' ‘‘••ly 'liitril.ui*. h" '’ ni#r,iru#i ,n“ 11 ""•»»»'«' •> u .» k ? 7 ' % VICTOR MURDOCK ° ur frivmla .< c5 5 'l l | | 53. "V •••lr 1 Thry " hlyt V* Mg L ^rfel Skin Snlv*. bl* number t), lint '*•*.»5 r « « * «gain.. „ j . T " » ^ - N - r Out v rMi ,h* p - pi . o 7 t T Arnica «•>*• known «»h a best remady "•••»• „f lbs akin, and also “C 7 , s «,-1 boll.- « .d u r * . 1 and is soothing and hoal- ¡ T o r n a n . publl-h.r o f Lnsbus. N. C.. w r it., that I h|, aerioua akin ailment > «omtnot, c « i « .7 ,®1 ,rh '» •«B'slly ,|( " % oakhuldar« '»• ¡- o ltiS M ,"r' . ,n rr* “ X tha.nJjN * '■•' » H ,flUn7 7 l »« cummin,if|<.a . _ "*• K' • Village ° M,y „ ^ b r «Il daakira. .... *.....v -^ S S i rOVr- I..... • *ur,H,r.n(1„ llmtta ' H W»,rn , ,„ . (lfotir Urm J hr WM.hr, J • • >H)I .ay ••!•,_ . . .. *• 1 "> ffo* |j| ou ‘ t o i l . * . ,;fov, . “ »I 4 U tf«n r o v «.“ And h. « f ( O il.* « CJfg,, %h Jj *"« *»« hla farm. tnnion lntrrr.ta !*•»( ^ ^ A »wither thlig. Ty,. HO YOIJK J ,“ ° " Und. In ana JirwyL, • «ml ar|..ratr u. fmnw, J » • «fa drawn up *• Rod wall, rl- * divida atMj u, makad^, nlliaa by ourselves, WkiltM advantage >1 '^ri*^ | iln rar tog r the r, aa a wbala tJ • ua a|iarl J iflrHjht foni«« he 'I r l l t e t h l I « foM»|>l« N i l i being »Hlled A. B. WOOD, Manager ■ f t and Effectual Cure fur F Bad Colda. h e haw a had cold you want Rikat will nut only give rwliaf, pa i prompt ai-d permanent tMawdy that la pleasant to laawdy that contains nothing a Chamberlain's Cough Kcaic- b til (bear req u ire m e n t« . It ■tun'i plan, rallavea tbe lung. IMortiiun, opens tha awerr- M ft*tor-« tha ayalem to a 1 «oadilion. Thla remedy haa a *M« sale and use, and can Wfcpsndcd upon. Sold by all •tion, i f Joe McKibben. he Llndetrom Flinn la Jones Stannatt............... ina Turk .......... > W hitten.............. Palry Allen ...... i M ich ael.... a W oolley.............. Cwinir .............. Crow..................... xea not given are eek. alker, Ore., April 2,1* G. 0 . Walker, Walker, Ore. ear Sir: I am pl**J I us«*d your patent !*■ ermintttor Itust y*r,< id it the quickest, CW and moat complete tn* xterminatinif He* other insects if®»" len I hav** i*ver seen without injury to tn* er plant. Very truly, O s c a r J ack # * N e g le c te d , S eriou » I l i n e s * alien, if neglected, leads d innumerable com plica­ tin g the general health, kv Many cases of IL k typhoid fever. r jßifBH "I **•» afflict»* • ^ 3 5 5 3 3 w,,h '-.mstlpatloa lfu» „ „ an* blllousasaa tor to_J“ ,,»*s h«canie so be* I «aeons-ioua. | hava besa kaa su many limas. i 7 ® o « saain to ba able to J 9*04 I would become A •» • Hm# coui* *o gtw 1 .'""A •** I lo t i bo* ‘ Axsilvs Tableta, an* found I bn* never ¡ywn« (ha. *c|a* I« aoeh » «I u - ,.'r' "’••“ •ar. I batteva »J ttt« remedy that Los Angelas Opsns Municipal Markets I «os Angslws. Fifteen thousand per sons visited the opening of the three municipal markets. They bought 4v- «rythlng In sight and would have bought five or ten times as much more produce had It been offered. York's history. Incidentally they ap^ piled tbe "You don't*count" treatment th mere man In re*l trapped form. Just before the parade started at 3 o'clock thla order waa Issued: "Now." the marcher« were told, "fo r get for a couple of hours that such a creature as man ever existed. He don t matter today. Keep your eyes to the front and shoulders erect and don t even nod to your mother.'' The march­ ers obeyed Instructions. This order was given, the leaders said, to Impress spectators with the m a rc h ers' determination. Twenty four handsome girls on horseback, headed by Miss Inez Mil- Holland, headed the marchers. They kept the Step to the music of 36 bands Behind the horsewomen followed the member* of the National American W om an's Suffrage association, repre­ sentatives from suffrage state, and from the territory of Alaska, the w o­ men's Political union. General aalle Jones' "Army of the Hudson and numerous other women's organl ta lions. CHARTER WINS IN PORTLAND . , - k . Vats I. Caat. ».000 of 73.000 s*!* P«°ple are sufferers snaiiki^ constipation and dxa. * something t trxfV »**'• condition, yet p. on* employ proper 5f»,n until serious ill- ? The advice of in4 *..**' k*cp your bowela Hit. A *°«d advice. T »II a, Tablet« are L y fm rxta, at as cents a *h li f is do»«* I* not *t *c'ory, your monty ia 2 4,ur*1 1 Stomach Disorders. W ALKER Uaornm«nto.- Tba California soil allan land holding act. which passed both housai, of ths leglalalure within U hours attar brlaglng about one of tha tuoat unusual situations In the his­ tory of Ilia nation, will ||B „ „ Uovernor Johnson's desk without his signature until MsoiwUry of Mtaie Jiryan can con far with I'raaldent Wllaon In Washing ton. hefaaiad finally hla diplomatic effort to dissuade the California leg Islature from enacting an alien land hill utfacilug the Japanese, Hecretary of Hint« liryun declared that he looked to the people of the state to express Tint four repreaentati««* of the Kua- alan colony that la looking for a loca­ tion in Oregon returned from Hoaeburg Saturday morning'and apent the entire day in again looking over the country aurrounding Kugene. They are better pb-aaed with the upper Willamette val- ley than with any other aection they have aeen, and if they can find a large enough tract o f land at a auitabie price they will locate here. The interpreter for the party told William Porter that they were better pleased with Eugene than with any other place they have aeen, and will adviae the colony to come here. The men Have been all over Waahing- ton and Oregon making careful exami­ nations o f soils and living conditions. They have been the gueats o f commer­ ^ by A in«ir 1« ’Mfi i'r * * « Aaaocifotloo. cial clubs, railioad officials and promo­ Victor Murdock, K a n in Represents- tion organizations wherever they have tlve, who Is leader of the Progressives been, and have been shown every cour­ in Congress. tesy, and have been given every possi­ ble chance for investigatian. Th, Dalle, Officials Are Made Defend­ ants In Saloon Cases Th« I'illicit. O r—Methodist, United Brethren. Baptist and Chriatlan churches here are plaintiffs In pro­ ceedings. Instituted tn circuit court, against Muyor Kish and the city offi­ cials, the object of legal action being to prevent the city from Issuing saloon IP euaes In the future, It being alleged that the council haa no legal right to iHlIIra Issue penults on account of a charter o where omission which was made when the state leglalature reenacted a section of the local charter In 1906. to motion of attorneys JAPANESE COMMEND WILSON for In the response plaintiffs, Judge Bradshaw set Laadafo In Tokla Advla, Paople to May 1M for hearing on the application Praacrva Calm Attltuds. for a temporary Injunction, which Toklo —Th# Japanese preaa express would enjoin the council from Issuing e<1 a general appreciation of the ef­ saloon licenses. forts of President Wilson In behalf The legal action will not affect the of a land bill In California that would Ibjuor permits which are now in ef­ nut he objectionable to the Japanese fect They expire June 30. !,es<1era of public opinion tn Japan are advising that an attitude of calm- Hindu Is Eligible as Citizen. nraa be maintained In the present sit­ Spokane.—An Interesting sidelight uation rturb men as Baron Khlbusaws on the antl-allen land legislation In and I'haliman Naktfno. of tba Toklo California came here when Akhay Chamber of commerce, publicly aaaert Kumar Mozundar, a philosopher and confidence that the American govern­ native of Calcutta, India, attained the SMS» II» « • • » ■ !« • u e ly U t n * ment and paople alike are opposed to distinction of being the first Hindu , ... Him im * leave* | — discriminatory measures of legislation. ever to become an American citizen. Bf • fflr r * « I 1 i r d a f t •• 3 P* They declare that every effort now Although courts heretofore have held N M ( vftthottl fool»«« I M l hi IU aldtkMi »I u r te Ih r t e |» must be made to discover and eradi­ Hindus Ineligible to citizenship. Unit­ iteg li «i t!*k ul u e u f t »6Atf * « lle t e t t l e a l u l U t i « «*• cate the root of antagonism to the ed States District Judge Prank H. la ri* ; i w l P ft'iujr lut » » * • « « Japanese In California, that amicable Budkin grunted the application of the Itat he teatri*r«| « I Ih r O fo % K Hindu for naturalization papers. relations may he restored. M t li» m , T t i l i w r r f o t « » r t l iH | ri— " »-»••, « it |( bul II .. a n . * * « I**1» It <>U*hl todsap* ' rarh other. to awakan , ^ «"d fo malt* ut a * 7 ? >oa people. T h e vtfy , * (Continued from fimi p«4* Johnson Will Withhold Sigi ture Until Bryan Confers With Wilson. CHURCHES BRING SUIT *• a* many .JifTerwnt p j ! ? ! U fln a „r„:| , l« U r « * j7 ' I* t I m for th, ul look at II fnae tkaetpi, k down tka valley« aa ad B II waa aakl of old. **A|I n * Home. ao wr ran aay, “Ud I u* C o lta i« Grove.” |^g , I<*t ua give of our tin#ada mild up a common lauimw (non cantor. Than aa u • l o k a mcraaaln|ly anaidJ l common Intoraat In aaa j Tara, SalhahnrM ahal! pwJ uiam and our hapfUam m a a common fund. I Ihla anlarpn«« which«« I la to bo carriad to aaaaj y oarh onr awakening t a il al duty, (onvinrad, a •I ar« o f Ita auprrmafoM 'ughl In crowd in l.rr» t i l 'Ilona. I'»»» niurh barddtl i a faw if rarh aulwarihdfl •d individually. In txatfo d hava liaen aaaiar 1« tawJ amount In larger «utanal wmjbi It havr barn aa erlH rrned* I think not. f a ll many, aarh doing hia racMI ally, aach man who * 4 y moat can fired* to UktM o f three aharra. It maMl fin« a gix.i iral for MapJ ra it to buy arr.l to plant oar« 1« not on that account M M intad, or rx|wct ai m« umu I for ua. Kay not, oihan M wa don't. ” Very likal» t»dj I own it too and to that I t ta lihawiae T. W. L*aL0M Conditions In Upper WillumetteiVal ley More Favorable Than in Any Other Place Viaited. "» »Ke stomach may ba Wl* use of Chamberlain’ « v*cy rcmarkabl* eures •efed hy theae tablets. New York.—The Friedmann patients In New York are not doing well. In fact, some of them are decidedly 111. This fact, combined with a knowledge of the nature of the Bale Friedmann haa recently accomplished, haa made all physlctana connected with the Friedmann teals anxious not only for their own patients hut for the welfare of the public In general. Before the week la out It la most probable that three, and perhapa four, public statements will he made from public Institutions, none of which will be fnvorable to I)r. Friedmann or his treatment. Thla Information haa been placed In the hand« of the New York health de- parement. telling of the poor showing which the Friedmann patlenta. all of whom have been watched for the de­ partment. have made. The statements made are strong. One of them Is supposed to be that some of the cases treated would have been better off If they had not had the Friedmann Injection and that the p re se n c e of th# culture in their sys­ tems seems to have given the bacilli a chance to work In places which they mlatit not otherwise have attacked. Irish Lassla Fought as Man Quincy. III.—How an Irish lassie, disguised as a man, enlisted In the Union army, fought bravely under Genernl Grant, and la te r apent nearly a year In the sta te Soldiers' and Sail­ ors Home at Quincy without her sex being detected, was revealed by Col­ onel J. O. Anderson, superintendent of the home, w'hen she was committed to the Insane asylum at Jacksonville. Portland. W heat—flu b , 87c; bluestem. 98 d Kuaslan. 16c. Hay— Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $12. Butter —Creamery, 28c. gggg—( ’ andlfid, 21c. Hops-1912 crop. 14c. Wool—Eastern Oregon. l« c . w melte valley. 18c. Baking Powder is the greatest o f m odem ­ time helps to perfect cake and biscuit m aking. M akes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and gu aran tees it sa fe fro m alum and all adulterants. Mrs. W. F. Oaburn, who haa seen t The place of meeting o f the Oregon The dates are June 15-16. Koseburg’a the Saskatchewan colony that theae State Bankers’ Association has been new hotel will not be finished in time, men represent, says that they are changed from Koaeburg to Corvallis. making the change advisable. trained agriculturalist«, sober and in­ dustrious workers, and will prove a splendid asset tu the community in which they settle. They are dissatis­ fied with Canada because of the long cold winters, and are seeking a milder climate. They are vegetarians, and fruit comprises a large part o f their diet. They are anxious, therefore, to locate in a place where fruit grows in abundance. Real Estate Transfers. Walter S. Hidden et ux to Jennie I. Hidden—undivided i interest in tract sec. 14, tp. 21 SK 3 W, also undivided i interest in NEf o f NEf sec. 22, tp. 21 SR 3 W, $10. L. P. Hanson et ux to C. Jensen et ux 20 acres in section 21 township 17 SK 4 W. $10. G. A. Mosby et ux to A. B. Wood, two-thirds acre in section 33 township 20 SR 3 W, $10 Eliza Atkinson et vir to John H. A t­ kinson, tract in section 33 township 20 SR 3 W. $1200. Lizzie Saltzman to Fronia Cox, tract township 20 SR 3 W. $.'»00. J. L. Plaster et ux to Archie V. Thompson, lot 4 block 1 L>. G. McFar­ land’ s third addition to Cottage Grove, $650. W. R. Cooper et al to Charles W Wallace and Roy E. Short, two acres in section 27 township 20 SR 3.W, 1500. Eva C. Wheeler et vir to Esther C. Silsby lot 4 and E} of lot 3 block 1, J. E. Young’s addition to Cottage Grove, $ 10 . B. C. Cooper et ux to John Bader, 18 feet of west aide of lot 3 block 1 William Shields addition tn Cottage Grove, $5000. B. F. Harding to Angie Thomas, lot 3 and south half o f lot 4 block 2 Sagi­ naw, $50, A. E. Noland et ux to R. C. Loucks, tract in township 20 SR 3 W, $10. John F. Spray et ux to Francis Mc­ Laughlin, lot 53 Cedar park, $1000. Hen Mothers Five Little Kittens. W. P. McGrew, who lives on the river road haa a White Plymouth Rock hen which has taken an unusual in­ terest in a litter of motherless kittens, five in number and takea as good care of them in the mat»«r of protecting them from enemies as their own mother could do. There are five of the kittens and the affection is reciprocated by the pussies.—Register. Everything you can mention is in The Sentinel. Cottage Grove People Should Not Wait Until It la Too Late. The appalling death rate from kidney disease ia due in most cases to tha fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become serious. The alight symptoms o ften give place to chronic disorders and the auffarer may slip gradually into some serious form o f kidney complaint. If you suffer from backache, head­ aches, dizzy spells; if the kidney se­ cretions are irregular o f passage and unnatural in appearance, do not delay. Help the kindevs at once. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders—they act where others fail. Over one hundred thousand people have reesnimended them. Here is one of many caaes in this vicin ity: Mrs, F. Wood, 558 West Eighth St., Eugene, Ore., saya: “ I endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills again with pleasure for they did great good in our family. For myself, I can say that they have given me a lasting cure from kidney trouble. I have had no need o f a kid­ ney remedy for a long time. 1 give Doan's Kidney Pills full credit.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tbe United States. Remember the name- Doan’«—and taka no other. ES+Í1+ HISTORY OF THE WORLD T W 0-IN -0N E PUZZLE. Add and subtract according to pictures, etc., and you will then be able to And the name of the first congress that met In Philadelphia Sept 6. 1774, to which all the colonies except Georgia sent delegates After you have done thla find the picture of one of the congressmen Answer to last puzzle: Salem Picture face In front of emu. Doubly Glad is the Man W ho Smokes c c jid ç jt / / T frfC u jtA A s Glad to smoke this pure old Virginia and North Carolina bright lea f— with its natural tobacco taste. A g e d and stem m ed and then granulated. Tucks quickly in the pipe rolls easily into a cigarette. W it h each sack a book o f cigarette papers FREE. A n d smokers are glad to get the free pres­ ent coupons enclosed in each 5 c sack. These coupons are good for a great variety o f pleasing articles — cameras, talking machines, balls, skates, safety razors, china, furniture, toilet articles, etc. M any things that will delight old or young. ^ , , w Aa a special offer, during April and May only, tve will send our new illustrated catalog o f these p resen ts FREE. Just send us I your name and address on a postal. In every "" M ck L ig g rtt &( M yert D uke’ s Mixture ts one and a halt ounces of