jTPmr Fair Exchange A New Bark for «0 Old On«. SM. PROHIBITION STAND UP! How It can be Dona In Cot tag» Orov» The liitrk aulir» ut timi'« witli 11 itoli, tndeseribalila feeling, muking you « n i y ••lui rcatlea», pierring |>uIna »lioot n.roa* lhn regimi ut tlm ktduey», inni agnin thè Ioni» uro limili timi lo »loop I» ugmiv, No tutu lo roti or upply 11 |ilu»tnr tu timi Imi k If tini kbliiry» un< wi-ok. You run noi rmirli lini «ausa. Cottagli Orate residuata wonld ilo nell lo |irollt l>y Gir folloni ng ex ampie. Hunahine la thè great pii ri fler. Tlu »iinahiny fare alwaya look» »weet mio pura. No inatter how »muli thè home, there i la ulwuya a big piare for fnther lo fili 1 ni thè eveniuga. Home peopl» gel to be grourhea frolli talkiug to themaelvea. My tuking 6.1« »iniunii inni and wo uieii a» a lm»i» it hit» bcAI» prò»eli limi bruni worker» are lon glL ed . tln Ilo Mr». 0. Hyer, fiali W. Hixth Ht., Ko »uppiMitioa timi tlu» te*t would »how K »»*, Or»., aaya: " I « 11» tu km witli like remili» witli lumikilid gnirrnlly, wi |otiua la itiy back whii’ti l'miai'il mn great umy »olili esperi to m e n e Min L burdrred aaiiouiirenii'iit» fruiti relative uanoyaas». 1 soffercil frinii |otina in of iimny iiiember» of our legi»luturee ■uy limila ulao, I rrinl o f diffrrent |teo |ili' wtio limi natili Itouu'a Koinè) IMI A puriigrnplier *uy» thè le.or girl» ni. witli gooil resulta, ao I «In«'Iili'il to Ir ) mure iilTeetioimte timo thè ru li un» I In* 11» luyaelf. | uaeil tttii liuti'» inni W » bave urvrr noticeli uny percepiti«!« they prò»ed lo b» aa repreaenlrd. Il 1 •lifferenre. aow anni» timi' ai in » I bava takm tli»m A aong a bolli thè neroplmiiat »nubi be appropriately rulled mi air. ami I hav» Inni 110 «ign of ttu» ! molile Urico AO», al all «eeatera. Don‘1 If li fniiiil» Indimi ia ralli'd a «qunw, aimply nak for a kiilni’y ri*ni»i|y g»t why «houldii '| a baby Indimi Ite rulled Itomi'a Kidltry 1*111» thè aain» Ihnt n ai|unwkerf Mr T ro iv l limi. Kotlrr Milburn Co., Men who gu tu thè pen tnny noi l'ropa., Muffalo, N. Y nereaaarily b» writera, but they ari uaually authora of rriine. BUILDINGS PLANS ESTIMATES S. L GODARD 43 S O U T H S IX T H S T. COTTAGE G RO VE O R EG O N I t ‘a no uae telling a wonmn o f 2« that ahe rnn't Io-gin any younger Ite rnu»e ahe run aliti alari ut 26. A l’urtlund Chinnman ha» inurried a white woman. lie 'll get bi» rue from her hereafter. Figure» won't lie, but women will pad. An Oregon woman m»M|uermled for ty nine year» a» a man. Mhe probably learned what we pour men are up uguin«t. When a man 'a hume life ia happy, Your Tall Cold N»»ila Attention bia bilame»« rare» don’t »au»» many No uai> to fuaa inni fry to w»ar it oot wrinklea. It will wear you out inati'inl. Take Itr King'a N»w Discovery, r » li»f follow» I f luve w»»n 'I »o blind, an many pen quickly. It checks your Culti ami pie wouldn't get married. Kuntli»» your Cough away. l'Un» in' Anti»»|ilir inni Healing Children li’ i I f Old Mother Eve roulil appear in it. ()»t n AO» Imiti» uf Or. K in g'» N»w New Yurk »oriety at tbia day, ah» Discovery uml k»»|i it in tbn bou»» would run a »bun»» of being kicked out "O u r family Cough »ml Cobi Itoct-ir" by the " P k l ” for being uverdreaaed. w rit»» lamia Chamberlain, Manrb»»t»r, Ohio. Money lia»k if not »ati»fl»il, but A young lady looking freak mid it nrurly alwuy* b»l|>». healthy attracta murk favorable atten lion liut a freak young man ia an abiiiuinntion. I'KOFFHHIONAL CAROS Telephone I II F. W. ROBBINS, M. I). mul Hurgeoii ( iltlrf ut lCi«alfi C U T T AI;K G R O V K .O R K , The way educational inatitutiona an •prmging up in the Wcat, l^talna will «•ton Ite a "Im a bean." In II k Supreme C ourt of Public Opinion r tM O RC OON Tortword The trial o f H W Prohibition la a prosecution agalnat the theory of the proposed state-wide amendment and ts not an attack agalnat the sup­ porters o f the measure whoae mo­ tives are, no doubt, above reproach. In opening the case against 8. W. Prohibition we propose to submit the first charge of Intemperance. We call Mr. Experience, form erly a res­ ident of Vermont and now domiciled In the State uf Oregon. Mr. Experience testified as follow s. I have know the defendant for S3 years. I met him when he came to Vermont In 1810 and knew him In­ tim ately up to the time of his evic­ tion In 1903. when be was thor­ oughly discredited. He was welcomed after he had made the same promlaea and proph­ ecies that he now makes in Oregon. Vermont accepted tn good faith his theory under |hs BE L IS P that It was practical In the follow ing appli­ cations. ( S T A T E ) W . (W ID E ) P R O H IB IT IO N hibition but by those who were at­ tracted to ita Influence by 1U secrecy aa In all human nature we are prone to crave that which la forbidden. (2 ) Drunkenness In Its chronic state Increased by reason of the fact that liquor wa» obtained In bulk and when a man came In contact with It he drank by the wholesale at one altllug (3 ) Whereas practically overnight through the adoption o f the prohibi­ tion law It wan made a crime to In­ dulge temperately In a beverage which before was NO CRIM E, there were thousands whose moral char­ acter was weakened by being com­ pelled to connive and sneak a privi­ lege he was told was a crime. He lost his respect fo r law when In his heart and mind he realized his Per­ sonal Freedom was trammelled. Toe records show that violent crimes against pro|«erty and persons did not decrease but rather INCREASED. A ll was largely brought about by the Increased sale o f liquor brewed iu illic L stills not inspected by the United States Government and which was F A T A L to humanity. T H E USE OF DRUGS IN CRE ASED A L A R M IN G L Y . tions resulted In comparative Stag­ nation. f have seen Statewide Prohibition In other States where the same con­ ditions have been met. From my K N O W LE D G E OF HIM I say that his representations and promises are Intemperate. I further charge him with Intemperance In attempting to foist on Oregon theories that are not new but which have been tried for over half a century and then R E ­ JECTED as FA ILU R E S . N. B.— This trial w ill proceed from day to day. EXTRACTS One o f the Jurors asked Judge Wisdom, "W h y Is It necessary to try S. W. Prohibition in Oregon when the same prophecies and promis*s being made here wene tested in 15 Eastern States and found to he false.’ ’ The Judge replied that there were some people who would not profit by the experience o f their neighbors. CHARGES (4 ) Thousands of men were (1 ) That It would stop the use o f thrown out o f employment Into an already overcrowded labor m arket.1 liquor In the State. ( 3 ) That It would stop drunken­ Real Estate values tumbled. Stores, became vacant. Money ordinarily ness. circulated In the State leaked away ( 3 ) That it would stop crime. Into nearby llcenaed states, where ( 5 ) That business conditions general purchases o f supplies IN ­ CREASED. would be Improved. (6 ) Revenue from licenses having ( 6 ) That Taxes would be lowered. been cut down by Thousands the d*t- A fter the adoption o f State W ide flclt caused in State, city and county Prohibition we found the following Yunds had to be met by IN C RE ASED conditions In the State o f Vermont: T A X A T IO N . Property rendered ( 1 ) That Intoxicants were still ac­ valueless W IT H O U T COM PENSA­ cessible and Indulged In not only by T IO N became dlllpldated. This with those addicted to Its use before Pro­ the Blackening of business condi­ Intemperance. Obtaining Recognition Under False Pretenses. Bringing Into the State of Oregon Paid Agita­ tors for the Purpose of inoculating her citixens u)ith the Germs of Hys­ teria. Offering for accept­ ance in Oregon broken theories rejected by IS Eastern States where de­ fen d a n t was o rd e re d "o u t" after years of bit­ ter experience. Attempting to Rob In ­ dependent Communities of their Rights of Self Government. Attempting to Kill the Hop Industry of Oregon. s. W. Prohibition a» He Apw^rtd OB Uw First Day at Hia Trial Bishop N eely o f the Methodist Episcopal Church says: "D o n ’t be­ come Intemperate in preaching Temperance. Intemperance Is not only over indulgence in Liquor.” Speaking o f Intemperance, a news­ paperman yesterday drew attention to the fact that there were some newspaper so Intemperate that they would not allow their readers access to both sides o f the argument. J. S. MKDLEY Another get rirh quirk nrtiat ia it I» 11 After he had aulii 11,500,000 worfl ATTORNEY AT LA W of aturk in a w ind»»» mtnpany, »um» H|>»rinl Attrntion lliu n to Mining and one diaAovered thut all he hud wan thi Cur|M>ration Law ur to »end the ine»»ngc» through and OFFICE: WOODWARD Ill'll.ItlNtl he delivered to earh atorkhilder hir »hare of that commodity ju»t previoui Io »elling him thi »fork. A. K. H E C K Attoruey-at-Law EUQENE COTTAOE OROVi fiatih OfllccK Always Open Ph one O flk t 47 I I. m w m iii Hlu'k M.taai O llier H ou r* DR. 0. I to 6 p it». E FROST Osteopathic and M»dlc»l Physician Chronic and Narvoua tttaaaaaa a Specially. M o d n rn Kl»»triri»l Tr«atm »nta. X Rny A|ipliance. COTTAOB OMOVK • O itu Phona Main I A*. • ORIOON Raaldanca. Mala till. M tC A tiO A X D. & IK D e n tis t YOUNG ATTORNEY AT LA W on »* on Mala Htraat^J COTTAOK 010VK DR. A. J. OVER FI KMT II II ground ---------- A woman's " r a t " ia a trap for un wary men. A Indiannpolin man told hia w ife not to make a »how of her feeling at hi» funeral, and inaiateti that ahe aing two »•mga at the aervirea. The latter re quest may have nullified the Ural one A married man 'a love and rnre»»er ahotibl lie for hume ronauniptiun. The one» you do the moat likely to do you the moat. for are I f a man 'a head ia gray inaide, the outaide doea not matter ao much. |/'. 1. I N G R A M A L L WORK GUARANTEED Lawnou Bldg. Oottsgs Oroya, Ora. ./. E . It ia harder to regain lint than to keep advancing. It OSKtIOH HENDRY DENTIST N ATIONAL BANK COTTAOE OROVE Knap Your Stomach and Llvar Haaltby. A vigoroua Mtomach, |>»rf»»t working Liver ninl rngulnr acting Bowel» in guar nntaeil if you will uae Hr. K in g'» New L ife Fill». They inaure good dig»» lion, correct Conati|intinn mul have an »irollent toni» »(T»»t on th» whole aya t»in I’ urify your blood nml rid you of all body |ioiaon» through the Bowel». Italy 25c at your druggiat. Stata of Ohio, city of Toledo, l M Lu»na County, I Frank J. Clienay tnakea oath that ha la aenlor partner of the (lrm o f V. J. Chanay A Co., duina bualneaa In the City of To­ ledo, County amt State afureaalil, and that ail 1.1 Itrm will pay the aum of O N B H U N D R K P ItOl.I.AKH for each and ev­ ery ran' of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the una of IIAI.L'H C A T A R H II CURB. K R A N K J. C IIK NK T. Sworn to before mo and aubarrlbed In my presence. itila llth day of December, I I 1HSH. A. W . O LEA SO N. (Seal) Notary Publie. Itnll'a Catarrh Cure la takan Internally and aria illrei'tly upon the blood amt mu- i mi» aurfarea of the ayatem. Sand fof teatlmonlnta. free. r . J. C IIK N K T * CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Iirugglata, 75». Taka Untie rauilly rills for oonatlpaUas. / Administrator’ s Notice. When you initiate aomething, take $150« nmi'iulnicnt ia a loading on other» Notice ¡» hereby given, that by order rare that you don't take the part of the burden that auch voter »hould hear. Aa an inatnnre of aurh injuatice: A o f the county court o f Lane County, the goat. and hia w ife own nnd live upon a Oregon, duly made nnu entered of It Ima been diarovered that Kocke »ingle lot in Portland. Their dwelling record the twenty ninth day o f Septem­ feller i» dearended from king». Besides and all their peraonal property and the ber, 1914. in the matter o f the estate thia, John D. drag» in a few million« improvement» on the lot are nlaiut of of Janie» W hitfield Oowdy, deceased, an a »»eased value o f $.'1000. Thi» would the undersigned Anna Jane dowdy was in royalties every year. all he eiempt.— (Nee explanation o f the ! duly appointed executrix with the # ill U 'Ken nnd other annexed of »aid estate. The man who atruta the moat emong amendment by The person» having claims against hia inferior» ia the ftrat to toady when supporter» in the vo ter»’ pamphlet.) »aid estate are hereby required to pre B and hi» w ife own two lots near A '» he incctN hia auperior, lot; upon theae lot» B, who ia a labor , «ent them, duly verified aa required by ing man, ha» n »mall dwelling in which : law, to said executrix at the ottiee of Amerirnn lieireaae» and Kngliah no­ he and hi» w ife nnd their family of ' Attorney Alta King, Cottage Grove, ble» continue to reciprocate. ehildren live, and the whole value o f Oregon, within six months from date their pernonal property nnd improve­ o f thi» notice. A pcaaimiat ia a man who nee* the ments dm»» not exceed $1000. The two Dated at Cottage drove. Oregon, this lota are necessary to the »upport and 10th day o f September, 1914. rlnud around the ailver lining. rearing o f their children, while A nnd A N N A JA N E OOWDY, o7-n4. Executrix. Critiriam doea »nine people much hi» w ife have no child. But B and hi» wife would have to good but the critic aeldoni receive» pay twice the taxes that A would have any benefit therefrom. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE OF to pay because they own two lot», R E A L PROPERTY. white A and hi» w ife own» but one. The lawyer who practices »trie! vern In the County Court of the State of Ore­ Now A very well know» that when he eity iloean’t roller! many fee». gon for Lane County. vote» for the $1500 exemption amend ment he will he repudiating a large IN TH E M ATTE R OF THE ESTATE Taxpayer Ha» Moral Obligation.—Vote OF M A R IA H ARTC NG , Deceased. lire of hi» just taxes, and loading for $1600 Exemption I i Repudta them on to his poor neighbor. C, a Notice is hereby given, that in pur lion. Declare» Correspondent, speculator, own» a lot in the same suance to an order o f the County Court block, unimproved. He would pay hut o f the State of Oregon, in nnd for I-ane Portland, Hept. 21*.— (T o the Edi­ one half the tax that B would have to County, made on the 9th day o f Septem­ tor.)-—-Taxi*» are paid to the govern pay. ber, A. D. 1914, in the matter o f the ment for it» protection o f our live» nnd The taxes on nil the lot» will he very estate o f Maria Hnrtung, deceased, the property, anil for «urh public improve high on account of the vast amount of undersigned, duly appointed, acting and ment» for the eomfort nnd convenience personal property exempted, nnd It'» qualified exeeutor o f »aid estate, will o f Ihe people a» they »hall by their taxea under the amendment .would he sell at private sale, in the office o f H. vote» demand. more than they are now. J. Shinn, at Cottage drove, Oregon, for Liven ami personal property need I f A and B vote for the amendment. cash In hand nnd according to law, the more protection than land, which need» A will be acting the part o f a rascal, following described real property be- alinoNt none. while B will he a fool. longing to said estate to-wit: Begin The obligation to pay for thin pro What effect on A 'a credit will he hia ning at a point 95 links south and 3fi5 teefion i» quite aa aacred aa any obli­ vote for the amendmentf I f he repu­ links east o f the northeast corner of gation to pay money on any other ac­ diate» hi» obligation» to the Govern­ O. I*. Adams’ land; thence east 150 ment, will he not repudiate his other feet; thence south 100 feet; thence count. Voting for exemption from theae detitsf Will not his "m.irnl r is k " In- wc»t 150 feet; thence north 100 feet to tniea will be an act o f repudiation, nnd, bad f K. F. R ILE Y. the place o f beginning. Also begin­ innamurh a» the taxea niuat be paid by ning at a point 44 links »outh from the Calling cards— The Sentinel. Homebody, the act o f voting for the southeast corner o f county survey No. 1*9; thence west 0.'I2 links to a point 44 links south o f the southwest corner o f said county survey No. 179; thence south 193 links; thence east 305 links; thence north 100 feet; thence east 207 links; thence north 36 links to the place o f beginning, all in Cottage drove, Lane County, Oregon. Save and except n tract o f land de­ scribed as follows: Beginning at a point 237 links south o f the northeast corner o f O. P. Adams' land, said be­ ginning point being the southwest cor ner o f the land owned at the date here­ o f by Maria Hnrtung, and the north­ west corner of land owned at date here­ o f by H. H. Veatch; thence east 5.92 chains; thence north two feet; thence in a southwesterly direction 5.92 chains to the place of beginning, describing a triangular piece of land 5.92 chains east and west, two feet wide at east end, running to n point at west end, all of said hind situated in Section 32, Town­ ship 20 S., R. 3 West, in Lane County, Oregon. Said sale will commence on the 8th ilay o f October, 1914, at the hour o f ten o'clock a. m. o f said day, and continue until all o f said property is sold. W. A. H ARTC NG , Executor. It. J. S H IN N , Attorney. s9-o7 East Main Street Assessment. Notice is hereby given, that an as sessmeat in the sum o f $42.29 for the improvement of East Main Street, Cot­ tage drove, Oregon, was levied on the property hereinafter described, by Of dinance No. 320, passed by the Common Council o f said City nnd approved by the Mayor on the 18th day o f Septem ber, 1911, and that the said amount was entered in the Docket o f City Liens of snid City on the 18th day o f September, 1911, at page No. 44 o f said Docket, which said property is described as fo l­ lows: Begin at the S. E. corner of D. L. C. No. 58. thence North 25 feet, to place o f beginning; run thence North 21 feet: thence South 28V* degrees West 22 feet more or less and thence East to the point o f beginning. That the names o f the owners or re­ puted owners o f the above described property are D. G. McFarland and other unknown heirs o f James H. McFarland, deceased, whose residences are un­ known; that said assessment is due nnd unpaid, and that the same is required to lie paid to the Treasurer o f the City o f Cottage Grove within ten days from the date o f the final publication o f this notice. Dated this 7th day o f October. 1914. J. E. YOUNG, Citv Recorder. West Main Street Assessment. Notice is herby given, that an assess­ ment in the sum o f $155.20 for the im­ provement of West Main Street, Cot­ tage drove, Oregon, was levied on Lot No. 1, of Block No. 2, of Hazleton ’» Second Addition to Cottage drove, by Ordinance No. 361, passed by the Com­ mon Council and approved by the Mayor on the 25th day o f November, 1912, and that said nssessment was entered in the Doeket o f City Liens on page 49 thereof on the second day o f December, 1912; That the names o f the owners or re­ puted owners o f said property are Mrs. d. W. Beeman, Addie Nicholas nnd Wil liam Stevens, none o f whom are to be found in the City o f Cottage drove, the residence o f Mrs. O. W. Beeman, being Eugene, Oregon, nnd the residence and poatoffice address of the other reputed owners being unknown; that said as­ sessment is due and unpaid and that the said is required to be paid to the Treasurer o f the City o f Cottage drove within ten days from the date o f th” final publication o f this notice. Dated this seventh day o f October, 1914. J. E. YOCNO, City Recorder.