H I H H J t» f M B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M , "PIU k ™^ for Busy Shoppers d l is® Holiday REES-WALLACE CO. Helpfulness A t 5 ■ REES-WALLACE CO. The Big Christmas Store -i j M AIN AN D 8th S TS . 4,‘ U‘,,’ «iruvtiJJ 1«’ fl. II. M A IN <» U V *Ht & ___ A <-1- w,, 8 th STS. ,X , v ^ v v v *X- v v ,X ,,W m /'^*! m M* v v '.”. m I"X, v v v v 'X ' v •X"X~ x ~ x ~X'- x ~ x - x -**<~ x - x - x ~X"X~ xkk - x -<- x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~:~ •»da, A liV { Unit w (ht in n . h.H * lll'wly Every Section of the Store is Aglow with holiday Offerings o*»f "'Kinlai hi.-1 AND V ♦♦♦ • x ~ x ~ x ~ x k **<~X"X k ^ x ^ kkkkk ~ x k ~ x k ~ xkkkk ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~>* x ~ x ~ x ~:* l^iriiru- Nini (¡^ . 1 l,'<- M'r*»ll«ri. «j Santa Claus’ Headquarters for the past several years has been at this store and he says he is more than pleased with the quarters we have arranged for him this year and for that reason he has left us an ex­ ceptionally nice line of Xmas Notions of all kinds for the little ones '" ',1 ''«t •i nnniiiinr^ Mr» E. p.fc, '* *"» ina.l« 1 ,^ nirry, r» I >«V. W u j r< »ull,-,| ( f f tT ? ? y ? f❖ ♦ ?y ♦ ’ »hr having J • f « V r.n ■inly f rinrffl V... ’ *y> •’« . i" ih . 12. i ' ■,"’r H'-illjr, f, p ''l i e » . , who h Toys, Books, Etc. •V ir-l ° ln I 1Srv*"|W Intuì (4 Tin* greatest and most beautiful line o f Toys, 1 tolls, Books and Games we t'' < ' H a g r < ; row* « have ever offered. rr M hualiaml and (%1 * rr Ur». J l livery thing to make the hearts o f the children glad on D oll T r u n k s , Toy Iro n s C hristm as morn. It is hard to mention an yth in g in the w a y o f to y s th a t • I«l A a her Meati, , cannot he found in ou r assortm ent. In I'act Everything M«Re Sii» »».•mitrating th* I» !•**•*. » curto« ¿1 '■H f r u m Uk lai o f m I kiii I ’<*«1 Uninjured by Itichrock. Children Remember f ^ The beautiful $8.50 Doll. W e are going to •"' T give aw ay on December 24th to the child ► « ri; i Icaacd wii> numi. guessing the nearest to the number or Bal- loons in our Window. Also every child pres- • nil |iln< cd j'T i l'* ent at the store that day gets a balloon tree >rrr rrnrely T ra in s, B a n k s, M e c h a n ic ­ *KU*. ■ ml rci-eived Ita wl ordinary at, I, however, i romulgat«] U w «rrvi er, m I y Dolls ___ - al A u to s an d C a rs, Iron T o y s of a ll K in d s C irc u s R id ers, H orses, T ru m p e ts , T ops, W agons M agic L a n te rn s Tuesday, December 24 A beautiful line of all kinds of dolls, d r e s s e d and undressed. / T h e Campbell r Kids, Sis Hop- v kins, E s q u i - m eaux Dolls are all here. ï) P rices 2 5 c an d up. ■ml, imtiA ». The Grown-Ups’ W ants are as Easily Supplied at this Big Christmas Store as the Little Folks’ *honc handled A?i St rl i vi r> »/ \j ir country wil le ax caption. Quality i Stationery Silk hosiery ■e Will Hr Qm. In H oliday Boxes. A beautiful line of both L a­ Eiffel, lisle Silk Hose, in Holi­ day boxes __________25c Christmas Linens , Doilies Sets -------------- ------- $ 2 .7 5 to $ 4 .7 5 " Table Runner s ........... ....................... - ........................ 5 0 c and tip , 7 was ven l '- u “ n iicu c h Sets .......... __ $5.50 and $6.00 sold oeis ---- es ar«* right. Fancy Linen Towels ----- ------------------75c to $ 2 .0 0 |»er pair Fancy Breakfast Cloths ......................... $3.00 and $3.50 T ea C lo ths ................ $ 1 .2 5 and $ . . 3 .5 _ c 0 iteres frutti <>b : i l i r i s m i Center Pieces . — ----------- ----------------------6 5 c to $1.75 naive. Take<--------- s Flour i» g it. e sack and '|j It* fied ru. -dinner ¡J Chinaware Our Chinaware is the talk of the town beautiful hand - painted Salads, Cups and Saucers, l’lacs, Sugar and Cream­ ers, Chocolate Sets, etc. Prices very reasonable. Fancy Vases, 30c to $2.50 Tiddely W inks Dominoes and Checkers (lilt Edge, Best Q uality. Leather Cases............. ...7 5 c Books No more thoughtful gift could be selected for a boy or girl than a good Hook. Ilenty Series for Hoys______________ 35c Alger Series for Hoys_______________ 35c Holmes Series for Girls ____________ 50c Meade Series for G irls______________ 50c Holy Hibles____________ $1.50 to $2.25 Traveling Cases flusic Rolls Something that is alw ays appreciated by a m usician is a nice Music Roll. We have nice ones $1.50 and $1.75. Suspenders, Ties, Hufflers, Handkerchiefs Tobacco Jars, Cigar Holders, Ash Trays, Etc. All Prices. When you go to buy that new pair of shoes for Christmas, don’t forget the big and w ill find in the city stores. G im sticanSfentiem m Prices range from $ 1 .5 0 to $ 9 .5 0 Line of Shoes S te in s and F a n c y T ea P o ts A lw ays appreciated as a gift. Playing Cards This line is”as complete as 3*011 J a r d in ie r s , C u sp id o re s Ladies’ Silk Gloves — Men’s and Ladies’ Kid Gloves Bit. Kook, F lin ch .............................................. 60c and 75c in I loliday boxes 50c t< >$ 1.50 y a ! Toy»! and I toy». C<* 15c to $ 1 .0 0 Card Games dies’ and Gents’ Silk Hosiery lisplav Priced ' Gloves The L argest and Best Shoe Stock in C o ttag e Grove. Remember the big Piano Con­ test. Do your Xmas shopping here and boost your favorite. REES -WALLACE Main and 8th Sts. t Cottage Grove, Ore.