Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 08, 1913, Image 1

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K i £ * cJlbi
(iïottajr (g ro w S r a í t ó T -
»XV Collage Orova Leader
V I I C o ll«»® Q rove Sentinel
RP0 ra t e d _ w i t h c o t t a g e g r o v e l e a d e r a u g u s t
, 1912
C O r i A G E GROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 8, 1913
'J With No Special Care
lead INTO
Hens Show 86c Profit$
the city
1 I
H aw ley
c,n hr done with hens
; \ | / lf* *hr<ottagi. Grove coun­
try under ordinary circum­
stances haa been demonstrated
. . by Shelby Taetara, who keep» to
Single ( «m l. Huff J cghorna with
In the city limit» and baa but
very aiinple accommodation» for
the bnldlea, in fact having no
range worth mentioning,
ce( Much W ork
iinji Highway« Into the
, will Be Improved by
„Bty Court During
Present Year.
Inerounty conipletee the roe.l
I Ike vicinity o ' • '« l i e g e G rove i
„ laid ovt for ‘ hi11 Yp“ r.
ill tw a wonderful change In I
•»<!,* I. u
b a g O R PUCKER
I he |njrr t.i w cm . ¡¿¿re aIj
pr*»tifunk b y vet narr j
Colti -W«trr j ; « cm . Y « |J
Soi« keeps iu ih«pr ti»tn
You will k- . rilaos
equaled » i I ik i in our
cult M < 1 5 . JiO,
clothe* value* io Al
->rka made from • b t uf 1
«•ro eagerly .)«:>, ¡r»J b) J
w rre not 1« h |
rntly en; •,< ■: I’ <• "..i.tu^*|
Mry got only • *m«ll.
n portant
The recular monthly 1
ane County IL.rtieultsr
I held at Kugana in
toma Saturday at 2 p.
Thia la an in>|iortanl
C and all mnnbert m l
eaent. The ea|«eial I
•a« :a I r< ; «m i
f r thaI
a S late Hort
t .ral
me on June 6 and 7.
ocram will rr|< rt andlkt
rmltera In thi» meeting etll
e auereaa o f the alata I
Knthualaatir |.rr¡ »rittcM i
at rrault*.
3 B O R G S W. TA Y! i*l
The value o f a jiaprrtoil
’ ran be accurately
iat outsider» think of it
e l la w illing to be thui 1
I Into the < ity.
to lb# improvemenla at- |
rad the county w ill lm-
ijuarlera o f a m ile o f the
||l«kwa> »uulh from ,hc r , ly '
[ahoul IU0 yard» from the etly
Heat of A le* Hpahr’ a place
0| road at thta point haa
lied by the purchaae o f two
loedway from Mr. Hpahr,
I yet the highway above lire
of the river. Further eouth
| tao hichway lurt>e aaat and
like I’ li. I lie track» Bid
i hack to the weal and again
Lowest Price Made in Years Mrs. Robt Hanna Retains
on Street Work
Lead With Big Vote
Ambrose & Burdaal, Who Had Large j Mias Veta Hickey Continues in Sec-
Krom April, 1912, to May 1 ,
HH 8 . hie i-xpenaes were 112.70
for egge for hatching and oil for
bia incubator and $104 for feed.
I bo recelpla have been 1112.20
for chiekena aold and $161 for
rgga aold, allowing a net profit
per hen for the year of about H 6
He haa In addition 90
laying hena worth $06.
The original invaatrnent waa
$64 for houee and incubator.
Contract Laat Year at Low
ond Place With a Vote Little
Figure Also Get This
Leas Than That of the
Year's Work.
Cottage Grove will make exteriaive
improvement« to ila «treeta thi« year
at an extremely moderate price. Con-
tracla were l«t by the city council
I ueaday night at 96 cent» a yard for
the hard aurfacing o f one block north
and one block »outb from Main on Fifth
and Seventh Streets, three blocks
north on Ninth Street and Birch Ave-
nue from Pacific Highway to the West
Side school house. Thia prica is prob­
ably the loweat made in the state in
many years.
The chick« hatched in April.
They began laying the
laat week of September and were
good produr.-r» during the period
when egg» were bringing the top
price. With wime o f them now
broody they are producing 66 t 0
thi egga a day. The production
|wr hen for the year hai been
I he contracts were secured by Am ­
brose A iiurdsal, the figure being 4
cents a yard less thsn their price last
year, which waa considered low. The
eight-hour law on municipal work will
make tba labor coat higher this year
than previously and the city council
tffcattnued on page 2 .)
hardly expected such a low figure.
The work done by these contractors
last year is standing well ao that there
There Were Forty-Five.
Inatead o f there being nine from here was no hesitancy in giving them the
who attended the Kebekah doing» at contract at the figure named.
< rrawcll Wednesday o f laat week there
t Resident S ay« He WanU
Kicked By Horse.
ware nine automobile parties and a
Comstock. Ore., May 7 — (Special to
i figt In While Getting
total of 4$ pe«.ple.
The Sentinel.)— W aller Skidmore waa
Is Good.
If you don’t read The Sentinel you kicked in the fare oy a horse last Mon­
day. Several stitches were necessary
l Qftivr ia receiving c<>naid»r don't get more than half the new*.
to draw the wound together.
aa a likely place for
A former resident wae
uaek looking for property.
¡to get in ," he aald, "w h ile
|a«auL Soon prieaa w ill be
there w ill he no har-
A number o f Cottage Grove women
lltpcked up. I hear Cottage
were honored in the election o f officers
I everyw here I go
at tba county convention o f Royal
I e*llev and the opinion ia
Neighbors held at Eugene last week.
that it will not be long until c »
In to Mrs. James Hemenway was elected
lh rarognired aa the beet little
chancellor, Mrs. Joe Baker marahal,
ivalley and w ill have a popu
600 Share«
Mri. E. C. Lockwood assistant marshal
I to any except a few o f the
and Mrs. Fred Wallace waa made a
rt of 15 to 4 the eighth grade
team defeated the ( ‘ reawcll
• Ik« latter’s grounds Saturday.
made on either aide until
l half of the third inning, when
I negotiated the sack». A fte r
iCattsgs Grove lads had things
|**n esy. The lineup was aa
Comstock, Ore., May 7.—(Special to
The Sentinel.)- The county court o f
Douglas County has voted $5,000 for
improvement o f the Pass Creek Canyon
road. Thia is only a third o f the
amount asked for by the recent dele-
gation o f taxpayers who stormed the
court, but it w ill ai<! considerably in
Maximum Subscription 1« Three member of thr resolutions committee. improving the worst piece o f road in
The next county convention w ill be this section o f the country.
Shares; Value of Shares $5
held in Eugene in October.
Advertising pays— in The Sentinel.
Each; Each Stockholder to
Have But One Vote.
With the circulation o f stock sub­
scription papers this week the organi­
Conaiderible complaint is being made
sation of a permanent cannery associ­
by thoae uaing hand and gasoline cars
ation for Cottage Grove was fairly
on the Oregon & Southeastern o f ob­
■ tarled. This will no doubt prove the
structions put on the tracks by boys in
moat progressive step Cottage Grove play. The youngsters probably do not
has ever taken for the encouragement realize the danger nor that the offense
o f growers of fruit, berries and vege- is a serious one.
Several accidents
tsbles susceptible to csnnmg or drying. ihgve M||r,y reiulled f rom such 0 b-
The committee having in charge the itruction8 tnd , „ t w,.ek Auditor Protz­
arcuring o f slock subscriptions has set
recejved a never»* injury to one
the total amount to 1 m * raised st$3.ix)0, ^ when the speeder ran into a pile of
which amount is div.ded into 600 shares Krtve| and j ump#d the r,j|,.
o f $6 each, o f which no stockholder
shall be permitted to own more than
Visiting cards The Sentinel.
,h"' . . . . .
It ia quite probable that a portion o f
the Russian colony that is coming from
Canada will settle in the Cottage Grove
The emissaries when here
last week looked at the 600-acre Jones
ranch at Saginaw and seemed quite
pleased with it, declaring it to be one
o f the best propositions they had found
throughout the valley.
It is quite
probable also that a number w ill locate
in the Pleasant Valley country, a large
tract o f suitable land having been
found there.
t » r
^ W
young men and two
young women in a rig had J
miraculously escaped ser­
ious injury Monday night when
the rig went over an embank­
ment on the London road about
six miles south o f the city.
The rig was at the crest o f the
hill when one o f the horses
swerved. One o f the occupants,
thinking the horse waa about to
lie down, got out o f the rig to
see what the trouble might be.
The night was so dark that the
road was inviaible and the young
man was surprised to be precipi­
tated down the embankment and
immediately followed by the rig.
The distance was twenty fee t or
more. The young woman in the
rear seat was caught in the top
and pinned under the framework
o f the vehicle, but aside from a
few bruises to one limb was e x ­
tricated without serious injury.
The other occupants fell out l a te ­
were but slightly
scratched. The horses did not
fall down and the rig was still in
condition to carry the party home.
A rig coming over the hill
from the other side had forced
the first team over the embank­
ment. Neither driver was aware
o f the approach o f the other
G ranger
fo r
Only by Concerted and Systematic
Cooperation Can Proposition
Be Carried to Successful
Cottage Grove, Ore., May 6 . — Ed.
Sentinel : A test haa come to the
farmers o f the region o f Cottage Grove
to show whether they have the capaoity
and the disposition to g e t together and
to help themselves.
The ancient
Greek* developed the proverb: “ The
gods help those who help them selves."
It was an old Roman'who was repre­
sented as saying to hia frien d : "T h e
fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars
but in ourselves, that we are under-
lings.” It waa in this ancient soil that
the fable o f Hercules and the man
with the ox cart grew up. The cart
had stuck in the mud ; and instead o f
trying to pry it out himself, the man
sat down and tegan to pray to H er­
cules to help him out. Suddenly H er­
cules appeared and said to him :
" F ir s t put your own shoulder to the
wheel. When you have done your best,
then call upon m e ." When *he man
(Continued on page 2.)
The anticipated improvement this
year o f a patch o f the Lorane road
near the Hardy Crow place in the L o ­
rane V alley by moving the road a short
distance w ill do away with a piece o f
road that baa been the cause o f con­
tinu'd complaint from those compelled
to travel it during the w inter time.
W ith the exception o f thia one spot the
road ia a good one with rock foundation
and a number o f enterprising citizens
New Building to Rise at Rear o f the Lorane V a lley intend that there
shall no longer be anything to mar the
of Present One
enjoyment o f a trip to this fe rtile por­
tion o f God’s green footstool. Wm.
Campus W ill Be Beautified by Hawley brought the m atter to the at­
tention o f the local commercial club at
Setting Back of New Struc­
the meeting Monday night.
Young Folks in Rig Go
Over Steep Embankment
The big Rees-Wallare Co.-Sentinel
piano contest ¿loses next Wednexday
at 6 p. m. and the vote« will be counted
that night by a committee o f business
men. The winners will be announced
in The Sentinel next Thursday.
With leas than a week remaining to
secure votes appearances are that
either Mrs, Hanna or Mias Hickey
will carry off the grand prize, although
it would by no means be impossible for
any other candidate to forge up to first
place by a week’ s hustling. Any of
the four other prizes are sufficient to
repay any candidate for a supreme
effort to finish in first place.
Additional stimulus ia being given
the campaign by the special offer made
by Kees-Waliace Co. o f 40,900 votes for
each $6 due bill sold to be traded out
after the contest.
The Sentinel ia givin g 26.000 votes
on each new subscription. On each
dollar’s worth o f printing turned in by
candidates a bonus o f 6,000 votes will
be given in addition to the regular
Were R oyally Entertained.
The standings today are as follow s:
Seventeen Royal Neighbors went to
Mrs. Robert Hanna ...............2202610 Eugene Friday to attend a convention
Veta Hickey ............... ............. 2048710 and report having been royally enter­
tained by the Eugene lodge.
(Continued on page 2 .)
............... I f .....................Nash
.............. aa............... Brown
............. c f ........... Ilnagland
............ . .rt. ........... (Julnn
N .......... 3 b .. . .
•• ......... p . .
S ......... 2 b .
............. . l b . ... Scarbrough able and no stockholder shall hsve but
................. ........... Wllkeraon one vote, no matter what the number
o f his shares may be.
The government of the association is
to be vested in the stockholders, the
In Featureless Game Locals Wallop
management to be by a board of nine County Court Compliments Piece of
County Seaters and Get
Highway in Row River
stockholders elected by the stock­
Cottage Grove Leader No.
C olla ge G rove Sentinel No.
Big Score.
Road District.
With the encouragement the solicit­
In a loosely played baseball game
ing committee ia already meeting there ; The best piece o f road in Lane county
seems to be no doubt that the entire for its length is located in the Cottage Cottage Grove high school team de­
amount o f stock will be subscribe.) Grove country, according to County feated the Y. M. C. A. team o f Eugene
Judge Thompson and County Commis­ on the local diamond Friday afternoon.
without trouble.
sioner Hawley, who went over the Heavy hitting by the locals was the
roads in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. only thing that kept up interest in the
Wild heaves were numerous
The piece o f road referred to is that game.
between the Currin bridge and the on both aides, which largely contri­
1 steel bridge in the Row River road buted to fatten the score o f 16 to 8 .
district. This the members o f the A one handed catch by Randall o f the
" I hear a great deal about Cottage
particularly referred to aa an looals o f a drive to deep center and a
running catch by Newman o f Eugene
(¡ro ve bidding for Industries, but
e,eKtlll piect. 0f highway,
don’ t see what you need of industries.
Kiver dji t r ,ct has been one were the features o f the game.
With the land you have here to b“ ‘ k of the rooit progressive road districts
A return game has been arranged to
up your city I don’ t aee what difference , thU §ection Df the country and, with be played in Eugene Saturday, May 17.
'^•Woodard o f Portland an.l his It makes to you whether you get imlus- ^
e m ,pti0n o f the Lorane district.
Get your “ House fo r Rent” and
I Hhur Noedh»m, w ar* In the tries or not. Your land can put more lias probably spent more money in
Saturday to Monday. They wealth into circulation than all the m- roads thsn any other district in this “ House fo r Sale” signs at The Sen­
tinel office.
M * ............ from California. dustriaa you could secure ” This i» the part of the valley.
JJ toings jn H i e r |0UB Condi-
M. Saltón of Tacoma.
atatement o f W
ith.M ,U U “ * raault o f the who waa here over Sunday visiting his
id so much damage to eit-
Mrs. Geo. Saltón,
For a place to spend
*«o on pleasure bant the two
tonny , UU( ¡, ,de|||> but f|,r I,,, crop, frwn lb . C olt.K « <* '" ”
‘ ^ T b e « are carUln portion, o f W j £
* home they aay they prefer
Geo McCortTrianch of 900 acres
May 26 ia the day that w ill probably
in gton ." Mr. Saltoneont.nMd.
»«bfoot .ta t« by all odd»,
I , one mile from Isadora station be set for the picnic dinner and enter-
they have got to have » ■ * » * £ * £ |lh
and Needham alao
^ i i 2 bounty was sold thi. week m .n t to be given the farm er, of
the »oil won’ t produce much
T J Kyan. a Portland man. T h e , the Cottage Grove country by the
Htou»i . Ile * i i * n lin® but did not and l ’m not knocking my l ^ - ^ . ;
Commercial Club and business men o f
any o f the new
entire tract is’ fenced with woven wire,
but I would prafar a country u 1
l 0f general».
has two spring, and is an ideal piece Cottage Grove.
tb . . . . H b * l » ‘
Elaborate arrangements w ill be made
land for «took raising. The deal was
C ^ s t r a t o r Appoiuted.
for entertainment and it ia quite likely
made by J.
Milne & Co. o f this city,
IT Sharp has been named
that a band from the Chemawa Indian
the purchase price not being made
’™tl*ts court ■s administrator
school w ill be secured to furnish music
p u b l i c . _________
of Joe' H. Sharp, de-
for the occasion.
Advertising pay -in The Sentinel.
TW •"timated value o f the here would be in demand even
market were glutted.
,#f toe estate ia $ 7900 .
1 tbs Grove country for Texaa
1 •with or ao ago, James IMtts
Nf hsve already started on
1 to the state and have de-
•fter all thia ia the beat
•tt* world to live.
Cottage G rove Soil Does
[Atvay With N eed o f Industries
ir Old Webfoot
Every Time
I,:!.. —
ture; Construction To
Be Rushed.
Work on the new high school building
w ill be commenced just as soon as
plana are accepted and a contract can
be let. For fear that the new building
may not be completed in time fo r the
opening o f the fall term the present
building w ill be left standing and the
new building erected at the rear o f the
present building.
Putting the new
structure at the rear o f the old one
will give a large campus in front o f the
new building when the old one ia re­
moved. It is probable that cement
walks w ill be put around and through
the grounds with the completion o f the
The bonds have been disposed o f to
Morrison Bros, o f Portland, the district
paying a premium o f $500, it being es­
timated that the accrued interest when
the bonds are delivered w ill bring the
price to about par. The rate o f inter­
est is 6 per cent.
Plans for the new building w ill be
adopted at a meeting o f the building
committee to be held May 17, this
delay having been asked by the mem­
bers o f the committee outside o f the
A contrast in hen’ s eggs is on e x ­
hibit at The Sentinel office, one being
a Minorca e g g measuring eigh t by six
and one-half inches and by the side o f
it a diminuative Plymouth Rock e g g o f
about one-eighth the size o f the other.
The first was produced by a hen be­
longing to Otto Burcham and the latter
by a biddie owned by K a rl Mills.
J. W. Grant had a narrow escape
from blinding himself with hot lead
Friday while pouring some o f the
molten metal. An explosion threw the
metal in bis face and the flesh about
hia eyes was quite severely scorched.
Several Receive Commissions.
Following are newly commissioned
officers o f Sixth C o .: First Sergeant
W. S. McCaleb, Sergeant Harry Con­
ner, Sergeant R. B. Wilson. Corporal
Chas. Thornton, Corporal Joel Palm er.
M ore Probable Settlers Than at
A n y Time
" In all the four years I have known
Cottage Grove I have never seen the
time when there w ere as many pros­
pective settlers as at the present
tim e,” says C. A. Bartell, proprietor
o f the Oregon Hotel. " W e have the
best little city that there ia in the va l­
ley, and this is not my opinion alone.
1 get it from almost every traveling
man that makes the city, and they are
in a position to know.
Mrs. McDonald Dies at Dorena.
Mrs. Susan McDonald died May 1 at
the home o f her daughter, Mrs. W. R.
Houston, at Dorena. ¡She was 78
years, 4 months and 7 daya o f age and
had been a sufferer for a number o f
years. Mrs. McDonald bad been a
member o f the Baptist Church 25 years
and was a charter member o f the Do­
rena church. She leaves tw o daugh­
ters, Mrs. W. R. Houston o f Dorena
and Mrs. Mary Tripp o f Junction C ity.
Mrs. McDonald’ s maiden name was
Susan Anderson and she was born in
Ohio Dec. 24, 1834.
Stick of W ood Hits
W o m a n ’s Eye
Mrs. Allen Stapleton was brought
in from London Friday with a " Y "
shaped injury to one o f her eye balls,
inflicted with a piece o f kindling wood
that flew into her face. The injury
was received several days before and
it is doubtful i f it w ill be possible to
save the eye.
Attending Officers’ Drill.
The follow ing members o f Sixth Co.
are at Fort Steven« attending officers
d r ill: Captains M etca lf and Johnson.
Lieutenants Woods and Scovell, S er­
geants Conner, McCaleb and W ilson.
Corporals Thornton and Palmer, P r i­
vates Valentine, Robinson and K in g.
No Printers in Ohio Pen.
The Ohio Penitentiary News was
comDelled to cease publication recently
because there was not a printer in the
institution to g e t it out.
mM7k * i