» CUSTOM ERS D EM AN D OF A Bank courtesy and both the in­ clination and ability to accom ­ modate patrons within bounds that guarantee a safe and sound institution. This bank is willing to be judged by this measure. First National Bank ( 0 aU'ii u f tin' CJm im .......... ......................" > ■ ■ ............. M a n y M u tte rs o f M o r e than P a s s in g M o m e n t c Any ll.m in t h è » , c o lo n i» coiitaining a k .y d u i. on Ih . lu .t line t h . r . - o f I» paid advertisin g. (T h i* e n n o u n c .m .n t it muda in c o m p ila n e . with Ih . poalal régulation.) lie v e u benrt end »«a “ The T »ey n ' lle n r t» ,” u w onderful aontinued «tory liem g «liown ut Tbe Arcuile, o7 Mr. uml Mr». A. Iloolitlle muvrd t» f'reaw ell ln»t week «m i eip a et tu uiiike timi tbeir future buine. M illinery o|ieniug ut The Voglie Mnt unluy under tbe nrw m enagrm eul. o7c T W beeler retur ned Inai VVedne» dny from u tni»ine»» trip tu Portland Iteri fliirrow » hn» returned from lto»e liurg nml bu» renumed hi» poaitiou ut tbe Southern l'ucilie deput. None «o old or homel** thut The Hen linai would not like hi» or ber pletore in it* gullery o f old reaident» o f tbe C olla g e (trova rountry. I f you ure (13 or over nml bave not lieforr hud u pie ture tukeu for u». culi ut 'h e Arm»trong Htudio» und bave one tnken It will roat you nothing nlld we will g>V" you one plcture free o f rhnrge. o ’ tf FREE ! Each week we w ill g iv e away piece o f furniture. Wutvb our window». HINTER BROS The |lou»e Furti lab era Iteri Trn»k returned ln»t week from »pending n vueution at Kujndu. .lume» W b itford returned lu»t week from nil »»ten ded trip into tbe hill«. “ The Trey o " H e a r t « " ut Arcade tonight uml on Tue»dny night* bere%f ter. Johu CulTmnn wn» down from Ito brinili during tbe pn»t week. Mi»» Junnilu K ro»ehel, o f Albany, niece o f Tho». l’ arker, accom panied him from l.undpnrk and ha» returned to ber home Win. I^indea», Jr., returned la»t week from (be North Fork, where be wn» in the furent service during tbe «iiminer I JO E BAK ER General Blacksmith AND R E P A IR WORK L O C A T E D ON W E S T SIDE J. I. Cti»e Flow » and Harrow«, Vulcan (.'billed l'luw «. Boiling Coulter», etc. W ynne A W ood*. ».'Ititi A. I.. I'lant and fam ily have arrived from Oakland and have purchu»ed tbe new Cooper hou»e in M ilnpoo I'ark licit to the lieHpain house. Mr. I’ lant i» a carpenter and w ill be em ployed by Mr. •Cooper. Itale llnw kin» returned Huturdny from New|Mirt, w bere he «peni a monili, ami ha» resiimed bi» poaition w itb Tbe Non (inai. Mr ami Mr». I( Il Kennedy o f f o t tage (trova, are vU iting tbeir dnughter, Mr«. W. A. Kmgo Huleui Hlntenuiun. Ito n ’t mia» tbe m illm ery openiug ut Tbe Vogue Muturday. o7c Tbe ( Irmi Robinson residence i» tic ing remodeled. M r» t'ruuk lla m b r ir k i» ut a l ’or! land hospital. Tbere com e» a tinte in tbe life o f nearly every muti wben he i» rei|ue»ted lo furuiab a pbotogrnph for publica liuti. Fully tw o tbird» o f tbe plinto grapb» o f Cottage (trova people and »eene» publiahed in tbe Portland papera rome (toni tbe Armstrong Mtudìu» and you bave noticed bow they show up Ite prepnred wben your turn rome» ».Hi.li? Mr. and Mr». A. W Wam|Mde o f Col tage (irove «peni last werk ut tbe borni o f Mr. W'nmpolr '« .notber, Mr». M W'niupole, in Ibi» c ity .— W oodburn In dapandent. Mr. and Mr*. Mnddox o f l ’ortlund, furnier resident« o f Cottage (Irove, re turued homr Hunday after a vi»it bere (ieo. Ilruiiifleld, who ha» lieen in tbe biryrle rrpnir bu»ine»» for a numlier o f yeara, i» going tu move tu Mursblield Mr». (teorge Kaltem bn» pre»enteil The Hentinel witb «urne Hnow appiè» whirli »he hrooght witb ber wben »Ite returned from M ichigan. I . i» needle»» tu aay thut thè fruit, allhough llnely fin v o m ì, due» not rouipare in «ire or i|unlity witb Ihnt raiaed in Oregon. Currin Cooley hn» been appointed agent for thè Oregon Pire Itelief Co., i succeeding It. T. Aw bry ».tut f c A. C. Kinter attended the county Humlny Hrhool convent: in that was in ■■•«■ion in Kugene Friday um l Saturday Bog O riggs wn» in from Comstock M onday. He bad just returned from Month Biver, where be bad cbnrgi of ■o;ne road construction work. A »‘ Irrtng photo piny tilled witb many thrill«, " T b e Trey o ' H e a r t « ," at Th Arcade every Tuesday night. o7 Arthur Hnle» uf Dorena was in K ii gene Saturday. K K. Mill* wiii in Kugene Hnturdny on luinine»«. County Fruit Innpertor Stewart vva* in Kugene Haturday. “ N o Hunting or F ish in g “ signs for sale by The Sentinel, M nrjorie Teeters, who had been visit ing at l.uiidpnrk with her unrle, Harry Parker, has returned to her home in Al buy. Miss V ela lloldertnan lias been down from Bujada during the past week vis I,. H. Hill WII« ill Kugene last Wedln*» iting relatives. O liver Ventrh suffered an attack o f winy. k Have that »oiled »uit mude to look the grip during the past week. Why not reduce the cost o f your in like new by leuving it at Mr». Hender » o n '» rlcuuing, pressing nnd mending suranc.et I.KHH than fraternal if you DIK. All your money bark if you parlor. Next door to express office Think it over. I t ’s worth Kntiafaction guaranteed. o7 2Hc L IV E . while. Ilnrry M etcalf. n gliftfc Frank Jordan and fam ily have moved Oisston-Champion Stage Line to Kugene from Corvallis. N. W. W hite o f Coast Fork. J. T. A L E X l.U N D B E R G , l ’ rop. .Small and I.evi (leer o f London, Oeo. Cook o f Doreiin und H. H. Jackson o f F R E IO H T IN G W alker lire serving on the rireuit Hnddle llor»e» nnd l ’ueking tu All court ju ry at Kugene. l’ art* o f thè Camp Fire is no reapeeter o f persons nnd l'bon e Iti F4I your property may be next to be wiped out In the tw inkling o f an eye. I f you are a conservative business man you Mr». F. II. CiHik o f Yoncnllu visited will see that you are am ply protected against loss. Harry M etcalf ran fur Mr», lien (itoff last week. Mr». J. T. Moore, who fell and nish you with the best there is in that s.'IOt f sprained her ankle n week ngo Tiles line. dny, i» still eon lined to her home, and Mrs. M. I,. Henderson lias succeeded will probably be unable to walk much Mr. Hunter in the clothes cleaning, for several weeks, a» the injury ¡» very pressing and mending business next door to the express office. painful. I.ane County Newa. The indiea o f the W. 0 . T. U. will hold I. L. Bowe and fam ily o f Creswell a murkcl at The Metann Hhop Saturday. passed through Kugene Friday on their o7c way to the lower Miuslnw, where Mr. t II J. Kbinn was in Kugene Thursday Bowe w ill tench a school near Glcnndn. — (iiinrd. on business. Miss Mary Bartels invites all form er Miss Verna Hawkins o f New port is spending a couple weeks visitin g friends customer* to meet her at The Vogue Hnturdny when she holds a m illinery nnd relatives in the city . opening. o7c A stirring photo play, “ The Trey o ’ (leorge M. Hawley, county com m is­ H e a r ts ," a continued story, every Toes dny night at The Arcade. o7 sioner, is not only a good road builder and w atch ful o f the c o u n ty ’s expense«, The I’ rophet auction sale Sn’ nrdny but he i» a ernek »hot at bird». W hile was it successful one, about n thousand out on road business in the southern d o lla r s’ worth o f goods being sold. part o f the county Thursday he was in vited by a farm er to kill some o f the pheasants on his place and in a very few minutes the ronimissinncr had i f you need downed three nnd »tnrted for home. m oney I ran furnish any sum at n Mr. nnd Mrs. C. B. Htahlmnn returned low er rule o f intereat long term *, Hominy from attending the state fnir. (liv e full description o f p roperty. C ottag. d ro v e biddies are being well R. H. PARSONS Loan A q 't puid for their work at present, the pre­ H» :iu vailing price for eggs being 36 cents corran* iisovu. on* Care Hentinel per dor.cn. FARM LOANS K em arksbl« l»vn «renr* that will «tir Iht' heart* o f both young »m l ulti, ure fidimi in “ The Tr*y o ' H m i I i , " mow being shown «I Tli» Arcuili' every Tue« ility night iu continued reel». o7 Tb* follow in g officer* were elected at the recent atete con ventilili o f tbe W. C. T. U.; i ’ reaideat, Mr». Jennie K em p; vice president, Mr». Henriettu Brow n; corresponding secretary, Mr». Mnry Ku»»efl; tree»urer, Mr». Murgnret Hou» ton Tbe lutter wu» the only olticer re elected One tboiiaund doller» wu» pledged for work u eit yeur The dele gute» were aplendidly e etertein .il und enjoyed u m eritorio»» program. Mr». K. H. W noil» returned Monduy from attending tbe »tute convention ol the W. ('. T. I ’ . ut Tbe Ilulle». N o Tre»iui»»ing »ign« for «nie ut I'lii Mentine! otte«. A daughter wus born Heptember 25 to Mr. and Mrs. A lfred White, who live oii Coast Fork. F. J. Hard has been down from th• liohemin district during the past week H. A. Hill ami J. B. Cheatham, inter ested in the Long placer claim , returnei from Portland M onday anil Mr». Cheat barn went on to Bo»el,urg for a day. New art good» and ready made pit­ turi- fraine» at the Mills à Boach Music House. Hhcct music. »'¿.'it 1 C. K. Htewurt delivered an add re»» on fruit culture before the Junction City (irunge last week. The W. C T. I will hold ;•» regalai meeting at 3 p. in. Friday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Harding on Hecond Htract, Isaac Imud was in from Itorcna yes terduy. Y o u 'll never look any younger than you do right now unless you let Arm strong make some <|uality photos foi you. (iet them at ¿4 W North Hixth Hi reel. »30 o i Miss Daisy Hawkins returned to Halem yesterday and will resume hci telephone work there. The follow in g officer» were rccentlv elected by the loeal W. C. T. t\: Y re a i •!**at, Mm. K. B W ood»; vici* prenidcnt, Mr». Mary Nrnith; »rrrrtary, Mr*. Corn C om pton; tr«M»»uri*r, Mr». Mary Kobin •on. Never Short at Short's in anything in Grocery Line Bat. 8 pen al. Hard W heat Flour $1.60 Cor. Seventh and W ashington During tbe lirst week in O etober Wynne A W oods w ill »ell Cronolite Koufuig, I ply, ai $1.75 per mil. Tbi» i» the regular « 218) roufing and i» n real bargain. «30 Mr. and Mr». II. M. W beeler arrived from Boseburg Tuesilay, being rulled here by the drntk o f Mr». W b e e le r’» mot ber. W ord Berg and Frank Jones returned Hnturdny night from tbe roa»t with a luad o f »alinon. They bud 177, rnaging ■ a weight from 12 to 15 pouada. The boya fourni the rond» in very b ail COB ■lition und broke on a ile in gettin g over t hem. J . W. S T O O P S > Caretaker of Shrubbery ; Lawna and Cem etery Lots RHONK t O O L. I f you arc t!5 ycurs or over. The Hen tine! want» your picture in it» guilcry o f old resident». To get your picture there, it will g iv e you one picture free o f i hnrgc nnd you will be nt no expense w hatever. Just cull at A rm stron g'« Htudio and hnve it charged to The Hen tincl. o 7 tf J. A. l ’ ierson write» from Hay Center, Wash., thnt he is thinking o f m oving buck to good old Oregon nnd thnt menu while he c a n 't get along without The Kentinel. Kdil Jenks is down from H oi.'m ia. J. W. Htoops has com pleted his jo b o f d en n in g old grass, weeds nnd brush out o f the purk, which now presents n greatly im proved appearance. The roof o f the Chambers null is re ceivin g a coat o f paint. A sidew alk is being constructed along the rnilrond property north o f the O. P. it K. depot. Mr. and Mrs. J . H. M edley were in Kugene M onday. ? | WHY RAY n big price for a sniull city lot when you can get a small fiirm for a little more money which is already IN COM E P R O P E R T Y ? Tw o acres one block from paved street, all in bearing fr u it; berries and garden. Poultry house 12 x4N with yards und running w a t e r „ The tw o acres for $1,000, term s; lty acres o f »«m e, »860, term s; I acre o f same »050, terms. Put * small bungalow on this property and it will lie worth from $2,300 to «3,000. Impure o f The Hontiuel. T. C. W heeler was in Kugene Mondny. The assumed business name eertili cate o f the 1>. C. Baughman Lumber Company o f London, was tiled with the county court yesterday. The uieinliers o f the firm are 1). C. Baughman, 0 . 1). Baughman nnd J. A. Abeene. Miss Helen Rnymor le ft for The Dalle* W ednesday morning, wh"re she will hnve charge o f the training school , , ,, . ", for nurses, in Dalles hospital in The The Dalles hosp.tai Kdinon nnd Music Store " r " ° r i i!‘ ° r‘ »K * i » i j . i . u .............. i t ..... . Mrs. H. N. Aldrich returned Tuesday evening from n viat with her parents n Hnlem. Col. B. K. Lawson was up from Hnlem Inst night visitin g nt the home o f Ma or Johnson. Miss W innie I.andess was in Kugene Inst W ednesday. „ Al. Churchill la down from the Bo hernia district. Krnest Hear» returned yesterday from Portland, being called to nerve on the grand ju ry. LANE COUNTY BOYS HONORED AT SALEM Only Lack o f CompletounRi o f Report PrnveuU Karl Htewart. Cottage Grove Boy. from W inning Ban Francluco Expedition Trip. Karl Si»*wart, tl»** Cottage G rove lad who earned off the Great Northern etip at th»* county fair, won »«*»ond priz»* on vegettibli*» in the ju ven ile department at the ntate fair. Hupervi»or Htahlman i» o f th** o p in io n that had hi» report, upon which *»0 point» depend»»!, been .nude up better be would have won limt price, whieh would have been a trip to the Haa Fran<*i»<*o K xpo»ition with ex p»*fi»«*« paid. One o f the latter prize» .vent to 0»eur Snyder o f thi» county who entered the dairy p roject. Th« prize awarded the Stewart boy wu» a aand eultivutor. Th* B e y W ho Bay B e g a n Hi* His Caraar C a re e r by ¡ Bagan B u y in g S o a p at Auctien. A boy eleven years old stood at an auction room door and gazed w ith In­ terest at the crow d o f men gathered round tbe auctioneer. Hla curiosity led him to enter the room. Hla atten­ tion was attracted to several boxes o f toilet soap, tbe kind, be noticed, that his m other used at hom e. H e had often been sent to tbe drug store to buy It for her. “ A h ," he said to h im ­ self, “ perbapa 1 can buy this soap cheap 1 will sell It and m ake som a money.” A s fast an bis feet w ould carry him he ran to the drug store where his m other traded and sought out tbe proprietor "H o w much w ould you give uie for a box o f that soa p such as my m other b u y «'/" he asked. T h e druggist, ready to please tbe boy, names! a cer­ tain price. W hen the youngster ..sked If he could use several boxen the druggist thought It w as a g ood Joka and replied that he cou ld use all that tbe lud would sell him. The boy basteued borne. H e em ptied bis little savings bank and ran back to the auction room s with the money carefully w rapped ln a h andkerchief. (Ireataxt Im provem ent Is in tbe High T be soup w as ntill unsold, and tbe boy edged Ilia w ay through the crow d to School, W hirl Has Advanced tbe plutform . W hen the soap cam e from 106 to 128. under the au ction eer’s ham m er the boy a little piping voice tnude tbe first The report o f the public schools nt bid T h e oth er buyers w ere so am used the end o f the first tw o weeks shows a at hb« youth and bia serious manner splendid improvement over last year, that they let him carry o ff his tran sac­ rhe total number enrolled was 503 tion w ithout a contest, and tb e boy got against 183 at the end o f the third week tw en ty -tw o b ox es o f toilet soap a t a laat year. The average daily attend small fraction o f tbeir value. W hen *nee wn» 186.5 against 462.1 at the end tbe au ction eer asked tils nam e be a n ­ o f the third week la»t year. The aver jg e number belonging wus 485.8 against sw ered, "C harles Yerkes.” T h e lad took the b oxes o f soap to hla 1/2.8 last year. The per cent o f at lendanre wu» «8.1 against 87.7 last year. purchaser, the druggist, w ho. open I’ he enrollment in the high school' wn» eyed with surprise, inquired where he 128 against B8I last year. The latter bud got them. "1 bought them at the will reach 130 or better within n 0 ‘ ** au ction .” he wild proudly. lays. “ I could have done that m y self." During the tw o weeks there were com plalued the druggist, but as he had seven visits by parents nnd tw o by the prom ised to buy the soap be had to school board. keep bis word. That w as the beginning o f aD an lia s Splsndid Endorsement. T. I A. Hinith. reprcsentiiting the usual business career, ln later years Pacific Const Rescue and Protection Charles Yerkes becam e fam ou s ln both Society o f Portland, was in the city Kuglaud and A m erica as a financier yesterday asking tbe business men for and a con du ctor o f great business en support for the i.oui*c Home and as terprlaes — Y outh's Com panion. soeiated institutions supported by the association. Tbe association cares for large number o f unfortunate girls, TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. abandoned children and paroled prison »•rs. Tin- work has the endorsement ol W o r k T h e y A re S u p p o se d to P o rfo rm lo T im e of W a r . Mayor Albee o f P ortland, Mrs. Lolu Baldwin and the Portland Chamber o f A* the uurne im plies, torpedo boat Commerce. Mr. Smith reports receiv destroyers w ere originally built to mg liberal donations elsewhere und ari com bat the sm aller torpedo boat, which ticipates cordial treatment here. had becom e such a serious m en ace to the battleslilim and the large cruisers Miss Bartels Buys Tbe Vogue. Miss Mary Bartel» has purrhused The that searchlight* and rapid tire gun* Vogue m illinery from the Misses Harm* could not be depended upon for pro­ I .or k wood. having taken possession tection. nays a w riter in Scribn er's G radually, how ever, the laat week. The inside o f the store has Mugazlue. been remodeled. The partition has lieen duties o f the destroyer w ere extended moved to the rear o f the store, leuving until they included all that w as form er­ only suftieient spare for a rest room and ly duue by the torpedo boat and much w-ork room has been plueetl over the beside* rest room. A small »tork o f la d ies' T h e mere fa c t that a m odern d e ­ furnishing» has been added. Miss stroyer is three or fou r tim es as large Harms remains with Miss Bartels. as one o f the earlier boats renders It so m uch m ore seaw orth y and capable No M ore Pool Table Licenses As the result o f thi* enforcem ent o f o f carryin g so much m ore fu el that tbe Hunday closin g law the c ity will the radius o f action o f torpedo boat get no further licenses for pool and bil cra ft has been enorm ously Increased, hard tables. Ow ners o f such tables ap and they have becom e m ore and m ore pea red before the council M onday night dangerous to an en em y ’s fleet. and upon their representations that the T h e duties o f a m odern flotilla may tables did no business except upon Sun be tabulated ln this w a y : days it was ordered thut no more license F irst.—Scouting T h is com prises lo­ money be collected. cating and reporting the position o f the enem y nud keeping in touch with Cabbages Burst Heads. The prolilirness o f the C ottage d rov e him as loug as may be necessary. Second. —Protection o f on e's o w n fleet soil is testified to by d eorg e Kulton who has cabbages that have to have the soil from night attacks o f the en em y 's d e ­ I'Hisetied around the roots to keep them stroyer* T h is Includes not on ly loca t­ from grow in g so large thut they will ing and reporting the position o f tbe burst. When Mr. Kulton returned from hostile torpedo cra ft, b u t If necesaary. the Fast less than a month ago these attackin g them with y ou r guns and cabbage* had not started to head out. sinking or drivin g them a w a y b efore Fortner Resident Dies 1n California. they can fo rce hom e an attack against luittle*hips. H. H. Pow ell, for ten years a resi T h ird .—A ttackin g tb e battlesh ips o f dent o f Saginaw , died Friday at Lake port, C alif., where he had lived fo r a the enem y w ith y ou r torpedoes. T h is year. He was an old soldier and 82 is. o f course, the param ount duty o f years o f age. The funeral was held every vessel in the flotilla. Tuesday. He leaves no relatives in F ou rth.—lu addition to the ab ove this section. "regu la r” duties, destroyers are fre­ quently used In w hat m ight be called Resolutions o f Condolence. Cottage d ro v e Rebekah Lodge No. "gunboat w ork ” —patrollin g the ene­ m y’s coast, running up his rivers w here 24, I. O. O. F. We the com m ittee, submit the follow­ tbe big ships can n ot go, ov erta k in g and capturiug hla m erchant vessels and ing resolutions: \\ hereua, an all w ise Father has re­ firing on troops and field batteries moved from us our esteemed brother, J. ashore. W. d ow d y , be it Resolved, that while we mourn the O ra to ry . absence o f one we greatly esteemed, Speaking o f W endell P h illips’ re­ we know he has passed from labor to m arkable g ifts as an orator. H orace reward, that we w ill renew our fidelity G reeley paid blin the high est com pli­ to the order he so lov ed ; that his vacant ehair w ill remind us thut nnothcr link ment w hen he said that there w a sn ’t a boy w ho beard Phillips speak but has dropped from our chain; Resolved, that our hearts go out in thought he could speak aa w ell— he sym pathy fo r the bereaved w ife and spoke so naturally. O f tbe great actor children nnd while we fon dly cherish G arrick It is related that he did not the memory o f our departed brother, we please coun try people o r others unused will not forg et those he lov ed ; to the stage because be w as so natural Resolved, thnt a copy o f these resolu­ that be did not seem to be actin g at alL tions be printed in The Hentinel and the same be spread on the reeords o f the A n im a l Scent. lodge, also the charter be draped for A fox can scen t a man h a lf a m ile thirty days. a w a y If the wind be b lo w in g in the C om m ittee: anim al's direction. A m ou se can smell M A R Y V A N D K N B I’ RO K IT T IE K IM K cheese fifty feet sw a y . A deer may o7c N E L L IE P P B V A N C K be sound asleep, and yet he w ill catch tbe scent o f n person passing 200 feet Eugene N ot on Map. Aff T h e rabbit depends m ore upon rveniier* Benders o or f m the e bountiful lieiiutltiil railroa railroad f oM „ put out by the Union Paeif fle bis ears than his n osa rolora which was recently receive ed D o e sn ’t L ik e W a te r. slioeked after nfter b be ln Lagene were badly shocked Mrs. G rogan (chatting w ith neighbor) com ing enthusiastic with the beautiful photogrnphs, to discover that Kugene —I had this w aist dry clean ed laat has been le ft off a big tw o-page map w eek an* now It’s as good as new. entirely. It shows Drain, Natron nnd L ittle Johnny G rog an —Ma. kin they even Lawler on the Natron cutoff, but clean faces that wayY—Puck. Springfield nnd Kugene cannot be found. M. J, Duryea, o f the com m ercial club All In Good T im «. prom otion departm ent, has w ritten Mr. M rs O nngga - And lust to tbtn kl You M e M urray.— Ounrd. used to say you would d ie fo r m el I f i t ’* in The Hentinel i t ’» new*— if Mr. G nnggs—W ell, d on ’ t hurry me, my d ea r; d on ’t hurry me. -J u d g e it ’■ new* it ’* in The Hentinel. ENROLLMENT IS 10 t\ AHEAD OF 1913 q . START OF A FORTUNE. G . G t OSS D em ocratic Candidate for County Commiisioner Statement and Platform Home six months ago when I was nominated for the office o f Counfv Com miseioaer I felt thnt it was about time to m il a halt on our County expenses. At this time I realize it more thnn ever. Realizing the fuel thnt Lane County Tuxes are entirely too high, if ele< teil to office o f County Commissioner, I shall use every endeavor, consistent witb good G overnm ent, to lessen the burden and rate o f taxation. 1 am in favor o f strict econom y in every busi­ ness issue com ing before the County Court and will adhere to the policy o f econom y first, last and alwnys. 1 believe in good roads over nil the County and not in Hc.enic highw ay» in part* o f the County uml bottom less rouds elsewhere. X believe in strict econom y in tbe building o f roads and that a County the same a» any individ ual should receive a dollar'* worth o f work for each dollar expended. Realizing the fact that many com mu »ions carryin g with them high salaries are useless, I am in fa v or o f doin g away with said commissions and thereby oink ing taxes less. B elieving that the Farmers o f L.iuc County are com petent to do their farm work, and that the Housewives are com ­ petent -to do their housework ami can their fruit without outside expert aid. I am in fav or o f doin g away with the County Farm E xpert, thereby saving the County «2JHMJ salary per annum paid him. B elieving the average school te ichor employed by his school directors and assistance o f the County Hehool Huper- intendent, is able to bundle the Hehool affairs o f his school district, I favor abolishing the four County Hehool Hup ervisors o f the County, thereby saving »6,480 annually to the taxpayer. Tbe County P oor Farm and Buildings cost Lane County »20,125. To care for the County poor in 1913 cost «15,807.62. I believe the County poor are costing too much for m aintninence, much o f which is due to poor oianagement and unbusinesslike method*. We must care fo r the County poor, however, I believe in doing so along more ernom ieal lines than heretofore have been pursued. The amounts o f taxes collected in 1-ane County during the past seven years and for each year was as follow *, to w it: 1908 . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 336.974.30 1809 . . . . ............. . 433,5(8). 19 1910 . . . 1 9 1 1 ____ . . . . . . . . . 630,484.91 1912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.737.22 1913 . . . , , . . ... . . . 805,863.93 1914 . . . ................. .. . 1,098,127.2» This I believe too rapid a stride even for progressive O regon, and I believe in cu ttin g expenditures so that tuxes w ill hereafter decrease rather than in crease. I f elected to the office I seek, I will ever stand ready to listen and carefu lly consider ail petitions and recom m enda­ tion* com ing from the Farmers, Busi­ ness men and taxpayers o f Lane County. R espectfully subm itted, G EORGE Ü. GROSS. (P aid A d v ) O . P. & E. Ry. Time Table E A ST B O U N D N o. 1 A. M. 8:00 L v . . . 8 : 1 0 ........... 8 : 2 5 .......... 8 : 3 5 ........... 8 : 4 5 ........... 8 : 5 5 ........... 9 : 1 5 .......... 1 0 :0 0 ........... 9:40 A r . . . W EST BOUND N o. 2 S T A T IO N S C ottage G rove . . .A r 11:30 .. . Walden . . . .......... ¡11:15 Cerro G ordo . .......... 11:08 . .. Dorena .. . ......... ;11:00 . . Vaughns . . ......... 10:45 ___ Star ___ ......... ¡10:35 . W ildw ood . . .......... 10:13 . . . Disston . . . .......... ,10:00 . . . Kujada .. . . . ..L v 9:40 An extra train fo r passengers only leaves C ottage G rove Saturdays at 2:30 p. m., returning arrives at C ottage G rove at 5:30 p. m. S u bject to change w ithout notice. A. B. W OOD, O e n 'l M anager. WANT ADS Ad*, under this bend at one cent a word each insertion fo r five in sertion s; 16 2-3 per cent dis- count a fter fifth insertion; 33 1-3 per cent discount a fter eighth insertion. Minimum charge o f 15c each insertion. Figures and initials are counted as words. Y i !|. Y j? X T ♦ FO U N D — BU NCH O F K E Y S . O W N E R can have same by calling at The Sen­ tinel office, provin g property and p a y ­ ing for this notice. D O N 'T G E T W E T F E E T OB YOU may have to visit a real doctor. I cure leaky shoes. Dr. Goff, Shoe Chiroprator. o2 tfc FOB DK. S W A N ' S P A ffn u » FOR fem ale weakness ami “ J o H e " oil for the cure o f rheumatism, call on Cottage G rove agent, Mrs. H. M. Hansard, tw o miles east o f Cottage Grove. sep2 3-o!4pd FO R S A L E OR T R A D E FOB R E N T OR T R A D E .— 60 AC RES close in. Mrs. W . H. Blair. 215 W. Park St., P ortland, Ore. *30-o22pd W A N T TO T R A D E C IT Y LOT IN IDA ho Falls, Ida., for good milch cow . Frank W ileoxen, Box 21. o7 tfc FOR SA LE, fffo TAK EN VICTOR VI talking machine and 80 reeords led seal 10- and 14-inch included. W ood horn. In good con dition . Mrs. F. M. H arrison, 308 N inth St. s.'totf FOB HALE.—O N E H U N D R E D AC RES on public high w ay, one mile south o f C ottage G rove. W ill sell all or any portion th ereof. Price reasonable. Mrs. D. C. Em erson. aep23tfc H E A V Y , P U L P Y W R A P P IN G P A P E R fo r aale at thi* office. H E A V Y H E M P CORD FOR BALE A T thi* office. /