v oiuin« No xxv C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R E G O N , W E D N E S D A Y . SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 Number 51 Ladle O ver Century of Age NARROW [SCAPE IN j firtmao Has Too Much | Energetic Pear Tree Is LOOKS LIKE CAMP ... - Steam; Sounds Alarm ■ ■ Makes' Only Best of Butter Again in Full Blossom i -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHS GOING 10 ACCIDENT BE ACTIVE j: Fearing that th« boiler* were go lug lo blow U|> mill wonting help 11■>11-kly, thu niglil fireman itt the llrown I.umber < V ’» mill guve no Hlurm with the whistle ol nbont Wl.’IO Sunday evening Ihut wim mistaken for n lire alarm. The O A. Uartell Oar Turn* Turtle, Mr. . t). F' lodge had rharge of the exercises at the grave. Intermeut wa* made in the Masonir cemetery. Mr. Gowdy wa* a charter memlier o f the Oddfellow lodge of thi* rity and hud often told of the early «truggje* of the lodge for existence when the roll of member* wn* only a dozen or more and •time o f these would wnlk several mile* through wet and mud to get to meet ing*. sometime* to And not enough pro* ent to hold a meeting, lie hnd held all the chair*, lie hud nl*o been a M ihmu . for 20 yenr* or more nnd wa* nt nm time a Knight o f Pythian. Mr. Gowdy wn* born at FnArld, III . June 12, I* III He moved to Oregon in |N7I nnd »mm purchased a large farm This hu* mure been rut into rity lot* nnd acreage tract*. The Adventist Church Mtnud* on the northeast corner of the original farm That portion out mile the eity limit* I* known u* Gowdy villc. Mr. Gowdy wn* also interested in a number of claim* in the Kohemm raining diatnrt and waa the owner ul the Golden Hlipper group. About |8*2 Mr. Gowdy wa* married to Mr* Miriam (A llen ) Hmnll, who died Avr yenra Inter. In I89ff he married Mr*. Anna J. Van Riper, who survive*. | Two children, Virgil nnd Bethel, also survive. Mr. Gowdy served on Hie city council for n number o f year*, wn* a school di rector for a long term and hnd been n member o f the Presbyterian Church during hia entire residence here, being un elder nt the time o f death. He fre ipiently told of the circumstance* of hi* conversion. While working in n Arid n »trnnge light enmo to him nnd he fell on hi» face, not recovering from thnt position for *ome time. From that tune he wn* a devout member o f the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The death o f Mr*. K. F. Donahue nl Curt hind yesterday makes three ilmtlm in Mr. Donnbtte'* family within n year lli* mother nml a daughter hnd died previously, Mr*. Donnlitte wn* in 1‘ort in ml viaiiing nt the time of her (tenth, For the beneflit mid guidunce of 1915 whirh <•«me very suddenly. It i* under stood that it remitted from purnlyni* of visitor* to the Pnnnmn PnciAc Inter national Exposition *t Han Frnnciaco. the bowel*. Mr. Doniihue i* n partner in the l>onn the Houthcrn PnciAc Company ha* just issued, for general distribution through hue & Uulioi* I.umber Co. out the world, a folder containing n You 'll And n lot of thing* you haven't comprehensive map in color* of Han hnnrd about in every i»*ue o f The Hen Francisco with carefully compiled fact* tinel. - *2 about that city and it* neighbor*. “ W in k ” W allace Smelling Around for Missing Peaches ------------------------— -------------------* NINE PEARS TIP SCALES AT EIGHT POUNDS Pear*, nine o f whirh weighed eight pound», have been pirked by R. W. l.ooiiii* from four year old tree*. The fruit i* perfect in form, hn»n't a *cnb or »rule of any kind nnd ia prettily crimsoned on the side that wn* e x p o s e d to the min. It ia of the B. Clnirgenu variety. Mr. I.oomia live* within the city limit* nnd hn* live o f these tree*. Exhibtion .Babies Must Be Prepared Same as Live Stock A* the result o f bringing hi* bnhy to the better babies contest, W. A. Hrmen- wny hn* learned something about pre­ paring exhibit* o f thia character. Al nmnd sny* the youngster punned a per feet examination except for it* toe trail*. He knew thnt in preparing chicken*, pig* nnd other livestock it i* niNtonrary to Htindpnper, polish nnd vnr ninh the hoof* or toe nuil*, but he didn't realize that n* much pain* hnd to be taken with n bnby. H e’ll know better next time. Bay* W ife Deserted. depthn Hurt brgnn suit in the eirenit court Hnturdny ngsiiist hi* wife, Ellen, for n divorce on the nlleged ground of wilful desertion. He *ny* they were married nt Chilliwack, B. October 20, 1910, nnd Iravo no children n* the re »alt of the union. The Rtntement wa* mnde in The Hen tinel Inst week thnt n* the result of liming hi* pouches the next night nfter letting J. H. Hilsby sec them, “ W in k” Wallace felt thnt he would have to »ever the friendly relation* thnt have existed between him nnd Mr. Hilsby for yenr*. Despite this statement, nnd there are sufficient witnesses to prove thnt The Hentinel correctly quoted Mr. Wallace, it seems that Mr. Wallace is becoming more friendly than usual. In fnrt, for the past week, so Mr. Hilsby informs The Hentinel, Mr. Wallace has appeared nt '.he ire plant just before dinner nnd supper times nnd has insisted on wnlk ing home with Mr. Hilsby. He does not stop for meals, however. He merely remains a few moments and leaves with out nny explanation. The only thing he does to give liny Indication of the object o f his visit* i* to *ni.55, money paid by the plaintiff as taxes and recover aide from the defendantx, Thomas and wife. The plaintiff is also given a judg merit for the sum o f $2,800 against R. C. Barfield, Jr., and wife, and J. L. Bentty and wife, together with interest at the rate o f six per cent per annum from June 4, 1912, special attorney’» fees and the sum o f $24.75, taxes paid upon the property involved. It is further ordered that the property be sold an