1 * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 «$»» A ^L-aT"" j * 2 W h e n flu* piunlcr applies paint on : your house, make sure o f ^ood re ­ sults by beinjf sure that he uses S h erw in -W illia m s Paint prepared. U V se ll it w ith a M ta iey-lla ck (guarantee j COTTAGE GROVE MFG. CO. j C. J Kein left ThiiraiJay for Hun Fraudar,« where he will la Ita-nal the nu tioiiiil run vent inn of Keiiill déniera. . Judge Win. L'olvig, r • t44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 > 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 O ih - lot of nummer «ilk», ailk ami cotton mixture», pongee, etc., 50c to 75c value», at per yard.......................................38" TALES OK THE TOWN WHICH YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD M ANY .MATTERS OF MORE TH AN PASSING MOMENT Any item in lhi,m' column» -ontaidi iik « key date on the last line thereof in | » n n l advcitiHinp (T I iih a n non n • • • • m c i i t i n made in coin- plitlit'i' with the Jiohtal i e f it hit imiM.) COUKTKHIF.H A L I, A K O U N D The nicc»t morte*)- yiiu aliti »liuw yaiur guc»t» tu lo bave tlieir v nulla alieni lum-d ali The Ka nt ma l. The turami court*»)' vini a un vini» vimi r friend» la lo lei thi'in li m i« nf vanir | v latta lhrilra11 l i r . O r e , la vlaiting Stiaa .Salii Sun \ o r lw n k f nr H fava ilaya. Sltaa .)a*»»ie Hniith tuia lM'a*n <|iiili* ili fair aa*va*rul lllaya pilaf Darwin llnatiiva miai fnniily and Str» E. I.. Fisber miai Imnila lift In a t •• v • n |H|[ fair their anni in ir mttiigca on tha- Mr Renne, a ahaart allalmiri- alaaavr tha Imlrhery. Ilegiater. Il imiti G n gg» teli-|ihone lina-innn aaf I **»l I Ugr Orlava', a i a i l o i l l g anallla- 4 ; *' »1 a-r II I reps ir vaiarli ha-re Itila wea-k un thè lumi System.. H e n r y 11• I. formerly u Itriiin reaialeiil, la repnrted l«i lai* in n verv m i t r a i rianalilinn ni Cottage linai a- O n e a a f Ih*- Cottage (ariate lavala »titilla-» nine mili-a from Cottage drove, furrn lumi anal timber; ta-u million fea*t of timber; well watered and on gooal ronil; $30 per arre; will furniah buyer for timber at $5,000. Veutrh ft Hpenrer. jn22jll2 Fire Fire* Fire' Every time you ha-ur th*;, ba*ll blow nr tha* whlRtla* ring you H. F. Fiali o f l.orune bu» been up «hoiilal think of llarry Metenlf mnl fire pointed a fire patrolman for SS'entern tn»urana-e. Then you »houlal net before Lane County. tin- next fire that may tuke your prop .Sira. Doni Field» and Mrx. Felix Cur •*rly. I ' .S. Itirharala oii o f C ri-K w e ll w i n in rm left Sunday for Albany, Oa»ton nnd Portland. They will be gone two t he e i t y \S'edne»a|iiy. or three werk». M n e h i n e oil» Mr. mnl Mr». C. K. .lone», Sir. mul Sir» SS M. Watson mnl Mr. and Mr» I'nnti-ll mul iliiughter of Kugcac f..rnn*.| a pirnir party at lll.u-k Itutle Sunday. llillder twine ¡« aellilig fuat The Hwengcl Hardware »tore rarrie» thi­ amin- old ra-liabb- Plymouth twine, det youra early. FERRIS WAIST SPECIAL $1.00 values now............. 79c 75c values now...............63c 50c values now...............43c - I h a v e re o p e n e d the I m k e r y c a t n b li» hn u-nt re cently occupied |*v 1’oni I ’l i r k e r Ulld w i ll In- ple aaed t o »e rv e f o r m e r a n d new putro u». A ll good» g u a r a n t e e d f ira t d a » » . jjotf Mr». C. A. Kr nard mid daughter of Dotatoti left thi» morning for Medford, where they will »pend a month with Sir«. Kenard ’» parent». Koekford, the beat plated w r r in • * iatrnre, it M a d a m ’». )9tf ; The .1 S. SiUby family and Mr- M Hiefenberg of Portland and Mr». C. A. Elliott of Tillamook, sister* o f Sir». Hilaby, who are viaiting at the Hilaby home, mude up an automobile party which enjoyed a picnic dinner at Black Hutte Sunday. SOMETHING N E W ! SPECIAL SALE ON AMER­ ICAN LADY CORSETS $2.50 value« now....... $2 19 $2.00 values now....... $1.69 $1.50 values now....... $1.23 $1.00 values now.............79c Hwengel H ardw are. .1. D. A i n l e r a o n Í» e r e c t i n g n f i n e t h r e e » l o r y b u n k b a r n on hi» r a n r h on C«*.i»t F o r k . Fal A d a m » hu » ju at r u m p b -ted u b a r n o n hi» f a r m . Men’» .summer outing oxford», a n* at, <1 realty and comfortable stitch « low II oxford in tan, regular $3.00 value at . . . . $2 19 GENUINE CLEARANCE SPECIALS 12'_.c gingham, Tolie du Xord and Red Seal, at.. 8 V 2 C 10c grade muslin, 36 inches wide, a t......................... /• 9-4 bleached sheeting, regu­ lar 30c value, a t............. 24c 25c table oil cloth now, per L ife insurance place» a man’» own yard ........................... 19c future welfare and the welfare o f hi» wife nnd children upon »boulder» j l*e hath towels at.......... 14c »I ronger than hi» own. Talk with It i» mi inveatment that increase» in Harry Metcalf about the Columbia'* | valu<- yearly; there i» no uncertainty, Special Combination. ilo depreciation, no poaaibility of In»» Mr. and Mr». S’ ern Clow and Mr. anil, F ii I k with linrry Metenlf about th»- Mr». George Stanley were berry pick 1 Culiiinbia *» Hpeeml Combination. mg lu»t week near Dinaton In tlieae day» of high price», life in Mi»» Ethel Sun Nortwirk o f Dalla» »urance i» perhap« tin- only thing that LUNCHES FOR I co»t« b-»a than it did a generation ago i» »pending her vacation with her par bilk with Hurry Metenlf about the ent», Mr. and Mr». F. B. Nortxviek o f thi» city. Columbia’! special Combination. I f my wing» were a» good a» my Mi»» SS'anda Keyte o f Dalla» visited »olea I would have no trouble in get during the paat week at the F. B. ('uk***, U t Meut Numiw ich« *, ting into heaven. I got my aob-a from Van Nortwirk home. l'(«*M fimi l ’untry |*r«*jn«r«•«I upon d o f f ’a Shoe lloapitnl. Ailverti»ing ì» the life o f trade, end »hört nntsrr. |)«»n t worry your The Heracel Alliaon, S'mi Alliaon, the local paper ia the one in which to n«*lf iiliout your |# m * ft it* him h. Fay Alliaon, i*hie»ter, Ncholl nail place your announcement». You muat •fu*t turn tin* unlrr ever to um . i Lynch familie» enjoyed a Sunday pic tell the people what you have for »ale I men li in th«* «*ity , 25c. C. E. Umphrey and family left Satur­ Oliver Veatch, Mark P. Garoutte and Hie at Hl u k Hutte. and invite them to your place o f bu»i- j day for an extended visit in the eust. Albert Richmond, appointed toa ap­ ne»». Have you rend the »tore ncw»T It Joe Neal was in Saturdnv from praise the property o f William Fin- will pay you to rend all the advertiae nerty, deceased, have appraised the j Walker. menta. Chna. Cooley, Proprietor. property at $2193. Nelson Durham is making some al­ O. I.. Nir hot» returned ln»t week Miss Marian White is visiting in teration to his house on Sixth Street. from Cherry drove, where he had been S. L. Markin and family will occupy Eugene. engaged m engineering work for m-v •nme when completed. i Harry Hart, who for several years burneal ilovvii Tua-adliV night of thi» 1 ernl month». A delightful trip to the has managed the New Era Drug store, week. The Ina» i» partitili)- eovereal bv Those blue flame oil stoves. You Educate youraelf during your »pare iiiKuranee. Notili llougln» lla-rald. The need one now and you will use it half has decided that all work and no play about »cholarahip in International Cor above item evnb-ntly ha» referenee tu the time through the winter. See one makes Jack a dull boy and has tempor­ momenta. Inquire of The Hi-ntinel thè Gregory fin*. at the Swengel Hardware Store. No arily given up business for a few respondones Hcnoola, nichlotfc C H I C K E N D I N N E R 50c weeks' outing. Harry Wheeler will as­ smoke, 110 smell, no heat. The NeUon Ibirham, lt.it Richmond, Ire Cream, etc. Mr. and Mr». Ferry Hubbard of H I.. Markin familie» mol Mr». Iloraee The Misses Davis, who have been sist in conducting the business during The Calapooya Soft Drinks Are Corhran miai ehildren, Mr» Kllicrt Hcd*- Salem lire vi»itmg their parent», 1). C. I spending a few days with the S. L. his absence. Superior to Any C. E. Wilkinson, manager o f the Cali and ehildren, M i»»e» Hi'»»ie driffin, Hubbard mid Mr. mid Mr». I*. H. Mn Markin family, will resume their jour Elisabeth Tyrrell, Iv v nini Ferii lini gee. tiev Wednesday towards their home in pooya Springs hotel, spent last night in Mineral Hatha, heated all day, 25c .lohn Ituder attended the Shriller con rumi), Mr, Ernc»t Wyutt and Slr. mnl Wisconsin, stopping o f f at Portland and . the city. C. K. W I L K I N S O N , Mr». I.. I,. Iliirrel forine.I a pn-nir party i lave in Seattle during the paat week. other cities en route. I)r. Job went to Disston this morning. Manager nnd I.eaaee. ut Itlaek Huttr Hundiiy ili honor of H. T. C. Wheeler and »on, Elbert Rede Joe Porter is in Eugene and vicinity Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Frost, Mrs. Helen I.. Mnekin‘» eouaiae, thè Mi»»e» Itavi» 1 and W. T. Hnnkin» and »on left Sat purchasing cattle for his ranch here. Si Is by and Miss Esther Silsby motored ut SS'i»i'oii»in. nrday for a ten d a y » ’ outing in the Mrs. B. K. Job and sister, Mrs. to Eugene Sunday in the Frost car. Mr». H. E. Mnrkley mnl Mr. mnl Slr». miiuntnina and on Middle Fork. \V. J. Messenger came in Haturday Ben l.ureh returned from the fair last Wert», left Monday for a fe w days' Clnreiiee Hoyd retnrin-al Frulli) frinii When you hear a man continually week and wu» very much pleased with visit at Newport with Mrs. J o b ’s from Row River. their trip tu California. aneering at the home paper, it '» a anfe it. While there he met a long-lost daughter, Mrs. Chas. Adams, who has Herman Anderson o f Coquille is vis " I l a p p y ' ' Iteitr. mnl hi» mothi-r ar bet that be owe» tin- editor a dollar or cousin named Htelln whom be hud not rented a cottage at the beach for the iting with his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. I two. rived front Dayton SS'edneedny. seen before. Ask him about her. j season. J. D. Anderson. Home tunde bread made in a home He 'll be glad to tell about her. A big wild hiu-kleberry erop i» ri­ G. B. Pitcher was in Eugene yester­ Mrs. Janies Bohn o f Minneapolis, porteli in thè Hnhemin mitiing diatrirt. made way. G regory’» Bakery, former Currin Cooley, agent for the Oregon day. Minn., visited Friday at the home ot' j20tf The C. \V. Wallare mnl S. I.. Pimeli ; ly Pa rk er’» Hakery. W. T. Hawkins was in from Row j Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Jury. Fire Kelief Association o f Me Minn II. M. Wallace waa in Eugene Tluira ville. Phone 15F-I. fnntilie» enjoyed u pienie ut Hlin-k n l l t f c River Friday. Campers’ outfits fully supplied at ■ lay. Multe Huiulay. J. R. Cheatham came in from the Swengel'» Hardware. D. A. Hemenwnv and family of Mr. nnd Mr», .leaae Darling and Seattle, who have been visiting rela­ Long placer claim Friday and went to .lini Itiehnrdaon o f Creawell i» in thè Lora Finuerty has beeu named by city ilemoiiMtrat ing fnr thè A limi i n ti in ■ laughter eiime in from l.ornne and tives in the city during the past week, l.os Angeles. the probate court as administratrix of Coohing l'tcnail Co. Ile Ini» »onte went to Eugene SS'edncadny. spent the week end with Mrs. Heinen the estate of William D. Finnerty, de- «perialtiee in thè Wenrever ware. Ile Mr». Hurry Krueger arrived from w a y ’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Doo ! ceased. Oliver C. Veatch, Albert Rich pay» for thè eourteay of Iteing nllnwod Hutte, Mont., Saturday to viait her par­ | little, on Row River. mond and Murk 1’ . Garoutte ^ere to talk lo houaewive» by giving thent ent», Mr. and Mr». Hen I.urrh. | named by the court to aprpaise the K. J. Fuller wns down from Eugene their ekoiee o f two uliiniiinini diahe». j property. i Inst Tuesday and Wednesday, visiting I his parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Veatch and Mrs. AND i 0. Miller o f Idaho are visiting at the Look at Madsen’s window for beau­ home o f Rev. and Mrs. \V. V. McGee tiful wedding presents. j9tf Coming loonO H O M E OF I at Eugene for a few days. Claude Kime, Frank Jones, Irl Groves Mr. and Mrs. Marion Veatch and son G O O D M U S IC ON SALE : and Bob Jones left this morning for a have returned from a pleasant visit at two weeks' outing at Florence. They i Portland.— Eugene Register. EMBROIDERY SALE I are making the trip in two buggies, Manager Blackford o f the Arcade Values up to 15c per yard, Theater going by way o f Eugene, and will make has had a new aluminum screen | the return trip via the Hiuslaw. your ehoiee.......................... 5c , painted for the show house and says Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Crane o f Holton, LOTS OF NEW GOODS AT I the pietures will be greatly improved ! by its use. M. E. Johnson did the I Kansas, were guests at the home of | work. I A. L. /nrharias last week. They were | accompanied by their son Harry and a Taken by K. F. Weigle, o f the Chicngo Tribune, on the Belgian battle C. N. Gregory und family o f Boise, nieee, Miss Odessa Longherg. Mr. Ida., arrived in the city last week and field» with the authority » f the Belgian government whose Ked t'ro»» j Crane is attorney for the Topeka & have taken up their residence over the orgnnir.ntion get» one hnIf o f the proceeds. There nre 5 reel» o f the Tents. The Swengel Hardware store Haute Fe railway nnd, with his family, bakery conducted by Mr. Gregory on real wnr 11 » it ¡». N o ral»e In Prices. j has been taking in the Exposition ut has a big stork o f good grade wall Sixth Street, formerly occupied by Tom tents. Get one. Camp out; sleep out; j Han Francisco and making a general Parker. I tour o f the West. Mrs. Znchnrins is a save medicine and doctor bills. Wednesday Two featuren Thursday— Two features Joel Palmer brought in a fine catch [ niece o f Mr. and Mrs. Crane. Mr. and Mrs. James Ostrander spent o f speckled beauties Thursday and pre­ IN THE JUNGLE WILDS Jos. B. Parker nnd Mrs. Lulu M. Sunday in Eugene with their daughter, sented them to the committee in charge THE LITTLE GREY HOME o f the Liberty Bell special. There Knowlton were married in Eugene Inst Mrs. Marion Veatch. Two Keel Thriller o f the Jungle» A Pathetic Druma in Two Parts week. They were here during the past All ammunition took a 10 per cent were more than thirty o f the finny week moving their household goods to advance July 1st but the Hwengel Hurd tribe in the string. HER ESCAPE THREE MEN WHO KNEW Eugene, where Mr. Parker will be em­ ware store has advanced their price Mrs. H. E. Brown and family wish to Featuring the Ever Popular Dorothy Phillips In a Two Part ployed by the H. P. Co. Pauline Bush only about 7 per cent. They carry a thank their kind friends and neighbors Story of the Orient For painting and papering see John full stock of Winchester, Colt, Heming for their assistance through the illness o f Mr. Brown. jly20c »on at The Wall Paper ft Paint Store. ton nnd Peters cartridges. THE A U A L I T Y PICNIC PARTIES □ ^ ooac PALACE RESTAURANT Next Sundays Program Calapooya Springs! COAT HOLDERS ARCADE WHO PAYS i B A B Y RIBBON SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY-THE ONLY AUTHENTIC EUROPEAN WAR PICTURES T H E F A IR neue Grocery Specials High Flight hard wheat flour milled in Eastern Washington front the best hard wheat by the latest pro­ cess. Try a sack a t . . . $1.65 Sunrise condensed milk, per can .................................. 8 c 100 lbs. sugar pure cane fruit . . . . ............. $7.20 25c can Diamond “ \V” apri­ cots ............................. 17c No. 10 can pie apricots. 25c 25c cat. Armour’s corned beef ........................... 19c 4 lbs. seam head rice. . . ,25c 3 lbs. extra fancy head rice at............................ 25c Standard coffee, a lb . . . ,15c Extra special coffee (no burned berries, per lb ... 19c 4 lb. sack salt................... 9c 25c package washing pow­ der a t ........................... 13c n C A S H S T O R E - P H O N E 33 DDE DC IC X ) o D J. W. Grant and Dr. Owen returned Tuesday from spending two weeks in the mountains. They failed to bring their friends any o f the trout they said they caught while there. Arthur Kelly of Lorane. administra tor of the estate o f W. K. Kelly, spent Thursday in Eugene on business. He states that the recent rains have done considerable damage to the hay near Lorane, but has helped the late gardens and vegetables. Miss Ida Chamberlain of Lorane is spending the week with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lynch, o f Cottage- Grove. Miss lone l.auner o f Creswell is vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lynch o f Lorane. I f you arc going to the fair, stop and get a suit case or a haad bag at the Sample Store. Chas. Burkholder and son Johnnie came up from Lebanon Wednesday and spent the night here on their way to Koseburg for a few days' business trip. Mrs. J. U. Chambers, Mrs. H. N. Al drieh and the Misses Edna Ravmer and l.ura H efty have returned from attend ing chautauqua at Eugene. George Elwood and family arrived Thursday from Portland. Mr. Elwood has taken charge of the (>. K. barber shop next door to the First National bank. Whenever you want a good bargain buy ut the Humple Store. Wm. Hemenway, w ife aud daughtei o f Seattle are guests at the home of D. H. Hemenway. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Harrel, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spriggs and Sam Veatch autoed to Eugene Wednesday evening to hear Circillo's band and the granu opera singers in "11 T r o v a t o r e " at the chautauqua. Mr. Tibbels, Sr., and three grand children visited relatives at Portland during the past week. Art Warner was here from Seattle on business the past week. Among the v isitors at London Springs Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ballard oi Junction City, Mrs. C. Scheldt of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty o f Jum tion City, Wm. Halbert o f Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Cheneweth of Oaklanu. and Mr. Gnmsley o f Junction City. For the best pastry and bread in the city go to Gregory’s bakery, Sixth Street, rear of First National Bank. j20tfc A new air sterilising and ventilating system has been installed in the Rex theater, which provides fresh, pure air at all times. Additional locals on page two.