ir Ol |„g n earest her awe Mesdamc. Brown. W ils o n and Swengsl gueastng th* exact — 1 ~ ir DC □L 3DC it 3C ir ZZZ, Forest and Fssex Mills Underwear for Men, Women and Children S u p e rio r Q u ality L o w est C ash P rices Essex and Forest Mills ^ rp' Underwear for Men Essex and Forest Mills Sum­ mer Underwear for Women Every Style for Summer In Every Style Y o u ’ ll be pleased with the su|*‘ rior q u ality o f ou r uuderw ear and the rea son ab le prices. S in g le p ie ce cotton underw ear, ea ch 2 3c ahd 45c. Light w eigh t w ool U nderwear, sin gle p iece, each $1.00. W o m e n ’ s V ests in hijeh, low , rou n d or Y -sh a p ed n e c k — short, lon g or n o sleeves — h an d fin ish ed Priced e a ch e d g e — lisle thread. 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and up. u 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c and up. \ . ja Special in Wash Goods Saturday, May 10 A sk por BTStodureJ V o n o t Durali* A large, odd assortment that has been sel­ ling at 15c to 25c a yd. Choice one day, yd. 11c Men’s Elk Skin Shoes. Choice a pr. $1 3 b o x e s safety m a tch es 10c; 6 n in e -o u n ce bars w h ile lau n dry s o a p 2 5 c ; P eaberry Blend C offee, a p o u n d 2 7 c; N o. 8 can 2 5 c; 6 p ou n d s brok en rice 2 5c: Diam ond “ W " Making P o w ­ der, per poun d 2 3 c: 100% pure lye, a can He: 10-pound p ad P ea ch es, Pears o r A p ricots, ea ch 3 5 c : 6 p o u n d s Petite prunes, 2 5 c; 4 -p ou n d sa ck salt 8 c: 3 (rounds seedless raisins 2 5 c; 4 co rn sy ru p 4Hc; 4 p a c k a g e s soda 2.5c; H igh Plight H ard W h ea t F lou r, a sack $ 1 .3 5 ; Pride o f Oregon S o ft W heat p o u n d s fa n cy dried p each es 3 5 c ; 3 % p o u n d s fa n cy head rice F lou r $1.25. & B f l Jackson County is one district o f the state well organized for industrial school fairs this fall. Interest is high in the movement and the various com­ munities will offer attractive prizes for the beet work o f the school children. In addition to the county fair, various school fa in will be held. X nc — DC being about enough to plant one acre, to all farmers applying for it. This is acclimated seed and C. L. Smith, agri­ culturist for that line, maintains that Oregon can be made one o f the fore­ most corn states. X X J S PE C I A L FOR THIS WEEK Lace Curtains Value $1.50 LURCH’S, Inc. P H O N E 33 (Continued from first p * fe .) ■■■■■■ ■ -«». • DC □C © o r ir ta Im m ense Order for Tom atoes. J. O. Holt, manager o f the Eugene Farmers who are interested in grow­ Fruit Growers' association, reports that W om an ’ s Club E ntertain ed. ing corn are invited to try seed fur­ be has just received an order for 10,000 The library committee o f the W o­ nished free by tbe O. W. R. & N. Co. cases o f canned tomatoes, the product man's Club, Mesdames Scovell and Twelve-pound lots will be given out. o f the Eugene cannery. Mackin, entertained the members o f the club Tuesday afternoon at the Sco­ vell home on Adams Avenue. The following short program was rendered : Origin o f May Day Festivals.......... Do You K now Ten People Around Cot­ ............................ Mrs. J. A. Wright Reading, “ Apple Blossoms” . . .Carlton tage G rove N o t Taking The Sentinel f Mrs. S. L. Mackin Review o f the book, "M ontei ima’s Daughter” ......... Mrs. Maude Shinn F YOU DO, AND WILL SEND US A LIST Recitation “ Good Morning” ........... of such names, we will credit your subscription .............................. Mrs. Lou Martin two months. We want but one name out of The program waa followed by a con­ the same family. Just mail us in the list of names test o f geographical names from South America, Mexico, Cuba and Panama, and receipt extending your subscription two months the countries studied by the club this will go to you by return mail. year. Mrs. Alden won the prize, a May basket o f pansies. Refreshments o f enchiladas, olives, This Offer Good Up to and Including Mexican baked beana, wafers, Panama M ay IS, 19 13 creama, Spaniah meringue and coffee were served. Those present were Mesdames Alden, Hemenway, Johnson, Martin. Mackin, Powell, Shinn, Wright, Scovell. Mrs. H. Short was a guest. The social session waa followed by a abort business session at which it waa decided to study American lierature the coming year. A library o f over 100 volume* will be furnished for the purpose from the state library. r? SEVERAL NEW ROADS WILL LEAD INTO THE CITY M A C K IN T h e Q uality C a sh S to r e P H O N E 33 I • M F. CHURCH James T. Moore. Pnat»r. Services for next Sunday : » :4& au m., Sunday School; 11 a. m , Mothers Day, services, special sermon and music; 7 p. tn., Kpworlh League; H p. in,, song* ami aermon, su bject: *’God'a Law for Nature and Grace.” BUY SUPERIOR QUALITY GROCERIES HERE AT CASH-SAVING PRICES UMPHREY CHURCH NEWS BAPTIST CHURCH C M. Cobb. Paalor. Service« for next Sunday, Mother* Day; A* th# second Sunday In Msy has been designated aa Mother«' Day the service« Sunday will be appropriate to the day. Let everyone wear the white carnation or other white flower, emblem of motherhood, send a message to mother, if living or spend the day In doing remembrance to her; 10 a. m., bible school, Mr#. Ki ri K. Mills, Hupt. ; 11 a. n».. morning worship; 7 p. m., young peoples' meeting; 6 p. m., even­ ing service. Boys’ Elk Skin Shoes. Choice a pr. $ 1 .9 0 fOR. DOTS 6 GIRLS ............ « . i l S or friends .1 a somewhat • lone can tall »hifk Servicer a» lha Christian Selene# Hell every Sunday at II and Wednesday evening at 7 Al l are welcome. Special for Saturday, May 10 JSL . T M Engagement A nnounced. At a luncheon glvsn at lha horns o f Mrs A W. Kim* yeaUrday afU rnoor th* *ng«gement of Mis* Allc# Counts to Mr. Frank Knoz waa announesd. Mine Eunice VanDenburg favored thoso present with « reading. Th* Invited guests w ere: Meadamea G*o. H all Nelli* Johnson, J*w Porter, Knoz, Stewart. Andrews, VanDenburg. Murk holder. Elvln Spray, Gao. Knowles. D T. Awhrey. C. f . Counts, Charles Basis, Alfred Jury. O. L. Nlehola Myra Powell. Mark Usroult*. Mabel Karl, Vernon Field*. 5 If Pow*ll Misses t'urrln, Perkins, Veatrh.t nun la Landess, l.rah Parkins. Vet* Holder man. VanDenburg. Burkholder. : Porosknit U n ion S u it— 6 0 c . i A successful business meeting waa held. A pleasant feature of the even­ ing waa the lunch at which no one waa allowed to speak, a fine of one cent being imposed for every infraction of the rule. Mias Iona Vaughn received the prize for not speaking at all and Miaa Julliettv Woodard for speaking the moat. Those present were Grace Bennett, Goldie Hayes. Carrie Woods, Anna Anderaon, Miaa Johnson, lona Vaughn, Arlie I.angdon, Mary Bartell, Verna Hawkins. The Rebekahs entertained Frida» evening In honor of twenty-live guests from Eugene. A number of the young people o f the city were also guests. Dr. W. W. Oglesby celebrated his 76th birthday anniversary Sunday with a family dinner at the Oglesby home. The boy scout claaa o f the Baptist Church waa entertained by Rev. Cobh at hia home Friday evening. Gamea were played, after which refri-ahmenta were served. Th# Dorcas Society met at the home o f Mr«. Anlauf last Thursday after- noon. A fter the usual work and a aocial hour refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home o f Mias Goldie Hayes. The Social Twelve met Isst Thuradsy afternoon with Mrs. Herbert Eakin in Refreshment* were The high school student body was social aeaaion. served. entertained in Phillips Hall Friday evening by the Freshman class. After The R. N. o f A. Club met with Mr*. an enjoyable evening refreshments Ja*. Hemenway Tuesday afternoon. were served at the New Era. A t the suggestion o f Mra. McGrath ar­ rangement* were made to dispose of Miaa Goldie Hayes entertained the the R. N. o f A. quilt at a aocial in the members o f her Sunday School claaa at near future. Luncheon was served. her home Saturday afternoon. The Thoae present were Mesdames Hall’ afternoon wan spent in playing games, Venake, Atkinaon, Miller, HakeF, Bis’ after which refreshments were served. by. Price, Lockwood. Wallace, Swer,- A surprise birthday party was given gel, Monroe, and Mrs. Nixon on Miaa Beulah Hawkins at the home The latter secured the prize at the con- o f her parents Saturday evening. The vention at Eugene last week. Invited evening waa spent in playing gamea guests were Mesdames C. E. Jones, C. after which refreshments of cake, ba­ M. Kidd. Beager and Miaa Ivy Hoi- nanas and oranges were served. Those comb. present were Veta Hickey, Genevieve Mrs. J. H. Baker gave a surprise Jury, Lillian Lewis, Ruth and Esther Monday for Mrs. Rose McGrath of Jorgenson, Maude D o y l e , Beulah Hawkins, Pearl Plaster, Glen Smith, Portland, Oregon supervising deputy John Legat, Rupert Coffman, Claudie for the Royal Neighbors, who was her K i m e, Clarence Spencer, D a l e guest. All members o f the local lodge Hawkins, Dsn Woods. Koscoe Hemen­ were Invited. After • social hour, re- freshments of ice cream and cake were way. • served. While refreshments were be­ The Young Lsdies’ Missionary Circle ing served Mrs. ’ ’ aker announced that was pleasantly entertained at the home the day was her birthday anniversary , o f Miss Mary Bartell Monday evening. and offered a prize for the one guesa- th* enterprise, th, •">•11 and lha \ ♦ P oroskn it U nderw ear— sin g le piece — ea ch 45c. C h ild re n !« garm en ts 10c and upw ards. • a - Swengel living th# lucky ona. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M en ’ s U nion S u its— w hite or tan— lon g o r short s le e v e s — ankle or k n ee length , p riced ea ch 50c, t»5c, 75c, ‘>5c. A th letic Shirts— e a ch 25c. W o m e n ’ s U n ion Suits in a n k le or knee len g th — h igh or low n e ck : lo n g , short or n o sleeves. P riced at , . « ! . 1 « « widely distribute «»•ny pera..,, „ , mm m -*«» «-•>*> wear crosses th* tracks, a half mils o f rood has bean purchased through the D. H. Burton plare, thus shortening the rood and at the same time doing away with two crossings. It la practically certain that the highway will be changed to come through the city from the north over a highly improved street. With the improvements to be made by Douglas County in the Paaa Creek canyon dis­ trict, automobile touriata will And the trip through this section a much plea­ santer one than it has been in the past. Unices the highway south from Main Street through the city ia Im prove! by property owners, It ia alto quite prob­ able that a road will be built through from Sixth Street to meet the piece of the highway to bs built by the county, which will give a perfect highway Into and out o f the city from either di­ rection. County Commissioner Hawley, at the meeting of the Commercial Club Mon­ day night, alao announced that some­ thing would be done with the Row River road where it enters the city around Knox hill. The improvement nf this piece of road would have been completed last year but for tha dispute over city boundary lines. It ia the worat pieca of road leading Into the city ami at the same time tha moat used. The improvement o f three-quarters of a mile o f the Panflr Highway north o f the city and sxtensive Improve­ ment# on the South Sixth Street road wore announced soma time ago. EVERY CITIZEN HAS PART TO PLAY IN PLANS (Continued from flrat page.) had obeyed, he found that he did not need the help of Hercules. A joint committee, acting under authority o f the Cottage Grove Grange and the Cottage Grove Commercial Club, has, at tome little expense o f time and work formulated a plan by which the people of this community may provide for them.elvea a cannery wh ch a h .l l b e .i l their own a cannery which nobody elae may appropriate or control. In order that every farmer may havs a share In this organization, the price o the aharea has been placed at |6. In order that a few stockholder# may not secure control, the number o f " ny ° ne man m«y own la "mlted to three. Th«*" « n . therefore. few , , |n order * ° Ut th* m*"y by th„ ° f thef# ^ the I h a r e T ld ty ** *° V° t,n" -e h •hare holder ia permitted to cast the “ me nu" » * ' o f votea -ju at one. order that thi. stock might be a . w Tbc» hi, r m S ai •bar* the •Ibi# number to ,in, ’ *• »4 or IBM. again., II* ¿ ¡ ¿ » f In order thel th« PHUlsg try ami the P • |.l, make eommnn rau* |% S •ach ia equally ^ ■lockholders In the „ „ „ J 1 thla will lri)V, 0, U " rr ,M r'* “ y th, two Haas..# ,rr i . l e » t i j ? l two cunimuiiith e a (»„.I * •ml a vilUg* r,lWmunJj and Indivisible," th, Grov*. whether lle h , j J J the corporation Iim, ^ When one o f oor firm#f| Unleea hr wishes u. do*, not s , y . ftom about I ottege Grove,” Cottage Grove.” And he I* la o f Cottage Grove ehih living on Me ferm. Here . common Intrreats wael Mg Another thing. Thi# have as many d.lfrrent pane« •ible flnainelly n.Ursetsdg terprlM for the — purpose behind |t ^ — m enl; hut It la an tiperi«,, object It . In each other, to awaken i feeling and to mah* in t ««« neuus people. The ytry ^ situation ten.u m 00, dl|wl^ late and saparste us fruw e* Aa we are dream up ,tr - valleya we And wall« rwtag to divide Six) lo make of w ■ y( munltiea by «>ur»rlves. W ie­ the advantage of drseiaf i nearer together, as • whsle cuts ua apart But look at IlfneaUusOi l e “ k down the vxlleytas ed Aa It was said nf old, ‘ All r«, lo R om *." So wr can sty, " g lead to I ottege Grove “ br,, it. !