« 3C □c □C -r- □c DIZ 3 C 3 B ^ 0 « ^ B -® 0 ® C D L IMPHREY & MACKIN $2.50 50c Gifts for Entire family The exceedingly liberal values and very low prices at this store are making a strong bid for your patronage on practical Christmas Gifts. Shop here first and as early as possible. W h v not a wool or silk dress, suit, or coat pattern for wife, sister oi mother this Christmas? Visit our dress goods section this week. 60 in. all wool Oregon suiting in tan, gray, brown and plum. Diagonal and basket weave. f f l QQ 54 in. fine all wool Kmpress Cloth in dark wine and golden brown, tan, navy blue and black. Cloth has high lustre and easy to keep clean. A yd. here_________________ All wool, soft fine weave serge in pretty rine red. shades of gray, blue, tan and wine Also black. 42 in. to 50 in, wide. A yd. S9c to_______ All wool heavy blue suit and l coating serge. 54 to 60 in. wide A yd. here $1.63, $1.8.1 tij mating in 60 in. extra heavy all wool Coating tan, gray and brown interwoven reti with small color threads making a verv pretty erv prettv effect. Will turn rain. Price a yd______________________ 56 iu. heavy all wool diagonal Coating iu black and gray, brown and tan. A yd. here ................. 36 in. lining satin in tan. gray, brown, black. A yd. here____ .16 in. heavy black Peau De $ QQ Soie Silk for Coats. A yd _____) |. / J M cC a ll P a tte r.is 36 in heavv Satin De Luxe for 5 * 8 « , C oat 5 6 8 3 , S k irt dresses or coats. A yd. here.. 5 6 5 1 , H at P ric e , 1 5 cents each. Other 36 in. black Satin, Messalines lines an*! and Taffeta Silks. A yd. here 98c t o ________________ ______ M any Gifts for Men 26 in. heavy Moire silk in black and in Holiday Boxes colors, very stylish for coat and trimmings. A yd. here________ HAIR RIBBON Special! 4 11 to <> i ii c h e s wide. Regular sell­ ing price at this store 25c and ,10c a yd. Holh plaids checks and plain ribbons in white. 1 ght blue, p in lj brown, reJs aiul dark blue. 1 Q_ Special, a vd. I J U $1.93 $1.59 90c J.23 WOMENS $1.48 Underwear Special 33c $ 1 . 1 $ 98c 63c DC DC - u ........ DC Heavy white fleece rib vests and dra wers special here each ................... Medium weight white and ecru Union J Q n Suits fleece lined. Special here each 40w Heavv weight White fleeced riblied Union Suit, special here each.______ if DC and distributed tiny bezes of the wed­ ding cake. The out of town gucs’ s were Mr. and Mrs. Penne and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long, all o f Portland. The bride's going away suit was King's blue broadcloth, smartly tailor­ ed. Mr and Mrs. Romaine left Thursday for Portland where Mr. Romaine is Kima-Romaine. veil was arranged in mob-cap fashion manager of the Congress hotel. They will be at borne to their friends at the The wedding of Miss Mamie Kime and caught with lilies o f the valley. Chetopa Apartments at Eighteenth and to Harvey Boy Romaine o f Portland Hhe carried a shower boquet o f bride Flanders streets. was solemnized Wednesday evening at roses. Mrs. Penne was gowned in a the home of the bride's parents, Dr. Persian chiffon over a pink messaline Mi»» Jennie Smith, bride-elect, whs and Mrs. A. W. Kime. Prior to the foundation and carried bridesmu.d the inspiration for n clever ra ¡»cellini'. eeremonv Mrs. Howard Fagan sang roses. Mrs. Kime, mother of the bride, ou» shower given Friday afternoon i.t “ O Promise Me.” Promptly at seven wore a gown of gobelin blue charmeu.se, the home of Mr». H. A. Miller by Mi». forty-five the bridal party appeared to while Mrs. Long, mother o f the grou.n Miller nnd Mr». F. W. Robbins. Mi»» the strains of the Lohengrin wedding wore an embroidered marquisette in Smith wa» initiated into the House march played by Miss Neva Permut. shades o f blue trimmed with silver lace. keeper»’ Club in the presence o f twenty- They took their positions under a auge A fter the ceremony, which was per­ two guests. She wa» blind folded an 1 floral wedding bell suspended in a formed in the presence o f the immedi­ given u number of teats, the successful bower o f greenery, interspersed with ate relatives and friends only, a recep­ passing o f which wa« followed by *he white chrysanthemums and carnations. tion was given to about one hundred administration o f the oath of member­ Here they plighted their troth, H >.. and fifty guests. They were received ship. She wax then given the cap and M. Howard Fagan being the officiat’ zg at the door by Mr. and Mrs O. I.. badge o f membership— the picture of a clergyman. Miss Kime was attended j Nichols and introduced to Mr. and Mrs. bride succeeded by the busy housewife. by Mrs. Ladd Penne o f Portland, sis‘ er j Romaine by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Hall. With due ceremony she was present 'd o f the groom and Mr. Penne acted us j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Powell ushered the with the apron, was then led throu';n best man. The bride was given in mar­ guests into the dining room. In the the mysteries of the culinary depart­ riage by her father. dining room, which was artistically de­ ment and the duster, and was then pre The bride was beautiful in a creation corated in pink and white, Miss Hattie •ented with a needle book with instruc­ o f white friance, with an overdrape of I.andess, Miss Vervie Kelly and Miss tions from the lady o f the needle. She princess lace. Her filmy net and lace Mabel Henry served cake and punch received her final lesson in ‘ ‘ how to FOR Your Christmas Presents GO TO THE Golden Rule Store Fifth and M ain S tr e e ts W h ere you buy Suspenders in fancy boxes, Arm Bands and Garter combinations in burnt wood boxes, everything in Ties, Silk Hose, Slippers for men, w o ­ men and children. And don’t forget those initial handkerchiefs; they make a Christmas present that can’t be forgotten. Last, but not least, some dandy umbrellas done up in fancy boxes especially for the holiday trade. All these pretty things at the lowest possible prices. Come and see P o w e ll & C o . The Post Office Corner ♦» ♦♦» » » w Golden :: :: Rule : Store Fifth and Main 8treet« While and half blenched pure ff O O C linen Tablecloth, a yd. (>‘*c to j Z s Z h J Gifts for Men $3.48 ‘ cook’ husbands,” and was conducted to ‘ ‘ the place where the shower fell hardest,” where she discovered a num­ ber of charming and useful gifts. Each of the guests wrote her favorite recipes, which were bound into a book with a cunning pen and ink cover, sketched by Mrs. Robbins. The book was named ‘ ‘ The Hride’s Shower Book. ” The hostesses served dainty and delicious refreshments o f which the bride’s cake was the crowning feature. The young women’s Philathea class of the Baptist Church held a social and business meeting at the home o f Mrs. David Griggs, Monday evening. About twenty five were present. The follow­ ing officers were el cted: President, Mrs. Griggs; vice president, Miss Hop­ per; secretary, Mrs. Hopper; treasurer, :: Mrs. Wampole. Mrs. A. B. Wood was elected as class leader. It was decided to hold a weekly meeting Monday a f ­ ternoons for bible study, besides the Hunday class meeting. -------- 4— A marriage license was issued, Dee,. 8, to Chester Hemenway of Eugene and K. Htella Darling. Mesdames Ed Jones and Ernest Pur­ vance entertained a t dinner at the Jones home Haturday evening. Rook was the diversion of the evening. Those present were Messrs, and Mesdames ii ARCADE 95c 50c 1.00 Bath Robe Blankets 12 4 si/e, ted ami uul box match. heavy weight. Shown i in ni tan, gtuv. Kach packed .. ... in individ with cord and tassel Price each $2.5»» $2.75 \w Outing Flannels Good firm weight in pretty jialterns, 27 Q ~ in. to 29 in. wide, special here a yd... U w z: REA D Y ; Roor or h ig h W ALDS AND school ARE COMPLETED J/ w Whv not buy him one or more Hall-Mark diess shirts for Christmas, livery Hall Mark shirt for men is guaranteed fast color. Made in coat style and tailored to fit. Over eighty patterns to chooxe from. Price here each _____ (lift Neck Ties for men. liach packed led in pretty Christmas box with name card, lurch 25c to ........... . (lift Sus|ieiiders for men mid hovx. liach hack pair in Christmas box with name .... card. A pair here 25c and 35c — 5i>c to.. $ A good Umbrella is always appropriate in Oregon. Huy the best here, t >ur umbrellas are chosen for their sujierior quality. Rain­ proof tops. Hest paragon frame, hull run­ ner, brass rust proof hinges, detachable . I I U' MV and folding handles Priced here each 69c to___________ BUILDINGS NEARING COMPLETION Very practical tor Christmas gilts Beautiful patterns. White cotton Table Damask. Priced here u C1 « tor Men and W om en $1.60 $2.17 .? dro v e burnì. I able I inenand l)dmask yard Me to a tutu reni coinutly. I Never Met Before n (Uri Like You, mi ii g t.y MI hn I ' ran lit Lockwood. Music throughout by thu Cottage MM H B M M B M B M M M B I M M M M M i M M M f l H M M Gift Umbrellas $1.60 DEI Urna „ • ««B u •Irania. Il '» llitr il tu i'li'u ir Ihm THE STO RE O F LOW EST C A SH PRICES TH E S TO R E O F HIQHEST QUALITY M E R C H A N D I S E Shown here in real leather inside and out. Small change purse in each. Priced here at $1.25 — $1.95 to............................... Children's purses, leather or cloth each 25c t o ------------------- True Chivalry Z3CH ZZ3E3 — UMPHREY & MACKIN » Women s Large Purses as Gfts Z Z 3L : ~H - If The entire proceeds Dunton, Jones, Purvance; Misses Luura Red Cross sesls. Smith, Edna Russ, Lena Holcomb, l.a of the sale go to light the diseuse. I f villa Buell; Mrs. lima Beuger; Messrs. it happens that the money and alten lion of the Visiting Nurses' Associa A. L. Hunibart, R. W. H-se. tiou is needed here, as it did huppe i A marriage license was issued Dec. last year, Cottage drove will be given H, to John Metcalf and Miss Mabel buck the money spent for these seals. The Visiting Nurses' Association not Swan. only cares for those who are afflicted About fifteen members of the W. R, but ulso teaches the doctrine o f pure C. pleasantly surprised Mrs. Alta Spray food, fresh uir and sanitation. The Red Cross Heals are on sale at Thursday afternoon. They thought it was her birthday uuniversary but were practically every business house in the mistaken by several weeks, althoug i city nnd are sold at the Fair Htore by that did not detract from the enjoym -r.t the women of the Club themselves. The of the occasion. Refreshments were stamps, which are attractive for sealiug Christmus packages, are one cent each. served. Heveral buildings under course of construction iu the city are nearly completed The W. Ii. Cooper building on Main street fur the new Arcade the uter and the Marker and CufTuian cigar store is practically llmshed aud is ai ready occupied. The walls and roof of the new high school building have been completed and there is now notbiug to delay the inside work. The Musonic Halt is receiving the lluishing touches and will certainly be completed before Christmas. The Hpriggs garage and blacksmith shop at the corner o f Hittb and Washington streeta has the corru­ gated iron silting all in place and ia ready for the roof. It ia the intention of the liuildera to have it completed by the end of the year. The Jrnks build mg at the corner of Tenth and Main streets has the concrete foundation In place and the work of erecting the walls will go on rapidly, KNUTE KNUTSON, BICSWEDE PLAY, IS HIT The munngers made no mistake when they realised immediately upon reading the play Knute Knutson that it was the greatest Swedish comedy ever written. The publir have Ixtrur out their Judg meat by receiving it with a gale of laughter nnd the most eager attention everywhere it has appeared. It made an instantaneous hit with the managers and it has made an even bigger hit with the public. It ia a play that has all the attributes that ran interest grnntlpn, grandma, mama, papa, and the kiddies, and you know that is has to lie a play that is really worth while as wel. as ciitertmnitig to do that In these days when keen competition on the part of the theatrical manager» causes each of them to offer the very liest within their power thereby educating the masses of theatre goers uutil they are critical and discriminating, The public ran no longer lie deceived as to a play (Hat is interesting and worth while. I CHURCH NEW S I B A I T IH T CHURCH Cor. Eleventh and Adams Street«. (,'. M. Cobb, Pastor Next Hunday; 10 a. m. bible school, Philathea class for young women II a. m.. Miss Victoria Mitchell, for seven years a missionary in Burma, under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Board, will speak, speeial music; t):30 p. m. young people's meeting. Program Tonight at Arcada. The opening program of the new Ar I’ R EH B YTE RI AN CHURCH ende Theatre embraces five reels o f pie It. M. Mroadlxtok», Pastor ture», a song by Miss I'rsuia Lockwood The bible sehool will meet nezt Him and music by Ibe Cottage drove band, day at 10 a. ui. us usual. All who d The Woman’s Club, eager to do its as follows: not attend any other bible sehool in th share in fighting tuberculosis, the g-eut The Fallen Angel u drama in two city are cordially invited to atteml white plague, which by official repor* reels. The attendance has inure than dou is said to cause one out of every ten United at Gettysburg—a romance of bled in the past two months. Mornini deaths in Oregon, is ngain selling *he the war. worship at II a. m., subject o f the set mon: " T w o Mile Religion;” evenini service at 7; BO, subject of sermon " H in 's Isolation.” Prayer meetini Wednesday evening at 7:15. The Ladies’ Aid will meet Wednes day at 2:30 p. in. in the Hrotherhoix room of the church. RED CROSS SEALS PLACED ON SALE BY CLUB C h r is t m a s TOYS FREE WHILE THEY LAST Buy a dollar’s worth o f merchandise and you get a chance to draw a fine Christmas present. I f you need groceries, buy them o f Brund & Co. and get your C h ristm a s T o ys Free Toys value up to $ 3 .0 0 Over $200 worth will be given away. This is an opportunity o f a lifetim e to get Toys Free. Christmas tree holders, candle holders and candles in a large variety at this store. Special Prices on Christmas Candy and Nuts B ru n d & C o . CH RISTIAN CHURCH M. Howard Fagan, Pastor Herviees neat Hunday ns follows; 0:45 a . m. bible sehool; II a. m. rum munion and preaching, special music; 11:45 p. in. Christian Endeavor; 7:30 p. in. song service and preaching, another gospel sermon, anthem by large chorus choir. Revival begins Hunday, Decem­ ber 21, Herviees eaeh evening at 7:30 p. m. METHODIHT EPISCOPAL Horace N. Aldrich, Pastor Hunday Hchool 10 a. m., graded class es for all ages, J. I. Jones, Superinten­ dent; sermon II a. m.— them«, ‘ ‘ Bethle­ hem Star,” special music, nnthein, ‘ ‘ Praise is Comely to the Upright,” (Crosby); male quartet, ‘ ‘ Starlight in Judea,” Gabriel; class meeting 12:15 p. in., F. C. Ralston, lender; junior league 3 p. m., Marie Jones, president; Epworth league fl;30 p. m.j sermon 7:30 p. m , subject; ‘ ‘ Solving L ife 's Problems;’ ’ speeial music as follows, by ‘ ‘ My Redeemer the men’s chorus: Llveth.” ‘ ‘ My Faith Looks Up to Thee.” Sunday evening, December 21, the annual Christians concert will be given by the church choir; Christines Eve the program by the Sunday School will be given nnd a tree will be provided fo r their presents.