TSfie Cottage Grove Sentinel A W EEKLY BEDC * NEW SPAPER QUANT Publisher» W ITH A wife never sees any imperfections in the husbnnd who in kind, thought ful and devoted T h in g s W e T h in k royal Little children are about the biggest problem there is in this world of ours PLENTY ^ B A C K B O N E . ' E L BERT BE OE Edito» It's pretty hard to make a clean get a way with filthy lucre that do«*u't > 1 long to you. A first class publication «uter«d »t Cottage Urov* as second ( l u i mail matter You can't buy au.v but cheap friend* SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year.......................................... $1.50 Three Months .................................. SU M onths........................................... 80 Single Copies....................................... No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is imperative. “ Lame d u ck " politicians have their rende»sous up Salt Creek. B a K in 6 P ow der Two cat clubs in Portland, Ore,, h i.» get into a scrap over the une of th- A self made man is often patterned name ' * Oregon Cut Club” which both have appropriated. We suggest th it ADVERTISING RATES. too muJh after his own ideas. the matter be referr«*d to the kennel Display 25 cents per inch, 15 per cent discount on contracts; reading notice ads. 10 cents per line ; legal notices, 6 cents per line; surrounded ads., 115 cents per While fbrgiug to the front you can club for adjudication. inch. Classified ads., 6 ceuts per line each insertion. Cards o f Thanks aud not be too careful o f what you leas« Oue half of the worm would do the behind. Resolutions, 6 cents per line. other half if it could. 26 SOUTH FIFTH STREET The man who doses lip like a trap BUSINESS OFFICE: will catch the garrulous ou«‘s nearly With men o f such prominence as W'ednesday, December 10, 1913 every time. Woodrow Wilson declaring that nine YOU MUST TELL YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS That when they buy tlujir tickets to the San Francisco Fair it will be necessary to buy them by way of Cottage Grove in the first plaee. If they neglect to do this they will be put to a large addi­ tional expense to visit you. I THE MOMENTUM OF THE MOB. Men in a mob will do things that they would not think of at­ tempting single handed. Those in the rear push on those in front and a deed is done that would never have happened had each man expanded his efforts individually. With the mob are usually associ­ ated deeds of violence, but there is no good reason why its energy and momentum may not be turned to worthy, as well as bad, deeds. Tom Richardson is a psychologist who saw how this frailty of mankind might be turned to strengthen his campaign for the develop­ ment of Oregon. Nothing less than semi-violence would awaken the people of Oregon to the opportunities of the San Francisco Exposition which they were about to let go by the board, by San Francisco, by Seattle, by Portland, by default, or by any other route that would require the least expenditure of energy. So he organized at Rosehurg last week a convention of a thousand delegates from all parts of Western Ore­ gon. It was called the Southern Oregon Development Convention and was a most remarkable affair. Every delegate was imbued with something of the mob spirit, willing to follow the leaders in whatever dire designs they might have on the exposition traffic. Enthusiasm ran riot and every delegate returned home a booster for the things that must be done to get this traffic to come or go by, and stop off at, Oregon points. . Before the momentum is lost another meeting will be held at Eugene. February 19 is the date. An enthusiastic mob of 3000 is expected to he present upon that occasion. SCARED MILITIAMEN. Because their sergeant had told them their regiment had Deen ordered to the front, two Oregon militiamen took to the hills. The sergeant was removed from his position as a reward for his unique valor test. His position, however, is not as unenviable as that of the young men of whom the first scent of war made deserters. Yet we have considerable sympathy for them. It is not a pleasant thought to imagine yourself being ventilated with Mexican bullets. War is not a game of ping-pong. It is almost as dangerous as aeronauting or football. Old veterans tell yarns of how they at first scurried to cover when the bullets began to fly. Perhaps these young men might be the bravest in ten thousand after broken of gun shyness. The gibes of their acquaintances can hardly wound less than soft nosed bullets. H A T so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? R oyal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and hcalthfulness of all risen flour- foods. It renders the biscuit, hot- bread and short cake more di­ gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in­ dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. W Cloth«** can not be »aid to really hours of sleep ure required each day, we make the man but they rover a multi are not surprised that there are so few who make a success as country editors. tude of deficiencies. Man j«*»t* at woman’» volubility and yet but for hi« gift of gab man,! a prominent man might be trundling wncelbarrow or doing some other equal­ ly uaeful task. F S O M E F O L K S got credit for A mighty »mall person sometime» something whieh the biggest are what they do, they would have to starts unable to stop. pay cash in advance for everything We ¿0 ran't all be shining lights— many PATHOS IN THE STORY. While most of us enjoyed the usual Thanksgiving feast so ap­ propriate in a country which produces so bountifully and where work is usually sufficient for the residents, there was a family, not so ;ar from the city, which had no such feast and which was planning nothing for Christmas. The house is hidden away in the deep woods, where Santa would never have found it. It was locate«! by members of a local lodge which had received won! of suppose«! conditions from a lodge of which the head of the family had been a member. The abject poverty which these investigators found, almost un­ known in this section, was almost unbelievable. The head of the house was found to be a man of 82 years with one hand gone and weakened by sickness There was a sufficiency of coarse food, but of sugar, coffee and other like necessities, not any. The mother was much younger than the husband, and there were three little tots, ranging from eighteen months to nine years. The mother was wearing a pair of loggers’ boots which she had found, a ragged waist and a skirt made o f gunny sacks. The eighteen-months- old babe wore a sleeveless shirt of coarse material and the garment tor which safety pins were invented. Otherwise nothing had been added to the raiment provided by Nature. The other two children were in an almost equally naked condition. Not one member of the family had underclothing of any kind. At school and at Sunday school the older girl had suffered the bitter ridicule of those to whom Providence had been more kind. This heartrending story was brought to the attention of the lodge Saturday evening. As a result, Tuesday a wagon load of supplies were taken to the family and their suffering for the present is re­ lieved. The creeping babe’s body is no longer blue form exposure aud the older girl can now wear clothes that do not attract ridicule. When dire need is brought to their attention there are none more liberal in proportion to their means than the Cottage Grove people. But, accustomed to comfort themselves, with signs of plenty all about, they grow careless. While giving to solicitors from Portland and elsewhere for all manner of charitable institutions, they have not thought to cast about at home for places to put the money. We are soon to celebrate the birthday of the Savior, the most charitable of all men. Let there be none who are not happy on that day. Let us make certain that there are no more such cases of suffer­ ing in our midst. Let charity begin at home. Someone who would take the older of the girls referred to, pro­ vide for her and give her a schooling would be performing a deed in the service of Him who said, “ Suffer little children to come unto me.” Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. of us are just smokers. We seldom seek justice unl«*«i we think the scales are weighted -in our side. The race o f the future is said to hu\e been found in the interior of Atiica. We'll wager a reasonable amount that our own William Jennings Bryan will be in it. The man who attempts to blow his bruins out can hardly hope to succeed. He will merely puncture a vacuum. Has anyone examined the north p«>le lately to see if Old Olory is still proudly floating theref When you give a person thirty days in which to do a thing that r«*quir«*s but a few hours, you can be pretty certain that it won't be done. HAD NO DESIRE TO IMPEDE PROGRESS OF BULLETS MEDFORD SEROEANTS UNIQUE WAY O r TE8TINO VALOR O r MILITIAMEN Thnt all members of the National Guard are not yenrning to go to Mexico and that a few have no desire to im pede the progress of Mexiran bullets, was demonstrated in Medford lust week when First Sergeant Tengwald of the Seventh Compuny, merely to test the bravery of his comrades, made the cas ual statement to u group o f them that the entire company had been ordered to the front. Two o f them immediately left for the hills and another applied for a vacation. Tengwald received hta dismissal for his unique plan used in gathering sta tistics on the bra« cry of the Medford militia men, being removed by Captain Artemus W. Demie iqu>n complaint from There ¡ n mint I i « t good reaaon for mailing your ChrinttnaH presents the aggrievt'd members. early, as Poatniaater Meek re«|Ueata. Il given the recipient ample time to retaliate. Calling carda— The Sentinel. Bargains from tha office of FINOAL HINDS Real Estate and Insurance 70 acres logged olT land, 5 ^ miles out; big spring; mill pond and mill build mg; ten acres eaaly cleared. I’ riee $1,-50, easy terms. HO acres; 30 acres good piling timber; ;; 50 acres logged off; 3 miles from depot; 3 big springs; all fenced; lots o f wood; 2 acres cultivated. Price $1,100, terms. 1V4 acres; 6 room plastered buagalow; good barn; 3 miles from Walla Walla, Washington, on Macadamized road; 5c car fare, also 18 lots in one body, nil There is more honor in being a mother seeded to alfalfa, to ezrhange for acre of men than in being the son of an il age near C«»ttage Orove. What have lustrious parent. yout It's funny how the man can’t talk thirty seconds on any known subject before an audience of men can talk all evening on no subject at all when his audience is confined to one—and her in FARMERS WEEK V terruptions do not nonplus him for a Decemt «r 8 to 13, 1913 second. This will be a notable event in the j educational history of Oregon. Sometimes a person gets credit for Farmers’ Cooperation will be the! not paying his bills. leading topic of a stimulating series of j lectures. The week will be crowded A church costing a million dollars with discussions, and demonstrations in i was burned almost to the ground before everything that mak<‘* for the wel- ' anyone noticed the flames. Holy fare o f the farmer and home maker. smoke! Is an aviation field a plaee where are placed the mortal remains of those whose spirits have aviated to the skiesf A millionaire died in New York re- cently who was known to only 100 p«-o pie and whose name had hardly appear ed in the newspapers until his death. He was evidently one of the old type who had failed to realize the publicity virtues o f the divorce court. Ore. Agricultural College The ungrateful man is the one who, having had his view from the top of the ladder, coming down tramples on the fingers of those working their way up. It's a disgrace to our modern civil­ ization when the happiest moment of a marriage is found in the divorce court. A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but they do say a Swede by any other name could not be elected to office in Minnesota. Only those die poor who have given nothing to the world by which they may be richly remembered. The person who lives up to his ideals will not have to live down his reputa tion. Peoria Journal. 1 ■ t ............ 4 A Hearty Appetite A Juicy Roast or Steak i A G r e a t C o m b in a t io n | Get the first yourself and the latter at— City Meat Market BARTELS & ERNEST. Props. '0> Everything you can mention is in The Sentinel. HARDWARE : KN0WLE5 & GRÄBER f u r n i t u r e Winter Short Course January 5 to 30, 1914 The College has spared no effort to mnke this the most complete short course in its history. A very wide range o f courses will bo offered in General Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani­ mal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Hcience and Art, Commerce, Forestry, and Musie. Numerous lectures and discussions on FARMERS’ COOPERA­ TION, at home and abroad, will be a leading feature. Make this a pleasant and profitable winter outing. No tui­ tion. Accommodations reasonable. Reduced rates on all railroads. For further information, address I t ’s peculiar how the secrets of a H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, young couple in love, told only in the to d30eow Corvallis, Oregon lowest whispers in the darkest corner Farmers' Business Courses by cor ! of the room, seem to be almost as well respondence without tuition. known to the world at large as to the wo directly concerned. A person who tells you a secret that someone else has told him can hardly be ezpected to keep yours. ■ Spriggs Bros. Blacksmiths You can’t ezpect to inspire confl dence in others if you haven’t conll denc.e in yourself. The woman who cuts too many ac­ quaintances has a hard time cutting much of a swath in society. Late Arrivals Silk Waistings Trimming Silks Brocaded Velvets Lace and Embroidery Sets Dress Goods > The kicker doesn't use the right end of his anatomy. The man who has the most inflated idea of bis own importance is the one who gives himself away Horse Shoeing and General Repairing Work Naturally the two faced man has If parents would spoon more and the children less, the world would be happier than it is, and the purity congress need not meet more cheek than the ordinary run of again.—Bede’s Budget. mankind. Sixth Street sear Mala Phone 40 $ Star Brand Shoes A re Better D