Üb? (Entiui^ dktfite Switturl A N D COTTAGE GROVE REA D ER A WEEKLY NKWSPÀPKK WITH PLENTY OF BACKBONE ELBERT BEDE, Publither and Proprietor A first-class publication s n u r e d a t Oott&gs Grove a» eecoutl class matter. 2ti SOUTH F 1 1 T H S T R E E T DU BIN EBB O F F IC E : S U B S C iU lT IO N RATES. Uuo Y e a r ....................................... . . . . $ 1 . 6 0 Six M o u t h s . . . ............................................SO Throe M o u th s........................................... -10 Single Copies.............................................. 6c No subscriptiou taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is imperative. there is any possibility of gettin g adopted f Would ho turn the land over for set tleiuont lit $2.50 per at re nml luuke it few lucky claim ants wealthy over night ? Does he know th a t if the land were thrown open for settlement there are now enough rln im sn ts and si|untters to take up every acre of the la n d ! N e a rly ' tion only. all of these would take it for specula^ - > KINGS WE THINK Thing« Other« Think and W hit We Think sf ths Thing« Othsr« Think th e re is no better food than P aren ts make themselves folish tell A D V E R T IS IN G RATES. iug how sm art their offsprings are. Duplay, 25 cents per inch; reading notice ads. 8 cents per line; legal notices, We kick about expeuses of g o v e rn ­ 6 cents per line; surrounded ads., 60 cents per inch; classified ads., 1 cent per ment and hold salaries down so low word. Special discounts on contracts. Cards of Thunks aud Resolutions, t> ceuts th a t only those w ith a competence can per line. affo rd to accept them, and then kirk | because the wealthy get into power. MEMBER NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Hut probably p u ttin g the salaries high • MEMBER WILLAMETTE VALLEY EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION enough to make them w orth while MEMBER OREOON STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION would work fully as much harm by a t ­ tra c tin g every able-bodied man into Wednesday, March 22, 1916. politics. Portland mills wish to p u t the Valley mills out of business. No other result UL S E N T I N E L is not an apostle could follow it the l u te r s ta t e Commerce or toadyism, or uuy thing resern- commission grouted their demauds. o...»g that, but it does believe in a show The peculiar thing is th a t the P o r t­ oi proper respect for those worthy of land chamber of commerce, that refused suen respect, aud it wishes to unequi- to take auv action m the first fight, voeably denounce the disrespect which has now tukeu the p art of the seltisb school stude nts of the Cottage Grove Portland saw mills. A friendly finding cau never be d e ­ country show to officials of the sta te veloped between Portland and the Wil educational departm ent. fiendish, A year ago a fist fight was staged lamette valley when such at the nigh school for the edification bloodthirsty selfishness receives the of A ssistant S tate S uperintendent support of the chumber of commerce, which is presumed to voice the m ajor­ Wells. Last week S tate Superintendent ity sentiment of the business interests Churchill visited this vicinity. A rally of Portland. Down with the P o rtland hog! was held at The Cedars school. A fter the meeting it was found that E ditor Moorhead, of the St. Helens boys on mischief bent ^presumably boys Mist, easts an apersion upon the ver­ from the c ity j had tinkered with the automobile in which Mr. Churchill was acity of the editor of The ¡Sentinel in to return to the city and it was some this manner: “ Our friend, Elbert tim e before the trouble was found aud Bede, editor of the Cottage Grove Seu the car put in condition for the return tinei, publishes the statem ent that his fifteen hens laid sixteen eggs in one trip. The sta te superintendent asked if day. He also has a rooster, but he was th a t was a regular thing when a sta te I not trained to the business of laying official visited Cottage Grove. N ever eggs. In those days when we associated before had he been shown such disre with friend Bede, he was known as a tru th fu l gentlemen, but alas for human spect. Such disrespect upon the p a rt of the frailities, he has fallen from g r a c e .” boys who play these p ran k s is inex­ T E X T BOOKS. cusable. Boys who purposely show- such disrespect are row dies and should j S E N T I N E L has always been be denied th e privileges of our public J opposed to p u ttin g education on institutions. u oasis where it is not as accessible The Sentinel has heretofore refrained to the poor as to the rich. from publishing the names of boys who For th a t reason it has always fa v o r­ pull off these stunts in deviltry, but ed free text books. it may not always act so charitably. • • • The job of punishing boys who have Cottage Grove grange at a recent no sense of honor is made hard by the session went on reeord in fav o r of free f a c t th a t p are n ts having boys of th a t te x t books. I t even went f u rth e r and kind usually refuse to cooperate with endorsed the p rin tin g of these text the superintendent. P erhaps a little books at the sta te p rin tin g plant, the publicity would be efficacious. Perhaps idea being to save a large p a rt of their some people would be surprised to learn cost. through the newspaper who the cul­ The theory is excellent, but l e t ’s not p rits are. be too quick to draw conclusions. L e t ’s LACK. OP RESPECT. O not act upon conclusions too hastily. No one will deny t h a t te x t books cost too much. The pupil pays two or three times the cost of production. No T IS BUT a short tim e ago th a t one will deny tha t. I f the s ta te should P o rtlan d mill men were vocife ra t­ buy its te x t books from the school text ing and re ite r a tin g th a t P o rtla n d mills book tru st it would have to pay ex- should have fre ig h t rates on a parity horbitant prices. T h at is adm itted. with W illam ette valley mills into a But with all th a t adm itted, there are small portion of N orthern California other things to consider. territory, despite the fact th a t the haul The grange is foremost in asking for from Valley mills was shorter and de­ lower taxes. Therefore, it should be spite the fac t th a t P o rtland mills then inclined to give thou g h tfu l considera­ enjoyed, and still enjoy, p a r ity rates tion to a proposition so fra u g h t with into the larger p a r t of N o rth ern Cali­ danger as the printing of te x t books. fornia te rrito ry and have a big a d v a n t ­ The grange has practically demanded age in w ater rates to coast points and th a t the s ta te print the te x t books for to points reached by rail from seaports. the children of the state. Now, however, as The Sentinel pre­ But no provision has been made for dicted they would do, the Portland the text m a tte r from which the p r i n t ­ mills are dem anding a preferen tial rate ing is to be done. over Valley mills into E astern Oregon, T ext books now in use can not be U tah and Idaho. printed by the state, for they are pro­ Their argum ent for a preferential tected against a n y th in g of th a t sort rate is th a t the haul is shorter, yet by copyrights. th a t is the very argument which the New te x t m a tte r must be found. Portland mills cast aside as of no im ­ Who is going to w rite the te x t m a t­ portance when such argum ent was te r? against them. New authors must be found. The P o rtlan d mills have p a r ity rates Will the new authors give Oregon with the Valley mills into the larger as good te x t books as those of other portion of northern California, which states? is a shorter haul from Valley points, We do not know until the text m a t­ but parity rate s into a te rrito ry which te r has been examined. is closer to P o rtlan d is a high crime. Are we going to get our books cheap­ The tr u th of the m a tte r is th a t the er in the long run? We are not even sure of that. But even if we can get our te x t books cheaper, it is th e p a r t of caution and wisdom to first learn if we can get satisfactory subject m a tte r for such books. The subject m a tte r should be ado p t­ Di n« miles from Cottage Grove, farm ed and approved before we talk of land and tim ber; ten million feet of printing. tim ber; well watered and on good This experiment is fra u g h t with d a n ­ road; $20 per acre; will furnish gerous possibilities as f a r as expenses buyer for tim ber at $5,000. Veatch are concerned. I . e t ’s not rush into the th in g blindly. ft Spencer. jn22j!12 Above all things, l e t ’s not order our te x t books printed until we have satis­ factory copy for the printer. We can have free te x t books w ithout doing our own printing. I f w e ever do our own p r in tin g we will find they T hirty-four acres of fine land on are a long w ay from free te x t books. good improved road, w ithin ono-third (The Sentinel welcomes communica­ mil« of city lim its of City of Cottage tions from those who ta k e an opposing Orovs. Terms can be had. Call a t view on the subject.) this office. wla-jly27tfc J ^ ^ D T T O R Fernsw ortb, of the Banks V J Herald, claims th a t the Chamber- lain bill for the disposal of the O. ft C. g ra n t lands would turn over th e | tim ber to the tim ber speculators. I t is true th a t the bill provides for selling, Two large lots, close to school and the tim ber to the highest bidders. We pavem ent, a t a bargain i f taken soon. Term« if desired. A. j .Wood­ are no adm irer of Chamberlain, b u t we ard, owner. jly 2 7 tfe .. would like to ask w hat b e t te r method has Fernsw orth to offer and which PORTLA N D S P O R C IN E SISTENCY. IN C O N ­ X 500ACRETRACT Good Thing for Speculation NEW 7 ROOM BUNGALOW Grape-Nuts w ith cream o r good milk. V M any diaeaara of childhood a n d youth are d u e to faulty d ir t— a diet that restricts th e am ount of n eeded m ineral salts, th e la d of which, as your fam ily phvsi< cian can tell you, often lead s to rickets a n d o th er diseases of m al-nutrition. C rape-N uts, m ade of w hole w heat a n d m alted barley is rich in these vital m ineral elem en ts so necessary to health. W ar special from Corvallis G azette 1 Times: A pacifist seems to lie an in -1 dividual who stops to pray instead of climbing a tre e w hen he sees a m ad bull dog headed his way. l* T h is food tastes good, is easily digested, an d m any letters from parents, after trial, testify “ Thomas Edison says th a t when ho stops work he gets sick. I t ’s fo rtu n a te th a t the g rea t m njority have hardier constitutions or our hospitals would not be able to handle all th e business. I f twice as many crim es reported are committed by single men as by m arried men, a lot of wives are not telling all they know. V i / . iÌflAi'" For Growing Children S a :i i i l i S i i,, i ! There’s a Reason Grape Nuts ft ■ : :j-,V « P atrio tic spasm from Glendale News: “ S hortage of German dyes may turn our newspapers yellow, hut not our flag .” Quite often a man who is a whirlwind about the office, assumes the propor­ tions of sighing summer zephyr when it comes to breezing about the home. A welt known woman author is r e ­ ported to have said th a t women love more deeply th a n men. Necessarily, for the man in love is the shallowest thing imaginable. -------- - _ ______________ _ CHINESE RAISE CHICKENS IN WAYS NEW TO OREGON I’cmlicton to P o rtland, $1.20. Express rate from Koscburg to 1’ortland, $1.00. Express rate from Eugene to P ortland, AS rents. fu ll ina. of A un fu m i lia r ^|»«*<’ t u l e r s , ilic ilu llin g er O n k u in n , fu scin n tio n r o u i |> u n y K a t til v u Frank \\ of 1 llin l ’s 11 n of H rlig m s, C la r k , J a c k p la y W heel M • Don- til t) uriti o t h e r s w e r e e s c o r t e d t o t h e - P a n - u in u c u m i l z o n e b y W illia m N. S e lig There Are Other Means of H atching McMinnville N ew s-Reporter: " W h e n th e proper a tm o s |)h rrr i n o r t i« 1r t h a t Eggs T han Setting Hens or Buying you think you could do w hat another tin H« u r l i ’* ft»r nr«*n r * n p r P M n r v in Expensive American Incubators. f e ll e r ’s d o i n ’ a heap b e t t e r ’n what Thurr in a •»tory m i g h t b$* f i l t n r i l . ll«*rt’ «ml There About l’loy» h e ’s d o i n ’ i t , ” said Uncle Eben, “ re­ w o m l c r l ( u l f i g h t t h a t e q u a l s t h e fight How his rival in the egg business gets member dat a lot of other fellers is and l ’layon* I n ” T h 1 * 8 p o i ) « * r * . ’ ’ t h i n k i n ’ de same thing about what the hutchiug dune may be of interest to the egg producer of Oregon. For the y o u ’s d o i n ’. ” A W orthy Successor, h i m m u i l i * tin * g r r n t r u t C h its. f i m i » orthodox two ways in Oregon—those of The spectacular photoplay, “ The An oficer of thei law refused to use setting a hen or buying an incubator— N e ’er Do W ell,” produced by the Selig si*< h iti o f h m r a r r r r i n » r m n n g R e x The a search w a rra n t on a h alf dozen boot- nre often too expensive for the Ore­ company from the story w ritten by j l i e n r i i ’s 1 * * T h r N r V r I b i W r l l . ” Rex th e a te r will play this p irtu re on gonian ’a rival, who thereupon has re­ Rex Bench, is n worthy successor to! leggers. Give us the w a rra n t and we ’ll course to one of several methods. “ The S poilers,’’ thut other wonder Wednesday, April 2*1. This will be the locate the stu ff. Cottage The rival is the Chinaman, who in play from the |>cn of the same author first time that residents o f 1014 exported 32,*74,127 dozens of fresh and filmed by the same company.! Grove have been giveu un opportunity S ta te officers w ith la grippe refused and preserved eggs and 10,693,600 “ The N e ’er-Do-W ell” will be present-j o f seeing so grout a photoplay, so onrly to lay off, says a headline. Who ever pounds of albumen und yolk, to all coun­ ed on April 20 nt the Rex theater. The in it, ssrssf, * * Tbs N t’n Do WsO ’ heard of an o fficer relaxing his hold? tries. There were received in l ’ortlaud, Selig stars who made “ The S p o ilers” has been produced, directed nnd acted for example, between October 3, 1013, a masterpiece, aid in the realism of by the same cast und company th a t The person w ith the au d a city to and August 31, 1914, 31)5,420 dozens of “ The N e ’er Do W ell.” It ia u story made “ T he S p o ilers” famous. claim th a t there is no hell, never did Chinese eggs. time as a devil around a country p rin t There are few chicken farms in China, shop on press d ay when things were but nearly every Chinese family keeps hens. The million of eggs produced at Cottage Grove, in the S tate of Oregon, at the close of business March 7, 1910 going wrong. daily are collections of a dozen or less RESOURCES “ Why is the road d r a g not used from each of a myriad of households. Loans and discounts............... ....... ...... ....... ............. ..—.........- $I31,N7N.79 m o r e ? ” asks E d ito r T aylor of the Mo No special attention is given to breed O verdrafts, secured, none; unsecured.................... si 86 I2.5OU.0U lalla Pioneer. “ A d a y ’s work at the ing. Fowls are usually small and pro­ U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) right tim e is b e t te r th a n a w e e k ’s work duce small eggs, and the following are Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits............— .......... .................... —........... $ 2,0*M).00 done la ter. T ak in g care of the roads some of the ways the eggs arc hatched, we have will help in g e ttin g b e tte r as reported by consular agents at re­ Bonds, securities pledged ns collateral for S tate, or otb cr deposits or bills payable (postal excluded).—.......... 6,000,00 quest of the University of Oregon ones. ” Securities other than U. S. bonds (not ,neluding storks) school of commerce: owned unpledged.— — — — ........................— — . 50,551.25 The dress d o e s n ’t necessarily make Old women sometimes do the h a tc h ­ the woman, but some of them show how ing in one poverty-stricken district near Total bonds, securities, e t c ........................................................ 57,551.25 Chefoo. They strup eggs uiiout their Subscription to sto ck o f Federal R eserv e Bank, $3000 she is made. waists under their outer garm ents and Less amount unpaid..—......—......... - ................... — ......$1500 1,600.00 About the w orst pessimist in the ca rry them till the chickens come. This IN,500.00 Value of banking houne ( if u n e n c u m b e re d ) .................... world for the tim e b eing is the little method is to save fuel. 3,000.00 Furniture and fixture«.................................. —--------- -----—. In interior districts neur Amoy, un- boy who has been shown a cord of 1,HIM) 00 husked rice is roasted and a three-inch Real estate owned other than bank in g house.................. wood which he must saw and split 0,041.04 Net amount due from Federal Reserve B a n k ..................... layer is spread, while lukewarm, in the during vacation. bottom of a tub. One hundred eggs are I Net am ount due from approved reserve ugents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis 7,788 17 laid in the rice. A lternate layers of two A fte r an automobile turns tu r tle it inches of rice and 100 eggs are then | Net am ount due from approved reserve agents in 38,4ML 10 other reserve cities............... ........................... ...................... 84,09H.99 does not trav e l as fast as it did before. spread until there are 500 eggs in the The folks who a r e looking forw ard tub. A fte r 24 hours the eggs are taken | N et amount due from banks and bankers other than to the end of the world are going to in ­ out and the rice reheated. When put above — ——________ ____ _... ......... ..... ......... — ___ 11,806.60 11*1.4« back, center eggs go to the outside and j ( lutside checks and other cash i t e m s ................................... jure th e ir eyes. 300 01 299.55 layers shifted. This great labor comes F ractional currency, nickels and ce n ts................................ Uncle Sam tr y in g to a c t as a peace to a climax when th e Chinamen is e n ­ 760.00 interm ediary a t th e present tim e deavoring to keep the hatching brood Notes of other national b a n k s ______— ................... ....... Coin and ce rtifica tes ................................................................ 11.0A3.H0 would probably be in about the same from smothering under the rice. j Redemption fund with U. H. T reasurer In the province of Hhnngtung, eggs | and due from IJ.H. T r e a s u r e r .................................................. position as the umpire in a ball game 625.00 arc put in earthenw are jars, which are between two home teams. set upon beds of brick and clay in which T o ta l_____ _____ __________________________________ __ ___________ 291,214.50 We refuse to convict ourselves upon slow fires burn. The eggs are fre quent­ L I A B IL I T IE S ly turned. 1 Capital stock paid in________________________________ $ 25,000.00 our own knowledge of our sins. The consul a t H ankow reports a ; Surplus fu n d .............................................. .......... ............ 25,000.00 method he says is thousands of yenrs P olitics d o e s n ’t m ake crooks and old. In buildings 50 feet long and 16 Undivided profit«______ ____ ______________ ... 3,790.75 g ra fte rs of men. I t merely develops feet wide, kongs are placed along the Reserved for taxe».............................. ...................... 2,130.09 these tr a i ts th a t were already there. sides, each holding about 100 dozens of 6,920.84 eggs. Htraw is burned. Kent >n the Did you ever notice how much more eggs is kept uniform by removal from l e s s current expenses, interest, nnd tnxes paid______ 1,49H.45 4,422.39 study the slender girl p u ts into the one basket to another, those on top of 12,500.00 proper m anner to cross her lower limbs one bnsket being placed in the bottom C irculating notes o u t s t a n d i n g ................................................ Individual deposits subject to check................................ 177,301.NO than does her more chunky sister. of the adjoining one. C ertificates of deposit due in less than 30 day s.......... 7,095.53 C a sh ie r ’s checks outstanding ................. ........................... Methods of collecting eggs, ei|H)’ t I M 10 T alking abo u t the etern al fitness of methods, laws governing im portation P ostal savings deposits.................................................... ..... 1,000.28 S tate, county or other municipal deposits secured things, we read an ad. of Green ft into P acific coast states, and niu-h by item 4c of resources..................................................... 1,705.00 Brown, e xpe rt dyers, who have their other inform ation of interest to Oregon Total dem and deposit«, Items 32, 33, 34, 35, 3«, 37, poultrymen is contained in a bulletin place of business on W hiteside street. 3M nnd 39 - .................................................................................. 188,055.37 In Europe a new spaper for the boys on “ Chinese E g g s,” which may be h.id O ther time deposits................................................ .................... 30,230,74 30,236.74 free by addressing the school of com­ in the trenches is printed on thin sheet« merce of the sta te university. The of dough, so t h a t it may be eaten a f ­ T o U l............. ........ .................... .............................................. ........ ............ $291,214.50 bulletin shows, for example the follow­ ter serving its purpose ss a newspaper. S ta te of Oregon. County of Lane, ss: I, T. C. Wheeler, Cashier of the above ing comparison of transportation rates Giving the boys inside inform ation as on Chinese eggs from Shanghai by w a t­ named bank, do solemnly swear th a t the above sta te m en t is true to the best of my knowlrdgn nnd belief. it were. e r and on Oregon eggs from four re p ­ . . . . . . t „ T. C. W H E E L E R , Cashier. resentative points in Oregon by ex­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of March, 1910 The man who is reading the other side press: „ GEOROE H. R R A IN A R D , N o ta ry Public. of your new spaper in a stre e t car th in k s My commission expires Oct. 4, 1919. Rates per 100 pounds. F re ight rate Correct— A tte st: you are a boor if you d o n ’t ask him from Shangahi to P acific coast ports H erb ert Enkin, if be is rea dy to have you tu rn the is $.755. E ip r e s s ra te from La Orande N. W. White, page. to Portland, $1.20. Express rate from Oliver Veatch, Directors. Photo Plays Report of the Condition of The First National Bank i ft I i