C ja lg B o f tip? C fo u m M any Matters o f M o r e than Passing M om ent Apy Item In theao ivlum ni c«Mtlnln| on the loti Mno thereof Ih* mark |. .), I* paid advertising. | Thl» tnnounctmt.M la made in Compliance with lha poalal regulation«.! C Oni> uf Ih«' beat ri'Uipunies w li ir li «v e r j.Iu_vI h fr» » i l i |mi un " l i m i t i ' Kn.it aulì" al tln< new Armili" n e i) Mutui ly evenmg. in Hhe wuuta aomethilig practical; look Hwrngi'l Hardware raat window. Mra N. W. Drake aud Mra. Frank Wuiiilrulf were gurata ut the Loyal Builders' Hardware and mechanics’ tools are finding a good sale these days at the Hwengel Hardwure Htor«. > + + + + * + < * + • < -X ~ X ~ X ~ X " X ~ X X - X * < X " X . Last Call Miss Victoria Mitcbel, who was to have spoken here Thursday afternoon, under the auspices o f the Baptist Church, has sent word that she will be unable to be present. Extra help Saturday This wet weather makes sisk shoes. Take them to Dr. lioff, the shoe cbiro praetor. Hurt cure or no pay. nllrtt I MILITARY I OVERCOATS « > , , ....... ■ — . i ■ in i — ...................................... Sizes 14 years up $ 3.00 Call at Arm ory CM G lass Wlirn un« remembers, auva un ai elisogr, tliut in an ordinary ruluiun ttiara an- III,mm pirara uf type, that tbrrr »rr arara wrung |maitioiia each lattar may Iw put in anil tbrrr arr 70,• IHM chances tu mubn rrrura, liraiilra mil liutia uf rhanrra fur traua|Hiaitiuna, hr will nut lir tun critical. In tbr ara truer, " T u b« ur nut tu b r ," by tratta puait luti alunr it la |xiaaiblr to makr 2,739,022 rrrura. Ho yuu an« tbr parila that l.rart tbr printer. RANGES, COOK STOVES HEATERS A L a r g e Annitrì turnt K IN T E R BRO S. HOUSC rURNlSHCRS RHONE a N ur-C tO JO E B A K E R • H. I.. Coleman and fnmily arrived from Mullen, Neb., laat week louking for n location. Miaa Mabel McFarland baa accepted a poaitiun with the Armatrung Htudioa. Forty acre« good timber clone in. Will rut a tbouaand corda of wood. Uood bouae and barn on the place. Will aell an term« or nebange for town property. Aak John F. Woodard. aurh a way aa to fracture three riba. Wanted — SOU adulta to call at the Kexall Htore. Each to get free a l u l l He tall weather chart calendar. M>n Modern Pharmacy IH the Kexall store. o29tf AND I f you get her one o f those Alumi­ num I’erculatora at the Hwengel Hard­ ware store ahe will use it 305 times the Aral year. No bureau drawer bu«:ne«s about that. • lo c ate d ON W EST S IO E Mra. J. H. t’hambera apent Haturilay with her brother C. D. YnnVnlin at Dorrna. Expert Dressmaking done promptly. Mra. I’rt Hanford miMtf Mr«. J. I*. Wheeler of Koaeburg spent several days laat week visiting friends her«. Mian Ada Murphy returned laat week Mra. (leu. Itruwn and aona, Irwin nnd from a visit with friends in Koaeburg. Ituaarll nnd Cerry Crnnilall, attended Fur« white flour can’t be beaten. church arrvirea at Hilk Creek Haturilay. Kvery sack is guaranteed to aitisfy or Hterling Feed Co. tiling in your airk ahoea. Never yet money refunded. failed to make a correct diagnoaia. 11. M. Wallace went to Kugene Hun Conaultntion free. Office bourn: All day. day. Dr. (luff. nltltf Frank Fage was in Kugene Hunday. Yea, that’s right, I sell any kind of inaurnnee you can mention. Harry Metcalf. nl'-’tf Chas, Brunenu left yeaterday for an extended visit at Woodburn. Win a six months’ subscription by IItiding the .mistakes in the Hampton k Co., Keen Wallace and Oregon Wool en Mills Htore ada. I t ’s easy. The subscription must be sent to someone not now getting the paper. n|2tf Claud Blaster is in Yoncalla, where he is doing the finishing work on R. Helliwell’a residence. Fifty years in family use ia a long time, but that is the term of warranty on the Community Hilver sold by the Hwengel Hardware store, (let Com­ munity if you get any— i t ’a the beat. Oliver Veatch attended the County Kducational Hoard meeting in Kugene Haturday. Dr. Demorcat, Dentist. Kerr A Hilaby’a ator«. Office over mUtf Mra. Amanda Veatch returned Friday from an extended viait with her non Marion, in Kugene, and left for her home in Anaheim, Calif., Hunday. « Everything at Prices That Will Sell Them Quick O u r B ig Stock o f D o lls Is F o c f W e ^ave VCIT b«st at anY a C l b l. anc| every price. 5 c to $ 3 .6 3 Rem ember the Doll Contest Dec. 27 Go-Carts with rubber tires $1.50; Go-Carts 48c to $2.69 G lassw are (•rest bargains iti all kinds of (»lassware from 10c to $1.00. Complete Tea Sets .SOc: Sugar, Creamer and Butter Dishes: set of Tumblers as low as 2Sc: Fancy Tumblers. • Leonard M. Wade, special representa­ Mra. William Barker and amall aon tive of the International Typesetting William jr. o f Kugene, have been spend Machine Co., was in the city yesterday, mg arveral daya with Mra. K. K. Mill« inspecting the new typesetting machine j [ Mr«. F. W. Kobbina left Haturday recently installed by The Hentinel. afternoon for a viait at the home of her brother, O. I*. Will« at I^indon. Hbe will return tomurrow. The Hwengel Hardware Company hna a full line of high grade pocket cutlery, anaaora and edge too!«, bought direct from the factory. Kvery piece fully warranted. S a tu rd a y ii Yaa, Ay bun going to see Knute The Indira of the M. K. Church will and Ole ut the new Arcade next Mon bold a home cooking market at The day evening. You but yer life, Ay ban j . > Metaan Hhop all day Haturilay. d3c there. Dr. F. L. Ingram has just returned Miaa Nritu Harelton, who waa «ever ly injured laat week when abe fell from from taking two post graduate courses :: a awiftly moving atreet car, ia itnprov in dentistry and can now fill the most mg alowly but ateadily. Hhe waa able sensitive teeth absolutely without pain I f you to ait up fur a abort time yeaterday and or disagreeable after effect«. hope« to return to her home here the have pyorrhoea or sore and bleeding luat of the week with her mother who gums, he will cure them or no pay. tf Mias Alaea Hawley of Divide waa in the city Thursday. WORK Fine China W are Havilaud aud Hand Fainted ( ' . o r in a designs at such low pri res that you can easily buy it for your friends. Call and get our prices. today. General Blacksmith R E P A IR price**. You know they will be lower t*.:an elsewhere. J. H. Chamber« left yeaterday for n Fire, hail, rain. You should protect trip to Halt Lake City. with Metcalf. H e ’ll fix you out with n!2tf W. II. Walker waa in from Walker anything in the insurance line ™ Huliarriptlun prirra of nearly all tbr Irailiag mngnzines ailvanrr beginning Mra. D. H. liemenway «pent Thura Nov. 1U, Wa take auliacription» for day and Friday in Fugeae, where ahe any publication anil can give you lieat went to aee Margaret lllington in clubbing prirra. lx*t ua bavr your ur " W i t h in the L a w . " While there ahe ilrra now. We are district agrnta for waa the gueat of Mr«. Chan. A. tiray at the Haturiluy Evening Coat nml l.atlira the ('hi Omega Houae. Hum« Journal. The Modern Cbnrmury Dry foot oil keep« the wet out and IH the Rraall Htor«. «29tf the dry in. doff 'a Hhoe iioapital. Alton Hampton entnr up from Kugrne Ili.rvey Wallace auatained a painful yeaterday on a few daya’ buaineaa and injury Thurnday when he waa caught plruaurr trip. between a bale of hay and a wagon in Hint« Deputy J. W. Hinsons mldrraaed Pottage (Iruve t'amp, M. W. A., Tuea day evening. Aud the best at prices that any Oliver Flows and J. I. Case Flows are Hmger Hewing Macbinea, Needles, Oil nnd repair«. Liberal allowance sold by the Hwengel Hardware Com Hindi' fur your old machine. Call up pnny. Karl K. Mill«, phone 132 Y. Demon ‘ ‘ Kuute Knutson," the funny Hwede, at rat ion and trial will coat yuu nothing at the new Arcade next Monday night. baa been with her aince the accident. T rad e M ad« our stock, large, as it is, go out in a hurry. Our large reserve stock enables us to give you the same values this week. Y ou can save money on eve ry item and w e ’ offer you the best and largest stock of Holiday Goods eve r on display in this city. Mr. aud Mrs. (i. H. Helmer of Tacoma left yesterday for California after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hultoa. Mr. Ilelmer nnd Mrs Haltou are cous ins. They had not met for thirty years until last summer. Hume frieud o f yours would like The Academy dormitory arveral day« luat HentiiieI nix months. Kooflng l'apaf; Hwengel Hardware You cun get a free subscription for him or her by 1 limili show« all III« litui" al III« ut* «v week. An old line life iuauruucr policy la a finding one mistake in each of the fol Armili*. Ha« " Kunta Ktiulaiiii" iiait Oregon Woolen Mills gilt rilgtul invratiuent, in addition to lowing ads.: Mondny eveililig. Htore, Keen Wallace and Hampton k bring a protection to relutivea that uiay Al. ('rosoli limi raturuail frum Tilln b# left In 'hind. Talk with Metcalf, tf Co. Just telephone your replies to this ululili ( 'utility. Architect J. K Tuurtelrttr uf I'urt office. I.at Ih« rhtldren play in tlia raiu. Kveryone from Minnesota should sue l'aa a l i l l l » Ori funi, Tur aulii lijf Unii, land waa in the city Haturday looking " Kuute Knutson" ut the new Arcade | uftcr the new high aebuol building with III« alimi ilurtur. next Monday night. which he waa very much plruard. S h e lf W o r n :: THE FAIR’S Lots of Clerks Saturday. Shop Early or as Early as You Can Fancy G lassw are A l»eautiful line of Fancy (»lass- ware in Berry Sets, Tea Sets, Water Sets You will certainly appreciate this line aud we want everv one to see them. O sr H an d k e rc h ie fs Prices beat all the so called sale prices. You will get a better Handkerchief for the price here. 3c to 2Sc Fancy C aps and S d a c e rs Largest line ever shown here. Shaving mugs at all prices. Shaving i'^ls and Shaving (Bass­ es. (.let our prices. W e want everyone to know that we have five times as large a stock of toi­ let articles as we had last year. Comb and brush sets, shaving sets, tourist sets, baby sets, book marks, etc., pow­ der boxes, hair receivers in Parisian ivory. No fancy prices, one low cash price to all, and that price the lowest B eets and Standard N ereis 50c BiUes and Testaments at Bargaie Prices Toy water sets, toy tea sets in glass 20c each, toy china sets, toy enamel- ware sets, toy tin sets with tray, sets from 19c to $2.00. PARENTS ARE TORN ii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BETWEEN HOPE ii T o y s Our Wonderful Stock of toys l O VS AND FEAR | Is the talk of the town. W e have what the children want. W h y not please them? 11 G iv e them a merry Christmas this year. Our prices w ill help you. Books for all. Refuse To Believe Dead Body That of Their Boy Watch for the Live Santa Claus Saturday. Visit the store and have a good time. Picture sale, box paper sale, candy sale, ribbon sale, all going Saturday. This is the store that gives you a T T ’ § - a ^ > F > -| 2 « « Christmas w elcom e and wants you to call and look. ■ ■ I d l ■ DECOMPOSED CORPSE BEARS A L L 8IONS OF BEINO T H A T OP BERNARD LARSON OF •x"*x“ x ' - x - x ~ x ~ x ~ x - x ~ x - * x ~ x “ x - x “ x ~ x ~ x * < * - x * < « x * < - ^ x ~ x ~ x * - x * * x - x - - x ~ x ~ x " T H IS CITY. Though every nvnileble mark of identification on the body of an un­ known man found near Columbia Beach on the Necoxie river corresponds ex­ actly with the description of their son Bernard, who left home in March and has not been heard from since, Mr. and Mrs. A. I*. Larson of rati city hold firmly to the hope that It may not be their boy. Htumbling accidently upon a news item in a Portland paper which told of the finding of the body of n man which was so decomposed as to be hardly re­ cognizable but who in some respects answered the description o f their son, Mr. I .arson and his ton in-law, Angelo I’erini, went at once to Aatoria where the body had been taken. They found that his shoea were like those the boy had worn when he left home, that hi* front tooth waa broken off just as Ber­ nard '■ had been when as a child his brother had accidently struck him with a hammer rhile at play, and that the w isdom teeth had large cavities just as his hud, the hair was of the exact shade of the boy's nnd the clothes worn with the underdrawers pinned to the shirt with safety pins, just as Bernard al­ ways wore his. Htill the parental love and their great desire not to believe that it ia their son keeps the spark (if hope alive that there may tie some chance that this man is merely strik­ ingly like their boy. Both are nearly distracted, torn between hope and an almost certain fear. Following a long illness caused by iajurlea received in n logging camp and trouble with hia young wife whom he worshipped, their consequent separa­ tion and his being deprived of his baby boy, the young man, who wns but twenty three years o f age, waa very dil- pondent when he went away hoping to get work. Neither hia parents nor his wife have heard a word from him aince he left. Now they are advertising in the hope that be, alive and ignorant of their anxiety, may see their plea and let them know that he is safe. Coroner J. A. Oilbaugh, o f Clatsop County, decided that the man had not committed suicide, as there was abso­ lutely no evidence o f any means by which he might have consummated the deed. Nei.her knife, gun nor poison bottle were revealed upon careful search. That hr was murdered ia hard ly a testable theory aa he waa not known to have an enemy nnd had no money that might have inspired such a crime. The coroner’a report says that the body was in such a state of decomposi­ tion that the man must have been dead at least two or three months. It was discovered by the merest accident when Y. K. Albert of Astoria was following up some ducks he bad shot and stumbled across the body lying half buried in ^tnd and thick vegetation. A. P. Larson, father of Bernard I 6c a line. Figure 6 words to line. < f. FOR REN T KENT. FOR K E N T . — 5 BOOM MODERN house on West Mein; porches; south facing. Joe Miller, 7th and Adams. We are now at liberty to announce to the public that wc can serve Williams Bread fresh every morning. The flour and delieacy ia unsurpassed. Just try it tods/. FOR S A L E OR T RA D E W A N T TO T R A D E L I M B E R FOR work horse. Overholser k Hon. Phone 22 f2. d3-17pd TH E M E T S A N SHOP FOR HALE— NEW W H IT E ROTARY Hewing Machine; latest model, at a barguin. Hee Karl K. Mills or phone 132-Y. n26tf F IV E TONS OF H A Y FOB HALE— Mrs. W. N. Wheeler at W. W. Uildersleeve home. nl9dl7e F IV E PA8BENOKR AUTO TO TRADE for lumber, wood or posta. R. H. Parsons, Creswell .Ore. o29tf I f you saw it first— you saw it in Tue Hentinel. Williams Williams Williams Bread Bread Bread Williams Williams Williams Bread Williams Bread Williams Bread Williams Bread Bread Bread