COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1914 Vilium« No. XXVI PILING UP IN DEATH OF MRS. HART IS “ Bohemia” Sharp Is Quaint VERY SUDDEN PROGRAM FOR REUNION OF VETERANS ARRANGED Medical Examination Mbortly Before End Oave No Indication That Condition Wne Ho Bertoue Lane County Veteran*' Association Will Hold Convention Here Two Day* Next Week ■ Character of C o ttage G ro ve Wiu Pint Postmaater of Both Eugene nnd Cottage Grove; Built First Road Into Bohemia Mining District; Was Well Acquainted With Many Civil War Characters. 1 1 Mr» Mnry llnrl »lied unexpectedly i>* I *1 o'clock Monday evening nt the hum» o f her eon, 11 it try Hurt. A foreign One of th»1 quiiintcet character* of the lie f UN al of Dopartnx'ut to Accopt Any growth of eonie kind wne the cniiee of Collage drove country ie "B o h e m ia " Mre. Hurt hud returned hut n Hhnrp, who»»« proper «mim«, by the wuy, of Birin Huhmlttori in Kopiy to It» death. week hefore from visiting her duughter tic hu», however, ArivortlMinoul lloMiltn in BorloiiH In in Koeehiirg nnd n ineillriil exuiniliution i» not Bohemia. been known by thnt »mini« eo long thnt but u ehort time before deuth guve no Oouvonlenco to Patron* of Rout* few know thnt hi* correct initial» nr»« indiention of immedinte si-rioue conee " J . H . " Kverynn»« »n Cottage drove (|tiencee. The fonei'M will be held Mot know» Ifcdidiiiu but it ia doubtful if D K VK LO PM K N T WORK W AITH UP nrdny nfternonn from I he Methoiliet even the poatmu»t»«r would «ny thnt h»« Church, Hev. II. N. Aldrich «.Aeinting. know» who J. II. Hhnrp i». The nick ON ACTIO N OF P O Interment will lie in Ih»« I. O. O. P numc wne given Mr. Hhnrp nt th« time cemetery. Mre Hurt wne fiorn on Christmas he built the liret rond into the Bohdnin Commercial Club IUc»lvtfi Telegram mining diet rid nml hue clung to him Dny, Iuiu, nt Turkingmill, Cornwall, ever since. Which IliriicaU* That Itoltof W ill B« England, and Wee <17 yeare, t* innnthe Mr. Hburp «vne born lit Nnehville. nnd 2<) dnye o f i»gr nt time of death. Iniuioriiato and Permanent, But It II« graduated Hhe hud been n member o f the Metho T«nn., 7M year» ago. diet Church n»'iirly nil her life. Hhe May Romilt in Nothin« »■miie to Virginia City, Nevada, in July, I **7t, moved to California Novemlmr Tho failure o f tlic |»o*t0ftlri« rir|iurl 21. lit*,4, nnd to f*r»«gon Mny 2H, IHlle hi out to nrropt mn of t he I»i *e|f, *h«*n* it ii* itli|MHmiblc to %«H*|> time for the funerul. miner« without u muil «crvire nml where no mi»ny ifcpenri ii | h * ii the mall *tn«e for «ii|»|»lte«. Lurk of *u|i|ilie» hn« nl«o g r e a t ly ilirom eiueticc«l {nitron* between h e r e mill I i< i hem in It it* re|»ort< continuing their f«a ri have been lying in the <*ottii«e drove (HiNtoftlc««. K. J. Hurd, o f the Vemiviu«, who hn* ju««t r«*ci*i% ed hi* rei»|»|M»int meat 10 {Hint mtt*tcr ut Itohemin, hn* been in the cit\ during the |»n«t week expecting that re lief would com«* uny moment and not winking to get Yhirtynve mile* nwn> Order of County Attorney Dev ere 1« lie EVERY BUSINESS PLACE CLOSES UPTIGHT frow Eli tmM * I Bill >»».i .? k Client hum, who nre jti«t «turf ing de velopment work nt the Long plncer cluioi. when they learned condition*, became undkrided whether or not to go ahem! with their work, and their fu tore operation* d«*pcnd largely upon whether the department re*untea *ervic* at nn early «late They may remain here until there ia a**uriince that the *er% ice i* to be resumed at «»nn*. piMitmaater Van lien burg wir«*«l f«*r re lief, a* «lot al*«» Mr Hard, but neither received replies. The Commercial Club at it* meeti nl£ M ondny night 4l«*cided that the condition wan nrriou* enough for «• ciwl supply M and a scc«»n«l urgent tele gram has been sent Busin«*«« hous«*s o f the city are con sideraldy inconvenienced by bring un able t«» serve their customer* in the di* trict and along the route. A failure to resume mail nt an early date might I»«* serious f«»r mine owher* served by the rout#» ami thnt w«»uld in turn renrt upon ythe city. CHARGED WITH USE OF WEAPON FOR ASSAULT Dexter Part gene Trial «period and No Attempt Made tt Evade Draatlr Sunday Cloning Law 1 Bay* Her Huebnnd Wa* Cruel. Mre. Delhi 11 it rt Kelt hn* begun' hii it in the circuit court ngninst William Hurt7.i*ll for divorce on the iillegcd ground o f cruel nnd inhumim trentment. They were married nt Minnenpolie, Knn., February 3, 1893, nod have the following children: Floyd, born In IHII4; Hnridd, born in 189ft; Neva, born in IH|*7; l.yle, born in 11*04 nnd Kvolyn, born in 1909. Mre. Ilnrtr.ell allege* thnt her hnnhnnd hne been croee nnd ernbbed nnd during hop picking time in IS14 he thrrntened to kill her, ehc nllcgee, heenuee ehe received n poet cnril from her couein, »if whom ehc enye her huelinnd in inennely jealous. Mre. Hurt xell nnd the children nre now living nl Cottage drove nnd the huehnnd nt Nnchuen, III.— Kugene Kegieter. Photo by Armstrong "B o h e m ia " Sharp. Long Considered Dead Letter. M EALS AND M ED IC IN E ARE O N LY THINOB TOR BALE Commercial Club Only Place of Amuae ment Not A ffected —Cigar Store«. Photograph Oallerle«. Oarage« and Ice Cream Stand* Do Not Unlock Door* from Knox College, Illinoie. ne n civil engineer nml wne for eome tim« in the office of d. U. Met'ldlan, afterwnrde organixer nml rommamli-r o f the Army of the Potomac. ID* wne well nc»|UHiiit- ed with I'. H. Grunt nml many other» who became fumoue through the war, ne well ne J. Wilkee Booth, «layer of l.incidn. " 1 didn't go much on the war nml etnrted for the Pm-iflc C’onet to keep out of the way of trouble," i* the wuy i Mr. Hhnrp ueeount* for hi* hnving be ■ »»me n reeident o f Oregon. He liret came here in I «»112. ID« wne np|Miint««il Kugeae '* firet (Hietmneter und when n |Hietoffic<* wne eetnbliehed here wne e»«nt to take chnrg»« o f it. Settler* in thi* neighborhood hnd bren «upplied from n poetoftiee nt ilumilton i ’oint nlmut three mile* north o f here, which, be- muie o f it* location in nn ouk grove with «evcral cottiige« hnd h»«»*n given the mime Cottiig»« drove. When moved here the mime wn* retained, the aettle ment h»*re hnving adopted no nnm»« up to that time. It wu* the diacoverv of Colt n g e <1 rove bueineee houee», w ith the exception o f drug etoree nnd thoe»« which eerved lunch»«», were rloeed up tight Humbly, pureunnt to order» from Dietrirt Attorney Dev ere, who ie cn forcing the Humluy cloeing Inw through out the county, bunch counter» which hnd et»*cke o f candb«» nnd cignr» cm er»«»l their ehow raeee nml ref need to eell t h e i r goo»!». Garage#. pliotogrnph gnl leru«e, cignr etoree, ment market» nml ire rrrnm pnrlore did not open their d»xire. Curd room» nml p new | order of thing» euite them, giving them j a ilny of reel thut they n ue |e>e*ible in order to t ii k u p eome rluitne in thi* dietriet. Mi. Hhnrp relate» thnt gold wne liret diecovered in the ilietrict by Boheraiu Johnaon, wrho, with n mnn nuiri»*d Ham e»«y, hud fnl.en refuge in the hide from th»« Indian», on«« o f whom had been killed by Jidmeon. He remi-mbere viv- idly the exeitement thnt followed the died,very. There wae no rond o f any kind into the dietriet nnd he undertook ami imnipleted the ronetrur.tion o f one from Boeky Point up Sharp’» Creek manned after him; to the Knott Excel eior mine, the liret eetnbliehed in the ilietrict The work coat him «I'OO and Judge F;»k o f the county court bull ugrfed to »<•*• thnt he wne remunerated in that amount. Mr. Piek died, bow ever, three dnye before the convening o f the eourt that wae t»i have paid the b.ll. Judge Potter, who *ucce»‘di*»J Judg»* Pick, »aid thut piiyment for the road would have to wait until after the con ■traction of n court hou»e. The matter dragged along, with the result that Hhnrp wne never paid. K e . e r u ! month* ugo Mr. Sharp, hie money nil gone, wae taken to the poor fa riu nguinet hie wiehee. He wae al lowed hie fre»«dom to vote nml hne re fu»»'l to return there. " I f the county hail paid me whnt I wae rightfully entitled t o , " taye Mr. Sharp, " i woubln't/”nced any help. Hut th««y nren't going to get me back up there agnin, anyway. ” Mr. Sharp come* from a family thnt wne wealthy before the war. An uncle wae the inventor o f the Sharp'* rifle need in the Civil War. Mr. Hhnrp telle o f hi* unde dying juet before the war and hie widow, who wne o f Englieh birth, returning to England, «filin g the pntrnt there and the gune being mnnu factored there nml sol»! to the Con federac-y. He *uy* tbnt the fact that a rifle formerly ramie in the North wne being u»»«d in the South, riuiulted in Premdent Huchnnnn being nrcueed of emuggling. Mr. Sharp »»«cured one of these rifle» after the war ami prix««* it very highly. At the time o f the promotion o f the Nirnrauguan canal route by M»«*ere. Miller. Murray u d Dnvie, Mr. Sharp, bi-ing intereeted in the work because of*his training a* an engin»«er, went to the Isthmus and inspcet*«d both pro- posed rout»«». He met I.»«eseps, buihler o f the Suex Canal, who hud charge of the Nicurnugun job. Mr. Sharp thinks the Pnited Stnt«*s made a big mistnke in not eel«*cting the Nirnrauguan route and critii ix»«s nevereljr the iut‘1 bod used by Pr**si»lcnt Roosevelt in nenuiring the canal zone. Mr. Sharp visit»«d the site o f the present canal und hn* always contended thnt it could not be n sucres* b«*cnuse of the quieksum! mountains. He be lievea that the eorreetness o f his jrnlg ment in being borne out. MAY VOTE ON NEW COUNTY ROAD WORK ADDITION TO FINISHED SOUTH GROVE OF HERE Dequest to Council to Donate to Bridge Cupful of Soda In Cake. An err» ppeared in The Metenn Shop'» ml. .aet week. In the recipe it wne etnt»«»l thnt "o n e cup of eoilu " wne one of the ingri'iliente. One tenepoonfill II. Iluff Taken Brother I d L a w ’ » ■e nil ihnt the cnki* require», hut it ia hardly likely thnt any Cottage drove When Officer Accompanies P.u cook would try n cupful. I f nnyone Mon to Replevin Furniture.— line tried mukiug the dike with a cup­ ful o f eoiln, The Sentinel would like nn I h Bet for Saturday. itemixed account o f the experience. Charged with assault with n gun, Dexter II. Iluff o f thie city « » « taken before .luetic»« Welle nt Eugene Thure itny nml |ilnccil uriil»«r bonds for hie n|> pen ranee next Huturdiiy. (). Foster o f Ru|{cne ie cnmplnin lint. Il appear* thnt Foster got nut n writ o f replevin against II. F. Oakee, n brother in Inw o f Iluff living in the eiiinc houee, unit thnt in looking nboiit the premieee for the gd* Foster run onto Huff, who pointed the gun ut him. The gun wue flretl but wne probably not pointed nt Foster nt the time o f the 1‘xplosion. It ie enid that Poeter wne not exrit<«il by the ineident nnd re mnrked to Iluff, while ndvnncing townrde him to tuke the gun awity from him, thnt if he hud been hit it would hnve_jiiiide him nwftil mad. It ie under­ stood thnt immediately lifter firing the ehot Iluff culled for Constable Me Kernnn, who hnd nerompnnied Mr. Poe ter to e««rve the pnpere, nnd hnnded the gun to him. Number 2 way Crossing* and Lays 3700 Feet of tion That Property Come In and Oet Rock; on Municipal Tax Roll. Feet on Sixth Street London Road. Action tiikcn nt the meeting »if the city council Monday mnv result in nn election being enlled to vot;* upon in eluding the Cooper Milnpoo Pnrk Addi­ tion in the city limits. A request whs made thnt the city make h donation to complete pnving for the bridge recently construct»««! on Tyler Str»«et. which run« through thie addition. The council did not feel like pnving for bridges located outside the city limits and Councilmen Kime, Walker and Silsby were appoint oil n committee to invoatignte nnd en deavor to learn if the prop»«rty owners would not be willing to come into the city nml help bear city taxes. The council ordered n light installed Hunter* Make Hla L ife Miaerable ut the corner o f S««v««nth Street nml Where It Ie Not Protected by " N o Whittaker Avenue und gave authority Trespassing" Slgna. -Farm er* Act to to the water committee to net upon the petition for the extension o f n two inch Protect Live Stock. water pipe to the south eilge o f the city limits on Second Str»«et. Th»* mnle member of tho china phea *nnt family hn* been having the time o f hi* life during the pnst week, the aenson hnving <>p<«m*d Thursday. Many gunmen were out nt daybreak the open­ ing ilny nml some hnd pheasant for hrenkfnst. Other* hnve not hml nny The democratic candidates evidently yet. The birds hn«l become quite tame dur want the votes .of Cottage drove »«lec­ ing the closed season nml many were tor*. There will be two rallies here this week. Governor West will speak killed close to the city limit*. Because o f dnmugc to live stock dur­ tonight in the interests o f prohibition ing previous senaon* hunter* fouml thnt and the democratic candidates nnd Dr. many farmer* hnd po*te»l notices for C. J. Smith, cnndidnte for governor, will bidding trespassing on their premises. spenk here Saturday nt 2 o ’clock. Many farmers who hnd posted such notices hnve tuld.The S»«ntin»d thnt they Land Too Expensive for Dairying. did not like to do s<\ thnt they did not W. J. I.ungdon of Sumner, Wash., is object to the hunting of the birds, but visiting his couein, A. R. Wood. Mr. thnt they hnd found such action ncces I.nngdon was the pion»*er in the certi­ snry beenuse o f the cnrelena shooting of fied milk bueini’ss nnd built up a large many hunter*. industry. He *n?* thnt nil the land in It i* reported from Eugena llfnt one thnt section o f Washington is now be­ hunter hung hi* eont over one o f th»**e ing converted into berry patches, being notice* nnd thnt while he wn* tr««*pnss t«w> high prieed for ilnirv purposes. His ing the w ife o f the fnrmer, discovering cows nre being pasture»! on land worth whnt hnd been done, removed the coat ♦ <100 nn acre. Mr. I.nngdon ie ex presi­ nnd i* holding it ne Imil for the appear­ dent o f the Wnshington Dairy Aaeoein tion. ance o f the hunter. MALE CHINA BIRD MADE TO REGRET HIS SEX Supervisor Sharp Eliminates Two Rail Outside of City Brings Forth Sugges ( Supervisor TuUar Has 1000 The program for the reunion o f the Dane County Veteran»' Association Thursday nml Friday o f next week ie Nearly A ll of Season's Run W ill Pas* nenring completion nnd the " o ld b o y »" j as Standard and Disposition W ill Be nre planning on a real jolly time. Made Promptly by Association of Thursday will be taken up with registration at the d. A. K. hull anil in Which Local Can.iery Is Member. rubbing elbow*. At night there will I»- a program in the auditorium o f th»- high e«-h<«d, among the features being EXPECTED T H A T GROWERS W IL L ud»lreis»-e by local and outside speaker». RECEIVE F A IR RETURNS Priiluy there will be n parade at 10 ( o'clock, after whieh the delegate«, vi»- itors nnd their families will be given a Carelessness of Orowers in Picking and dinner at the armory. A business Transporting Fruit Results in Some m<-»«ting and the election »»f officer* will Loss But A ll Can Be Disposed of.— follow the dinner. Quality of Work Complimented. Apple* Are Called Pumpkins. Pumpkins that are called W olf River apples because o f having the flavor and edible qualitiin» o f an npple, were left with The H»«nt:nel yesterday by H. P. Hhnrtridge o f l»n»lon. When made in­ to pumpkin pie you can't tell them from apple* and they are only, cnlb'd pumpkin* because of their unusual size. STORY IN PAPER RESULTS IN REUNION Survivors of Whitman Masacrc. Who Were Playmates When Children. Did Not Know One Another were Alive Until Brought Together by Sentinel. BECOND SURVIVO R HOME W IL L MAKE HERE. A. R. Osburn Was Two-year-old Son of One of Only Two Men Who Escaped Tomahawk of Indians by Secreting Selves Under the Floor. An unexpected meeting o f survivors of the W'hitmnn massacre, neither one of whom knew the other was living, is to r«**ult from the publication o f the story o f Mr». Matilda Delaney. The other survivor is A. R. Osburn, whose father wu* one o f the only two men to escape. Mr. Osburn has been living near Eugene for some time but has moved here this week to mnke this his home. Mr. Osburn was only two years of age at the time o f the massaere and remembers nothing o f the circumstances except that told him by his parents. The family heard the Indians killing the people nnd succeeded in getting un­ der the house by removing a loose board of the floor. A t night, after most of the Indians hud left, the family escaped. Leaving his family hidden in the brush three miles from the scene o f the mas­ sacre. the father went on to Fort Wal lulu thirty miles away for assistance. The family had nothing but a loaf of brend and a piece o f cold mush with which to sustain life while the father wns gone. I'pon his return the father fully exp»«cte»i to find all »lend, either from privation or nt the hands o f the Indians, and was surprised to find their condition gooil considering what hnd been emlured. A baby which live»! only three days hail been born three weeks before the massacre and the mother’s tramp for three miles through the cold left her in a condition from which she never completely r»*covered. Supplies were low nt the fort, where the fnmily ( Continued on page 2.) Another 3700 feet of macadam hn* been completed in Supervisor Emmet Sharp's district near l.atham. Thi* join* that Inid in the sum»« district Inst year nml i* a pretty piece o f road work, iici«»irding to the Htntement o f County ! Commissioner Hawley who was up ln»t | week insp»«eting the work. Thi* rond hn* been moved *o thnt two dangerous rnilroad crossings nre eliminated. Supervisor Tullnr hn* completed the grading for three quarters o f n mile o f the South Sixth Street rond nml has over 1000 feet o f gravel already laid. Thi* also join* the new rond built Inst Recovers from Injury Under Fallen year. — ------------------------- Tree Only to Oash Arm With Ax.— A fter you hnve rend this copy o f The Sentinel, pass it along to a neighbor, if Takes Safer Job as Cook for a Saw you have one who doean't take the pa­ M ill Crew. per nnd you don’t wish to k»«««p it for reference. Albert Woodard, who recently re­ turned from a summer spent in the for Legal blank* at Sentinel office. est service, isn't much o f n believer in bad lurk, but he enme n»«arly being con vine»*»! during his senson's work. He wns once hit by a falling tree nnd it wns nt first thought thnt he had been killed. He did npt regain complete con sciolism«.** for several days but re- Hnm Ventch brought in six apples covered in a couple weeks nnd went yesterday thnt weighed four and a i|iinr- buck to work. Two weeks Inter he re- t»«r pounds. Hnm don't know whnt ceive»! n severe gash on the forearm ns lire»«»! they are nnd don't enre much. the result o f n false blow with nn ax. They nre mighty fine lookers, mighty This Inid him up nnother two weeks nml good cookers, nnd whnt difference doer, the wound hns not completely healed it mnke whnt breed th»«y nref They yet. He is now cooking f»>r his father, were grown on n tree thnt was on the A. I- Woodard, who is ruqning a snw mill nt London. place when Mr. Ventch bought it. ALBERT WOODARD IS GENUINE HARD LUCK GUY DEMOCRATS ARE AFTER C. SIX APPLES TIP SCALES AT C. PEOPLE WITH VOTES OVER FOUR POUNDS New Movie Show House. B. F. Howard, who will open n s««e- nnd movie show in the building former­ ly occupied by The Arcade, hns arrive»! in the rfty nnd in fixing up the building, tdnring sents nml putting in the flxtur»«a. He do»*» not expert thut he will be in shape to open for n couple weeks. The family will arrive within a few »lays. Mr. Howard wns in the moving pic­ ture business nt Newport up to last June. CANNERY PRODUCE IS GOOD.SAYS INSPECTOR The person who is a subscriber to The Sentinel hns something to live for from week to week. s2 Manager Bale* of the cannery i* f»-» l ing very much pleased with the return* from the inspection o f th« fruit nnd vegetable* put up thi* year. A. Rup«-rt & Co. o f Portland, who nre the in­ spector* for th»- Forest Grove Associa­ tion, o f which thi* cannery i» n member, | report that the packing is well done, j Nearly all o f the proilure will pa*» a« standard and disposition o f it will \ tn- made a* promptly a* possible. Owing i to lack o f care of growers in picking ; fruit at the proper moment or careh-ss j ne** in handling it, some o f it w as found not to be in the best condition but is, ! nev .^thele*». so well put up th-it it can | be ill*posed of. It is expected that all the produce I will bri , a good price and that the | grower» will receive a fairly gooil price when all the obstacle* that had to be overcome the first year are taken int»> consideration. Hud the amount o f the ! produce brought to the cannery b»«en ; larger the price paid woulil have been : larger, a* there wa* a large amount of overh«*ad expense that would have been no larger no matter bow large the amount o f produce handled. i The work o f putting the proper label* on the cans will tie attended to at once. Stranger Dies Here. Robert Gibson, who was taken in at the W. B. Finney ranch about three month* ago. died there Friday. He was i sick when he came there and got steadi­ ly worse. He was a man o f tiO year* of age hut little else is known concern­ ing him. He had said that he had a brother and sister living in Snn Fran­ cisco before the earthquake, but not having heard from them »¡nee then he supposed that they were killed. Interment was made in the Masonic cemetery Monday nt county expense. SPEAKERS FOR AND FERNINST ARGUE IN PUBLIC Lecture by Dr. E. A. Cantrell Against Prohibition Is Taken Exception to by President of Anti-White Slave As­ sociation. Billed for Some Night. The lecture o f Edward A. Cnntrell on " T h e Twelve Fundamental Fallacies *>f Proh ibition " and that of r>r. F. II. Es- serf o f Denver on the white slave tra f­ fic, although occurring on following nights, enme pretty close to merging in­ to one nnother and for n time both men hail the floor. Dr. Esaert was also to have lectured on Thursday night but dismissed his audience and nil went to the Cantrell lecture. During the course of his re­ marks Mr. Cantrell said that the liquor business was not primarily to blame for the white slave traffic and referred to the lecture that wns to hnve been given the same evening on the white slave traffic. A fter this lecture had b»*en concluded Rev. Aldrich asked per­ mission to make nn announcement. The privilege being grante*! him. he an­ nounced a lecture by Mr. Essert for the following evening, adding thut some of the statements made nt the first talk would be answered in the lecture the following night. This provoked a spirited reply from Mr. Cantrell nnd when Mr. Essert in leaving the hall complimented Mr. Cantrell upon mak­ ing the most intelligent talk h*» hml heard upon that subject, n spirited argu­ ment followed that was fully as inter­ esting ns the lecture thnt hnd preceded it. Both men were »hoot »«quallv sup­ ported by the part o f the audience that hnd not left ami th»«re was no lack of appreciation of the hits made by tho debaters. Mr. Cantrell, who is a former prtsich- er and an able speaker, made what even those opposed to him admitted was a very intelligent exposition o f his side o f the question. He used quotations from Jane Add a ms, Frances Willard, Leslie Shaw and others in support of his contentions nnd had voluminous data to support every argument. He used data to dispose of some of the claims o f writers who hnd told o f the results o f prohibition in Kansas and pr*««*ented statistics to show that many license states nr«»- ahead o f Kansas in education, lack o f illiteracy, lack of in­ sanity and in moral conditions. In his talk Friiiay evening Dr. Es sert, who is a very fluent sp«*aker, took the datu und quotations submitted by Mr. Cantrell and drew »«ntirely different conclusions therefrom. He successfully showed that liquor must take u large part o f the blame for the white slave traffic. Inventory Is Filed. In the matter o f the assignment for the benefit o f the creditors o f the Dona­ hue A Dubois I.umber Compnny, the in­ ventory o f the property wn* filed with the county clerk by the n*signee Thurs­ You '11 find a lot o f things yon haven't day. The tofnl value o f the property henrd about in every issue of The Sen­ is placed at $#,#119. tinel. *2