/ * ©altane (6nntr Sentinel C O T T A G E GROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y . DECEMBER 19, 1912 Home Print Number 13 PROPERTY IS 0. « $. E. ONLY ROAD T W p l V P M il I lO N C T O R F OUNCIL REVERSES ITSELF GROVE CHEAP, HE SAYS OBEYING LAW , n E L ' E m lL U U IW , u D E ON WATER SUPPLY SHED SPENT FOR GROVE LABOR Assistant INTEKVIEW W IT H lerk CAUSE OF CHANGE to God of Love f o r e s t e r is County Clerk Stocy R uhhc II in now the regular pay roll of Gupld. the ceitful little god of love. It came out this way: A man at Heoata, «way down on the aat, wrote Ruat« il for 11 marriage enae and encloaed money with which purchaae a wedding ring for the ide. Aa the applicant inuat appear ther at the clerk's office or before a atice of the peace, the clerk could >t aend the Heenae, hut he bought ring and fbrwarded it to the nroM- tive groom through the mail, In- H ^ r m ln g him that he will have to go to lorenca, about IK milea awuy, to vear before e justice of the peace. ■» » » » M ». M ai H & (: Calling card«—The Sentinel. .AWSON IS OPPOSED TOHANGING fOULD NOT SPRING « RECENT TRAP AT HANGINGS uperintendent Is Taking Advan­ tage of Hie Position to Make Study of Crime. Criminals d Chi ht* > ll,rt*. ta d Possible Cures. That Superintendent II. K. Lawson f i s t m as fej.f the atate penitentiary wan opposed . : o hanging even before the recent exe- ' ution, ia evidenc'd by a atatement I o m e ¿Made by Governor West the night bt- flt wiih hia desire the men LSE- Id not hang.” It is pretty certain that I. awaon re­ used to accept the appointment aa uperintendent until he wan assured hat he would not be expected to spring be trap. He la a believer in proven- .Ion of crime and a student of possible Id >e .1 mol .ef orm of criminals, lie ia taking ad- tir wife tb rentage of hia present opportunity t< tint t bt itudy human nature and believes that II thorou : proper metb< a * 1 these greet United States. Sees Criminals Hang; His Vote Is Changed l a y Man W ill Have Dif­ ferent Ideas A fter Visit at Pen. . “ If 1 were again to vote upon capital *i iiiHKi1 roer rhe S.nlin«lpU" ,>|*ime" t’ ' " " “ W / o t e ,t down, ■aid N. H. Martin of thiF city after _______ .witnessing the recent executions a I Salem, which he attended upon the in­ vitation of Superintendent Lawson. “ The hanging itself ia not so horri­ fying.” Mr. Martin aaid, ‘ ‘although it is not particularly edifying to see the bodies shoot through the trHp and hang dangling there for the last aign of life to leave them before they are cut down end placed in the coffins, but the condi­ tions that go with it, the morbid curiosity of people waiting there to see brutes punished ill brutish manner by if human beings is terrible. It is enough ■ v l f l ' t o make one’s blood run cold to aee the condemned men walk out, speak a few words to the guests, knowing brutal death to be but a matter of minutes, thenitake their position on the trap while the attendants place the black aepe OVW them and slip around their d necka the nooses that will soon tighten and ehoka the breath of life out of t b e * » j * » e fact that they deserve the t h a t tb« pu»i*h«nint does not make it seem any “ leas awfbl. The men who pulled the k 3S straps that sprung the traps Ray that never again can they he coerced into a like performance. Their jobs will go ) f t a n * first they say.” d I PM irsity ie thef* health math arto/'• Mr. Martin voted to retain capital punishment, but he says anyone who will spend a day at the prison studying conditions of men and things will never vote that way again, and will have an entirely different idea o f the Bo-called West policy. Wisconsin Banker Surprised Prices Being Asked for Grove Realty. at Manager A. B. Wood Receives High Compliment from Railroad Commissioners. BROWN LUMBER CO. TACKLES BIG PROPOSITION “ Why real eHtat«? ia ho cheap iri a The only road that ;s complying with city the size of Cottage Grove.” is a the rate law recently uasse I by the Councilmen Believe Industry Can puzzle to me,” remarked C. W. Ward, initiative, is the compliment paid the Opening of Timbered Unit of Forest a Wisconsin banker, while in the city Oregon & Southeastern Hallway of this Be Encouraged Without Con­ Reserve Forecasts Great Indus­ thiH week. " I never saw a city with city upon the occasion of Manager tamination of Supply of a water system like yours, with ho Wood’ s visit to the Railroad and Ware­ trial Awakening for Cot- many paved streets and nice buildings, house Gornmission this week. While Mountain Water. . tage Grove. with such prospects for a large city, the heads of other railway systems where real estate was so low. The have been declaring that they could not The action of the City Council in With twelve million dollars to be price at which I can buy timber land obey the law because they did not know completely reversing itself upon the is also a great surprise to me,” the what it required them to do. Mr. Wood spent here for labor within the next question of logging off the township W iH c o iiH in man continued. has compiled and issued a tariff supple­ few years by the Brown Lumber Co. in in which is located the city's water Mr. Ward was here looking for a ment that shows t fe officials of the removing and manufacturing the tim­ shed and changing from a position op­ good piece of property and expressed O. & S. E. to be able to fathom most ber for which it ha* completed a con­ posed to h u c I i action to one declaring the opinion that thiH ia the pycological anything, if whatothcr roads say about tract with the government and with itself to be favorable to assisting the | moment to buy Grove real estate, hh the ambiguousness of the new law prospects good for the establishment lumber companies in their operations, of a manufacturing plant that will pay the opening of the immense timber ire true. comes as a surprise, although the i out more through its payrolls than is tracts, the building of railroads, the action seems to meet with the wishes j 0. E. S. Elects. now being spent by both the Brown establishment of factories and the of the majority and is criticised but At its annual meeting Friday the Lumber Co. and J. H. Chambers, the opening of the canal are hound to send little. But a few weeks sgo the,Coun­ Order of Eastern Star elected the fol­ New Year holds bright prospects for prle— op, _________ cil was solid against letting anyone lowing officers: Worthy matron, Mrs. this rising star of the Southern W il- onto the reserve. At the special meet­ Merle Scovell; worthy patron, L. P. lamette. School Attendance Increases. ing Tuesday night all but N. II. Mar­ The school report for the month end­ Sanford; associate matron, Mrs. Gen. The City Council having passed a tin voted for a resolution providing co­ ing Nov. 29th showH a gain during the Scott; treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Chambers; resolution binding itself to co-operate operation with the lumber companies month, giving a total attendance of secretary. Worth Harvey; conductress. with the lumber company in making and recalling the former resolution 576. Absences during the month were Mrs. Andrew Brund : as“ociate conduc­ arrangments for logging operations, asking congress to set aside the town­ large, due to an epidemic of mumps. tress, Mrs. Van Allison. thereby doing away with the danger ship in question. This action is the that through fear of contamination of result of a meeting held Saturday the water supply, proceedings might be afternoon at which were present taken to hinder the logging, the way Messrs. Hartrum and Andrews of the is clear for the immediate building of forestry department and representa­ a railroad to the timber and the estab­ tives of the lumber companies wishing lishment of logging camps. It is un­ to log the timber. Capt. Metcalf of the Sixth Co. has The remarkable record made by a derstood that the lumber company is The representatives of the govern­ received unofficial word that the com­ shipment of eggs from Oklahoma to anxious to get operations started at ment stated that in all probability the pany has won the banker»' trophy, one Washington, 1). C., without breakage is once. timber would be gold regardless of any of the prizes competed for in the No­ laughed at by Capt. H. K. Metcalf, Definite information can not be se­ action taken by the city, but stated that vember regimental shoot. The average who has received a shipment from cured about the establishment of the they felt residents of the city to be was 9 points per man. I f there were England, the package crossing the factory, but it is to be for the manu­ unduly armed, as the government pro­ any further prizes to have been won | ocean and full length of the United facture of cross arms, etc. The propo- posed to take every precaution to see the lo:al company would undoubtedly j States without injury of any kind ition has been under consideration by that the city's water supply, conceded have secured them. to the hen fruit. He sees no reason outside capitalists for some time, and to be the equal of Bny in the country, why Cottage Grove people may not be the opening up of a tract of timber ¡ h not contaminated in any way. The schools will close Friday for the able to supply the world with eggs as that gives assurance of an unlimited L. S. Hill, manager of the Brown Christmas vacation and will open again soon as the parcels post becomes supply of timber is expected to bring Lumber Co., and J, H. Chambers, on the 30th. it to a head. | effective. mayor-elect, as well as a heavy timber operator, presented figures to show that the city need be put to little ex­ pense in moving its pipes to a point where pure water could be Hccured at all times regardless of logging opera­ tions. Mr. Hill, whose company has entered into a contract with the government, stated that the timber along 1‘raythcr Creek would be left until the last in order to protect the Pinto, The Nightmare of Caricature, Promises To Be Feature of Program That water supply. Figures were also pic- Will Enliven Audience During Intermission sented to show that in logging off the billion and a half feet of timber in the • x ~ x --X '< ~ > -x ~ x --x ~ X " X " X ~ :--:--x - township referred to, about 12 million dollars will be spent in labor aloae at the rate of about $200,(HK) to $250,000 a year. It is proposed to remove the entire body of timber in the first unit within ten, and possibly seven, years. T he councilmen who have reverse, their positions, give as the reason fur such action their fortntr lack of knowl­ edge concerning conditions in the water reserve, cost of changing the source of water supply and the tre­ mendous amount of money to he put into circulation by the logging opera­ tions. They now feel that the city will be able to get the industry and at the same time maintHiii a more than sufficient supply of pure, crystal moun­ tain water. Probably the greatest factor enter­ ing into the change of front was the statement of the forestry department that the timber would be sold anyway and that all the city could do would be to scare out local operators who arc as much interested in the city's water- supply us other InxpHyers and let ou'.- side operators have it. The promis, of hearty co-operation on the part ol the government in maintaining an ade­ quate supply of pure water was also an important factor. BANKERS’ TROPHY TO EGGS FROM ENGLAND LOCAL TEAM IS RECORD Musical Harmonies by Big 0. A. C. Aggregation Which Will Be Unusual in Class and Character Improvements Continue. The Arcade continues to make im­ provements to better serve its patrons. New attachments have recently been receivtal for the motion picture ma­ chine that greatly improve the already high class service. MAIN STREET PROPERTY IS SOLD John Bader Becomes Owner Venske Building. of The Venske building, occupied by Kiriter Bros.' furniture store, was transferred during the past week, John Bader being the purchaser. The build­ ing ia a two-story one and located on a choice piece of Main Street property. As far as known the new owner does not anticipate any addition to it at present. Mr. Bader recently arrived from Pennsylvania, where he was a successful florist and came to Cottage Grove because of the many advantages it presents to those seeking a mild cli­ mate, sociable people and healthful surroundings in which to spend the shady years of life. A fitting conclusion to Christmas Day I will be the appearance of the famous U. A. C. cadet band, one of the best i known musical organizations o f the ' state, which has been secured at great [ expense by the Arcade management. Elaborate Arrangements Being Made Besides the unusual entertainment Board of Trade Accepts Invitation by the band itself, a stunt by Pinto, of Commercial Club to for His Reception by Grove the Nightmare of Caricature, will be Affiliate. Citizens. a novel and highly amusing feature. A prominent citizen of the universe Then there will be a solo to the accom­ As anticipated, the Board of Trade is expected to make Cottage Grove a paniment of the full band. at its meeting Thursday night voted The band, which has been organized to accept the invitation of the Com­ visit within the next few days and he will bring news that will be o f interest 20 years has reached its present state mercial Club and join that body for to old and young alike and cause an of perfection under seven years of in­ one large, working organization, of awakening among the citizens o f the struction by Prof. H. L. Beard, himself i which there is great need this year city. Elaborate arrangements have a ’99 graduate of O. A. C, During when it appears that big things are in been made for his reception, including his college course he was a member of store for this favored city of the south­ entertainment by the churches. What the band, being student leader for over ern Willamette. entertainment the Comrficrcial Club two years. Shortly after graduation While many members of the Board will provide has not been decided upon, he entered the army, where he played of Trade were also members of the but will probably come up at the regu­ in the 35th Infantry band in the Philip­ Commercial Club, a large number of lar meeting Monday night. The gen­ pine Islands for two years, being men necessary to make the club repre­ tleman in question has visited Cottage promoted to the rank of principal sentative were secured by the action. Grove before, but never have more j musician. Throughout his term of en- complete arrangements been made for liatment, Mr. Heard devoted his time I f you would make your married life hia reception than upon this occasion, i and energies to the study of the cornet happy, have The Sentinel print the in­ His name is Santa Claus, and his ad-1--------- (Continued on page 10.) vitations. .. dress ia North Pole, care Dr. Cook. PROMINENT CITIZEN EN ROUTE COMMERCIAL BODIES CONSOLIDATE Odd Antediluvian Monster Found An antediluvian monster such as never before has been seen in this or any other country was unearthed at Dorena last week by Prof. Hugh Van- schoiack and has attracted considerable attention from geologists and nat­ uralists. The peculiar body was dug up in the garden near the house, where it had been observed protuding from the ground for several months, the earth presumably having been washed away by successive rains. It has every appearance of perfect preservation and is thought to be a turnip that the na­ tives of bygone ages raised as proven­ der for the mastadons and other like animals that roamed the wilds of the Willamette. It is as fresh as if grown this season and weighs exactly 18 pounds, being 36 inches in circumfer­ ence. It is on exhibition at The Senti­ nel office. _____ GROVE IS WORSTED IN DEBATE EUGENE TEAMS AND SPRING FIELD AI*E VICTORS. Local Teams Lose in Both Cases by Unanimous Decision. — Oppo­ nents Win Through Merits of Delivery. By an unanimous vote the Eugene high school team was declared the winner in the debate here Friday night with Cottage Grove High upon the sub­ ject: “ Resolved that Oregon Should Have a Compulsory Workingmen’s Compensation Insurance Law Similar to that of the State of Washington for the Protection of Workmen in Hazardous Industries.” Eugene had the affirmative and was represented by Miss Ruth Westfall and Sophus Winthrey. The Grove’s negative team was A l ­ bert Woodard and Miss Lucille Marson. All were new to debate work but the visitors showed careful training and won by the manner in which their ar­ guments were presented. In opening the affirmative Mr. Winthrey declared present laws in Oregon to be inadequate and unfair to workmen and those in Washington to be amply sufficient and eminently fair from every standpoint. He argued that it is hard to fix responsibility for an accident and a law whereby injure i (Continued on page 2.) Mayoralty Candidate Didn't Know About It Andrew McKinney Surprised Upon His Return from Visit To be secoud high candidate for mayor and not be aware of the fact that he was running, is the experience of A. McKinney, recent socialist candi­ date for mayor of Cottage Grove, who has just returned from a visit at Van­ couver. where he and wife were called by sickness of a daughter. Mr. McKinney was absent during the election and had no idea of the occur­ rence until he met a friend on the train that was carrying him home. He was much surprised by the news and im­ mediately became inquisitive to know how he ran. He was the only candi­ date running except the winner, there­ fore he came out second best with over a hund-ed votes. Get your “ House for Rent” and "House for Sale” signs at The Senti­ nel office. ALDERMAN-ELECT WILL BE ON JOB Agent K ing Does Not Expect His Road to Interfere. There has been some talk that Alder­ man-Elect G. F. King might not be able to accept the position with which he has been honored because of inter­ ference by the Southern Pacific Rail­ way, which might object to hia taking time from hia duties as agent, especial­ ly when an opposition road is expected. Mr. King says that if his employer kicks he may have to refuse the honor of serving the city, but so far there has been no objection and he does not anticipate any.