DORENA (Special to The Sentinel) Dec. 9,— Lily Black returned to her school Monday morning after spending LORANE. the Thanksgiving vacation visiting (Special to The Sentinel) Doc. 9.— Minnie Jackson und one of home folks in Kugeue, bar classmate* at O. A. C. »pout Thanks Mrs. John HoDtrom visited at the giving with tba former'» parents, M home of her aunt, MiV Ella Pitcher at aud Mr*_ W. \V. Jacksou. Dlsstou last week. • Martin Foster was in the Grove the Mrs. Young of Eugene was in Dorena first o f the week. on buaiues* Monday. F. E. liryaut is building “ chicken Glenn Jennings returned home Tue* house preparatory to going into the day morning from Camp Creek, South poultry business. Dakota, after an absence of six mouths C. C. Davis made a trip to Cottuge Faye Jennings and WiP Ward were Drove the last of the week. on the sick list lust week. The Ladies' Aid Society held thei Muurice Kstubrook went to Roseburg regular monthly business meeting St the home of Mrs. \V. \V. Jackson Inst lust Monday to atteud the funeral of Wednesday ufteruoou. Mrs. Martin his graudmother. Foster assisted in entertaining. Mrs. Carl Rainey o f Disston is visit W. S. A. Kdlefsen received the and mg at the home of her mother, Mrs. news the first of last week o f the death Storie. o f his son in law, Mr. Scott, of Fitts Mrs. J. II. Chambers of Cottage Grove burg, Fa., who had been very ill for the visited at the home of her brother, C. past three months. I). Van Valin Saturday. Mr. Hninbndge o f Cottage Grove was Mr. and Mrs. John Skeel* and son in lxirane the first of the week Henry are visiting at the home of Mrs. Skeel'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W ALDEN. Wilson. Dlsston and Rujada. James Bedford o f Cottage Grove was Dec. 9.—Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Hart/cl visiting in Dorena last week. were in the drove Saturday. Misses Claru and Norn Lebow of Mr. and Mr*. J. B. I.inebaugh and Walker visited at the home of their Mr. and Mr*. K. U. Landwehr visited uncle, D. L. England Suturduy and Sun Waldo Miller Sunday. duy. Bill Heath had the minfortune to lone Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Shearer o f Rocky a valuable team. Point attended the high srhiad enter­ Mr. Hue and family have moved on tainment Suturdny evening. to their farm recently purchased from Mi** Veta Pitcher attended the high Mr. Chamberlain. school entertainment at Dorena Hull Frank Damcwood and family of K1 Saturday evening nnd also visited at aura are v ¡siting J K. Dumewood. the home of her aunt, Mr*. Clara Kirk. ;j Neighborhood News Christmas and New Year Holidays at Home LOW ROUND TRIP FARES via the The Exposition Line, 19 15 Between all points in Oregon; also from points in Oregon to Cali­ fornia, Washington, Idaho Sale Dates and Limits: Christmas Holidays: Between all points in Oregon; also from Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Ida­ ho. Dec. 18 to 2 4 inclusive. Between Oregon and Cali­ fornia ¡Kiiiits. Dec. 2 0 to 2 5 . Keturu limit, all points, Jan. S, 1914. New Y ear’s Holidays: Dec. 2 7 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 5. 1914. The New Vear Fares apply only Ire- tween points in Oregon and between Oregon and Cali­ fornia. S u p e r io r T r a in S e r v ic e Observation Cars, Dining Cars and Big W arm All Steel Coaches. A ll Trains Solidly Vestibuled Call on uearest Southern Paeific Agent for full particulars, traiu schedules, specific fares, etc. dit)-24 *4-X"C~ x - x - xk k ~ x - x ~ x k - x ~ x k --X“X-*< k ~ x ~X“X*<*- x -X “X"X- x ~X“X» What do you want anyw ay! A Sentinel classified ad. will get it for you. W hat do you want? Anyway a Seutintd class* fied ad. will get it for you. < ~ x -t~ x -£ -x -x -:-x ~ x ~ x -x ~ x ~ X “ X - x - x - x - :~ x - x ~ x - x ~ X “ X -:-X H It Is Getting Colder* Better get that Overcoat soon. I have a fine line of samples. My line of Suitings are up- to-the-minute and reasonable in price. Come in and look them over. First class workman­ ship at all times. Also Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing. MAIN STREET, NEAR THE BRIDGE : “ Knute Knutson” Concert Hand and Orchestra, a brilliant display of special scenery’ and electrical effects. A real show for real people. “See the Government Locks,” see the blowing up <>f the powder house, watch for the Swedish band on street at noon. Seals on Sale at Usual Place ONE NIGHT ONLY < «->-X K -<»>X »-> -X »-> -X -v -X *-:--X -*X -*:--X --> W ill Ba»-k ID s C on viction * men are now at work clearing a port.on Hi* faith in the Collage Grove of the piare. country a* a slock producer i* lo le No ii'k i i'Sper, dally or w'»-l»*y, rea» h given a thorough lest by J. P Spray, who recently purchased the sixty acre ■» our quarter us many peopl • in ih»- I ot Joe Burnett place nt the edge of tin» Grots country aa »lora Tire Seutln<-L Mr. I.andcaater wan in the Grove Mr. and Mr*, la-e Sullivan of Klu oily on the <>n*t lie will stock it with Get your “ llouae for Rent” and Monday. math Fall* are visiting nt the J, II. cows mid pig», not forgetting a few of " llouae f»ir S al«’ ’ aigna at The Sentinel There wa* a birthday party given at Kirk home III* favorite animal, the goat. Several otila«, IdinnTii Friday eveniug. Lou McKibben o f Cottage Grove »pent the week end visiting nt the home < -x ~ X “ X -x ~ x - -.- x - x - -X “ X --x--:~ X "X *-x-v~ X "X “ X ':“ X ~ x~ :~ x*"fr«< p< > x-xV Silk Creak. of his sister, Mrs. ( ’has. Teeters. (Special to The Sentinel) The high school entertainment heiiiat Dee. 9.— Mr*. D. A. Wheeler returned Dorena Hall Saturday night wa* well Tuesday evening from Creawal) where attended and was u success in every she spent several day* visiting her way. The proceeds amounted to |29.S3. friend Mr*. Fettibone. W. Cox returned Thursday from Ku Blue Mountain. gene. (Special to The Sentinel) “ Young Feople’s Institute” was held Dec. 9.— Herbert Demorest visited his from Dec. 3 to fi. Elder Lawrence from T o please her more than a Casserole baking Set? W e sister, Miss Penrl, u few d iys last week. College Flace, Wash., Klder Maguire • • have, a rare bargain to offer to you and we had to buy a Paul Landwehr returned from Carl from Loveland, Colo., and Miss Grace quantity of them to get the price. W e felt sure the Davison of Roseburg, had charge of the ton last Monday, people of Cottage G rove would appreciate it tho, so II. Rissue went to Cottage Grove Institute, here it is. One baking dish, 8 inches with Nickel stand, Mrs. J. P. Wheeler and two children Monday. came from Roseburg Wednesday to at Mrs. T. B. MrGuire and children who one baking dish 6 inches, one baking dish 5 inches, 6 tend the Institute. have been ou the sick list are imunv individual pudding dishes, making 9 pieces, for two Mr. Dwyer and son Vivian came up ing. dollars ami thirty-five cents. The large baking alone is from Riee Hill Friday. Earnest Schreader spent a few days worth $ 2 .0 0 but this is a bargain outfit. W e have only Mrs. S. R. Wilson, Miss Johansen, and in this vicinity last week. about 2 0 sets left, so you will have to hurry. Vance Stratten all of Eugene attended S. K. Lew is sold his farm las' wiek Elder F. S. Bunch from Gravel Ford and will move to California. the Young People* ’ Institute last week Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Downs were in the spent several days here last week, the Grove one day last week. guest o f his sister, Mrs. R. W. Airy Mr*. J. I). Palmer was railed to Bo*»- Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and baby of Cottage Grove, and Miss Murphy of burg Saturday by the illness of uor son :: Roseburg, were the guests of Mrs. I. II Frank. < m > ^ *X -O «O -:*<^-X -0-X -X -X -X ~X -X ~X -4~>-X ->-X --X *-X -X -X -X ^X -X ~C **X -» Wilson during the Institute. Rev. Cobb preached at the Blue Herbert and Claude Demurest and Mountain Church Sunday evening, Misses Zenu and Mabel Wheeler o f Cot Harry Castle and Miss Lizzy Line <- x k ->- x - x - x - x x -<^~ x -<- x - x ^ x - x ~ x - x - x - x -» x - o - o - x - x - x - x - x ~ x -» tage Grove were guests at the J. F, Laugh visited at H. Landwehr’* Sun­ Oildersleeve home from Wednesday to day. Saturday. Services will be held at the Blue Dr. H. C. Hehleef, daughter and son Mountain Church 7:30 p. m. Saturday of Cottage Grove attended church here and 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday. Saturday. Beecher Crouch o f Haynes Inlet and Clifford Mabley o f Roseburg were guests at the M. F. Babcock home last week. Present for Wife or Mother | TIGERS AND CUBS PLAY TO TIE IN HOT GAME F E E D CO. Mrs. Geo. Brown and son Irwin, and Russell and Ferry Crandal o f Cottage D. STE R LING, M A N A G E R Grove attended church services here The Tigers and Cubs met Saturday Saturday. afternoon in a hotly contested football Wheat, Oats, Grain, Hay, F L O U R —Hard Wheat Brands: Elder C. J. Cole of Eugene attended battle in which they proved to be of about equal strength, the final score Mill Feed — Shorts, Bran, the Institute. Olympic and Pure White Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats, Alva Deardorff left for Eugene the standing fi to 0, The first bnlf resulted Every sack Guaranteed. n no score but early in the seconil bn»f first o f the week. Oil Meal. Grass Seed—all Willard Mors* o f the Tigers went flf J. R. Lynde has moved his family on kinds constantly on hand. F L O U R — Soft Wheat Brand: teen yards on a straight line buck for to the Harris place. touchdown. The Tigers missed their Poultry Feeds and Supplies. White Star. Paul Estes is recovering from a se chance at the goal. The Cubs, not to ----------------------------- -------- P H O N E 171 1 vere attack of cbiekenpox. be vanquished, came back in the final Earl Hamilton from Roseburg spent quarter and scored six points on u sen­ several day* here last week. sational thirty yard run by Roscoe Hem x * ^ < ^ x “x ~ x -x -x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ :~ x ~ x “ x~:~x~:-x~x~cc:-x~x*<~x~X "0"X * iS A GREK KG WGk to VER Of GOOP OLD FASDoniP PAnCAKES ,lMf>£ With Frank and John Mnrtin were in the Grove on business Monday of last week. c PAIiAKf rlOUR Mrs. D. Ferini was a Grove shopper the first o f the week, [ your dealer about the naw l'ÎT. i/,, o* ■ PRESENTS ( for b o y , and f ir la that go with 1 “ Olympic” Wheat Hearts ------ and ■ L “Olympic” Pancake Flour | Juat the dandieat, catch- |ieat, most in terestin g ,nmtn noveltie* iroagina- I ble, especially imported from Germany. ! Portland Flouring a Jim Martin went to the Grove Sat­ The value o f a newspaper to com­ urday. munity can be accurately measured by Miss Ruby Keyes spent the week end what outsiders think o f it. The Sejiti- with relatives at Latham. nel is willing to be thus measured. M m . Co. 4 :: Oregon Hotel Building Surprisingly if you make ii a rule to pay by check only and deposit all yonr| cash at the Hank o f Cottnge Grove. Then you stop to think before you buy and in many rases thinking means refraining. Ambition to have a good balance prevents many a spending, and thus your depoaita roll up. :: :: Grass Crops Grow too rapidly Cottage Grove is a poor grass country, Mrs. N. Lewis was in the Grove Sat­ n the opinion o f W. T. Garouttc, but urday. the only fault he Units is that the gras* Mr. and Mrs. I,ee Dugan visited over grows so rapidly and makes so many Sunday at the D. Dugan home. crop* during the year thnt a farmer Henry Armour was a business visitor doesn't get time to rest between crop*. This week he brought in a sample o f in the Grove the first of the week. Fritz Söderström went to the Grove vetch four and a half feet long which had grown from volunteer seed since Friday on business. the last cutting in the latter part of Clarence Anlauf o f Anlauf was in gust. this vicinity last week on business. :: MGR. YOUR BANK DEPOSITS ROLL UP as \> FEAST THE FOUR ACT SWEDISH COMEDY , W YNNE If it's in The Sentinel it’s news—if it’s news it’s in The Sentinel. ALL C I T Y O R D E R S FUN W e have a bargain in pearl handle k m \e s also. 3 blades <’ $1.00, 4 blades $ 1 2 5 , w orth $ 2 .0 0 < « X » X “ X K *4 "X ~ X ~ X ~ X -X ~ X ~ X X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X “ X -:~ X * < ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X -X ~ X ~ > S T E R L IN G BIG What Could You Get for a John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. F. C. REFFLING, The Tailor ARCADE THEATRE Monday Pec. 1 5 BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE I have just enough time to make that Suit for you Full Line of Winter Samples Now on Exhibition BOHLMAN :: TShe TAILOR