale legislature, lie recently sent scheme to spend $11,000,000 to build a lars in a government plant rather fool­ A star boarder lives high. V copy was sent to Governor Withy­ , over III health government armor factory— and sup­ ish. The senate has confirmed the fol "tic of his nom inn ting p e t i t i o n s t o Acme combe prior to his cnlling the conven­ plant the three existing private plant* A bony girl becomes merely a slender tion o f September. The governor as- | lowing postmasters Oregon Katie for the signature of voters. The paper — is whether by such method the people Ha s taken in charge by Mrs l ina N J. W. Pixlev is making a strenuous one when you urc in love with her. sured me it would he before thnt con­ B. \eatch. Cottage Grove; W. A Hey will save money. campaign for county treasurer. His vention but later he and his secretary man. Estucada; K U. Lee, Junction Hill who eulled on *"uu- of her friends “ Rear Admiral Strauss, chief of the promise of a reduction in the expenses Who can name o f f hand all the presi­ explained to me that they overlooked it. c u y James A Wut kins, Philomath; and in a nhorftinie the pctitton'lmrc th« naval bureau of ordnance, said, at a of the office should make a hit with Signatures of twenty legal voters, all of Don't fenr but the suggestion o f half , . , . .. . . ... J. W. Moore, Redmi >nd. hearing before the senate committee on the voters. Besides he is in every way dents of Mexico since DiazT them women who reside in Arme. the proceeds of timber to settlers was Prospects are bright In Hood River naval affairs on January 25: ‘ I f the eminently qualified to fill the position Mrs Hill then went to Mrs. Wilson, made available to congress. It must grate on England to have to private firms will furnish armor at a with credit. Many copies of the Journal contain­ for a bumper cherry crop this year who is a notary public, and made the measure its money by the standard of fair profit and will continue to do so ing my draft w ere mailed to members of I Orchard!*!* In all dl«trlcts report that required nffuln.it ns to the genuineness under all conditions, I see no especial its estwhile colony. Senator Calkins o f Eugene is a can- congress, ns well as of the Herald ed ! their trees are loaded with budlt of the signatures. Mrs Wilson npprn I advantage to the government in going date for delegate to the republican na­ itorial. It was sent to the secretaries f*herry trees are In full bloom along ed her name and seal, thus making the into the business.’ tional convention. He is in every way Villa has all the refined and delicate of agriculture and the interior and nc j ,he |o w landa of Ihe Columbia ami in document complete. “ There are several reasons why a qualified for the position and should re­ ways o f a mongrel jackal and hyena. knowledged by them. It hus heen suit Il is probably the only nominating pe c |jy government plant would realize no ad­ ceive a handsome vote in Lane county. to the various committee, handling the j ,n , hrw. |)f A K(M.h,Hr hHI, tition in the state which was circa vantage in price, namely: 'dated by a woman, signed entirely bv The republican bosses will agree to matter and four of my suggestions have' received from local ore buyers over women and attested by u woman. The “ First: The United States is today L I T T L E DIFFERENCE. any kind of a platform this year— fur been met by amendments; however, the paying $425 a ton for armor, an only yielding in behalf of the settb-r *12,000 for antimony ore. taken from only men 's names appearing on the pa amount substantially lower than is paid i y ^ H A T would be tfce action o f the w hst’s the use of being a boss if there’s has been the removal of the requirement1 his property four miles east of Maker, per are Hen W. Olcott, ns secretary of by Japan, Austria, Germany, England, \ I / public, do you suppose, if the nothing to boss. from the settler of paying the railroad ■ which never could he worked at a slate, and I.. K Beim, the candidate or France. England buys its armor from railways should announce that unless lien o f $2.50 per acre when the entry is profit until tile European war sent Florence West. Over in England the women refuse (O five privat°ly owned plants, and is now their employes accepted a wage upon upon logged o f f lands. I am today in prices up. paying $503 a ton. Germany has two which it would be impossible to live, all marry men who won’t go to war. E v i­ I’ reparc the aster ground now. receipt o f a letter from Senator Lin e T w o o f the accidents reported to the privately owned plants, and is paying the railways of the country would be dently the women over there want men How cornflowers, minimi rhrysanth in which he says he has personally pre- Htate Industrial accident commission $400 a ton. Japan is the only country tied up until the demands were com­ who are thoroughly seasoned for a mat­ mums, mignonette nnd other hnnly an sented to the senate committee -ill my during the week ending April 13 were nuala in clumps nnd lines. with a government plant, and yet armor plied with? arguments in behvif o f tiic settler. rimonial career. coats her $400 a ton. The specifica­ What would be the feeling of the bus­ finish up all tree pruning without However, the Chamberlain 1» II drawn fatal. They were George Alexander, tions in the United States are much iness interests of the country if the rail­ ilcluy. with little con»ideri$*it i fur th«* Philomath. killed In sawmill opera Talk about a married woman being more rigid and the wages paid are very roads refused to arbitrate the ques­ Begin to feed old plants of tritom-i. hjm, taken altogeth*»r, rfithrrj tlons, and Itay \\ flat, Scappomt«*, the boss. Nine cases out o f ten she much higher than those prevailing in tion t early if fine flowers are looked for. worse than better, but wli.it cojtd you killed in logging operations any foreign country. Ordinarily sane citizens would become isn’t half as much a boss after marriage expect when apparently the rhimn.- from Representative Hlnnott has been ail “ Second: We now offer to make ar­ ranting demagogs and traffic on the as she was before. the state appears to be a din coming vised that the Secretary of the Inter mor plate for the United States govern streets would b<* seriously interfered from all interests except those willing ment at $395 a ton— a reduction of $30 with by crowds listening to street or­ We believe the income tax should to reduce all the resources of this lard lor has approved supplementary con tracts three, four and five on the West a ton, in spite o f the fact that steel ators as they denounced such strong arm reach those with incomes just a notch to fruitfulness by honest industry f Umatilla Irrigation project, and under prices are continually going up, and are methods upon the part of the soulless 11er«- ntul Then: About I'la v* higher than ours. The tactical advantage " f this Mute today much higher than for many years. and heartless corporations as they his action 563 acres will I k * furnished in its claims for the use of the timber ami I’laytTH The proposed price is lees than has been sucked the lifj-blood out of the eoun- When a girl i n o w s you are coming fund for internal improvement, in the with water this coining season. paid for armor by the United States in try. Owing to failure to secure the nece* Madison Square Theater Company Is to spend the evening and you find her district itself, has been Ion*. The rail ten years, and we agree to accept this It is hard to see any difference be­ road’s absurd falsehood that only 2 per Hary number of signatures a good road Coming. lower price for the next five years. tween such action on the part of the with a raw onion breath, somehow you cent of the land is fit for agriculture bond Issue of $7(10,000 will not be L o w e’s Madison Hquure Thenter com “ Since the war began we have been railroads and the present action on the get suspicious that possibly your com­ has been allowed to prevail; and, of voted on In Lane county at the May puny will be at the A m ide Thursday, able to get in Europe almost any price part of the railway trainmen who, al­ pany isn’t welcomed quite as arden’ ly course, when the whole matter was re­ primary election. The same condition Friday and Hnturdny in n repertoire of we chose to ask for ordnance. We have though already paid high wages,* de­ as you might wish. duced from a settlers’ proposition to exists In (lllllain county, where an high H ush comedy dramas, plnying at during that period made no addition mand further advances which it will one of public funds, all the politicians, 10c and 20s. whatever to the selling price to the be impossible for the railroads to meet F ifty years from now it may be outside as well as within the state, issue of $ 195,000 was proposed. The opening play will be the four- United 8tates government o f any of without an advance in freight and pas­ Liquor shipments Into Multnomah quite a distinction to be a member of wanted their share. act comedy drama, “ The Girl from senger rates. And the interstate com­ the Society o f Survivors of the Ford county during the month of March Laramie.” J. B. ZIEGLER This is a new piny with merce commission has said that it will came within a few of doubling the lots of comedy and a most interesting Peace Mission. not sanction a rise in rates made for None of the monarch« o f Europe number of shipments received In Feb­ plot. This company will produce the the purpose of paying unreasonable bathing seem to be very keen after the 1918 ruary. Shipments for March totaled siirne class of entertainment thnt nan Don’t these new-fangled wages. 6600. while for February the number ally costs 50 cents and a guarantee goes suits get to your hide. peace prize. I f the railway trainmen refuse to ar­ with each ticket thnt if Ihe purchaser was 3317, and 784 for January. bitrate, they are entitled to no sympa­ is not satisfied with the entertainment nine miles from Cottage Grove, farm Bearing the names of more than Even the men in Mexico do not have With the parcel post limit at fift y thy from the public. his money will be returned. land and timbfr; ten million feet of Regulation of wages of railway em­ equal suffrage. pounds, subscribers of country news­ 1600 registered democrats, a petition timber; well watered and on good to have the name of Woodrow Wilson ployes should be made a part of the papers have no excuse for not paying Rivals “ The Spoilers." road; $20 per acre; will furnish functions o f the railway and commerce printed on the official ballots of the Eating too much meat is said to be their subscriptions. Ihe one rival to thnt grent photoplay buyer fo r timber at $5,000. Veatch commissions. democratic party as a candidate for production, “ The Spoilers, ” has been dangerous. This is probably a subtle k Spencer. jn22jll2 hint from our creditors. The small boy only refers to whit president of Ihe United Slates was re filmed by the Helig Company. * * Th'* Forty-seven quarts of wine for sacra­ Ne'er-Do-Well” wna also written by other boys afe allowed to do when he celved by Secretary of State Olcott. mental purposes received in Corvallis Roosevelt in the Bermudas is probab­ wants to do something he shouldn’t do A sad journey from the frozen north Rex Bench and n majority nf the Helig for the month o f March. Must be hold­ ly listening to what the wireless waves terminated at Sheridan when William stars who aided in making ” T h j Hpoil or which he has been told not to do. ing convivial meetings up there. are saying. T. Foster arrived from Fairbanks. e r a " famous, npenr in its worthy sue A spec Alaska, with Ihe body of Ills wife for censor, " T h e N e ’er Do W ell.” The hen is yolked to her job. Senator Burkett of Nebraska has car­ ini company of Helig stars, in 'lilting Thirty-fonr acres of fine land on When a young couple strike a match ried Iowa for vice-president and has burial Four hundred and thirty miles K ithlyn Williams, M'heeler Oik'Sul, good improved road, within one-third won out in South Dakota. He is quite they can not see the need o f any other The pretty girl claims the passing at­ of the trip was made by sleds over the Eugenie Hesserer, Jack McDonald, mile of city limits of City of Cottage likely to be the next republican candi­ light. tention o f all men, but it is the girl wind swept freight trails In 36 days. Frank t lark, Harry Lonsdale mul other* Grove. Terms can be had. Call at date for vice-president and Oregon of cheerful disposition, sweet voice nnd The United Stales government Is to were escorted to I’nnaina by William this offiee. wla jly27tfc should do its share towards assisting in Having a temperament o f some kind affectionate ways that wins steady at­ lie asked lo keep faith with the port N Helig in order Mint true atmi-apheie the nomination of a western man— and or another is too often merely an ex­ tention from the the man worth while. districts on the Oi’bgon coast by inak called ror in Re* Bench’s sto.-y inigli* | one fully qualified for the position. cuse for acting like a darn fool. The operations of :i I’ unulii i ing provision for reimbursement flnsn be filmed. The nude has a place in the world, dally of all districts for losses result­ fire deportment is not the least in terct A R E P U B L IC A N A war among the kings of Europe but there is some doubt i f so much ing from Ihe withdrawal of Oregon A ing of the many scenes in and ne.ir tie' couldn’t have been avoided. T h e y ’re nakedness in the moving pietures in California railroad grant lands from • ¡mill Zone. In the opening reel of the H A R L E S B. MOORES of Portland Two large lots, c I om to seLool and ” Ns ’sr-Do Well ” there is a mind-to the name o f morality is really moral. pavement, at • bargain i f taken is a candidate for tbe nomination too closely related. taxation, according to a decision hnnil rombnt that is one o f the most •oo*. Term* i f d**ired. A. j .Wood­ for secretary of state. While it would reached at a meeting held at Eugene realistic ever presented in motion pic­ ard, owner. jly2 7 tfe.. Europe has its asphyxiating gas— and Chinese eggs may be the American at which practically every port dis­ be hard to criticize the conduct o f the tures. At the Rex theater Wednesday, office under Ben Olcott, the latter has we have a campaign coming on. |farmers’ yellow peril. trict was represented April 26. (Cuttagr (Brmt* V H1NGS WE THINK G P h o t o P la y s Good Thing for Speculation NEW 7 ROOM BUNGALOW C * I