Sto (Enttmif (§nw ^ruttori COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1912 S 100 ACRES OF SPRAY TRACT :HASE PHICl- ^ NAM I' D IS $ 10,000 P. Prophet, Brother of Straw­ berry King, Will Operate Model Dairy, Chicken and Hog Farm. One of th e moat im |x>rtant real la te deal o f the year waa the aale la week of 10 ilrrMwt laidenta Of Yoncalla. a t leaat a p art Ih to. hr«d 1 ,h e ,n * a re eMtinK 40c b u tle r «hipped p o rk e tw a a '1 iroro C o tl,,‘*u Grove and oth er Irtt. r (J T oln*"- I " probability th e cream , i haa mik * ■n •QUlv«l«n t am ount, waa produced 1 " ( m toU t h g h t hero. Thia ia an arg u m en t for tuia. ' Kwh le estab lish m en t of a cream ery here Fair ' torv i j handle tb s cream produced in thia •cllon. T his cream buaineaa ia in line _ ith shipping h o g « from Yoncalla to HK VOTIfebb’**0 • n*l bacon from Chicago to la that tl.» •• ones lie. * _ __ t | am totLaOgol Blanks.—The Sentinel, nd the cit* t ~ I believv _ PaPer Ever* certainly have enjoyed th e paper. ilea a ..m»*, inte r. . ( H „ a *• th « P “ l" r 1 hMV'' ' v, r U k t,n - ny pr.- 1 -. rt) w l,h you m *ny more subscribers from II «ymond, W ash,” write« a woman deal t b scrlber from Raymond, W nah., in new ing h er subscription. A. I WW Notice. H U MEET EUGENE AND SPRINGFIELD «enee, andai fera |M-rlaiaa| ny attend« i .*»— ------- ille S| h , r i ern Holcomb and Koss Awbrey, iere it ■ Albert Woodard and Lucille i. I). T A«s Marion on Teams. OF CANBv°u*Be Grove will th is y ear en ter ft r A k l T T r 1**1* ,n League, th e team s [/ C U N m - « aoloctad a t the try o u t Friday. he affirm ative team , com|>o«ed of ern Holcomb and Rosa A w hrey, will e e t Eugene here Friday, Dec. 13th ............ he n eg ativ e team , comjioaed of A lbert 'oodard and Lucille Maraon will go to ra prlngfteld and m eet th e teHm of th a t ty th e sam e day. nna The question for debate ia, “ Re­ lived, T h a t O regon Should Adopt an m ploysrs’ Com pensation A ct for ia P rotection of Those in H azardous (j ccupations S im ilar to T h at in Force i W ashington AWSON’S REIGN MAY BE SHORT «ffisUtlon To Be Asked to Do Away With Superintendent. m tt u* d r*. Should th e n e x t leg islatu re heed the eeom m ehdationa of G overnor W est rith relation to th e penituntiary, the aign o f Barron K. Lawaon, th e newly ippointed su p erin ten d en t, ia c e rta in to om e to an end, for the governor haa ndicated hia intention of asking the e g ia la tu rs to abolish the office of luperintendent and place th e institu- ,ion under th e control of th e s ta te w ard. T his would place the in stitu tio n un- ie r th s supervision of th e w arden, and five th s s ta te board the power to name him. W hether or not Lawaon would ba a candidate for the position ia not known, but even should he be th ere ia a possibility th a t he m ight not aecure It, for while G overnor W eat would doubtlaas favor him the o th e r two mambsrs of the board. S ta te T reasu rer Kay and S ecretary of S ta te O lcott, would have to be figured with. Govarnar W eat announced a t tho tim e of discharging C. W. Jam es aa su p er­ intendent o f th e |>enitentiary th a t th e offioa was unnecessary and uaeleaa, and that ha would recommend its abolish ment by the legislature, and those con versant with the situ atio n are of the opinion th a t it will be acted upon favorably. Soon afte rw a rd s he an ­ nounced th a t he would recom m end th a t tha in stitu tio n be placed under the control of th e s ta te board, and aa there Is much sen tim en t in favor of thia plan, it ia g enerally predicted th a t It will ba acted upon favorably by the law-making body. 13-Pound Turnip Is Whopper A m ammoth o f the tu rn ip fam ily wan le ft w ith The Sentinel Monday by D A . Kates of Silk Creek. It weigh« 13 pound« and la two feet and a half in circum ference. It ia a curiosity to Kaatorner«. W edding invitation« W ilbur M cFarland had green corn for Thanksgiving dinner. I t ia not always th a t even the fam ous, fertile, fruitful W illam ette will furnish green H E A V Y W IN D P L A Y S F R E A K corn a t this tim e of the year, but Mr. M cFarland aeema to be able to m ake T R IC K AT LORANE it do moat anything. Putting in Bunch of Loganberries Crow Mill Employ., .»d Te.m Penned in by Toppling Trees Miraculously Escape Without Injury Mayor Abram« waa in Creawell lari week and purcha«ed 10,000 loganberry plant« which he wll iput in on hi« ranch w eat of the city. He ia an ardent booster for the l--ganl>erry indu«try and Itelievea in se ttin g a good exam ple. Working on New School. Work on the A dventist school being erected in the w estern p art o f the city wa« resum ed again thia week. It will be ready for u«c Jan u ary 1st. GILBERT H. TYBON N e w ly KlecU»! l*r««uient C o m m e rc ia l C lu b Open Nursery Sales Yard. INEZ FLINN FORGES HER WAY D ygert & Woodruff, Eugene nursery­ men, have opened a saleayard in the TO FIRST PLACE. city on the I’iper property a t the cor­ By Little Hustling Those from Ranks Have Pushed Higher Ups Aside. T he standing of candidates in the Reea-W allace-Sentinol piano conteat thia week «how« considerable sh ifting of (icaitiona. R illa S te n n e tt who held first place lu«t week ha« dropped to third place, but her friends are hustling, and «he can t>e eg|>octcd to m ake a different showing next week. Inez Flinn, who waa in six th |>osition la«t week takea first place thia week w ith V eta Hickey second. Mian Hickey ha« advanced from third to second. Je ssie Sm ith ha» clim bed from ninth un the list to fourth, being ju at a few behind Mi«a S ten n ett, w ith C hristina Turk and M attie W hitten only a few vote« behind. Aa the conteat advances the in terest ia becoming keener. The candidates «re beginning to learn w hat sta rtlin g resu lts a little h u stlin g will get. C andidates are failing to take full advantage of the votes to be gained by g e ttin g advance business. T here is a gold mine in sto re for the candidate who will do a little hustling in advance business. Roca-W allace sells coupon due bills and The S entinel sells job p rin tin g due bills. Few will hesitate to buy up these coupons if approached. An investm ent of $5, $10 or $15 in m erchandise coupons is a m ere fo r­ m ality w ith th e head of most any fam ily. Alm ost any user o f job p rin t­ ing would c o n tract for his prin tin g in advance, especially aa it is only neces­ sary to pay down 10 per cent. C andidates are again advised of the la rg e num ber o f votes on new sub­ scriptions to The S entinel. Vote« given by The S entinel are aa fo llo w s: On each new aubacription first y e a r .................................................6,000 On each old subscription, first year ..........................................................1,500 On each year above one year on e ith e r new o r old. (On new subscriptions all above first y ear ia considered as old sub­ scription) ......................................2,000 On clubs of five old subscriptions, a bonus o f ..................................... 5,000 On clubs of five new subscriptions, a bonus o f ......................................10,000 On each $1.00 w orth of job p rinting (10 per cent of price m uat ac­ company o rd e r).......................... 1,000 No coupons given on advertising. Beginning w ith this isaue.Thc S enti­ nel oontaina a coupon good for 1,000 votes with a purchase of 25c. Candi d ates will do well to have th e ir friends save these coupons for them . The piano to be given aw ay in the co n test is now on display a t th e Rees- W allace Co. f . , - - 12-Year-Old Wins in Shoot 0 "" ■- " • T w elve-year-old Raymond Vcatch, w ith two chickens in his belt and to t­ ing hia shooting iron, cam e pioudly m arching home from the shooting m atch a t Saginaw T hanksgiving. His fa th e r, H. H. V eatch, has some repu­ tatio n as a m arksm an, but he did not e n te r ag ain st his youngster for fear of losing his rep u tatio n . The little lad refused to let dad pack his gun for him and carried it every step o f the way desp ite the fa c t th a t it made progeaa slow er when he could hardly w ait to g e t home and tell mam m a about his prowess. Number 11 Corn to Eat G. H. TYSON ELECTED GIANTS OF FOREST DROP Green Thanksgiving PRESIDENT ABOUT THEM; UNSCATHED The Sentinel. NEW LEADERS HEAD PIANO CONTEST AU Home Print ner of Main and Seventh. W. H. Woodruff will be in charge of the bu«i- ness. Windstorm Does Damage. A heavy windstorm Tuesday noon nearly scared O regonians to death, for they had never seen anything like it before. R eports from the tim ber country are to the effect th a t some tim ber was blown down. Lorane, Ore., Dec. 5, — (Special to The Sentinel.) W ith tow ering giants of the forest dropping around th^m several em ployes of the Crow sawmill and a team of horses miraculously escaped w ithout being injured Tuesday in the w orst windstorm ev er known in the lo ra n e Valley. The m ill nestles in the tall tim be and two of the falling giant« srna«hed the dock and several lum ber piles. Ralph Lynch and helper had brought a log up to the mill with a team when the storm stru ck . The debris was piled about them in such shape th a t a way had to be cut out for the horses, but all escaped w ithout a scratch. A num ber of trees were blown down in o th er p arts of the Valley, but the main force of the wind struck around the Crow mill. Sentinel Ad. Sells 275 Acres COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS AN­ NUAL MEETING Retiring President Brund Urges Co­ operation of Members During Year Holding Large Pros­ pects for the City. G. H. Tyson was elected president a t the annual m eeting of the Commercial Club held Monday night. C. H. B urk­ holder was elected first vice-president, J . B. Protzm an second vice-president, E lbert Bede secretary . Geo. M. H all treasu rer, L. S. Hill, J . F. Spray and Geo. O. Knowles tru stee s for two years and T. C. W heeler tru ste e for one year. A live w ire new spaper—The C ottage R etiring P resident Brund urged upon Grove Sentinel. m em bers h earty cooperation during the coming year which bears promise of being one of the biggest in the history of C ottage Grove. “ C ollective en­ thusiasm ” he said, “ is w h a t is needed in a club in order to do th in g s.” Through an ad. in The Sentinel, W. C. Conner during the past week closed a deal for his. 275-acre ranch in the Silk Creek country, commonly known as the Branton place. J . D. Anderson ia the purchaser. The ranch is one of the best known pieces of property in this p art of the valley and a highly desir­ able piece of real estate. SOCIALISTS ELECT TWO ALDERMEN Boys Attend Conference. NEWLY ENFRANCHISED VOTERS Dale W yatt, Dan Woods, H arold Venske, C hester Anlauf, Claude Kime, PARTICIPATE Carl Harlow, Allen M cCarger, Solomon Coffman, W ard Foster, Ray K err and J. H. Chambers is Mayor.—G. F. Cbas. Lackey attended th e Boys’ An­ King and Cliff B. Hayes, So­ nual Conference a t Eugene last w eek. W. 0. W.’s Elect. More than 2,000 boys of the s ta te a t ­ cialists, Elected Aldermen A t the annual m eeting Friday night tended. T here w ere a num ber of the W. O. W .’s elected the follow ing prom inent speakers. C l i n t o n E. officers: C. C., W. W. H arrison; A. The fe a tu re of the city election Mon­ O strander was elected p resident and V., H. J . Jo rg en so n ; banker, D. B. day was the large num ber of women Leon Steeves secretary . C ham berlain; clerk, F. C. Coffman; votes cast and the election of two So­ escort, J . C. H u ff; w atchm an, Waldo cialist alderm en in th e first ward by Burglars at Divide. H u ll; sentry, G. C. M arkley. large m ajorities, the vote being 108 to Divide, O re., Dec. 4, 1912.—(Special 81 in one instance and 108 to 82 in the to The S entinel.)—Two valuable other. The S ocialist candidate for w atches and a six shooter w ere taken mayor received 47 votes in the same from the home of P ete Taylor a few ward. T here w ere 95 fem ale votes cast. days ago. A hobo seen lo itering about And they w ere a large facto r in the the place is suspected, but he has not result in the firs t ward. been apprehended. This is th e second Saginaw Spud Raisers Furnish Cali­ The com plete tic k e t elected is v isit of b u rglars to this vicinity w ithin fornians Murphies in as follow s; Mayor J . H . C ham bers; the past few weeks. Large Quantities. treasu rer, H erb ert E a k in ; recorder, J. Legal B lanks.—The Sentinel. E. Y o u n g : alderm en first w ard, C. B. A t least one C ottage Grove farm Hayes and G. F. K in g ; alderm an raised enough potatoes to m ake ship­ second w ard, R. E W a lk e r; alderm an ping in carloads feasible. third ward, T. C. W heeler. Hill & Vaughn, who hud in 50 a c r e s 1 The com plete vote was as follow s: on the Cal Young place, near Saginaw , 1st 2d 3d Total M ayor— shipped out th e ir first car to California C ham bers................... 13a 577 121 317 points this week. They rep o rt the 10 16 73 Fire Proof Structure Going Up at M cK inney.................. .47 spud m ark et very poor at present, but T reasu rer— Corner of Pacific Boulevard will dig and store th eir crop, hoping 146 60 120 326 E a k in ................... and Ash Avenue. for a b e tte r dem and la te r in the w inter 18 72 7 H ow ard..................... .47 or spring. I t has been a long tim e R ecorder— C ottage Grove ia to have a new fire­ since th e re has been such a general 11 299 proof autom obile garag e, the building 56 Y oung......................... 133 good crop of potatoes all over the 13 27 94 already being in course of construction L eum ......................... .54 country. ___ Alderm an 1st ward, 2 years on Pacific Boulevard a t th e corner of W allace..................... . . . ..................... . . . • • ..81 Ash Avenue. McLaughlin Wins $40. .108 The building is being put up by O. In the O regonian’s recen t cash prize Hayes . .................... Alderm an 1st ward, 1 y e a r- E. Woodson. I t is galvanized co rru ­ contest, W. M. M cLaughlin of this city won fourth prize which is $40. He W oodard.................... . . . . • • • • ................. ..82 gated iron construction w ith cem ent .108 floor. The dim ensions are 50x90 fe e t. considers him self p retty well paid for K in g ........................... Alderm an 2d ward — The building will be opened F ebru ary his hustling. ..61 1st, but th e p arties fu r whom th e W a lk e r...................... Home With Injured Foot. A llis o n ......................................................... 8 building is being constructed have not H. O. Cox is home from Portland been made public. Alderm an 3d w ard— with an injured foot. He was working W h e e le r................................................... 119 inside a stove pipe p u ttin g in a dam per W illa rd .......................................................23 Joseph N. Teal Endorsed. and accidently dropped the heavy iron Joseph N. Teal was endorsed Monday The fem ale votes w ere as follows on hia foot. The accident happened a F irst ward 47, Second w ard 14, Third n ig h t by the Commercial Club for a couple weeks agu and he is now able ward 34. position in W ilson’s cabinet. ______ _ to be around on crutches. BREAD CAST UPON WATERS ARE SHIPPING POTATOES IN CARLOADS RETURNS PROMPTLY More Money Returned to City for Care of Tubercular Cases Than Is Collected Here. During the past year more money was returned to C ottage Grove for the care of tu b ercu lar p atien ts than has ever been paid out in the purchase of the tu b ercu lar stam ps which have been put on aale by the W om an’s Club at C hristm as tim e for several years past. For this resHon th e m em bers of the club are in hojica th a t the sales this year may be much larg er than ever be­ fore. The money raised by the sale of Red Cross tu b ercular stam ps is used for both the prevention and cure of con­ sum ption, the g re a te st atte n tio n being paid to prevention. Ho|>eless cases are not taken care of. This y ear a whole fam ily was sen t to C alifornia from C ottage Grove. The stam ps this year will only be on sale exc usively a t The F a ir Store. Many o ther stores wished to assist in the sale, but those having the proposi­ tion in charge believe the best results can be obtained from a concentrated effort. D uring the week of Dec. 12-21, m em bers of the club will be present a t the sto re to push the sale, but they are now on Bale for all who wish them . NEW AUTO GARAGE FORJROVE UNCLE FROM JAPAN FATHER OF LOCAL MAKES HIT MERCHANT DIES Home Talent in Five-Act Farce Puts Eli Bangs, Pioneer Eugene Business Large Audiedce in Man Dies Unexpectedly Fol­ Good Humor. lowing Thanksgiving. A real h it and well w orth the money, was the endorsem ent given ” The Uncle from J a p a n ” by the large audience which attended. The play is a th ree-act farce-com edy and waa produced by home ta le n t under the direction of Steve B urton. The p a rts w ere all well taken and th ere was little difference in the com plim ents given the characters, although C apt. and Mrs. R ickets were favorites. Sam Jordon, a tran sien t, rendered a pleasing b aritone solo. The caste of c h aracters was as fol­ lows : The Uncle from Jap an .N elso n Durham C apt. Robt. R ic k e t........S teve Burton Tim othy T o lm sn ............. E rn est Bisbey F ath er Dalroy, The W a ite r.............. ..........’..............................Lloyd Bisbey K a tie ................................... F ern Holcomb Mrs. Robt. R ic k e t..M rs. Steve Burton Mrs. Tolm an.M isa Eunice V anD enburg Ths L ibrary netted $50 from the play Man wanta b u t little here below, and a Sentinel w an t ad. will g e t th a t for him. Big Deals Pending. Deals have been pending during the past week for the sale of the Cooper hotel building, th e V enske block occu­ pied by K in ter Bros, and the Cooper building occupied by th e M etsan. None of them have been closed. A fte r having enjoyed a dav of T hanksgiving festiv ities with hia fam ily and friends, Eli Bangs, pioneer i business m an of Eugene, died suddenly in bed shortly a fte r he had retired be­ tw een 12 and 1 o ’clock Friday morning. H eart trouble was the probable cause of death. He was aged 63 years. Mr. Bangs and his w ife retired a few m inutes a f te r 12 o’clock. Mrs. Bangs lay aw ake for half an hour or more and spoke to h er husband about som ething, when she waa surprised th a t he did not answ er, fo r he usually aw oke readily, if asleep when spoken to by anyone. She arose and turned on the light and waa horrified to find th a t he was d eath ­ ly pale and was breathing very heavily. She summoned a physician but before his arriv al her husband had expired. Mr. Bangs came to Eugene in the ’80’a and has been engaged in the livery business since. He sta rte d in a poor man b u t am assed quite a fortune. Besides hia w ife, he leaves two sons, Fred Bangs, a farm er living near E l­ m ira, and A braham Bangs, of the O re­ gon Woolen Mills S tore of this city, and a d au g h ter, Mrs Addie Lupton, of Eugene. Mr. Bangs was a Mason, an Elk and a U nited W orkm an. The funeral waa held Sunday. C alling c a rd s—The Sentinel. Old Dam Is Out. ENTERTAINING TALKER IS COMING N. H. M artin retu rn ed yesterday from l.ayng Creek, where he was called Socialists Preparing for Another by the fa c t th a t an opening in the old Big Social. dam was le ttin g w ater through in such a m anner th a t it th reaten ed the city W. R. Snow, a noted national lec­ pipe line. The stru c tu re was g o tten tu re r for the Socialist p arly , will d e­ out and will give no m ore trouble. liver an address a t a social to be given in Phillips H all Wednesday evening, Household Goods Arrive. Dec. 11th. Mr. Snow is reputed to be Household goods arrived last n ight an en te rta in in g talk er, and those w ith ­ for E. J. Nichols, a recen t arriv al from out the pale of th e p a rty are especially C entral Point, Oregon. A car of requested to be presen t and learn w hat household goods for C. A. Trayor, Socialists think upon su b jects in which which was lost on the N. P. for three everyone is vitally interested . weeks, will arriv e today. Epidemic of Mumps. Spoelstra Sells Out. H. Spoelstra on Monday sold hia b a r­ ber business to S. V. A llison and A J. W illard. Mr. Spoelstra will leave as soon as he finds a d esirable location 735 School Children. School C lerk J . K. B a rre tt has finished the census of children of school age in the city and finds a to tal of 730. Celery Three Feet in Height The C ottage Grove country is m ak­ ing a rep u tatio n as a celery producer. S tran g ers in the city have been som e­ w hat surprised to w alk around the city and see long row s o f the table delicacy banked up in th e gardens of the city, some of it two and th ree feet high. C ottage Grove haa some g a r­ deners who know how to g e t th e proper tenderness and crispness, and th e fe r­ tile d irt ia more than w illing to do its share. The public schools have been serio u s­ ly affected during the p ast two w eeks by an epidem ic of mumps. The pupils have none of them been seriously ill, but those who have come down have had to stay out o f school several days. Several of the teach ers have also been affected, as well as oth ers outside th e schools. Chasing Rebels. “ We w ere over the line yesterday chasing re b e ls,” w rites C. W. Caldwell in a card to The Sentinel to change his address to San Diego. “ I think we have them all ru n o u t o f thejeountry” , he says. Move Back Into Bam. H. H arrington has moved hia horses into the newly com pleted Commercial Stables. C. M. Jackson is also back. A quick job was done in replacing the burned building. Song Service. The P resb y terian choir is prep arin g a musical program to be given Sunday evening, Dec. 22. A good concert ia assured.