ur»H*r orders t0 ■ ntl Ihr pr. M nr( uj ^ lb * mayor 1 . 1 . v#| t. ^ N W 5 IM 6 '"*f *•» «*" the Mat!« >* full ’he a w f u l Hat of injui ha interni» t. ■ all lea gu e for |l • vii ; ft,u July a ta g g e ra huma " ilnat It. b ow ev. r. is aion G uari ding, by Buck leu's > ♦ ♦ ♦ e e %% uaand, w ho aufferi ’ a. brulaaa, b u llrt wo CHURCH NEl11*' $10.00 Overcoats and Raincoats at $12.50 Overcoats and Raincoats at $15.00 Overcoats and Raincoats at $18.00 Overcoats and Raincoats at $20.00 Overcoat* and Raincoats at s~ Window Display ♦ $ 7.bU $ 9.35 $11.25 $13.50 $15.00 ♦ : : s o c ie t y ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Minnie Miller, Worthy Matron o f C o tta g e G rove Chapter No. 1 . gave an informal afternoon Monday for the officers and their substitutes compli­ mentary o f the assistance rendered her in the chapter work during the past year. The rose content furnished spirited amusement. Mrs. Robbins finally succeeded in capturing the prise, a b eautiful silk rose made by the hostess. Dining room decorations t i t : f f f f ? ? f ? f f ? f ± f f ♦ f X ? y f * tr tt ? ± T M.ller proved herself such an place cards of unique designs su g g e , tive o f the colors appropriate to the degrees. A delicious three course luncheon was served consisting of fruit salad, sandwiches, veal loaf, spiced apples, potato salad, coffee and cream pie. Officers and substitutes present: Minnie Miller. Myrtle Veatcb, K a tie Scovell, Mabel Cham ­ bers, Grace Brund, Fay Allison, Clara Burkholder, Anna Graham. Ada Adams. Maude Wheeler. Jean Rob- bins. L ottie Scott. Belle Knowles. Anna Elledge, Emma Porter. K a tie Veatch, Grace Cruson, Alice Abrams, amiable hoateas th«^ guests tarried too first ballot, L e a d in g C lo th ie r* Store Pillow Top Special W ith every purchase of 6 skeins Royal Floss Embroi­ dery Silk, w e g iv e stamped pillow top with bacs to match. A ll for 25c A Unique Entertainment. One of the most delightful affa.rs of the week anil a unique one as w ell was a trip to the Thousand Islands, Meadames Geo. M. Hall and A . L. Monroe furnished tickets, served re freshmenta and entertained the travel- Mrs. Ellen Markley entertained the ere during the entire voyage which Needle Club ot the Royal Neighbors at started from the parlors of Mrs. Hall her home Tuesday afternoon. The at Notth Lane St. on Tuesday and u s u a l work was done, a fter which re- ; Wednesday at 2 30 o clock. "X MX , * X ” X , , X , , X , , X ‘ , X UMPHREY & MACKIN T H E CASH ECO NO HY STORE ' Gordon Pure Silk Ho*<- in black and tan. A pair. MN- Gordon 6 thread Lisle Hose in hlack only. V ery tine thread. E xtra heavy soles and elastic lops. 3 pair in box. Per box il.lMI Practical Gifts for Xmas Shoppers!! Neckwear Waist & Dress Silks Dress Shirts FOR MEN Four-inband styles, French Folds, k e v e r s i b l e s and Open Finds. Shown in light, medium aud d«rk patterns—all new. 15c, 25c, 50c This new line of shirts w e ’ve just opened are so much better value than has ever yet been seen that they’d sell higher at auction than regular price. Handkerchiefs FOR MEN Silk Initial |llaudkerchiefs, hem­ stitched edge. Made of soft, silk finished cloth that does not lose lustre in laundering. Price each H A u m a RK Other white handkerchiefs, prieed each S H IR T S 5c, 10c, 12k, 20c, 25c Don’t ask us how it’i done— we don’t make them— we only sell them. But don’t pass this by if you’re after shirts. ALL STYLES OF NEGLIGEES Cash Price 95c Men’s Kid Dress Gloves Exceptional good values. C l HO Cash price, p a ir............ Men’s Silk Lisle Hose IN A L L COLORS Per pair 2 3 c : 2 pair 4 5 c Pure silk hose in black or tan. Cash price, a pair. Specials in Ladies’ Handkerchiefs j W e V ilist put ntit on nn H isn lav a a 1 large nrrre* ouCA rh u o.,i of -.f beautiful \ We ve i just display assortment handkerchiefs— embroidered, hemstitched, lace trimmed: also with initials. All worth twice the price asked. YOU MUST SE E T HE M! 5c 8c 10c 12>/2C 15 c 20c You will find a beautiful line of silk patterns to choose from at this store — any pattern o which is sure to make a hit as a Xmas gift. They are excej*- tionally reasonable in price A look through the prices be low and then at the silks in this store will assure you, jh is store is the right place in which to buy. 2 7 -inch waist silks in tan, brown, light and dark blue, reds, champagne, old rose, etc. Cash price, j>er yard____ ____ 36-inch waist silk in conven­ ni ven* tional patterns Cash price, yard 27-inch pure silk Messaline in pink, white cream, black, light blue, navy.blue, wine, scarlet, tan, brown, etc Cash price, per yard . 27 inch pure.silk soft taffeta in beautiful c h a n g e a b l e shades. Cash price, Q Cn jier yard.................-- J J u 27-inch pure silk Messoline in beautiful changeable shades Cash price, per yard________ M E a lw a y s ci , v L / a t o c k o f Lint plM ter, Fire Cla j«-. t. • ■ i .. ■ , tu Brick, Concrete 1 Bricks, Shingles k «- i - rt /D o o r s , Windows j**et •’«¡—I » , things win un«* made . of w »« rvi. . at V j,,, m y in building. S e r v i e r for m ( ( llih lr arhix.l t \ | q i ( , by av. *' M ^ K Kcv M C ’ Pat EDLEFSEN CLUB AT LORANE McCall Patterns 5047, Waist 5046, Skirt Price, 15 cents esch L AD IE S’ DRESS Ask to See the McCall Styles X Always Up - fo - Date ^ Ladies’ Kid Dress ( ’«loves, all shades, made of best cape kid. JnJinarily sell in credit stores for S i.7.5 to 1 JC 1.40 O u r c a sh price u p a ir Ladies Kid Street Gloves, a p a ir_________ .45 packages Wheat Hearts, 45c. 2 packages 4 packages Arm K Hammer Soda, Full C r . , m T O W ^ ' u . ^ ' p ^ i b . T— * « . * «“ • '<*• High Flight Hard Wheat Flour, per sack, $ 1 . 2 5 PHONE 3 3 UMPHREY & MACKIN Holds First Meeiing to Officially Open Beautiful New Home of Valley. Lorane, Ore. Grocery Department PMk Tomatoes o, Corn, 2 * . C OUP G. AS . L RR. Miss Lillian Lew is entertained Mr». Compton's Sunday school class at her home Saturday afternoon. E ig h t rm-mbers and the teacher w ere present. The afternoon was spent in em broider­ ing, a fte r which refreshm ents were served by the hostess. • Ladies’ Kid Gloves—Bargain Prices 5 ........ Eatlmatea Che-rfu. M. I ' Hl’lQ J a m e s 1 s,'*-r». I »2 S e r v i c e s for r»t . w M o v e On 1 The trip was made in s i l t y minuti • m .. Sum ía y ach . II i /■ h policeg»an to and the guests r*prra#c«l themaelvea s u b j e c t M m I a d whacka heads if it a» surprised th st not one mem tier of I " ! n o w ,” say« the l>i| the s i x ty became seasick. During Hie soi g and aern aut la to bow el congestii first voyage Mrs« lames N. K. Compton 1 d j e ti.e s I r V .Iowa. Dr. K i n g ’ * I ' !‘r’ • m g at " ..TO. pra r n’ t bulldoae the Isiwe the hand painted china dish offered on rauade them to rig the island contest. Mrs. ( ompton Real h t. r Trn^|lh f0||0wa. üfi ei O M Jackson r i UI ls|||a p roved to be the lucky one. The ahip a L it a 3 and I. . I ------------ decoration* were cou.posrd o f w h'te a d d it io n to C o lt ,rr and yellow chrysanthemums, j«» lin ..irr« V K»- utneris rà d ile Kdii I Ice cream, cake and g r . p e juice were COITASI OKOM served a* the »hip came in »Ight o f W I Conner,. land. Mi*» Fern Holcomb rendered 15 arre« In Sre ¿nt Tp.1 Smith f:lO a. m. N. IS several instrumental »election» and re t z n .t o i •A S a. ni N< IS S: 10 p. ni Ni ceived hearty encore». The hoatraar» W. C. Conner e t ui la a 8*. I M p. ni Ni proved themaelvea well vrraed pilot» deraon e t US 15 re» m ,____ a» the storm w u raging on aea ami 3U SK 3 W . |2f»' BO X A I) m Moinna ....... h ml. Find cla»» paaaengrra a b o a r d : IM, 'W « 1« rheum atism »dames Abrams, Burkholder, Comp part o f lot 4 lit.« . Job, Kakm. Hall, Hill, Lurch, »n to C o t l a g ’ - • ¡ J * ' 1 ‘ ,m, Miller, .M<-dley, Monro*. 11. H. Veatch, Jonathan II K r s . . . u Th* ‘ ^ . . t r a . c t . 10.00 or more. II Chambers, J. Porter, Chss. Adams, ami A . . A . I and. * -» i v m / i . u . Icker and chenpw-r w S w en gel, Cruson, Helen S ilsby, Geo. township 21 S K J W liXJ .. . -. , , i „ , jnd i t In Chamber! G Kerr, N. Durham. Richmond, Bis- iree d a y s a f t e r the bey, Bede, Corey. H. Cochran, Mack- 1-ea, tr a c t in »eel thla liniment he wai in, llm phrey. Coop r, Allison, Groff. S R 3 W. $1.»««, ___ Benson’s Pharm acy J. Atkinson, G W. Scott. II. J. Shinn, C. M. Shinn, C. J. Kem, Knowles, Brund, Shay, J. I. Jones, J. C. John­ son, Conner,V anD enburg. J. S. Silsby, bo u n d Dunton, l.izar, A. B. Wood, lloopar, (>< mk 1 fo r 1 0 0 0 r. • Nu' C. E. Jones, Schrejiel, Kirne, Robbins, _ STM in p u r c h a s e at e i th e r Krr- LvT.'TT. C o i 11 i 1 Kinter, B eager, Moore, J. C. Adams, U M I . I C o . o r T h e S eti lin ci. Smith, M. Veatch, Ingram, Bader, II. .- i k* I vole for Short, Wallace, Venske, G. A tkin son . ***** ’ STAI o.s WlC» 1). Hemenway, Powell, Paul Jones, IJ.5 1 ' K " H li . Lois Compton celebrate«] her sixth birthday anniversary Monday afternoon by entertaining her little friends and their mothers. The guests were : i n n Jones,* Harry Hart, Eleanor Jones. Katherine S ilsby , Gordon W right, (ieneva Kime, Eleanor Him!». Naomi Wynne all with their mothers am) Bonita Beager, with her grandmother. Mias Lois was the recipient o f many little gifts. The little folks er.joye«! a very pleasant afternoon. R e fre sh ­ ^ ments consisting o f fruit and cake, nuts and candy w ere aerve«!. 75c 36-inch Satin in colors, a yard m « JÎ. ,* __ Willi»' F r e e P i a u i . C t t i . » Aa.'. ~....... in»-" Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyson e n t e r ­ wu r a tr a train a for i.* r » tiro» » I»»»». S a tu ri.... ' .» IV»« ............ - tained at ‘ ‘ 5«W” last night. Luncheon m., returning a rriim a. t was served. Those present were l i r a ) ..! . Nana A iwm I m » m. • II .tout . , .ub|«*t w.tt .u .ijrct to change Ch Meadames and Messrs. C. J. Kem. ( ). k . < t l L L I I IN U l a n i ward ftw Ebl .» •1 ■ MK~itt will be left »* r t.k Marion V eatch, A Brund. B. 8. Swcn- llrl l r ~ . i . lu. ,t««r lra«rea Dtaatmi «llrr ge>, P. W. Robbins and Mrs. Price. F V I ' I \ k \ ( iv;i milsy. W«1n*»«l»y sml 1 $1.75 36-inch black Mes­ saline, a yard____ --------------- — Scovell, Mias Esther S ilsby . 95c 36-inch black Peau d Side silk, a yard. 36-inch black T af­ feta, a yard _____ * ------- * ♦ . C0TTA6E GROVE Mating of cake, coffee served. Several and fruit salad » ere Mm of lb, were present invited guest G. B. Hawkins was an Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Swengel enter­ tained at a turkey supper Friday even­ ing. Following supiier " 50u " was played. Those present were Meadames and Messrs. Marion Veatch, W. H. Abrams, F. W’ . Robbins. H. A. Miller, Mrs. C. H. Burkholder and Misa Belle. • X K S ^ X ” X , , X » ,X T ? ? ? ♦ T T Mrs ♦ HAM Â were o f chrysanthemums and ferns. ♦ T h r r r will I , .i ’ pariai d u rin g Ihr r «im«. Woolen Mills ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *uth#quick h era, acaema, •ra. eczem a. aont a»>rc li| I »I - ■ “ ** d * ru g gists. FREE DELIVERY Dec. 5 (Special to; The S e n t i n e l . ) - T h e Kdlefaen Club held its first m eeting N«»v. 27 at the r ec en t­ ly completed and luxuriously appointe«! EMlefaen bungalow home Kentwood. The diningroom was ta stily decorate«! with green ferna, grasses and flowers from the w«x»ls and fields as only Mr. Edlefsen could do it. The follow ing women w ere present: Mesdames W. W. Jackson, Glenn Jackson, Doty, A. Auld, Sharp, Jesse D arling ami d a u g h ­ ter Dorothy, and Mrs. Martha H e rw ig of M ilw aukee. A very e n jo y a b le tim e was spent. The club will be perma- nent and will m eet e v e r y tw o w eeks. Jesse D arling and fa m ily have moved into their ruatlc bungalow ami D arling has been cu ttin g down the woods to trim up his rustic porch. The ladies o f the l o r a n e M. E. Church m eet a t Rev. S n y d e r ’s real dence Dec. 6th to form a lad ies’ aid society. Gambling Charged at Eugene. , , 13 •' " I . , rrt«1»l will not b. m cW aw W ill- Tt K. D tjhi « a ller Jt> . i n n * * l Irsln ftn lg b . tm i.l I <>1 . NI . i» I» permit of Its brina I A. B. W 1 »Ungi tir* ■ No t i . l Y o u w ill find that < r< - here apeak w ell »1 < '* * U-mwIu TV..H MeJU * h K ' n r i y - « . V I.~ 1 he3 Pariti li gr (perienee In the sa K A I H FR IN K K *M o f coughs and co depended apon, am *nd s a f e to tMke. m’ s P harm acy. WANT tops ra Ailv*-rtis«-ni«-iit.n in • il'tC In the pleasing tori •» a line. Kigur- enticing and invil bo,ttlct} springs tu the ‘¡!r. La a g e .' FOR . tains. T H I S IS Y O U R C H A M E W n U ¡ | t o G e t \ ITocM] diamon«) rin^ ut a Ml D rin k i t t Inquire o f F . Ch«-«-»bni, Ore. JKK.SE1liL,,^*WO YA Mil ONE FIR ST C L A SS y e a rs old for sio'-. sk is a tn u r a ti 1 salitr to any of the re waters of Europe Recommended by •‘ H illy ” Johnson cow; Marion V e a tc h . , T W O D O Z E N F U LI BMK norca l a y in g hens for »*k V e a tc h . c i a ,J8 o f t h e U ni Rheumatism, K id afflictions, D y s p e p and all f o r m s o f H O U S E A N D T H R E E L1’ sale, w ithin c ity limit*. r Bloo«l y e a rs old, has 6 room». F* d i d H e ig h ts on Main St S en tin e l. __ J F O R S A L E 10,000 FIRST apple treea, in a p e ctcl trA ':* f r u it inspector. Call or *, prices. C re s w e l l Nurserj disea: people “ given up’ have been cured « ailments by Cal Testimonials on a Sold by all dealer cases direct iron Write for prices. n a il» CALAPOOYA SU.lt W AN T TO SELL. 1 KAM.! t o r h e c o n d e n s e d sm and w a gon . Thus. Allen. Stom ach h e : a v y b u T n d i k m l |N" H a v e altout 100 lbs. »( 4 Sen tinel. hy it* BSC. d l s ? ! i lel A ll : HOTEL GAUPOOY Good 2-horsa power el*0* for sa le at a b argain. Th* TWO C R A CK IN G GOOD 1 aeparatora for sale The Clean C ity L ea gu e o f Eu gen e V e a tc h . Saturday afternoon sent a docum ent to the mayor, the c ity attorney, the c ity M IH C K L L A N K O l' recorder and to each m em ber o f the ! c ity council, c h argin g that the ord i­ L O S T . — D O L L GO-CART, a b ly w h e e le d away by nances s g a in s t gam bling, houses of child. Mrs. Elbert l » e * * | prostitution and screens in front o f and partitiona in c i g a r stores, w ere being Third SU violated and a skin g the c i t y to ta k e TW O NICE RO O M S the m atter up, pledging the coopera­ Hath in connection. Ida : tion o f the league. The police are S. 7th S t IS OPEN ALL Famous h e a l t h re apooya mountain! Cottage Grove (ot cific.) Splendid a reasonable rates, hot water batl rooms. Iufnrmat etc., will be furu queat. ' CALAPOOYA SPH C O T T A G E GR