Spray’s Column Neighborhood News Silk Creek. 1 trade for horeee, cow», sheep, goat», hog», aecond hand farm tool», hay, grain, wood, poata. Buy all pro­ duce. Sell everything from a paper of pina to a threshing outfit, in fact any­ thing that can be hauled, driven or lead or can be induced'to follow. Waldo M iller has good second hand buggy for sale cheap. Phone 26F12 or address box 176. C. E. Ashley has for sale 130 head o f goats. See Spray and help to build a can­ nery. H elp to manufacture your own produce. Come in and see me. Groceries and dry goods at the hole in the wall. May 7. — (Special to The Sentinel.)— The school at the Academy closed May 4th. Elder F. S. Bunch from Coos County was here the first o f the week visiting his sister, Mrs. R. W. Airey. Elder Gibson was home from C well Monday. A L. Chitwood was in the Grove Monday on business. Mrs. J. F. Gildersleeve and Marjorie went to Cottage G rove Monday. Supervisor Owens was working Mon­ day on the new bridge at Cottage Grove. R. W. A irey started Tuesday for Washington, D. C., where he w ill a t­ tend the general conference o f the Seventh-day Adventists. Comstock. For sale.— Good gentle horse, work May 7.— (Special to The Sentinel.) — or ride, weight 1100, Drice *65. Horace Chas. Lawrence returned Sunday from Cochran. Portland. For sale, eggs for setting from heavy Mrs. Roy G riggs returned Wednesday laying strain single comb Brown L e g ­ from Drain, where she was called by horn, 50c for 15. Waldo Miller. Box the illness o f her father. Chas. W alker o f Cottage Grove was 176, Phone 26F12. here Tuesday loosing after business. Mrs. A. H. Cruson has thorough bred Miss Floy Johnson o f Drain spent White Plymouth Rock hens for sale several days o ' the last week with her cheap. Also a fine Rhode Island Red sister, Mrs. Roy G riggs. cockerel. Or will exchange cockerel Floyd Craig and Arthur Woodring o f Drain visited friends here Sunday. for R. 1. R. hens. Pete Marketta and Geo. Edwards are See me before you sell your mohair •hipping posts to lower California or wool, as 1 will pay the highest price. points. Spray. 1. F. Bradley went to Oakland Thurs­ day night, to play with the orchestra 1 pay cash for chickens, eggs, h des, for the May Day Ball. grain, mohair and wool. Mrs. 1. F. Bradley and children and J. B. Phelps has for sale White L e g ­ Mrs. Madden were in Cottage Grove horn and Buff Orpington eggs for Saturday. Butter Wrapper Friday and Saturday w e w ill furnish the _ Paper and print butter w rap p ers at the fo llo w in g prices: 100 200 300 75c $ 1.00 1.25 400 500 1 $ . 17 1000 THIS IS A SAVING OF 50 CENTS ON ANY SIZE ORDER The Cottage G r o v e Sentine THE LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER JUDGE URGES PLAYGROUND lake cere of its child*#. ment which has been taught by Miss Siuslaw Beetles Stand Rooted to duty It ranno! and It ^ Klva Richardson for the past two the Ground. It ia only true to iu,|f years. Miss Edna W eber, who has had which has completely pussled charge o f the third and fourth grades, A Du* Ben Lindsey of Denver Says Keep to true to it* child ree. w ill not return next year and her plsce all Sluslaw entomologists snd which Boys off of Railroad Tracks w ill *“ be filled by ■ u Miss Genevieve a ,,- J *“ l" n ----;— looks as if it might have grown like a H ig h w a y Chaagt Oppg- Thompson. Miss Sibyl Harrington plant out of the ground, hss been dis­ and Out of Theft. w ill again have charge o f the fifth ami Eighty-five leading rillin g sixth gra tes and Miss Edith Sncre the covered by Carl Miller o f Talllcar» I'aae met at ; (Judge l.tndaey in Itonvar Post.) seventh and eighth grades. For prin­ lake. cuaaed the g>*«| Of course it to a had thing fur our cipal B. S. W akeficluwas again chosen, The first specimen o f this remark­ hatching. Divide. but as yet no one has been selected to able beetle -een by Miller wss standing buys to bo running on tho railroad Southern Oregon. p0|( I f you need an engine see our engine May 6. — (Special to The Sentinel.)— fill the place o f assistant principal G. tracks. It ia only a short «tap to steal­ »lK-r. bc» wrrr full of perfectly still in an altitude o f expec­ and g e t our price before you buy. John Martin made a business trip to E. Richards, who has resigned. tant movement: but as he continued ing from th# box car», ami then per­ ch ief topic was the teclabw Good second hand roller feed m ill for town Saturday. haps from the corner grocery, and lined to change th# Walden. to observe it, it did not move. Final­ Miss Gerda Söderström has gone to sale. May 5. — (Special to The Sentinel.)— ly, thinking it dead, ho started to piek finally to "la p p in g th e till.'* Such ia from Southern Ortgoo ta Cottage Grove to finish the school Buff Orpington eggs, 75c per setting. term. She is slaying with her brother Mr and Mrs. Kibbv, Louisa and George goo. it up but found its six feet so firmly the progress o f neglected childhood. Dureat spent Sunday in the Grove. S. E. McFarland. there. A public playground w ill take care o f To eerure further rsregut Gladys and Clara Ladou were in the imbedded in the earth that a consider­ Miss Floy Lee returned Friday from L. M. Harding has a work horse for tona protrai lug against say that natural curiosity and disposition able pull was required to lift it a visit with relatives in Cottage Grove. Grove Saturday. sale also yearling colt.. to play and do thmga and would nave Ihe Pacific Highway we | He has since seen several and In each Mrs. A. Martin visited her mother, Mrs. F. Turner and daughter made Pair young mares fo r sale. Phone a business trip to town Saturday. Mrs. Love Allen, one day last week. case they have been standing erect the railroad eompanies thousands o f warded to repr aetiU'.ttei a Sunday school was organiseli at the 29F. sod immovable, their lees buried In dollars annually they spend to keep and to commercial ergi Mrs. J. H. Mackey and son were in school house Sunday with S. B. Mors* It to further jir<>|«asdla Am Stanley Martin has fo r sale nr trade Cottage Grove Saturday to see the the ground. He thinks it probabia that boys In the cities from making Iheir as superintendent. vlowa o f the Pacific Higteif property their playground. one Crown Organ. See bim for bar­ doctor. they die on their feet and so remain Dan A llen is building a new barn. A surprise party was given at the gain. I know a railroad official who told me Josephine county and 1«. home o f Angelo Perini Saturday even­ Mrs. Butte Mooney was in the Grove standing like their own statues, hut he cannot understand why in evary that they had dispensed with one eg- with the resolutions. Wagons, buggies, plows, harrows, ing. Monday. case their feet are so firmly fastened pensive officer in one district a fter a cultivators, discs, binders, mowers and Mrs. Montgomery spent Sunday in Big Business at Treat Eugene. Saginaw and Delight Valley. to the ground, not infrequently pulling scheme o f personal work and h elpfu l­ rakes at the big hole in the wall. Leal month was the Mr. and Mrs. John Allen went to loose from the body when one tries to ness through the public playground May 7.— (Special to The Sentinel.)— Curtis Veatch has Duroc Jersey sows Thursday and returned to their uproot them. fm m the statali- nt of | E. P. Redford and w ife o f Cottage Eugene _ had been built up. It had directed into fo r sale. Grove visited Wednesday at their old ] home *■ riday. The insect la about half an inch long better channels the otherwise m isdi­ had in the county treason Geo. Hasting and Floyd Jones spent Lim e and sulphur spray at the big home now owned by J. P. Rucker. IrrasumT and haa noticeably long feelers.— R eg­ rected energies o f theee children. A Lane County hole in the wall. The G. T. X. Society met with Mrs. Sunday with their fam ilies. ost In warrenla the tuarf gentleman In one eity o f fifty thousand Mrs. Geo. Downs and son I-eston ister special. Rucker Wednesday. , which waa mostly la I Page field fence is a spring steel, | told me recently that the slaty boy* The 7th grade took the county exam i­ were in the Grove Saturday. •urns o f them being as lea I Mra. Harry Simona Dies. best by every test. Phone 162. who had rob bad the box car within the nation Thursday and Friday. Irw in Whippa is on the sick list. The funeral of Mr». Harry .Simona, short apace o f one month were furnish­ The first half o f the state* Mr. Manor o f California visited at John Deere and O liver plows at the Johnson home last week. who died Sunday after a lingering Ill­ ing his road a more serious problem Ing to $22,450 haa bees )■ Spray’s. Star. Miss Watson visited friends in Junc­ ness o f several years, waa held Tuesday than the question o f railroad rulea that total amount of money ! May 7.— (Special to The Sentinel.) — Do you need a cream separator? tion City last week. office for the n . nlh we Mrs. Jim Pitcher o f Seattle is visiting from the Mills chapel, Rev. J. T. waa then pending in the legislature. Come and see our Blue Bell. It is a The Sunday school gave a May Fes- Th e big bueimwe requirad Moore officiating. Interment waa friends and relatives on Row River. I once talked with a young murderer \ tival at the school house Saturday good one and the price is right. accurate bookkeeping lai Mrs. M. McGee o f Cottage Grove made in A. F. A A. M. cemetery. W ith — 19 years of age. He «(as then in the evening. There was a large audience Warren McFarland has some nice and the sales o f ice cream and suppers visited with her daughter, Mrs. Vern Viola Thornwalt was born In Miehigan shadow o f tha gallows. He told a>o straight. - - Ksgisier. Wieks, over Sunday. were quite satisfactory. young sows fo r sale. Oct. 7, 1677, coming to Creswell in his towleasneaa started .town among There ia only one wsjf U ft Miss Merle Cellars visited at Row Miss Bertha Angel o f Eugene visited 1898, shortly afterwards moving to Ui# railroad tracks, where he went to news o f the Grove Muatfj. Buy your feed and flour o f Spray. her grandparents, Mr. and Mia. J. E. R iver over Sunday. Phone 162. Angel, over Sunday. Mrs. C. Martin, Mr. Hankins, and Cooe County for a year and then re ­ play. It waa a powerful magnet for in The Sentinel. E. C. Gribble was down from D ivide Mrs. Carl Pitcher are on the sick list turning to Lane County. She waa curiosity when there was none other. See our new 2-way gang plow. It ! over Sunday. Mesdames Kirk and Sears were in married to Harry Simona at MarshAeld And all this ia as uie from the whole­ turns it down hill going and coming. Oct. 16, 1902. The family had been some character building and tha affect, Miss Nora Harnden is visiting with town Saturday. For sale W hite Rock and Buff Or­ her brother this week Bake Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Joe residents o f Cottage Grove but a few both morally and physically, upon tha pington all fu ll blood. J. T. Short. C. J. Chandler was over from Coburg Wicks, Carl Pitcher and John W icks month». The husband and five small average boy, who haa the a d va n ta g e C lo t h e s 'tO were in Cottage Grove last week on Sunday. children survive. A ik your grocer for W hite River o f clean, well-directed, helpful play business. Mrs. Stevens o f C ottage Grove ia Flour. It beats them all. You w ill that is now to bo appliod alone in many Mrs. J. P. Wicks has returned from visiting her brother’s fam ily here this a visit with her daughter at Grants Strahorn W ill Devote Entire Time cities through the public playground. have to pay 15 cents more for it than week. to P. E. A E. Pass. fo r some other hard wheat flour, but I know a eity o f leas than 300,000 In- Mrs. R. B. Hanna spent Monday jn Miss Mabel Wicks visited with the Robert E. Strahorn haa resigned from the Grove. w e guarantee every sack._____________ habitants In which there were over Misses Opal and Pearl W hiteley Sun­ the vice presidency of the Oregon- G. T. Angel and w ife moved to day. -■OCX) arrests among the boys In one Wendling the first o f the,week. Washington Railroad A Navigation year. 1 walked into one o f the courts Mrs. McGee, Mrs. Hazel Wicks and company and will hereafter devote his Miss Cora W itcher visited at her ci «i i r t o f that city and found the time o f tho Mrs. Miles Pitcher, Sr., called on Mrs. home over Sunday. entire time to the construction o f the Joe Wicks Monday. at y o u r hrocers jury, the judge and the counsel taken 1 The Hanna girls are sick with the Portland. Eugene A Eastern interur- up in trying a boy o f 12 f , „ throwing a mumps. Disston Doinga. ban electric system through the brick at a cltiaen. The next day I met Rev. Snyder and w ife o f Lorane, May 7. — (Special to The Sentinel.)— W illam ette valley. J. p. O ’ Brien, vice took dinner with G. A. H am den’s ' Herbert Neal was in the Grove over president o f the O.-W. R. A N. ami the boy In the bullpen amid hardened Tuesday. criminals. He had chains about hla Sunday. general manager of the syatem, will Miss Watson is quite ill with the waiai and knees. I asked the boy why Mrs. John B. Moaby and children mumps. B E T T E R THAN E V E R returned Monday from a visit with take over the unfinished work in con­ he threw the brick. He said: • ’ ! N. P. Jensen and Mr. Darling and friends in Dorena. nection with the completion o f the never meant no harm, m ister; we were w ife drove over from Coburg in Mr. Makes H. Cox, G. Hastings and Wm. North Coast road in Washington. just playing.” | saw the miserable Jensen's automobile Sunday. Ruscher were passengers on No. 6 S at­ ■hack and the crowded district where Mrs M cKinney’ s brother is visiting urday evening. 37 Babies are Measured. her this week. he lived. ____________________ Hazel and W illie Ostrander, Charley The Woman’» Civic Club o f Lebanon r .| H i Protzman spent Saturday at E. Hof- Can tha hoy be blamed I f he con­ haa the honor o f having inaugurated a Creswell Notes. derman’s. I deliver free to all parts o f town. tinued to throw the bricks? Could we May 2.- A t » special m eeting o f the C. Lindsey went to Eugene Monday ‘ ‘ Made in Lebanon” show, which waa be blamed if we shed a tear at tho ab­ Spray, phone 162. Commercial Club Tuesday night it wss \ to consult a physician, largely attended Friday afternoon and Warren McFarland has good second decided to hold another school and in- 1 surdity and injustice o f it ulf? Can wa Mrs. James Pitcher o f Seattle is evening. dustrial fa ir this fall, exact date o f hand hack for sale. be blamed i f we turn from the act o f making an extended visit at the Ben The exhibita were numerous. Much which w ill be announced later. A the boy to cry out against the ahame- er home. W . C. Atkins has heavy wagon to committee was appointed to begin a t , Pitch ... , _ interest waa taken in th# eugenic de­ trade for light one. once making preparations fo r the event. , Clyde K err ana fam ily have returned partment. Thlrty-aeven babiea were ful criminal state. A deal was made last week whereb- from- " • * * ' » * * * * • Mr. K err is work- scientifically measured by Professor Ihie child ia a wonderful human I w ill trade you one sack W hite R iver ______Hr ing for J. 1. Junes. erea tu re-a divine machine. Wa have flour for one tier 16 inch old growth F. W. Ogram traded his 240-acre ranch Beckwith and Mis. Thayer, o f the O. Frank Jones returned Monday morn­ on Bear Creek near here to A. L. much to expect from him. and whan fir wood. Come and see me in the hole Dickens for a 480-acre wheat farm in ing from a short visit in Cottage A, C. A number were turned away the returns deitends upon what we Grove. in the wall. for lack o f time. Canada. give. Mrs. J. Lew is was in the Grove S at­ H. H. Schmitt received from P o rt­ Forty lbs. o f W hite R ive r flour fo r a urday. land last week the model for the new We shall auffer with him whether Rumors Found to Be Untrue. bushel o f wheat at the hole in the wall. automobile transmission device which Mrs. Bert Richmond and boys were Rumor» e. rly Monday evening were we will or no. or we do not ahare hla Mrs. Sarah Harmes has W hite Or- he has worked out and on which he ex- passengers on No. 6 Saturday evening. Let us not weary o f tho i to the effect that the murderer o f little burdens. pington eggs for sale. pects to apply for a patent. The idea Mrs. W. K e lly was called to Row . , o f the contrivance ia to do away with R ive r Monday to assist in caring for Mildred Green, who waa killed laat •trugglo till tho child gets a square ! Our new platform scales are now the clutch in throwing the machine in her sister, Mrs. C. Martin, who is Auguat, had been captured and bad 'lea l; and until he doe», we eannot have readv for use. Come and weigh your the different speeds, quite sick. confessed. Inveatigation. however, and do not deserve tho glorious man- CaffdeK to ll »• ■ horses and hay. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Windum, three , Quite a number from here attended , . ahowed that the report had its inrep- hood, that splendid cftlaenahip that daughters and son arrived here re c e n t-' the dance at Wildwood Saturday even­ A B S O L U T E DU! T ry a sack o f W hite R iver Flour. ln ,n the ,Bn«y of aome Intoxicated will come alono from duty done in ly from Culvert, Oregon, and took j Ing. Ask yoar grocer for it. I f he hasn’ t possession o f the place form erly occu­ person at Springfield, and had abso­ childhood’ s a acred causo. AS W E L L A S S Mrs. T. Hatfield and Mrs. K. Mier t, call Spray, phone 162. pied by Ira Black, who took charge o f STYLE IN OUR lutely no foundation in fa c t.-R e g is te r. were at Hunts Station Monday. We o f the children's courts are opti­ the place recently occupied by the Win- W. A . Hemenway has Brown L e g ­ mistic about it because we pevhepa Glen Jennings o f Dorena was in thia KIRSCHBAUM SflUN* dums. Notice to Creditors. vicinity Tuesday. horn eggs for setting. 50c fo r 15. with clearer vleion the moet hopeful Saturday, May 31, is the day the city S U M M E R SU TD Notice ia hereby given that Uie un- C. F. Handy has Buff Leghorn eggs park w ill be a scene o f activity, that aign In thia country. It |a that aw ak­ deraigned, Emmett M. Sharp, haa been A Wonderful Hen. Guaranteed ell-wool M *** fo r sale, fifty cents fo r fifteen. $3 26 date having been decided on by the ened conscience o f the etate to IU own C ivic Improvement Club, Commercial The Enterpriae: E gg recorda have duly appointed by the County Court o f The thorough colo-w* per hundred, also Indian Runner duck responsibility for the child that In « * » • * ■* -----k« s * Club and other organization as Clean- been made and broken. H ere'« another: Lane County. Oregon, administrator o f ....-a permanent »hip< eggs from select stock, fawn and white Up Day. Every man, woman and child caring for the child the state ia aimply ,Bt P«n»>»nen' the estate o f Joseph H. Sharp, de­ caring for itaelf. ' clothe* retain >k\ ^ p Farmers, come in and see our manure and do his or her share o f the work. quaation the duty o f the state. It m *st brood o f chicks, commenced laying and ? i k 10 the du|y verified provide free edu ction and pM a com- clal Serge Sait at It has been planned to have the picnic spreader. Something new. part o f the day at the noon hour, whan one day laid two normal eggs, the next to the said administrator at the First pulaory M-h«ml and child labor law . and tw o-ply warp for « * " * J X a big lunch w ill be served — Chronicle. day a big double-yolk e g g measuring National Bank, o f Cottage Grove, Ore­ A newspaper that gives you tw ice aa $g establish playgrounds, trade achoola staunchness ia w*»r, A t a meeting o f the school board held 6Jx7| inches and the follow ing day gon within aix months from date of much as some other paper ia worth makes it tha lightest of s e r g » ^ »"d juvenile eourta, for the stake the first publication o f this notice. tw ice as much. A re you g e ttin g your last week, all teachers fo r next year, again two o f the ordinary ones. suffers just aa f « r as the child ia |g. beautiful, deep, r“ k- with the exception o f an assistant The date o f thia notice ia May g, money’s worthT Th at’ s the vital principal, were elected. H attie B. A live wire newspaper—The Cot­ norant and weak. question. H aw ley w ill teach the primary depart- tage Grove Sentinel. m u , E M M ETT “ « H A R P . W* do 1,01 "•«*' more to emphasise May S-Jun. 6 Adminiatrstor. our responsibility. This nation mua, Kirschba »15 W HITE RIVER FIOIIR Whiter. Lighter F3read 1 OM W OOLEN U