PRICE Cutters Stanley's PRICE Cutters Successors to Hampton’s Cottage Grove :: Oregon 13 Years in Eugene 13 Years in Eugene THIS SALE ENDS IN JUST 4 »rot«tor purl of the winter with her grundmothor, Mrs*. 1 .liekey. Mi*» Stella Kcdfurd of Wildwood >| m ' ii t the week end visiting at the J. K. lied t ol d home. Mr», Cuss Purcell nttd buby of Hone burg visited lust week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr» Kentl*. The sixth, seventh mid eighth grades gave a rump tire party and egg roust in Gouley '» pasture Friday night. There was a large crowd in attendance. Miss Opal Whiteley of Cottage drove arrived Saturday to visit in Doreuti tor u week. Mrs. It. K. McCollum and Mrs. Henry Itarahnrt were drove visitors Saturday. liev. Mel.eod of Cottage drove will preach here nest Sunday afternoon. The Horen a public school and high school observed l.uther Hurbunk day and Arbor day combined Friday after noon by each grade planting a tree and dedicating it to some one of the great i people of the nation. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman dodiird of Cottage drove visited at the douley home Sunday afternoon. State Superintendent Churchill, Conn tv Superintendent K. J. Moore nud Supervisor O ’ Reilly visited the Itorena high school last Thursday. TEN WEEKS IN BED— EMINENT PHYSICIANS beai for Snginnw il to I but all ia noi over. Snginnw hopes to hnvo a FAILED— WONDERFUL chance to play Waldea oli their ho aie ground» where they huve rooui to RECOVERY a bat. Shc is co n fin o li lo thè house c n tlrc ly and noi tilde to walk. The ball game nt Waldea wns a bnd sw ing Mr. Tapini lifted a tremendoun stiiiup frolli thè upper siile of his farm with dynnmite one day lust week. Mrs. tlo p p er « i l i v isit her sis ter, Anni«, at Itrain t li is week, Corning back to Snginnw for a few daya before retu rn iu g to her homi 1 nenr llu u tin g ton, Oregon. Preparatimi are afoni for ali Kaster Service to he held in thè chureh bere. I w ish to In fo rn i you o f thè grrut benefit I bave de rlv ed fro lli thè un« o f Swnm p iio o t, 1 hud beoti a s n ffr re r fo r more Ginn tw euty yeara frin ii ktd ncy and liv e r tro iib le and wus ali nosi con stnn tly Irented by thè must r u l l a r t i pbystcluus who rntild oubf givi« me le in p o rary relief. I hud b e n i in lin i tea week» «lieti 1 begmi thè use o f Swmup Root. Inside of tw euty fim i hours I rould noe thnt I hnd b e n i great ly bencfttcd. I ro ntinu ed to use Swnmp Root u u tll I limi usci) several b o llir à when I ready fe lt l i mi my old troulde wns r o m p lrtr ly r u m i nnd I ani p o sitiv e thnt uny persoti s u ffe riu g w tlh k id n c y or liv e r tro ulde culi he r u m i by thè use o f this preparatim i. I am uow in thè Itesi o f hcnlth, bel- ter thnn I bave b e n i for leu years or more. I do not know how to rip re s a in y se lf ns strougly ns I desire, in fa v o r o f Dr. K ilm e r 's S w alup Root, iis I mu suro thnt it snved tny fife nnd tliat my good lie u llli is due e n tire ly to th is great rcin rd y. I h en rtily reconimeud Tt to «very au ffe re r nini nm ro n fi.le n t they It cun Ite benefited uh I have boeri. in a plrasu re fo r me, gentleman, tu hmid vmi th is reeoniniendatlon, STAR (Special to Th « Meutinel.) March 21. The base linll game played between the Star school boys and those of Wildwood and Diastoli combined Friday resulted H to 7 in fu vor of Star. Mrs. Mabel Spray of Roseburg vis it cd her mother, Mrs. C. A. Harlow of Row River, last week. Mrs. Owen mid daughter Ollis are visiting in Eugene. The 1‘nttersons and Dillards of Kti gene visited the Wicks family Sunday. HEBRON Nora Ward spent Friday night with (Special to The Sentinel.) Mrs. Oilliapie and children at Row March 20.— Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. A.j River. MRS II J. DR It 'E, Young have gone to Creswell to Mrs. Mrs. Fairy Allen went to Eugene Hm t C en ter St. Dortnm outk, Ohio. Young's sister for an indefinite stay. Saturday. Deraonully appetì re.) before me this Sunday, March 12, a number of the l.'lth u f Septem lier, IIIlHI, Mrs. II. J. children mid grandchildren of Mr. mid, Drice, who su bsrribed thè sbovo state DISSTON A N D RU JADA Mm. W. w Short ridge met at their1 nieut and I l i a d e oath thnt thè smnw ia (Special to The Sentinel.) true in substanee nnd in fnet. I'urm home near l.ondon to celebrate March 21.— Mr. and Mrs. Walter I( A . O A L V E H T , N o tn ry P u b lic . Mrs. Shortridge’s seventieth birthday Ditcher of Cottage Grove spent Sutiir anniversary. It was also the birthday day nnd Sundny at the Hen Ditcher res anniversary of one of her daughters ' ¡deuce. Letter to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Twenty seven persons were present. Jennie Chrismnn spent from Friday Ilinghainton, N. Y. Mr. Herring is plowing for Mr. Huff until Sunday with home folks in Do on the J. J. Weeden farm. rena. Prove What Swamp Root Will Do Miss Ruth Powell is spending the The dance nt Wildwood Saturday for You week end nt home. night was a decided success. Send ten renta to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Paul Chesobro from Kirkwood. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ilusted moved their Hinghniiiton, N. Y , fur a sample size has come to work in the logging ramp household goods to Disston Thursday. bottle. It will convince anyone. You for his brother in law, Clyde l.angdon. Mrs. John Tonole of Disston wns in will ulao receive a booket of vuluable Mrs. Jessie Giicrist wns shopping in Cottage Grove on business between information, telling about the kidneys town Fridnv. nnd and bladder. When writing, It« trains Snturdny. »lire and mention the Cottage Grove Raymond Eller of Rujnda visited D IV ID E Sentinel. Regular fift y rent and on« friends in Dorenn Sundny. (Special to The Sentinel.) dollnr size bottles for sale at nil drug Happy Young o f Cottage Grove made March 21.— Mrs. Gnllo and Mrs. O. L. • to r« » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ n e h H u p rJ Jones transacted business in Cottage a business trip to Disston Friday. Vets Ditcher attended the base ball Grove Friday. game nt Wildwood Friday afternoon. Mrs. Edd Fagnln wns n Grove visitor Rev. Skelton held services nt the Saturday. school house Sunday. Jessie J. Turner is down from P o s ­ ton. Mr. nnd Mrs. i ’erini of Anluuf via- Resolution Favoring Printing of Taxt Books. | itrd relatives here Saturday and Sun W A N T AD. RATES The following is the complete reso day. One cent per word. No ad lutum recently adopted by Cottage j . A. Mackey and Albert Marker • accepted f o r less than 15 rents, t > W h it e , R e d a n d B lu e Grove Grange: were down from Disston over Saturday Hpecial cash with-order rate:— ' ’ Whereas, our free schools nre not only Three insertions for the price o f ! I nnd Sundny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Gnllo visited Mr. our nation '■ pride and glory, but also 1 ’ two, six insertions for the price < > and Mrs. Hrndlpy in Comstock Sundny. the foundation upon which all our free , | of four. Cash must accompany ' ’ Walter Olin, who had been working institutions depend for their stability < i copy. Lam) for sal« or trade, ten 1 ’ insertions for the price o f five. < > and security, and, at Marshfield, returned Saturday. , , Cash must accompany order. J \ Whereas, in order to be completely Mrs. F. M. Chapman nnd Mrs. Me- not Ques were shopping in the Grove Sat­ free, our schools must protide, only free instruction, but free text urday. I f you have something of the value Lewis Repetto visited friends in books, ns the medium through which of (5.00 or more thnt you ure willing that free instructions uiny be mude Comstock Sundny. available without distinction of class or to sell or trade at a bargain, see The Sentinel about its nperinl proposition of condition, nnd, BLUE M O U N T A IN S IL K CREEK no sale, no pay. Whereas, the present policy o f per (Special to The Sentinel.) (Special to The Sentinel.) March 21. — Mrs. Ilobsrt, who had luitting school boards to loan text book* Oood 7 room house to rent on East Main March 20. — There was a Sunday been staying at I.ayng's nt Walden, to those pupils whose parents confess St. *0 per mo. Robert Griffin sptlStfe themselves unable to provide them, school social held at the S. Burcham returned home Saturday. Doctor Ooff, corn doctor, licensed to home Friday evening. There was a Mrs. Traer was taken to Eugene does tend to foster such distinctions, practice in any state. Cure guaranteed. by causing such pupils to appear in the good attendance and a pleasant time. Wednesday for an operation. Your money or your corn bach i f not Mr. nnd Mrs. Apperson spent Satur­ role “ charity scholars,’ ’ thus entailing Otto Burcham came down from Salem satisfied. mchltf humiliation to both parents anil ebild Friday for a short visit with his par- j day and Sunday in Eugene. Don't fail to nee the Spring stock at Clifton McGuire‘ had the misfortune ren. and, ents. Whereas, this duty of making our the Wall Paper A Paint Store. Twin Ralph Damewood and Sherril Slagle to huve his arm broken Thursday eve­ ning when a horse kicked him. He free schools completely free, is one of City Varnish, Paints, Oils, etc. mr22tfc. left Saturday for Lind, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sears and baby was taken to the city for medicnl such importance that it becomes an ob ligation on the entire state ami can FOR S A L E OR TR A D E from Cottage Grove and Arthur Wool- treatment. not lie safely nnd wisely left to the Bessie and Gwen Mooney, Mrs. Ho cott and wife and baby o f this place Large overhead five step cone pulleys, were guests at the O. Heine home Sun­ bard and Leeton Downes visited at option of the school districts them hangers and shafting for sale. Sentinel. selves, many of which may not be fi Kawling's Sunday. day. f lfl t f Grove visitors from here Haturda) nnncinlly able to ussume such obliga­ H. M. Damewood went to Lorane Eggs for batching — full blooded, roee Sunday to visit his duughtcr, Mrs. were: Mr. and Mrs. Kibbey, Mrs. John tions; romb Rhode Island Reds. 50c for IS. • Therefore, be it resolved, thnt we, Allen and son Clifford, Robert I.nnd- Ralph Lynch. W Patten, the members of Cottsge Grove grange. H. W. Vincent, 018 South Douglas. Fred Matthyer went to Lorane the wehr, Harry Castle, Dannie f Hluprfjpd Charles Whipps and Violet Robbins. No. 44.1, wish to go on record ns favor first o f the week. Mr. Whipps was in Eugene on busi­ ing the proposition thnt the state shall For Sale Two good young milch cows. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gover of the Grove furainh free text hooks to all its schools, Prices right. Phone or address Waldo ness Snturdny. visited at the E. Miller home Thurs­ John Allen came home from work to the end thnt these schools may mchlaprSpd. day. be free in fact nnd name, and may to spend Sunday. Mrs. \V. B. Bittenger visited at the For sale 8 acres l > a miles from Butte Mooney is at Salem where he offer their privileges to all, without ^>u Wheeler home Thursday. Walker, 3 4 mile from school. House, is putting in an ice plant. distinction or condition, and inasmuch K. A. Wheeler, Mrs. J. F. Gilder- as we believe that the state can most well, good springs, berries, fenced. Six sleeve, I). A. Wheeler and wife and son, 8 A O IN A W economically apply this poliry by pub hundred dollars; will trade on right G. H. Gildersleeve and Mrs. I-ou Wheel deal. J. H. Langston, the Basket Man. (Special to The Sentinel.) lishing its own text books. er were Cottage Grove visitors Monday. March 21.— A carlond o f furniture april2flpd Therefore, be it resolved, second, thnt ______ Mr. Nickerson was transacting busi­ for the new owner of the Hhireman we believe thnt the state should assume Wanted to buy plga, Poland China pre ness in the Grove Saturday. place arrived Friday nnd was unloaded the entire responsiblity of providing ferred. Oscar Anderson. int-hS 22pd Messrs. H. Gorton, W. W. Gilder­ Saturday. text books for nil its free srhools by sleeve, Burnie Moc, I’ rbf. Rockwell Two lota, one block o ff graded street, The Good Neighbors met with Mrs. printing, instead of by purchase from and J. Gildersleeve went to L y n i Hol­ McKinney Friday. A large wool com­ outside publishers, who nre often ton building all nround them. Buy one and low Sunday. fort was tacked. The next meeting will rendy to mnnipulnte these mntters to I ’ll give you the other. P. O. Box 2(13. Shirley Dresser o f Lynx Hollow vis­ bo with Mrs. Johnston, when members inrhH 15 22mklie^ their own advantages instend of in the ited friends here the last of the week. will bring work. Those present at the interests of the schools; For Sale, at a bargain, team or horses, > Mr. Personette and his brother-in- meeting were: Mesdames Neat, Burgess, Therefore, be it resolved, third, thnt weight 24(g); 7 y ear-old j sound. One 7 law, from Hamilton, Calif., were here Queen, Heott, Johnston, Hopper, How­ we invite all other grnnges of the state year cow, 5 year cow, yearling heifer, Wednesday looking at some property ard, Moody, McKinney, Misses Etta to unite with us in the effort to bring 4 months heifer. T. L. I.nuner, Ores- recently bought from F. Woosley. Scott, N o ® Queen, June Moody, Mast­ about this change of policy. Elder C. J. Cole and wife o f Eugene mch22p