Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, June 05, 1913, Image 6

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Tim ely rulli» bave fall««
um h * i iJ J U
and t h . ero»
H t t » '" count»«*
F*0“ 1*
' outlook
Accompanied by Militia, Com* me
A n«w «old ««vlng »«ch in e h»» b«**
pels Sheriff to Close Dis­ M l up on thè Mini» 001,1
It will handle 16° t ° n» ,n
orderly Houses.
Th« Pull««. O r.—Oovernor W «st s e
rived h e r* Sunday with M ajor Sm ith
and 11 . t a t * m ilitiam en from l*ortlaud
and com pelled S h e riff th rlam o n to
Im prison 32 women who had been * r
— .........- —
\ K
The wagon that stanch up like
the reputation o f its makers * *
When you buy a StuJebaker wagon you buy
a wagon that will last until you turn the farm
over to your son and he turns it over to his son.
One of the first StuJtbaker wagons ever made saw
constant service for thirty years, and we will gladly
send you the names of farmers who have in their
possession v/agons that have been in constant use any­
where from 17 to 48 years—and there are thousands of
them. We are building the same kind of wagons today.
A Studebo^er wagon is an investment that will give
vou full return for your outlay. It is built on honor.
Iron, steel, wood, paint and varnish used in its construc­
tion axe tested and retested to make sure each is the best.
For or pleasure—for town or country
use—there is a StuJebakcr vehicle to fit your requirements.
Farm wagon» dump carta, trucks, buggies, surreys, run­
abouts, pony carnages, business vehicles of every deecription—
with harness of th« same high standard.
See oar D ealer o r tot Ho os.
South Bend, Ind.
There is only one way to pet all the news of the Grove country,
That is in The Sentinel.
„ 1
H !
Within a 15 mile circle around IMPERIAL
there are now several hundred prosperous
farmers raising enormous crops of wheat,
rye, barley, oats, potatoes, vegetables, etc.
Poultry raising is also highly successful.
Three large stock ranches, owning several
thousand horses and cattle are also in this
IM PERIAL is now the trading point and
will soon be the shipping point (the rail­
roads are now building) for the products
from thousands of acres surrounding it.
FLOUR—Hard Wheat Brands:
FLOUR— Soft Wheat Brand:
: f
■ B fu l
Home Made Flour
i For YOUR
Mora Pow er Given Governor aa Result
of L egislative Acta.
Salem , O r.— All the la w . passed at
the recen t session of the legislature,
excep t those hsvlng em ergency claus-
es or those to be referred to the peo-
j pie. becam e op erative Tuesday.
t hief among the new m easures are
th one relating to hlghwuys. Irrigation,
wages of women und child ren, pen-
slons for m others, fixing number of
hours of w orkm en in fa cto ries, m ills,
e tc., giving the governor more power
to en fo rce law s locally, revising fish
und gam e luws, appropriation for Ba-
rifle Panam a exposition, regulation of
brokers, regulation of paw nbrokers,
uniform system of accounting In state
and cou nties, te a ch e rs of Portland on
civ il serv ice busts, pensions for Port
land police, abolishing d istrict fairs
and cre a tin g coQnty fairs.
O n t i e requ i
. ,
wsr department •*» *
going dr.dy» » 1 1100
^ , ht.
a . . 00 « » . I—
0 « a
high water •»•
A full classification of 1 "
1 meni land In *t»> Melo tu# r v
Imi» I hhiu «tartad l>) tl»*' 11 1
_______ r.iil«»wtn*
| government,
following ih« filiti*» of
man) application, for b om e.tea
that lerritory.
The department of com m erce b a .
Informed Senator Cham berlain that It
has rr<jue»t«il the treasury departm ent
|0 «»sign a revenue cu tter to patrol
the t N f M iDf 11*** A .torla M otorboat
club regstta.
Ten striking linemen accused of an
gaging In a riot at Oswego h av * been
bound over to the grand Jury
of them was shot In the groin and an
other hit with a hand axe by non un­
ion men.
W ith
no oppoaltlon.
bonds have beeu voted at Klam ath
Kalla to take up the outstanding w ar
runt Indebtedness
The city will be
on a cash basis to *oon a . Ibe bond*
are »old.
A rancher from Illinois river walked
out of the third story of th * Gold
Beach hotel while asleep, falling about
30 feet.
He wus picked up uncon­
scious aud badly shaken, but appar
eutly not seriously Injured.
With a large number of ledger».
Jou rnal, and o th e r, book* In evidence,
the grand Jury began an Inveetlgallon
Into the affaire of the Koaeburg Na­
tlonal bank The bank suspended bue
lnese about a year ago.
Keferendum petitions against tb *
workm ens' com pensation
act. th«
county attorney hill and the sterlllxa.
tlon blit have been presented at tb *
secretary of sta te 's office for filing,
and the name« are being checked
Democrats Plan to Crowd T»r-
iff Bi!l by Holding All-
Day Sessions.
W ashington
"M ak e
th «
rep u bli­
cans work” la the slogan adopted by
tb * d em ocratic l*a d *ra of l b * # *u a t*
In ch arge of ta riff leg islatio n wbo p r*
diet that th * a e u a l* would v o t* uu lh *
bill by August 1.
M em bers of th * ftn a n c* eoin m U t*«
said th at th * bill would b * out of sub
com m ittee* by Ju n e ». th at th * full
co m m ittee s report should b * ready
for caucus by th * follow ing week and
that th * revised m eaaur*» would b*
reported to the sen ate on J u u * IS.
Then It * ill b«> pursued vigorously un
til placed ou Its paaaage.
Hoke Sm ith, of G eorgia, said th a t th *
sonule should vole ou th e bill In lh *
latte r part of Ju ly.
"W e will keep (he re p u b lican s who
want to d iscu ss tb * bill w orking, and
we «III keep at work o u rselv es from
the very beginning," he said. " W * will
meet in the seu n t* '»v ery day a t 10
o clock In the m orning and keep at
work until li o'clock at night. T h a t
will prevent the opposition from delay
Ing the bill by playing with !L
will tire the repu blicans out o f play
Lobby Inquiry S ta rted
T h e s e n a te s In vestigatio n o f th e
"N um erous
Insidious lo b b y ,“
which President W ilson ch arg e d waa
threatening the ta riff bill, waa begun
Monday morning by a c o m m u te * com
posed of Hvnators O verm an ( c h a i r
man I. W alsh, Cum m ins, Meed and
Ib e investigation waa cond u cted
openly In the public h earin g room of
the Judiciary ro tu in llt** In l h * se n a te
o ffice building, and m em b ers o f th e
sen ate were called In a lp h a b e tica l or
d *r.
P resid ent W ilson waa sen t a r e r tl
fled copy -of the r, solution a u th o risin g
th * Inquiry.
Lim it Rut on W ork.
T h e bouse Itom ucrats In cattcua
restricted th * leg islativ e program m e
of the present e x tra aeeslon to ta riff,
cu rrency, em ergency ap p rop riation s
aud election raaee C om m ittee a ssig n
incuts as subm itted by C h airm an U n­
derwood and hla colleagu es o f th e
ways and m eans co m m ittee m ajo rity
were adopted by th * cau cu s w ithout
T b e leg islative program m e aa pres
anted by R ep resen tativ e Underwood
was mad« binding un th * D em ocratic
m em bers of the Standing co m m ittee s
of the house T h e resolu tion by w hich
th is was accom plished provided th a t
no standing com m ittee, e x ce p t th e
com m ittees on ways and m eans, ap­
propriations. banking, cu rr*u cy , e le c
ttona. printing, accou n ts and ru le*,
should report b ill, or reso lu tio n s to
tbe house, or have them placed on th e
calen d ar*, without perm ission e x p re ss
ly granted by the D em ocratic cau cu s
R epresentatives of over <0 publish
Ing firm s have appeared during the
past few months before tb * Oregon
te x t book com m ission, which wlU
m eet at Salem for the purpose of
adopting text books for the school* of
the state.
T h e Pope Is 78.
It Is announced at M arshfield th at
R om e.— T h e pope was 78 years old the Houthern P acific ha* Issued or­
Monday, and Innum erable telegram s ders for two m ore tunnels on the W il­
and m essages from all parts of the lam ette P acific line between the Slue-
world arrived , fe licita tin g the pontiff, law and the Umpqua, thus disproving
wishing him a long and happy life.
the rum ors that the line was lo com *
In by way of Drain .
Sen ato r Cham berlain has w ritten to
Secretary lam e Informing him that a c ­
cording to th e statem en ts of E ngineer
llapson the estim ated cost of 1100 per
acre for the W est U m atilla extension
S e ttle r Must P .y O peration C oat*
Wheat, Oats, Grain, Hay,
M arquette, M ich.—C om plete exoner­ will be the outside cost of the project,
T h e recent decision of th * U nited
ation fo r Colonel R oosevelt, form er and that the first unit could b* oom-
Mill Feed — Shorts, Bran,
Olympic and Pure White
s t a t e , suprem e cou rt In th e caaa of
pleted for f7K an acre.
Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats,
Every sack Guaranteed.
In a natural am phitheater formed by Hwlgert v . B ak er s e ttle s fo r all tim e
ness made again st him In an editorial
Oil Meal. Grass Seed—all
by George N ew ett, editor of the Isb- sloping nlllside». with the grass cover the right of th * s ecreta ry of t h * In­
kinds constantly on hand.
peming. M ich., Iron Ore, cam e here ed hollow at their baa* aa a s ta g * and terior. through the reclam atio n serv ice
when New ett, a fte r R oo sevelt's case the blue sky overhead aa a celling, th * to Impose and co lle ct annu ally from
Poultry Feeds and Supplies.
White Star.
was rested, took the w itness stand and sludenta of tb * U niversity of Oregon s e ttle rs on governm ent Irrig ation pro^
■ - .......... — .......
PH O N E 1711
made com plete surrend er, and w ith­ will this year present Henrik Ibsen '* Je cts the pro rata coat of m ain ten an ce
drew the ch arg e of his paper that dram a. "P e e r O ynt," before th * visit­ and operation of p ro jecta from th *
tim e w ater is turned Into the c a n a l*
Rosoevelt “g ets drunk and th at not ors to the com m encem ent e x e rcl***.
T h e people of Gardiner, Scottaburg up to the tim e the p ro je cts a re turned
In a long statem en t read In open and Klkton have decided to Incorpor­ over to the s e ttle rs com pleted.
On many p ro je cts th ere h a* b««n
cou rt, be adm itted be had combed the ate tbe P ort of Umpqua, by a m ajority
% country, but had found not one single of 89 votes. A bond lsaue will b * d iscontent becau se the governm ant
w itness wbo could testify he had seen flouted for the purpose of building g has bean requiring the s e ttle r * to pay
Colonel R oosevelt tak e liquor to ex- ! Jetty at the mouth of the Umpqua, the m aintenance and op eration ch arg e,
cess. T o all In ten ts and purposes he i The proposed port will have an a*- which usually ranges from 60 re n ts to
threw him self upon R oosevelt's m ercy, tossed valuation of over 14.000,00« and 61 an acre a year. T h e low er co u rt
decided in favor of the gov ernm ent
R oosevelt, unw illing to assess upon contains ubout 660 square m ile*.
N ew ett the heavy dam ages he had
O fficial* of Mllwaukle have an- and was reversed by th * U nited fttaten
clalm ed , aro se In cou rt and declared nounced that the town will proceed at circu it cou rt of appeals a t Han Ftnn-
he had achieved his o b je ct, disproved once to sell the water bonds of |20,- clsco . but now la sustained by th a *u-
tb e ta le th a t did him much Injury la 000 authorised at the recent special prente court.
th e la st cam paign and asked the cou rt election and e rect a new plant, refua-
National Capital B re v ltl* *
to d irect a verd ict In his favor fo r Ing to purchase the two private plant*
T h e president Is reported to hava
¡nom inal dam ages only-w hich In Mich
... .
the pr|caH
ow n*rs demand. T h *
agreed with H enstors W illiam s and
i igan Is 6 cen ts.
bonds run 30 years and hear five per Hlmmons that raw m aterials and th e ir
T h e six ce n ts were paid and the co l­ cen t Interest.
products In the ag ricu ltu ral sch ed u le
onel will s e ttle his own co sts of close
Full negotiations have been conclud­ should be equ alling |n the ta r iff bill.
to 610,000.
ed with un English synd icate through
T h e progressives have been allow ed
W. J . W llsey for th * sale of part of
If you don’t read The Sentinel you don’t get more than half
on all th * houa* co m ­
M ajor L. D. K inney's Coos hay prop­ m ittees except rivers and h arb o rs and
i he news.
H. R. Aibee la Elected F irst Mayor erty for 6000.000, and a deal Is pend­
agricu ltu re. T h ey are given n total
Under Com m ission Governm ent.
ing for the purchase of the rem ainder of 28 analgnmenta.
P ortland , O r*.— H. R. Aibee waa for 6476.000, making a total million
T h e sev en teen th am endm ent to th e
elected firs t m ayor of Portland under dollar sale. T h e minor portion c f th *
con stitu tio n of the United H tatea b e ­
the com m ission form of governm ent, Kinney property which has not been
cam e effe ctiv e when H ecretary B ry an
d efeating Mr. R ushlight, presen t may- purchased has a questionable title #c-
form ally proclaim ed th at d ire c t •lec­
or, and h i* n e a re st opponent, by a sub- cording t0 the owner, end when this
tion of United Htatea se n a to r* la now
sta n tla l vote. In the b est resid ence has been settled In the courts, the
the law of the laud.
sectio n s of the city Mr. A ibee ran KngHsh people expect to purchase the
T he appointm ent of A lexan d er H.
ahead of Mr. R ushlight as high as balance.
Stephens to be general su p erin ten d en t
four to one.
J . C. I.a France, accused of subatl-
of the railw ay mall serv ice, v ice T h e o ­
Ideal w eather failed to bring out aa I tuMng a dead body for him self to ■*
dore Ingalls, was announced by Post-
large aa vote aa hoped for, a total o f cu r« Insurance money, was held lo th
P iaster G eneral Burleson.
about 46,000, or about 60 per ce n t of *rand Jury In the municipal court n>
H ecretary Bryan and S ir C * c ll
the registered vote b*tng casL
Portland. The Modern Woodmen of
Spring R ice, the B ritish am b assad or,
F o r com m issioners, Ralph C. Clyde, A m erica are the plalntlffa In th l*
signed a renew al for five y ears o f t h *
W. L. B rew eter, R obert O. D leck, W ill < **e Ju n e 1», 1 9 1 2 , L a F ran ce illeap-
general arb itratio n treaty b etw een th *
H. Daly and G eorge L. B ak er are lend
P«ared from Portland, n body being
Unted Htatea and G reat B ritain .
Ing and 16 la Indicated th at the four found a few days later on the C la c k *
H ecretary I a u « announced n re c la ­
men who will ae rv * with the n*w n>*« river, which body wae claim ed by
mation com m ission, which will d ire c t
m ayor will be choaen from these flv*. bis wife and burled. T h e I t i u r t M *
all work of th * reclam atio n serv ice.
In all probability first, second and «om psnlee took up the case and had
F. H. Newell, present d irecto r o f t h *
third choloa votes will have to be blm arrested four we*ka age at p t l
reclam ation serv ice, will be th e c h a i r
oountqd ta d f g f l n i i th * re a u lt
I Aon. Coos county.
by sp ecial a g e n t* of th * governor.
C brlsm au refused to Imprison those
placed under arre st without com mit
m e n u and because, be .aid . a g e n t, of
G overnor W eal had failed to convince
the s h e riff of th eir authority. After
a co n feren ce with the governor Cùria-
uian p r o m G o v e r n o r
W » il Ue
. . .
lend . every a ssista n ce tu h i.
power In obeylug tb# order of the
executiv e.
Sw orn In aa deputies to m ake the
raid w ere four m lu lsters aud they r*-
malned on guard with th *lr prtaouera
until relieved by ruUlilaiueu brought
b) f l n i n i p f Weat.
Governor W eat snld he had no de-
j sire to p rosecu te the girls who lived
In the houses or visitors, and 29 of
the 32 prisoners arrested will be held
' m erely as w itnesses. T h e prisoners
art* under guard In the W ashington
9 hotel and at one of the closed resorts.
E rn est K. Klugo, of Salem , who was
appointed special prosecutor by Gov
ern or W est at the tim e of his Curt
' land v ie* crusade, has been ordered
| to rem ain here to a ssist D istrict A t­
torney Bell.
Those intere.i*<l hop* ,h ,y U* ¥*
solved th * separation problem
T h * »ta t* *u » ln **r hn« approved
, . . .
cation* of thu Hnruey Valley H*-
W 'r »
lo irrigate I « . * »
to , , , r*v rv o lr » will be
' '
C n -.K M .i,:
T h * 1111011,11,1 w ,
T a b le t. „ ,| ,„y , ',r ‘' K ,
k(town. N„ iUr.
•«eh „ " " « H ,,
- I Uv.r , ^ > , 1
--------------- — _____
“ •kfillfc]
IM io n e jS
Feed & Livi
<HIK<H«| 4 iqm ,,V s ^
» '« » t h in g he« „
I p to U*tr
M a tters o f
- A„,
I" '*»••• c o U
m.rk |. I- '• P * ld •dy
« with tb# p o .la l
J jrru'1,-1 ' l"
Mr, |,l n Scu tf d o .
i„ U n Walden .......... I
O lrliral"»* o f the at*
|( „ „ «Iso |H-«t|*otu*d » wo.
' ijirh siring will
»*<• ha
ght l-'f1"
" f Thr
Grinling U
' * ' l> »*■
jay . t
W p. in. duri
ns d
(m i­
no ^ \ L E «
Have ya
Moat Children
Many mothers think
an- suit.-ri, , f r,
„»hu _
ach e, u r n . m . ,,, »rntniu
ness, when they »rr vlctiæ.
m ost cm ........
f ,|| chiUliwB'»•
w orm .
Pr.-vi»h. illl»m(,ná]
fu l children, who b a s tM g u ]
te e th , with had l-rrsth ug
patna. have all lh, sympUsi,^,
worin», a i-l »i . ..i i* Kivn |g
W orm K ilte r, ptr*s»n| rxsgj
which r i p r l t
«..rini, f _
iMiwels, to i s tl.. »Hirn, ^
ch ild ren well and happ« tt
W orm K ille r Is gusrtnUtd. ( . ,
g is ts , or hy 111 a 1 1 Prie» &
|*oo India
and Hi. Imuis
illin e r
yon im«I lastinu until
igt sto« k is clo sed
Price N o O b je c t
reduc«’ ntfx'K. ( .'
ile thi’i*’ is
0H' t t o m
LockW i
- 1 n . Phl(
Gw. Bruni ft# Id la the gt
I O«,. Hawley a l K ugene
B e fo re > al Hr’
.r last p -1
in and lei im p it the ftnufoqi
to your d r e .* A rlassyshtiei
F R E D LIZKR, Eipail
Nas4qea>l*i ftllltO * i «UlUC hwj
H. Woodruff waa up from I
ttoek o f m illin ery n
out s t The
Ito pisce*.
I guitti of Row R iv er I .
S h a k e Off Yuuf Kh
New I» th r tltlir U. tr in o
rh v u m atlrs. Try s levelj-taj
b o tile uf Cham lw rlsie . I
eee how i|utrìily ym.r ri
ili»o|i|H-»r. Solai by all -Inka
, C A. w o f Row
[I. Eugene
im « M »
MAN A t,» I O N I
Itafc of fresh fish.
Taylor & hit
( ‘ash
t poultry, veal, mutUm,
|gMr «lay we heard a won
I rather not have an a
lo be w ithout h er w
I blur llame sto v e, lh
Swengel H ardw are
J. E. Blacl
sig and Geo. R ussi II
irtni.nt are In th e r it)
■ car of trout fry wht<
lh« tJrovi- »tre«
t ‘o n e ra te W.-rk s Sp
All Kinds of
Haulintf ZÍ DrayiJ
Dom* on Short|
Office at Sallzman’i 0$»
at Th# A res«le «
lapeved by the new fans
Lad M m , N. P. C h rlsm sr
lh Yamhill for an e xlen d et
lit Beads Warn
I mil pay rash for Rime Ilei
I e»*y «juantity, I.a»*«« or m
T a k e P le n t y of Tim* t*
■ Gram
T h e Sen
T h e re is a saying th»t
is slow s u ic id e .” If yo«
th e h ab it o f eating too r»P*d,U
A. K. Jark ao n is here
m ost lik e ly suffering from
I »tilting at the home o f h
or co n stip atio n , which will I
• Jackson.
tu s ll) in »ennui l l i n e
7 day. more in w hich I
reeled . D igestion begin. l e * * J
get a free p ictu re.
shouM be tboretigh jy r
writs in Kugene v e .
and inaelviated. Tlirn «I n * J *
a fulneaa o f the »lomech *
• Wohrcr.n l Mr». Ja m e s II
and stupid a f l r r e.lm g. 1*4*
in Newport fo r a tw o i
C h em lw rla m 's Tablet*. * * * f
canes o f stom ach troubl* »*4 1
1 1 «m have been cured by j *
* * 1 * Ply Knock
* for u le at S t
th e s e ta b le ts . They
and moat a g reeab le in i-ffecl.
a ll d ea le rs. '
J. ». PHEl
half bottom
two-thirds till)
titulier on place to
th»*e price. Half miles
'»y limits.
quire of D. P. B U R T
P lan *
ru m lg h r ti
*• C- Johnsoi
rit-c r M O N f >»*-L
Oetrnn.l, r and
There Is mom C ^ JiP ^ h îr’S Â j
the «-ounlry lh »n .,.‘ lll ,.,' lari J* * ,?
to g sth ar,
w a s supposed
,,,1” ln! lir*t>l-' Çl,!,,|l
p r o n e u n iü îil
many years <l«»i"' «' *, llN »I f»e*fTr
Clsesse and pre«« rila-'1 ’ , jr. vH»
by conslnnlly f» ',ln* 1 Iniur*^
tra a lm e n t, pr«»"’" ' " ’
p, b*
ene.- h
as p
ro v e n <
? . f ,fnr* S
< -••*r
“ , i ihi-rf'*'
l u l tlo
l o n n a .i l ^ .li».-««.-.
1 . « . - . » - ■ ' ; h> i pi li |r-
r i i n s l l l u l l o n a l ir« |UI ,
y J
C ura. m a n u fact o r«-<l ny
only Zi]
Co.. Toledo. Ohi».J *
I « « " ,I
«-ure « < » > » n * the m«r» J() . < jiw - # h« | J
nonni rurr
tam nlly In dnee. ,r "í^ r,|y o" *¡¡ 1
•poonfui. it «■;»
b .« r*ï%
amt m
nus sur««-
surfa«- " ' „ for
— ■■■ -
ofT.-r one hundr«'«l <f" '* 1rfUIW*
fills to cur«. H« »«I r«’r
lim o n ili.
Address: T . J r , , J *
S old *>T D ru r rl« * 1"- l *
T a h . H a il's F a m ll/ P *11
• trip to Ku
^J°nh*on’i hu to.
t " 1»»1«).« at Wyn
!*• Alice Davidson
. **H I’roetor, ft
but now
r8* *t the home
, '" ‘•t-in-law, Mr
D,»idson h.s ,,
drove almut I
■»any change» at
'*•» I.
^'"y running b
, ' ^ R'»e your
•Ppexmnce. *
,r* do. sells a