Cbe Cottage Crovc Sentinel A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH PLENTY OF BACKBONE :: ELBERT BEDE, Editor BEDE A ORANT, P u b lia h e r i A flrst-clasa publication entered at Cottage Grove as second class matter. Wednesday, March 10. 1915. B U S IN E S S O FFIC E : as • • • : :: 8« SOUTH F IF T H STR EET m m 8UBSCRIPTION RATE» 10 Per Cent Is Big Interest Oli« Yvsr ..................................... $1.50 81x M on th s........................................80 ThrM M o n tili.................................... 40 Single C opili ................................ 6c No subseription taksn uoleai pud for in sdvaaee. 'l'hn ruli il imperative. A D V E S T I S IN O BATES. Display, 25 cent! par inch; reading notice ada., 10 cent! per line; legal noticea, 5 cenU per line; aurrounded ada., 50 ceuta per m«h; Classified ada., 1 cent per word. Special discounts on contract!. I’an’ i e f ^ '*•" and Resolutions, fl cents Y o u w ould be likely to let out a big hol­ ler if a bank charged you 10 per cent in­ terest on a year’s loan. But w e give you tlje equivalent of 10 per cent on your money for 10, 20,30 or 60 days. Suppose you have got to have an order of $100 worth of merchandise within the next month. By buying the goods from us be­ fore March 16 w e will give you a 10 per cent discount, which is equivalent to l O per cent on your money in 3 0 days. There is nothing in the store reserved, and our shelves are full of fresh goods in season’s latest styles. See the latest here in Millinery, Gloves, Hosiery and Spring D ry Goods. per line. Be Sure to Get Stop Over at Cottage Grove. Be Sure to Get Stop Over at Cottage Grove. PRO TECTIVE TREE TRADE. •‘ Ah, provident! Ah. sage! Ah, gener ous king! That seta the emaciate wolf to dog the flock.” 0 8 SOME considerable time the citizens o f this great land of the free and home o f the brave have been laboring under the impression that we are enjoying the privilege ot living under a beneficent free trade ta riff that invites competition of United States industries with those of the whole world. We have been proud to think that we were not afraid to challenge the entire world to compete tion. (Without seeming to be irrele­ vant we would state that even the un employed have been laboring under this impression.) We have been led to be­ lieve that the iniquitous high ta riff walls of the more iniquitous Republican party were obliterated as com­ pletely as if they had stood the brunt o f a German invasion. 0 Can it be possible that we have been hoodwinked, bamboozled aud befuddled by the party which made such great promises to lead us out of the land of bondage into the land o f milk and hon eyt Let us see. The Department o f Agriculture re­ cently issued a letter of instructions for the information o f customs officials and state inspectors collaborating with the Federal Horticultural Board in the en­ forcement o f the plant quarantine act. The following amusing and highly inter eating facts are elicited from a perusal of the reference list appearing in that document which was prepared for the purpose of showing the plants and plant products excluded from the United Btates by the various quarantine or dera issued up to December 31, 1914: “ Irish potatoes from Newfoundland, the islands o f 8t. Pierre and Miquelon. Great Britain, including England, Scot land, Wales and Ireland, Germany and Austria Hungary.— Quarantine No. 3. “ A ll citrus nursery stock, including buds, scions and seeds, from all foreign localities and countries.— Quarantine No. 19. ” Here we have— brought out in strik ing eolors— the hitherto undiscovered microscopic difference ’twixt tweedle- dee and tweedledum. Schoolmaster Woodrow Wilson and his official family of democratic pundits are reducing the high cost of living; furnishing employ­ ment to the unemployed; bringing order out of chaos in Mexico, etc., etc., by wiping the protective ta riff o ff the statute books and instituting instead thereof a system of quarantine orders minus the revenues derived from cus­ toms— far more drastic and inflexible than any protective ta riff yet enacted and the delay and publicity connected with taking such a matter before con gross is conveniently done away with and the making of protective tariffs becomes the function of the Department of Agriculture. Then, too, under this new order of things, places and fat salaries are pro­ vided for an immense army o f emaci­ ated democratic officeholders to en­ force and uphold the majesty o f Wood row W ilson’s “ New Freedom,’ ’ other­ wise known to us as “ Quarantine Or­ der! Nos. 3 to 19, Inclusive.’ ’ The grotesque incongruity and farci­ cal absurdity of this entire procedure leminds us o f the Harvard divinity stu­ dent who was sent out to a country dis­ trict to supply a pulpit one Hunday. tin his return, his professor, who was much interested in him, inquired as to how he had succeeded. “ Fine,” replied the student. “ Glad to hear it ,’ ’ said the professor, “ and what was your tex t! ’ ’ “ W ell,” said the student, “ I look for my text the passage, ‘ How r-hall we escape if we neglect so great n salvation!’ ” “ A fine text,’ ’ said the professor, “ and I am curious to know how you treated this interesting sub­ ject.” “ W ell,” replied the student, “ I divided my sermon into two parts. I first told my congregation what a great salvation this was and then I told them how they might escape i f they neglected it .” Having covered potatoes, cotton seed, seed cotton, oranges, lemons and other egetable products behind a quarantine wall, the next thing We expect is to see iron ore quarantined to prevent a spread o f foreign rust, to have wool goods «.uarantined to prevent a spread of for ign breeds o f lice, to have foreign hides j quarantined to prevent a spread o f the foot and mouth disease, and so on ad infinitum. The brain that conceived a quarantine wall to supercede a ta riff wall is certainly to bo complimented for its sagacity, if for uothing else. This ta riff game is a great game— at which the consumer never wins. F A IR B PLAY AND S E L F IS H N E S S C O M BINED . S T A T E M E N T that should re ccive serious consideration was made by J. 8. Medley at the re­ cent meeting o f the Commercial Club. The statement was in substance that there is but one railroad that has ever done anything for Cottage Grove, that without this railroad there would as yet be no city here, not a foot o f our lumber could be marketed and all our supplies would have to be hauled in, that this railroad has for years em ployed a half dozen or more men at its station and has maintained a large crew at its tie plant, that there is no other railroad from which we ran at this present time hope to get anything in railroad service, that regardless of what may have been its attitude before rail way regulation began, this road is at the present time endeavoring to serve us to the best o f its ability and to muke whatever improvements the receipts of the local station and the condition o f the company’s exchequer warrant, that, whenever possible, we should spend all money used for railway tickets with the only railroad from which we can at the present time hope to get anything. Many had not thought of the proposi tion from this standpoint, but it is a fact which cannot be controverted that despite the welcome it would receive were it to extend its lines here, the Oregon Electric has not ns yet spent a dollar in Cottage Grove, nor do we know that it ever will. The only rail­ road that we have has no means of making improvements except with the money received from patrons or by bor rowing money on securities whose val­ ues fluctuate as the earnings o f the road fluctuate. From a spirit o f fair play we may owe it to this road to give it whatever business we have, but it is certain that from a purely selfish busi­ ness standpoint it is to our interests to do so. R E T U R N IN G HOM E. UGENE Guard: There is some thing strikingly pathetic about a brief despatch which came from Geneva, Switzerland. The first trainload o f maimed German prisoners o f war who are to be exchanged for wounded French soldiers arrived there from Lyons, homeward bound, Tuesday night, it states. The flower of a nation— men who in the full bloom of life went forth to war —crushed and robbed o f its glory has been discarded. No longer fit for life in the trenches these helpless cripples are to be permitted to eke out an ex­ istence at home. A father, blinded by a bursting shell, returns to his w ife and babies whom be cannot see. The sons of happy homes of a few months ago, with parts o f legs and arms dangling to their bent bodies and with hideously disfigured faces, return to sweethearts they no longer can embrace, to cloud and burden the lives o f those whom the Creator had planned they should make happy. Much is the homecoming of these exchanged prisoners— a homecoming which should' make the whole world shudder and its people cry out against war. But it is not so. The people elamor for the blood o f their fellowmen, against whom they can have no griev­ ance, but with whom in the service of the Fatherland, they know not why, they are at war. Why are these men figh tin g! Nobrdy knows. What makes them fig h t! False patriotism, an emotion that causes men to attack men of another territory with every brutality simply because their rulers have quarreled. A fter the people get through maiming and killing, the rulers will meet somewhere and draw up a treaty o f peace. What a difference it would hnve made if this treaty of peace had been drnwn first! What a difference it would have made in the homes most directly affected by this homecoming o f help less victims o f war! What a difference it would have made to millions o f homes in Belgium, France, Germany, Great McQueen-Boldon Burkholder-Woods Bldg. 4-o-e-e-w* : ] Britain, Her via, Austria and Turkey! Wbat a difference it would have made to the so called civilized World! The other day a British trench was blown up and Hir John French in his war office statement said: “ Our loss was triflin g.” Two hundred and forty maimed Germans mentioned to be ex­ changed in the despatch from Geneva in the language o f this belligerent are “ triflin g ” in comparison with the hun dreds o f thousands who are counted among the dead and the millions more who are now being marched to the slaughter. The world can only pray and hope that the carnnge will end soon; that Darkness Masquerades as Light— Fool­ sanity will return; that when wnr is ish Words Mislsad the Ignorant. done there shall be no thoughts o f war; Christians Often "Babas In Christ.” that the final homecoming shall be suf Few Have Their Senses Exercised by ficiently impressive upon all people Reason of Uao— Biblo Study Novor that they may understand the blessing More Needed Than Now—"W hat Say of an enduring peace. the Scriptures!” Not, What Say the Preachers. Evangelists and Creeds! Eugene is going after a lace factory New York, Mar. in a manner that indicates that it in­ 7.- Hpeuklugut tlui tends to put on a few more frills. Billy Sunday Challenged--Doas He Deny The! Jesus Is the Son of 6od? R E G U L A T IO N N E E D E D . The recent failure o f three mutuul fire insurance companies in Oregon shows the need of more stringent in vestigation and regulation of the fire insurance business and more care on the part o f policyholders in buying insur ance. For two years these companies had been paying in losses more than they were receiving in premiums while muking public statements that their af fairs were in good shape. An inveatiga tion by the new Insurance Commissioner brought about a receivership. The fu­ ture o f these companies would not lie so serious a matter if policyholders were not compelled to dig down in their pockets to make up the deficit. Those able to puy the assessment will he com pel led to do so. Those against whom a judgment means nothing will have had cheap Insurance at the expense o f the other fellow. Those against whom a judgment is collectible will probably find that their insurance has cost them as much as i f it had been taken in a company with a safe reserve fund while they have been encouraging unfair competition with safe business. The Hentinel has no fault to find with the principles o f mutual insurance, but it does believe in a square deal to those companies fmtual or otherwise) that arc amply protecting policyholders, and be lieves that purchasers should take a care that they are not fooled as policy- holders in these three defunct companies were fooled. Calling Cards— The Hentinel office. New York City T • ni p I • today, i ' i s t o r itunscil took for his text John 1.34, "1 saw and bare record that tbla Is the Hon of GotL” IIo declared that about three fourth» of all tbe preaebeni are bis cuemlen. Because they c-auuot resist the force of bis Bi­ ble teachings, they misrepresent them and vilify his reputation, that thus they may hinder good people from hearing aud from reading. “By their fruits ys shall know them," said tbe Master; and evidently many clergy men must be seriously wrong of heart; else they would not bear these un scriptural fruits — unmanly fruits— “ works o f the flesh and o f the Devil.”— Galatians 5:19-21; 1 John 8:& Rut tbe Pastor would not alack hla efforts to make known the true char­ acter of the God of the Bible, so In contrast with tbe Satanic god of the creeds. Thousands of letters from all purts of tbe world tell him of new life, new Joy In the Lord, through hla ef­ forts; and he Is encouraged to go on ward In the narrow way which the Muster and tbe Apostles trod. He would not render personal abuse In re- tn 1 In tion. To do so would be contrary to the W ord and Spirit of the Lord. But the creeds and false doctrines hs would continue to smash with all the power granted him, that thus hunger­ ing, thirsting souls might be delivered from error Into the Joyous liberty ef the children of God. Denying the Son of God. Billy Hundar I—a ; » i n i « U u i s w a ­ ge lists and preachers In the slanderous nilsatiitemeuta that Pastor Ituaaell de nlea that Jesus Is tbe Hou of God. By such false statements, said the Pastor, they seek to prvveut (ieople from coming to hear me and from reading my Bible expositions. Yet how foollah It la for them to make such dclltierate misstate­ ments; for eventuully their falsehoods will lie found out! Ieople who learn o f the gross misrepresentation realise that ouly desperation, attempting to support a weak cause, could lead men professing to be ministers of the Truth to thus do It rlolence. Really. It Is I who believe tbat Jesus Is the Hon of God, while the great m l Jorlty of preachers and evangelists do not clearly so teach. They confuse their argument and bewilder their hearers by telling In one breath tbat Jesus Is the Hon of God, and In the next breath that He Is Ills own Father. According to them, n s la Jehovah God, who sent Ills Hon Into the world to die, and He Is the Hon who sent Himself, as God. When He prayed to the Father It was a mockery; for IIo was the F ath er-"o n e In person." When he sold, “The Father Is greater thaD I,” Q e misrepresented tbs facts, according to these preachers, evan- gel Is ts and creed-makers. He spoke of the Cup which the Father had poured for Him. and aald He could do nothing of Hlmaelf, and that Tie would return to the Father. lie prayed, "M y Godl My God! W hy hast Thou forsaken M a r aud aald to Mary. “I have not yet ascended to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” But these wiser than tbe-BIble teach­ ers contradict Him, and feel like say­ ing, “Jesus must have been a Millen­ nial I>awner! But ire know better!” Huch teachers make void tbe Word o f God through their tradltlona. In claiming that Jesua ts Jehovah God, they really deny that He la tbe Hon of God; for common sense tells everybody that a son rscelves Ids life from the fn ther. This la exactly wbut the Bible tells ua respecting Jesua. Truthful Criticisms Invitsd. 1 Invite truthful criticisms of my teachings: but tny op[H>nenta know that to treat ine fairly, Justly, would |>e to turn all thinking (ieople to my side—the Bible aide- the reasonable side. For thirty years they Ignored my presentations, lest (ieople should find out; but as my sermous uow reach millions, they are alurmed for the safe­ ty of their musty creeds, mid resort to rank falsehoods, misrepresentations and slanders—tbe weapons of moral cow arils, who realize their own weakness. I f they would charge me with dlslie llevlng the doctrine of the Trlulty— that three ones lire one—I would cheer fully admit It, and point them to the fact tbat the word Trinity ts not found In tbe Bible, and that the thought o f a trinity Is not there, except In one paa- v a g w h i c h *JI scholars o| all denom- luatlons admit la a forgery of Ihe Sev­ enth Century—1 Jobu 5:7. 8 Bee lie vbu-d Version. I believe In tbe Heavenly Father. Je bovah God. I believe lu Ills Ron, edr Lord Jesus Christ, who left tbe H eav­ enly nature, took the human nature, died for our sins, and was afterward highly exalted to Hie Divine nature. I believe lu tbe Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Truth, the Spirit of God. the Spirit of Christ My < rluie Is tbnt I do not believe that the Father, tbe Hoti, aud the H oi/Spirit are "one In person, equal lu power nud glory," neither one exlstlug lie fore the others, neither oue the Sou nnd neither one tbe Father, really. The lllble any a nothing of this kind: and I sm glad that my bead Is not so Illogical aa to lead me to deny the lllble and common sense for the sake of being In harmony with creeds made lu the Dark Ages. "W ho Art They, Lord!” "Jeeusl” The Bible makes no mystery of who Jesus Is; nnd we would not hare lieeii lu confusion bad we relied solely upon tbe testimony of Jesua, tbe Asiatics nnd tbe ITophets. Our misleading tame during tbe twelve hundred years when tbe Bible wsa Ignored, because it w-is Itellevcd that tbe living bishops were Apostolic nnd had the plenary (lowers of tbs original A[ssitlea. This serious error Jesua emphatically warn­ ed ngnlust In advance.—Revelation 2 2. The Bible tells of Jesus' present glo­ rious station, "fa r above angels,” "par­ taker of tbe Divine usture.” But many Ignore this, nud claim that Jesus la a inn» In Heaven, completely out of touch with Hla surroundings; for a man. according to the lllble, Is “a lit­ tle lower than angels,” whereas Ihe Apoatle declares Hint Jesus, at Ills res­ urrection. was exalted far above an­ gels. This glorious One, although o f a different nnture. Is the s n iu s One who, while on earth, was “the Man Christ Jesus,” “a man of sorrows and ac­ quainted with grief.” Ht. I’aul tells us how Jesus left the Heavenly glory, how He humbled Hlmaelf to taks a bondman's fo rm -to take the same na­ ture as humanity, which had coins Into bondage to sin. The Bible explains how Jeaus could he of our race, and yet lie “holy, harm- leas, iindt-flled, separate from alnners.” It tells us plainly that Jesua had a hu­ man mother, blit tbat Ills Ilfs came not from a human father; anil tbat therefore He was (s-rfect and able to lie the Ransomer of the race by giving to God oacrlflclally a full correspond­ ing pries for Adam, whoso life was forfeited liecnuse of sin. Thus the Bi­ ble explains thst Jesus’ death ts sufll- dent for Adam’s sin and tbs sins of the whole world; for the world was not condemned Individually, but mere­ ly partook of Adam'a condemnation to death- (Continued on next page)