Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 08, 1913, Image 5

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•«' Vulck,y Cured-
I *
a huiband had an a tta c k
V * r ! L ........ h i. a r m ." w rit* . .
.Q _ L ^
l i ! T a f - « ‘'lri.l ->f N aw ton, low»
a*' k°°him • l»*ttla of C h am b arlaln ’a
M '" . whl,)> be applied to hla arm :
* , h * neat m orning tb a rbaum a
1 **
n# " For chronic m ucular
'' n t m yoo »III «od nothing bet
*<n C ham berlain's L inim ent.
c l e a r in g
o n
y * .
P o p u la r T a lk s on L a w !
R Tn
....... B“r
S í a that T u
í vital InU t
la • m atter
.. of
"l »
n U,t b* unwholesome be­
i hr •" d*»l,r*‘
taken against the
parties raaponaiki,. Hut modern laws
between Ilf* ami death. To a great
forbid all adulterants, w hether harm-
many of u, milk and rre .m m a.n
lea« or not. Under these regulations
eith er nourishment or dittane .rcord-
•ng at It la pure or Impure. Typhoid water is an auulteraht. So any pre-
ephlernu-a have been frequently tra-ed h< rvutivej. or other unnatural sub.
to an Impure milk supply , ntJ lube rcg. .lain in, no m atter how harriile»a, are
lout c o a t spread a dreaded plague to adultera'"». | f the law forbids the
adulteration any parson who adulterates
tboee who ronsiimc the milk.
th e law hat given the weight of its I» guilty and may he punished under
authority to the regulation of milk by the law. Usually the statutes and or-
municipal ordlnancee and state Irgln- dinar., es also prohibit the «ale of adul­
lalive enactments Theae laws have terated nulk and under the usual form
for th eir purieaie not only the safe­ "f the !uw it la not necessary to prove
guarding of the milk supply against that the di alcr knew that the milk was
disease hut alao the separation of all “Uu (crated. It becomes his duty to
to it that the milk which he sella is
relations between the produrt of the
ai»! up to the standard act by the
cow and the far-famed milkrpan'a
,BW, "ml ,f h« does not he ia legally
Hors«'». C o w s, P o u ltr y , etc. pump. Watered milk hat frequently ! liable,
1 »hlc. Both the man who owna the
, «II in la rg e a n d « m a ll t|u a u drawn down thu lightning of the law business and the servant who drives
- giving .it all titu e a g o o d feed, aa w e|| as furnished inspiration for the the wagon are, in general, liable under
professional jnkeamith. It was the the I kw ,
d g n rtx trc a n d
subject of the following diatribe, of
Hut the laws have gone even fu rth er
p a i r p r ic k s
which a HL l.ouia judge rerently re-
|i_„ ,
- -
than requiring licenses and prohibiting
¿a» v x ir n e x t o ld e r a n d y o u 'll lieved himself in the csM of the city sdulteration. They have regulated the
rly |„- |.lr a ’« d w ith th e ir» u lt-
Mdk‘ ‘'UrVi 7 ° f d " UUM‘fm ,‘k =
conditions under which the milk is pro-
_ 1 “
th; •». , d , ^ l .nd tr.n .p o rU d ami p re ^ rib e d
0bj*C‘ t,f P^Tourwl .m l vlgi- .t.n d srd e of richneaa.
sn t cncsM , to the modern lawmaker, forbiding the .ale within the town of
haa been ulways p art and parcel of the milk
milk from
from cowa r-,i
fed „„
on slops, ...
Constipation Cured.
daily life, trie adages and folklore of
brewer « malt, or kept in unsanitary
Ibr King t New l.ifw 1*111# will re mankind, fo r exam ple: We are told
premises have been upheld. The de­
•eaatipnUoa prom ptly and get not to cry over apllt milk that Is not
fendants in these cases were not al­
rkowel* m healthy condition a g in
to fret over real loss that can 't be lowed to show th at the milk waa,
gupan-, of S aqbury. Ha., t t y t : helped. The Russian hss an sdsge,
nevertheless perfectly wholesome; the
; art the beat pi lit I ever uaad, That which is taken in with the milk
fact that the law prohibits the sale of
| advlte everyone to uae them for only goes uut with the soul that is, such milk is final. It is a m atter prop­
bpati'in. mdigeatlun amt liver com ssrly impressions last till death. The erly within the regulation of the law­
__ Will halp you. Hrice 2£x Swede baa one denoting hospitality, making power. The municipality may
weaimended by all dealeia.
vis , When th e ir is milk in the esn for also require th at all cowa be subjected
one, there is milk in the ran for two. to tuberculin and other testa, and th a t
In the phrase, ‘The milk of human no milk be sold within the town lim its
kindness.* is expressed the very heart except from tested cows.
i Mur«* AltMdin«
and office of th at gentle but noble vir­
Even though the dsaler be licensed
0. K OULLION, M. I).
tue. The bard of bards does not hesi­
and his milk come from properly fed
rm ll« M i d U>
ta te to connect milk and philosophy,
fE. B A k, N O S K a n d T l I k n A I deeming that neither loses dignity by and cared for cows, and there be no
sdulteration of any kind, the milk m ay
oriK »: m w h it »: TKMPl.K
the juxtapositions, he s|ieaka of ‘Ad­
be barred because it a not up to a
K l'G K N K . O K U .
versity 's awcet milk, philosophy ' All
required standard of richness. A re ­
such amiable metaphors, saws, simi-
quirement of three per cent of fa t in
lies, associated ideas and folklore
i UQ-Y
milk and of twenty per cent of fa t in
eschew the belittling idea of water in
cream haa been held reasonable.
milk. Contra, the milk held in mind is
Where the laws provide, the health
milk. I recall but one instance
officers may seize without compensation
to the contrary (seemingly the inad­
sufficient quantities of milk to m ake
vertence of a daring and erratic
tests. The analyais of com petent
genius), vix:
■uthoritie*. unless shown to be erron-
i N QUAi.iry
F ru ii
Cherries 25c *
by the dozen]
Good Feed
nee to save
s a il Shi
'♦M i n n »»
am i “ I
f,,r ^ j|r'
issical Song
’ Editions of 10c Mu
or, Columbia
instruments and !
< >rd*t» * i
Deal method of lnr.ota||
f u m m from Nortk
In thla slats.
Director:: Embalmer
W. KIMK, M. D.
► f*
Albany Hits BlBl
A rigid ufu.i.aix-« i
Physician and Surgeon
w here liquor it told or I
Albany nuisances aad|
punishm ent i t only d l
d u elin g tu rh placet bating
the building* in whichttojl
waa p u m l by the Alhaqf
laal week.
C alling ra rd t
I Chune .14, Itewulrnee {'hone 12»> J
I Attention Given tn Mining ami
Office, Woodward Huikling
The I
t l,«WSOt| Itti« k
1 47
r I Miilt hi
•fftrf If ori r a I |o 6 I» m
C«MntU|ko« by a|>|siiittmrnl only.
O M uh . i k h a n a H H M i l K tiy s tc la n
[ t t n e i i * * a N o «..t.* U i h i h i a i f * , l a i t y
L % \s \ w *
SI? é * ¿J
i H ak a n d
T h r o a t D iskahkh
A t|M(laity «llaaa Killing
p P r ,Æ B
White Temple, HIT.UNU
Guarantees I
W a t e r h o u s e
TtMcher ol I ‘in no nn< I ( h jg/i/i
M *
tiilcatnl In,in th r Associate'I Board,
!“ Actilrinv and H o t.! College of
■■dr K n iilr n n Second S treet
lo u r You
• No». Main S
le out of the ocdioMT>
t method» of bakln*
Nevertbele»», every1
i ow
Maaldanca. Main lilt.
F- L IN G H A M , I) . M . I).
Dentin t
* ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d
1 ®ld8
to give you absolute
re dissutisfied w'd) I)
grocer, mid be will r*"
fo u r gm -er want» vni
of the grocer, »•« he do
Cottage Orove, Ore
llo rn e v a l L a w
Ol»c* oa Mala atreví
T*°* aaova u „ „
f believe in giving—10
oa k o o k
la c k . ”
d 11 o r n r y -a t - l.n w
^lrr ni all Courta of S tatr.
Cor por-
*"'1 I’robatelaw aajH rcialiy
| , muram.e.
*®S oauvg
OR room
r C om pi
W A SH .
A Sentinel want ad. * rill I
ATTORNEY a t l a w
R otary pithmc
I No
PShone inj.R
1 on Improved
tes Reasonable
ty Year*' Ktpvrieiuv
I Ofc,
Phy' ,ci#n ,n d Surgeon
Raaklenee: 104 S. 5th Street
l nZ "
‘Oh Mirth and Innocence! Oh. milk
and w a te r!
Ye happy mixturea of more happy
and spontaneous mental conception we
have of milk, in the first instance, is
that it la unwatered. Take one case
for exam ple: Milk and honey are em­
blems of pastoral good luck, peace and
plenty a large and a goodly land.
Witness the phrase. A land flowing
with milk and honey. (Ex. iii. 8; Jer.
xxxii. 22.
Hut what a derisive picture
would rise to haraas the imagination
by uae of the phrase, A land flowing
with watered milk and honey? We
think the ordinance proceeds on the
notion that howevrr much the cow
waters her own milk in her own hum­
ble and honest way (letting nature take
her coursei, the milkman haa no right
to designedly duplicate nature's gift
of w ater by a furtive gift of his own
from the barnyard pump. It proceeds
un the underlying theory that it is a
fraud, a trick and a veritable c h e a t-
contrary to the common law and hence
of th at phase of it known colloquially
as the 'square deal,* to sell water,
when milk, not water, ia the comm« dity
dealt In. If one ia not to get a atone
who asks for bread, no more t under the
sp irit of the ordinance! is he to get
w ater who asks for milk "
The regulation of a m atter of such
general and vital concern aa milk is
properly within the province of the
state legislature. It ia for the legia-
lative power representing the people
aa a whole to prescribe the measures
th at are to safeguard the supply. But
the legislature may. ami very frequent­
ly docs, delegate this power to its
creature, the municipality; and so we
flml the individual communities »'ip-
ported by the court« in their enactment
.m l enforcement of drastic ordinances
regulating the production and Jistnbu-
Calling cards—The Sentinel.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
In the m atter of the E state of William
H. Arne, Deceased.
Notice ia hereby given, th a t in pur­
suance of an order of the County Court
of Lane County, Oregon, made on the
third day of April. A. D. 1913, in the
m atter of the E state of William H.
Arne, deceased, the undersigned, duly
appointed, qualified and acting admin­
istrator of said estate will aell a t pri­
vate sale for cash in hand and accord­
ing *to law the following real property
heli nging to said estate and all of the
right, title and interest of said de­
tion of milk.
, ,
ceased therein tow it:
\ s these measures entail additi"0" 1 beginning in Sec. 28, Tp. 20 SR. 3
AS tn« v
, those
lieginning m
—■, *e-
labor and expense on tne I"" 1
jnt whcnCe corner No. 8,
. the milk
oi. k.„i*
* u many
engage*' . in
many ot of county survey
No. 1420 bears bouth,
the laws have been bitterly oppoaed in ¿ 4 degrees 10 min. West, 916.2 feet, and
: u j~ thence South, 06 degrees and
the courts, hut quite genar»11^.
have been .ustsined. It M now clearly | 50 min. East. ---------------------
317 feet.jthence - North, 18
municipalities having
umlerstooil that
degrees and 40 min. Last, 2bb. 5 feet,
license milk
«ne usual
ni"'»■ powers m msv
,v ,ÌCeP" , m’ r thence North, 65 degrees and 60 min.
na» £
dealers and prevent all
West, 291J feet, thence South 24 de­
anna from selling milk within
grees and 10 feet West. 265 feet to
place of beginning and containing 1.86
luapaas *
acres of land, in Lane County, Oregon.
i , l , „ l h . .all»rl«y
Lot four (4) Block one (1) in Jam es
m*y " “ ¿ „ p i w ; —d- unl* "
Henry M cFarland's F irst Addition to
shown th at may m
t0 the City ot Cottage Grove, Lane
County. State of Oregon.
Said sale will commence on Monday,
the 2fith day of May, 1913, a t l ottage
Grove Oregon, and continue until «aid
S T . « . ', '
A dm inistra ter.
* P«P«r’a R dvartiaing
the num ber of people It
I tt'*n a
° ot*1,‘r p a p e r ranches more
quart.T its m any C o tta g e Grove
the a bee nee of •
** ^°** The S entinel.
ta g e G f °1
cous, is taken by the courU as the final
teat aa to whether the milk in question
was up to the required standard. Or-
dinances perm itting the seizure and
destruction of all milk found to be im­
pure or below the required standards
are supported by the courts and gen­
erally enforced.
Of course the municipality may m ake
valid regulations governing the m ea­
sures of quantity in uae by the dealers.
Thr citizens through their legislative
representatives - be they alderm en or
members of the village board —may
provide theae regulations aa well aa
thoae protecting them against impure
or weak milk. All but officially-tested
measures may be barred and ordi­
nances not infrequently require th a t
milk shall be sold only in bottles or jars
permanently marked with their ca­
If you arc a consumer of milk recog­
nize your rights. You can compel the
enforcements of the regulations you
now have and. if they are insufficient,
you may do much to secure the passage
of acts that will be adequate.
Copyright, 1913,by W alter K. T ow ers.)
“r - ' Ä
- r
r r . : :
w n
Davice That Mad* Possible Accurate
Lo ig Rang* Firing,
It was aliout the year 1886 th at the
tele»,'op« waa Drat tested Ui conjunc­
tion with the Drliig of a modem gun.
The tremendous concussion broke the
leri* however, so th at In order to uae It
it nil the teleacope had to be detached
from the gun tiefore firing, thereby
entailing a loas of several seconds In
time after aim had been taken.
Later, to obviate thla defect, the
telescope waa adjusted to tbe axis of
the gun by a system of parallel arm s
moving up and down In unlaon with
the gun. though detached from I t Thla
of course waa a great Im provem ent
but there were atlll grave practical de­
Well, along In the early nlnedea Hen­
Muatln. a young midshipman at
Aunn|x>lls. lean faced and aquare of
Jaw. built like a medium sized H er­
cules, quiet mannered, but a bulldog In
tbe football Held, Interested himself In
the »tody of optica. Naturally enough,
til» thought» were directed to the de­
fective lenaea of the gun telescopes.
I'he lenaea broke when tbe guns were
fired, therefore It waa necessary to In­
vent a nonbreakable lens.
One day years later, while station­
ed in Washington. Muatln called a few
of hla brother officer« to the window
ncur hla dcak on tbe aecoDd floor of a
building In the navy yards. He show ­
ed them a lens with a metal band
'•shrunk" around Its circumference.
Then he tqiened the window and de-
IlIxTutely threw the lena with all hla
might upon tbe brick pavem ent lie-
low The others knew of hla pet bob­
by and thought be bad given it up In
llaguHt und had taken thU way of tell­
ing them ao. Hut be put on hla bat. lit
i cigarette and bade them follow him.
He led them down the atalrs am id con­
siderable Joking and out to the apot
where the lens lay on tbe pavem ent
The glaaa waa unbroken. Tbe one
.■rent defect of the telcHooiie sight bad
I h - cii overcome, and Mustiu bad made
IMisalble tbe long range gunnery of
the modern navy. The thud of the lit­
tle gluaa dtak with it» metal collar
upon the brick pavem ent waa tbe sig­
nal for tb e nations to begin to build
their D readnoughts.—American Maga­
Thay Caused a Vigorous Protoat In
M assachusetts In 1640.
The following proteat signed by Jo-
teph Kndlcott. governor; Thomas Dud­
ley. deputy governor; Richard Belling­
ham. Richard Saltonstall. Increase
Nowell. W illiam Hibbins. Thomas
Flint. Robert Bridges and Simon Brad-
itreet w as published In M assachusetts
In UH9:
rotest. against w earing long hair,
of the governor, etc., of M assachu­
Forasm uch as the wearing of long
hair, a fte r tbe m anner of Russians und
tuirbnrous Indiana, has begun to in-
vude New England, contrary to the
rule o f God's word, which says it la a
aha me for man to w ear long hair, as
also the comuiendnble custom gener­
ally of alt the godly of all our nation,
until within thepe few years:
"We, the m agistrates, who have sign
ed this paper, for the shewing of our
awn lunocency In this behalf, do d e­
clare and m anifest our dislike and d e­
testation against the wearing of such
long hair, as against a thing uncivil
and unmanly, whereby men doe d e­
forme them selves and offend «operand
modest men and doe corrupt good m an­
ners. We doe therefore earnestly In-
trent nil the elders of this Jurisdiction,
as often as they 'h all see cause, to
m snlfest th eir zeal against It In their
public adm inistrations, and to take
care th a t the members of their respec­
tive churches la* not defiled therew ith;
that h o . such as prove obstinate, and
will not reform e themselves, may have
God and man to w itness against them.
The third mouth 10th day. 1640 "
Ths Strangar.
A stran g er knocked a t a m an’s door
and told blui of a fortune to be made.
'I'm !" said ' tbe man. “It appears
th at considerable effort will be In­
‘Oh. yea.” said tbe stranger; “you
will |iaas many sleepless nlglits and
toilsome days!"
“Urn!" said tbe man. "And who are
“ I am called O pportunity.”
“Urn!" said the man. “ Ton call
yourself Op|>ortuulty. but you look like
hard work to me."
And be slammed the door.—Pitta
burgh Post.
Franziad Arithmetic.
Three-year-old Amy. who bad a very
lively little brother, was being put
through n lesson lu arithm etic by her
uncle. She had successfully added one
and one. b' *: stuck a t tw o and one.
“Your mamma," said her uncle, “has
two cblldreu. If she had one more
what would th at make?*'
“Oh.“ cried Amy, “th a t would make
my mamma ewaxy!”— W oman's Home
A p t
T IIT H EN /o h n Alexander Dowie established the
* * imm ense Zion Lace Industries at Zion City,
Illinois, the whole lace world looked upon it as a
hazardous undertaking.
Laces had never before been made in America.
But the great plant has been a success from the
start. Even experts from the historic lace centers
of the old world m arvel at the beauty, exquisite
finish and w earing qualities of Zion Laces
*1 W e are offering the beautiful products of the
Zion Lace Industries which include narro w Val­
enciennes« N orm andy Valenciennes, some with
Allovers to match, Fancy Novelty L ace Bands,
Fancy Novelty Lace Allovers, Shadow Lace
Bands, Shadow Lace Allovers, Torchon Laces
* and Cotton Cluny Laces.
AJ W om en tell us that Zion Laces w ear better
than other laces and the prices are m uch lower.
Burkholder-Woods Go.
T h e value of a p a p e r's ad v e rtisin g is gauged by th e n u m b er of
people it reaches. N o o th e r paper reaches m ore th an a q u a rte r as
m any C o ttag e G rove people as does T h e S entinel.
Will make your old room as good as new and is the
ideal for new walls and ceilings. Let us prove it to you
Shingles, Roofing, Building Paper
Lath, Lime, Cement and Plaster
Buy “ Made in Cottage Grove" Doors, Windows
ana Screens
Cottage Grove Manfg. Co.
T h e value of a p a p e r to a com m unity can be a ccu rately m easured
by w hat o u tsid ers th in k of it. T h e S entinel is w illing to be th u s
m easured.
T he S trength, Equipm ent and Disposition to Serve Its Patrons
lakes this Bank A ttractive
Capital • $ 2 5 ,0 0 0
Surplus • $ 2 5 ,0 0 0
Undivided Profits
$ 10,000
Safety First
Service Next
Courtesy Always
U. S . P ostal Savings D epository
First National Bank
“ T h e S h o p ” W h e re Good P rin tin g is D one— T h e Sentinel.
A Gantla Hint.
'T u i h u n g ry /' said the out of
“Well.” said the kind hearted (?)
manager, “enn't I give you som ething
In appease your hunger?”
••Surely.“ said the actor. "I believe
I'd prefer a few d ates.” — 8L Louis
Mistaken Identity.
Mrs. Hen|ieck (to her pet dog)—Go
and lie down there! H er H usband
(coming hastily»—W hat did you wish,
my swuet little wife?—Fliegende Blat­
S P R I N G S U I T S $13 U P
___________ S T R I C T L Y C U S T O M T A IL O R E D ___________
I have ju st received a com plete line of Spring S uitings, all wool
and a y ard wide th a t I can m ake up at $13.00 and up. I handle
the Hugene W oolen Mills goods.
Patronize hom e industry.
All work g uaranteed. Steam cleaning and repairing.
_______ LADIES* W O R K A SPECIA LTY _______
B O H L M A N :: ?5he TAILOR