a h 'tìo f % (S m in i Matters o f M o re than Passing Moment ||*m In I*><■»* column* containing on tha last Ima thereof the "rlt !• I* ,,,ld l T h l* announcement I* made in •nr# with lh# postal regulation*.| K. GrarV. H. K. II. 3, Hhaf. I, witnt" price» and doatirlp- tu 4» a i'« ’* to r general poultry »"<1 l,lu,k- Mia» Marguerite O ’ Mara returned Momlav to her *chool at Ulanlm. Mr. anil Mra. W. I. Wallace wer. up from Creswell yeaterday. Ijjtam. » '- « » « • HI.. Chlrago. 1 A lt“ K i»K w »» In Kugeneon buainea» Infor mat iut> regarding land M W (ir" v" ’ Mill auppllea : E BAK ER Blacksmith N0 REPAIR T[0 O N Monday. John Bader haa purehaaed the J N. Jones property on Wi st Main S t. Worth Harvey hua been autfering witli the niuiiii* during the past week. W ORK W EST Hwcngul’» Hardware. Cottage d rove Grange Nu. ltd in- »tailed offieera Saturday afternoon. S ID E Hr. Demnreat, Dentist. Kerr St Sllsby’a Store. Office over mlftf Birr"!' n *tun»|»if»ic and blant* Mr» O. P. W ill» o f Coaat Fork i*rr »old l»y the Hwangal viaited in Portlaml a few daya o f the paat week. - Co. fjun of I «Grande and Milton John Jackson, w ife ami aon left Sat­ of Raymond, Wash., are viait. urday for Junction City after a viait at brother. Stove Hurton. the J. I. Jones and J. II. I.ewia home». V*»tidi ha» roeovorwl auffi- They wi re on their way from ArixoiiH, from hi» recent at-vere lllneaa where they went with their aon Chria, who recently died. They ex|ieet to .I« to tin hi» work. The Hank in». John fo o te r . Clay make their home at Junction. »i-nlor Jackson waa raiaed by Mr. Herb M"»l>y. Jack Godard, Fkl iithi-r king. Melvin and Mar- Lewis. md , Howi- Kennedy, W alter ,t, Othn Mart, Hoy Woods, arlow, Kobt. Wood». Mary and «ley have returned to (). A. •valli» after n|*nding the holi- home. Persona troubled with partial paraly­ sis arc often very much benefited t.y massaging the affected parta thorough­ ly when applying Chamber Inin’» Lini­ ment. This liniment also relieve» rheumatic palrm. For sale by Henson's Pharmury. VTPQ lit ml lU w tlnnU tillable (¡h tmtlH-r mi p la c e to p a v »«p r ic e I h tlf tittle Houtli 1 limit».____________________ STEVE BURTON Dr. II If. Owen returned Friday from Seattle and Kuatern Oregon. ' Hartell has been suffering ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ the mump» during the past week ♦ ♦ A. Hartell I imn return d fr om J CHURCH NEWS t an extended visit In Portland ♦ ♦ l*r. Coif, ahoe n*|iiiirer. Chronic *•■»»»• u specialty, Service» at the Christian Science V Mr. ao Mr». J. | Craham were In H “ 11 • v« y Sundav at 11 and Wednesday L i evening at 7 :3 i. A ll are welcome. Eugene Monday I PR E S B Y T E R I \N C H U R C H . Sunday school ut 10 a. m. , morning A daughter i us born Sunday to Mr W orship, II u. m .; ' hristian Endeavor at 6:30 p. rn.; evening worship, 7:30 ami Ml». Eugene Matlock. p m. There will he a congregational C' o. Hohlman is recovering from his meeting arid supper in the Brotherhood ret-i-nt o|H-ration fnr an ahaceea. room o f th" church Wednesday even­ 'in» sirree, business is good with ing, Jan. 15. A ll members o f the 11 ' ,,l,lr 111 H,,d see us. Swengel Hard- chureh and congregation are requested 'VBr'’ ( 'A> to attend. II. • Neuman o f Arizona visited B A P T IS T CHU RCH • ha». Hall from Thuraduy to Saturday. C M. Cobb, pastor. Service* for next Sunday: 10 a. m., Havi I Starr and w ife o f Emmeta- hurg, Iowa, are v e ilin g at the home bible school; 11 a. m., morning ser­ "C h ris t’ » Dwelling of Mrs. E. A. Cottle, whom they had vice, subject: not Ni-en for 16 years. Mr. and Mra. Place.” The ordinance o f baptiam Starr an- touring the Weal ami are on will be administered; 6:30 p. m , people’s meeting, subject: their way to L on Angi-lt-», where they young “ Become A Christian, Why N o t? " will »pend the remainder o f the winter. I I Consecration meeting, Misa Jessie Smith has the mumps, -------- C H R IS T IA N CH U RC H but is getting better. R. A. Moon, paator. Mrs. Archie 'Ihompson is somewhat Services for next Sunday: Bible improved. j school 9:45 a. m .; preaching service» J. E. Hanton of I,ondon » peril Sun-1 at 11 a. m .; evening services, Christian day in'Eugene. Endeavor at 6:30; preaching at 7:30. Hon. J. I). Matlock and Mrs. C. C. : M. E. CH U RC H Matlock carrie up from Eugene Mon-1 James T. Moore, Pastor. day to get acquainted with the daugh- j Services for next Sunday: 9:45 a. ter born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mat- ! m., Sunday school; 11 a. rn., sermon lock. subject: "Com e A p a rt” ; 6:30, p. rn., Dr. F. L. Ingram is recovering from Epworth League; 7 :3U p. rn., song and an attack o f tonsilitis. sermon su bject: " T e ll I t . ” R. W. Waters came down from Port­ $5.00 Reward. land Sunday and Mrs. Waters, w h o ( W ill be paid by School Hoard of D is­ had been visiting her parents, Mr. and trict No. 34 for names o f parties guilty Mrs. Chas. Hohm, returned with o f defacing school property in said him the next day. district during recent holiday vacation. A 9-pound son as born Sunday to Mr. ! Signed. W. A. H E M E N W A Y , arid Mrs. Geo. Kebblebeck. M. M. W H E E L E R , Mrs. W. A. Hemenway attended the j 9 - i 6 c g . M c F a r l a n d . School Directors Convention in Eugene this week. Notice for Publication. i w. Department o f the interior, U. S. Frank Wtvsirulf has been so busy the L. S. Hill was in Portland aeveral past few days that he hasn’t had time! Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, daya o f the |atst week on lumber busi- to worry about tin snips. January 8, 1913. neaa. Notice is hereby given, that George Bert Calaway o f Saginaw has re­ Guy Whitlock left Friday for Port­ E. Hebert, o f Oakridge, Oregon, who turned from Wendling. land, where he ha» »ccured a puution. on October 25, 1907, made Homestead Entry Serial N ^ 04336, for S i S E i d e l that atove while you need it. I arid Si SW l o f Section 26, Town- d o to Swengel'a hardware and auve FAVORED FREETEXT BOOKS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS i ^ » \ Ka,^e.3 F;a8t ^ ‘“mette NNE < 5 c WOODS ? Û3 ~ “ S T n> CD *—I 3 tn S' 3 2 n 3 J® *• Mpain leaves today for Oak- *ch « term of aehiKil. ^ paper, 2 pounds for 5 other». J. E. Y o u n g , Sec’y joint installation Tuesday night, fol­ Harry Caatle was in from Mushy lowed by a banquet and dancing. Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4, 0. Creek Monday. The Royal Neighbors installed the F. S. Next regular meeting, Mias Boyd was in Eugene Saturday. fo llo w in g : Friday, Jan. 10: 7:30 o’clock. Oracle. Mildred W allace; vice oracle Mra. C. J. (¿ueener o f Saginaw was Masonic Hall, Pacific Highway. Mrs. FL W ilson; post oracle, Mra. L. | in Eugene Saturday. W o k T h H a R v k Y, S e c ’ y H all; chancellor, Carrie Hem enway;! W. N. Rinehart waa in Eugene Sat­ recorder, Minnie P rice; receiver, -:-X “ X »-X “ X - X “ X " X “ X --X “ X »x --:~ x - urday night. Emma P o w e ll; marahal, Mary Baker; Huy your Block salt at the Sterling inner sentinel, Phoebe Stoneberg; Feed Co.'a »tore, where you can get a outer sentinel, K itty K im e; physician, 60 lb. aaek for 30c. A. W. Kime. The M. W. A. installed the follow ­ Mr. and Mra. J. E. Holmstrom and w ife o f Dorena »pent a few daya o f the ing : Counsel, A . S. P o w e ll; advisor, T* Advertisements in tltis department £ C. W. W allace; banker, Geo. M. H a ll ; 1 past week in Eugene. X 6 c a line. Figure 6 words to line. .j. H. Harnhart was In from Dorena clerk. Harry Short; escort, J. P. “X ~ X -*«-X ~ X --X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X Protzman, sentry, Roy Wilson. Monday. FOR S A L E The W. O. W. held a joint installs- J C. A. Hardy was up from Eugene tion and banquet Friday night. FOR S A L E .— LONG M ODEL C. G. Saturday on buaineaa^ Coum cornet, complete in case. Think o f getting the beat hard wheat A dm in istrator’ s Notice. $55.00. Box 141. j9 tf flour in town for $1.25 per sack Pure Notice is hereby given, that the un- G 0 ()I) r q Y A L S T A N D A R D T Y P E - W hite Sterling Feed Co. dersigned has been duly appointed by w riter for sale. Nearly new. Sen­ ; Norman Hemenway and J. P «¡ra.ly the County Court o f Lane County, tinel 23. dl9tfc o f I .ora lie were in Eugene Saturday. Oregon, administrator o f the estate o f Mra. Ida Thompson wan in Eugene Kudora Lincoln, deceased. A ll per­ F’ OR S A L F l.— HOUSE A N D LO T F’OR 91,000. House has 7 rooms. Lot has sons having claims against said estate Saturday. 75 foot front and is 95 feet deep. County Commlaaioner Hawley was are hereby notified to present the same D. B. Chamberlain. d l3 tf np from Eugene over Sunday, return­ to me at the office o f J. E. Young at­ torney for said estate at his office in Good 2-horse power electric motor ing Monday to be »worn in. Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six for sale at a bargain. The Sentinel... Expert dressmaking done promptly. months after the date o f this notice. ________ M IS C E LLA N E O U S Mra. Pet Sanford. ,n iu f Dated this 9th day o f January, 1913. Joseph Walton haa Hied notice o f his TWO N IC E ROOMS FOR RF1NT. O R L A N D O RICE. having located a mining claim in the Administrator of the estate o f Eudora Hath in connection. Ida M iller, 212 Hohemia mining district which he haa S. 7th St. n21tf Lincoln, Deceased. J 9 - f 7 named the " W ill Be. I WANT ADS CO rentu r’*ntinel ofliee. I"h Flour is now aclling for ». p H" k al Sterling’s Feed ^ ' Ve'y "»ck guaranteed. toil,'7*1 ^"«laton returned Sun- at«iTi'COn N o rm * 1 «t M onm outh lnK the holidays at home. for the Best in A »on wa i born Sunday to Mr. and Mr*. Vernon Pit-Ids. and Klmer Spencer, N ellie a couple dollars on it. I Meridian, has filed notice o f intention i»y ami Myrtle Kern have re The best place to yet your Holiday to make final five year proof, to estab­ Ui U. of O. at Eugene n fler Photo» i» at Miinroe'a al the bridge. 1*1 f j Supervisory System Uphled by Con­ lish claim to the land above described, ; the holi'ho » at home. A. C. Kinter ha» purehaNed the W. vention of Lane County before Stacy M. Russell, County Clerk 8. L. Ma< kin ha* en tirely re- K. Hart huuac, the deal being eon- School Officers. o f Lane County, at his office, at Flu- from her recent »eV rrr (? ) at- eluded during the paat week. gene, Oregon, on the 13th day o f Feb- : the mump». By a |ieculisr coincidence the con- ruary 1913. J. II. Hartell» w ill soon o|»eii a new Helen Price viaited friend* in meat market. vention of Lane County teachers held ■ Claimant f,|a ’ names as witnesses: ) Saturday. in Eugene January 6 endorsed every Samuel E. W alker, Lewis Flock, I f you want wall pa|>er, you ran Have aland The Sentinel has recently taken' William S. Walker, Israel 1. Gray, all money by dealing with Ncalon Lockett, on school problems. Less frequent j o f Oakridge, Oregon. painter and paperhangcr ami can »elect sell Heller Bro.’s files, from one o f the bc«t pa|*r houses in changes in text books, free text books, B. F. JONES. the continuance o f industrial work and Register. jfonc guaranteed. II Portland, I have a fine line of samples the aujiervisory system were the things j9-fl3 at reduced prices. Phone 139-1.. get one winch does not Residence Third ami Madison. endorsed. Notice to Creditors The resolutions as adopted follow : IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E E S T A T E afisiaction, bring it licraiiNc o f one o f the participants "B e it resolved, that the convention OF A D O N IR A M J. STF1WART, being sick with the m um )« the boxing ind get another. favors legislation that will tend to DECEASED. match did not inatcralizc at the ath­ prevent the frequent change o f the Notice is hereby given that the un­ letic association Friday. There waa a text books and dersigned has been appointed by the lively wrestling match, however. "R esolved, that we approve the re-j (;ounty Court in and for Lane County, HARDW ARE C. W. Hurrow» haa returned to hia vision o f the state textbook law, as j 0f Oregon, Executor, with the home in Drain after a visit with hia provided in the recommendation o f will annexed o f the estate o f the said wen- Hwatnped by tiiirnting aon here. State Superintendent Alderman in a Adoniram J .S te w a rt, deceased, pipn, hut I wan awnmped with A || per80ns having claims against Dr. deo. C. Wall was up from Eu­ bill recently prepared and to be pre- }1 *»rk. It waa a regular deluge, gene last Thursday. aented to the incoming legislature. ,,„ ¡ ,1 e8tate are hereby notified and re •'Resolved, that we favor the con- qUjred to present the same to the un »'»ter» have receded, ao to Pride o f Oregon Flour at all grocers. . »ml all order» will be taken cure 91.15 |ier sack, II. Si II. Hour 91.25 tinuance o f the industrial and agricul- dersigned, at the law office o f J. S. «mplly ind in the uaual a rti»tir per sack. dlStf tural work for the boys and girls o f the Medley, at Cottage Grove, Lane Coun schools o f Oregon, as introduced last ty, Oregon, within six months from the 3r. Armstrong. I W. Petrie was in Eugene Friday on year by the state superintendent o f date o f this notice. ■rorKian ore hundred year» o f age buaineaa. public instruction and that more time Dated this the 2nd day o f January, ht expect» u, live to aee Parker Mra. Chas. S. Cochran and children be given to the work. A. I). 1913. C. E. S TE W A R T. -nt. The heart ivat birthday o f Eugene visited here during the past “ Resolved, that it be the sense o f Flxecutor with the w ill annexed, o f the mpi we can think o f extending week. the convention that we approve the Flstate o f Adoniram J. Stewart, I* 10 »ay thi.t we hope hia expecta- su|ierviaory law. Deceased. Henry Veatch was in Eugene Friday »ill b* fulfilled. (Signed) J. S. Medley, on buaineaa. OKA H E M E N W A Y . Attorney for Executor. j2-30 Photographer Armstrong has re­ MONROE LEA C H , ceived a new lenae which he saya L. P. H A R R IN G T O N . Cottage Grove Lodge No. 31, A. F. makea the aharpeat and Hoftoat picture Committee. & A. M. Meetings first and third it haa ever been hia pleasure to »ee. Wednesdays of the month in The amount o f hia increasing business Masonic Hall, Pacific Highway Installations and Banquets. indicate» that fact to be apparent to Next Meeting Jany. 15 The R. N. A. and M. W. A . held a S' PHONE 65 GROCERIES Prompt Free Delivery W e have made arrangements with the Commercial Stables for free hitching for our customers’ horses. W e would be pleased to have you take advantage of this offer. | § J* | | Flour Is Going to Advance in Price W e will make a special price on 10-sack lots this ^ month. W e carry three grades of Fisher’s Flour, i{ \ \ hich is giving our many customers elegant satisfaction. •> If you ?re not using Fisher Flour, ask your neighbor :j: about it. vVe also carry two grades of Cottage G rove $ Flour made at home. Every sack guaranteed. j BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY B ru n d & STANDING OF CANDIDATES !N PIANO CONTEST C o. Real Estate Transfers. Mary M. Bowley to Phillip Hohl 160 acres in section 8 township 21 SR. 4 W ., $10. Vein Hick**v .......................... 471520 James Henry McF’ arland et ux to the Mrs. Hubert Danina ..... ........... 424360 public tract in section 29 township 20 Inez Flin n .................................. 321000! SR. 3 W. Mrs. Joe M cKibben...................244400 ^ W illiam C. Billings et ux to Reason Ft ilia Stennett..... ..................... 180010; G. E lliott et ux tract in section 28 Christina Turk .................... 176280 township 20 SR. 3 W. $3000. Thelma Jones............................... 161890: E. A . Schrepel et ux to S. C. Counts, Mrs. F’airy A lle n .........................144500 Mattie W hitten......................... 134270 tract in section 13 township 21 SR. 3 Blanche Lindstrom ..................... 1211<0 W .. $1. Daisy D. Hemenway et vir to Lemuel Martha W oo lley.......................... 117480 Mamie M ichael............................. 98900! Rees Lots 23, 24, 34, 35, 45, 46 o f Eva K in g ....................................... 94750, Elmhurst addition to Cottage Grove, Vera C row ......................................85300 $900. Mabel M c F a rla n d ........................ 69400 George L. Carlisle et ux to James Ruth Ewing .................................. 3915U Robinson— Tract in or near lot 8 blk. 1, tilsie Pleuard.................................22950 Perkin’ s addition to Cottage Grove, Francis Pleuard........................... 11450 $250. Louis Screm m ................................ 2750 Angie G aroutte............................... 1000 ‘ Names not given are the same as last week. Rees-Wallace gives 1000 votes on each W e are prepared to drill wells in any $ 1 .0 0 purchase. kind o f rock to a depth o f 500 feet. Votes given by The Sentinel are as Guarantee rock water. Addrdss fo llo w s: & On each new subscription first year.......................................... 5,000 | On each old subscription, first year ..................................................1,500 On each year above one year on either new or old. (On new subscriptions all above first year is considered as old sub­ scription) ................................. 2 ,0 0 0 On clubs o f five old subscriptions, a bonus o f ................................ 5,000 On clubs o f five new subscriptions, a bonus o f ................................. 1 0 ,0 0 0 risk the safety of your savings— On each $1.00 worth o f job printing place them in ( 1 0 per cent o f price must ac­ ..T H E .. company o rd e r )....................... 1 ,0 0 0 No coupons given on advertising. W ELL DRILLING SPEAR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , FOR SALE M arion Veatch W ish es to Dispose CRlJSON, Cottage Grove, Or. First National Bank ‘THE OLD RELIABLE" and their safety is assured. This being a National Bank, it a safe depositary for your funds. Interest Paid on lime Deposits of E v e ry th in g . I w ill sell all my household goods at prices that ought to move them quick­ ly. 1 don’ t want to move them. 1 also wish to dispose o f my sorrel driv­ ing horse and buggy. The horse is a No. 1 animal. BILL AIMS TO SAVE BULL RUN SUPPLY Bourne Measure Would Prevent Road Building and Tim ­ ber Cutting. Senator Bourne has introduced a bill for the perpetual protection o f the water supply o f Portland. The bill provides that no roads shall be built in the Bull Run forest reserve, and no settlement be permitted therein. No timber shall be cut thereon except up­ on the express consent o f the city council o f Portland. The bill cites the fact that the Bull Run reservation was created for the purpose o f protecting Portland’ s water supply. While it does not absolutely prevent any improvement or timber cutting, the bill proposes to prohibit any opera­ tion in the reservation without the con­ sent o f the city council on the assump­ tion that the council is best able to judge what is^easential for the protec­ tion o f the health o f the people. Legal Blanks.—The Sentinel. A ô a in at y o u r G r o c e r s rj i ' m m H IT TE R THAN KVCR j Makes Whiler,Lighter Bread H eavy Woman Dies. In the death o f Mrs. McCord, at H alfw ay, Oregon, this week the north­ west lost one o f its largest women. Mrs. McCord weighed nearly 400 pounds, but despite her superfluous flesh was active, she having a large garden which she attended and did other work about the farm, where she lived with one o f her daughters, Ethel. Mrs. McCord had to do all the heavy work because her husband had been in Idaho fo r several years. Death was caused by fa tty degeneration o f the kidneys. It took six men to lift the body into the casket, which had to be made especially for her, and it required 1 2 pall bearers at the funeral at her home Tuesday, at which Reverend Mosely o f the Presbyterian Church presided. Burial was in the H alfw ay cemetery. The other children were Mrs. George Holbrook and Mrs. J. Motely o f H alfw ay, and a aon in Chico, Californa. A ll the children are o f normal size. Proof o f Annual Labor blanks for sale at the Sentinel office.