% Neighborhood News < ^ % < n M h >< m X X m ^ \ . x S -W ^ X X H H ^ H S H X ^ H S S X S H ^ X S S S S S S X S S H X H S S S X S ^ \S S S S S X X S X S S S n* > < ^ > ^ Sale fads Saturday SA G IN A W ANO D E U O H T V A L L E Y . (Special to The Scutini'l) July li* Nlr. miti Mr». A. F, Neut liiotored frmu l'uri l.udlow, Wtish.with thoir motori-veli' limi nule etir nini \ in iteti thè |>uMt week ut thè houle of J. t\ Xeni. Merle Hcutt in \ init ìiik relative# in Cottage Orove. Mrn. Neut timi l.nru Netti nere »In p per» tu Colluse Orove Naturila}'. Mito Wutenburg of l'orllnini i» vis itmg ut thè Scott nome. I.yinlule (lililer of Cottage tirine spent thè week enti ut homo. Mr». Lewis Alien retorneil tu Oruy» Hi ter, Wn»h., Fridny. Gilbert Hennett o f Weinlliiig m i n vini tur bere Nuiulny. Saturday, July 24th A Itoli t UHI pcopic frolli Itero noni to so> thè liberty bell ili l'ottnge Orove W ill be the last day of our tremendous C lean-U p Sale. W e have arranged hun­ dreds of extra special bargains for our final clean-up week. W e are quoting you a few prices picked at random from each depart- Th ufsday. \lr. nini Mr». Iliirinlen unii Mr. uni Mr». Neut motoretl to Eugeni' Suini»y. .I. I.. llentty unii ftuuily returutti troni Kliimiith Filili Thursdny. Mr. nini Mr». K. Neut of Wenill'iig nuil Mr. inni Mr». .1 W. Neut unti Leti Neut of Sprin gfiel.l muto tip in E. Neut'» mito nini visited Snturtlnv »ven mg ut thè homo of J. F. Neut. Ali error un» umile in thi» ilepnrtment lu»t week. Il »houlil ha ve been Mr. Neut iusteml of Mr». Neut that neut to ('rem eli Suinlay. A party mi» giteli ut thè lumie of W Witeher Wednesdny etening Nlii-ie ami game» furnishod thè iimuaement of tke etening. I.ìght refre»hment» nere »erteti. At>out thirty five gue»t» nere pre»ent. Thuraday etening a “ pig tnil” por tv, eon»i»t lag of " Little Oirl», ” n.i» helil ut thè limiti' of Mr». Kuv»er. A log chicken »upper mi» thè finiture of thè etening. Thuso pre»enl nere Cora Al leu. Myrtle Witeher, lle»»ie Nichel», l.ora unii llertha Neut, Kthel Moitdv, l'earl Taplin, t'hloe tlorn, Mary «¿ueen, Ilarriet queeii, Hurdell Kisher. I.ulu l’ Innk, Mury Smith, Heiilnh Hnnk, Mil dred llopper, Kthel Oweii nini Myrtle Kuvsor. merit just to give you an Idea of the trem endous price concession for the final w ind up w eek. Special This Week Only Bargains For 2700 Yards of Dress Ginghams, at yd. 6k Shirt Waist Values Up to $4.50, at Only 19c We were very fortunate in securing a ease of Another big reduction on ladies’ shirt waists. 2700 yards of dress ginghams from a merchan­ This lot dise broker at a price so that we can give the our entire stock. buying public a dress gingham that and mussed; there ate values up 6jc regularly sells far 10c. for this weekj only the price will b e ................... EXTRA SPECIAL SPECIAL Men’s dress shirts, values to $1.25, speel values up to $1.25, special— Boys’ hats, values to $2.00, sale— 48c 29c EXTRA EXTRA Men’8 35c belts 19c Boys’ caps, values up to 50c, sale— 13c M e n ’ s 5 c white handkerchiefs, sale 2c SPECIAL Men’s suits— HALF PRICE SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL 1 lot of men ’s $2.00 to $3.00 hats, sale— 49c M e n ’ s 50c w o r k shirts, sale- 35c Men’s 25c hose, sale 16c 10c SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL the broken They o n l y .............................................. F I N A L C L E A N P lines of are slightly soiled to $4.50, for Final Clean-up Week, U 15c Triangle collars, special— includes all 19c ! EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA $2.25 lace curtains, clean-up price— Womeu's 5c hand­ kerchiefs, special— $ 1.12 2c TO CLEAN UP SPECIAL Ladies’ 50c silk and lisle glove» — 15c buck towels, sale 19c lie SPECIAL Ladies’ $4.00 skirts, sal« Ladies’ $3.00 shoes, all styles, sale $1.98 $1.95 SILK WAISTING 20c colorerl flaxon, per yard, sale— V'alues up to $1.00 per yard, special— 16c 10c SPECIAL 25c and 50c ratine and voile suiting, special— 50c suiting, per yard, sale— 29c W 14c E E K $3.29 37c 19c 9c Final Clean-Up Week Men’s 50c u n d e r ­ wear, special— SPECIAL 25c Diamond baking powders, sale— 16c REMEMBER THESE PRICES ARE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY LAST CHANCE Boys’ 35c underwear sale- SPECIAL W omen’s $10.00 tail­ ored suits, special— Grocery Specials 10c Dutch Cleanser, special............................... 5c 10c Crescent Gloss Starch, special...................3c 10c Quaker Corn Flakes, special.......................6c 10c Leslie Table Salt...........................................4c 35c Quaker Oat Meal, special.........................28c 10c Standard Tomatoes, special.......................8c 25c Canned Strawberries, special................... 15c 25c Canned Peaches, special........................... 14c ♦1.00 one-gallon can Tea Garden S y ru p ... 80c 10c Marigold Milk, special.................................7c 25c Bulk Coffee, special................................... 16c 30c Bulk Coffee, special...................................22c $2.00 pure white flour, hard wheat, 10 sack lots ..............................................................$1.50 1 lot of Monopole 25c assQrted pickles, to clean 15c plaid sale— suiting, WHY PAY MORE 50c diamond baking powders, sale— 38c REMEMBER THE BIO SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT LAST CHANCE WATSON MERCANTILE CO SUCCESSORS TO M Q U E E N -B O L D O N BLUE MOUNTAIN (Speeiul to The Sentinel.) July IV.— Fred Thomp»on left Wed nenduy for Portland where he will be employed for the numnier. A large number from here turned out to help welcome the liberty bell Thur» day ut Cottage drove. Mr». Wilbur of Cottage drove »pent :i fen tiny» lu.it week mth Mr». Thomp »on. Violet Kobbin», Hoae and Louisa Duerst visited ut Heath'» at Mount View Sunday. Morton Kobbin» wit» at Iiorena on business Thursday. Mrs. Surah Thompson »pent the bit ter part of the week visiting at the drove. deo. I.uyng ami family of Walden were visiting ut the liown» home Sun day. Bona Patten and »on Raymond left Friday for Lost Creek where Mr. Pat ten i» employetl a» tire warden. Mrs. C. Truer was a caller at the Whippa home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen \i»ited ut Fred Froat'» Sunday. Harry Caatle ami wife visited at Schillings’ at Walden Sunday. DISSTON AND RUJUDA. (Speeiul to The Sentinel.) July lit. — Mr. ami Mr«, ltoluml and Mr. anil Mrs. Klliott of Portland passed through Disston enroute to the Hoheumi district Wednesday. Horatio and Wade Moaby left Mon day for Eastern Oregon where they ex pert to remain during the summer. Johnny limber of Cottage (»rove passed through Disston Wednesday on hi» way to Bohemia. Mrs. L. Violet of Cottage Grove went to the Champion Tuesday where she will be employed a» cook. Mr. and Mr» Vern Clow and Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley of Cottage Grove have been ramping and berry pieking near Disston the past week. Mrs. Al Whitman of Wildwood vis ited at the A. C. Cox home Tuesday. Oscar MeAllister was a Grove visitor Wednesday. Pearl Whiteley of Star was the guest of Veta Piteher from Thursday, until Saturday. Clyde Hastings of Kujada left Wed­ nesday for Walla Walla, Wash. Thelma Hunt of Wildwood was the guest of Veta Pitcher Wednesday after noon. W. W. Mahon came down from the Champion arid went to Cottage Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cox left Thurs­ day for Walla Walla, Wash., where they expert to remain through harvest. DORENA. (Speeial to The Sentinel) Miss Ruth Cook of Pleasant Hill and Miss Ida Callison of Eugene visited several day» of last week at the J. C. Teeter» home. Born, July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Kay morid Bates, in Wendling, a 7*4i pound daughter. Mrs. Bute» was formerly Miss Naomi Wilson of this plaee. Mr». K. K. Robinson and daughter Helene have returned i from an ex­ tended visit with her mother, Mrs. Lnekey, at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zimmerman und ehildren of Aurora visited at the home of Mrs. Zimraermun ’» brother, Lee Thomason, several day» of last week. Miss Opal Whitely of Star visited friends in Dorenn last week. Misses Ora and Doris England left Thursday for a visit with their aunt at Walker. Among those from here who went to see the liberty bell in Cottage Grove Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Robinson and daughter Helene, Mrs. J. C. Teeters and children, Mr. und Mrs. I. H. Veatch and son Dale, Norris, Surah, Belle and Earl Kl­ liott, Mabel, Philip and Dora Moaby, Oma and Florence Land, Kueben Htorie, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bedford and son Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Van Vnlin and chil dren, Miss Opal Whitely, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Baker and Mrs. John Holstrom. Mrs. J. J. Wilson and ehildren, re­ cently of Aberdeen, Wash., visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cora Teeters, last week. OrriCIAL PROOEEDINGH LORAN E j S pec ia l to I'll i S c a t m c l ) July It*. -Rev. nnd Mrs Snyder have had another little curly headed boy ur rive. The stork still hovers around the Lonnie country. Sign of prosperity. The ludies of the church met Wed uesday afternoon. Hewing was the pro grtim. Jciic Darling mid fuiuily were in Ku gene Inst week. Tuey saw the liberty bell while there. J. Nightingale of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his father here. He is on n mouth's vacation mid suys he wishes he could stay longer. C Davis is getting some inside dee orating done on the cottage he rents to the Reid family. Albert Wellman is doing the work. S IL K CREEK July ID. Prof. R. W. Airey nnd fain ily returned from Gustou on Weilnes day evening. Miss Elsie Tillinmi of Cons County is a guest at the R. W. Airev home. Miss Grace Davidson arrived here Wednesday from an important meeting at Walla Walla, Wash., and left Tliur» day for Roseburg. Mr. mid Mrs. Oberg of Gaston were guests at the Airey hom e the last of the week. Mrs. Ralph Lynch of l.ornne visited at the Damewood home Wednesday. Mrs. C. \V. Dwyre mid son Vivian and daughter Mary left Monday for Gn rdiner. Mr. Wooley mid family, Mr». W. W. Gildcrslcv e, Jack Gildersleve, Edith Wheeler, Mrs. Jennie Walker and son Donald, Hurt Fawcett and family, Elva Wilson, Georgin Damewood, Carl nnd Llale McCoy anil others went to Cot tnge Grove Thursday to see the liberty bell Miss Gladys Damewood, who has been visiting here severul weeks, re turned to Cottage Grove the lust of the week. Mrs. Mary Hunch of (Inkhind wan a gut st at the Bnbroek home last week. Miss Pearl Ashby is staying with \lrs. Elmer Crow of l.ornne. Shelt Nickerson from Coberg^ is stop ping at the J. W. McCoy home Mrs I N. Dresser und daughter, Miss Vnrien, of Lynx Hollow were here the Inst of the week. I). A. Estes was baling hay for Mr Cox Thursday und Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Si-holer of Pa eifie Grove, Cal., mid Mr. mid Mrs. I. II Slagle of Cottage Grove visited at the L. It Slagle home Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Horace Morris left here Monday for their home ut W alterv lllc, ( Iregon. Will Nickerson mid family expect to leave Tuesday for Tile Dalles. L. L. Wooley will aecoiupuny them. Spray’s Column This column is devoted to bringing the buyer und seller together, esperial ly to bring them to Spray's store, so you see I have two axes to grind. I want you ull to know I want to sell you something or buy something from you. Also I want you all to know what vour neighbor has to sell or what he wants to buy. If you have anything to sell, some and see me. If you want to buy, see me. It will cost you not a penny unless I sell the nrtit-lc listed Good second hand Hny Press, 9150.(Mi Pure milk from Spray '» dairy ut the confectionery stores or your grocer’s. Remember, my method of selling milk cuts out the expense of peddling from house to house, making the cheapest milk. Cottage Orove bus the best and cheapest milk supply of any town in Oregon. Who did it f Hprny. When I commenced selling milk it was selling at 7c to itc per i(Unrt, measured out of a can in n cup. Everybody hnd to fur nish their own vessel to put it in. Now all the milk sellers use bottles with tight caps put on at the farm and even at the high price of feed lire willing to sell at He per ipiart. There is double the milk used in the Grove now that there was before I commenced selling and not one half the condensed milk used. Second hand mower, 910.00. Jersey red mule hog for sale. McCormack mowers and binders. None better. Twine und extras on hnnd. Second hand wood saw nnd engine. A bargain. Good milch cow for sale. Try a sack of my mixed chicken feed. A cheap feed that fills the egg basket. I have several second hand wagons at u bargain. T r y s a c k Golden Loaf flour. Jersey bull for snle. One more grubbing machine nt n bar­ gain. Good second hand cook stove for snle. Feed! Feed 1 Feed! I want to sell you part of your feed. Page fence, n spring steel wire. Fence your land nnd put gouts in. They mnke the brush go und let the grnss grow. There is enough brush land tributary to Cottage Grove If it wns properly fenced and used for gouts nnd sheep to produce more money than is now produced in the whole country. When I w h s young, old ;.... pie told me the wny to brnnk a hen from set ting wus to put her in a pen nnd stnrve her but I find a better wny is to "feed her nil she can eat nnd her comb will turn red nnd instead of setting she will lay eggs. I bought 100 White Leghorn hens of a well known chicken raiser. They weighed less than .1 lbs. each when I bought them. In less than J weeks they weighed nenrly 4 lbs. nnd were laying 75 per cent. They needed the Inst half of the feed. If your hens don ’t lay eggs I will sell you the feed, nnd then if they don ’t lay I will sell you more feed. Minutes of City Council for Meeting Held July Li. 11*15. Ridi wiis enlled and ull riiunciliurn neri' preseli!. The bill of Lewis Jennuii und T W. Higgms for thè iiiiproveuient of Hecond Street frolli Quiliev A venne south tu thè city limita ut lenta per Sipiare yard, inrltiding grndìng, wa» remi and ■■a niotion vvii» referrod tu lite »truci l'oaimittee, The city recorder was lastruolini to vvrite Robert AnInnf of tli•• dangeruus conditioii of hi» building or. Tonili Htreet, which must bo toni tlowu ut once. G ii mot ma il was o r d e r e d tliat nu assistati! s u t i a f n r t o r v to thè w a t e r coni uiissin ucr he a p p o iiite d to assist in lo o k in g a f t e r Ilio w a te r, d i ir iu g thè d r y season. The Street eommlttee reported favor nhly on thè blds on Hecond Street and reeommetided Ilio hid of Jenaon and H iggin s, and on niotion thè rcpnrt was adopted and contrae! iiwurdcd tu .leu »on and H ig g iii», aeeordiag to thè tenue of their bill. Adjourned. J E. VGl'NG, Recorder. Munte «toro Changes Management Milo A. Roach, of the firm of Mills & Roach has taken over the slock of sheet music, niusicnl instruments, Vic tor talking machini's, victrolus, nnd musimi merchandise. He will add to the present line new complete lines of popular und el.issimi sheet iiiusir, talk lag machines mid recorda, spei-iulixing in 15c music, lOe nnd 15c talking mn chine records and 15c ami ¡¡5c player piano music rolls. Mr Mills will run tillin' to sell piano», Edison talking mu chines mid sewing machines with Mr Roach in their present location, First National Hank Building. M m Jessie McCord, a popular vocalist mid pimilst of this city, will have charge of the store for Mr. Uoarh. jIv-Oc Administratrix' Notice ESTATE OF WILLIAM D. Fl N N ER I ^ , DECK \ s e D Notice is hereby given, that on the 15th day of July, A I*., It*!5, Lorn Kin nerty, was, by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, appointed ud iniliistratrix of the estate of William D. Fmnerty, deceased. That all persons having rlaiins against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, nt the law offiee of II. J Shinn, In Col tage Grove, Lane County, State of Ore gun, within six month« from date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publient ion of this notice is Julv ¡¡I*, 11*15. LORA FINNKRTY, Administratrix. H. J. Shinn, Attorney for Estate. ill 20 aug 17 ACTION OF S V O L I SPOON FUL SURPRISES MANY Cottage Grove people who bought the simple mixture of burkthorn Imrk, glycerine, ete., known as Adler i kn, are surprised at the INSTANT effect of a SINGLE HI’OONFI'L. This remedy is so romplete a bowel cleanser that it I« used succi-si f li 11 y in appendiciti». Adler i kn nets on BoTII upper und lower bowel und ONE HI’OONFI'L relieves almost ANY CASE of constipatum. sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTE nf ter you are relieved o f gases. The New Era Drug Store. ; WANT ADS Ads. under this head nt one rent a word each insertion for live • > insert inns; It! 2 .! per cent ills count after fifth insertion; 3S I .1 per cent discount lifter eighth 1 > insertion. Minimum charge of 15e each insertion. Figures and initials are counted ns words. | It is a waste of time to ask The Sentinel for particulars concerning liny advertisement contained here. If a key number is given, address a reply to The Sentinel and it will be duly forwarded. The Sentinel is agent for nothing. | WANT T<> BUY A FEW <>E Tills yenr’s chickens. Elbert Bede. jyfOtfc WANTED OLD SHOES TO FIX I T better thnn new. G o f f ’s Shoe Hos­ pital. — ------------ ■ - -■■■■- --------------- FOR MALE OR T R A D E FOR HALE.- DURHAM HULL, T W O yenrs old. J. II. Hnight, phone 2MF24. j'J'ic LAND FOR HALE AT BIG BARGAIN. In 10 <10 or 120 acre plats. Near Walker station. Home cleared. Adapt ed for orchard; some fruit nnd ber­ ries. Address X22 Hentinel. j 20I7pdtf FOR HALE OR WILL TRADE FOR hay or grain, second hnnd Wheeler 6 Wilson cabinet sewing machine, in fine working order. Bee Knrl K. Mills at Music FOR House. Jly3tfa HALF O R TRADE. ONE IS.... lb. mare, twelve eynrs old, price 9*1**, or trade for a good cow, huy or wood. 1’ . O. Box 75. jyl.'l 20pd FOR HALE— DU* ACRE RANCH, 80 acres under fence, easy to cultivnte, 7 acres in oats, .1 ncros in timothy, .'I million feet saw timber. Price 92500. Will consider smnll property in ex­ change. HW Hentinel. jlfi-.IO tfe FOR HALE— FRKHII Hemenwny. COWS. W. A. jlfitfe FOR HALE—YOUNG Hemenwny. PIGH. W. A. jlfitfe FOR HALE -Y O U N G JKRHEY HULL. W. A. Hemenwny. jlfitfe OEM ADDING MACHINE, JUHT THE thing for n smnll business. Costs 9I<*- New machine at 9