□c — ■ jr — H X Beautiful Summer Wash Goods Highest Quality in Men’s Dress Shirts :: :: Forest Mills Superior Underwear >‘5\O R E People are each week becoming acquainted with the high quality standard o f this store and o f our reasonable low prices. It w ill pay you to investigate. Do it this week. Beautiful Sum m er Wash Goods pi / You can make your problem o f choosing a new dress a very easy one by coming to this store. W e are showing a wide range o f beautiful patterns and they’re not a bit expensive either. (■uaranlrsd (Hilor fad. Qual­ ity a full 5*>* higher than you aro u«e«l I» al (ha prue». N ew 27-in. silk tissues, voils, poplins, soisettes, English welts, crystal cloth, brocades, etc, H allmark S H I R .T J $J .O O , $1 50 and u p Flowered Swiss dimity, lawns, zephyrs, etc. A yd 10c--18c Atk to W hite goods— including rep, duck, lawns, dimity, Swiss, linen, etc. Priced a yd ............................ 10c, 12c, 18c, 23c tirm S p e c ia l, 9 5 c W e want you to tee them. W e have many other fabrics which are now on display Forest Mills Summer Underwear— Hand Finished. F or Women Vests— Priced to 30c. McCall Pattern Ladies' Dress No. CZC9 Price IS Ceuta 10c, 13/sC, U nion Suits— Priced 30c, bile to S5c. A ll styles. Kvrry KtrmrNt i* full >l/.iil m iilaiii' an extra MltHllllll of t Invail ami un* of *U|ierlor «Inq«- F or Men ISc 40c, Fo r Shirts and D raw ers— Priced e a d 33c to 49c. Union Suits— Bach lo ‘ *5c. 50c, f»Oc, 75c C h ild re n Single Piece Underwear— Priced each 10c, 18c, -Me. U n io n S u it a — H a c h J V , .Me and 35c. Buy Highest Quality Groceries Here at Lowest Cash Prices N o . 2 can H a w a iia n R ipe Sliced Pineapple 15c. T r y a can o f those deliciou s Diam ond “ W " picnic dinner last F riday— sold here ex c lu s iv e ly , per can 3.1c ; 3 b oxes safety matches 10c: 3 H ig h F ligh t H a rd W h eat Flour, per sack #1.35; b nine-ounce bars w hite soap 35c; 4 pounds tomatoes 35c; 3 % pounds fancy head rice 35c; 5 pounds brokeu rice 35c; 4 UM PH REY m&mmw E & Peaches, which were served at the packages jellv powder for salads, 35c, dried peaches 3.5c; 3 cans solid pack pounds |ap rice 35c. M A C K IIN T h e Q u a lity C a s h S t o r e DC DC DC □ C __ n .._ . subject: ship” ; 7 m., song Mystery evening, meeting. @orirty DC DC The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church met yesterday afternoon in business and social session with Mrs Currin. Refreshments cream, sherbet and cookies served. The Social Twelve meets this after­ noon with Mrs. L. S. Hill. Mrs. E. R. Spencer will entertain tomorrow afternoon in compliment to her aister from Washington. A pleasant social afternoon was spent Wednesday o f last week by members o f the Woman's Foreign Miseionary Society and a number of invited guests at the home e f Mrs. W. C. Conner. Mesdamea Stanley Martin and Andrew Brund rendered a well received vocal duet. Refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, cake and grape juice were served. A successful recital was given by Miss Mary Bartels, a pupil o f Ora Read Hemenway, in the parlors o f the NATURED CROWD OF 3,000 ....... rJ?*'E0 (Continued from flret page.) •ml there la no nerd to worry about lhe citie*. they'll be all rig h t." A ll delegates present at the sessions of the Umpqua Valley Baptist Associa­ tion. had been Invited to partake o f the lug feed, and Hrv. II W. Ilavls of Eugene, expressed the thanks o f the association, saying that he had nevar before enjoyed anything » f the kind so > much. Ills ksen enjoyment was ex pressed In a ringing s.ldreaa. inter spersed with stories o f which the ail i|. | ence showed keen appreciation. L. P. Harrington o f Eugene, indue trial field worker under the department of education, spoke o f the great latent agricultural |>»aalbllltlr* of the stair, advocated the industrta1 education of the children as the moat certain way to develop thrae opportunities ami ap- I pealed fur interest In the industrial | conlaata l««tng carried on under the , department of education, |The *|»eakrr j «lao look occasion In compliment the ; members of the Civic Improvement ; League u| l a t r j I > l i . r max o f h tertainment. You certainly did your­ G u a r a n t e e I |>ure, »'!•< selves proud, ami we appreciate the Ixmdon-shrunk, r i ¡en feeling which prompted the business men of Cottage (¡rove in arranging the throughout, an.! h i—aa ma a correct atyle. picnic,” was the way one prominent Fur an ideal warm wmke ; farmer expressed himself, and a itoaen unrquxlrd value, atyle and i standing around hun hastened to aceeiml amine our Kirathl>aum f it Stag this statement. It was a glorious «lay from twfinoing ******' »uaraaic unMNt : , r : n ora* w ooim in ance ami the affair Is believed to have ; doi.e much in accomplishing its object that of getting farmer ami business ' man Into closer communion. Not a hitch occurred anywhere amt everyone I had enough. Farmers went home with an entirely different opinion o f the feeling of (o t t ig r Grove buaineaa men ’ towards them. The day of festivities was completed with a ball game Iwlween l.oranr and j Cottage Grove in which the home team worsted its opponents by a score of 9 to IS. To < hairmsn Wallace ami Secretary Armstrong, upon whom the bulk o f the work fell, is due great credit for the success of the big holiday. The Cottage Grova band also ad>U-d much 10 the enjoyment of tbe occasion. “ Elements o f True Wor­ p. in., Epworih League ; 8 p. and sermon, subject: “ The of Mysteries.” Thursday 8 o’clock, midweek prayer Services at the Christian Science Hall every Sunday at 11 and Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are welcome. Celebrate A nniversary. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Robbins enter­ tained five couples at an elaborate 7 o’clock dinner Monday in honor o f their ninth anniversary. The colon worn by the bride and bridesmaids having been white and pink, the feminine guests had been asked to wear the same colon. The decorations o f the home were also pink. The place cards were pretty hand painted wild roses, and at each place was a dainty pink basket of salted almonds. Each o f the feminine guests also found a pretty pink silK rose at her place. In the center of the tables were placed vases o f pink roses Tbe menu was in six courses as follow s: Chicken salad and cheese straws; oyster patties; pineapple fr it­ ters; roast turkey, gravy, dressing, potatoes, green peas; pink and white ice cream and pink and white cake; coffee and tea; fruit and nuts. Following the banquet. Elbert Bede presided as toastmaster. Mrs. H. A. Miller replied to "Wedding Bells,” A. C. Kinter to “ The Bride,” W. H. Abrams to “ The Groom,” H. A. Miller to ” A Funny Story,” G. M. Hall to “ Some Early Experiences in Married L ife ,” Mrs. W. H. Abrams told a story and a few remarks were made by the bride and groom. Following the toast two hours were given to ” 500.” A handsome parlor electric lamp was presented the happy couple by the gueats o f the evening. Guesta present w ere: Messrs, and Meadsmes W. H. Abrams, H. A. Miller, G. M. Hall, A. C. Kinter, Elbert Bede. g a y , jostling g o o d Mining Location Notiee of the I cation af tfe' ■ t lt r h " tinning eh :'- .1. tha I d ia t r ir l h«« been hied by Off N o t i c e o f the f lltf moon” haa been filed byf •en. John Aiiami haa fllrd ( l o c u t i o n o f a mtnu g rlalto h hernia district, whirl) ha ’ ’The Dutchman ” O. G. Gilbert* hailocatgl ing claim in the It hcimai he haa named ' 'Mineral Potol’ Christian Church Tuesday evening of last week. The numbers w ere; Co­ lumbia, Katherine’s Visit to New York. Dan Leiber Langen Tag, The Unnamed Station, The Innocent Drum­ mer, How the LaKue Stakes Were A d v e rtis in g pay in Tka ' Lost, The Million Seed, Keep Smilin’. Annual memorial services were held A vocal solo was rendered by Mias Sunday by Bohemia Camp, W. 0. W. ! Juliette Woodard. I Forming in parade at the hall, the degree team in uniform, officers and ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ members marched to the cemetery, I-egul Blanks Tha Sentinel. where the impressive exercises were CHURCH NEW S Notice. held. The tombstone over the grave ♦ ♦ lom Au brey wishes to announce to o f C. E. Hedrick was used for the un-1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ his inaurane« patrona that while absent veiling ceremony in which Consul Com­ A flower mission service will be con­ during the next few weeks all mature mander W. W. Harrison delivered tha ducted at the M. E. Church tomorrow of insurance requiring attention will oration, assisted by Advisor Lieuten­ aiternoon by the ladies of the W. C. ^ miss utxr t,ewn receive prompt attention by applying ant C. F. Walker and Banker D. B W ith T h « Prunk Kirh Co.. at the T, U. ___ Arcade. June IS anil IT to Veatch & Spencer. m 22 tf Chamberlain. The degree work was Children’s Day was observed at the in charge of Captain Emmet Sharp. Katherine L. Norton, New Bedford. Presbyterian Church Sunday morning Miss Eunice VanDenburg recited Mass., says; "| had a terrible pain with a program o f unusual merit as Knox's famous poem, Abraham Lin­ across my back, with a burning ami follow s: coln’s favorite, “ Immortality.” A fter xraldii.g feeling. I took Fob-y Kidney Voluntary an address by Rev. J. T. Moore all I he largest strawberry seen here 'F ills as advised, with reaulU certain Song........... Onward Christian Soldiers graves of departed brothers were de­ thia Hcason and probably the large at j ■"»! »ure. The pain am! burning left Prayer corated with flowers. Rev. Moore also ever raiaed here wax brought in yea me, 1 felt toned up ami Invigorated. Song...... Anniversary Praise___ School delivered the evening memorial address terday by Wm. Keyca. It mcaaures 11 recommend Foley Kidey P illa ." For S o lo ........................... Lloyd Stratton at the M. E. Church. P o r c h shades just ten inches in circumference and xxle by all dealers everywhere. Song................ Preceptor o f ( ’hi Id hood N o t o iv ly m u k r your j* looka like a young pumpkin. Calling cards— The Sentinel. Miss Smith’s Class C o o l I?y DW Song................... The Message o f June Fine Showing REPORT but c o o l ««Ij.uiMi'i rooiM-,- Marion Braly At the retjueat of the U. S. Govern­ g » v e y o u by • V " Exercises by the Primary Department ment the First National Bank of the Of the Condition oí ike Fini National Bank S le e p in g Porch S o lo ........................... Blanche Veatch city publiahea elsewhere in thia issue a al Cottage Gro»e, Oregon Reading.............. I ......... Fern Holcomb S E E O U R W P V T WtNDO* report of their condition. At Ih e «.lo w i, l ln i« ln ia a Ju n e 4 ■VI J. Song..The Love that Crowns Our Days The market has been flooded this Anyone who will take the time to N K M O IfS C K lt. Choir week with strawberries, great big, study the report will find it makes its I.onn* . m l I n « o u iila I '-1 ito (rv e rd riille « e v il,r ,I « ii,| u ria e ru ird Address, Children’s Day___Mrs. Jones luscious, home grown strawberries ;y uaual fine ami substantial statement. I L K H«m«1« lo e n ure c irc u la t io n PHONE 6 NUP-C 0 J I I . V » 041 • llh e r Monde lo Hevtire ro a r a I H a v in g . Offertory Farmers have been bringing them in f, U M ( » 1 hey are the principal depository Honda , M ecurltlea, etc Solo.............................. Geo. Matthews in baskets, crates and wagons. Never for U. S. Postal Savings of thia com­ lU n k lo g h o lie r. F u r n it u r e « n d F u t u r e s I -1 « > 1 .M U> « n h e r H ea l P e l« ;e ow ned Q uartette.... Jesus Lover of My Soul has there been a better strawberry munity am! have lately been designate.! Due I I . .Ill N e lto n a l H a n k« (n«,| reserve I ,Slo riu Walker, Or«’., April 2, L « S r nle) Missess Braly, Anderson, Smith, season and the strawberry plants have as one of the principn' county deposi­ I>ne Iront M ate s n .l P riv a te h a n k * « m l Braly been simply outdoing themselves in tories for Lane County. Mr. G. O. Walker, H un ker«. ru m » C o m p a n ie s and Hav jjg Inga flu n k « Walker. Ore. the matter o f production. Despite > .4 .1 » I* I Iriie from A p p ro v e d Keaerve Agent« C H R IS T IA N CHURCH 4 V"»V 40 ! Telephone Long Distance About « heck« a n d o th er C a s h lle tn a the size o f the berries, which is a Dear Sir: I am pie*** K Á U Note« o f Other N a tio n a l liu n k a Oliver L. Curtis, Temporary Pastor. source of wonder, the berries are sweet J.IOVUU Rasa Creek Canyon. I 1 net 11,o a l P a p e r C u rre n c y , N k k lr a aay I uaetl your paten «»ni C ru t » Services next Lord’s Day as follows: and juicy and housewives have been Dave Griggs received a message lust f.itw ftil Mi »«try K rftrrvc in Hunk Kxterminator last y » L vis: Sunday school at 9:46; preaching at 11, taking advantage o f the price of 5 c a night from Seattle from a party that H prête found it th»! <|U icke*t. R e d e m p tio n fu n d w ith U . H. T re a s u re r subject: “ Pressing Forward;” Christ­ box and $ 1.20 a crate to put away a (J |rer re n t o( c ir c u la it on) was about to start for San Francisco est and most comply ian Endeavor at 7. which will be fol­ supply for next winter. asking about the condition of the pass of extermmatinjr T o ta l ............................... I lowed by a program by the children Creek Canyon road. Mr. Griggs was and other insect« f L IA M L IT IK M . o f the Sunday School. Everybody Coincidence or Plagiarism ? a p ita l S lo c k p a id In pleased to inform the inquirer that the C S iir f ivonu nn garden I have ever seen t iliia lu rid invited. IV au ^ o I and without injury to When Miss Sylvia Pankhurst is in road la in excellent sham* at the present U n d iv id e d P ro fil« , |rM K a p rn a e a and T a r e r p a id prison the officers cannot get her to time. B A PTIST CHURCH 134 IJ 7* 1 tender plant. i - N" ,r * 'brtatandlng open her mouth ; and when she is out C. M. Cobb, Pastor. Very truly. 1 H «n k .T * p u n ie , a n d S a v in g Receives Big Shoe Shipment. o f prison the officers cannot get her to ()S » A K . lA f K ^ In d iv id u a l ile p o .it . « iih ja c t to c h e c k it; Services for next Sunday : 10 a. m., The Rees-Wallace Co. receive«! yea- O e m a m l. eruft, „1 depoaU * close it. Sunday School, Mrs. K. K. Mills, 9 > 70.00 The above is one of a number of good terday what is claimed to he the l.rg l < f f llf t e il l lir r k a ' * •««-Peewit superintendent; 11 , a. m., morning wor­ Jt*J° 4 * eat single ahipment of shoes ever ! . ^ , h.lî r«.‘ c.h " k ; • ""»< .m il,,« - - paragraphs that have appeared in a 246.116 £T\ I f your ilealer t I natal H a vin g « IH-poatt« ship, sermon, subject: "God Call­ receive«! here. The good, are now he- R eserved for la a e * Lane County weekly about a week • J carry the K x t ^ »53 V in g” ; 7 p. m., young people’s meeting, ■n*c placed on the shelve*. T O T A I, leader, Lester Phelps; 8 p. m., evening after their appearance in a Portland ors, tell him to ^ - t IJV.W» jk M a te o f O re g o n . C o u n ty «if l.a n e «« daily. Is it plagiarism or just coinci­ New School at London. sermon, “ Go Forward.” or order one by m**1, dence? 1 hilt ‘ ¡ Ï L i f c * * There 1 . an agitation for the erection nam ed I « n k . .lo 'm ié in n ty ‘ of paid 50c. M. E. CHURCH a new school house at London r,7:r,ë; u,rr c. wM^.;