Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, March 31, 1915, Image 3

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    AdinluUW atrla' Notice.
Kstule o f James lleonriwny, deceased.
Notine i* hereby given, Ihut Carrie
11 coi en way has been, by the County
Court o f the Style o f Oregon, in for
Lune County, appointed ndiiiiuintratri■
ut the estate o f James lleinenway, ile
censed, und tliut ull persons huviiig
fin it ila lig a m at said estate o f the suoi
deceased lire hereby notified to present
the s.iiuc duly verified us the law re
quires to the above nuiiied ndmiuistrn
tris ut the o ffic e o f li. J. Shinn, attor
iiey ut Inn in C o t t a g e drove, Oregon,
within sis iiiontlis from the Ibth dny of
M i r t i , A |>. I Id 5
Il J Shinn, Attorney.
Adm inistrai ris.
I low
H ave
M ml«
Kltlimy III n 0©rr#cU»l
All «»s««r C*ot(ago lirovi* you hoar It.
Ikiati’a Kidney I*i 11 m u m « k e e p i n g up
tlir k < hh | Murk
Cotture drove pi'opli*
UM« ti'llllitf ulmilt it t I iII|¿ of
luirk* mudi' »«»und umilili. You run In*
liese tin' t«*»t iinony o f your own town*
They trll it for tli«' lioni'fit o f
you who nr«* »offerin g
I f your buck
urlìi*», i f you f«*«*l Inin«*, »or«' und mn»«*r
ubi«*, i f th«' kid it « y M art too fr«'i|u«*ntly,
or |»u»»t«|¿«*n nr«' pu i ti f ul, mit y und o f f
h r «'
«• »lor,
D o lin ' »
ll h u t
Im »
friP tifl » un«!
1 »» U f i ' »
i i I i m 'V
» f
u«tv ic i*
c i t i /»•It ’»
P illa ,
tu n n y
F o llo w
ii« 'itflit» o r» .
tiro s« *
U tf««
IK *«• t o
»1 »
th ii. P o i
ti m l
g iv e
»um e
M r«
( ’» » t t ii ^ « »
l»lt« » n t
in tic h
«m ill
m i'
«i m i
f illlllil1
n n ln l« *
t> «*tf un
um l
n auiM 'il
k i'lu e y
A v e .,
n n y th iiiK
P ill.
h u
u n til
K i»ln «*y
! > « » n u ’»
M i n ti
• ' K n i n e y
■uv» :
A n n o y a n c * i*
t Itili».
K ch * Ih erk ,
<ir«»\ **,
th at
ii M i n t f
t» « * m * fi t « * < l
th i»
in«*» l i c i m *
m e
from kidii««y rom p ln in t."
Frire r*Or ut nil «lenler». Ilo ti’t »imply
itak for t kid tu* y r«*iii(*dy tf«*t Itom i’»
l'ill» th«* »um«* thnt
Ki*t»**lli«*«*k hud
F»»»t«*r M illm ro Co.,
Crop»., Mitffui«», N. Y
Health Promote» llapplueiui
Without health, genuine joy m im
ptMUiit»|««; without good ili^rition and
regular t»«»w«*l mo\«*m«*nt you mnnot
hn\«« h«'ulth. Why neglect k«*«*|dng bow
« In op<*ii and n»k »irk tind utliugf
You d o n ’t fanvi* to. Tnk«* ont* »mull Dr
King '• N«*w L ife ¡'ill at flight, in th«*
morning you will have u full, fr«'«* l»«»w
«•I movement and feel much better.
1 1 r]p» your appetite and dig«*»t»on
«•tie tonight.
R. M c C A R G A R . D. D. S.
Restoration to Entry of Lands In Na
donni Forest.
N otice is hereby given that the
lands described below, embracing lrt()..3H
I'rartiren in all Court»
acres, within the Siuslnw é Cnscndc
25 Year» K iperien re National Forests, Oregon, w ill be sub
ject to settlement mid entry under the
provisions o f the homestead laws of
the Filiteli States nnd the net o f June
N O T A R Y P U ftL IC
II, 11*0*1 (.34 Stai., 2.3.3), at the Cnitcd
Hmli-r Huililing, Over M r! »mi Simp
States land o ffic e Ht Roseburg, Oregon,
C O T T A G E O IK IV E , OKE on M ay 2», l!H5. Any settler who wns
actually and in good faith claiming iiny
o f said lands for agricultural purposes
prior to January I, litoti, and has not
abandoned same, has a preference right
to make a homestead entry for the lauds
Hprriul Attention Given to Mining nnd actually occupied. Said binds were list
ed upon the npphnitions o f the persons
Corporation l.uw
mentioned below, who have u preference
O F F IC E :
W O O D W A R D H C II.D IN O right subject to the prior right o f any
such settler, provided such settler or
applicant is qualified to make home-
»tend entry mid the preference right is
exercised prior to May 21*. 11115, on
which date the lands w ill be subject to
settlement ami entry by any qualified
Phone 118
Eugene. Or«. person. The binds are ns follow s: The
HW',, N W 'i , the N '.J NW’ Vi HW
Sec. 15, T. Ill M..1L II W „ W.M.JW ncres,
Phone, 47
O ffie e Lawson Blk. application o f V. K. Newcomb, Ada,
O ffirt* Bourn: 1 to (I p. m.
Oregon; List 11-1584. The HK *4 N K «4
Her. 22, T. 21 H., R. .3 K „ 40 acres, up
plication o f LeK oy Hebert, Oakridge, and Medical Physician
Oregon; List 111587. The HE >4 HE1«
Chronic nnd Ncrvoun Dinouncn n
N W 11 S W , , the WG, N E *4 HWVs. the
N * „ N W , H E <4 HW* 4 , the NKV, N E
Modern Electrical Treatm ent«
* , HW *4 BW Vi, Her. 20, T. 15, H„ R. <1
X Ray Applinncn
.30 acres, application o f Thomas J.
- OREG O N. Dny, Fisher, Oregon; List (1 1574.
H*4 NEVi HE 14, the N ty N
HK *4 S
KVi. the H'.J HE 14 N W 14 BE 14. the N
'* N «4 H W '4 HE*4, the HU, N W «4 HW
14 HE'.,, the HW 14 NE14 8W «4 HE
14. the N'/j HE 14 HW14, the N 14 HWU,
Office on Main Street
HW*.,, the HU, S '* N W 14 H W *,, Hec.
Cottage Orove
Oregon. I l, T. 16 H., R. 12 W „ 102.5 acres, e*
cept so much ns wns included in List
0 407, heretofore restored, the truct
D R .
A .
J .
hereby listed contains .30.38 acres, appli­
cation o f A lfred Johansen, Florence,
Oregon; List 0 1501. March 17, 1015.
< M. Bruce, Assistant Commissioner of
Cottage Orove
the General Lund O ffice.
nt.31 upr21
—- -
In vigoratin g W h iff o f th«
Annayer, Chemlnt. M etallurgist
Pine Forarti
Custom Assay O ffice. Mail Order Work
How it clears the throat and head o f
Prices:Gold, $1.00; Gold nnd Silver, its mucous ailments. It is tbe spirit o f
Newness nnd V igor from the health g iv ­
$1 25; Copper, $1.00; GoM, »H er,
anti Copper, $2.00.
ing l ’ iney Forests brought back by Dr.
M ailing envelopes free on request. R ef B e ll’s Pine Tnr Honey. Antiseptic nnd
erenre: Josephine County Hank.
1 enling. Huy a bottle today. A ll Drug
201-203 H all ^ l g .
Graute Pass, Ore. gists, 25c.
T h e 1915 B u i c k
The famed Bible defender, tbw ven ­
erable Pastor Itussell o f London and
Urooklyu Tabernacles, bus wuu un
stinted praise from tbe press and pub­
lic o f many nations by forty yours' uu
censing a ctivity as evangelist and
w riter
In tbu early purt o f bis ministry
smuller cities were frequently visited,
but not so now. since bis Held o f op
•ration baa become world wide, and
tbe urgent Invitations :o deliver free
public lectures III the hugest cities
have become so numerous tlmt even all
o f these cannot be accepted
For the past seversl years Pastor
Itiissall lias made eaiul annual foreign
tours, and, through tbe press reports o f
his meet lugs held III large public balls
o f th « leading cities, he has received
much fitvo m b l« comment mid publicity.
Churoh — Its
D ivio «
Foundation— Apostolic Authority— 8 t.
Peter1* Keys— How Ho Used Thom.
How “ Koya of tha K ingdom” — What
Power and Authority Civon tha
Apoatloa— May Sins Ba Absolved7
e s c h e w s d o g m a s n d a ll s u b t le t ie s o f fo r m
a n d fa it h , a n d he s a y s w h a t h e h a s to s a y
on t h e g r e a t t r u t h s o f re lig io n a n d m o ra ls
In p la in b u t a lw a y s b e a u t ifu l la n g u a g e
l i e s p e a k s s n d w r it e s n o t o n ly to t h e o r ­
d in a r y c h u r c h - g o e r , a s w e a c c e p t th e
p h ra s e , b u t to a ll I n te llig e n t m en a n d w o ­
m en. a n d I fo r o n e c a n q u ite w e ll a p p r e ­
c ia t e th e u n p a r a lle le d p o p u la r it y w h ic h
h e h a s a c h ie v e d In A m e r i c a - a p o p u la r it y .
I fe e l c o n v in c e d , h e w ill v e r y so o n e q u a l
In t h is c o u n t r y
P a a t o r R u s s e ll's t a l k s
will b e g in In th e Journal n e x t w e e k , a n d I
a m h o p e fu l t h a t th e y w ill be a n e x t r e m e ly
p o p u la r f e a t u r e o f t h e J o e r a e i.”
the features of the highest priced cars without the price
A t la n t a ,
M a r c h 21. — O f
P a s t o r Bussell's
You can’t appreciate it without seeing it. Free demonatration
tw o
here today we re­
port the one on
11 ». “ Upon
rock will I build
My Church; und
the gates o f H ell
grave J shall not
p r e v a i l against
give tiu-e the keys o f the Kingdom .”
A want ad. in The Sentinel gut an old maid three husbands,
For some unaccountable reason, the
«nother ad. brought her thr-.:e children for adoption; .still another ad.
Pastor began, numerous Catholics
A want
have gotten the thought that 1 am Iccated her three husbands for her after they had run away.
ad. in The Sentinel will do most anything. One cent a word.
their foe. Just us Presbyterians, Meth
odists. Episcopalians. Baptists, etc..
have the Impression that I i n their
I am a foe to no human being,
especially to no Christian
He then
explained nt length that he fu lly be­
lieves In Free Grace. Election. I miner
slon. etc., and at tlie same tim e show
ed wherein be differs from the various
denominations on these Important doc­
Similarly, he declnred. he
holds the great Catholic dis-trlne that
there Is only une true Church, found­
ed by the Lord Jesus Christ, through
His Apostles, nineteen centuries ago.
T h e «(leaker declared that be Is
aw are that several churches claim to
Is* Catholic, each reprobating the oth­
ers as here;lea: that he holds that the
won) catholic menus general, and
when the word Is limited by the use
o f the terms Greek, Anglican, Roman,
etc., to that extent true Catholicism
$1 50 Values at
$4.00 Values at
Is denied
In other word*, he believes
thnt the one catholic, or universal, or
$3 50 Va lues at
$3 15
83c Values at..........
general. Church o f Christ la that men
tioned In tbe Bible—“ T h e Church o f
65c Values at
$2.50 Values at
the First Isirns. whose names are
written In Heaven.'* I f this lx* admit
ted. Ills next prupnnttlon Is that tbe
This is the time of year for housecleaning. They are good
Lord records ns tueiuliers o f His true
Church nil saintly | » t s o u s In nil tie- • •
values. Come early and get your choice.
nominations nnd out o f all denomlnn
tlons—and no other*.
The spirit o f sectarianism, he de
dared, began to m anifest Itself In St
Paul’* day
The Apostle. In w ritin g to
the Corinthian Church deplored that
spirit o f division which wn* creeping • »
Into the Church, and showed that It
resulted from u failure to rec«>gnlze the
true Head o f the Church. His true rei>
resontutlves and H I* true member*.
Tin* trouble Is the sunn* today
What do you warn, auyw ayf A Sentinel classified ad. will
entire foundation o f divided Christian­
ity would disappear ami the true
for you. What do you want! Anyway a Sentinel class*
Church would be *|**edily manifest. If
truth Catholicity w ere acknowledged. ’ fied ad. will get it for you.
The great otmlacle to true Christian
unity, the s|n*uker hold*. Is the erro
neon* doctrine o f tbe eternal torture
o f all non-church member* Many o f the j
theories that have come down from the
Dark Ages w ere not taught by Jesu*
snd the Apontles T h e cntholk* Church,
the true saints o f God o f all denomlnn
tlons should promptly move bark to
the foundation doctrine* Divinely pro-
vldisl In the Scripture*. The voice o f
God to the Church came through "the
twelve Aportles o f the I-amb."
other* so clnlm lng are denounced by
Jesus H im self as false.—Rev 2:2
Notice for Publication.
Depurtinent o f the Interior, II. H Land
O ffic e at Reselling, Oregon, Fcbtilniy
23, 11*15.
N otice is hereby given thnt Jacob
Schweitzer, o f Itlnkeley ville, Oregon,
who, ini March H, ID10, made II uuentuad
Wonderful Drawing Powor.
Entry, Si'riul No. OftiiflS, for Lot .1 o f
Section 17, Township 2<* S. R ing.' 2 K, ! As a public spenker on Bible topics,
W illam ette Meridian, lius filed not i e ! Pastor
o f Ins intention to make F in ii FI/••year stands slime In a place created by bis
Proof, to estublish claim to the land own Individual work, a place not pre
above desenbed, before Ht.u'y M Itus
vlotisly attained nor occupied by an
sell, County Clerk o f Lune County, Ori­ other
gini , ut his office, ut Bug til t, Oregon
T b e mammoth crowds that repented
on the 12th dny o f April, 1315.
ly assemble to bear him at every op­
Clnininnt names ns witnesea.
lilitkely, I l f lllu keleyville, Oregon; Sum portunity la conclusive evidence ns to
ljis t year, while
Stiers, o f lilukeleyville, Oregon; f'buries bln draw in g power
Mieliuel, o f lilukeleyville, Oregon; Vv al conducting a aeries o f Sunday m eet­
ings In tbe I^mdnn Itoyal Albert Hall.
ter Shurp, o f Blakeley ville, Oregon.
I ’ustor Russell received written eom-
Register. luuuicatlous through the mail from
more lban six thousand persons, re­
questing printed copies o f bis sermons
H b erlff'a Baia on Foreclosure
Ho s|ioutiineoti* a demand was both
N ut ice is hereby givea, that by virtù**
unprecedented and tinlooked for. An
o f un Kseeutioti and Order o f Sale is
other evidence o f tils popularity on tlie
sund niit o f tbe Circuit Court o f thè i
Stuie o f Oregon for Lune County, on j other side o f the rolling blue Is tlie
publication o f his w eekly sermons In
thè *lh duy o f Mnrrh, 11*15, on a judg
ineiit renderla) in suid Court on thè something over three hundred pa|M>rs
twenty fifth duy o f Februury, 11*15, In Eugland. Ireland. Hcotland. Australia
in u suit in suid Court whereìn
T b e Editor o f Great Britain's fore
G ottfried draber wns p lm n tiff unii most fam ily paper. Thr I'ai/ile'i Jour
Duisy A. Colili ami F. E. Rosenburg nal. baa an aptly commented und acted
were defendants, in whicb said suit thè
on the matter thnt we can do no bet
.imi pinifir >f f , d ottfried draber, ree a
ter than to quote here tbe heart to
ered judgment agai usi thè suoi definii!
ants, Duisy A. Cobb and F. K. Rosenburg, heart talk be gnve bis readers.
for thè som o f Tw o llundred F ifty said:—
i $25<I.IIO) Dollsrs with interest teoremi
A W onderful Prasoher.
" I t la n o t th« n o n -church- g o in g te n d e n -
from suol 2tltb duy o f September, 191.3,
ut thè rute o f 8 per cent per niinum, . lata o f th « A g « t h a t I w a n t to t a lk to
and F ifty ($50,00) Dollurs attorney's you a b o u t, a lt h o u g h m y ‘ th e m a ’ Is m ore
o r leee e l.s ia ly c o n n e c te d w ith t h a t s u b ­
fees, nnd thè further sum o f Thirty je c t
T o u h s v c a ll, I th in k , h e a rd o f
$.30 1 * 0 ) Imllars rosta, whirb Judgment P a s t o r Itu ss e ll, th a w o n d e r fu l A m e r ic a n
s u . enrollni and dorketed in thè p r e a c h e r , w h o lia s Just been In d u cte d to
Clerk ’a o ffic e o f said Court in smd th e c h a r g e o f th# L o n d o n T a b e r n a c le ,
Con ut y on thè Hth dny of Murrh, li* 15, k n o w n a lt o v e r th e U n ite d K in g d o m a n d
i ad suid Kseeut ioti tu me direi ted coni th o u s a n d s o f m ile s b e y o n d , i s th e p u lp it
muiidiiig me ili Gir nume o f tbe Stnte of o f t b e r e v e r e d Hpurgt-on ' M r. I tu s s e ll h a s
a c h ie v e d a i>oeltluti In th e w o rld o f r e ­
dregon in order lo sntiafy suid judg
lig io u s t h o u g h t une<|iialled b y a n y liv in g
meiit, nttorney ’a fees, rosi nnd urrru
D iv in e
A n d . c u r io u s ly e n o u g h , h e d e l iv ­
mg costa to seti thè follow ing desrribed e r s h is m e s s a g e to f a r m o re p e o p le 'o u t ­
c h u r c h th a n c o u ld e v e r be
property, to w it :
iteginning ut thè S<iiithenst corner o f b r o u g h t to g e ttie r w ith in th e w e lls o f th e
I lls s e r ­
thè S<iutheust qunrter (V i) o f thè la r g e s t te m p le to t h e U n iv e r s e
m o n s e n d w r it in g s h a v e w o n fo r th em -
Northriist qunrter (V s) “ f Hectioti 24, a e lv e s a n e x t r a o r d in a r y p o p u la r it y In
■ ad rutiiiing thenee North 20 roda; A m e r ic a a n d I a m c r e d ib ly In fo rm ed th a t
l l m M West 80
t k w e * South 20 P a a to r H u aa e ll'a p r in te d h o o k a on r e lig io u s
roda, and Iberno Knat HO rmls to tbe s u b je c ts a r e e x c e lle d In c ir c u la t io n o n ly
pince o f heg'iining, contuining lo acre» by th e Ittb le I ts e lf J u s t th in k w h a t t h is
o f Inrnl, ull in Hrrtion 24, Township 21 m e a n s I t m e a n s th a t m illio n s o f p eople
s ll o v e r th e w o rld h a v e fo u n d s o m e th in g
■biuth, Rnnge 4 West o f W. M in Lune In P s s t o r Itu ss e ll s s e rm o n s, e s s a y s and
County, State o f Oregon.
I le c t u r e s w h ic h t h e y h a v e b a rn u n a b le to
Now, therefore, in thè nume o f thè d is c o v e r In a n y o t h e r r e lig io u s w r it in g s
State o f Oregon ami in romplinnrr wtth a p a r t fr o m t h e G r e a t H ook I ts e lf
»uni Ksecut loti nnd Order o f Siile, I w ill
A W eakly Talk.
on Sntiirdny, thè tenth dny o f Aprii,
" N o w , to c o m e to th e c r u x o f t h e m a t ­
11*15, bvtween thè boura o f li o 'rlork ' te r I feet s u r e th a t th e v a s t m a jo r it y o f
a. in. and 4 o'clock p. ni., to wit, ut une . m y r e a d e r s w ill le a rn w ith p le a s u r e th a t
I h a v e a r r a n g e d fo r a w e e k ly c o n tr ib u tio n
o'clock p. ni , on suid duy ut thè South
A 'se r-
west door o f thè County Court House fr o m t h e pen o f P a s t o r Itu s s e ll
m o n e tte ' M r I tu s s e ll h im s e lf c a lls It. but
in Kiigene, Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r I h a v e a n Idea It w ill b e fo u n d to be
for sale for cash subjeet to redemption, s o m e th in g m ore, s o m e th in g fu lle r , th a n
all thè righi, tltle nnd interest o f suid m e r e ly a c o n d e n s e d se rm o n . I h a v e been
defendnnts, llmay A. Cobb and F. K. r e a d in g a « e le ctio n o f t h e fa m o u s P a s ­
Rosenburg, in nnd to thè ubove dea t o r ’s r e lig io u s w r it in g s , a n d th e y a p p e a l
to m e a s b e in g m o re o f th e n a t u r e o f
cribed reni property.
q u ie t, d is c u r s iv e t a l k s on s e r io u s s u b je c t s
J A M E S C. P A R K E R ,
t h a n s e r m o n s o r p u lp it d e liv e r a n c e s o f th e
m elilo upr7
By I). A, Elkiti», Dcputy j c o n v e n t io n a l d e s c r ip tio n
P a s t o r Itu ss e ll
S h c riff o f Lane County, Oregun Is a c le a r , e a n tly u n d e rs to o d t h in k e r ; he
Neuralgia r«*l»«*ved mutantlv by l«»cnl up
Beuidenee ami o ffic e one
Iduck nouth of pontoffice.
I'hone 131J
Cottngv drove, Oregon
E. R. C R O U C H
Pastor Russell Claims to Ba
a I rue Calliollc.
T h « Presa o f America.
The Church Founded Upon the Rock.
Pastor Runspll'a popularity abroad
From his context the Pastor show­
does not deprive him o f the honor o f
ed that on one occasion Ht. Peter had
preaching to the largest congregation
made the first public declaration o f
In Am erica.
Surprising ns It tuny Jesus' Measluhshlp
Jesu* replied In
aeetn. bis sermons are at present pub­ the words o f the text. In the Greek
lished In more than one thousand Peter siKtilfle 9 n small stone, w hile the
newspapers In Am erica, reaching ap­ word rendered rook signifies a foundn
proxim ately ten m illion homes weekly.
tion stone.
W hat Jesu* evidently
Last June and July, w hile m aking a
meant was that Ht. Peter's statement
trans-continental tour to attend the B i­ was a recognlzntlon o f the Murder a*
ble Htudents Convention at Han Fran
the great Foundation o f the D ivine
<Tsco. Pastor Itussell made several P la n -th o Messiah. Upon thnt founda­
stops en route, nnd the reception e v ­ tion truth—that Jesu* I* C h rist-th e
eryw here accorded
the ‘‘Am erican Church would be built, nnd Ht. Peter
Spurgeon’’ was moat heart-cheering.
wa* the first who by con»*s* 1 on be­
M any excellent accounts o f his meet­ came o f the livin g stones <1 Peter 2^>l
ings w ere published. "T h e Han Fran
to build him self upon that Foundation,
rl»oo Call,” In making reference to st. Peter him self gives u* this thought
what other papers w ere saying. Inter
-thnt he and all other members o f
eatlngly summarized as fo llo w s:—
the Church are livin g stones, being
"Pastor Russell's given name has been hullded Into a holy Tem ple o f God.
lost to public re c o rd during the laet ten
The entire Gospel Age has been de­
years. In which he has been famous as the
great 'Pastor'—plain Paator Russell-who voted to dndlng and building these
baa swayad hundreds of thousands In this stones upon that great foundation
country and abroad.
As soon as the Tem ple
"D o they come to hear him? Well, rath
erl 80 far It hat been Impossible to en­ Is completed, the New Dispensation
gage a hall large enough to hold the will be Inaugurated. The gates o f lle ll
crowds. Dreamland Rink has been hired -H ades, tbe to m b -sh a ll not prevail
for this occasion In Kansas City, Den­
ver, Halt Lake and Loa A n g e le s the Paa­ agninst the Church; for they shall
tor and hla faithful crew have taken the eotne forth In the First Resurrection
populace by storm. The newspapers have
The Kays of the Kingdom.
given him more space than a war scare
The keys o f the Kingdom the speak
and print hla speech#« like a Presidential
er explained, are Hcrlpturslly shown
to be tw o In number amj used In two
Reu nd - the - World - Tour.
Paator Ruasrll. during the w inter different opening works A key Is sym ­
snd spring month«. Is scheduled to bolic o f authority. St Peter used Ids
lecture In Honolulu. Toklo, Hongkong. first key o f p rivilege on Pentecost,
Manila, Calcutta. Bombay. Madras. when he opened the «loot o f the Church
Oolumbo, Cain*. Alexandria, Athens. o f Christ to the Jews. T h ree years
Cortnth, Home and I/ondon Thla trip and a h alf Infer he used the second
key to the Kingdom of H eaven- the
Will undoubtedly bring Pastor Rns
sell many Interesting experiences and Church, the em bryo Kingdom prepar­
At the home o f Cor
much Inform ation with which he w ill ing for glory.
richly embellish his forthcom ing ser­ nclitia. Ht. Peter opened another door
mons. which w e are pleased in this o f opportunity, through which have
lielievltig Gentiles—
Issue te Introduce to our renders and been admitted
announce as a regular w eekly feature “ that the Gentiles might tie fellow
hairs with the Jew s to tbe Promise.”
i In our columns.
. .
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