in the real estate descriiied in said pe­ tition in order to pay his debts, ex­ penses and charges of administration. It is therefore ordered, Dial all per­ sons interested in said catate appear before this court on Tuesday, the 31st •lay of December, A. D 1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, in the court room o f said Court, at the court house, in the city of Eugene, County of l.ane, State o f Oregon, to allow cause why an order should not he grunted to said administrator to sell so much o f the real estate us ahull lie necessary for said purpose, to w il: The one half interest in the NKJ NW| and N* NK1 sec. IK tp. 22 8. It. 3 W. M , in l.ane County, State o f Oregon, and it is further ordered that a copy of tiiia order lie published for four (4j con­ secutive weeks next preceding said day in the “ Cottage drove Sentinel", a newspaper printed and published at Cottage drove, bane County, Oregon, und that service of this order tie made upon the resident heirs of said deceased >»tk Sired »ear Main Phone 40 according to law. Dated this the 2■- I I d i r S . 'I ( ) W Jr* K in g’« New *,iM‘ " vt'ry w,,uW have v f ’ S la ved him. A few teanpooneful end u Notice of Road District Meeting. I ate cough, while persistent uae routs TO WHOM IT M AY CO NCERN: | (/ (J tP ’sbatlnate cougha. expels atubborn colda Notice ia hereby given that a meet­ >r heala weak, aore lungs. “ I feel ing of the taxpayers of road district iure ita a God-aend to humanity," No. 14 for bane County, Oregon, will t i l l ' - r i t e . Mra. Elbe Morton, Columbia, he held at deorge buyng's the 27th Mo. ‘ ‘ for I believe I would have con- •lay o f December, 1912, at 10 o’clock a. XK- "¡•^Htaaomptlon today, if 1 I ihi I not uaed thi* m. of aaid day. treat remedy.“ I to guarantee«! to sal - The object of said meeting is for the afy, and you can get a free trial bottle purpose of submitting to the taxpayers ir TitVcent or 91.0*) size at all druggists. of said road district the question of I R irs Pure White— It Raises Easily KJC A J^KVC -» \st rr R isers E A S IL Y ^ »» There ia no better raising Flour than Pure White, which means that it raise« the lightest and finest bread, full of nutrition and satis faction. The housewife who has hitherto hid trouble with her bak ing should try this Flour once, and note the great difference in her bread, rolls and pastry. Although n rli-rxi, a of the very highest quality it costs I one mfiilii: no more than common Flours. got to aay It » $1.25 per sack. a? Nul if Annual I j W r Si nti '-I nAt STERLING FEED CO. sing pay* la Tk We wiah to call your attention to the fact that moat infectious disease* such X X -X - : •:•«♦** as whooping rough, diptheria and scar­ let fever are contracted when the child has a cold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly leaeen the danger of contract­ ing diseases This remedy is famous for its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confi­ dence. Sold by Henson's Pharmacy. How’s This? Notice of Road District Meeting. W e offer One Hundred Dollars Re. ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. TO WHOM IT M A Y CONCERN : Notice is hereby given that a meet­ ing of the taxpayers o f road district No. 12, for bane County, Oregon, will be held at 3rd and Gertrude, Saginaw, Oregon, the 27th day of December, 1912, at the hour o f 2 :30 o’clock p. m. o f said day. F . J. C I I K N K Y & CO.. Toledo, O. W®, the ttn»l«THlKnc<1. have known K. J Cheney fo r the lout If» yearn, ami Iwllrva him p e rfe c tly honorubh* In all bii«ln*'M trannnrtlon* ami financially abb* to carry out any obllffatlona mn«le by hla firm. NATIO NAL B A N K O F COMMENCE. Toledo, n. THf voting a levy of an additional tax upon the taxable property of said district for the purpose o f improving the roads of said district. This notice is signed by at leaat ten |ier cent, of the taxpayers of Haiti dis- trict. Geo. bayng, R. T. Martin, H. B. Yancey, Geo. Currin, Elmer Porter, I. W. Ishmael, Mary Ishmael, G. Johnson, Bertha M. Miller. S. K. l-ewis, Wm. M. Hickey, b. A. Chamberlain, Jus. be how, Robt. bum-aster, Allie Hubbard, Butte Mooney, Geo. Nolta, E. I). Elliot, Floyd Jones, J. A. Pierson, J. S. Allen. H. H. Kibhcy, bouisa Kibbey, Florence A. Whipps, Finley Whipps, A. M. Johnson, Wiley Hubbard, Ed. Jones, Jus|>er Patten, Fred Patten, Marion bebow, W. P. VanSchoiack, Fred Kelly. Frank Kelly, Isaac band, Kathran band, Florence Kelly, Wm. A. Kelly, J. A. EUiot, It. H. Mostly, I. H. Veatch. n28-dl9 H a ll’s Cat arrh Pure I* taken Internally, acting d irectly urmn the M imm I nml mu­ cous »urfaccH nf the system. Testim onial* Sent free. P ric e 75 cent* 1 » r bottle. Hold by all Dnncgist*. T a k e H a lt 's K . u l l / I 'llU fo r co n s tip a tio n . Put Your BestFoot Foremost— That will he the one wearing a shoe pur- chased at COTIhGE GROVE SHOE STORE The object of aaid meeting is for |iur|K)se of submitting to the taxpayers of said road «liatrict the queat'on of voting a levy of an additional tax upon the taxable property of said district for the of Improving the mads of said district. This notice is signed by at least ten l>er cent, of the taxpayers of said dis­ trict. Bert C. Myers, Ole J. Kayser, M. A. Horn, I.awrence Brown, Milford Hopper, George A. Andrews, Samuel B. Stewart, A. F. Stewart, Ernest Sears, A. R. Myers. John C. Wright, Arthur J. Smith, «15-26 Harold F. Gibler. Order to Show Cause. Cotti Grò»1, Notice for Publication. IN THE C O UNTY COURT OF TH E Department o f the Interior, U. S. STATE OF OREGON FOR I.ANK band Office at Roseburg, Oregon, C O U N TY IN THE M ATTER OF TH E ESTATE November 26, 1912. Notice is hereby given, that George OF A L V E R H. NOW Ebb, DE­ E. Herbert, o f Oakcridgc, Oregon, who CEASED. Now, on this the 20th day of Novem­ on October 25, 1907. made Homestead ber, A, D. 1912, the hearing upon the Entry Serial No. 04.136, for SI SEJ petition of William bane, the adminis­ and EJ SWJ o f Section 26, Town- trator o f the estate o f Alver H. I ship 20 S, Range 3, East Willamette Nowell, deceased, coming on to be Meridian, has filed notice o f intention heard, and it ap|>earing to the Court to make final five year proer quart . 1c 3c 6c 20c 20c 30c Fancy Walnuts ( new crop), per lh________ Fancy Almonds (new crop), I. X. L., lb.. Filberts, Kx. Fancy (new crop), per lh. Chestnuts, Kx. Fancy (new crop), perlb._ Brazil, Ex. Fancy ( new crop), per lb.. Mixed Xuts, per lb_______________ mz 22ic 20c 5c 7c 17ic .10c Our store will be closed Christmas Day. We will remain open late Monday and Tuesday evenings, December 23 and 24. W e handle Fisher’s Brand of Flour. Every sack guaranteed or Money refunded. Fisher’s Blend ( costs more per sack, less per lo af)______ $1.65 Fisher’s Art, a high Patent Flour___________________ _____ $1.40 Fisher’s White Spear ( Blue Stem Hard Wheat,)____ ______ $1.20 S|>ecial on White Spear to Dec. 24, 10-sack lots, per sack. .$1.10 FREE As a special inducement to have you try Fisher’s Blend Flour, we will give a number with each sack that you huv, en­ titling you to a chance on one sack, which we will give away every Saturday evening at 7.00. If the holder of the lucky num­ ber is not present, another drawing will be made. The winner must be in the store. A good chance to get a sack of Fisher’s Blend Flour free. I Brund ® Company Grocer* to the People X V . » ■ . » ■ * T Y •i .»■ ■». .»■ SEE CALIFORNIA THIS WINTER IT S ATTRACTIVE SEASIDE RESORTS FAMOUS H O T E L S . MAGNI­ FICENT SCENERY, DELIGHTFUL C L I M A T E O U T D O O R S P O R T S OF ALL KINDS, W IT H MILES OF DRIVES T H R O U G H O R A N G E G R O V E S AND ALONG O C EA N B O U LEVAR DS i Y THE Y ? ? Y Y Y \ V t f SUBSET \ # • ! lOC-ClNKtSHASTAl ROUTES / X * Y ? ? ^ c 7f > Y HAS i l TO FARES LO S A N G E L E S E F F E C T I V E J A N U A R Y 1 s t . 1 9 1 3 $54.70 50.20 44.30 42.60 41.85 ? Y Y Y I "T h e initiative and referendum in Oregon," was the subject of an ad­ dress given recently by Hon. Allen H. Eaton before the Agora Club, an as­ sociation of college women organize«! for citizenship study and practical j work in sociology. Mr. Eaton’ s address was listened to by a large and keenly interested gath­ ering. Commenting upon the meeting later, Mr. Eaton said : ROUND TRIP $55 P O R TLA N D •{; y X IN E F F E C T Eugene Roseburg Grants Pass Medford Ashland to to to to to Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Same Fares apply to Colton, Pasadena. Riverside, and San Bernardino. With corresponding Low Fares from Intermediate Points and stop-overs going or returning and long return limit. Descriptive and Interesting: Literature on various Attractions o f the Golden State may be obtained from any Southern Pacific Agrent. or by writing: ^ John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon •xxx~x~:xxxxxxxxx~xxxx~xx~x~xxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxx~ COLLEGE GIRLS K E N “ I found the audience inspiring, and I was pleased and surprise«) at the in­ telligence o f the questions that were asked. Not one went wild. Everyone was pertinent and showe«l unusual ac­ quaintance with both the theory and the facts. The university women were one o f the keenest audiences I ’ve ever addres8e«l.” The women o f the club have about them an air of determination and earnestness that seems to intricate a purpose to make the best use o f their new political rights. 65 If we are to have the pleasure of assisting you in getting up that Christmas Spread, you would he justified in inviting Santa Cl^us himself. _________________ WHY IT SUCCEEDS A Wonder-Book About the Colum­ bia and Its Mountains. Phone A Merry Christmas to All! The wholesale sacrifice of flocks at that time whh peculiarly unfortunate. Those who did not sell, reaped a splen­ did harvest within the next few yearB, because of the pri«-es which followed. The sacrifice o f sheep at the time was based upon an incorrect idea. That idea was that the wool produced by sheep was so important a factor, that unless a relatively good price was paid for the wool, sheep could not be kept at a profit. That view was not correct then, nor is it correct now. Even when wool values were at the lowest in those days, some profit could have been obtained from sheep, provid­ ing the industry were handled in the best way. It is generally conceded that the food consumed by a sheep on the arable farm will be paid for by the wool produce«!. This is probably true, when it is considered that sheep gather much of their fo«>d from weeds that would otherwise harm, and from grasses that would otherwise remain uneaten. Such being the case, the lamb produced by a ewe, h-ss the f«x>d consumed by the lamb, will represent the profit. An ewe will produce about seven pounds o f wool. Now assume that the average price of wool is 20 cents and that the price should be cut in two by a reduced tariff. There would still be the lamb to the good, less the cost of its food, with 70 cents added to the cost. These two items would not amount to more than $1.70. The average value o f a lamb at the present time on the farm, when six months old, is not less than say $3.50. The profit therefore, at the present time is very substantial, even though there should be a great reduction in the tariff on wool, or should it be re­ moved; but of course the profit that would otherwise come to the flock- master will he reduced by the extent ot the reduction of the tariff. • x x x x - x - x x x x x x x x - x x “ :, X E f R & A S H ‘ " “D O O R CATAX y O G ‘ "ßSSflf Order D IR EC T from a Factory that makes a S p e c ia lty of • - I FANIL DOORS— 11 $ 1 .4 0 Inspected Sash, Doors and Millwork emAJK^FRONT C00RS $ 2 .5 0 up • S f f l r r r * $ 2.75 u p $ 2 .7 5 up IRSI3E WINDOW T F IK -ln Ml*. 10 Q Q g INSIDE DOOR TRIM (tar mm lid* Q Q g * LIGHT WINDOWS-1 4 i f i — chock roil • * SPRUCt FLOUR BINS do not Itovo 1 t»«tc « We M l Anyktdy and Sh« r r * Write for CATALOG Ne. :*7 IT'S FREE. •• h i Ijmitk •shmaltt ll 1-tifM chtr(t>. R( da not tall rovfh lumbar and ibmciai O.B.WILLIAMS CO. S A S H xs® D O O R S 1 9 4 3 f ir s t a v e . s . S e a t t l e . u .S A . I I i I Y s ? Y ?