Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 22, 1913, Image 1

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    (Eotfeuj? (firmi? §>ntim rl
|XV C o l l » * " O r o « « Leader
VM C o lla s * ® ro * * Sentirmi
C O T T A ftF
Cottage Grove Leader No. 9
Cottage Grove Sentinel No. 36
TO APPLY Zacharias Place
Into Hotel
Jraid of Cannery
I hrough Ma advertising In The Hen-
Unel A. I„ Zacharias this week aold him
L Gain, G ro w er* of F ru it
Yearling Doe Brought in.
Game Warden Knox brought In a
yearling doe yesterday which had bean
found by Mrs. Robert Anlauf lying by
a bridge near the railroad trark. The
animal had evidently become bewil­
dered and gotten on the right-of way.
It la somewhat brulaed up and it is
thought may have been hit by a train.
It ha* been placed on the Curtis Veatch
farm to recuperate and await dinpnxi-
lion by the slate game warden.
Be I.aat to Evince
Merest in Own
farmers o f the Cottage
■ ry have fo r year« rum-
., of the lark o f a
certain kinds o f produce.
In,d la informed that when
1 1 . tv |>ri'»enta itaclf t«> fur
|kcl for theae
p r -lu r t «
farmer» hang Lack end
kn.g a rhanre on 916 < r
|f> worth o f atock in the
I)» .ml ion.
it . are ttia once moat viU
fur to many It meana the Girls Should Be Proud of Abili­
■twreu e bare livin g and
ty to Help Mother.
IproMte . it meana the infer
an acrimping and saving to
its meet and having money State Industrial Field Worker Har­
| In the betik ; yet it ta aaol
rington Saya Boys Should
jaineaa man o f the city ere
Welcome Practice
xly tu put up their propor-
With Tools.
i auhacription. It is etrictly
propoaition, and ahould he
•nce<l by them, yet it aeema
In four well received addressee yes­
alvc« ere the hardret to In- terday In which he endeavored to in­
i propoaition.
terest the pupila o f the public schools
I nut be fa ir for the buaineaa in doing the thinga that count am) do­
city to own the cannery, ing them well, laying special otresx
lid demand a profit. The upon training for future lives o f activi-
icn aland reedy to eubarribe ty, I’ rof. L. D. Harrington, industrial
m of their atock with the Arid worker for the state of Oregon
ling that it ia not to pay a under the department o f education,
It the profile are to go to the urged the boya and girls to demonstrate
Htill the growers hesitate at what ia in them by making exhibits at
910 or 916 to gain eeveral the local grange fair to show whst the
or poeeibly several thou, C'ottsge Grove soil w ill produce and
leech ami every grow er who what future Cottage Grove housewives
the propoaition.
can make. He also urged that these
armer who owna clear a farm exhibits be followed up with exhibits
ia, with the personal proper at the county fair to show what Lane
la batter fixed financially county can do and at the state fair to
I majority o f the buaineaa men show what Oregon ran do.
ily, ami yet it la »aid they dilly
“ The w o rk " the *(>eaker said, “ is
ut (tutting up what thair educational as well as practical. Girls
ky friend* put up readily.
should be pruud o f the fact that they
Ihr Information that The Sai • can sew and do the other household
from the soliciting corn­ duties, boys ahould be glad o f the op-
liortunlty to learn tha use o f tools and
'll of aolicttlng atock aub- ahould not feel above the work that
haa fallen, aa each thing» must be done around every home. The
|fe, upon the ehouldera o f a few. care o f animals, raising o f chickens
n il busy man and haven't the planting and caring for a garden ia
upend going around the country work they may all do proAtably and
rtng every farm er personally,
(Continued on page 2.)
(Continued on page 2 )
•.Ora., May 21. — (Special to
Coming In from thair
M the timber w et and cold and
1*1 » roaring Are in the cabin on
I ranch that aet Are to the
!•*. Mr. Siarret o f the Starret St
' Umber Co., and tw o rruiaera
•Wigol to a|*nd an entire night
®r* *n the wet ami cold a few daya
TWe are no close neighbors and
hll>t wan ao dark that the men
®°tllnd their way to a habitation
"»•fed quite ««v e re ly until day
•hen they found th eir way out
•hired dry clothing.
Taylor, Well Known Here.
hsi been received here o f the
injury 0f Shelton Hechtet of
'». Idaho, who married Miae Bell
formerly o f this city, whose
' )olly Taylor, was raised here,
•Nms that Mr. Hetchel and hia
•|» l*w had just driven in with
Attending Convention.
The invention by M. C. Cochran was
mentioned last week.
At the same
time W alter and Roy Scott were here
from Portland with a White steamer,
1 ^
motive power of which was fur-
niahed by a rotary engine o f the
form er's Invention. The brothers had
been working in Portland allI wmter
ge ttin g models ready for exhibition.
W alter has been working on the ma-
* T the fo rm er’« drug
*0* 1» hsv. g to be hauled fifty
A saloon had burned down
whiskey had bean Rowing
. r
Mr. Bechtel stepped | chine for eight years.
, ? 1H wsgon a man by the
The engine in use K> 5 inches thick
* • * * * . who wna craxed with has a diameter o f 13» inches and de­
•dior a
00 rea* ° n w hatever for velops 62 * horse power, remarkable
red two shots at the men. strength for an engine of that s ^ e n d
through the wagon being twice as much a. is needed for
1 ruck Mr. Bechtel, entering the machine in which it ia being use^
••••nth rib o f the le ft aide The Inventor had no idea that i
'" I out under the righ t arm,
such a tremendous power,
- -----
. ¡i-
l ^
, 11 * • * at Aral thought to Thia engine ia for *team on y'
* * W° urH*‘ The Incident oc- the Cochran engine ia for both ga
hM . r J®* ,n<l • « the injured a team.
am k*. *
^e ®th this long, the
W alter le ft last Thursday for Med-
0 ^ ,orth some hopes o f hia ford, where a machine shop will "ia"-
Roy will re-
ufaeture the machine,
turn to Portland.
The Sentinel.
Get Use of Piece of Land
Played on the Home Grounds
Where Help Could Be
Sunday With Creswell
Cottage Grove could easily get one
Cottage Grove now has a regular
of the ex|>«riment stations o f the Ore­ ball team, the organixation having
gon Agricultural College provided for been effected by C. A. Bartell and G.
by act o f the recent legislature, if an I M. Marksbury. Many new faces will
effort should be made to secure it. appear in the lineup and the organizers
I hi* I* the opinion expressed by L. D. are conAdent that they have a winning
Harrington, Industrial held worker, team and one that will give spectators
when the subject was broached to him their money’s worth. The first game
by The .Sentinel. Mr. Harrington o f the season w ill be played Sunday
stated the college was merely waiting afternoon with Creaweil and a large
for application to be made from this turnout is expected.
section o f the valley and that about
Having the suits and equipment pur­
the only thing necessary to be done in ! chased last year the organization w ill
order to get the station would be to I start on a much better financial basis
secure the use o f a portion o f some than It did last year and the manage­
farm, where the owner could be hired ment hope* it w ill not go in the hole,
to carry on the work.
as was the case in 1912.
No application has yet been made
Many improvements have been made
from this section o f the valley and it at the ball g»„unds, including exten ­
is probable that the first request sive repairs to the grand stand and
would get the station.
Following is the temporary lineup:
W ill Change Anlauf Road.
P itch ers............. Atkinson and Pitcher
The county court o f Douglas County
In field ers........................................
has granted the petition o f Robert An­
Dame wood, M cGee, W azera. M cCargar
lauf and others for a change in the 1
Outfielders Sears, Celle?*, Brumbaugh
county road at Anlauf, and the road
viewers will meet at Anlauf on May \ Everything you can mention is in
28. to view and locate the road.
The Sentinel.
All Towns of Valley Surprised by Business Experience and Fact That
He Is Heavy Taxpayer Urged
Price Cottage Grove Is Pay­
ing This Year.
In Behalf of Candidacy.
The price at which Cottage Grove is
getting iU paving this year has been
the cause of much comment up and
down the valley.
“ What kind o f paving ia it?” “ Who
are the contractors?" “ How did you
do it? " were among the questions aaked
the editor o f The Sentinel at Eugene
Commonwealth Day by people from
Eugene, Springfield, Lebanon, Harris­
burg and other citiea or the valley in-
terexted in hard surface paving.
A number o f the papers o f the valley
have also drawn comparisons between
the price paid in Cottage Grove and
in their towns.
A. L. Woodard is being prominently
mentioned as a candidate for school di­
rector at the annual meeting to be held
June 16. It is understood that he him­
self is not in any way anxious for the
job, but a number o f his friends urge
that long business experience, unques-
tioned integrity and the fact that he
is a large taxpayer make him an ideal
Frienda o f J. H. Chambers still insist
that he become a candidate. O liver
Veatch has been mentioned and C. F.
W alker and H. J. Shinn have been
spoken o f by those who wish a director
from the W est Side.
S. O. Hamblin. J. W. Eddy, H. J.
Shinn, Roy Wood* and A. H. Cru-
aon attended the Oddfellowa conven­
Unusual Event in Musical Circles;
tion at Medford this week.
Receipts to Go to High School
Mr*. L. A. Ralston. Miss Eunice
VanDcnburg, Mrs. Geo. M. Hall, Mr*.
Music Fund.
Mabel Earl and Mra. A. W. Klme at­
The annual recital o f the Eutcrplan
tended the Rebekah conventional Med­
Club will be held at the Armory Friday
ford this week.
evening, May 22. This concert is under
See Maude Adams.
the direction o f Mias Esther Silsby,
Among automobile parties to Eugene musical director o f the club. Mr. M.
Tuesday to see Maude Adams were U. Warner o f Eugene, cellist, will as­
Mra. G. M. Hall, Misses Lulu Currin sist the members o f the club in whst
and l.aura Kennon, Mra. J. Chambers promises to be their most pretentious
Misses Helle HurkhoUier, A tha and musical work. Mr. Warner's playing
Ipha Widdersheim; Mrs. A. W. Kime here earlier in the year was a feature
at one o f Miss Silaby’ s musicals. The
and Leah Perkins.
entire progam is one of unusual in­
terest, featuring nearly all o f the
prominent soloist» o f Cottage Grove.
In addition to the musical interest con­
siderable enthusiasm is being shown by
the high school in this jven t which is
It la aomewhat o f a coincidence that being given for the benefit o f a special
two different ty|>ee o f rotary engines school music fund. The whole event
should l»e invented by Cottage Glove promises to be one o f the most delight­
men at almost the same time and that ful and enjoyable affairs o f the season.
the two styles should be sufficiently
different not to infringe upon one Appointed Administrator of Two
cotid Rotary Engine by Grove
Man Is a Peculiar Coincidence
Bell Johnson, Daughter
re farm to A. W. Z ln lk .r, taking Agricultural College I. Waiting Many New Faces Appear in the
the latter
»r'a city property on South
for Application.
Temporary Lineup
Sixth Street in the deal. Sentinel adt.
prove unusually efficient In connecting
buyer and seller.
Only Necessary Qualification Is To First Game of the Season W ill Be
Members from Every Grade Have
Parts in Interesting Entertain­
ment for Tuesday.
The pupila o f the grammar grades o f
the public school w ill give the follow-
ing program at the Arm ory Tuesday
evening, May 27, beginning at 8 p. m.
1. Miss Perkins, grade 1
a Mother Goose
b The Sunbonnet Girls
c The Overall Boys
2. Miss Bants, grade 6
a Inst.Solo, Mary Ellen Benson
b Recitation, George McQueen
3. Miss Hooper, grade 2
A ll the Year Around
4. Miss Iv y Holcomb, grade 5
Recitation, Eva Hartung
6. Mist Wohrer, grades 2 and 3
a Pantomime
b W alking Game
6. Misses Holcomb a n d Buell,
grades 3 and 4
a Song, boys. When Tommy
W ent W alking
Song, girls. Boat Song
Oliver 0. Veatch has been appointed 7. Mis* Comer, grade 7
a Inst. Solo, Isabel Bolden
administrator o f the estate o f M. A.
b Song, Oregon
DeWald said to be worth about 93,000
Beager, grades 4 and 6
and also of the estate o f W. V. D<*
a Recitation, Helen Baker
Wald, which is said to be worth the
b Song, Sixth Grade
sum of 92.000. There are the same
Wilson, grade 6
heir« in each estate and the appraisers
Flower Drill
o f both of them are E. R. Spencer,
Gleason, grade 8
George Atkinson and George
a Song, Oregon Grape
Knowles. «H o f Cottage Grove.
b Beautiful W illam ette, F a y
Grove »fan Robbed at Portland.
John Woodard was up from Portland
c Song, No Land Like Oregon
d Recitation, Mothers o f Men,
over Sunday.
He reported having
been robbed in a Portland hotel a few
N ets Compton
A slight admission fee o f 16c and 10c
days before by a burglar who entered
his room and made his escape without | w ill be charged to cover expenses.
na akening him. A gold watch, money Reserved seats on sale at the Bon Ton
Monday morning.
and papers were secured.___
High School Plans Not Selected.
A meeting of the joint building com-
mittee for the new high school building
was held Saturday, at which several
architect* presented plans. A aelec-
tion was postponed one week.
A tramp ca lf who picked up a friend­
ship with whomsoever would permit’ of
the fam iliarity and followed Fred Fisk
into the lobby o f the H otel Osburn at
Eugene one day last week, caused
somewhat o f a commotion. Bossy had
attempted to follow several other peo­
ple but had been driven off. Mr. Flak
did not know that the young bovine
was follow ing him until one o f the em­
ployes informed him that he would have
to leave his pet at the door. The ani­
mal strenuously objected to being sep­
arated from his newly found friend,
but a fter considerable moral and other
persuasion he wsa finally induced to
occupy a stall at a livery barn until the
owner should call for hia property.
Legal Blanks— The Sentinel.
Sea Dog from San Diego Com­
plains of W ebfoot Highways
Says State Should Make Big Im­
prove men ts'Bef ore Date of E x­
positions in Honor of Open­
ing of Panama Canal.
Oregon needs to do a lot o f hard
work before the expositions in honor
o f the opening o f the Panama canal i f
it wishes to secure the through auto­
mobile traffic, is the opinion o f Capt.
R. W. Creswell, a sea dog from San
Deigo, who passed through here Tues­
day on bis advertising tour for the San
Diego exposition. The Captain is ac­
companied by his w ife, who very
heartily seconded the remarks o f her
husband and spoke very vivid ly o f the
trip through the Pass Creek Canyon.
The party carries its own household
goods and kitchen utensils, the ma­
chine being arranged into a com fort­
able bedroom and kitchen in a few
Capt. Creswell said that the boun­
dary line between California and Ore­
gon ia very easily discernible by the
difference in roads and he is anxious
that good road associations make ex ­
tensive preparations fo r the tremen­
dous automobile traffic that w ill follow
the Pacific Highway i f the roads are
easily passable.
Fine Collectien of Money.
One o f the finest and most complete
collection o f coins and currency in the
state is owned by Oscar Woodard o f
this city. There are several hundred
coins in the collection and almost every
kind o f paper money. Its value is
several hundred dollars.
Sunday School Convention.
The twenty-fourth annual convention
o f the Lane County Sunday School A s­
sociation w ill be held in the First
Methodist Episcopal Church at Eugene
May 27-28. Every school is entitled to
one representative for every ten mem­
bers or fraction thereof.
A splendid
program has been prepared.
Jesse Thornton sold his property on
South Second Street last week, John
Bader being the purchaser. The deal
was made through Hemenway & Lock-
Friday, June 6, Definitely
Set as Date
Four Quarters of Beef, 600 Loaves
of Bread, 500 Pies, 200 Cakes
250 Salads, 3,000 Eggs Al­
ready Arranged for.
Four quarters o f beef, a dezen hams,
600 loaves o f bread, 600 pies, 200 cakes,
260 salads, 3,000 eggs, several sacks o f
potatoes, a couple firkins o f butter, a
couple barrels o f coffee and twenty
cases o f canned fru it are among the
thinga already ordered in compiling a
menu for the big picnic to be given the
farmers o f the Cottage Grove country
and their fam ilies by the Commercial
Club and other business men ‘ o f the
city. It is expected that the women o f
the city w ill furnish the piea, salads
and eakes and a soliciting committee
has been appointed to interview the
Grove's famous cooks.
The date o f the affair haa been defi­
nitely set for Friday, June 6, the date
having been postponed on account o f
the continued uncertainty o f the
Following the big
feed. Mayor
Chambers w ill deliver an address o f
welcome to the visitors, which w ill be
responded to by the grange.
w ill b i followed by a base ball game,
it being anticipated that a contest
w ill be arranged between the Cottage
Grove and Lorane teams.
It is expected that there w ill be at
least 3,000 people to be fed. A ll w ill
be welcome, but in order that the com­
mittee in charge may be able to pro­
vide a sufficient amount o f food, those
who anticipate attending are requested
to drop a postal at once to A . J. A rm ­
strong, secretary o f pienic committee.
I f a large number should attend w ith ­
out notifying the committee it is pos­
sible that sufficient food m ight not be
arranged for. Everyone is wanted, but
it is only fa ir to those providing the
meal that the intended guests inform
the committee that they are coming.
This applies to city people as w ell as
H. R. Sams, who came from N ew
York to g iv e Portlandera the benefit o f
his knowledge concerning municipal
government, spent Friday with hia
form er school mate, C. J. Kem.
Walker, Ore., May 21.— (Special to
The Sentinel.)—W hat ia thought to be
the first standardization o f a rural high
school w ill occur when th eW g lk er high
school w ill be thus honored J u n e S ."
Strenuous efforts were made to secure
thia recognition and several county
officials w ill be present at the ex er­
cises. A picnic dinner w ill be served
to all guests present on the occasion.
Longest Train of Cars.
The longest train o f cars ever pulled
out o f Cottage Grove le ft here yester­
day in train No. 226, the north bound
local fr e ig h t There were 91 cars in
the string.
Stone Settles Injury Case and
Leaves Law yers Out in Cold
It is understood that attorneys and
physicians having large tees coming to
them in the case o f M. E. Stone vs.
the W est Coast Mines Co. have had a
coup sprung on them.
Roseburg Editor Surprised at Pro­
The case was tried in district court
a short tim e ago, a judgment o f 210,600
being rendered in favor o f the plain­
tiff. Shortly afterwards notice was
given that a m ortgage on the property
o f the company would be foreclosed
and Stone at this time declared this to
be an attempt to evade payment o f the
It now looks as if the company m ere­
ly wished to evade payment o f law ­
yers’ and physicians’ fees, fo r officers
o f the company were here last week,
arranged a settlem ent w ith the injurod
man, took him to Eugene and got the
judgment cancelled without the knowl­
edge o f those having claim ! against it.
The attorneys in the case are J. C.
Johnson o f this city and C. A . Hardy i t
Eugene. Mr. Johnson declines to make
a statement. I t ia understood that Mr.
Stone claims that hia action was jus­
Several parties report that in roam­ tified.
ing the side hills around the city they
The value o f a paper to a commun­
have ran across quite a number o f ripe
wild strawberries. Tame berries are ity can be accurately measured by
also beginning to show color.
The what outsiders think o f it. The Sen­
berry season is unusually late this year. tinel is w illin g to be thus measured.
gress Being Made by Metro­
polis of Southern Lane.
C sttage Grove is toeing lots o f valu­
able advertising In not holding a berry
carnival, sw eet pea show, chicken
show, or something o f that sort, ia the
opinion o f Carl D. Shoemaker, editor
o f the Roseburg Newa, who was here
Friday In the interests o f the Roseburg
Strawberry Festival to be held May 21
to 24, inclusive.
Mr. Shoemaker had not been here for
several y e a n and was astounded with
the progress that has been made since
hia last visit. H e was especially in­
terested in tbe paved streets and pro­
posed high school building.
Tbe Roseburg editor was surprised
that so progressive a little city was not
doing more to advertise itself, especial­
ly when it has so much to bring before
the public.
T ille r ’ s Broncho Busters, the Che-
raaw i Indian Band, and all tbe free
strawberries that visitors w ill eat are
the features o f Roseburg's big show.
Calling carda— The Sentinel.